HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-12-03, Page 4Wce��
Till Christmas
Shop Early
---Stock Now
Every available space in this depait11 ent is filled
with' suitable gifts and no hector
selection will be found outside the
Fancy Chinaware and Liic a Brae,
Six stock patterns of Trench China,
Dinner and Tea Sets,
Toilet Sets, etc.
Fancy Goods
and Novelties.
The newet-t toilet articles in the way
of mirrors, brushes, combs, etc. is the
Parisian Ivory, very choice. We have a
large selection,
Christmas Cards
Christmas Booklets
Private Greeting Cards
The yearly Annuals and Diaries.
000PER & 00.
1' y5, t d -
To Wear
Dry Goods
and House
As our milliners leave in about two weeks and n'e
are; anxious to sell every hat before they go. They
are all new styles, some sold as high as• $0.00. About
fifteen hats to chose from, only
Your choice of any untrimmed heft 49c.
Sample Winter Coats
We were foi't:un-
ate to secure fifteen
sample coats. They
are the latest styles
and Colne in pretty
cloths, most all sizes.
If these were bought
in the regular way
we would have t0
sell them for ,$15..As
we want to ciear
these out quickly,
take your choice
Saturday $10,00,
Fall Suits
We still have a
few ladies' fall suits
to clear, navy and
black only, satin lin-
ed, values up to $20,
Saturday $12.50.
Christrnas Gifts
This store is ready with a large stock of Christ-
mas goods. Everything will be on display this week.
Colne early for best choke. rt. ,;,J
This store leads all
others for Xmas
Clinton News -Record
The following_ is the list of officers
and members of the 'Bayfield Women's
Patriotic Society:
President, Mrs. Woods;
1st Vicc Mrs, (gpeland.
2nd Vice, Mrs. Ward
Secretary, Miss C Sterling,
Treasurer, Mrs. A. E. Erwin.
Committee, Nirs. Searle, Mrs. Mc-
Leod, Mrs, Fraser, and Miss Par-
lleutbera Mrs, McKeiu.le, 011:5,- U,
McKensio Mrs, Evans, Miss I Evans,.
Miss N. Ferguson, Mrs. 11. Dewar,
Miss 0, Pollock, Mrs. Castles, Mrs.
Weston, Mrs. Cowie, Mrs. W, Ster-
ling, Miss J Steri as, MN, Harri-
son, Mrs. Tippet, Mrs, Edwards, 1'Iiss
M. Campbell, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. 11.
W. Erwin, Mrs. Greenslade Miss Mc-
Gregor, 'Mrs. Toms, Miss Richards,
Mr. R. Bailey, manager of, the
Sterling Bank, Janet with a very
painful accident, being shot in the
eye, while out in the woods on Sat-
urday afternoan last and which will
lays him up for some time. Itis place
in the bank during his absence is.be-
ing filled by Mr, Walker of Goderich.
Mr. Cleo. Lindsay, reeve of the
village, ;is attending county council
in Goderich this wed.'.
Miss Chesney left on Friday last
for. Senforth, where she intends spend-
ing a part of the winter,
Mr, Wnt. Donaldson and wife of
Southampton were the guests of Isis
brother, Air. James Donaldson, last
The young people of the village gave
a hop in the town ball on Friday
evening 'last and all report a good
The members of the Patriotic So-
ciety have been busily engaged for
the past month in work for the sol-
diers and a bale, valued at one hun-
dred dollars, was sent on Nov, 27th.
At the same time four bales valued
nt two hundred dollars were sent
for. Belgian relief.
The anniversaryi services iu connec-
tion with the Methodist church on
Sunday last were very well attended,
indeed. 'rhe weather was ideal, more
like a day in September than the se-.
eond last day of November, and the
congregations both morning and ev-
ening were exceptionally large. Ro^.
S. J. Arlin of Clinton preached with
great acceptance at each service and
his earnest sermons wo:e notch ap-
preciated. The choir rendered special.
music and were assisted by Mrs.
Goderich Township
Gray Lawrence 1. th
y �of a m. s.
Steelton Toronto, is ' visiting .Me.
and Mrs. Jesse Gray. Mr, Gray has
been sailing on the -'lakes the past
three s111110lers.
