The Clinton News Record, 1914-12-03, Page 6SCENE CAUSED IN TO WEEP
Reale:rending fltripio u of 0 itte
rage on Station Platform
hi Belgium.
From the Ted,- the leading Re -
mate Cathelle Meech paper, is taken
the lollownkng letter ciron its Belgian
wae 'correspondent, elated October
14a- . •
• I travelled eon a train containing
moee 'than two hundred • woinideel
eoldiere, in ibsejf # terrible thing
because of the.often unbearable
smell of the open wounds', With me
was a girl of nine, the little dangle -
ter of Mr: de Bruin, of A'nuterderri,
whom I had taken from a •eonvene
in Lonvaie to stenciled saeoly.acroes
the border to Maastricht. As fir
asposeible I sod with my libtee
protege on'the balcony of our car,
where we had .some fresh air at
We arrived in Landen, a lathe
village between Meilen -and War -
enema Here. we had to stop for
some forty minutes in order to give
the woueded soldiers a meal'. Out
of a big wash basin every one got le
plebe of soup, and 1 and my lebble
cempanion .also *ere provided with
one. Having eaten I trod -the rail-
way platform up and dawn to get
80The movement for my stiff limbs,
for we had a full day's journey 'still
before us.
No Food for Five Days.
All of a sudden I notie,ed a huge
gathering in .front of one of +elm lase
cars. I went there, and what saw
I won't forget all mi life. Oh -that
• I never had seen it ! Between some
wounded Frenchmen three severely
*Mended Engliee soldiers lay on,
their backs upon some straw. They
• looked miserable and eompletelee
worn out. Upon information I was
bold that these men had had no food
ter five continuous days. Before
the open doors of the luggage van
seamd between two and three hun-
dred German soldiers partly be-
Maging to the slightly -wounded pas-
sengers, partite, to the garrison of
the 1-illage, the latter evidently bete
ing ordered to give out the food.
And these two or three hundred
soldiers stood there yelling and
• ageing, jeering and swearing at
these three badly wounded English-
men who lay there utteedy .helpless
on the small heaps of dirty straw,
• nob heyina eaten for •five 'days !Then
the bowrs with hot soup were
breught under their very noses and
the Germans creed :—"You want to
eat? -Swine, you dirty Emilie 1 Beat
them bo death, murder them !Death
is ael they can get !"
And, saying this, they drew their
rifles upon the hungry. helpless and
bleeding human beings. Others
spat upon their Clothes and in their
faces, and their general behavior
was that ef lunatics, to say nothing
worse. With broken eyes, indicat-
ing the of •deatb, one Eng -
Hellman albernately looked upon his
tormentors and the eoup unable to
utter a word any more, though his
eyes still asked for pity and implor-
ed for mercy with his terrible suf-
Turn Reads Away in Agony.
The other two had turned their
heads away and lay almost uncon-
scious, with closed eyes. At last
the first one also• shut his eyes and
ettraeci his face away with a look of
wildest despair. The soldiers con-
tinued yelling and swearing, spit-
ting and menacing them with their
rifles, using the most vile and ob-
scene language. Others who did not
participate at, 'least laughed at the
heliplesandes of their enemies, and
they -did nothing to stop their cone-
I stood still—inotioneess• stupe -
ed, petrified, and for a long ,time
was unable to otter a syllable.
'Ilhen, however, I walked up to a
sergeant who stood near and who
laughed. Sh•iverin-g over my -whole
body, I faintly mu lite red , "Sir,
what :happens here is berrible ; is
more than beteetly, inde,ed. Are
Hair Came Out, Scalp Itched and
Burned. Scales Like Sawdust.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment
Healed In Six Weeks,
The Pas, Manitoba —"Four, years ago
I began to loso my hair, It used to coma
out any time that 1 combed it I think it
was because my head was 0d1 of dandruff.
' Whenever I brushed it the scales flow off
Mee saw -dust. My scalp also itched and
burned and my head wee like a dry erust.
Tis dandrug showad very plainly,
"7 unpueteseveree remedies but found no
improvethent till I, used Cuticura Soap and
ointment. After using Onticura Soap and
Ointment a few days I found a great dif-
ference so I continued with them six weeks
and they completely healed mo." (Signed)
L. D. Lockwood, :tune 4, 1014.
00 Folds Ave., Toronto, oae—"Front
birth my baby grandson had a rash over
Silo chest which .preventocl his sleeping and
scented to irritate him a greet deal. They
were a mass of tiny =infinities On his chest
• and arms. lle was toe young to scratch
but'was very cross and fretful.
