HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-12-17, Page 1• I. CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,: DECEMBER 'I7th, i9I4. to your boy or giri awag from home, or to a distant friend, lV as a Christmas Gift a. year's'paidain=advance subscription to mj eros -Record. THE HOME PAPER BAPTIST CHURCJ THE LOCAL MA'l,ET. AN ADDRESS AND BRUSHES. Mr. W. J. Iioggarth, assistant; at' the Public School-. during the Model returned to his home ab Ilan sall on Tuesday, but previous to his departure the scholars presented him with an'address and a air of milt- Lary_ brushes. Mr. IIoggarth is re- asded as a ver efficient -teacher. g y TIlINKS 1T 0. K, Tho News -Record reaches us so regularly and has such abundance of news about.out baron that we could- n t think ofwithout ft so I en- close you my renewal for 1915. -John Henry, Maib}s, Sack, "We. have had such lovely weather; up here in the clay belt, even better than 1 had heretofore seen and I have been here now some years. And realr, old -tuners tell axe the same. Every member of the family welcomes The News -Record so you will find the yerar's sub enclosed. -Harry Routledge New,Liskeard, WILLIS CHURCH. • On, Monday evening Rev. J. K. Fafr- full of the Baptist church addressed the Girls' Club, it being the last meeting before the opening of 'the New 'Year. Mr. Fairfull spoke on the subject of women's part,which until very recently has been such a lead- ing one, in the missionary •enterprises of the hieChuvem nising instancesmen' of the past achievements of Women's Mis- fresh y •Susiotfe. and encouraging to fresh enthusiasm and renewal efforts, Christmas services will -be held in }Villis church next Sunday. Rev. F. C. Harper, B. D. will conduct the morning service, the subject t° be, "Christmas Without Christ," Ree. A. E. Acrostxorg, M. A., As- sedate Secretary of the Presby- terian Committee of Foreign Aiis- 6 will be the preacher in tee ev- ening. Xmas music at both services. BACK FROM OKLAHOMA: Mr. Alex. Garvie of the State of Oklahoma Mery into lawn on Monday morning for the first time in six years and about the first man he met was Mr. Wm. Carter o[ Hallett, the most •rctiuuatq, chum of his boyhood stays. Needless to sap the meeting was a mutually pleasant one, 14Ir. Garvie is a native of Iitd]eCt left the Ctli con. with leis parents five-anti-thirtii' years ago for the Stab' of Kansas. Mr, Garvie knows by ex- peraence the west prett}s well Meted -Airs, the Yukon, where he spent sever- al years when the search for gold was at the pinnacle of the boon, and it is pleasant to know that he met with a fair pleasure of success. But for see- °rad years 0011 he has been farming in Oklahoma which he now, be 4150 of long association, looks upon as home. He purposes spending a few weeks with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Lawson, Mr. David Garvie and his brother, vis - bath of Summerhill way', and in vis- ting old-time friends all of whom are very glad to meet wet bite again. A. SHOWER. A happy party of young lartiery met at the apartments of Misses `yard and Stone d Tuesday evening, 1I Bell of London also being present. The reason for the gathering was to shower a well-known young lady of town, a bride-to-be who in a few weeks starts on a journey to far-off China, Miss Edna Cooper, The arrangements for the e. ea- g's entertainment were ver clever- g Y ly and daintily carried out, China and her people being brought tai the front in various amusing ways. The shower, which might be described as a library shower, books forming so large a part in ab, was so engenieus- ly arranged that all bad a part and the strain was lessened ter tin re- cipient. A social hour was after- wards spent followed by dainty ce- freshments and the evening will in future be a pleasant memory to all 'those participating. This happy bride-to-be is a favorite with all -'ho know her and a large circle of friends aro mulch interested in her yresnat aiid future. WESLEY C;HURell. x The League entertained the, A.Y .I . A. of St. Paul's church at their reg- ul ar meeting on Monday °venire., The liter-ary and, social committees were in charge and 1L ]tad beet arp:anee that Dr. Field of Goderieh would give an.address but owing to illness he was unable to attend. Thepastor was al - so indisposed and in his absence Rev, E. Cr. Powell occupied the chair. Mis- res Gertrude