HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-26, Page 6NERVOlig WOKEN Can Only Find Relief bY ing the Verires With New RicIi Blood The women Who "flies Ito pieces" over the leas, noise or exeiteeient Boon lades and loses alex geed looks. Duk ringmappees under her eyes, the lines about her mouth and forehead deepen and 'lengthen, the eyes become sunken; the, fate drawn and the coniplexion suelow. The -trouble is neryousness, and if the semen is not relieved and the nerves properly nourisbed, nervous. collapse ,ane years of sickness nay easily follow. Dr.1 WilliamsPink - Pill% for Pale Peopl'e will gave you •!rem this dreadful effileltion. These Pills makeithe new, rich bloed-thaie nouresthe,e and 'tepee the aserves and banishes every trace cif -'neriamie- 11SeS, Mee. Margaret Donley, AM- harst, N.S., says: "I believe Dr. Witham& Pink Pills 'saved me from die grave. 1 NVOS taken deem wiek nervous prostration, and • .for, months was unable, te Welk. 1 slowly recovered until T 'was `able to go abettt, bet therOthe iinprove- '• ment ended. Ievas.getting weaker and -weaker until I could just get frone t he bed to. asconch. The, least noise would eet• me trembling ell over, and etten when I went to the table 1 would leave it hungry arid yeettnable to eat. Sometimes Isms taken with smothering spells and felt ,as if I was- going to die. At other teems I would be so nervous lime I eo.u.ld not hold anything in ,ny hands. I Walii ,cloctoring all the time, but without lienefib, and final- ly I made up my mind I would try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They „ were the first medicine that gave 1330 any relief, and I was soon able to take a ehoot w,ailk. I 'continued using the Pills, gradually gaining new health and ‘strength, until I finalle. felt es -well as ever 1 clid in my life. At the time Dr. Williams' ' PillsOnred me I was living in Sack - and my illnese send cure :UM'S • .1f..DOWn toeveryone.in that place, • and my friends, like myself, believe the Pills caved my life.'" These Pills are epic' by, all nsedi- eine dealers or will he sent by mail at 50 eente a. box, oe six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. :Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville One. THE AMUSING GROW. Old Writers Say They Go( Their Blaelmess in Punishment for Sins. Crowe are inearia,bly interestieg and usually unpopular birds. • The serweje 'twinkle of their eyes, their plumage, black es night, their, as- tounding intelligence, latve •given them a prominent plaice in the myths and legends of every head. The London Times repeats some of the stories that have grown up about them: , In all times DAM esruntrie;s Man hes regarded crows with super- stitions awe, as birds of .01T1811, the ;familiars of witches and evil Sprites and the conficlanbs of (lefties wham they never lieled to betray. Odin took them for his 'heralds and 'mem- -. eillere, but could not trust, them, and they blabbed bhe secrets ofeVal- belle They were the .scandelmong- ere of Olympias, .and •te their evil tongues poor Coronis owed her :death, Indra, in weath ab their balebearing,• burled them clown threegh ttll the hundred 'stages of his heaven, They would heve dis- closed to his enemies the biding place of Mohammed hi the rocks of Maar, hut the dove .built her nese and the spider 'epee her web to Lisle it. NO bird eueely had nobler op- portunities ; and everywhere it proved itself uneoethy et its trust. It wee satisfactorily OS tablishoil by the old writees that the craews got' theire blaeknees in peel:el-men-Li . for their sins „ It seems to have been a futile puniehments ,for there is no living thing that shows 10 its demeanor less 'evidence of a repent- ant spirit. Instead of being asham- ed of their blackness, crows, as an indianweiter hes 'said, `.csweeeee je i,t, .and Pretend that they chose teat exact, shed.e 'for themeelves," What color crows were before they were amittem