Mr, 0 A Cooper and son lost a
fine four, year old driver from pnens
nonia, Mr. Cooper has had r; inc
bad luck with his horses.
The. 'service at Sharon church will
hereafter .be heid at 2:30 o'clock,
Mr, and Mrs. D. S. Cook of Clin-
ton were visitors at Mr. Cleo, Cant-
elon's on Sunday.
Mrs., 11. 11. Elliott of Goderich and
her brother, IVIr, James Elliott, vis-
ited Mr. Robt, Hanley on Sunday,
Mr,. Robt, I•Ianley has purchased the
fame of Mr, Geo, Burnett of the 7th
eon. •
Beware sthe measles. Hope they
stay in Goderich.
The following is the sport of S.S.
No. 11 for- November. Names in or-
derof merit Sr. 4th,-Mpr'tle Pow-
ell, Mabel Castle. Jr, 4th, -Elsie
Ferguson, Ruby Churchill, Pearl'
Churchill, Verna'Moth. Sr. 3rd,—
Francis Powell, Richard Welch. Jr.'
Ord,—Glen Ferguson, Howard Curries,
Franke Welch. Sr. 2nd, --Clifford Cas-
tle, Elmer LeBean. Jr. 2nd,—Arthur
Leecatt, 'Teddy Welch. Primer,—
Al—fred 1,eBeau, Laura , Currie, Oliver
Ferguson, Elmer Toch, ] , Deild,
News -Record Means News -Leader.
Mr, and Mrs. John Sennett spent
Sunday the guests of Mr. Geo. Tyner,
The ladies around this vicinity are
very busy knitting for the soldiers.
Misses Myrtle and Violut Phillips
were guests of Mr. Tyner ors Satur-
Miss Annie Ball spent a Few days
in Clinton, the guest of her sister,
Mrs. W. S. It. I-Iolnies.
'1.'hc following is the report of S.S.
No, 12 Mullett and Goderich for the
ntontlif 1\ vcm et Names inorder
0 November:
of merit : Sr. lilt,—Cora Jervis
Jean Lindsay. Jr nth,—Mervyn Far-
quhar, John Townshend. Sr, Std,
Bessie Lindsay, Mary Wright. Jr.
Ord, Amy McBrion, Mary McBrien,
Nellie Beacom, Jean Farquhar, Hilda
Forbes, 2nd.—Norman Wright, Eddie
Johnston, .lst.—Mabel Wright, Wal-
ter Forbes, Robert Johnston. I''rimer
—Russel Jervis.—lsnimeline holland,
Good Morning 1 how does your
sub to The News -Record read ? The
label tells the story.
IIeyroci of Zurich, whose singing de -
lighted all. On Monday evening thee
annual entertainment was given, being I Tnformat1on About the
Turner's Church Has Had'
Still Another Successful
The fifty-5econll anniversary of Tur-
ner's church, Tueliersntith, • was cel-
ebrated on Sunday and Monday Iasi,
Rev, A. W. Brown of Varna preached
on Sunday -afternoon and Mrs J. A.
Tewin of Clutton in the evening. Tho
choir of the church suppliedsuitable
music for each service,
On Monday ousting the anniversary
supper Was attended by a great gat/b-
ating irons the surrounding towns
and country places. The ,general vet -
diet regarding the supper provided by
the ladies of tho'ohilreh seems to be
that for quantity mad quality: • tit
could hardly bo equalled anywhere. It
would indeed be almost imlpossible to
tell .how anything of the kind could
be more perfect or :more wortltyi of
the highest, praise. The women " of
Turner's ehurch certainly know how
to cook and they vnow how to excel
in catering to the tastes of people
who appreciate the best that can be
placed upon the tab,e,
,Promptly at eight o'clock the en-
tertainment that foi.iowed the supper
began when the chair was taken by
the pastor, Rev. S. J. Ailsa. Music
of an inspiring' character was furnish-
ed by the choir of Ontario street
chug:ch and by Rev. Mr. Barker of
Seaforth, who rendered several pat-
atriotic 'selections. Little Miss Marrion
3ibbings contributed a solo and Miss
Lulu Howe sang "Tipperary," Rev.
13•. Cs. Powell gave two very interest-
ing readings and Rev. Dr. Rutledge
gave an excellent address, . The order
and behaviour of the audience was
most becoming, which made it the
greater pleasure to be present. Mr.
