HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-26, Page 4..ten... ainton:' News -Record• is' liiiimossilloommuninsMirsemomm Only 4 Weeks Till Ohristrnas wis?n ' Shop Early ---Stock Now Complete. Chinaware Depart- ment. Every available space in this department is filled With gifts `ifts and no becter. Bayfield. P'orter's Hill November 26tb,1914 After forty-five gears activity on the same farm he becomes a resident of Clinton. Holmesville i Sunday was men's day in the Meth- M. and Mn.s'George Copeland and On Tuesday. evening' Messrs. 1•Ierbedi A: 'P. 'Coo er son Master Alfred, and Miss J. ;Sberl-' Cox and John McClure, on behalf of disUuhureh Arte. Mt. P n' •u7a- f Clinton addressed the oongregatiori Ing have returned after speulutg a Ithc cont,regaUfon of Bethel co gt t the morning curet Pastor McCort;, few weeks at Spiucedale, Pati tion, • presented ADM Cressy ,Elliott, tick preached in the evening. Thd kound District. who yesterday , because the trade' of, . ) colisisting entirely of men lo'• Me. W H. (Jethro was ,called to MD. 11, G. Thompson, with two hand- London i the singing and reudetici' a. couple London this week on account of the some chaos. f choruses. at each• s '\tet. death of his sister, ,Miss. LandsboS Yl.iss Elliott .had •been for years a The tovvl supper served on Monday ough• of that city. most active worker in' connection, venfug was a great success, as usual, Miss 'Uva Johnston, 'eldest daugh- with this congregation and • up to 1'heire was a good: turnouts, .the sup- ter of . Mr. and Mrs. Wallace' John- the time of her marriage was, pcGsi- per was first class and the prggram ston 'of Corrine, • Sask.; is visiting dent of the League and Bible class following was also good.'Those talc- her grandparents, •Mr. and Mrs, Jas. teacher in the .Sunday .school. • nd Pant in the:iirogrant.\vele Ret. Johnston. •• Her departure, 1iotn,,the neiglibor- Tt:. Cr. la\wGlt and' Mr.' .1. A. Irwfn, Messrs Ed. Weston, Chas. ForgU-;hood is muclttegnetted, but a large Clinton,; Rev. Mr, Rutherford, . Ben= son, Jahn '•fonts,• and Louts McLeod circle of friends join in* good wishes miller and Mr. Lyutl>ucner, Goderich, Alfie McDonald and .William,,' Andy for her future. well-being. Who each gave a brief address ; Mrs. Herbert and Willard Sturgeon , left BMs., W. A. 'Elliott, Spokane,' Wash= Xing of Goderioh,'who. sang a couple last week for Port' -Stanley to, en ington, 'is expected , home about of solos and took pact do a couple 4f gage in fishing., ' Christmas.' Mx E11tott was, formerly, ducts }vitt; Mr.., T, Fowler' of Loudon, St. Andrew's S.S. is 'preparing` fon principal of oto school and a good 1Yla King acting as acco;npanist, and its Xmas Tree to be held on Decentone, .too, ono of the best we have the men's chorus, which rendered. a her twenty-third had and we, have had many efficient couple of selections very acceptably. Rev, it . Rutherford . of l3ennriller ones. He has: been in the far west Aitogetli�r the .coat's banquet was t a preached anniversary sermons 'in the for several years, but. .time has' not success. Methodist 'church on Sunday last, de- by any means weaned him away from The members Of the chair and Ep- ilvering eloquent sermons both morn- the old hontc township. worth League of the Methodist church. ing and evening, On Monday evening Mire showed thea friendship tor' one Mr. White, the pastor, gave a Hurn- - • of tlielir members, Mr, Fred Pother,' bei of. limelight views explaining the Cecil H. Epps Went with the who yestsrda}t joined the ranks of the "Life and Travels of. 'David • Living- First Contingent. henedicts, by Presenting Min with a stop in Afriea," Both the views and liandsoine easy Chair. The piece of the lecture were hutch enjoyed. The following lettere has been 0e- fernitere' was sent, with accompaniy'- Mrs. John heard and sons wish to csived front, Cecil H. Epps who joined fug acblress•of geed wishes, to this extend to' choir friends and neighbors the Army Service' Corps at Toronto ride's home in -Clinton. Fred .Potter their sincere, thanks for the kindness and went. to L+mgland.with the First s' a popular young man and a large and sympathy shown them during tho.0attingeht. Ice is 'a nephew of Mr: !tele' of friends join fit wishing hen° illness and . at the time of the death and Mrs. E. H. Epps of Varna : ong life and *happiness. of their husband 'and father, thclatte • Dear Folks e—I have not had time, Are you a Nows Record subscriber: ? John lleard. Are you a News -Record subsotiber ? 