HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-26, Page 2G. D. McTAGGART M. D. MCTAGGART McTaggart Bros. • RA.NEEIIS A GENERAL. BANKING 'BUST- IQESS TRANSACTED. NOTES. 'DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PUR- CHASED. • 11. ,T. R.ANCE .NOTARY -PUBLIC, CANVEY ANGER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE TNSLTR• ANCE AGENT.REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. V. i3ItYDON1), . BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO. 0010e- Sloan Block-CLINTON Bran, '' S h o r t s t Dr* Morse's Indian Root I ikIs CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON DRS. GUNN S. GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.O.P., L.B., C.S., Edin. Dr. T. O. Gaudier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St, Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW -OFFICE - RATTENBURY ST. EAST, CLINTON and Flour r owe their. stngnlar effectiveness in Freie the Best Mills at the lowest •possible price. WE PAY THE. HIGHEST PRICE for OATS, PEAS and BAR- LEY, also HAY for Baling. Ford & McLeod ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. DR. O. W. THO11PSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETO. Special" attention given to dis- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suite able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Couunercial Hotel, Huron St. DR. F. A. AXON - DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work Graduate of C.O.D.S.; Chicago, and R.C.D.S,, To- ronto, Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. All kinds of Coal on band: CHESTNUT , SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL' COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS 2% in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the r Best Quality. ARTHUR FORCES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52, The IlIoKillo l Mutual Fire Insurance Company curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of stimulating and strengthening the kidneys. They enable these organs to thoroughly filter from the blood the uric acid (the product of waste matter) which gets into the joints and muscles and causes these painful diseases. Over half a century of constant use has proved conclusively that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills strengthen weak kidneys and ' • 41 Cure Rh'meuinfttisin Farm and Isolated Town Property only •Insured - OFFICERS - J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Vice -Presi- dent, Goderioh P.O.; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. - Directors -- D. F. McGregor. Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William ,Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Ha{{lock; John Benuewies, Brodhagen; Jame Evans, Beechwood; M. MCEven, Clinton P.O. - Agents - Robert Smith, Harlock; E. Hinch. ley, Seaforth; William Chesney, Egmondville; 3, W. Yeo, Holmes - vine. Any money, to he paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Olin. ton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderieh Parties desirous• to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on ap• plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post• offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the. scene GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answefred. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. GPA RtiN. -- TIME TABLE --- Trains Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follower BUFFALO AND GOD11RICH DIV: Going East, 7.33 a. m. 8,03 p. m. 6.15 p. m. 11,07 a. m. 1.35,p. m. 6.40 p. m. 11.28 :u le Goirrng, West, s, c1 ". LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV': Going South, ,t n Going North, tf ,f 8.10 a. in. 4.23 p. m. 11.00 a. to. 6.35 p. m OVER GS YEARS' EX1ER:ENCE TRADE MARKS DEOIGN3 CoFYNIGNT3 O. eadi n a aketah and-dosarl},tlnnanar Anyorisa g ewe aeperLlin, bjr i inion fres wltatilet nn Donsst;LL la conedely aatenenOSO {7ommunfon- uon ti'oe.ycon doatlai• 01 0400 001( onseut,.Patents ren 0.Letlle. 