A, T. Cooper added a few words of
congratulation and also gave the lat-
est was: news. Hearty votes of
thanks, on motion of Mr. Herbert
Crieb and Mr. Torryborry, were ex-
tended to all who had aided in 'slak-
ing the evening so eminently pleasant
and successful
oprovisions. f
e\ large quantity were
untouched and it was reserved inc a:
social which ways held on Tuesday ev-
Mr. Chas. Gibson of Detroit has
been visiting his, wife and child, who
have been for some time guests at
the lady's parents, l•Ir. and Mrs.
Wm. Mulholland, during the . past
Are you a News -Record subseciber 1
this year in a nature of a concert of a
high order: The e uv
cha, Rev, ,119 of Refuge.
Brown,, occupied the chair and among
those taking part in the pro;ra'n
were : the Rennie Quartette, Ile ',sail,
which rendered several charming sel-
ections ; Miss Reba' Keys and Miss
Workman, who each delighted the au-
dience bp their readings, and oar roan
orchestra consisting of lino pie:os,
Mt. G. Clarke, guitar, Messrs. Reid
and Stevenson, violins, anti lir, Trigs
mouth organ, accompanied by Mrs.
Foster on the organ, Altogether the
ter•taiiinent was much enjoyed. Th
en 1 l l C O P e
financial returns irons the Sunday of-
ferings and the proceeds of the •con-
cert 511011nttd to about one initiated
and fifl.y d011d1'.9.
The Toronto II. 0. B's Meet.
The Huron Old 1'0 's ,\ss;:ciation. •
Toronto, held their annual meeting
last Friday night when the following
officers were elected: Honorary presi-
dents, Sir John S. Willison Sir
William 0. Ut.tos, ,lt'. 11, McNaught
and It. Holmes.; president, Dr. W.
I., Struth rs „ vice-president, John
Robertson secretary:, 1', Flood ; 1111-
ancial s'e: r et try, N. 13, Cobbledick ;
treasurer R. S. Crocker.
Sir John Willison, in thanking the
meeting for the honor done in elect-
ing him, expressed the wish that they
should enter upon some useful work
for the soldiers at the .front, which
would make the meetings more ent:r-
taitling and useful,
Dr. J'. L. Hughes delivered an ad-
dress, tellies of his exyericnees in
Europe at the time of the starting
*of the war,
Why do statesmen read the Weekly
Sun of Toroilto ? Because it is a
paper with a reputation that is un-
questioned. It: in Se fanners' busi-
ness paper, and is watching farmers'
interests all the time. Aside, even.,
irons its, market reports which ace
acknowledged to be the best in the
Dominion, itis a paper of weight.
Von should have it come to your
home every week. All through the
long winter: nights it will furnish a
wealth, of interesting reading materi-
al of a thoroughly reliable charact-
er.. This paper: has special clubbing
arrangements with. the Sun. Let its
have you renewal and add the Sun
to your: list of papers for 1015.
Do not fail to see Prof. Dorenwend
of Toronto, who w:11 be at the Rat-
tenbury House Clinton, on. Tuesday,
December the eighth, with a largo
sample stock of hair toupees and
wigs, the greatest' constructions in
the world, They securely adhere to
the head., cannot, be detected train a •
person's owti hair, are a mat, elloas
protection to the heads and a necessi-
ty to enable every bald ns.an to appear
as he should. Over two Moulted and
fifty thousand now •well] by business,,
professional and laboring men. The
Free Demonstration, offered in private
show -rooms, at the hotel, should at
least induce you to call, and have one
tried on. Renteuiher the Rattenbury
House, Clint'cn, on Tuesday, Decem-
ber the eighth.
Good Butter, Makers will use
Printed Wrappers obtained front
The News -Record.
The Inspector of the House of industry and. Refuge of the
County of Duren respectfully presents the following as itis report
for the year ending November 30th, 1914 :
Total number of inmates admitted since opening of house .. 451
Numbs'' of imitates on 1st December, 1903 • l)7
Number :Minitted toe the first lire: luring the year 1•I
N to n her re -admitted alter absence Il
.Nuunb'ri ,
t )1 titin boost (hieing 'e•.
