The Clinton News Record, 1914-12-03, Page 5ecember 3rd, 1914 Clinton News -Record Hensall Mr, John W. Todd has been j in al;rtmlon undergoing special meal:eat areatenent. Jin is much improved in :heal Gm. Wes. j. Britton of S. Thomas has -been visiting Mrs. J. Scott. Mrs, Spffiding is home from, wet on a visit to her parents, Mr. -end Mrs. Sberei Rev. Mr, Urge ef Parkhill preached missionary seienons in the Methodist church on Sunday week. Mair, who located itt Hensall two or three years ego and who hait. built upa good practise and had won • enany feiende, has disposed of his practise to Dr. Bean, who recenleY ' graduated from the western Universj.- . ty, and Who will take possession ,a1- • meet immediately. Mr. John ,B. McArthur, for many • years a well-known and popular bus- iness man bn town, numb .au untimely end at • Clifford last week being :smothered evith as from a coal stove. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur had been :staying with the latter's parents, .Mr. and Mrs.; Grigg of ,Clifford, who were old and feeble, and Mrs. McAr- thur was away for a few days' :visit when the accident- oceured, The re- -mains were, brought to Win,ghame. for • in terment. • Good Morning I How does your ;sub to. The News -Record read ? The label tittle the story. Gotta Morning ! How does your sub to e'he NeWs-Record read ? The label tells the story. Wingham mr. A. D. Cameron of Mitchell was 'in town last week on business. Miss Hall has returned to her home ;in Hamilton after a visit of a couple .of months with Mrs Jolm. Armour _of Turnberrym. • Mrs. john Button, Mrs. .3esse 'Button and Mrs. Ostrand of leuctenow :spent a few days as the guests of Mr. Wm. Vessant. Mr. Wm. Maewell of Leamington spent a few days last week with old 'friends in town and vicinity. Mrs., W. J. Rush of Portland, Ore- gon, has been the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. 'Ernest G. Dymoed. Mr. Arthur Haines has returnee at - ter a couple of months spent in time vest. 1VIr. J. M. Maguire of Edmonton, AItat, is visiting his brother, Mr. Robe: Maguire of town. Mrs. Bevens , of Thamesford has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Clegg. IVIrs. Geo. Roe has gone to Hamil- ton for the winter. Mrs. Wm. Walsh of Detroit hae been. visiting her sister, Mrs. Mes- e:Me., Rev. D. and Mrs. Perrie visited fri- -ends in. Missouri. Mr. le, Hinkley had. his hand injur- ed while working at the Western Foundry one day last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Isbister were in "enhiiist last week attending the 'heir son, Mr. John Is - ,way, Mich , Mr. Thos. Groves had a narrow, es- cape Tram death or serious injury last week while digging out the cave- in in which Mr. Chester 14111 lost his 'filet' Mr. Groves was boried up to his waist and was only extricated when a second cave-in took place. It is very evident that extra supports will have to be used while this sew- er is being finished. The Ladies.' Patriotic Society put on a coecert in the opera house on Friday week whichwas, well-abtentled and at which about one hundred and J. dollars was realized. Dungannon The evaporator closed last week af- ter a successful run. .Rev. L. Bartlett' and family auto - ed up from Belmont and. spent a few days with old friends her, Miss Hunter of Brussels spent a few days with her brother, . Rev, .1. E, Hunter last week. Walter Wall:males returned to his home near Mitchell after a visit with relatives bore. Miss Celia, Pentland has been visit- ing with Rev. and Mrs. Bartlett of Belmont and will also visit her bro- ther, Rev, S.V.R. Pentland of Wat- lord bejore retureing to Dungannon. Good Morning ! How does your sub. to The News -Record read ? Thu label tells the story. Zurich • Mrs. M. Nicholson of London has hem viei Ling in the village and vic- inity, Mrs. Eliza Truemner has