sblack is ewer - Let Them Speak For Themselves You needn't take any- body's word for the super- iority of Post Toasties- Get a package from your Grocer, pour some of the crisp, sweet flakes • into a dish, add cream oe and a sprinkle of sugar if , you wish. Then be the judge of • Post Toas,ties The Superior , Corn Flakes -made from the hearts of the finest Indian Corm.skil- ful`y cooked, seasoned, rol- led ahd toasted. • ToaSties are not ordinary "corn flakes," an remember when yoll want SUperior Corn' Flakes to ask your grocer for • Post Toastics, • Canalian rectum Cereal Co,, Ltd, Windsor. Ont. tai -n. It is a strange 'fact that ;they are most ;closely,• allied to the lays and magpies on one band, and to birds of earadiee on the other, so the Pe.seilbilities are infinite, Bub the elaesicalslegeed elett they were originally white gains some auppert from the trequeney with which al- bieop aPP010 among all kinds of crows, , The'voisies i alenose every mem- ber of the croW family ,have, in their very haielhneas an en:birdlike and pertly humeri quality, thee could not fail to impress the primitive im- agination. In spite ot the eommon idea that crews do nothing but caey,the old augerers recognized no, less than ,sixty-five inbonatione df the raven's voice, each with its specsal significance. From the ringing Ralik raihkI- railekrahk1 of the hooded crow, the ;Swedes have borrowed their. fierce cheer, the •finest beetle ery- possessed by amv peep ,Nearly all ithe true •'crows, as well as many of their near relatives, wiM pick isp mere or lees of human apeeele in captivity: and it is some- times hard to 'believe that the sly- nisS-With which ehey invest, their .remarka, their aptness and intona- tion, are altogether accidental. — .1. . .liti Got the Cheapest. Old Hiram Pin.chon was "a, born trader, and a penny pincher be - ;sides.. e was never welling to pay blie price of anything he want- ed, and all the shopkeepers at the village dreaded to see him enter Elsie stores. One day he did a little trading at Nelsoft's shoe steee. He tried -on a dozenemirs of boots, but could find nothing that was not too expensive. Then be released he would get a pair tie rubbers. He rejected a pair that cost, a dollar, and another that met sixty-five cents, Finally the elerk Ibrought him a pair for fiety cents. They eeemed to fit well enough, but Hiram was still (lissat- i,sfied. "Hadn't ye gob any rubbers thee are ;cheaper?" he asked. "No, she" declared the ireitated clerk, "we • haven'ib. That pair you've got on is the chea,pest, poor- est, most no:account rubber there is macle l" So Hiram bought them. GUARD THE CHILDREN FROM AUTUMN COLDS The fall ie the most ;severe eeaeofi of the year foe colds -one clay is warm while -the limes is wet and cold, end unlese the mother is 011 her guard the little (Mee are„seized with colds thee may hang ron winter. Baby's awn Tablets are smothers' beet friend in prerenting or banishing ,colds. , They act' as a gentle laxative, keeping the howelS ancl stomach free and seeetst. An occa,siontul dose will prevent cold, or if eohl does come' on suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will quickly zero it.. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 eente .a box from The Dr. Williains' Medicine Co:, Brookville, Ont. . COST OF.T11}1 WAR. Will Cost Rote Than All "MRS Ot Fifty Years. Dist:at:nine the test of the Euro- pean war, A, W. resale, in Moody'e Magazine, declares that the less of life Mid eapital &toady ,promises to be on so vast a 'scale that rio ene could pretlict what ibivill be. Ac- cepting the '.figures 155,000,000 0 day,' which a French economist hes evolved as the money cost ;of the -war, he declares that the outlook is for "figures that stagger the imag- ination;" and then eieks °Who is going to pay for it 0111 Unless by revolution and repudiation the bur- den should eventually he shifted to the holders of G.orernment, bonds, it is