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Clinton News -Record
December 3rd
In this space next week we
will give a long list of suitable
and useful articles for Christ
mas Gifts.
A few Stoves and Ranges
at reduced prices.
For Xmas,
Dining, Parlor and Lib-
rary Tables a n d
Easy Chairs
are special features of our Christ-
mas display. We know y o u
will like their appearance, no
one could help doing that. We
know you will like the prices too,
they are special for this Ohrisl:•
was and the saving will surprise
Balt & Atkinson
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 1rO, 3. A. ATKINSON, Phone 18(3
Foot Comfort !
THERE'S an ocean of winter comfort in our many
lines et Felt Footwear. We've a splendid show-
ing of all the best styles, beautifully made and warm-
ly lined.
Juliets, Boudoir Slippers, House Slippers,
Bath Slippers, Slumber Slippers,
Etc., Etc.
50c up to $1,50,
We'll be pleased to show our complete line of
Felt Footwear to every interested looker.
Repairs While You Wait.
R UOS At Reduc-
ed Prices.
During the next two weeks we place on sale about.
Forty Beautiful Rugs in Tapestry, Brussels, and
Velvets in sizes 24 x 3, 3 x 3, 3x31, and 3 x 4,
and offer you your choice at wonderfully reduced
Owing to the advancing prices=on all lines of im-
ported rugs we have placed extra orders for spring
in order to secure them at lowest possible price but
must now make'a clean sweep of all rugs in stock
in order to have room for the new ones when they
Men's and Boy's Clothing
1f you are interested is a new suit, overcoat or pair of odd
trousers, come in and see what we are 'showing, We can
save you money and guarantee to please you.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits More Business
rTC i91#i
M'eMY car
New Wide Gathered and Circular Skirts `.
Redingotes in. Coats and Dresses
Tie -On Blouses
Volants and. Ruffled Skirts
These and many other lovely, up -to -data
styles are shown in the
for Winter
With each copy you get any
Standard Pattern FREE
Often the cheapest --Always the best.
' 1;iiWl1hrogisaunui l nil i,,
ilh AIS_; nmm�uiil
Mr. Carl East was hi Stratford on
Saturday afternoon.
Miss Florence ('uninghame was in
London on Saturday.
Mrs. Sellers of Scaforth is the guest
of Mrs. 1:T.. Hill this week.
Mr. and Mrs, G. D. McTaggart have
been in Toronto this week.,
Messrs. i). A. and W. F. C'anLelon of
Toronto were in town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Moore have re-
turned to town 'from West Toronto.
1rrs. Jas. Steep is spending the week
with her daughter, Dr's. A. F. Coll-
yer, London.
Miss Mattie Baler of Fullerton is a
guest this week in the home of Mr.
E. G. (' uurtice.
Miss Hughes of Hepworth has been
the guest of Miss Beatrice Greene
during the past week,
Misses Susie and Wroxie Powell
spent the week -end in Cleclerich as
the guests of their brother.
Mr. W. II. Lynn of Toronto was to
guest at the home of lvir, W. 5.
Ilarlaitd Turing the past week,
Mr. C. J. 1CaIlis returned home on
Thursday last after a business trip
in the west of several weeks dura-
Rev. Father Mogan was at 13iddulph
this week assisting his -brother,
Ric James Bogen, mForty-urs
Miss Dolly Menne], who has been
spending a vacation of sonic ueonths
at her home in town, returned to
to Loudon on Tuesday.
Mr, ('bas, Donaldson was in town and
district on Thursday and Friday
last working up business for the
big J, 1. Case Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Jams Medd arrived
from 'Toronto this week and will
reside on ;Huron street. Me. Medd
is the new proprietor of the Prin-
cess Theatre,
Mr. Eldred Archibald of the editorial
staff of the Montreal Star, who
came west to attend the funeral of
the late Mrs. Sutherland (see
Coats) is the guest o1 bis aunt,
Mrs, Farran.
Inspector Torrance attended the
county council meeting yesterday to
discuss II. of R. matters and to
impart any information thereto that
might be desired.
Mr. Purcell of Toronto, the Hydro -
Electro engineer who has charge of
the Rural Department, was in town.
on Saturday and with Supt. Chant
discussed future developments of the
Walker n Winnipeg
i1Tr frank Wai c,t from, r -
rived last week and purposes spend-
ing part of the winter with. Incf
father, Mr. Robt. Walker, and his
sisters who, are again occupying
their old hone on Victoria street.
Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Hewitt of Tor-
onto will take tip their abode in
what is intown as the. "Capt. Shep-
pard" property on Joseph street.
Mr. Hewitt is the new accountant
of the Doherty Piano Company.
Miss Charlotte Henry of London is
this week visiting her sister, Mrs.
I. 13at'r, and her two brothers,
Messrs. J. C and W. T. Henry, of
town. Miss Henry's,old friends aro
pleased to see her looking so we11.
Mrs. Ferran, Miss Archibald, Major
anti Mrs. Rance, Dr. Shaw, Mr. 'W.