9'or encu r nn g ordost, e v snit YI'ee. 1 'epee 1 titin dG aU. 1. Ve VI= itrou i kI et L R P pltte t at tree nr a la the :. ...wee aoticy nlLlloa , 4 , A hanaeornely Illustrated weeklT. Largest sir. Oauisdn 68,15 a yscientific 8,nii, e a journal, ge prel$1 ti Terms Lys aft n(ellie1a( 4leata10- q/ f, • {gi4N• & coo SG Broadway, New 6 ork Brand; Olaae.. G25.'ll'. Bt.,washhluton. DJ O. Them is a Cokk Day Corning ! 1PPIN 0 ina 'A -_ ""'^uS ry 1GX 6d.lY 7 Ii UV' A tYi /'a f7 irtZdb :,?a.. -A 424114,9 i li$.13lpnfy ,_ II The ButT 0 ep, sit.: a ► tthlODD so 0;rpw .; CA P,:.am rw2:ie Nevem; Y eenee L MANY SHORT STORIES AND ° TtSlltdFr 'i'1M{.d E ERS ®N F iPn . COPYo : ^,F10 PERVEAn; 26 eve A ,, `, NO COIt1J'9NUFt3 STOFICiC '' event tem lea 0QMPI.ETL. IN l 'iCEtf Whv not prepare for ib by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley Coal. None better in the world. House Phone 12. 'Office Phone 40. Does Your KitcfK-n load a Clock Xs a rule it's the kitchen (deck that rules the hours for meals, and for getting the boys .and girls away to eelleo1 on bine. Hence a Kitchen +Clock ought to be a truth -teller. A clock that le generally s•Li many minutes fest or slow'. is an aggravation. 10 •should he superseded 'by something from our clock stock, We offer }-ou a great big choice opt good kitchen time tellers. Some of thecal cost around a dollar, Some run up as high as $1.00 lip. But ALL can be depended upon to keep the 'business of housekeeping running tion time." Glad to show them to you. W. R. CURTER JEWELER and ISSUER of 111AIRRIAGE LICENSES. Ile the ILnilts of Beautiful Relines. The Genian garrison at Marines sitting among the ruins of the once beautiful city. THE SUP' SCIO )1 STUN INTERNATIONAL LESSON, NOVEMBER 29. • THE WAR'S GREATEST ISSUE. "Triplicate Empire of Mechanical Perfection" `Facing Supreme. rate. Three Germans; one within the other, feudal, industrial, demo- cratic, and .all of them resting on medieval 'bulwark of authority, Lesson 1Y. Christ Crucified. Math imilitarism. Never in history has •Georgie and the Umbrella. "George," sai<l a mother to ]ler little lour -year-old, "you must take this umbrella to school with you, or you will be wet it is raining hard."I want the little one," he said, 'meaning a sunshade. "No, my dear, that is for dry weather; you must take tlhis andlgo to school like st• geed buy." Georgie did as he was hidden ,and. get to school comfortably. Atter 'school it had stopped ruining and ,Georgie trudged home with the remnants of the uhnbrelle under his aril, "Ohl Georgie, what have you been doing with my umbrella?" said his mo- ther, when elle saw the stele it was r have *e let me h 't u1d have in. Zell should the little one it tools four 'of us to pull it through the school door." IZe--•I can't afford to marry for five years. Will you wait for ane' She -'Certainly ---if no one else mar- ries tee before then. "I.n the old chltws doctors used to bleed patients for most of the dis- eases,'. "They still du, my boy; they still <1'o." A. J. HOLLOWAY Clintou News -Record OLINTON, •- ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discon• tinued until all arrears are paid; unless at the option of the pub. licher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted''' on the label. Advertising Rates -- Transient ad. vertisements, 10 cents per non. pareil line for first insertion and 4 cents per lino for each subse• quent insertion. Small advertise ments not.to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolon," etc., inserted once for 35 cents,, and each subsequent in. sertion 10 cents. Communications intended for pub.' Heathen must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. 3. MITCHELL;, Editor and Proprietor. CENTRAL GTRATFORD. ONT. ,, l n ronin ureic o with a is school a reputation for highgraide work and for the success of its grad ual:tes, a school with superior coarses and instructors. We give individual attention in Commercial, . Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments. Why attemcl of ewyl-lees when ci,1orj is: room Here' ton may enter ' at any time. Write for our largeafree catalogue. D. A. MoLACHI,AN, Principal. Constipation -- the hallo of old ago • isnottobecured fief` by harsh purga- tives; they rather aggravate the trouble.