The Clinton News Record, 1914-12-03, Page 7PURE' RICH BLOOD PREVENTS DISEASE Bad blood is reeponsible for more ailments than anything else. It causes catarrh; dyspepsia, theumas tis, weak, tired, languid feelings and worse troubles. Hood'a SumaParilla has been woncleefully suceessfut iu pariSyieg and enriching the blood, removing eerofula and other humors, and eoese„ Imilditipeam the, whole system. Take ft—p,•ive it to all the family so as to avoid illness. Get it today. -NEWS-REGORD'S NEW 1(.(18IING. RATS FOR 1914 W.CERLins. esasetreeinet neff 23,41 ,t Empire .,$1.65 News•Record. and (31obe • ' . . , 1,68 News-Re/05cl and Family Her ''' d 1411(i WeeklY *lar 1.65 News-Recordand Weekly Sun 1.85 News:Record and Farmer's Advocate2.35 News -Record and Farm Dairy ..• • 1.85 .News,itccord and Canadian Farm ..•• 1.88 News -Record nncI Weekly Witness 1.85 •News•Record and Northern Messenger 1.60 NewS-Recerd and. Frets Press .••••••••• 1.88 News -Record and Advertiser' , .. 1.85 Nnws-Record and Saturday Night—3,50 News -Record and Youth's Companion 3,21 News -Record and 1051313 Grower and. Farmer .5.71 MONTHI,TES. News -Record a tul Canadian Sports - ma . ...... . ... 03,25 Newe-Necord ned—Lippincott's 31ago eine 3.25 . DAILIES. News -Record and World ....,.........03-35 News -Record ana Globe .. 3,60 News -Record and & Emnire..3.80 News -Record 111121 AdVePtinr• •• •• • 2.85 News -Record and Morning Free inns. 3.35 Nows-Reeord and Evening Free Pron. 2.88 Neivs.Record anti Toronto Star ...••,, 2.88 News -Record and Toronto News 2.85 15 What Yell' 681081 85 not in thle list let us know about It, We can supply you as lees than it would cost you to gond dIreet* In remitting please do so laY Post•offlo' Order Postal Note, Express Order or Deg. istered letter and address. W. J. MITCHELL, Publisher Nws-Reere3rt3/1 CLANTON, ONTARIO WHOOPING COUGH SPASMOINC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS BRONCHJTIS CATARRH COLDS 24 Est 1379 A simple, safe end effective treatment avoiding drups. Vaporized Cresoiene stops theparoxymns of *hoopIng Cough end relieves Spasmodic Croup at once. It is a boon to sufferers from Asthma. The air carrying the antiseptic vapor, In- haled with every breath, makes breathing 60191 I soothes the 0010 11)5000 and stops the cough, assuring restful nights. ,Itit invaluable to mother. ,with yousu children. 8nnel es.postel for denel'ipttvo booklet 0035 BY 68110010115 VAPCP -CRESOLENE CO, Leemiaelltite „Aida Moniei PRINS OF FARM PRODUCT 3 r-rror.Tel ritom x.maioxir smaiam 0r20T70313 02 ,ara.zrazo.t. Breadstuffs. 'Toronto, Doe. 1.-1'1e8)r—Ma2)13ob1( fir 9 31,1,9, tooted et $6,60, in jute bags,•, se d 16213e1160, $6.10; otrong bnireze', $5.9 Ontario wheat Bony, 95 per cont patent oneted at 84.60 to $4.63, seaboard. Wheal,- 'Manitoba No. 1 Northern, 810105813e13 at $1.24 1-2; No. 2 at $1.21 1-2, 02 33930 wheat, No. 2, quoted tit 01.13 to $1.1 at outside pointS. 0:U0—Ontario quoted at 49 to 50c, ou t•ido, and al. 52 to 53c on treek, eoroin Western Canada, No. 2, quoted at 60e, an No 3 at 57, Barley -66 to 68c, outside, ----Wye "96 to 98c, outside, for :No. 2. • POax—No. 2 quoted at $1.70 tO 9/.71, ou side Corn—No. 3 nen, American quoted a EF 1.5e. Bay norm. Biteltwheat—No. 2 quoted at 77 to 78e cutside. Bran and shorts—Bran is quoted at $ to 820 a ton. and Shorts at $26 to $27. Rolled oats—Car lots, per bag ot 90 the 53 to $3,15. Gauntry Prodneo. Butter—Choice dairy, 23 to 25e; inferior, 30 to 21e; oreamery prints, 28 1-2 to 29e; do,. solids, 27 to 27 1-20. Egg,s—New-lald, selects, dozen, 36 to 805; storage, 38 to 300. 