Lused (the samples of both Cuticura Soap
and Ointment and thoy appeared to afford
him relief Immediately so I hougnt more
In three or four weeks Ito was entirely
healed," (Signed) Mrs. L. Compton, May
23, 1914,
Sae:lades Free by Mall
Although Cuticura litottp and Cuticura
Ointment aro:Sold thronghoith.tho wOrld, a
sample of each with 32-p. Skin Book will be
sent free upon request, , Address post -card:
ezeitiettra, Dept. D. Eteston, U. 0. A.'!
they not men who also have hafille
ed their duty as yeu have done
yours 7" I could etey nothing more ;
lee voice broke in my throat. And
what answer did I get? "Whet I
They and duty i Swim) they are --
paid swine 1 They .get money for
their dirty jobs! Swine and no-
thing mote l' • ' •
, I did nob say anything mosso I
simply cold not, arid felt that one
'word more might incite the mob to
Teat matinees, For some time I re-
ained there staring tet the mon-
etrous DOS knovieg if I
was really awake .or under the
clouds ole terrible nightmare. 11
I only had possessed the physical
force of a Hercules I would 'neve
thestten beck these cowards with one
hand and with the other would have
brought the invigoreting soup to
the'teembling (lips of these eishaust-
ed andemost, miserable of men.
No One Made Protest.
What -struck me most wes the
hob that between these two or three
-Mendred eoldiere imi, front' of thee
marker Pit there was not one human
being. who tried topub a stop 'to .the
hellish ecene or who -would take the
part of the starving "enemies."
Nob one—nay, not one. I ant per-
lectly -aware of the ibeerible accuse -
tem I :write down in teltese words,
ibut I WM Willing to bake the Most
solemn oath that Pobbing in me de-
scription' le -untrue, that not oue
word is exaggerated. e
And to allow bee German anthori-
eies to inveseigabe this matter 'thor-
oughly I will give the following
nearer 'details :—The scene I wit-
nessed and tried to describe—for
each scenes eannee bp pictured in
mere words—occurred at the rail-
way station of Lan -den on Friday,
October 9, in bhe train -thee arrived
there from the direction of Brussels
between no -on and one o'cleek, •
After the trent started again and
some Soldiers began speeking to me,
as -before, I could nob give any more
answer. I eat silent :and stared a
nothing, seeing nothing but thhe
menet:Toes sight of these three mis-
erable English soldiees, lying upon
the dirty straw, dazed add almost
starved to death,. and in leone of
there this beastly multitude of spit-
ting, swearing and menacing Ger-
Weeps 'Because of Scene.
'Wen all of aeudden 1 beg -an to
sty. I could not hold my nerves
any 1 -anger under control, end final-
ly wept like a little child, and at
last I gained thereby a crumb of
comfort, a graia of solicituele. But
I am ill again the moment I think
of Obese Englishmen.. It is elle womb
scene I wilnesse-d yet, and I have
been fax two continuous monehs
amid 'the 'most terrible herr-ors of
this war, amid burned and pillaged
villages, -amid sacked towns whose
inhabitanies had lea all hope ,amid
fire and :bullets and -.shrapnel, de-
seructien, devastation and death in
ibs most horribee keen.
Before our teaboloal arrived nt
Landen some German eoldiere had
told nee already that they simply
murdered 'the English -wounded beset
fell into their hand. Some others
had denied this, it is brue, or at
least said that it had nob happened
in their regiments, but one of them
told me that by his company alone
no fewer bhan bweirby-six English
eaptives had -been ennefiabed and
finally murdered-. I would net be-
lieve him then'and I' actually ask-
ed why 'they made therneelves worse
than they - really were but after
what I had seen at Lae:dem 1—no,
I will not draw oonelusions. I know
that I may not make the whole Ger-
Man term,y responsible_for the beast-
ly conduct of theeo -three hundred
monsbeed•who did nolb. possess the
semblance of :What is known as raili-
body honor. I only hope kervently
that they may be punished yet.
Those of To-dey to Those of Nampo -
Iconic Wars.