0 0 in rl choir it 0 G i selection Jibes. will be found outslcte Fancy Cliiniaware'and. Six stock patterns • Dinner and Toilet Sets, FancyGoo .,; • ,, \\ �•�1. The newest �• :. of mirrors, Crushes, i ..•. E� Parisian Ivory, , IU ;> large selection. Christmas r. Christmas Private GreetingG Annuals The yearly A tne vp .;, r �t g �nrrA� .� h ie ffrre c , Eric a Brae, of French' China, Tea Sets, etc: ds and Novelties. articles i:n.the toilet artle/es way combs, etc, isthe have a very choice. We v , Cards . Booklets ard. s and Diaries. COOPER. & CO. CLINTON. Beady- To -Wear 0arreents Dry Goods ranch Boase Furnishings t j' = at ;; 0 t'� �g j 7 '� h• 1. i . c,, 1r1 �t� th ,, `• A o r ril/l; Lf rr! h'( - 'i 'cloth,satin r , .,, I;� / �, ... ' .' . 'ter f:,i I. 141ri,p. _ .K* 7 ,..�, +ra W , •,�y/ r ' RJ vs u „'c: icr � .-,i l t�� 1„ e , it 1, 1( ? =' � oig`f,, ���� ,_ '. � -� I0. gal e c in Ladies' Fall Suits. s�++ Vc tut on sae Saturday all, �l 1 rnn•,new fall suits to 318 and 3211, These are till new this seas. nn and made of gond ni%- � lined, colors Mack and navy, i . ,� Only 40 and 4.. es 3- 34 3(i .Y ,seven cite in 38,Lhe int, Saturday lyda 0111 12.50 l7f Ll Y Y mew Feall • , and Winter Coats.. � In buying coats at this Y g store you have not only a'wide and varied assortment to c h o o s e Troon and prices lower than west t Lr de• stores but also a t11oro ig made tot you iii everystatement guih y and value. \Ve have an immense stock for you to choose from. Come while ottr assortment is gond, Prices $ 1 0 10 $30 lauige from ' V.EliTII It Is days now to wear cold we'ttheriswith slay until- Uanadiau w ill find -lea s ore store. Mack hurmb, fax �11T ut. ril ort 'mink ER j 1st a matter of ill you will need your furs, as the us to" the end of the winter, Y u comfort and frac shop. in this tos p eciatlfze `i n We specialize black fox, oat- l clic kwolf oat ur- marmot, m { ,.F97,xt!,6w„tom .:.r., , 1 ' w • l� E✓k aj, --i Oat , A •!,ly ft pf ry�ei7 r . .,:,: !t/{''.' , rt � ,. r t tr. s a , A'�, rt,: •;':I;� .`. �y N , is j(�'';; >,,'Ir' t� . I ,rs r' ;::I SUP f qr y' ..� it,jt.::,,,:v u,.. : 'i`i' ,. i 7 lSjJr d; I I IIii 'i ',...;• r I ..:: • v d. t� '�riC . l 1:1.. �n I tl, iI , G 1.I 1 "•L y 4 : „r - ” rl I II . r Big Reductiot5 on all trimmed hat,, LNSzNioyaN 'oYoux Qwr Gofer• ich Township to unite before. I ant waiting on board ship, but of course, will not bit able to post the letter until we land.. This trip is something 1 will semem her as long as I live; and I• will try to toll you what' has happened day by. day. Sept. 26—On duty all night as am- bulance driver. Sept. 27. --Out at, 5 am. with ser- vice wagon for supplies and got back at' 10 p.m., when we received orders to prepare for. marching orders, to leave at 32 a.nt. Wo had to pack up •' e 1 mud -nil march three mils through a b L six inches deep and - them ride 10� miles in a box car to Quebec. Got t. n. and did ' not ;:Acre about 5.30 1 ! have anything to eat until the provi- sion wagons arrived about 9 p.tn„and had to sleep on, cement floors, with only Inver blankets, •one under and ono kitf pillows. u huge for o over us, and ourh g ! S • 23 -Still in iho same lace. Sept. P P m rk but did not. Expected _e ba to Not allowed to go obb the line, not even for a drink of coffee. Haven't ninth coffee, for a o had drink of co a , a a e nothing but tea 'turd water. Sept. 20 Still the same until 10 a, in., when wo,received- orders to . pro- pare to ..arch an board, Wo stood tiful gifts and for the kind and nei- Thompson, will be missed by, their Varna_ DL . W. H. Lobb returner! on Friday From f Elmo towship where he made a Mr. Chas. Stehle has returned from personal selection and _purchase . of Edmonton, Alta., where he spent the cows and young cattle which he, will summer with his son. The many tri: dispose of by auction at his farm on ends are pleased to .have hint Back in. Ube Maitland concession on December their midst again. • • Otlt,Mr. Lobb has a prelerettco for Mrs. Appleby • and family have vnov- buying in pima where they have, he ed into Mrs, Morrisons house. Mr, saYs,- just the,: class of stock the far- Appleby has gone to the fronnt. menshere require. Mr. Albertext Horner is visiting;tui6 fxi- Mr. Frank Ellivood. arrived Lotus ends in London this weskn • i S from the . west on Saturday orenang Mr.