HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-26, Page 8oat Comfort T1l.ERE'S. an ocean of winter comfort in our many lines of Felt Footwear. We've a splendid show- ing of all the best styles, beautifully made and warm- ly lined. Juliets, BoudoirSlippers, House Slippers, Bath Slippers, Slumber Slippers, Etc., Etc. 40c up to $1,50. We'll be pleased to show our complete line of Felt Footwear to every interested looker. FRED. .JACKSON Repairs While You Wait. 1 JUST A FEW LEFT AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES ---- Coal and Wood Rouges and Heaters Happy Thought, Pandora, Welcome National, Canada and Favorite Steel Ranges, AU high grade stoves. It pays in the end to buy the best. Regular $55 00 ranges for $50 00 " 5_ QO 40 00 " 45 00 " 41 00 43 00 40 00 18 00 coal and wood heaters 16 00 00 37 00 „ 0 00 D. 01) " 00 0 50 :1 „ Now is a good time to buy. Call and see for yourself. 2 good second hand self feeder coal heaters cheap jp Air tight wood heaters 4 50 0 Perfection coal oil heaters 1t saves fuel to use storm doors and weather strip, we have them. A. bargain table of slightly damaged granite ware, big shine, HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE, AND NOVELTIES Clinton News -Record APII /!OK:800r New Wide Gathered and Circular Skirts Redingotes in CoatsantiDresses Tie -On Blouses Volants and Ruffled Skirts These .and many other lovely, up-to•clate styles are. shown in the STANDARD FASHION BOOK R U G Q At Reduc- ed Prices. During the next two weeks we place on sale about Forty Beautiful Rugs in Tapestry, Brussels, and Velvets in sizes 24 x 3, 3 x 3, 3 x 3i, and 3 x 4, and offer you you]. choice at wonderfully reduced prices. Owing to the advancing prices on all lines of im- ported rugs we have placed extra orders for spring in order to secure them at lowest possible price but must now make a clean sweep of all rugs in stock in order to have room for the new ones when they arrive. ' Clothing Men's � and Boy's C g If you are interested in a new suit, overcoat or pair of odd trousers, come in and see what we are showing. We lean save you money and guarantee to please you. tum - 1 Bros. st ee P Small Profits — - More Business for Winter With each copy you get any -- Standstill Pattern F R EE 20 CENTS AT THE PATTERN COUNTER W. ft FAIR CO. Often the cheapest -Always the best. P.i ny ,qm ilWflUnuusuanUfti„,, ,,„„„.. Mr. T, Jackson, Jr,.a is in Ottawa on 1 usiness this week. Miss Emma Copp, Goderich, is visit- ing her aunt, Mrs. David Steep, Mrs. Thompson, Sr„ of Brussels is the guest of Mrs. W. Cooper. Miss Belle Draper, who is teaching near Mitchell was home over the week -olid. Mr. George Walker of Brantford spent the week -end with his brother, Mr: W. Walker. Mr. Harold Cantelon- was borne from Stratford Normal from • Friday un- til Mondap. Miss Graves of Seaforth has been the, guest of Miss Mabel Cantelon dor-' ing the past week. Miss Walton of Toronto has been vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Halter Manning during the past week, Mrs, BawIen and Miss Ilii were the guests of Mrs. Case at Seaforth for a few clays last week. Miss 1Iarvey of Toronto has been •vis- iting Miss Washington and Mr. and Mrs. J. Southcombe during the past week. Mr. Frank Walker of Stratford spent from Saturday to Mondap with itis grandmother, Mrs. John Layton of town, Miss Mary Turner returned last week after spending a f rani g ht with her. sister, Ler M ts B n too t of Tucker- smith. r- smith. Mr. James Stevens has been spending a week with his daughter and ron- in -law, Mr, and Mrs. Isrcal Taylor, London.. Miss Irene Brooks of Mitchell spent the week -end in town as the guest of her grandparents, MT. and Mrs. Wm. Cantelon. Miss Robb of Toronto has been a guest at the. hone of her brother, Mr. W. C. .Robb, of the Collegiate staff, during the past weak, Mr. Wm. White, who came east sev- eral weeks ago owing to the serious illness of his sister, Miss White of town, left on Tuesday for his home in Winnipeg, Mrs. Jas. Livermore and her son, Master Ernest, have both been con- fined to their beds for a few days this week buil are now able to he around again. Miss Jean Chiclley left Monday after- noon for Winnipeg, where she will visit for sonic months, with her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Jad'cson, and her' cousin, Mrs. Harry Bright, Mrs. S. 1;. Andrews, who spent the past eight: months with her d augh- tor Mrs. 13, J. Cib in s' left on Tuesday for an extended visit with her son, Mr. Rufus R. Andrews, Cleveland, Ohio. Major Rance, Major ,Shaw and Major McTaggart, together with Colonel Wilson, wero yesterday in London where General Hughes made .n in- spection of the Regunent now in training there for the Second Cnn- t;ingent, Mr. A. Hooper was confined to his home for a few days of the past week owing to illness but on Mon- day was able to resume his office duties. Mr. Hooper