• For a gentle, but sure .laxative. use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They stir up .tot livor, tone the nerves and freshen the stomach and bowels just like an internal bath. Woman's best ,friend. From' girlhood to old age, these little red health re- storers are an unfailing guide to anseti ve l iver and a clean, healthy, normal stomach. 'false a Chamber'lain's Stomach Tablet at night and the sour stomach and fer- mentation, and the headache, have alt gone by morning. All druggists, 250,, or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto is 15. 21-41; Luke 23. 39-43. Gold- en Text, Isa. :53. 4. Verse, 23. They offered him twine mingled with myrrh; but he re - there -been such another comlbina- tion. England, and the' United States are' industrial countries, says a writer in the 'Century Maga- zine. Engle nd, an island empire, relies, it is true, upon her vast eeived it' not -The wine was drug- navy; but she has no great stand- ged. Jesus knew the purpose was ing army, and 'her government 104 to stupefy him, and he was strong democratic. The soldier is merely enough to refuse, idle would din, an incident in Anglo-Saxon ind is - so far as he was aide, in P trialient, and democracy is potent. red Russia has a feudal autocracy rt an army, 'but she has neither politi- cal democracy nor a factory indus- try. France has her army. and her session of his faculties. It was cus- tomary to give a st:upifying drink to those about to be crucified, 24. They . . part his garments td t• lots upon among tent, casing industry, but she is a ee ublic, and them -The executioners were Nevi- p leged to take the garments, and the army is not the expression of sometimes other personal belong- her political theorems. Ings, of the executed as a sort of During 40 years of development recompence for their services. these three German- empires have 25. And it was the third hour- been growing. Democratic Ger- Nine o'clock in the morning of our many grew more rapidly than even time. In John 19. 14 we read that industrial Germany, but it gained it was "abotit the sixth hour." The scarcely any concessions. Iiz Prue- hour was called the third until the sic, it least, every young man who "sixth" was sounded. On careful joins the Social -Democratic party reading the accounts esseu'tinlly leaves all hope of government pre- agree. .-•-IB .ferment behind,, The expanding 20, And the superscription circle of the democracy (roweled was customary to put to sign above bdth the industrial and feudal cam - the crucified to indicate who or what he was. The' Jews would ne- ver have had Jesus indicated- as their king. But so had they es- enscd hint to Pilate and so he was described on the ernss,. To see the ilrmy levies, a five ler cent. tic "Bing of the Jews" hiinet'el meet- I l i Customer Plow are your halted almonds Feeshl Clerk-No'm; salted, THE CHILDREN OF TO -DAY just as they ere -in their in- door piny, or at their outdoor play --they are constantly of• Tering temptations for the KO t AK Let it keep then for you as they aro now. Let .it. beep. many ether hap• peni,ngs that are a source of pleasure to yell,' BROWNIES, ' $2 T0 $12; Ii;OD:1.104,S', $7 TO $25. "Also frill 'stock of Films and Supplies, We do Developing and Printing, Remember the placer Tie r19 n G S li! 1` lifted, when only a few inches 'be- yond my i'eaeih. Ie was then that the cook,camo on deck, .He memo bo tlhe how, saw me, and ran alit to' the companionway, shouting, "Ted's overboard I Tcd.'s 'over- board !" 'Be,fore he could say more, allhands were on deck, almost pushing each other aside in their eager. •efforts to be first. Little more than a second eta - {iced to bring the four to the weath- er bow. There the,skipper seized a bile enol threw it to tree; trot I failed to get hold of it. Again he threw; and again I missed it.' Brown clambered cub on the _bow- sprit, an<l tried to reach 'ine with his han'cl whenever 'tlie spin des- cended, but 'could not. 