Nn miser of deaths luting Lite year 17
Number ihsconded dueing the year 2
\innber (Bs:di:L ged during 1111' ye;u• 7
Nuiitber nl intra'°:. fu 11otrse on 1st J)ereinhot•, 191) 85'
Number of 'mite
Number or fartier :10
Admitted dialog the year Frit several municipalities :t' fol-
lows :
Tomssr.tlI.'s--Uchillop, 2 ; .'l,1i ltl, 1 ; (,,tdor•ieh, 2 ; O.lurris, 3.
Towiss,txn Vi1.1,:1oi,s—ScaF,rih, 1 : Goderich, 1 , Exclar, 1 : (Tin-
ton, 5,
Cance of Pauperism --010 1151', 0 ; Sicicisess, 2 ; IlhennurLisui, 1 ;
Unsorted urine], 2,
Number of dry;' board ilmnales 32617
IQumbee of days' board of keepers taruily and help. .1000
.:wets enuutbar of inmates during -the year 90
Average cumber with keeper's s 13s wily and help 04
Total expenditure 00 (louse aucl ]aims $ 8560 78
Adel talueol provisions and feel en hand 1st Dee„ .1013,2330 24
Total expenditure 310791 02
Deduct capital account and per improvements $ 137 01
Produce mold daring 1014 and outer sources 9578 85
Provisions, produce, new clothing and fuel on hand 1st
December, 1914, as per inventory 2231 76
Received 0roin pitying inmates 688 85
56636 47
Amount expended for support of inmates $ 4,154 55
Average expense per innate per clay nearly
Average weekly expenditure per inmate nearly...... , .80
The expenditure of House trail Ftrinn accounts fs LIS fellow's :
Capital accouut 't 21 60
Hired help, 1:'tun , 2118 48
Stock ttnrl tlllplenients • 08:1 60
Salaries—Iuspeutor, Keeper, Matron anti Assistants 1610 110
Physician's salary and appliances 362 00
:RepLus to building and furniture 190 75
Provisions and clothing 3971 57
Fuel and. light 1113 483
Books. postage and stationery 0 40
Incidental expenses 272 00
Sundry expenses Si, Tarin 603 40
115 41
58560 78
John Torrance, lnspedtor.
During the year tbe stint of $1008,20 has been collected for
maintenance of .inmates of which no account has been taken in the
Perina.neut 1ulprovellents
1 herewith suttt;riit my animal report for the year ending Nov,
30th, 1014, We have had exceptional lieedom from epidemic dttr-
iug the year. The only serious trouble was au outbreak of 14 sev-
ere type of erysipelas which affected a number so severely that 11
required several months to cure tiro complications The death rate
is smaller than last year, the average age being 79 years, the young-
est 61, the oldest 90. Many of these had been confined to bed for
ore or more years necessitating much musing and care on ac-
count of their helplessness. The food, clothes, ventilation and
heating have been excellent and not a complaint hits Beached rie,
f . W. Shaw,
Physician. House of Refuge
•1 beg to submit the following report of crops grown and work
'done on Industrial Farm during the year of 1,911
12 tuns Live hogs sold 3 543 $0
Oats 300 bush 3 acres Dutch sets 2142 60
Barley 200 Parsnips 25 bush
Beans 50 '° Glover Seed 4 1.
Onions;,.,. 80 Utvbbage::, „.,..,800hettgl
Garden Carrots ; . ; , .. 25 " Fodder Coro t acre
Garden Beets 25 Tomatoes ..... 100 bask
Potatoes ,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,450 " Raspberries ...,.,,.....700 boxes
MM5ngol'ds :;.,...;.;.,,,800,.'
R. Mutch, Manager.
December 3rd, 1914
Mrs. M John Mulholland of Clinton
called onfriends here on Tuesday.
The Canadian Order. of Foresters•
Will have t ,sir annual supper at . the
home 'of 1bit. and Mrs. Wm. Mulhol-
land on Friday evening of this week.
This social gathering is always of, a
pleasant nature anti this year Voi11
be no exception. They aro changing
the bill of fare a lithe, having form-
erly always served oysters, this time
the chief feature will be fowl,
London Road
1'ho Epworth' League hold their an-
nual business meeting on Tuesday ev-
ening when the following officers were
President, Mts.'0. B. Hanley.