gone to Detroit be spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs, Wagner and children have returned from a visit With fri- ends and relatives in the State of Michigan. Mr, Jame) Casella and Gamily have eeturned to their home at Elkton, elm a visit here with rola- tives and friends, Good Morning I How does your sub to The News-Recota read ? The label tell's, the story. Exeter Five members of the family at MeLaren, ol Ilibbert township, had narrow escapes when their homes were destroyed by, fire. The blaze 'broke out after they had gone to bed, ..ealierne time about midnight, and the house was totally destroyed with all the contents. Severe/ ot the childten were down with measles and practi- cally unable to help themselves. lefts. McLaren also was sick and they man- aged to leave the house only with great diffieuity. The houso was of stone and. the loss will be heavy. The funeral of -John Dew, held from the family 'residence in Hilibert last weec was largely attended. De- ceased was sixty-five years ,old and was found lying dead, in the door- way of his barn. His wife had left him a few minutes before, .Mrs., M. Brown is a sister. Goderich. Mr. James Fowler of London has been renewing old friendships herea- bouts , Me, Harold W. Aitken, who has been in Edmonton and Vancouver for the past four years, is visiting at his home in town, Mr, J. Worsen had it valuable heifer which a few months ago was injured by having 0 hind leg ehot. The limb was severed below the knee and when it had healed sufficiently he had a w.00den leg made and adjust- ed it. The animal gets around nicely and is doing well. • Miss Blacltstone has retureel item a visit to her brobher 1.0 Calgary. The *Meteesetung Cans Club gave their president, Dr. Sale, who goes with time. Second Contingent, a fare- well banquet and presented him with a revolver amid hoslter. The members of Huron Lodge also presen- ted Captain Sale with a shaving out- . fit , Miss Beatrice Gamow of Toronto. has been- visiting her brother,' Mr, Chas. Garrow of town, Owing to the small attendaece at the publicand kindergarten school, caused by measles, the school hoard, on the advice of the local Board. of Health, last week decided to close the schools indefinitely, with the ex- ception of the entrance °lessee. About sixty pee cent, of the pupils are not attending and while the reticle -etc, which is thought .1.0 be pretty well checked, is of a mild nature, the board thought this step the best thing to do. The disease seems to have centered itself around the south- ern and eastern end of the town.' Seaforth. Mrs. 19, Lawson of Auburn has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scatter of town, Mr. and Mrs. Will Southgate Ilex° arrived in town ffiele wnr spend the winter with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 16. Southgate. Dr. R. R. Ross has recovered suffici- ently to be able to resume his prac- tise abet his operation. lairs. S. Martin and children have returned to their home at Edmonton after spending a couple of Months in town as guests of Mrs. McLennan.' Mrs. Martin was accompanied home by. her mother, Mrs. McLeod. The Home Guard is enthusiastical- ly training and take a fiee-mile jaunt now and then to harden the muscles. , Mr. A. Edmonds is here from Da- kota visiting his brother, Mr, Win. Edmond. Mr, Arthur Foster has taken a pos- ition in the clothing factory in town, and. has moved his wife and family from Winnipeg to late up residence here. The following officers were eleeted at a resent meeting of tha Seaforth Horticultural Society : President, A. IP, ; Neicee. W. D. Hoag ; Scare- tery-treasurer, Chas, Stewart ; 'Dir- ectors, W. Ilartrey, James H. Wright Dr. J Grieve, Howard Hartry, Fleurchdultz. Auditors : Dr. Grieve and Jas. H. Wright. Mr. Gerald Case, who accoinpaniee the Second Contingent