'let go," roared the skipper, 'and we'll piok you up!'" But I felt that to release my grasp was to sink at once, for my strength was abmost gone. 1 dared not let go. - '(Hold on I ' yelled Brown. "Get droll of my legs !" and he slid head - WE'.LL SEND THE FIRST few doses of Gin Pills to you free -if you have any Kidney or Uladder'l rouble, After you • see how kind they Are -get the 50c. size at your dealer's. National Drug Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Toronto 267 clam'(, a go kavosm ACTIVITIES OF WOIIEI . Chicago has over 3,000 woman merchants. Russian factories employ "over 700,000 women. Woanan farm laborers in Englitn,d numtiber newely 100,000. Over 5,000 w'pmen are engaged' in industry in ,Italy. Only five per 'emit, of the evemen in India, can read and write. French milliners are' paid . front three eo seven cents an bone. Unemployment is more prevalent among women than among inen in London. Scientists claim that a woman's •brain acts quicker thee that of a The present Queen Marie of Rou- mania was .ail. Anglo-Geenian-R0s- siert princess. Female knitters and spinners - in Scotland make from 'i1 to $1.50 per week. American Red Cross nurses on the European 'beittlefields will be known as sisters. Recent statistics show thin males its Japan outnumber the women. by only 87 773. first over the rail by the fore In Cuba married women always shroud, cls the other two seized his retain their maiden names Ill Slick- • ankles. 1 floated near, the chain tion to :that of their husband's. slipped from. me, I was sinking` In England Sts well 1104 New Yurek• lower. Brown called out, "Lower." harried women are prohibited frons They let him <lo'wn another foot. becoming school teachers. tutted His arils and head came into the Mrs. Harriet C. Adams, the icy water. His clutch 'fastened on explorer, has erossed :the Andes my clothes, and by one of diose mountains four times in the saddle. superhuman efforts that hell are -Miss Rose Fritz, the world's fast- est typist, recently wrote 7,937 words in oche hour in open competi- tion capable of at such times, we Wert. arida mole and more, until in the lifted clear over the bide -lurks into last elections it seemed as if some- safety, where the encircling steel pf pre- rogative would have to yield. But instead of revolution, more have given occasion fur coarse lok- ing among the Rtlma.ns Pilate. it will be remembered, was interceded With to change the superscription, so as to indicate that Jesus called himself King of. the Jews, 29, And they that passed by railed -A large crowd, mostly Jews, of course, would be ottracted to Golgotha, and many were there who took this opportunity of letting the levity of diens natures have full play. lint we may ivcil believe that many, even some who had net been drawn to hint in his lifetime, look- ed on with serious and solemn as- pect, and perhaps were struck with awe and astul'islinlent, on the one hand, that no innocent a'man could have been wantonly hurried to the Moss, and with surprise and ad- miration on the other thst be could bear the ignominy and pain so nobly. 30. Save thyself, and come down from the cross -He could not save himself because he would save the souls of others. What was thrown at him as a taunt was his real glori- fication. 31. In like planner also the chief priests . with the scribes -The priests led in the trnhallowedmncrri- ment. They etood around and saw to it that, when ;the Mocking and raillery begun to lag, new material. for jesting was brought forth. 32. They that were. crucified with hint reproached hint -This seems hard. It is surely difficult to com- preheed," We read in the other Gospels that one was repentant and rebuked the outer for his blas- li 134em. yAnd at. the ninth hour Jesus cried -He had now been hanging on the cross in elle most excruciating pain foe six hours. net., ]?loi, lame sabachthani. The words occur in Pea, 22, 1. Eli and liloi are two forms of the word God, one of which Jesus naturally would use. Vihy hast.thou forsaken me'l- Probably in the sense, '',thy dost thou withhold thy help 2" 05. And Some of them that stood by, when they heard 1t, that is, Elo1, Eloi,. perhaps did nob hear distinctly, or they turned the word into Elian, making -.0 pun on God's name, and changed it. into :Elijah. 