(, B. 'Hess of Ba YIeld i:' re last. • ' moving his repair shop to Varna and Owing to anniversary+ services in will, bo ready for work after: Decent- 13ay(ieid last Sunday the service at her 1st, Sharon with withdrawn. • Miss Maggie.Reid 'las returned ' home Mr,. John Yeo is putting up a fine from Clinton after a fete days' visit : big house, which, is now nearing coin- with her sister there. 1 f Adelaide Mrs. o llr ,i. Me. and 1YI s Brooks tt1.0 Digs of London William Perdue and family de- and Mr. and Alts. In sires through the medium of The -spent . the week -end as the guests of News -Record. to convey their heartfelt Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Ings. thanks tuslte friends and neighbors Mr, and Mrs. McGee and familp of for,thc kindness and sympathy shown Bayfield have moved into the house then at the time of •;their recent sad until lately occupied by Mr. Frank bereavement ii.eys, 'Are you a. News -Record subscriber: ? The many Weeds of Mr. William Foote are pleased to know that he is able to be about again. Anniversary services will be held in oounecion with the Methodist church,- on Sunday next, preaching services morning and evening. The Preacher or the day will be Rev. S. J,' Allin, pastor or Ontario street church, Clinton. A concert will fol- loW on Monday' evening for which a One array of talent Inas been secured London Road Miss Dottie Medd of \\tineheslea has, been the guest during the past week of Mr. and Mrs,' Geo. \fi. Layton. t The West End Beet Ring 1eld their is annual meeting at Mr, Lra Jolters on Monday evening when the business of the season was satisfactorily wound up. Forty families ere served by this ring and during the thirty weeks "int has been in operation six aitd a half tons of beef were consumed. Need- less to say it, was of the very best quality too. The old staff of officers were re-elected. Mr. G. O. Ranier was in .the coun- ty town on business. on Tueseley and Wecl nescl a yr. ,1rc you a News -Record subscriber ? Stanley Township OIr. Jan{ Reid of the Parr Lino was in. Scaforth on Tuesday on business Miss Francis Sharp and Millie 11ie- C'linciley of SLeplwii visited • Mrs. 'Samuel 'Johnston. qn Friday. last. "t soond- Mr: Albert Thorne' has been se end, t days with London Friends,' lit a GK fa S 6y Mrs. Wcs. Cockaa'line Of Pilot Mound visited this week with her sis- ter, Mrs, D. A. .Iohnston, Babylon 1 a fbIfte.ss Annie; M. Stephenson spent a few days with her cousin, Miss Flossie Stephenson, , Quite a number of the' young people of Verna spent a very, enjoyable ev- ening at the home of Mr. -E.. 'Epps on Thursday last. Miss Agnes Johnston Is spending a t h spending few weeks at Hamilton. Don't forget the concert in Varna next Monday evening. Mr. Webster purchased a five -horse power gasoline engine from Mr. L. 13eatt}I• Webster believes in having it1 t to date. everything Aro you a News -Record subscriber ? • 'I'TTit AF'1.'LR-i) INN lilt • STORY -TELLER, ;any of the Best stories and anec- dotes that you hear repeated, by min- isters and other public speakers come from The Youth's Companion. A. young matt who wishes to make '.