the common people wibo vill have bo slay these tfrightful bills. Mr. Ferrin 'thinks eepudietionnot wholly impossible, ,e,specially if a decisive defeet should come to Ger- meny, ; • Alistdie powers ab the outbreak (Jd. ehe war adopted ,ernergeney 1130013- ureg -to strengthen, their resources. The ceet•will eventually ellow in the funded 'debts el the nations ati-war, and will be "e millstorre ere'und the neck, of the whole world or ,generations to 'pains." The, na,- • bione at ;war already had colossal debbe-France, $6,283,000,000; Gers many, $5,04000,000 ; Russia, $4,- 550,000000; Austria, $3,750,000,000; the United 'Kingdom, $13,M0,000,- 000 ; Belgium, $750,000,000. When . to these eruahing burdensihas been added the war's cost, it will beeonle a'grave question what ehe chalices are fcr! the toinanot periple to pa' tee intereet on the debt and have eeme thing left over for 'theniselvea to live on. ' While .the nationa which eventually win might nett- DePate timir'Shathberea finances ;Froun .1 the, indemnities that will he impos- ed upon ehe vanquished, it meSt ' be, rememberee ,that the conquered nations will nob been a position to • pay the eietorae 'clebta ,end their own besides; so ehet repudiation • would seem to, be ehe'ir ord,y alter- native -unless theere;sost to the step all neutral- nation's hope for - 'abolition et their annemeiate. Last veer Germanynent on her 'army end navy $320,000,000—a sum Which weld pay ieei; per cent interest on twice her present debt. • ' `Wilhelm Rex" Yes, by gem! Wi le elm w re eke , ; • A Mime Offer. YIieii a Woman' Suffers •'1"111.4E °r -TRE TIIENC:1118. • s 11 C011 111,111011 , 1.-S 6 • VIII I; I One I woo ae ac . Sa ys 011' a„4 . Teat all is nob glory and excite- • there is trouble Ahead.. Inca at 'the front,of a battle' lino is : Constantly on their feet, attending graphdeally illustrated by the cor- to .the wants of a large and exacting respondent of the Scientific Am ri- family,. women often break deem- with ease en officer of the Freneh army,. nervous exhauStion. • ,whp, deities the following Poe Pad- . the stdree, fitetbries; and. dn a tun farm are weak, , 'ailing women, dragged down with torturing backache, and , ni°11g •h? 000th'e baringdown „ales. , • fields earthhe s,..;.on Such suffering isn't nertmail, but it's numeteee tel'nalhee• 'We hew,' dangerous, because due es diseased'shere as:ciente, foe e' month, and kidneys: • ; • , slowly, ite p isy rit,, we have sesese The dizziness, insomnia, 'deranged 'els ereuy ae se ea.. • menses audeother symptoms; of kidney jss t ., „one, they key, ese,et np complaint, can't cure thernselveS, they ,the .geoyob,e,g toy require the aSsiatanee of Dr. Hamil. deep, .t1o,n, it now irn.isilb, b be. oon,,f,a,t,, oethe trouble.• ton's Pills which go direct to Me' ses.t • • .01c,t1 tie - ono ecoatiereous e-nellese, ; To- glee -vitality and 'power • to the grave. Every now end -then an in- kideeyS, to iend aid to the bladder and stiffiereble s'ider ;chokes y-oti. 4 ,seis ever, to free the blood of poisons, .dier, alooroe hies. fallen there, and probably, there 16 no remedy so sue, slowly is decomposing. It. has been eessrul as Dr, Hamilton's Pills. For impo,ssible ga,Lher &N. the, b,othies is well known., • , all womanly lekeeuliteities their meritItThe vast trenches. - ; he roam of the 0500000 is hone] Beciuse „se . their mild, soothing, and, in. tilv, 001 0, heerever; it. is letedly healing,effect, Dr, Harailton's Pills are possible to define exactly where tes. sale, and. are recommended 'for girls and womee of all 'ease 25 cants e'er ehell tell. This mereing my, regi - box at all dealers: • Refuge any siubsti- meat met on the roadenothee roci- tute for Dr, testmliton's Pills of Man- merle. 'Weill 1 :Whet are you doss drake and. Butteenut..' •isles). we ask-, 'Digging 5. And von ?' hfirib Maid -"The ricoh ye u n g fol - le, that's sour tin ' Miss Ethel is it-wfully stingy." 