Th -o leveemie 'number to hand of the
London Mimes in irbeque-tation,s from
ebs files of a .eetrutary ago has bhe
following. The places'd
as the ;sphere of operaeions a year
bakes the Battle se Waiteoloo show
remarkable -sernikerety to tthe battle-
fields of the preemie day.
"lertuseels, Octrober 24.—The fol-
lowing is tee etosiblon be the defter-
ent .corpe bleat formed' the army in
Be.lginin: Ostend, Nieupent, Fur -
nes, and Ypres, Meilen and Cour-
trai eaye numenone garrisons eon-
eisting 'of :English and Hanoverian
troops, Tilte obleer placee in Flan -
as Gh.ente, Bruges, end Ti•rilee
mon,d are 'ale° garrison -ed by Fug -
and Haneyerine with the -Ask-
tiou of Belgium beoops. Tourney
has a go:elision of three Eng:Heel
regiments, a corps of the Haneee-
tie legion, and goraie. equa'drons of
heree: Ab and Chereemoy are
Belgium infantry and Hanoverian
serageone, 'and Huesare. In the fag.
laged between these pieces are esun-
toned tereeps of the. 'same deectip-
eion. Nattier is wholly garrisoned
hy Dutch troops. In the Interior
the, Huasetes of CrOy are 4 A911,
and the Belgertna Light Home with
.stpong divMbon si areildery 'ea Ma-
lene.s, iflho Congreve leo,eket, Divi-
sion is at Vilverden. At Louvain
aee ealme •eatetailsions of Belgium in-
fantry, send th-e, gam -risen of Brus-
sels coneires, of Englith getaeAs axed
a corps of Horso lerteleery, land the
Belgium vegernen-e of Ca,nabineem.
',pp 'thee& eroope inevet be la,cided 'the
garrison at Antwerp and those
which sere 'stationed ae 1Viaeseeiche
and ,along the Menee ez tar as Na -
Giving l'a Notice.
"I understand that youlave call-
ed to ask for -my •deughteres hand'?"
"Oh, no,, noth•ing like feet."
"She an'd Ireeeeled all that. what
I have -Caged for is to find oub what
;paid of the -house you 'are .going to
turn over .to us when we gee mac -
red?'' •
Pale or Sallow Clioeks 'Ono Of
First Sign of Anamia
Pale and iifeleow ellreeke, *eel
lelaneheel lepe and gums, iand 'clerk
circle's tinder -the ey'ee,. are the first
signs thee anaemia hat begun eibe
deadly progrees. T'hee firet aeae.neag
is followed by greet weartineee died,
breweideseneiss 'after any exerition.
Ton grow meltatnehely, 'have fre-
quent, headethe,s, ...awake the
meaning feeling tired. You lee -come
morbid and nervous, neanteng alt fihe
slightest noise, end your 'hearth pale
leeteetee.Yealentee even on g•oing ep-
-seeire, Mosit•giels front ayeeteen• tee
twenty etiffer erom irtemenieed Neg-
lect Ito supply pieW blood •etie the
languishing, bloodlene body, means
a We of miseaiyadndeed it ie eee
'open inideatheon to teheie Meet 'hope=
lees of all deseiatses, eonseenipielon. •••
• The ,new, rich blood ilia -Guide sem
amnia and give,e new health ,-and
etbrength is readily ere.ated by Ter,
Pink,Peles, That ie why
these pills have cureeleiMie eseees
of bleodleseneise and bloo-ce dieser-
-dere than telly other nee.cleeine. 'They
hame made ;thousands of girls 'and
women 'armee, ev,ell land *seises, with
bright eyes end new anergy; just, be-
-cense .'bbey the b-ody witei
new, rich, red bloo-cl af hetaltle
Here is a typical ine.tenee. Mies'
Leiria Dempsey, Aubore, N. Yit
saye: "Fox, months I was 'in
it very bad letate of health, with
many of the ayinpecrens 'that weep -
Pule' weenies,. I was pale. and
biteedease, had terrible beacliachee,
would be beeettelle-ss aie the least
exention. Haying eried a number
of medectinee without relief I memo
ally- became discouraged and began
to feax that 1 WaS &ranted- to *On-
tinued illneee. At this stage a
friend who had herself been beam-
fleted by Dr. Willeants' Pink Pills
urged me to try them. I <lid so and
th.senks eo the pills I ia,m now enjoy-
ing the best of healehaand feel that
I cannot recommend this' splendid
inedicine t.o leighey."