Jackson, Mt G. D. McTaggart' and
Chief. Wheatley were in Gederich on
Tuesday af1e,rnoon attending the
funeral of the late .Mrs, Sutherland.
Major Rance, Dr. Shaw and Mr.
Mc'i'aggart acted as pallbearer's,
Mr. G. H. David returned 'last weak
from a visit of several days, ten
or more, with relatives at Ottawa,
some of whom he hadnever seen
before. This was hi,s first visit to
the Capital and apart altogether
from the personal aspect he saw
much that greatly, pleased him.
'Mr. E. Lewis Evans of Louisville,
Kentucky,. is today visiting Itis bro-
ther and sister, Mr, K: W. and Miss
'Evants, Tie is secretary, which .is
tantamount to .being manager, • of
of the Tobacco Workers' Union of
the United States and his work ex-
tending over a wide territory he. ne
,cessarily travels Muck and is • a
Very. husyr mac. While here this
iuo>;ning, in The News,Reeord office
he•nnet i14. W. 13. hale, They were
playmates' in the golden days of
'.youth berth had not seen each other •
Sot nearly thirty-five years.
Mi'nter Coats for Wonien. FFt)lki
Time and again during the past few weeks notes of warning have been sounded in the way
of chill winds and frosty nights, reminding everyone that it is high time to provide fer the colder
weather sure to come. •
Stew Warm coats are urgently needed now, nor will women wish to defer the pleasure of buying,
when they have stocks so complete and satisfying as ours from which to choose. Some new lin-
es just added make such an assortment of the styles deemed correct tor winter wear, that,
choosing the one best suited to your style and requirements is a pleasant and interesting task.
The woman clever enough to make her own coat, has surely a choice of lovely materials
soft, warm blanket cloths, chinchillas, niggerheads, mottled checks and fancy weaves of all kinds
in the season's best colorings,
The first -nip of winter makas everybody think of furs—and today we invite you to come in
and see some very special values in fur sets. A visit to our fur department will prove mostin=.
teresting, whether you wish to buy or not.
Here are suggestions of the needed warm clothing and things for
the home.
A pair of soft, woolly blankets and a light fluffy comforter give
the nicest kind of warmth these cold nights ---and we have so many special
values ready. You are afforded very satisfactory choice. For example here are :
Union Blankets—Nice, soft wool, with cotton warp.
All -Wool Blankets ---Soft and fluffy, thoroughly scoured and shrunken.
Pure Wool Blankets—Extra large, soft and fluffy, pink and blue 'borders,
Imported Kopok=Filled Comforters—with good quality satean covering, floral design with plain
bands to match. Pink, blue and green colorings.
Down -Filled Comforters—Light, fluffy filling and good quality sateen. coverings.
WARM UNDERWEAR—is of the first importance and we are ready with the best selected stock we have
ever shown, to fill every underwear need of man, woman or child.
SWEATER COATS—for men, women and children are classed among the necessary winter garments.
assortment is large and includes all the wanted styles,
itIr. Roblin .Macphorson of Ottawa
has been r town this week, having
come up to attend the funeral
which took place Tuesday in (loder-
icb, 01 his cousin, the late Mrs, J.
A. Sutherland.
London Road
Mr. Byron Waldron. of Tilsonburg
paid a visit to the old homestead
last week. Mr. Waldron has been
down about Niagara all summer en-
gaged with Hydro -Electric work.
Miss Mabel Kerr of Clinton was
the guest of ids. and Mrs. G. W,
Layton last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wilise of De-
troit have been the guests of the
former's parents, bit. and Mrs. Levi
Wiltse, during the past week,
Mrs. IJ. Livermore is this weee
confined to the house with.- a hall
cold. It is hoped, however, that her
recovery will be speedy.
Mr. A. 13, Stephenson
building a carriage house,
Mr. Fred Nott is improving his
is busy
Mrs, W, L. Heys of Varna and
Mrs. R. Higgins of Ingersoll visited
the laitter's nephew, Mr., 8'. B. Hall,
on Tuesday.
Mrs, W. Britton abed daughter left
on Mouday on a visit to the lady's
parents and will attend her sister's
Rev, 'Mt Jtwltt of 131)!th ably as-
sisted the pastor, Re✓. Mt Kahle,
in the service, on Friday evening.
Rev. E. 0. Powell of Clinton is as-
sisting this week,
Miss Maggie Riley has returned
Thome 'frons Cleveland,
The scholars of the Sunday school
are busy preparing the program for
the Christmas. Tree entertainment to
be held Christmas week;
Mrs Edi, Button and Miss Mayne
Hall visited the- former's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Love of Walton on Sald-
urday last:
• Londeboro.
51r, Fen Kerr left this week to
spend the Christmas holidays at Itis
home in England.
Mr, R. 1'. Gibbs spent -a few'- days
last week in Exeter.
Mrs. W. Gibbs has become a sub-
scriber of the 131yt;it 'Telephone Sys-
tem and has had a phone installed ,
Mr. .James Brown s,tentt Sunday
with his brother, Mr. John Brown.