110ney-35*r3'e1 M Arm at 13 to 13 1.2c DO' lb, for strained. No. 1 honoyconab, $2.75 per dozen; No. 2. $2 to 31526. .Poultry —Chickens, dressed, 13 to reel ducks, &eased lb., 12 to 144; fend. 12 to 12c; turkeys, dressed, 17 to 20e. Cheese—New, large, 16 to 16 1-4e; twins, 151.35, Beans—Adme, bushel, $2.75 to $2.801 nanicked 82,90, Potatoes—Ontarios, 65e per bag, ont of store, 55c In car lots. New Bronewleks, oar lots, 65c per bag, • 0, st c. 0; s, v, s, 1. o. 3. 24 Provisions. 1314011—L0115, otertr, 14 1-2 to 15c per 113, in case lots. Rams—Medium, 17 1.2 to 18e; 'do., beery, /5 1.2 to 16 1.2e; rolls, 14 12 to 150; breakfast. 'bacon, 18 1-2 to 19e; backs, 211-8 to 22c; boneless backs, 24c. Lard—Market is steady at 12 1-2 to 13e for tierces. Comptar.d, 9 3-4 to 10e. Baled it ty and Straw, Dealers are PaYing atr follows for ear tot <nineties on track here:— Straw is quoted at 87.50 to $8 a ton, in car lots, on track here. Ilay—No. 1 new hay is quoted at $16 to $16.50 on track here, No. 2 at 0/4 to 814.50, and No. -3 t $11 to $12. --- Winnipeg Crain. Wiennee, Deo. 1.--tkaa5—vi11e53.—.94o. 1 Northern, $1.18 541; No. 2 Northern, $1.16 7-90 No. 3 Northern, $1.11; No. 4, $1.0644; No. 5, $1.02; No. 6, 97o; feed, 94c. Oat," and barley unquoted. Flax, NO. 1 01.26- Montroai Markets, Montreal, Dec. 1.—Oats—Canadi111, West. ern, No, 3, 59c; .do., extra N. 1 feed, 680: do, No. 2 4oea1 white, 51*; do, No. 3, 54c; do„ No. 4; 53c. Barley—Manitoba toed, 68c; do., aerating, 76 to 70a. Flour—Mani- toba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $6.70; do., seconds, $6.20; do., strong bakers', $6; do,, Winter patents, choice, $6; do., straight Imllers. $5.50 to $5.65; do., bags, 02,65 to $2,75, Rolled oats, barrels, 96.55; do., bags, 90 lbs.'$3•16, 94.18.11, $25, shorts, $27. Middlings, 330. Mouillie, $32 to $34. Tray --No. 2, 005 ton ear lots, 819 to $29. cessee—Fieeet westerns, 15 1-2 to 15 5-80; do., casterns, 15 14 to 15 32*. Butter-- Cholrest creamery, 27 1-2 to 29c; do., see- onds, 26 1-4 tot 26 3-4c. Egga—Fresh, 48 to 50k1; do., selecte(1, 32,a; 4.10, No, 1 ,,took, 38 10 29se3' do,, No. 2, 25 to 26c. Potatoes— "Per bag car lots, 70c. -- United States ma0ket:4. Minneapolis, Dec, 1,—W11eat-610. 1 bard, $1.19 3-8; No. 1 Northern, $1,15 7.0 to $1.113 3-8; No. 2 Northern, $1,12 3.8 to $1,16 3-8; 1)comnbe.r, $1.13 7-8. Cleve. -No, 3 yellow. 56 to 68 1-2c. 003,—No. 3 white, 46 to 46 1-2e. O03s—No. 3 white, 46 to 46 1.2e, Flour and bran unchanged, Duluth, Dec, 1.—Wheat-5-No. 1 hard, $5,18 3-8; No. 1 Northern, $1.17 '3•8; No, 2 Northern, 01,14 3-8: December, $1.15 3.8, Linseed, 01.49 1-4; Deemnber, $1,46 143, Live Stook Markets, Toronto, Dee, 1.-001138831Je4 good demand So;' caraiers and cutters. Fair denaand for heavy short -keen feeders. Light eastern etnekere easy knish cows in good <le. monfl, 015181e0-0004 veal, steady to firm. Lambs strong, and further advanced te 08,50 and $8.75 for choice lien lambs around o51o 90 lbs, Raga steady, at $7,50 fed and watered and $7.75 off cars. -a THE KING IS A BUSY MAN Great Mastery of Detail Shown in Activities of British lEmpire's Head A despatch from London says: Tho pax() which King George is ing in the- war is pictured it The Daily Express Etre feltOWS "A cornier:Gus round of ineree$e. ing• activity, and a, neest.ery of de- tails sticla cm might; alarm a great financier, compriee the present daily rootine of his Majesty the King. Often eacer after six en the morning the King is