Chant ail Merle, MooreC11r3StIllas bash 'contributed an instrumental, Miss Clseene sang a solo and Rec..J. U. Pots, rector of St. Paul's, gave a brief but interesting, address, some, of his personal experiences while en- gaged in the mission wont an ,the Canadian west, The program was fol - ed ban a couple of guessing contests and coffee and cake were screed ire- fore the meeting was dispersed. rhe young people o[ both societies enjoy- ed the social hour together. The pastor will preach at each ser- vice of Sunday next, Christmas ser- vices being held, In the afternoon a special Christmas service will be held 1 . in connection with the Sunday, school end the otfcrine for bhe Hospital for Sick Children will be taken. Wesley S.S. has maintained two cots in the Lakeside Ilene, for ears. and ilio nI- Y foxing is talon annually for. flus ptir- n°se ab'the Christmas tame. 'the ine`nbers of the W.M.S. met Thursday last. and packed thgiti an, nue) Christmas hale for the "poor, Several quilts' and a large quantity of • warm clo'thitte:� was donated this year. He May Go As Chaplain. '' -' ° / 7 { '""'' '" %`'• r r3�g y //? ' ., - n "s..,., ;,, y! 5i :F .r> / rrr�,� i, s t✓ g,;.?:,,�s.;���,irk�xc, / d r r n � /'� ` k f /'. f?� q , r 3 f: 7s sr 'w•:> .r�s • f by K ' ?� iA°t' �f,.aVS,�sy�, t ,rr�'' ' %;: }t. z f, el A- j y j F :, s::i;.; . h; •,s',., r.,v,.W . .^^�.,m.:� /�y�r}�A^ c 1 L i •>`r`` �µ✓ O� �*� A Happyf . '" *t" Our holiday stock is first in' variety and gnalityand fairest 1 r,•u, in prices:, a • °I -ie 8 Our beautiful display .of gifts will:meet allx'equirements8:u, from first to.last. g J ' Every department' is filled with fresh goods at fair prices.- Our stock anticipates every want nn: 8r:- Watches, Clocks, Rings, Pendants, Necklaces, Locket, g , Cu Links, Fobs, Chains; EbonyGoods, China, Cut Glass Sterling and Plated Silver are, and many ap ' g • proprrdte gibes not here enumerated. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. l Mrs. William Cooper, announces the engagement of her. youngest daughte:r, .( *dna V., to Dr. R. G. Struthers, . son of Mr, and Mrs, R. G.'Struthers of Galt. The marriage will take place quietly the latter pa rt of this month. COMMENCEMENT TO -NIGHT, The C. C. I. Commencement exec- tires will be held in the town hall this evening. The program will con- list, for the most part of perform- antes by the students and.promises gglivingdoing to be an interesting one. There will also be the{ presnatation •oi prizes and diplomas. A TOKEN OSS,` DEEP RESPECT, . : Services as usual on Sunda)n next. On Wednesday evening next a canta- _ to will he given entitled. ' "Around Phe Manger,'' followed by the, tab- Teaux, '`War" and "Peace,," The an- n nal' Chxfstmas Tree will be on hand as usual, SPENT PLEASANT EVENING.. The Young Men's Bible Class of Wesley Sunday school. and: a few ,tri- ends were at Wesley par- sonage on '1'hursda}� evening last 6y . Rev. Dr. , and Mrs. Rutledge. • The Rev. Dr. and his wife •are always most attentive as hosts and .the "ev- ening proved to be an exceedingly Wheat $1.10, Oats. l5c to•46c.' I' Barley 55e to 60e,term, Butter 21c'to tae. Eggs, 29c to 30e. Live Hogs $f1 85. gP AN ADDRESS ON ALASKA; Dr, Sloan has been invited to ad- dress the members of the Clinton Club and a'few friends. at the club rooms on Friday evening of this week. The Doctors subject'will he Alaska, where lip has been and practising for a number of years. WILL MEET ON FRIDAY. ''meets 'at- X. �.ella'r Sewelet and Optician - s Clinton Store Open Evenings. ' The Model school term closed on Thursday lase and next day the teachers -in -training departed for their respective homes. On the evening pre- vious they all assembled at the Bonne of Principal Bouc:t and presented him with a very handsome watch tub, and seal accompanied by the following a _ dress which speaks for itself: pleasant one for each of their guests. 