Other week 'and -ailing girls can
alto obtain new healelaand ebrength
through bhe use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. You can get 'these pills
through any medicine deseler, Or
they Will be ,sene by mail posit paid
rut 50 cents a bex or six boxes for
$2.50 by writing The Dr. lerildiams,
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
System SI'llS lesed By Semite to
Direct the A Melee.
Crude drawings ,of cows of vary-
ing proportions, some in attitudes
of defence, belligerency, or in graz-
ing positions, were noticed by
French officers during the early
day -s Of the campaign on the 'Aisne.
The sketches Esterase were consider-
ed elle simple efforts of school -chil-
dren, bob the frequency with which
this subject appeared on walls,
'buildings, bridges and in every
available place in the departments
of Oise and Somme puzzled French
officers Who conducted is thorough
invesbigation. Tbey are now eon-
vinced that elle system was used by
German scouts bo direct •the armies
that were to follow. •
There was .a great varietydn the
sizes of the drawings and in the
positions of .the heads and other
parbiculare. By comparing notee
and .detes it was disoovered that
these crude piebure,s had -a very in-
timate relation with paesing events.
'Certain categories of the pieturee
coincided in every case with the
same developments in bee military
operations and eoneinuing their
reeearches, they discovered a per-
fect System of communication had
thus been organized, similar to tile
system often employed by gypeies
and tramps for tedicating informa-
tion te those of their confreres that
come after.
The position of the animal'ehead
was made to indicate the direction
in which the French troops were to
be Sound, and the size of the animal
in.dicated the importance ,of the
forces. •A very email :cow Meant
that bee mute -was nob very strong-
ly guarded ; it cow in a natural po-
sition of defenee indieated Is:reifica-
tions in the neighborhood, and the
size of bhe -animal indicated the
-strength of the fortifierutione. A
-cow iwibh bend raised high indieated
that prudence was necessary in ex-
ploring bhe Veighborhood before
venturing farther.
When ba -by -Dries ib ee • because he
is unwell—net bemuse he is bad -
natured -es so mealy imagine-. Cry-
ingie the way the Reek one has of
itellang eee pains and the wise
mother ,c,a,n inetently 'tele w•hat albs
her able ono .eimply by hes ory.
When baby °ries a great deal give
hint Baby's Own Tablets 'end be will
SOoll be 'happy again. Concerning
the Tahlots Mrs. ;Jas. Gaudreau,
Notre • Dame des Boite, Qu -e., says:
"My baby oreed dey and night and
I wan geewely dieeeuraged. I began
giving the Tableibe land he was eosin
happy; heisilithy and 161," The Tab-
lets are eiced by medicine dealers or
by ma,i1 amt 25 cents a. box from The
Dr. -MI bunts' Medicine Cio„ Black-
' •
Followed Instructions.
,Maunna—Jelanny, .see that you
give Ethel the share of that
letheleallamma, he hasn't given
TDB any.
Jeliney—Wele, that's all right.
Lim* ,don't eat mienged
Ile Needed More Time.
Say, have you forgotten that
you owe me a hundred dollars?"
"No, not yet ; give me time."
Lir-distant Cures nettle, As
The devil may be an unsatisfac-
tory boss, but at lease the wag -as of
sin age alweye paid.
FoNNE ‘Ecarinfiliiigk PAorvilino"
Ends Stiff lock, lionbago
What Is Going On in the Highlands
and Lowlands of A Hid
Fifty-three Beigian refugeee have
arrived 'id t Pemberton:
Lord Kiteheteee4has been unani-
anously,..eleeeed Lord Rector of Ed-,
inbergh ,Unierersity.
"Sir Ceradles'Iteeis 6£ Balnagown,
itrid Lady Roes, hate fitted op Bal-
nagrawreCesele a,s a hospital. •
There are .250 'teachers and au -
dents of the Aberde.en University
op service .for theist King and coun-
' •A local contingent' of the Nation-
al Reserve, eenneebed with bhe Lae -
der detachment, has been formed ab
Stow. ' '
Nearle • me-haef of •the 900,- men
wanted. on. the Reserve Battalion
of the Morayshire ISeaforths, hes
been enlisted. • •
. .