bossy 111.his study, and by the tone his advisers and Manors appear he lure scanned the clespate.hes and documents of the- early delivery, mastered their contents; and perhaps have numer- ous marginal notes h»•eadisse,ss for the forthcoming conference. "The very sight of the contents of thenomerote 38881711301) boxes would intimidate most mem Ad- miralty, Home Office,. India Offices, Army Efe.aelquaeters, all Contribute their daily correspondence, while from AU parte of the Empire come a great maes of matter which earl - not be settled, without the King's sanction, but happily controverssel matters have sunk into oblivion, and there are no difficulties of this eort to contend with. "Tbe problems anent the Wee ar,e. many and great, hut nothing is tee intrieate for the King, who insists on seeing that the needs of the country are grappled with. "His Majesty 18 also extremely solicitous as to the com,forts of his fighting forces, and making centin- oat Inquiries as to the supply of food, elothes end the little extras that go to the maintenance of their health and spirits. The slightest hint 110 any special -article of ap- parel is accepted, and his Majesty's invariable reply, when anything outside the scope of the Admiralty or War, Office Is named, is: "I will tell the Queen." ARMORED TRAIN SAVED THE DAY Allies Had Failed to Cheek the EnettlY Throwing a Bridge :tames the Yser. & despatch from London say,s: To the south of Dianincle, where the Germans 943j11 con,centrate largo bodies of infantry and cavalry, the enemy made. AV attempt to throw 06 pontoon . bridge ,aeross the Veer. Nearly 200. men Were, engaged. They were covered by a powerful German battery. So evell was the German plan arranged that the French and Belgian force,s could not possibly have prevented the construction of the bridge without losing a, great many Teen, The Germans had completed three parts of the task, with noth- ing more than a desultory pepper- ing from the French rifles, when up an uaconsielercd little railway track came a British armored train Roaring and spitting death it raced into sight quite euddenly, not more than a thousand metree• distant from the nearly -completed bridge, and the two hundred Gerznan eap- pers, taken oompletely by surprise, dropped their tools and bolted. Many did not get fate for four of the terdn's guns a,nel htlif a dozen mitrailleuses hurled 31 perfect tor- na,d,o of shot and shell at them. In lees than five minutes nearly a Inin- dyed of the engiemers had been kill- ed and about fifty wounded, and their hard work had been blown to splinters. The ene•my's guns managed to knock a, stores truelc at the e•nd of the train off the rails, and one of the guns was also temporarily put oat, of action. POLISH PLAINS A GERMAN SEDAN The Russian V ikon. at Loth is Calltil the Greatest et Modern Tittles. A des•p,atch from Petrograd says Germany has found her Sedan on the plains of Poland. The Russians have won the greatest vietory of modern times between the Warthe and the Vistula, and about 00 miles w,e,st of Warsaw. Grand Duke Nicholas' arraie8. haYe utterly .crusheel General V013 Hindenburg's divided army, have captured or deetroyed 160,000 men, and have cut off the retee,at of the' surviving eorps. The German counter -offensive under Lieut. -Gen. Makkeneen, leak, halted 25 milen east of Czen.stochowa and driven baek. Von 1VIalcken.ee,n wa,s forced to ab,a.ndon Yen Hindenburg's troops to their tate. Meanwhile, the Rosed,an a.dv,antre in E,a.st Prus- sia sv,as never delayed an