'Sacked , :Ditto' - 'treat indlces you think so?" First- -Why, 1 beard say (to her -`A pcney for ,yoer thoughts, end he e nsillionaire, mind yen," , `The ame---nothing bet, digging' 0A.6A.DA. itm)1fl'Sk."Alt the actual hour the marries eu,n be claseed -two, cate Possibility o Monthly Steamship 000 1141E eligging 'bralleheS order eerviee l _ieLiVe011 to fight. end; tee oteer half is ,fight - 1 116111, • • ing to, deg 'trenches." The erbeentwer hes brought Rus- siaa and British EmPlee intereete . much closer together, and with cosi- 11100(1•1;fe, wit ilackache side,raible enterprise the Russian Government has 'arranged to send lierviline Will Fix Yon the Nijni Novgorod, a Volunteer Fleet seemlier, to. Vancouver to see Stiffness is Rubbed Right out; Every wthat, business ;can lee pieked up. She will leave Vauccnverthoorlil sNaloicl- Bee Swilg1Z-oftl1PinlrinofiliitslaPPear.s' vernbee 25ehlwith several tone of freight, delivered to her by No more •etomach dosing necessary the Canadian; Pacific Railway. In- to, ewe your lame back. 'deed, so promising is ;the business that a 'second \teasel; -the Kiev, ia ,schetlelect Ito arrive at Vancouver early next month, leaving again for Bessie on Chrisemas- Day. This is evidently keeling up to a possi- ble monthly 'service between Can- ada:b./end Russia, and though ' the Oanaelian Pacific Railway is ab pre- sent ;only issuing, through, bills -of - lading for freight, there is rib rea- son -why a passenger business amulet not grow up -also. As a matter 'of fact the Canadian Paci- fic Railway, whieh handled the Novgorod, ab elm Japanese ports on her Eaethound voyage, booked sev- eral passengers, for Vancouver. The displacement of ibis vessel. is 5,285 'tons. There 0,0.e many commodities' which can. profitably be exelianged between ithe ewo countries; for in- . stance, graine, maceinery, als, hides, fees, tea, cotton, tobac- co, condensed milk, automobiles, apples, .etc. The'Ruseien Volunteer Fleet is an exteneive and \ managed 'organization consisting el fourteen veseels, totalling about 75,000 bo Ib has an excellent service from Vladivostoek be Tsur- uga und Sliimoniseki--inve Japanese poets. The steamers in its service were built mostly in. Glasgow Or Newca.sas, tale Novgorod coming feom the yards of Armstrong, Mit- ehell & Co., of Newcastle, and the ICiev from those of J. & S. Thomp son, of Glasgow. THE GERMAN 110 01) SUPPLY. 0 ne-Third of All the Foodstuffs Re- quirqd buirorted. The•qtestion is hew long Ger- many eau continue -the seengele 1)1 - fore starvation pinehee her. :Dr. Carl Ballod, an esniuene umthority, estimated 'that in 1012 Germany potted 10,000,000 bons, of food grain in the .form. of .cattle, meat, tallow, herring, butler and cheese valued ab $e25,000,0000. Aceoedieg to his computation this was one-third of ale the eoe,dstufts required. The im- portations are now cut off, and Germany 111115b rely upon hee home productien, which is manifeeny suffieie L. Aushro-nungar,y has been tbe. „eranary from which Ger- many hesdrawn a large portion of her ;supplies, but this year Austria has not enough- food for her own peeple. It looks dorrbtful snipe plies ,can be received front abroad in tiny appreci alb]. e rjisasabiiies, Even if the foreign erten could be brought to ;Norway .and 'Sweden ,For the ose et 0 sirnony,- it would be al- most impossible to heel sefficient Mien eities ever the -single-track railrowds creasing rugged Mount- able. Sinee virtually all the male population in Germany has been ithe field sines before the harvest time, there meet be a great short- age 10 the Geemany crops. . . Inteleate Mechanism. "I don't know hew tei lake this chickee /spare" dechired the bride. "Web, we eackleit an autentobilB .successfully," said the young hes- bend. "We ought, to be mble bo handle a email job dike this. Where's the book of instil:notions 7" minnrc's Liniment Cures Colds, Ac. • -- . g Up. ' - " lar,„ Pillem-Are yes) going to, call ss Ofnl