, Monsieer :Raymond ,Poincare,
Presidene t•he French Republic,
has been elected Lend Rector oe
Glasgow University.
Lard Tellibaedine, M.P. fax
Perthshire County. -commander of
the. Scottish Horse Brigade, is on
service with ..his troops.
The Ea.r1 of Home has inade ar-
rangements -whereby 20 Belgian
nuns (refuge -es) may be accommod-
abe.d in Bobhwell Castle.
The death has occurred with
tragic 'suddenness of Mr. R. W.
Hepburn, assistant deputy clerk in
the 'Court of 'Session, Edinbuigh.
-Motherwell Town Council 'have
formulaeed a housing scheme on the
cottage system. The total cost is
estimated at about $77,500.
Clydebank and Disericb Water
Trust are te proceed with a scheme
for bee disposal of waste water
from the new filters at 'Cecina).
Word has been received- by Mrs.
it, Souter, Renfrew, -of the
death of her htewband, who was
wounded at the battle of the Aisne.
A number of -citizens Cave decid-
ed to raise, in Cambeilang, a Terri-
torial -company of the county bat-
talion of the -Scottish Rifles.
There has been an increase of
over $150,000 in Greenock Provi-
dent Bank fonds during the past
twelve months, The total funds
nea anlotInt to $4,350,900.
In the -report ef the least Park
Hume for Infirm Children it Was
ettaed that, ever $120,000 has been
collected towards a new country'
A lkova Scotia Case of
Interest to MI Women
Halifax sends.Out a Message of Help
to Many People,
Halifax, N,S., Dec. 15.—When inter.
viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St.,
Mrs. Haverstoek was quite willing to
talk a her peculiarly unfortunate
case. "I was always 'blue' and de-
pressed, felt weak, languid and utterly
unfit for any work. My etomach WilS
so disordered that I had no appetite,
eVind I Sid eat disagreed. I suffered
greatly from dizziness and sick head.
ache and feared a nervous breakdown,
Upon my druggist's recommendation I
used Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
"I felt better at once, Every day I
improved. In six weeks I was a well
woman, cured completely after differ-
ent physicians had failed to help me.
It is for this reason that I strongly
urge sufferers with stomach or diges-
tive troubles to use Dr. Hamilton's
Dr, Hamilton's Pills strengthen the
stomach, improve digestion, strength-
en the nerves and restore debilitated
systems to health. 13y cleansing the
blood of long-standing impurities, by
bringing the system to a high point
of vigor, they effectually chase away
weariness, ' depression and disease.
Good Inc young or old, tor men, for
women, Inc children. All dealers sell
Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and
Britislt Menufaeturers Are After
• the Trade.
meet' of the foreign unerkees in
which G•e'rinaiio dace mach basenees
in enia,chineebools the chief abbrao-
gall is eheapnees. This is the sada
en Teatimes of 'so dive•ree iteoharaebee
Deninawk, Russia:land the Argon. -
tines, In one or ewe valuable mar-
kets, euce aa AUSSrflak (nod Japan,
we have the l'axger beeine,se, but a
good -deal of the more .elemeratury
week own be dove on a eheep,olase
of machine, weloh, if we make ie at:
all, is eentaiely not properly mite-
ketod, or our business would be
lance. in 'them eonneries where
oheapness is a prime oonsideration,
says a Scotch paper. We have 055
'other cc -melons, referred to the sell-
ing inateens and the Table of a
greseive .ateitude in this sinned:ion
Germany frequenely ?tete about
studying El market, in a very meth -
edema wao, and before attempting
to Rend geode finds one exactly
whet wbl,1 suit ie. All this cases a
conredeneble amount el money,
which mud be simile before any re-
-turn Is cam be expeceed. In the end
reatets warrant 'the trouble. It is
announced that a large Commission
is therely I -ea -vine the United Seabee
foe Sietth Amerdee for the purpose
of studying the markets hitherto
supplied erem Gernieny. We ought
to take it ;like stop not only in South
America, bub in oethex countries
nearer bona. It is es.sential isa suo-
ces.s, and wheelie& done by flans in-
dividually or in otem,birtation, if
good is Inc &Allow. ib muse be telten.
a —
"Father, don't men .call them-
selves lbachegors .bc,fore they gee
m a rried 7" "Yes, my boy! " 'And
what do they cal themiseaves after,
clad1." "Hush It isn't lit fax
boyo t know,''
Minaret's Liniment Cures Distemper,
Any Curable Muscular or Joint Pain
Is instantly, Relieved by
You don't have to wait all day to
get the kink out of a stiff neck if you
rub on. Nerviline.. And you don't need
to go areund complaining about lum-
bago any mere, a you can reb sucli
things away very quickly with Nerve
line, lee the grandest liniment, the
quickest to penetrate, the speediest to
ease muscular pain of any kind.