hour. Th -e Cossacks are -driving Au,s- tria,n rearguards into Cracow, a•nd Rue,sian guns are shelling the city from the north-e,ast and the 9011i:t1)- ews:b. In War Times. Foreign Official -You cannot stile, in this country. Traveller -Then I'll leave it. 11.0. -Have you a permit to leave? T. -No, Sir. F.0. -Then you cannot leave, I give you six hours to make up your mind as to what you will. do. NEWS FROM SUNSET MU WI1AT Tflhi VESTERN PEOPLE ARE DOING. • Progress ot the Great West Told In a Few Pointed Paragraphs. ' Nelson has raised $2,000 for the Patriotic Fund. Revelstoke will lay bibulithic pavement in its streets. The Revelstoke hospital has treated 865 patients during the year. The corporation of Revelstoke has spent, $12,500 on new cement 02(16' walk's this year. A•pplications for registration On the Kaslo voters' list fell 'Off al - lima twenty per cent, this year. Dr. F, 5. de Veiteuil, who Perished on the Good Hope, formerly practiced in Vanestiver. Nakitsp het contributed $50 in cash and a ton of provisions and clothing to the Belgian Relief Fund. Vancouver's new regiment of in- fantry will be known as the 29bh Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Gold nuggets, running in value from $8 to $24, besides the gold, have been taken from Granite creek at Princeton. Kelowna's electric light 17141113 16 suffering from a ,shortage 03 power. and nu further additions can be made to the syetem. .Mrs, Guis,epe Melillo, of Belling- ham, was murdered in her home with an axe. It it believed her huelnind committed the crime. Fireman H. W. Kitely. of the C.P.R. was pinned beneath a. loco- motive in the bettora of Et river, when a wreek occurred at Hope, B.C. Cloverdale suffered its second heavy five in afortnight whe» 500 damage was done to the pro- perty of Sullivan 33rothers and 1111ancl. The Slocan council fittS requeeted the Dominion Gevernment to ex. tend the government telephone sys- tem from Nelson to Slocan Valley, The women of Revelstoke evill run the department stor•e of C. B. Hume end Co. for two days on a percentage basis, the proceeds to go to the Patriotic Fund. Chief of Police McLennan, of Vancouver, proposes asking the Do- minion Government for 250 rifles for his met. His scheme is to drill the .police force for home proteetion, Miss Ellen Outran, a well-known re.sident of Nelson, passed away on Tuesday. Deceased had been resid- ing•there for the 111511 twenty years and had been an inmate of the gen- eral hospital for fourteen years. Aceiclental death. WaS the verdict brought in by a coroner's juey connection with the death of A. H. Nichol, whose body was found on Bowen's Island with a bullet hole through the breast. Mr, Nichol was a C.P.R. agent. For the first time in 12 years Nel- son was th•e ecene of a sentence to the extreme penalty of the lew when in the Cerininal Assize Court Mr. Justice Macdonald sentenced Guisseppe di Cesare, an Italian, to hang on Jan. 21 for the murder in Ros.slaini on Aug. 15, last, of Louis Bianci. The last similar sentence passed in Nelson was on Oct, 7, 1902, when Chief Justice Hun -ter sentenced Henry Rose to the gal- lows. Rose was han.geel on Nov. 21, 1902. Life is a grind, but it alevays h,as its turning•point. GERMANY'S DIFFICULT TASK Buelow Pears It Won't Be So Easy tor German to Win the War , A deep:etch front B,erliri eayet The Beasliner Ta,gebl,att prints a 1,e18ter *ken Prince •von Buclow, the ex -Chancellor, in which lie ex- Preetee ttlie fear that the war wild "p,rovea ver•y clifficelt taalcfor Geeinany.'' Of coarse, idle Prince winel,s. up by afilrini.ng hie belief ,in the ultimate teiumplie of 'the. Germain arena, but se,ve,ea.1 -a:nes he repeats tient victory will .be won only with great difa„,culty. 