likes to be up and doing so then even a few days illness he finds very trying, Mrs. James Shepherd left yesterday for Ottawa where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs: S. I). IKemp. Another daughter, Miss Grace Shepherd, is also resid- ing in the capital, having a position on the stall of the Public schools • there. Mrs. W. H. Newcombe of Vancouver, B.C. and her daughter, Miss Doro- thy, were guests of Di J. S. and Mrs. Evans for a couple of days the beginning of the week, Mrs, New- combe was 011.101 cast on account of the serious illness of her nlotiher in Petrolea and took advantage of thcl patient's being sonewhat better to ruff up to Clinton for a few hours, E. Perdue, wile represents the Bay City Auto Company, ]'lay City, Mich., and whose work takes him all over the'United .,ta,,e , was down in Louisiana when he received :word of his father's tragic death a' week ago Saturday. He left by the first train Sunday and only. ,reaclfell here on Wednesday morning in time for the funeral the same afternoon, Mi:. Perdue left again on Monday to resume his work. • Suitable furni'pure for all rooms is equal- ly well displayed. Easy hairs EASY Chairs of the sort that give your whole body rest are here in endless variety. Just come into our store and try them all, that is the bust and sure way to choose chairs that are comfortable. We want to say a • word about prices. They can't be beaten, Bali & Atkinson i FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS , Night and Sunday Calls. N. BALI. Phone 110. J, A. ATKINSON, Phone 188 s November 26th, 1914 fl'sTOiothing of Style, Character a Qu&uIity. Two things determine the lasting quality of a suit- -the cloth itself and the manner in which it is tailored. And it is careful attention to these details, that' given first place, in the estimation •of critical men, to suits and overcoats from, Brown's. Take, for instance, the matchless suits and overcoats, made in our own ,tailor shop, under the most careful supervision. They are not made to sell, merely for the passing dollar of the day. They are bnsiness-builders of the future. Come in and let us show you, just how well they are • made, and we are confident you will then realize what very excellent vat ues they are. Sults---Fine fast -color blue and black Worsteds and ,the newest patterns in fancy Worsteds are the materials used in the development of these up-to-date Suits, In point of style, these Suits have the latest approved two and three -button sack Coats, with medium or long soft roll, peaked or semi -peaked lapel, rounded fronts high -cut vests ; regular or medium peg trousers, with or without cuffs. Overcoats ---The man who comes to choose his overcoat is not limited in the matter of style. For the young men who demand the latest, there are swell, knee.length coats of soft, heavy cheviot, plain or with fancy check design. Then, there are the long ulster coats with.shawl, converto or storm collars ; and the always pop- ular black overcoats—Chesterfield style, fly front and velvet collar. NEW STYLES IN MEN'S SOFT HATS. Men's hats are more distinctly different this 'winter than they have been for some time -and the most favored models.are to be seen at Brown's. Our carefully selected assortment bas all the snap and dash of the newest fashions, yet without that ex- aggerated freakishness so offensive to critical dressers. - The new soft hats have high crowns and pencil curl rims—some very smart styles having the heavy corded silk band and binding of a contrasting shade. The colors are blue, bottle green, olive brown, steel grey, plum and nigger, brown. AND In addition to the above we carry a full line of men's - furnishings. BROVTIT'S Personals. Misses Slinlou Pinning and Elsie Ross spent1 with friends iut, vv ecr,nnd t t:h � Hallett. - Di,. Egan of Toronto made a short stay in town this week with ifs wife,• wife, who is making a pro- longed visit with her sister, Mrs. A, I). Heaton. Dr, Field, Inspector of P. S. East Huron, visited the Model' school on Monday and Tuesday, and Dr. Waugh, Provincial inspector of Mo- del Schools, is in town to -clay olJi- ciallV. sist in the work. Also 1 have fail- ed to find your name on any of the charity lists where help has been ren- dered to our poor i in other words, contributor to v ou Ire not down as our Helping Hand Society.encts In fact, In all the movements for the ,betters meat of our conditions, where OUT community has needed the united ef- forts of our public spirited citizens, I have failed. to find your name among the list of our 'contributing merchants, Your Your name is not on our city tax books, nor do I find where you have paid a city license to do a woman, tile business in competition with our home merchants. These are a few answers to your questions, and I ;trust you will see the justice of them.