to the Iront as an electrical engineer, was given rousing send-oe by the military men and citizens, the Home Guard and. the Cadets being; in attendance in a body. Mr. Robt. Bell has gone to the west on a business trip. Mr. Henry Stobie of Aiken, Minn., IR in town on a visit to hie sister, Mrs, J. Fisher. It is thirtyelive years since Mr. Stehle left here, Mr. Fred Neel% of Cincinnati has been home on a visit to his patents. Mr. George McIntosh, a pioneer of McKillop township, died at his home in towri on Tuesday of last weee. Ile was eighty-six years ot age and had. re,sided, on the farm in Weil - lop until about two years ago. His wife who was a sister of Rev. Dr, McKay ol Formosa, mill a family of seven sons and two daughters sur- vive, The canister, "From Olivet to Cal- vary" will be repeated in the Pres- byterian church, the proceeds to go toward the Red Cross Fund. Good Morning I How does, your sub to The NeWs,Record read / The label tells the story. • Bluth Miss Florence Rogereon 11a8 retern- ed from a visit in' Goderich... Mr. and Mrs. Henry Last of Galt have been visiting • at Oa 1101111E1 ' of the latter's sieter, Mrs, R. Hoy. The proceeds from the supper giv- en by Mr, N. A. Taylor at his res- taurant last week •areounted • to lif- ty-eight dollars and was donated to the Red Cross Circle. and Mrs. John Sloan, of Nome, Alaska, are visiting the former's pare ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sloan, • Mr. John De/Moine made a shipment of apples to England last Weed. Mrs. Geo. MeTaggert and little son visited the lady's mother in Clinton last week for a few days, Mr. 1-IiIclerbrand of Seaforth has taken a cosi Woe with the Blytit !Flax Co, and has moved into Mr. Porter's dwelling. Mr. 'I'. J, Johnston of Deleware was hare last week looking after the farin lands which he owns here. Good Morning ! 1 -Mw does your sub to The New's-Record road ? The label tolls the story. Auburn Mies May Snell visited her sister, Mrs. J. L. McDowell of Westfield, re- cently. Miss Welch of Calgary has been ther guest of Mise Mabel Erratt. Mr, Dan Rouger of Summerhill vis- ited les mother, Mrs. 0. IL Ingold, for a few days recently. Mrs. John Dingwall of Bly II was the guest of her parents, elle and Mrs. Wm. Debi% fon e day or two. Mr. Geo. Snell, Jr., is spending a few days under the parental roof, that of Mr. and Mrs. G. Snell. 111r. and Mrs. Thos, Sttaughan vis- ited the latter's sister, Mrs. M. Hanna of Wingham. Miss A. Sturdy and Mrs. H. Mc- Gee were guests of Mrs, D. Geddes of Londesboro one day recently. The many friends hereabouts of .ehe late Mr. John Kernaghan, Sr., were sorry to hem of his death which oc- curred at the home of his son, Mr. Norman Ketnaghan of Colboene. Messrs. Geo. Yungleulf and George Beadle returned recently front a hunt- ing expedition in the Muskoka woods. Happenings of Sixteen Years Ago. Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. December 1st, 1898. Mr. W. T. Dockrill, C.P.R. travel- ling passenger agent, was in Clinton Tuesday and spent a few hours with with Mr. W, Jackson who represents the company at thie point. Miss Mel:lardy, Rev. B. Clement and Mr. Robt , llolenes of town were all at Londesboro on Tuesday evenitig assisting mb tlffi Thanksgiving supper in connection with the dedication of the new Methodist church. The last two months' inake of cheese front the Summerhill cheese fon-tory was shipped to Ingersoll last week, the price paid being eight and a half cents. Mr. .1. W. Irwin has bought out Robb Bros' grocery' in Seeferth. Mr, David Cook was married on Wednesday of last week to miss Ag- gie M. Kerr of Nile. The rate war between the 0, P. R. and the G.T.R. has come to an end and a return trip to Toronto flow costs, $6.20 instead et $3.35, the rate prevailing for the past few menthe. TELEPHONE NOTICE. - THE AN- nual