15 ENTRIES, 12 PRIZES. • Mt. Will. Hamblyn entered ,2fteen of his birds -Black Wyandottes and Light Brahma Bantams -at tee big Winter Fair at Guelph last'%ve:er and notwithstanding• that the competition was of the very keenest kind his birds' 'von twelve, prizes, most of The W.C.T'.U. on Friday ternoon at the home of Mrs. Si. Plumsteel. A good program has been arranged for and the members are expected to pay their part of the dona- tion from the Ontario members of one cent per day for the month of November towards the expenses of sending a man to the front with the let Canadian Contingent. .... Rev. C. C. Kame, Londesboro Rev. C'. C. Kaine, s:ace July last has been pastor of the Londesboro Methodist arcual, corrin from Gran- in the spiritualpastor ton. Mr. Kane is deeply intexera x - }welfare of his people nail has been engaged en special services at Constance, one of the outside appointments, He is also a man of Peace generally but just now when the British 'empire is eugag an a war .which she dirt not sec's a one which in the name o[ human she must wage until German melt ism is effectively crushed, he is " ware, Mr; Baine would ha't'e like •himself to stave gone with the Fats/; Canadian Contingent and had he been free from family and other ties which Y could not be easily set aside, would have done so and may yet vohmtees as a chaplain, A brother is now with the Canadian lrooes at Salisbury, Plains. - "Dear Mr. Bouck :-The, flight of time has brought us as your pupils; of them red ribbons. This result aaupl- ed with like successes at pant I': irs, A. PATRIOTIC MEETING. the Beton Model Schoolfarewell $p leach caUsedllahrunstock Grath e A patriotic service in connection The Royal dank OF CANADA. Incorporated 1889. p Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,5130,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 18.500,000 Total Assets 185,000,000 3$0 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits, General Banking business transacted. , R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch g t when we Y other and to you. As we do so we feel that we will always have reason t° cherish pleasant memories of our association with you duringthe school term now closing.Though the time has been exceedinglybrief it has ser- ved to give us all a very high a . •re• dation ofyour abflit x as Meeker her S as well ap your untiring devotion to our welfare. We must always : amain your debtors and can only hope that one of us an corrin years may he able in some measureatleast to honour your good name and.ekample by our fidelity to the s ileadid and exalted 3 1 ideals which pair have always set be- 1 fore us. In any case, whether we Jail or succeed, we now and here makestens, our hearty aoknowled emeat of the g painstaking efforts which you have wantedhisi to, indeed more than'he Felt likes spacing, Some big prices were paid for prizeohurch winners. For instance, a cousin of Mr. Ilamhl n's sold three Plank Minorcas for lift dollars. Mr. A. J. Grigg of town was also an exhibitor and as• always hereto- fore a verysuccessful one. 1.`I --IE TNVIT-�ITION. IS OUT. Any adult Fortunate enough to se• cure entrance to the town frill on' Christmas afternoon wall probably see between six and seven hundred smil- ing and happy children listening to a good musical program and watching somo of the funniest and most interes- ting moving pictures which can he secured. Livitatious are out to all the town also the ru- with the Sunday school will be held in the auditorium of Ontario street on Sunday afternoon next at hal[ past two, when a special offering will be taken in aid of the Belgian Fund. A fine program will rcbe sgiven : ^-lotuses bythe school, address by Major Shaw, reading b} Major Banca, solos by Mrs. Gibbings and Mr. C E. Ugwding, quartettes by the Young Men's ('lass and by Mesdames Ross and Gibbings and l'rsses, •Gibbings , and Weir, and selections by 1 helan s Orchestra. The parents and friends are cordially invited to be present and } t encourage the children and young pee- ale in their desire to help the enter- innate Belgian children at this ley- pus Christmas Season• THE BOYti WANT TO HELP. made to Ili us for the tasks that a- children of and ral children to appear in their Sun- PWhile there are no end of s for wait us. Maywe express a fond hope1 P that the friendships formed between us day clothes at [aux o'clock on the af- the small charge to ase ternoon Christmas Day for this S go these stays, A - - • Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1870 p Capital and Reserve m $8,800,000 Ca p1 01 BRANCHES IN CANADA GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. OxRCULAR LETTERS or CREDIT • - TRAVELLERS CHEQUES ISSUED, BANIi•1tIONEY ORDERS } SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT and our High regard for you will not be lessened by absence