• One twenty-five cent trial bottle of
Nereillne will cure any attack of lum-
bago or lame back, Thief has been
proved it thousand times, juet as it
was in the case of Mrs. ID, S, Graydon.
of Caledonia. who writes :—"I wouldn't
think of going to bed without knowing
we had Nerviline in the house, I have
used it for twenty odd years and ap-
preciate ite value as a family remedy
more and more every day. If any of
tho children gets a stiff neck, Nervi-
Ilne cures quickly. If it is earache,
toothache, cold on the chest, sore
throat, Nerviline is always my stand-
by, My husband mice cured himself
of a frightful attack of lumbago by
Nervi -line, and for a hundred ailluents
that turn up in a iarge family Nerve
Eno is by far the best thing to have
about You."
Ten Days Drill, Then Weeding Out,
and Shooting Practice.
A Bribiali office.? ;thusd'etzeribee
ibhe procees of building up "Ritohe-
mi.'s. army" :
The recruit begins with sight
hoursna clay on ehe parede sentinel—
one before breakfast., three M the
forenoon, theme attier dinner, and
one a.fieer tea, leor the first few
weeks the work•eoneists 'entirely of
e1em-entary foot -drill, marching, the
handling of 'the rifle, and, above alb
physical training. Ten clay of tens
weed 'out the unfit and the &lag-
gards, land client a vast improve-
ment in the demeanor of those fa-
ted to eland the ateein. Chests ex.
panel, beads come up, shoulders
square ota, and the bodies move
with a -rhythm. The ehop-walker,
the ideal of .and grace, begins
to learneth•et he .ca-n't distinguish his
right hand from his left when asked
L o do so without warning; the man
who found ehe scybh,e an easy wea-
pon to wield, ii•ncle that the sample -
looking bayonet is far too much for
him.; the fluent -speaker in the local
debating -society finds that it is be
penal his arbto explain how to form
feurg. But gradually we pull
through •an -d pees on to the hand-
ling of the rifle flF, weapen of war.
The air -gen enthusiast -eterts here
fell of confidence, until he finds
himeelf peated in the "awkward
squad" Inc further aiming instilla-
tion. The man wh-o would be in-
tuited if he were 'bold that he could
not ,tell the time fin -de -that "six
seelock on 'the bull" takes a lot of
The first, esesty on the mieisture,
range is else usually something of
a disappoinemenie. But careful in-
dividual instru.ebion works wonders,
and the me -n are geadually got
ready ;for field training. All this
time the work of deveitoping rnue-
ties •and .expanding .elleste has gone
stelit.titily on -and lehe raa'rehes have
become longer.
The battalion now -singe the magic
serwins of "II' s a Long Way to Tip-
perary," •aexl "Hullo! Who's Y-ottr
Lady Friend?" as ee swings along
(limey ,ro,aele. In Lade, the authors
.and coen-pose'ne of thase
aided by the forgotten genius who
invented the nron.tivorga.n'have
done much to thelp in 'bhe ereerting
of -our new ,eoldiere. 80 now off we
gee in high :smirlibe to spend long
hours en an attack on more or less
impregnable po'sitions. 'held by Meta
ginaey Gereteens, who aee finally
driven out .tue the b.ayo'net's
As ehe weeks role on these pra.ebicee
wild be celeriac' out in eetevier
equipment, and ths larger bodies,
bill finally our New Army is capa-
ble of going on guan.o.euvresand
mancleing ale nigi'at to attack at
dal4V11, Or of digging a night in
preparation foe the althea wheoh 'is
hourly -expected. •
By this time- the men will have
been trained in the nee of bald am-
munition, of which it is to be hoped
the Government wiul nob be nig-
Just Like Minima's.