sol taiti on 7 1)r, Beilats-I think not. I d;on't (believe the patient has ane - 011010 money that I need myeelf. • 'ED. 4, ,Isstro 48--'1.4. Every trace of lameness, every bit of stiffness, every sign of weakness in the beck's muscles eau be rubbed away ' for all time to come, by good old No other liniment can de the work so quickly, cae penetrate sio deeply, eae beingease and conifort to the baeleweary sufferer as Nerriline in- variable does. Backache isn't the only malady Nerviline is (Mick to cure. • For lum- bago or sciatica you would go fee to find relief so speedy as Nerviline gives. Pm chronic rheumatism there are pabedestroynig properties in Ner- viline that give it first rank. The way it limbers up a stiff joint arid takes soreness out of strained or theumatic museles is simply a Wonder. If You hive en aelie or a, pain any- where, if you have a sore back, a stiff neck, a stiff joint, a strained muscle— if yeti have lumbago, congested chest or soreethroat, just try Nerviline. Rub It on plentifully—it won't blister, it can't do anything but cure yeti quick- ly. The large 50e. family size bottle is the, most economical, of course, but you can, from any dealer, also get the 25csmall size of Nervinne, the king of all pain -relieving remedies, • THE DUICF, AND PRE COOIC. Ameeing incident •enst Berm a • Dinner Party. The reigning Duke of Saxe-Mein- ingen, who eeceded but recently to the throne, is the husband of 'lien- eese Charlotte, ember of Emperor William, , Both are extremely Popular in theie little deehy, the historic impoetance of which is quite out of peopertion to its area of a hundred auks by ten. Bee duchess 10. blessed with wit, and 'the duke, among other good qualities, with humor : which he certainly ex- emplifies in the relish with which he is fond of relating the most un - royal eeperience of his (Amer. At Ems., where, he had. accepted an invitation to cline with a local dignitary, he once chanced to reach the corner near which his host's mansiun stood, tumewhat ehead of time. Dismissing hie Oar- ee paced up and down the block in the dusk, enveloped in his military eloak, that the ether gueste need have time to arrive, eince etiquette demanded that all should be presene -when he should appeer. In the dim light hie fee - tures weee unrecognizable; he Was merely thee ,soldionly figure. As he passed the h.onse-in his.atro1l a side door was suddenly thrown open and ee enormously' fat women in the cap end aprenef s cook, bounced out, Rung her arms named his neck, beatowed 5 IMA smack- ing kiss upon his euuntenance, and thrust into his hands ate she rases-, ed herself -he had been stunned into entire passivity -a large, greasy parcel, smelling ni ham mid eheeee: "There, my dear," she exelaine- ed, ehe did so "we liave •rsot a royel mince coMing to dinner to- night I I 001 ;driven ale my feel! I' ;can't give yen tiny 111010. Come tommenew • She bounced, in again as abrupt- ly ae she hail bumme4 out, amd the there, veal zingiher mistake and wieldy enjoying it, continued Ids etroll, alert ter some explanation of .1she incident. It 80171) came. A Soli:Rev appeared, on the other side of way -a melancholy na(1 self- effacing soldier, whe eye.cl the whe <lows ef the house of feasting with es:teems expectance-. The duke .cress,ed. over, and addreesinghim as one soldier to another, asked if his sweetheart lived there, Rereiving an . Meemetive rsplyhe heeded over tee parcel tlf fond, and tole him he -was expected ;on the 1111)0'- 1000. • • "She Vire me something elst,'for you. though," the shrke added, 1111E0 gly; I do not exactly him how to give ; Masi the unromantic lover w•Ls nob interested even to isietilie elite; it wee -although probably he knew, "Keep it I Keep it !" back...elie,eierilly, as. he depented with his hem anel cheeee. "I have of; all 1 went for bo -day'' • Se bee duke kept; it to eimeelf ; • but tee atory he did net. lie tole it 'tor the erre, time