or passing years. On behalf of the class we beg to ask our ace° tante o[ the accom- )' P panying gift as a token of deep tie- panying specs and our best wishes." Signed ter the class. --Mabel Clarke, JUNIORS HOLD BAZAAR, The Junior Patriotic Society, which was organized only a few wroas ago, held a Christmas bazaar in the town- hall on Saturday afternoon last. 1 hall large number attended and those who did were amazed to see what bad been 01 the town hail will no doubt be crowd - free entcrtaan imnt. This is another ed on C'hrists' 3 night, the occasion of Mr. T. Jackson's ideas, he is nev- "I „ the Boys' Bag 'lien Cent .Shirr' 1 d the Proceeds of winch will he given to er quite satisfied 11111e5 he is dein the something to make the youngsters the 1Vauen's Patriotic Society. The happy, nae know. There's nota doubt junior boys of Lown are anxious but this invitation will be accepted to ilo something toward heleing the byevery child who hears of it and 3 Patriotic Fund and hate made special can come and a big crowd will gatit- arrashat arrangements with Mr. Medd, Um new er 'for this free moving picture show proprietor of the Princess Theatre, to on Christmas Day.- -s six -reel moving picture show, conunencing. at seven o'clock, the pec- A LONG LIEU WELL LIVED.ing toileighi,: t° be reheat: at a• quarter Avery happy l family l Y party sat down to eight, The boys are also Securing to dinner at the home of Rev, Josias seine good musical talent whack with Greene and Miss Beatrice on Fridays the will make an excellent WILL HANDLE b1cC0'RAlICKS. Messrs. Charles and James Lovett( have taken over the McCormick igen- cy of tis International Harvester Company, succeeding Little and Mal - 1°r. 1;\1,A( 1*:MIs'\T ANNOUNCED, Eliza Davidson announces the engagement of her daughter, Margar- °t A., to Mr. Lewis Feeley, tine mar - riage to take place the latter part of December. LITTLE LOCALS. The News -Record as a ten -page Pr per this week, Mr, ;�, Kenip, who has been a mean - ter of the Public school board for past six years, has only missed one meeting in that time. And, by the wap, now does you: sub to The News -Record read, DIED IN HONOLULU. Mr. M. R. Counter, uncle of Mr, 1t'. R. Counter of town, and a fernier , resident of Seaforth, passed arvap a, his home in Honolulu last month in his sixty-third year. The late Mr. Counter carried on a jgrvalgxy business in Scaforth fpr some years when he was succeeded by Mr. \V. R, Coumter. He left Seaforth for Kamloops, B,C. later going to Honolulu, where he continued in business for over twenty, veers a. A LITTLE BABE PASSES. Phe remains of the infant dau bier g of Dr, and Mrs. II. Garrett of Ham - Sat - Ilton whose death occurred on Sat - urda' last were to Clinton ybrought. fpr. interment, on Mpnda A service, y' conducted by Rev. Dr. Rutledge, was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H, Cook after the arrival of the 1.35 train and afterwards the funeral proceeded to the Clinton cemetery. The babe was only two weeks old and as this is the sctaond child they have lost much sympathys is felt for. the bereaved parents, At all branches, Interest allowed at highest current rake. C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch. accomplished by the Juniors, young girls from' twelve to seventeen. The different articles exhibited were arranged in booths, which were hand- somely decorated, the hall taking on pictures last, the occasion being the eighty- ten -cent show and a continuous per- first birthday of the host, forniance until half -past ten. Cane Those present for the celebration early or 'late, or any old time, and were Mrs, ('Rev. Dr,) W. H. IIincics, see a good performance, knowing that ?.pronto, Air. Greene's sister, two the proceeds are gang tea worthy quite a festive appearance, and every- thing for sale was most atf'ractively, every- b•roil Messrs. J. J. Greene, Liam- tris°• Ilton and R. I3. Greene, Torontothe EVERYONE DEI,IGII'1'ED, displayed. iAliss READY-TO-WEAR c ORDERED Miss Sewell, who is superintendent COrw, Caledonia, a dim-, of the Junior society, had charge of ghtor of Mr. Greene s elder sister A large and fashionable house greet- who was herself Unable to take the ed the performance given by. the Tom CLOTHING BZZIOj%EI�. 