Are you a News -Record subscriber, ?
Hullett Township
Mr. Wm. Hest,: sold a team of hors-
es to ilii, 'lames Archibald of Sea -
forth and delivered titeni on Satur-
Mrs. Matthew Armstrong has been
confined to bed for some time but, is
now improving.
A number of the young people from
this neighborhood attended the fowl
supper at Winthrop on Monday evea-
ing, and the anniversary services on
Miss Alice Carbert is visiting rela-
tives in Blyth this week.
News -Record Means News -Leader.
Report of S. S. No. 4 for Novem-
ber :
,Jr. 4th, Arthur Ogbourne. Sr, 3rd—
Mary • Cartwright, Mil ton Brown,
Cecil Cartwright, Ralph Joscelyn,
Violet Addison, George Knight, C,eo,
Addison, Sr. find—Olive Joscelyn,
Leslie Knox. Jr. 2nd—Lizzie Lane-
ance, Elgin Joscelyn, Pt: 20—Lcl-
-win Cartwright.
N.O. on roll 13.• Average atten-
dance 11. Porfect attendance, Mary
Cartwright, Elgin .Joscelyn.
MacKenzie, zie
—R. Ia n Teacher.
Report of S. S No 10, Mullett and
G oderich
Sr, 4th Edgar iMorris 85 percent.
Jr. ith—Stella Morris 71, Chester
Morris 53, ,Jr. 3rd—Mary Mair 07,
Gordon Ball 04. Sr. lst—Bertha
Eno 81, Evelyn Johnston .70. Primer
—Edna L:ovier (18. Primer (b)—
Howard Johnston 01. ' Best spellers
:for the month : Sr„ 4th—Edgar Mor-
ris. Jr.- 4th—Stella Mo'ris, Jr. 3rd
—Mary Mair. Sr. 1st -Bertha Eno,
Primer—Edna G'ovier.
II. S. Copp, 'Teacher.
The News From Londesboro
The council met on Friday after-
noon last when a good deal of rout-
outiue business was gone through with.
Rev. C'. C. Koine received a letter
the other day from,, his brother, Who
is second in command of the Scouts
with the First - Contingent now at
Salisburp Plains, having gone front
i'ort Francis, and in the epistle. it
was stated that there were within
five utiles from camp, being eared for
by English families, little Belgian
children whose hands had been sever-
ed by Germans. Some people may
bo of the opinion that such stories
are somewhat exaggerated, and one
would fain believe 0 to he so, but ?Mr,
Kaine thinks this absolute proof of
at least one charge against thorn.
The Ladies' Aid of Burns church
some time ago collected and forward-
ed fifty dollars to the Red Cross So-
ciety., They have now secured mater-
ial and have commenced the manu-
facture of supplies for the soldiers.
The Women's Institute of. Londesboro
are also at work,
Both the Presbyterian and Metho-
dist Sunday schools purpose holding
Christmas entertainments and arc
practising for same.
The intention is that a big patriot-
ic concert will be given here, proba-
bly int :February. It was thought bet •
ter to postpone it until after the,
Christmas rush as the general idea
is that whein s;tclt a th'ng is under-
taken it should be done properly,
('ollector Moon is busy ma. int; his
rounds and reports the taxes coniin'1
in very satisfactorily.
It seems to be. the general idea tin€
year that a ]municipal election is
quite unnecessary. With a good cowl'
cil which is painstakingly endeavor-
ing to carry on the work of the
township to the very hest advantage
to all it would seem to be an unnec•
essary expense.
By the way, the local Temperance
1-Iouse as conducted by Mr, and Mrs.
Cartwright, is really a great conven-
ience to the travelling public.
Mino Host is generally away
with his engine cutting corn,
filling silos, etc., but Mine Hostess f*s
right there ready to serve a slice,
comfortable and substantial meal at
any and all times,
Dr. Allison appeared before the,
council on Friday to ask that some
action be taken in regard to a tn.acl
dog scam along the Mullett-M'e-
lillop • boundary.
Mr. and Mrs, W. I.ee of Port Col-
borne are visiting at the, home of
Dirt, W'.tn. Lee.
Ile, and Mrs, I1. Bill attended the-
hefuneral at London of the son of Mt.
Thos. Hill,
On 'Tuesday night • a meeting was.
held at which it was dezidecl to give
e patriobic concert some time M Feb-
ruary, the proceeds to go towards.
the Patriotic Fund.
Expect to move Monday to larger store and
as we don't want to move any more than
we can possibly help price will be no con-
Next to McTaggart's Bank.
We are making a special feature this season of
warm fodtwear tor winter wear.
Our stock is complete and we are in a position
to meet any or all your requirements in felt
footwear for house or outside wear.
We carry a full range of lined boots, leather
covered boots, plain felt boots and slippers of
all descriptions for men, women and children,
Now is the time to make your selection and the
prices you will find will fit every pocket -book.
Women's Felt Laced Boots from $1 to $2.
Women's Felt Slippers from 25c to $1.50.
H. S. C H A P MA N raoN. 70