meeting of the subscribers of 'the Tuckersmith Municipal Tele- phone system will be held in Wal- ker's hall, Brucefield, on Saturday, Dee. 12th, commencing at 1.30 pen. As a representative of 'elle Ontario Railway and Municipal Board will he preseat to discuss matters of importance to the system, a bull attendance ot subscribers is re- quested, -Thos. .f.l. Shillinglaw, Premeident, -111-2. News -Record M6an News-Learler Perry's Peerless Players will present THE BRE OF THE POT" a strong military comedy (llama in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON on the evening of SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th Special Scenery and Electrical Effects. Vaudeville between Acts, Popular Prices, Plan at Fair's, CHRISTMAS BAZAA will be held by the Junior Patriotic Society in • the town hall cn Saturday Afternoon, Dec. 121h Proceeds to go to the lied Cross Fund. It is earnestly aequested that the following articles will be contributed : Second-hand Books, Toys Pictures still in good repair. Plain or Fancy Sewing, Dressed Dolls, Candy. Afternoon Tea served from three to six o'clock, Marriages K ,LORAN-MeNF,IL in 'Potent°, on Nov. letli, Grace McNeil, of Toronto, to Dr. J. le. Leo Killer - an, formerly of Seatorth. Blyth., MI Nov, .25{711, Luella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Haien, to John Cole of Waterloo, formarlp of Mullett. Births ALLEN -At Belbeck, Sask., on Nov. 9th, to Rev. A. and Mrs. Allen, O daughter. GARRETT-In Hamilton, on Nov., 291,11, to Dr. and Mrs. H. Gar- rett, a daughter, GRIFFITH-In Goderich, on Novem- ber 22nd, to Mt. and 1VIrs, Chas. Griffith, a daughtee. REID. At Benmiller, Nov. 191511, to Mr. and Mrs. W,E, Reid, of Qv, - ma Sask., (twins) a son and dau- ghter. KERNER-In Zurich, on Nov, 27st, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McEntee a da Lighter , DAY -In Egmondville, on Nov. 18th to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Day, a daughter: Deaths SU'PHERIAND-In Toronto, on Nov. 27th, Marlon P., wife of Mr, ,J,A. Sutherland, Toronto, and daugh- ter of Mr. Wm. Coats of Goder- ich, POLLOCK-In Hay township, on December 1st, -George A. Pollock, aged 52 years,. MeINTOSH-In Seaforth, Nov. 24th, George; McIntosh, aged 85 years and 11 months. MacAULEY-In fioderich on Nevem- bee 23rd, Norman MacAuley, in. his 803th year. COW FOR SALE.-MILKINCr NOW, will freshen in March. Also two Wyandotte coekerels.-Hiram Hill. -61. FOR SALE, A MEDIUM SIZED Coal Heater, in good condition, -J. Sloman. -61 CHOICE THOROUGHBRED S. C: W. Leghorn Cockerels for sale. Call and Anspect before purchasing. -A. E. Hoare, -01 STABLE FOR sArz AT THE Preebyterian Manse. -Apply to Wm. A, Grant. • STRAY STIelefe. - THERE IIAS strayed from the presence of the undersigned ae lot 22, Maitland con., Colborne, a yearling steer, in color, roan, Any information lead- ing to Rs recovery will be thank- fully received,-Robt. S. Blake, 11. .11. No. 2, Clinton. -61 AUCTION SALE OF COWS AND young cattle, -Mr. W, H. Lobi, has inet'ructed the undersigned to sell by public auction, at Lot e7, Male - land con., Godeuich 'Poweehip nt 1.30 o'clock on Wednesday, Dec 9th, the following : 13 ehoice cows, 3 to ealve itt Jatwary, 2 in February 5 le March and 3 in April. 17 heifers rising 8 years old, several are choice Holsteins and will make the very bast dairy Cows. The te- maindee are gooa stockers. Guaran- tee : Any Ow represented to be in call and proving not to be within one month of date of sale may be returned and notes or money will be refunded. Terms : six months' credit will be given oa approved joint notes or a discount of six per cent. per annum for cash. -W. H. Lobb, Proprietor, T. Gundry, Auc- tiotieer, The Princess Theatre Now Open. A. FIVE -REEL SERVICE EACH EVENING WITH A. A CHANGE EVERY Isamu.