1 CLorHINQ the sewing booth, where were offered journey, Miss Hughes of Hepworth, a Marks Company at the Grand on for sale hundreds of articles. made by has been here for undo; TOiOuvgWr' rpinmu �y the young members and which were cousin who visiting Tuesday evening, the auspices suitable for Christmas gifts. Miss some weeps, Dr. G, W. and Alis, of the Lord Tragin Chapter Imperial Sewell was assisted byGertrude, Wal -and family and Rclr, Dr. Order of.6he Daughters of the IBmpire and o and Mrs. Rutledge. of town, in aid of field comforts for oca2 sal- A farina's Christmas Be Most Abp] IS Something Everyday Gift Will • eciatedllVhen itPP'' he Can Put to Use. Greig lis, Clete Danford, Hattie Gres and Rev. Mr. Greene was the son of dfgrs. Every one was delighted with Jean Middleton. one of Ontario's early pioneers and the admirable show put on by Tom Miss Isabel Gunn prcrsided over the spent his boyhood and early nunhood Marks, who ducting the evening was homemadq candy booth, assisted by on the [aria where he helped to chop y p p presented b the Ula 'ter with a Dorothy Rattenbury, Cela Beacom, and log and clear up the vfrgan for- bronze basket of great yellow mums, Madelon Shaw and Edna Wise. This est. in appreciation of his generous atra- g P was a most attractive spot and those When he entered the Methodist Min obi work.. The Regent, Mrs. Fred- having a sweet tooth were irresiseab- istr over fifty agoin Y 3' yt:ais the Bard- White, and uicmbers of the Lord Ll- ly drawn to it to frac end that the ships of life clid 'not bas any means gin Chapter: occupied five boxes, one supply was all sold out in good time,. cease for ham. In tact they only box being occupied by officers of Mrs. F. C. Harper and Miss Ilazel. seemed to be beginning. The people Eighteenth Battalion, Representatives in the booth • o Ask him what he wants for Chri .,tma9 and Hine times out Out of ten he will answer something to wear. O'Neil were charge of to whom lie ministered were for the from other Chapters were present in where was offered for sale second- most part poor, endeavoring to hew large numbers, hand books, toys, etc., donated by out homes for themselves and their Mrs. le, IWMcLean who was con- friends and there was a goodly col- families, the circuits were large, roads vener of the Chapter, as receiving the lepton of thein and they realized a were poor, and almost the only mode thanks of tiro member and friends for This list Will make choosing east] and you can be sure your gift will be especially appreciated, . tidy stall. Maude Cook and 'Lois Hol- of travelling them was by horseback the' great Slleee05 of the evening, for mss assisted here. or b) foot. He took up the duties 'of which she spared no pains. The hand- Miss Jean McTaggart locked after a "circuit rider" cheerfully -and ••and man- some sunt of $245 was realized, --Lou- }W the doll department assisted by, her fully, however, and lived sanely, sim- don Echo. sister, Margaret, Kathleen Dowser,, ply and helpfully, endeavoring tie' do Mary Chidley Bessie Chowen. duty he it follow do ONTARIO ST. CHURCH. Cravats that are different .23 to $1.30 Mufflers and silk handkerchiefs .30 to *2.50 • Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes .25 to $1.50 per box. Fine Hosier y ssilk cashmere, to .75 Dress Shirts - handsome new designs .73 to $2.50 Umbrellas plain or self -openers $1.00 to $3.00 Night es'- $1 25 .60tp$1.25 Area Arm Bands and Garters in fancy wood hexes .28 to .50 Stylish Haid make acceptable gifts $1.00 to $4.00 'Sweater Coats all color combinations $1.00 to $7.60 Caps in all the latest styles ies .28 to 1.50doll' $ BOyS Sweaters ' plain' or button shoulder ss0 to $1,25 House Coats averu usefulift $4.00 bo $10 00 Bath Robes big range of patterns $6.30_to $15.00 Pyjamas $LSO to $3.50 _ SuspendersSociety, e in' facy boxes .25 to .50 - and his as saw and Phis was one of the prettiest places i;llo footsteps of the Master whom he P Y'.ery successful anniversarservices in the' hall, the array of handsome represented.' For nearly hall a century were held on Sendai, last, tile special dollies fairly ravishing the eyes Of Ge travelled the various circuits to -preacher of the day being Rev, James ninny a small maiden who could hard- Which he wile appointed, superannua E. Iiolmes of Ridgetoen. T•Iis lis- tis be persuaded that Santa Claus ting only a few years ago. During courses were listened to with much could 'choose so well for heras the past couple of years he has had, interest