shortly after- ward to hie fellow guests ne the dinner table, *amid shouts of laugh, TICE SOAP Used exclusively and Cuticura °influent occasionally will pro- • mote and 'maintain a clear skin, free from pimples, blackheads, redness, roughness and other Unsightly eruptions. • Samples Free, by Mall Censure Belie end Ointment sold throughout the *world. Moral sample of each mailed free, 5y1th32-14 book. Addross.idutioura," Dal% IC, Bono:1,17.9.A. ;She -AM 1 the firstbVl yon eycp• ssed, He' --- knee', lour Sec& seems isiaibiar • illilliary Strategy. In ,a letter to the Army and Navy joternial, e eeefeed army officer says thee no intelligent soldier will fire a dumdum Or SIX oxploswe bullet at the enemy, for they both kill, The obJect of the rifleman 3s not to kill nee, a tein ienly,islitsttni;voonnencslottliner. iost trent hie army. He is not a burden to anyone. A wounded soldier nmet be taken -care of. Four -wounded Boldiers must hare an am- bulance with two lenses ,and an able-bodied soldier driver,' ThirtT Wounded 'soldiers; snest 'have a elle- geon, a heaped 'steward, and ten or a dozen stble-bodied suldiers tre aid the diictor and -wait \mon gild nurse the wounded men. Tha am- letilendes-block the roads and delay the troops, especially the artillery and the. sup ply Wagons. When a man is hurt, everyone is anxious to get hint'"ait. once to a doctor, 11 the troope on elic firing line ere not weli disciplined, ;end a eoldier is wounded, there will be three ,or four seed -lees who are willing and anxious to; taery him to the rear. Par every soldier wounded, iehe fir- ing line loses four soldiers, and a, hundred men weunded means that) i'oau husisiresi 03011 are lost to the firing line, for ehey never rejoin their regiments until the battle is over." Curious Salt Lake. One uf the wonders, of Mexico is the salt -producing lake near Salines stabion on the Tampico clivisien the Mexican Ceetral Railway, sev- entystwo miles west el San Luis Potosi. It may well be termed a -two-storey lake, for at times) there e lake of fresh water oveeleeig the salt lake. A water -tight roof of green mud separates the fresh from the salt weber. ; INFORMATION FOR INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigecin & Davis, patent solicitors, Montreal, report that 1313 Canadian patents were issued fes' Om week ending Novem- ber 3rd, 1913, 83 of Which were granted ea Americans, 37 to Cana- dians, '7 to reeidente ;ot foreign cone -tries, and 6 te residents of Greet Britain and colamies. Of the Canadians who received patents, 21 were eesidarts ef On- tario. 9 of Quebec, 3 al Manitoba, 3 of British C.oltimbia, ancl 1 ut Saskatchewan. TURKEY DOOMED. Gratitude Ought to Rave Kept lifer . • On t of .Thie'' War, For eeneeriee Turkey ha's played sinietee pare in the , affair's et Europe. Wily, barbaric. end ;obsti- nate, the Otibein,an Empire' hes, held ite ewe 'Oil the Beephoeue, even when the whole of Ilneop;e wanted ,to be rid ef the intruder, 11 11 had nut been for England's fear aet Bersaien eleeigns India the' unspeakable Leak wortIci have been ',0 bliterates:1 three-quarters ef a century ago. Gratitude foe con- tinued existence ougest to hate keet Turkey Tar, even had then been no other motive, AS et is, with Russia., Frances and Greek :Briteie in,reayed against ib, the Turkish Empire ea hound to: file lliTerliEloreet 01! whbultari weerfie thincitgliso€11; Werrioes, bub that clay has gone by. And Germany has too large 41. I;nact en her ban,cls in other de:ee- l-elms to be ;Mile to save her latest minarti's Linlintint CUree Diphtheria, ' _ • 311S1 the Ilene% 'Oh, my „friends, thee are. ' scene suet:tables that one never forgets -I" aaid e, le;cteteer, after giving a gre- phic deseription .01 a .1;,irible acci- dent he had witnesecd.'