1111.e.re is 811.50 eillegy of the British troops, written by a higils Ger•rnan officer at the front, He hancl.somely th,a,t the British • madly around Tp,res. Their regu- le,rs 'are among the fineSt troops in the world, he writen, a,nd "there must be something, atter all, to say for the :Enselishrnan'e love of sport, for nothing but welletratined a,nel particularly fit young felloevs could shape an well 5143 the, new treopg the Bereaieh keep bringing 'Dh,ey are ell firet-clafre fighe- ers. The 13,r13,isth have quite out - pointed othr men in 8,hooting, patrol work, marching ancl &coating. They are suirriply marvelous." The weiter concludes that the, Bri- tish May be rne.rcesira,ries., but, they are weld •weeth the money they in antis, 1385528 done wonders, eepe- draw, 044,,k fe BRING THEM ON MOTHER! Doesn't every boy love Griddle Cakes! Especially when served with delicious French Navy Preparing for Fray. French sailors on board one of the battleships lying off Ostend, clean, ing one, of the hig guns and preparing it for action. CANADIAN TROOPS ARE HT Early Departure of Contingent for Front Expected -PeLerb01.0 Officer is New Camp Commandant A despatch from Salisbury P1 says: "The Canadian soldiers 11014 SUIric:nently well trained 'to ta, their place in the fining line." T• significant. slat,enient wa,s made a, high military aeithority here a11 neSfing clivision•al man,oeuvr Rumor 8411176 that the Canadian c bingent may go to the front 53(0than has been expeeeed. The 1'1 divisional manoeuvres were carr • 91211 through at Salisbury 13111113 under are Cioneral Al•derson, with General ke Pitetairn Campbell and his ,steff pre- sent. All bbe men and details took his part, and marehed to F,nford by Downs, eeveral miles distant, being ter out from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and 0115- (165. rying 104(10110 and all equipment. on- The weather was favorable and the 5101'0peeat1011e 6110002851141, All leave to rot the members of the eontingent will led be stopped after Dece•mber 1. FROM ERIN'S GREEN IRE NEWS BY at:uf. FROM IRE- LAND'S SHOR ES. apponings In the Emerald Isle of Interest to men. Charles Moore of Limerick, was inetantly killed at CurballY ev a well falling - en hire. Gelman prisvners to the number of a,buut -100 arrived at North Wall, and were despatched to Temple more. The Belfast Master Bakers' As- sociatien have now advanced- tile price of bread by 0118 cent per 4-1b. lea f. Corporal J. Carrell, Connaught Rangers, reservist, Templemore, has died from 1401191(18 receisma a er i t the ;front. Mrs. Nolan, wife of a laborn Edenbury, hearing that her eldes fetct boy had gone to enlist, ran to h him hack:and fell dead. The death took place sudden1 while attending mass ab Kilpadde Church, near Mallow, of l'unothy NT., Dromere, The War Office authorities have notified the guardians thee Mitch - &stolen and Mallow Workhouses will be required lor military pur- poses. Mrs. Jackson, &Byrn*, -while returning from church, was thrown from a. ear eed so severely injured that she died shortly afterwards. Lecburing in Dungannon, Lord Ashbourne said Dublin shmild• be called "•Crank's Town" on ac- count of the present frectien among the volunteers. The death has occurred suddenly of Mr. William. Barrett, late pro- prietor of the Memel Chronicle. He belonged