and •profit both' morning and could choose for herself right there. charge of the Brucelield Methodist evening. In Lie morning •the subject No doubt many an one• will, however, church, which was left without a min- chosen was, "Waiting Upon God," find its place in the' right) stocking on ister, and therelre preaches each Sun- and in the evening, "Christ; at Canna Christmas morning. • day, attends week-ni •ht service, as of- „ b lapin- pf Galilee. The large, lull choir of One very large and handsome ten as possible and visits tate [a 1 the ehureh provided excellent music ;was raffled off, Miss P. Chidlcy hold- res belonging to the charge, Though for the ogcasiot, At' the morning ser- ing the winning ticket, No. 88. perhaps net just 'expressed in that vice in addition to the anthers there The Womten's Patriotic Society lead 'way Mr. Greene's motto scents to be, was a quartette by Mrs. Gibbings, atter to went: out than rust out," a handsonau cooking booth, where "B Mrs. Ross Mr. Gibbings and bread, cakes, buns and pies were of- for during the few years he was sup- Mr, Wujr and during the offertory fered. for stile and were -all disposed Posed to he on the retired list Ise was at -the evening service, Miss Mayfrid of early in the afternoon. Mrs. Hol - never idle. 'Chore is n° movement for ARM sang "Abide With Me," and loway, Mrs, M. D. McTaggart and the betterment of.'the world in which was beard once more with much plea- Miss. Torrance had charge of this, ' he does not take a real, live interest, sure, Since residing in Regina Miss During the; afternoon the members,' he is as interested in the church with lellin-'has been funder the instruction of the Travel Club served tea and which he is connected in town as itsof one of the best teachers in the dainty refreshments at small tables, `own pastor, and'11e spends more time west and her singing shows true re: the prooeeds, amounting to twentp° fn reading and study than mannpmen salt, of the careful training she has dollars, being donated to the Senior half -his age. �be- received. Mrs. F', R. Turner, who as During the past summer he had hes- Miss 5'. Allen was a former valued The sale of cookie reals ed fort residence'on, Huron street improved member of the choir, also assisted by � g y dollars which• also goes to theSenior inside and out, superintending' the singing with the Moir on Sunday. Society, and the proceeds of the vagi- work himself with the keenest inter- ' Rev. Mi. Holmes also addressed the ous departments managed ,by tite Jun- !est, and is today looking forward Sunday school in the afternoon In a Why Should YOU N0 If The News -Record pleases you shoulder friends o recommend it to y This Will Be His First in Clinton '. •t . ' 3i, " ; a+;3 •.^' >%:' ar <.: ••^ y c t , t 1 -_ f s -'' -• We Swggest anEarly Selection. iors. amounted to over ninety dollars. 'with as much zest to the 'future 54 most interesting way. is upone e. home for They intend making this to many of triose two generations his The pastor was able to b hundred dollars and sending a elteple junior, Life, has not palled upon hint the anniversary clay and took part in that to the Red Cross --= .THEmoliiiisii CLOTHING cor "A fs Motto . Square Deal for Every Man. - for amount .'as is the cash with so many who each service, head'guarters in Toronto. have not lived to sucli gond purpose. The trustee board had asked for; an •The Junior Society certainly de- The. kindly' thought of many in Clin- offering of one hundred and fifty dot. sorva credit , ter laces r bore flue ' response miust Have fox tba:x enLerpra5e• and i;on and in various o h p y la,ts and ! industry, every one o1 the, memhel'e bus friends. are tiulnhered was dnected been a generous ono, ludgmg from the d°ing her share towatdsranaking 1'st- tp frim on the oecasiou of his• eighty-!:well-filled"eollection'tflates." ay's__. urday s bazaar such a success and they first birthday, On Sunday iter:b the, pastor will and the adults who superintended the The 'News -Record adds its con rat- "' g , Se-, g preach in the morning of Phe work wish to thank all who assisted illations and wishes; the reverend get:- mild Centennial of Whitefield," and in any way thus contributing to bring tlenun many happy returns of Depcnx-1 in the evening on "Christianity, and (Aleut so desirable a result.. box' lith. "Bnleixtm.'?. Rey. Frank C. Harper, `B.''D