An aberactiye gire ab a parby
was 'being gee-stioned about e
she had just received ler her 'birth -
clay. Th -e mother was beaming -with
delight at the attention her eleugh-
tee was receiving, when the 'able
girl. said, "Why,do you know, 'bbe
hair on my etele',e heed comes off
just like mamma's 1"
Rewards Of Merit.
"When 0 man destroys 60,000
lives they give hem a dukedom."
"Welel" •
"And -when a Man saves 600 lives
they give him a pewber medal,"
Mlnard's Liniment Cures Dlphtnerla.
Bobbie—Son' t you fe•el tired5
Bibbaer Ginest—No, Bobbie.
Why do ,aele 7" Boibbie—
" 'Cause pa ,said isa met you levet
night an•cl you were caerying au aw-
lel lead."
ED. 4.
ISSUE 49—'14.
Occurrences In the • Land lino
reigns Sepreme In the Coup
menial World.
Two pears were at Grimsby
for tee Belgian Refugees' Fund,
valued $130,
Prineeas'Mary has issuedean ap-
peal for $500,000 fax Chrieema's
gills/for bhe 'soldiers and sailors.
' 'licensed houses in bhe city of
'Lon -don eze, for the future, closing
at 10 pan, instead of 11 p.m.
A recruit to • Lard Kitchener's
army who -comes efeom Godalening
beare th.ename of Juleu,s- Caesar.
A new ,ai note will ehorbly be
in the hands of bhe publie and is a
greet improvement on the firee is -
— Six patrol women are to be ap-
pointed ab Portsenoteth, where thej
ve)illewotorkreen. ieonjunetion with the
Orderfor khaki clothing -to bhe
amount of $1,250,000, for lin'ssian
treo•ps, helm been offered to firms
in Leeds and West Riding.
.A. revised list of the number of
railway men who have joined the
co•lors ehows that 24 raid -may aye-
teme have contributed 54,276 men.
'Flte Alhambra, Theatre in London
is -offering two private boxes nightly
fax the use of sionvalescent wounded
soldiers home from the Slane
• It is stated that at eh- patriotic
concert at the Albert Hall, London,
King George joined heartily in the
rs.,?! "It's a Long Way -to Tip-
p -
Two inmates of Bath Weekhouse
for 'some years have be -en a Mr.
Pickwick .and ,Sam Well-er. Mr.
Weller has just died and Mr. Pick-
wick lies seriously ill.
Lord john. Speneer 'Cadeeelieb,
D.S.O., brother of the Duke of De•
vonshire, of the is! Life Guards.
has been kieled in action, lie was
only bbirty-nine years of age.
In order eo keep as many men as
possible employed 'during the war,
the Government has hurried for-
ward the conekact for the -construc-
tion of tee new Post Office tube.
Among the great historic hued-
ings which have insured ageing
possible damage hone Zeppelin
bombe is Westminster Abbey. The
su10 for which it is insured is $755,
The war is cosbing the country
abont $55 a second, or about $5,-
000,000 it day, according to Mr.
Sidney Webb, Professor o,f Admin-
istration in .the University of Lon-
(klinOrci Kitchener has appealed to
the public asking everyone to avOid
ereating soldiers to drink and to
give them every assistance in re-
sisting bempta tions which are
placed before them.
'Speaking recently .al Torquay,
Lord Leith, of Fyvie, ,said we had
now reacheel a media when the Gov-
ernment had recognized the neces-
sity of making o wholesale sweep
of alien enemies.
During the week end, seven hos-
pital ships arrived in iSouthampton.
They beoughe home about 2,000 in-
valid end wounded troops, who
have Ibsen sent to hospitals in vari-
ous ,parts of the country.
Writing from the front, it private
of the let Dorsee says: "Some have
worn their shires ever since they
have been 'here. If you could man-
age to send a few, Tommy would
look upon it as a. godsend.
Not men, but -corns that were put out of
business Saab -week b BUtnaan's Corn
Extractor. No born can live if treated by
Putnam's, It is safe, Willem and sore.
Use onlY Putnam's. DSc, at ell &elem.
The Kid's Regiment.
Mee. Bleend'erie,v—ely sister Kate
Wa10 married the Englishman writes
me that ,her 'boy is going to Agee.
Mrs. Ktewler—Dear nt,e 1 Isn't he
rather young 1 .