% REELS OBT A T NED FROM TI -TE BEST COMPANY OP- E'RATTNG IN CANADA.. ADMISSION 15c. 0I-1 I LDREN 5c. --- OPENS 7.30. p.m. James Medd, Prop. FOR SALE PANDORA COOK Stove. with Reservoir, good as new, for sale cheap. Apply at Brad- shaw's Variety Store, Clinton. FOWL WANTED.7-HIGHEST MAR- ket price paid fop all kinds °Med, taken .any day of the 'week or phone 3. on tee and wagon will ealL 1 cent per poune extea allowed • On trade, account. --.T. E. Mason, Sons- merhilb POTATOES FOR SALE 4.00 BUSH - els at e0 cents pet blisliel., Get your winter's supply riew.-e5'ra,n1r W. Andrews. -56. CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice, Beth Ladies and Gentlemen's, clothes, We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr. Grigg's Jewelrp Storce-Wee Jago. -55. BIBLICAL -PROPHETIC AND OTH-- ther subjeMs studied on Sundays at 3 and 7 pen. at J. Holmes'. "The Evergreens," Huron Road. All In- vited, Malachi 3.17. FOR SALE -A DESIRABLE rno- ' petty on Frodericic street, . consisting of dwelling house containing nine rooms arid woodshed, all in good re- pair, first class celar under all. 1-5 acre of land with stable and driv- ing shed. Possession arranged. For particulars apply on premises or to -Alex, Leitch, Clinton. -56. FOR, SALE. -OWING TO INSTAL - ling -Hydro in the House of Refuge' a six horsepower Gasoline engine, in first-class running order is ()tier- ed for sale. For further particu- lars apply to R. Mach, manager Howe of Refuge. -18. PROF. FRANK WEAVER, L.G.S.M. Concert Organist, Pianist, Voice • Specialist. Teacher of Organ, Pi- ano and Artistic Singing. Visits Clinton Thursdays and Fridays. Re- sidence and studio, 620 Dufferin, Ave. London. -49, WANTED. - BRIGHTCULORED Dried Apples, Eggs, Butler, for, which we pay highest prices.-Can- telon Bros. -52. CREAM WANTED..-- DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write • to us for cans. We supply to cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Tinting dnne by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled arid tested‘on arrival and statement returried. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. -The Seaforth Creamery, Box 486, Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE BEING LOT 14 Maitland con. Township of Colborne consisting of 90 acres, all cleared, clay loom and first-class wheat land, 4 acees of young bearing or- chard and small fruits, 2 good wells Good frame dwelling with cellar un- derneath and good barn and stables. Driving shed with cement pig stable underneath. The fences are in good condition. it mile from gchool, from leolmesville and 6 from Clin- ton. 1Vill be sold on reasonable terms. -Apply on the 'promises or address Thos, Pennington, Holmes- ville P. O. -45 THE COM STORE Live and Let Live A Call For Early Shopping. BY MAKING 'YOUR ountsT- MAS PURCHASES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE 'YOU WILL HAVE THE ADVANTAGE OF BETTER SELECTION AND BETTER SERVICE THAN IS POSSIBLE D URING TICE PERIOD 01e RUSH. New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Peels, Dates, Nuts, • etc. Our new stock is in and we carry only the very hest. For Christmas Presents. we have a nice assortment of Fancy China to choose from. For the Kiddies' Christ- mas Stockings wo HAVE CANDIES, NUTS • GRAPES, TABLE RAISINS. CALL AND GET A. CALENDAR. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Live Wlliild 2500 Chickens 2000 Hens 1000 Ducks .Each Week dur mig poultry sea,son. Turkeys a.nd Geese wanted later. Get our prices each week at the Elevator. We are in the market for ail 'chide of graM at top prices. ' 'A fall line of flour and feed always on hand. Have you tried our Cured meats ? All meat supplies government inspected. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins S. laughter Prices Make quick Hates and many of them. FOP thirty days we have filled orders, and had orders repeated, Be Alert ! .13e Watchful 1 The op- portunity awaits you to save money. Remember we quote only a few specials and ask you to compare prices with Simpsoner and Eaton's of Toronto. You cannot then, help being loyal to your own community. 100 brooms (only two to a customer) each $ .20 14 lbs Red path's granulated sugar for 1.00 15 11)9 Redpath's yellow sugar fm ........ .. e1.00 5 lb Cartons Redpaties gran i sugar; reg 40c ior , .35 Best Valencia raisins per lb 10e or 11 tits for 1.00 - Best Patios currants per lb 10e or 11 Mc for ... . . .... ., 1.00 A quantity 01. 11153 raisins (while they last) pee lb .08 New seeded reisins 2 packets for .25 New seedless raisins 2 pafor 25 fo ,25 New dates per lb .08 New figs per lb • New juicy prunes per 11115e or 2 for • , ... ...... . .08 .25 • Our Own (mixed tea -only 5 lbs to a customer) per lb ,28 • Our Own baking powder per lb 151 or 2 for .25 • McLarren's jelly powder, all flavors, 3 for ,25 8 packets Lux .25. 3 bottles Worchestee sauce .25 8 bottles catsup .25 Good red salmon per tin 15c or 2 Robertson's Scotch marmalade very special per :far 151 Libby's choice asparagus tips per tin .25 Campbell's situp 2 tins for .25 Loose Macaroni per lb .10 6 bars Richard's pure or Naptha soap .. ..... ... .25 Anne Temirna's pancake flour 15c or 2 for i ,25 West India molasses peeper tin ... . .. .10 13est Nornino table syrup per tin .25 Fresh B.O. said:ion' per lb .15 Fresh halibut per lb - .15 Fresh Finnan Etaddie per lb .12 4 packets challenge corn starch 3 3 bottles essences for .25 .30 30rbiriscsotfoornraftroyei:gfortegular 35e for .25 3 tins corn for .25 3 tins peas for' .21 Fresh Gorgonzola cheese pet arrsved. 41.030% ToNourdskav COS:MUMMY .11111111111•111i1111.111111111ft Keep buying to keep the flag flying. W. T. O'Neil Slats ler Sale ALSO 12 -INCH WOOD. Stapleton -Saw Mill. Does Your Watch Need Repairing? A watch that does not keep good time is little better than no watch at all. Intrus.t your watch to us, we will spare no effort in put- ting it right in the shortest possibld time, - We give special attention to Watch Bepairing, A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Double Feed Doors There is no danger of hit- ting the sides and spilling coal all over the floor with the big Sunshime feed doors. , These deers will admit a large chunk of wood, toe. Our local anzen t will ceew vou this end many Wiley "Sunshine" .$1 Stilld for f res booklet. .StinshinO. Funiqc.e BYAM & surrTER -Sanitary, Plumbers inheas: Good Butter Makers will use Printed Wrappers obtained from The NoWs-Record. Get In Ahead of Time. It would be' will to renew 31our subs to the city daily; or weekly some time ism ad- vance of the datewhen your puled expires so that you may not lose a copy. The News -Record will look al- ter it for you and take the responsibility. See our Clubbing List. WE AIM AT QUALITY IN INSTALLING FURNAC- ES, IN GENERAL PLUMB- ING AND TINSMITHING, THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. PLUMBING AND HEATING, HELLO ! ! ! Have you ordered your kindling foe the winter yet? Stave edgings and cedar blocks on hand. Malted grain and stook food foe horses and cattle always in stock, Quake': Oats, Cornflakes, Flout, Oat nd Corn Meal to be had at the . North End Feed Store. A General Delivery Done, Frank W. Evans CInton. Agent tur Heintzman Pianos, TERMS CASH. Phone 192 ea:':s SEND • SAMPLES, STAT- ING QUANTITY AND PRIOE YOU WILL TAKE. WE SUPPLY BAGS. MORROW and COMPANY 39 FRONT ST., E., TORONTO. The London Advertiser MORNING-N0ON-4EVENING Edition 02.00 per Year hy Mail Out.; side City of Lon.don. ALL THE WAR NEWS ALL :MARKET QUOTQTATIONSS ALL SPORTING NEWS. THE BEST NEWSPAPER VALUE IN WESTERN ONT Delivered through your Post Office or over your Rural Route Same Day, as Pitblished fon $2.00 per year t