to ,a,n old and respect- ed Clonmel On the arrival of the. large grain steamer Clinton at Derry. six men were prostrated by fiun.esefrem the cargo, and were only' rescued with great difficulty. During the week ending Friday last 246 men Were recruited in Dub- lin for the army. This figure in- cludes men enlisting both at Greet Brunewiek Street and Grafton' Street. William. Donnelly, who resided alone in Coalisland, Tyrone, went to sleep on a chair near the fire and fell off receiving such shocking Ibvtass. taint he di•ed shortly after - The Poor LEW buildings at Dori- aglimore,' Queen's Ceunty, have been aequireel by the military au- thorities for the training of re- cruits. It is stated that over 1,000 men will arrive shorely. Captain Richard, Alexander 14 - °nal, Keith, who has' been wounded, W8,8 'Cork Herald of .Arms, having held that appointmene since 1910. He was serving with the ard Bat- talion Seaforth Highlanders, GRAND DUKE'S GENEnesrey. Gi-fee million pairs of Shoes to ' the Fretteh Army. HOLD GERMANS -4v CROWN BR ND COriji 5VRtip . , Mother knows it too, for she likes CROWN BRAND SYRUP herself, and uses it to make delicious pud- ing sauces. And sister says it's the Send for the Edwardsburg "best ever" for candy -making. Free Recipe Made in Canada. Book, Sold by All Grocers. Manufacturers of the Famous Edwardsbure Brands, THE CANADA STARCH CO., LIMITED MONTREAL, CARDINAL, BRANTFORD, FORT WILLIAM. BRIT SH NAVY LOSS 79 000 Officers and nen Perished and Interned Since Beginning of War A. clesn,atch Londim says: Thus far during the Wel" the Royal Navy hes loet 4,327 officers and men killed and 473 wounded, while 968 Men axe missing and 1,575 are tap - 'lives or have been interned. Theste figures are conbained in a stele:intone iseued on Wednesday night by the Admiralty, and in A TRIANG.LE du.do, wthirtton to the naeal men, the marines of the Royal Navy divi- . eiten. Ithe easiitultwe and the num. ber of men ventured en, interned is glimn as follows: Officers -Killed, 520; 'wounded, 37; prisoners, 5; in- terned, 46. Pion ---Killed, 4,107; wounded, 430; missing, 965; in- terned, 1,555. Ruseitats are Besieging a Greta Part of Invading Peeve. in l'Olall/l. A deepatch !rum Lonclun says; The Russian Embassy at Rome sin 880(1192(191 that the battle at Lodz has beeli ronewed with feesh forces. HeVered Gerelerl diriSiLMS (It consiete uf 14,000 men) 'were ennili dated and many 00 )61101) gen- erals were killed. The German front has been broken in a number of places and a decieion is immi- nent. The Peerograd correspondent of the Morning Post sayo that ellen the full details of the Russian vic- tory in P,oland awe available they 14131 feenith a story that wild aston- ish the world—a story telling of a blow to Germany's finest 'troupe such ras has not been known since the days of Napoleon. The Daily Mail's Petrograd core e' respondent., who, in comneen with n other Petrograd correspondents, hints that there is to come still bigger news which they 4:re unable at this time to transmit, says the possibility which seemed to exist that the German forces. which es- caped the enveloping movement east of Lodz would suece.ed breaking through neer Seryleow and joining the rest of the German forces5' now appears ?Toneless. This Gema.n 'force, adds the cor- reependent, is fighting ite way back in the direetion of the Vistula, under le terrible artillery fire, which is causieg an ,a,p,palling loss of life A despatch from Parie says: Grand Duke Michael of•Riessia has p,re.sented to the