Bettneleeby—Wele, yea.; but,
you see, he's going to join the in-
Mineted's Liniment Co., Limiteel„Pr
Clentlemen.—Last 'winter I rein:Crud great
bonotit from -biut WM -sI MINA ItlYS LINI-
MENT in a severe attack of La, Grippe,
and5 have frequently proved is to he
very effeetive in caeca of Inflanunation.
Weather Reporte Forbidden.
The meblication of weather re-
ports has been forteitlden by the
French government, presumably for
military reasons, Heretofore fore -
caste and eneterological oonditions
throughout France. in the English
channel, southern Europe and the
tMediteeranean have been publish-
ed daily, This has ineluded, of
couse ;information useful to mar-
iners. lb is assumed that the gov-
ernment has in mind the possible
use of this information by Germane
in both naval .and, military opera -
Clone along the Western littoral,
The pare that'foes have played in
the Belgian 'come battle,s is recalled
in this -oonneceion. "By order oe
the government," reeds the an-
nouncement ip the Figaro, "the
communication of aneterological in-
formation is uspendeel. -We are
only alble therefore to give the tem-
perature of Paris."
"I alwaye believe in savingeomee
thing for a rainy day," (mow
Much have you saved?" "Oh, I
haven't saved' anything, hut 1he-
lieve in dt."
Highest grade beans kept whole
and mealy, by perfect baking,
retaining their full strength.
Itlavoredwith delicious sauces,
They haus no ernisl.
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
Fruit, Stock, Cretin or Daley Fenn,
weite.ff. W. D451%5011, Brampton, or 90 Col-
borne 00,, Tcronto,
W. DAWSON, Colborne Et., Toronto.
Internal- and external, -cured with.
out pain by oux .holne treatment. Write
U5 before too late Dr. Belirean Medical
Co.; Limited, CollIngwood. Ont.
illachinery For S
Engine, shafting, belting, pulleee,
ebe. from ledge factory for sale.
Wheelock engine, 18 by 42, complete
with cylinder :frame, fly wheel, bear-
ings, e.te., all in good condition.
Shafting from one inch tte three
inches, pulley,s thirty iaches to
fifty inches, belting e'ix inches bo
twelve inches. Wile sell entire or
in part.
S. Frank Wilson. & Sons;
73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto.
A Great Demand.
A countryman while in Paris no-
tiee.d a shop -with empty shelves and
windows. He walked in and milted
the proprietor, with a stupid look,
"Sir, what: goods do you eell l"
Withing to amuse himsele at the
countryman's expense the shop-
keeper replied, "I sell asses'
heads." 'Ali," • commented the.
countryman, "yeas muse have a
great demand for them, because. I
•see only one 11 11 in bhe shop."
Juno weather prevails in California, the
Ideal Wintering place, roacited comfort.
ably and conveniently by the Chicago
and North Western By.
Four splendid trains daily from the new
Paisengor terminal Chinago—The Overland
Limited. 41.-dest train to San Francisco:
the Los Angeles Limited, three days to
Land of Sunshine, the famous Son Fran -
Memo Limited and the California nail,
Illustrated folders describing tho great
California Expositions. and also
rates and full particulars,
promptly on application to
General Agent, Chicago k
ity., 45 rouge St.. Toronto, Ont,
It was Josh Billings who saki he
had "aeon eame awful bad threat
diseases completely eared in three
days by joining a temper-
ance ecieiety. '
Try Unique Rya Remedy for Red, Weak, Watery
Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; No Smarting—
just Bye Comfort. Write for Rabic or tee Eye
by mall:rye°. blurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
A long face gees a short welcome
from the 'busy man.
Mtnard's Liniment Mires Carat In Cows,
Barnes—"I don't believe in
bhe-se faith -mires brought about by
the laying on of hands." Mrs.
Brown—"Well, I do; I eure,c1 my
litgle boy of the etigarette habit In
thee way."
Chapped Hands
Quickly Healed
CNAPPED hands and
lips always come
with cold weather, but
brings sure and speedy
Children especially need
"Vaseline" Camphor Ice
for their rough and smart-
ing hands.
In tubes and tins—at drug
and general stores every-
where. Insist on "Vase-
line" Camphor Ice.
Our new illustrated book,
Id tilescribes all the "Vase,
line' preparations. A post-
card borings it.