(4 like to ;knew 'where they atills 'em," re- seerked an old lady in the audience, vies is always seessaying leer glasees, A WARM WINTER. — Jane wen 1,11 pi•craile In (lsJilo,s,s tho Weal Wintering 1/5500, reached comforl. ably m'al con von loll tiy by the Cdiicago end Nortli Weeilorn 351, Vane eraendid tritine dolly from the new PaSSonger. forrainal CillearaO—The Overland Limited, fancet train to Son toroneiseo; tile Los Angeles' Limited, three days to Land of Sunshinethe romans San Fritii. cieco 1,1Mited and tho 00.11fOrilla USD, Illuutreted &thieve dcgoribin0. the great California Expositions. and nlso giving 501N 00(1 hill 1101tiC11101,0, will be Walled iiromotly on eradication to 13. 11. Bennett, (100011l Agent, Chic.wo North 'WestorN ny., 46 Yongo St., Toronto, Ont. Life is a grind, but it uliwaye has its tereing piiint. • • Sainard's Liniment Gurus 055.505 in COW& eening ell'. 'Spoon:In-tore (wile has I just 'been aceep'tec1)--"But, \yeah, \rill y:eir restlior s,rey, darling? You lotow lie. doesri't lies: 111015153 tut, well." e Voting \\Mortar - ". ' 'But you oar 'b oxpeet me to use the exact dangrittge in which papa willexprees himaielf ;wham he 'hears of it." 110 ras• You Will find rnliet n Zenc-Buti It. eases the burning, stinging ' ;pain, stops bleeding and brings ease, eerseverance, with Znlu means cure; Why notprove this ? dia PrUggis40ts aborand mons,- o' le ese ALL. um..m.s...m. so e,e 1:11.anders. Tee I'rovinee of West Tenders is the exteesne neethwest; eorner of Belgium. 'Ile Prod,ince has an area of only 1,249 .s.quare' miles, All the fighting 10 in the noetlinvest half of this, tio thee there meg be peeked in what would be a fERV tOWX1F•71111)S with Its something- like :4000,000 soldiers. The Province himl abeet 700,000 inhabitants wheo the wax began, or over 000 Lo the scpare miles. 1Vhen 2,000,000 eoldies aro acide;c1 to eh.ese the crowding must resemble 'that of a sardine box. The ancientmity of Bruges is. the capital ref West Flanders. Other import- ant cities are Vervieres, Yipre, Tournai and .Courtrai. How Teddy Lost the Bear They say 05005 corn interfered with his speed. Altruye mob, Putnalres Corn 33x. - tractor. For fifty years it Ise boon curing earns and warts. "Putnam's" dosser falls. Use no other, Me, at all dealers, "Do you think this poem of mine will liver "Iti_ught to. It's the gaod that young.". minaros Liniment cures Distemper. Editing by Om Golden country editor wrote : "Bro- ther, don't stop yotty paper just be- cause 'yon -don't agree with the edit- or. The last eahbage tou seat us didn't agree witih IA either, but we didn't drop you from our subscrip- tion bit Olt that account." • Oranulaled Eyelids, or Eyes in/lamed by expo- ° sure to Sao Dust and 0155 quickly relieved by Marine y 45 Eye Remedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfort: At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Murine Eye Delyein Tubes 2 5 o. For Doak of Ilia ye Freeask Druggists or Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago • • Ready -WI tted. First pedestrian (to man Who has just humped into him) —Clumsy idiot ! - Second vedesstrian That'a yonr name, is it? Mine's Browne 1 301nart11s Liniment Co., Ltd. Gentlemon,--In July 1905 X Tee lininTri from a rond Machine, loloring tny hio and bath badly An0 was obliged to use a oretch for 14 months. In Sept. 1906 Mr, Wm, Outridy,o of Larlutte urged me to trY MINARIVSwhi,ch I did with the most satisfactory raiu4s ruld to-dny 1 am as Wtql 1141 eeer In my life. retire sincerely, his 1fITTIL05W x DAMES. Mark, What the Trouble Was. One day, as two cbiltrron were Playing. their mother gave them au orange between them. title said to the little boy, "Now, be sure you give your sister the lion's share." Ge returning their mother was sur- prised to see the little girl crying. She &eked whet the freebie was, and she beard that the boy had eat", en MU he orange. "Well,' said the boy, tuenine to his mother, "yen knew lions , (heel; era oranges." .. • The delight. The picnicker's choice. Everybody's favorite. POTTED MEATS— Full fl'avoeed and perfectly cocked make delicious sandwiches. raares rea seez. ▪ Or DAWSON. ninety Lloitiorne Stress. Toronto. 