French Army, one million pairs of ehoes which ha,c1 been ordered, from Webster, fast,orida -an, average price, of $3 176.11 pai'. Some en,orm,ous ordees for shoes foe the. Russian eerily also have been placed in America. The Genneens are repotted to be shoet both of food and of s'h'el1, 138 a result of b.elng cut off from their base. ' APPLES, WALNUTS AND JAMS Canadians Asked to Supply Them to Men in the Navy. A despaboh from Ottawa 50178: The Prime Minister has received a Communication from ,the Vegetabl,e Products Committee in England, an organization under the Presidency of Lord Cluirles Beresford, *ailing attention to the work of the com- mittee supplying fresh or pre- served fruits tattle men of the navy. The committee calls attention bit the need of further supplies, and asks Canadian co-operatien ie for- warding gifts of apples, pears, wal- nuts, Jams and prese.rved frnitts. Any contributor,s in 'Canada are asked to exereise great care in packing, and to prepay tra.n.snorta- Gen chaeges. Consignments should be elea tO Vegetable Prednat.8 Com- mittes, Salvage Warelmose, Pad- dington Goods Statio_sr, London. Can Put et First Soldier—If you really be- lieve you Wee't die until your time comes, why do you dodge every bul- let that eornes eilon,,g?" .Seeond S.oldier—Becanee my time won't emne so long as I ele able to dodge '094. hristmas bought, from ue save you money. 1,tlacwi e rits nrettily designed and in aren't variety, Booklets 1,bo rovOra all have aPPropriate greetings. loaves Lied with Bilk ribbon. each in on envelope, mailed i'Pee 01, recelint Of prieo, 7 eor 25 cents, 16 ror 50 ceritti, 36 for 31.00, too for 92_50, regularly sold at 5 and 1.0 cents each, OhriotAnuo Pont Car4o, El for 11) eents, 25 for 25 cents, no two' alike, clietly high' class. Toronto Card co„ 198 'Itingswood Road, Toronto: . A great majority of 111,..ss report- ed killed were drowued. 1.714 1,56- 111g their lives in this 111:1:Pl10' 3 1,551 the eruieers Pto al.„.seir, Creasy tinel 3(29 sent 1,, Cie bottom by• Cheer:en 5lIII1G 1 (5131103 the founder! mi Cie l•lee- mouth an,d Good If :me iff the r, - el Chile was restemeible fer lo es of 1,654 1331155' l'8 tinicl num be- neath the- waves. 'be nperailauns uf the Royal N:t- ilivie'len at Antwerp are ae- eountable fur nearly ell of ill, se 111 p021838 interned or miseing. Mess of the nibeeing are paid by tly, Ad- miralty elee,ternent to be primeness of waa in Germany. TR 0 E 0 VIM IN FREE STATE • The De Wet Uprising Has Spent • Its Puree. A despreech from Capoeown say,s There is little doubt that the erlsie in the Free State is over, Small ecateered bodies of rebels are still in the field, but they will graitleally surrender, At ene time the poei- dun looked eewieus. De Welt was incluein(4 many to jOill 111.111, in the belief that; there WOeld be no fight- ing, it being repre.s.ented that the whole Free State was tiedeg, and the Government cesuld do nothing. These illusions were shattered by the fight in the Mushroom Valley on November 12. The rebel losses on that occasion were much heavier then is ge,neitally know -n. De Wet was eaughb napping; in fact, he Wan aetualay in bed when General Botha opened a fierce at- tach. The eebels, completely dumb- founded, are DOW like sheep with- out a. thepherel, and will not face the music again. A LIEN S 3113513 Propinull Of GOVernIttent to 11111. 