•s 'f entertaining or to his conversation on g increase the effectiveness of an argu- ment; can do no better. than to stud}t these witty and apt stnriestories in' The' Companion A:nether feature of vales is the doe- tor's weekly talk on getting well and keeping so His advice is sound and practical He suggests remedies for Honor ills describes the sy mptorns of others, urges the, importance of Con- sulting aphysician whenever the in- dications are obscure or disquieting.. Ile recommends 'certain things to be done in cases of accident before the doctor arrives. , These are just two particular hi which The Companion excels, s+ and they are by no means the only ones.' If you do not know The Companion, currant t two +uoneo let us send you issues with the st fo r tJ 15.: Emery new subscriber in Canada who Sends $2.25 for the fifty-two v edi5y r th • Issues of .LOla; will receive ftu'� all c issues of the paper: for the remaining weeks of 1914 also The Companion Home Calendar for 1015. • TIIE YOUTH'S OGMPAN'ION, : 144 Berkeley Street, Boston, Mass. ' New Subscriptions, Received' at ' this Office, MR. ROBT. THOMPSON, SR., and a Grandson. held ed therm assuring .them that the old. A very pleasant gathering wash t at the home of Mr. and Mrs'. Itobt, friends would always have a., first lace in their hearts. Tho remainder - P f :spent; o s • concession •nil' 0thi ase P the las G Y Thompson ofw 'Chompof 'the. evening pleasantly n the Township of Goderieli on 'Thins- to music, games and- social chat• erne! day evening last. when a very large Ithe enjoyment of the' excellent re- ng numbea of the friends and neighbors Freshtnon$s provided by the ladies. took advantage of the occasion to as- semble for a social evening together prior to the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson to Clinton, 'When the cont- pan}' had gathered Mr. Bert Murphy a ' d Mr. W. Churchill, irk happy man- ner Iter and on behalf. of , the company, presented Mr. Thompson wither gold - headed cane and Mrs. Thompson with abeautiful Japanese silk shawl. Mr. Thompson, thanked the friends on be- halfof himself and wife for the boau- Mr. and Mrs. Thomson have been re- sidents of the 10th for many }rears. They have been good neighbors -and have won and held the esteem of alt in' con- tact; whom they have come lities. Ua tact by theirmany sterling q Their old friends and neighbors wish them a pleasant sojourn in Clinton; where they intend..spending their re- maining days'in freedomfrom thela bots and anxieties of farm life. Both they and their daughters, the Misses around in marching order, with the ghborly sentiments which exception of 30 minutes for dinner, until 5 p.m, when we embarked. The boat is 075 feet long, being one of the Largest in the fleet. There are 36 ocean boats in three lines with two battle ships and several cruisers guarding us. Three German ships were sunk not far oft, hut 150 did not hear the, firing. Altogether there are some: 50 boats in line and it Sure is some and a good program is therefore assur- ,sight, reel Sept. 30—Waiting for others to Are yoti a News -Record subscribe? ? embark, Oat. 1—(12.15 p.m.)—Lett dock and t steamed down Ube river folia its un - McKillop rowship known. Od 'L. I woke up when •ws 1 were i Whiter bit us hard in the, early part the middle of the river, and could see of the week but some predict that it land on both sides, We put the pilot ,�and Father Point, at 10 .r �•long. on L T. ttLh t ttt o aa.m., �L1.L last came too severe' to' Munn Brothers lost all thea cows then followed the coast Lino all day. by some strange disease. They all We pulled into Gaspe Bay et 5 p.111. died in a fete days of each anon aud then for the first time saw the Wm. McCavht, sr., continues ill fleet together. with little hope of a complete re- Oet. 3—We lay at anchor for the six cover, liners that left after the dict Cattle as a rule Were allowed to Oct. •i --\\t left at :1.15 p.nt and we remain at large itt the Melds until klitw at Iasi we, were going. Every the seventeenth of the month: which thing went fine. We saw the last of is somewhat later 'than usual, the Canadian laud about 1 p.m. Miss Jane Madly has gone to re - Oct. 5—Seasick, not on deck much. side . in Toronto this vainer. ;'e Oct. U 'lore cruisers have joined us. hope she will have a good time there. I don't know how many. A man from v The tax collector has been on his the Royal George fell over board and rounds. The rate isa little higher we picked him up and saved him. He than usual. is still with tts: We have fire drill every other day. There are about Means News -Leader. 