11 NOti Vi ANT T0 110 1)01. J. Fruit. Steak. Grain or 11airy learns. rite W Datireon, litamotda, 60 at Colborne Rt., Toronto. 15 W. DAWSON, Ccilborue S, xoroo NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE, 10013 WElittLy 110 bIlIS 610W -61- 1...K York County. titationery and Book Busine.sa in commotion. Prtoe only $4,050. Tome liberal, NITtleon Publishing ,:Colse pany. 33 Wept Adelaide Street, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. C AN LEK, 510E0, L G MPS, STU.. interaal mad external, cured 'with. out pa•in by out houie troa.tment., ,Wrtte tie before too late Dr, Brannan Modioal Co., Limited, Oollingwood. Ont. • BOILE S New and Seocounlind, for heatAng , and power purposes. Wator Flumes. .TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS: POLSONIRMINIAKS'TinitINTO Engineers and ShiptildiKeriL OE IIITElilrIONS ) PIGEON, PIGEON 3 DAVIS 7ia St. James St., Montiloal Write tor inionnatioa weavinemeaeten onenaiertat mew= RE A t TO EVERY BOY a • r ND GIRL 0 •"" This risig.,fir an exact kV Go du Dente of anikk solid01 0 MI go ti ring and you am inivo it engraved with 61 any monograra desired. La.,. You en n can:ids-is Imo. so ES tiful ring ha los. sliuu 88 E:1 an hour. Diet simply 18 SSsell 24 package of our .assorted picture post 81 _ ▪ cards. Each package contains 6 nerds, which a DI you rell fur only /Oa. 4 fraa coupon gimps la _49 insitis cock packaia, wilt make rut friends ▪ buy them on eight. Don't wait tt Infante, b0t 88 T sitar right now. You :1004 no lawny untilyou 81„. have sold the corda, than send se tho nsoney mi you imve received 012.40), we rood you this a • ring, engraved, by rotuto mail. Ask for our 11 13 ‘10 catalog ofproniluxus. Address 1. 18 omen • COLONIAL AT GO. TOMMY°, ONT, easeammenettiodearmeueEeaeme aohinery For Salo _— Engine, shafting, belting, pulleys, etc. from large -factory for sale. Wheelock engine, 18 by 42, Complete with cylinder Seame, fly wheel b lugs-, etc., all in good e Shafting fromono ineh to three inches, pulleys thirty inehes to fifty inches., belting six inches to twelve inche,s. 31.1111 ahl. entire .er in part. 1g0 RESSONAREE OFFER REFUSED., • 5, Frank Wilson & Sons, 13 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. - Economy in War Time. Little Dick -Papa, didn't you tell another 100 Must economize, Papa -I did, 35235 )6012. Little Dick -Weil I was thinkiir r that mobby if you'd get me it 31- 1V0111411' 1 wear out so many 1455410'0. COritiStipati 0 is art enemy within the camp. It will Undermine the stronost co est i tu tion and ruin the most vigorous health. It leads to indigestion, Wilma:nes% Impure blood, bad complexion, ski: headaches, and is one uf the most frequent causes of appeelivies, To neglect it is slow suicide. Dr.efreses Indian Root .Pills positively cure Censtipation. Theyare entirely vegetable in composition and do not sicken, weaken or gripe. Preserve your health by taking 1r, Moros s grhollara Flout F'illls 1,172=4==075M1703M050=0=0.2.7.'NFM,..,r, -n-M=aMM:MIP-M11:211=7,==n1"....i73.0.0.1i.1.0 ress m Comfort You need a good warm room to shave and dress in. A Per- fection Smokeless Oil Heater will tvarm any ordinary room in a few minut,.s. The Perfection is port. able:, you can tnke it to eitting-soont, calor or nate - any room where extra heat is needed -and it is specially convenient in very cold -,,veether. The Perfection is econo- mical, too — fu burns only when you nood it. No coal, nR kindling; no dirt, no ashes. Good-looking; easy to clean and rewick. Pi RFJT1ON ligATR3 Odorless and smokeless For sale at hard- ware and general stores eutrywhere. Look for the Triangle trademark, !World in Canada ROVALITE OIL is best for all uses THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., Limited TorontO Quebec Halifax Iliontronl So. John Winnipeg Vermonter -sessa.ssessusest 515050111