91(17 l'Irese. Interned. A despatch from Ottawa says: An early announcement is expected from the (1.4verin71e31,t, 4146 te the pol- icy for the interninerat of aliens. The ,Brovinee of Quebec has agreed to the proneml to set erea.rt Crown leinels upon which they neley work, • A similar reply is expected from the, Provirse,e Ontario clod in the West aliens evoold be assigned to simi,lar work in the Dominion park lande. S,hould the land prove suit- able, and should the ali,ens develop peaceful intentions, they may be alloeved to continue living on the land ele.ared. As mon an' the de- tails are cximplete t6105e who are a eleneee to the community or a nob - lie charge, because out of work, -will be tranielerred to theee centres by the Government. So far 25,000 have regiiitte.red ender the Goveenment, regul ations. BRITAIN'S NAVY HAS HEAVY IBS Only It Survive Explosin 1 that Destroyed Battleship MO Over 700 Mesh A despaleb. from Lenit.ei .itee The 13ritish navy has suffeeed the foes of a hattles.hlp attil at 11342(1 11801 officers and MOIL Th- pre- Dread- nough,t Bulwark, uf 15,11110 tons, and built 11 60. cost cl $5,000.000, blew up at Ilea. moorings off sheerness, in the estuary of the Thames, end barely 36 miles from Lenetee, A treenendous exPlexien ecru t• reel while officers and crew W 0 I' e b t their ordie,ary duties, :end in three minutee the shEatereel hulk of the geeat ship had disappeared be ,1 5,1111 the surface. 01 a 5140 comparly of 750, all except 14 were killed by the 132617';' 6111 or drowned after a few min- utee' E.trugglo in the water. The eeleimabe of the less lytes fueniebed to elm House of Commons by \Vint, ton Churchill, First Lord of the Admiral ty, who 11)0 )517' offe re< I the opinion that the deetruction the Bulwark ie not a serious le•ei te &Island's naval power. • "1328 a tams" Recruit 1.400 31en, A deepateli from Lienelem saye Manchester men 14114:,281g to hi the "Ba.nearne .11egil•rterel," murmuring be,c.ause the Pg•ne:11551. measure -in en t is re q ire,t1 as 111' t,aller Men . i 1.11 Et ending this, 1,400 men with chest merfsuremen,te of 3414 or better, but metier 3 feel. 3 inches in height, have lmen se• leafed. The Icrd tf Me 1. chaster, 21383814068111,55 the. reee at ea- t t• swearing in, suggeeeed that if they objected to the 1,01aPPellsi! '33,a n tarn e, ' they ttieb.t el 11 h: sel Yes Lho "Fighting Ce.c14 a '- ion," GERMANS FEAR INVASION Make Extensive Preparations in Schleswig-Holstein and Along Kiel Canal A despatch frees. 1.011(10e 010.171: .An invasion by the Allies ie fear ed Germany, a,ceareseling to rho Gapern- :taper Evening News, which reporte that extensive preparations awe be- ing made '320 guard' against Fetch an °velliirNe aalltWYs. Tltoe.ys it, has learned from eye-witnie,sees that the Ger. Meng eTe ebrengthening eld 10116- '(115050, lin the feerene.r Danish terri- tory ef Schlesevig-Ifoletein-, as well ee a, line of elete'enchomeets ealled the 1)an1onwe815 along the northern side of theKiel Canal. 13 29 thris hoped to (1152132103 the ennui against 'attacks feoin the north, for it, is on the ehoree of Seidesivie, eeemetintz to the reports, that am invasion feared, All the Gelman islands in* the North Sea, it is said, are now eneky guarded, 1411e1 .s.trongely forti- fied positions ar.n being emoted on the shores of • Holstein a•nd along the eves,bern tide of the River Elbe. A Central News eleeptuteth from Glasgow elates that the obruebural en gin eer and bridge buildora throughout the coquetry are being regite.sted to ,stand reedy to rush repair work in Belgium Etna:Fr:m.6e. From this 16 1)2 assumed .as undoubt- ed evidence that itonclitione ere faVortthle to the allied troopts.