35,000 troops and wo have about 2500 aboard this boat. Oct. 7—It is very stormy and rough about the stomach. Oct. 8—Nothing doing, except that P1119 CREAT SWP 1-' i it as still stormy, Oct. 0—Same as yesterday, Oct.nt teed, L. 1U—Vice a Oct. t1—Sundap--Expect to see land any time now. Oct, 12—Expect to he in England to -morrow, Oct, 13—Not in yet. It -is stormy. Oct, 13—Sighted land, but it is too Wo stormy to stay on deck, \\ pulled in Plymouth harbor, but will not land in this port I think. Will • not Butter Makers will use have any more time to write on board floodGood ed Wrappers obtained front, ship so will say goodbye. Mare ar- rived safe in England at teat The News -Record. C'LCIL H. EPPS• W. C.T.U, On November ani tour states of. the American 'union carried prohibition with the fol owing majorities Arizona 4,000. Colorado 15,000. Oregon 25,000, Washington 15,000. The women did it. The four steles have Woman Suffrage. '. w_ "BEAUTIFUL B A 1 R GOODS . DISPLAY,” THE DOR13NWEND CO.; OF T01.1- , ONTO, LTD., Canada's premier hair - goods houses announce their visit to The Rattenbury House, Clinton Tuesday, December- 8th. when there will e shown an exclusive sample stock of QUALITY ' — 13„_ LADIES in ;--Switches, Braids, DS FOR, B cards Tian HAM GOU itch mit- lions, Pompadours, Wavelets, et(:, is extended' to every lady ' vitiationCo, call and An to Y goods, "`The Dorenwend Sani- tary Patent Toupee" necessityto 0v- v sniule istnib t ern mon who is bald. It will �,�"w.q�t w protcctyour health and make - � t�n f a you appear Year Younger, 9 ,: sM nt 1udeteetable, Featherweight, r3ygenfc. 13e sure you see them on day of visit, A de1730 nstra-eve tion places you under no obligation what r, Remember the date :—TUESDAY, 'DEC:EMB 8th. aspect these I meonamorsomortem 1 A E1 had promp- neighbors of the 10th..; Good Butter , Makers Will Use Printed Wrappers obtained from The News=Record. ANIVIINKSSMECar Be Thankful 1 ,Test think for a few minutes of what people in the war districts are.suft'ertug—hnsbtugds, sons and brothers being slaughtered, homes wnt forced pc t to flee c • their hvs. Think for property destroyed unci people tle£t t•e this all over and you cannot half realize the sad state of a(Pairs. Then conte est that walk with conditions here where we have fine coinfoet- aable homes, abundant, crops of all kinds, good prices. peace and pros- Perity. No came for complaint. We've Much to be thankful for. A. good time NOW to start on the "Pay as Yon Buy" plan and to suppose isreasonable It p havo no bills to settle when the yolarlis upp you can save money by so doing and we are prepared to prove it to you. The thrifty person knows it is the small savings that count. People in this district are prepared to pay their way and are wise to the fact that it is considerably to their benefit. • ren ced toslmw you the tau and are hay,- td ed this 1 ha o t P We P p advantages yco,;afn. ifeBa F. A. Edwards, Bayfield. month. Parties crying acrnunts will confer a raver by settling this 4_ Crearn fla1tcd. t 1: Farmers having cream'tosell during the Pall and Winter months can get'•best results by shipping to Ounn's Creamery, Walkerton Highest; Prices paid for Butter Fat, Two shipping cans supplied free, Express paid on a.11'sitiprnents. Each can au ei°ally weighed and tested and statements of each 51111)- ment returned with empty Otto, Semi-monthly ppayments. Write for earls and full particulars to Gunn's Oretumery, Walkerton, or to Phone 15 on 153, Clinton.EDGAR J. TREWARTHA, Uolmesviile S :,.......,...........,.._.z.... rge t FURNITURE, RUGS AND IANOLFUMS can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are o furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces:you will find it to your advantage to inspect our are giving. W e also carry a inns we v g 5 e the bar ag stock ands e g. good line of violins, pianos and organs. - Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re- spectand we guarantee the best of satisfaction. JN S. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over store, 28 Phone 28 1