—Trade Journal. The Doctor's Diagnosis. A physician received a• personal let- ter from a large Mail Order house. It -was a well written appeal, and closed bah saying : "If there is any reason why you do not buy of us, please .give us reasons in the enclos- ed, stamped envelope and we will strive to remove the causer ' The physician answered as follows : Your letter of recent date as'ning why I had not traded with you for long time, received, and as you ask hie to tell you frankly why, 1; will give you a few reasons. First --1 •am in business in this community and am looking to this community with its varied industries for i4' support, 1: c,annot ask the merchants of this' town for their sup- port if I do not give ;them mine. Second -fn looking over my books I fail to find any of your couvany's names, which reminds me that none of these gentlemen have ever given Me a penny's patronage, Why is this? Ann I too far away, or have neither of thein needed a physician, or are they afraid of the Mail Order plan when it comes to the practice of med- icine ? I can certainly give as good° satisfaction by mail as your house can, and will appreciate a call from. either of them when in need of medi- cal service:. Third—in looking over the subscrip- tion, lists for improving out • streets and public highwapo, I have failed to find the naive of either melither of your firm down for one ,penny to as - Wingham Mr. Clifford Pugh of Listowel was in town last weak, Mr. Pugh has acxp- tcd a position on the staff of tine Hamilton Collegiate, Mrs, Chas, Evaas of 'Toronto has been visiting her mother, Mrs. 11, A, Smith.. bits. John Baby of Forest is visit - Mg her mother, Mrs. Margaret Smell, h, ' \ti�ho has 'bean quite n11 Support the town that supports you. BELIEVE IN CLINTON Support the home industries and mer- chants and we will have permanent prosperity. Keep the Dollar at home and you will see it again. i"ate-•s• �► ►b++�-� FIRE! FIR'E! The News From Londesboro Mr. and bis o 1 Thomas RLI enter- tained a Miller few of ttheirfrie friends on Fri- day evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Manning re- turned Monday after spending a few days with Exeter friends. Miss E. Geddes of 13elgrave sent a few days last week at the home of Mi. 1). Geddes. Mr. John Melville', who, recently returned from Muskoka, treated many 'of his friends to a fine piece of venison. Mrs Morrison of lbelgrave is spend- ing a few days at the home of Mr. 1), Geddes, Mr. Robt. Gibbs spent Sunday with Stratford friends. I am paying big prices but selling cheap. 1 will pay 30c per 1b. cash for Horsehair and the highest prices for Sheepskins, Calfskins, etc. and Old Rubbers. BROWN Next to McTaggart's Bank. bIrs. Wm. 1 Ston entertained the f her members o Sunday school e n l o0l class c on Priday evening last. During the evening the office s for Ole coining year were elected as follows: Teacher, Mrs. Lyon ; president, W, Il, Lyon ; secretary, 'rhos. Moon ; treasurer, Fred Ganney. The regular meeting of the local branch of the Women's institute will be held in I'otestcrs' hall on Thurs- day afternoon on next week at half past two, when the young ladies will entertain the 'nettled ladies. Mr. R, Townsend and son • Craw - lord have returned after their sum- mer spent at Waterloo and Berlin. Are you a News -Record subscriber Constance Mr, Chas, W, Riley, youngest son of 511'. and Mrs, Benjamin. Riley, Was married at Winnipeg on November to Miss M. J. McCall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McCall of Montmartre, Sask. The cerenhohp was performed by the Rev. Mr. Salton. Mr, and Mrs, Riley came east on a wedding trip and have been spending bhei past couple of weeks with friends herea- bouts, boutn Charlie's old Constance fri- ends- heartily loin in good wishes for the future prosperity and happiness of himself and bride. Aro. you a News -Record subscriber ? Tuckersmith Township The fifty-second anniversary of'i'ur- ner's church will be, held on Sunday next. There will be two services, one at half past two in the diternoon and one in the evening. A fowl sup- per will be given on Monday evening followed by a program of speeches, al- so music by the choir of Ontario St. church, These anniversary set vices I This merest mu fid of h are always 1 season's will be no exception. Good Butter 'Makers will use Printed Wrappers obtained from The News -Record. • Winter Footwear. We are making a special feature this season of warm footwear for winter wear, Our stock is complete and we are in a position to meet any or all your requirements in felt footwear for house or outside wear. We carry a full range of lined boots, feather covered boots, plain felt boots and slippers of all descriptions for men, women' and children, Niow is the time to make your selection and the prices you will find will fit every pocket -book. Women's • FeIt,Laced Boots from $1 to $2. Women's Felt Slippers from 25c to $1.50. H. S. CHAPMAN PHO1vE 70 4-