1st Vice, Mrs, Peacock,
2nd Vim, Mrs..Milton Wnase,
3rd Vice Mrs. Cl. W.Layton.
4th Vice, Mrs, W. Falconer,
Secretary G. W. Layton.
Treasurer, Mrs. A. B. Stephenson,
Secretary of Systematic Giving,
Wm. I -lardy.
Tuekersmith Township
School report of S.S. No. 4, Tuck-
ersinith for November. Class 4th,—
Winnie I•Iuint, Edna CJrich, Mabel
Crich, Phyllis Crich. Class 3rd,
Bert Walters, George Falconer, Vera
Stephenson, Wilbur Nott. Class 2nd,
—Emily Hunter, Cecil Matheson, Jes-
sie Ball. Class 2nd, Jr.—Ernest Crich,
Kcrnneth Aunt, Reginald Shipley,
Clarence Ball, Edward Walters, Vict-
or Falconer, Leone° Cadieux. Class
lst,—Sr.-Sadie Ball, Harold Stan -
burp, Austin Matheson, Class 1st,—
Jr,—Ernest Hun test Thelma Rowclif-
fe, Harold Crich.
Belgians are Starving
While U.S. Feasts..
New -York, Nov, 26,—This,Thanks-'
giving Day found seven million starv-
ing persons in war: -swept Belgians cxy
ing out for bread, and only half e-
nough rood on band to appease their
hunget, Three thousand tons of ,food
are required each day to feed the
sufferers, yet. to date the United
States, upon which the Bblgians Mist
depend in the train for sustenance,
has furnished less than half that a -
'sweet. Ten ounces a day will save .
a human being from dead' ,by'.hun-
The foregoing epitomises a .state-
meat to -day by the American Com-
mission fed the Relief of Belgium,
carrying a pleat for the small - quan-
tity of food specified for each inhab-
itant of the stricken land.
for Christmas and
New Years
Get Heady for Christmas
One of the first requirements in preparing for the
festive season when you entertain your Christmas visi-
tors is Fruit, etc. for the Cakes and Puddings.
We are prepared to supply your wants with the
best .Raisins, Currants, Dates, Figs, Nuts, Peels, Spices,
and all the other ingredients. Ours are now fresh
goods close cash prices.
F. A. Edwards,
4 81
J ,J 1
r 1
i14) ✓
ONTO, LTD„ Canada's premier hair.
goodshouse, annonnee their visit to
The .Rattenbury House,
Tueuday,, December 8th
when there will he shown an exclusive sample stock of Qi7ALiTY
HAi.lt GOODS FOR LADIES in :—Switches, Braids, TrLingo! ma -
Lions. Pompadours, Wavelets, etc.
An invitation is extended to every lady to call and inspect these
'The Dorenwend Sani-
ani tary Patent Toupee"
is int absolute necessity to ev-
ery man wbo is bald. It will
protect your tienith and make
you appear yeas- younger.
� fix-
% l
1 detectable, Featherweight, Ciygenie.
It Be sure you -ee them on day of visit, A demonstra-
tion places you under no obligation whatever,
Remember the date :—TUESDAY, DEOE KB E R 8th,
Good Butter Makers Will Use
Prints d Wrappers obtained
from The News=Record.
lj Ly fla4cd
Farmers 'laving creamto sell during the Fall and 'SS inter months
cam get best results by shipping to
Gunrl's Creamery, Walkerton
Highest Prices paid for Butt i'Fat.
Two shipping cans supplied free.
Express paid on all'shitrments.
Each can carefully weighed and tested and statennents of each ship-
ment returned with empty can,
Semi-monthly payments. Write for cans and full particulars to
Gunn's Creamery, Walkerton, or to
EDGAR J, TREWARTHA, Ilol'tmesvilie
Phone 15 on 153, Clinton.
0911."""MMICa'cm CAM
We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are
to t
goin ga furnish h s your home, or if you only want some odd
pieces:you will find it to your advantage to inspect our
stock and see the bargains we are giving., We also carry a
good line of violins, pianos and organs.
Our undertaking,department is up-to-date in every re-
spectjand we guarantee the best of satisfaction.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
Night and_Sunday calls 'answered at residence over
28 Phone 28