3G. And one rani, a friendly per- son in disregard of the mockers,. i e at' '' full of n sponge ev and ag 1, wlc 1 1 6 g poeea, or sour wine, put it en a reed The Roman soldiers would have such articles to ,assist in moil telling the lips and mouths of the poor 1 cy]l L linimtl9 as they gasped t us the whether •']i Lel lives, +,uttl Omit. Elijah cometh to Lailre him clown--- This lownThis was mockery-. No sane pomp ;. among Testis's enemies at' the mese. would seriously have expected - such to thltg. 37. Uttered a loud voice -,The physical exerted and asserted itself at the anonleeit of dissolutio} . Fouled any of '1 osc Who stood by ever have 'forgotten this cry of ;Le- wis as his tired and borturecl body gave sup the g+liost2 c 1 1 t per ty tax, a greater navy. Then the soar. Encircled by ene- mies, some prompted by reveuge, eine by jeai ,ttsy. some by the in- I otint't of ethnic growth, teas tripli- cate empire of mechanical perfec- tion faces its supreme fate. Irlro1 Roberts: -said only two years ago, "(aelnl.iny strikes when Germany's hour has struck." The hour has come, and the three Germanys thus far have stool to- gether. It was expected that the in<lnetrial princes would stand by the kaiser. But the Social -Demo- crats have constantly opposed the increase in armaments, and preach- ed ageinsU violence. While their leaders load repeatedly assns eel -the icovertrnhene that in the lour of peril the Socialist would prove 00 pat- riotic 515 any others, they at the same time warned the nation that they would resist a war oF. aggres- sion, 'their actions indicate that 'they consider this a war of defense. The patriot has overcome the doc- trinaire, and for the moment all Ore united around the throne. So the student of affairs sees to- dot' the final test of a vast human mechanism that has reduced 00,- 000,000 persons tc 60,000,000 obedi- ent "parts," resting upon the tri- pod of, bur'eauoracy, ibayonet and state 'benevolence. Is 15 possible so to drill the human mind and body. into mechanical docility and ,yet. re- twin that nationalistic spirit which is the noblest phase of race develop, mento Can you unite military ef- ficiency and industrial efficiency in one people, in the twentieth cen- tury proscribe autonomy tel bobh so- ciety And the individual anal yet. re• fain cultural virility*2 Can ,you make a man a machine, .and%yet by some autocratic mn•acle sale his sou]'1 This is the greatest ,sue of this war. , 111 1' THE iBOWSPR 11'. I'lti i'tiung, Sailor Had a Renia:rk- able ilxptliettee. While receiving a new pair of lee jib sheets on board to email. s.ehoon e the author cf. My Vagabond - age," Hien a lad of fourteen, drop- ped Ilea<llong into the ' seething next r 'The foam Secant the bows. ittumenb 'he was jelled to the tiro'• t 0 ,l ] '' m through far tl, ragged along \water for the lipase of 11 '13' see - mire and left g, i-I"s r i ur g had TWO parts of au lrateut. 11 Ilk I Repaveied. 1 hacl instinct I\ el,y grasped, as I fell, Ilse. end of -the stat' t'ha't led from the topnlaet hesll tlu•ucLgh the iron roup at the (niter anti of the bowsprit .» 113' uncoli- scio tie holed on that .had brought, nee to the surface, as the marls lifted her head to the swell, and t still eluiclied it, ' :gnu, began a game at which 1 had icier befote.played Every time the head oaf the vessel .dipped be- l W eon the peleegreen mud -tinged rollers, ] grappled tip She slack o11un for dear life, but when slie rose c again, oho tore it th%ough lltiy fingei'5, 1\Vlieileter l Saw the lin weevil; de - Seceding, n' c n h h I might t c l 1 thn int i Scrnc R e bark L1 i , :r au cl clamber. 1. c t l old of t h Yet this means of ;cerin ions de- nied me. On each occasion 15 np- fre t 4` + /04.='1 ' 3+i>j>irYA3' w INDIA PALE ALE ld .iJ Not a Useless Intoxicant, but a - WHOLESOME BEVERAGE with dietetical and medicinal uses - MADE AS GOOD AS WE CAN MAKE IT - If not sold by nearest wine and spirit merchant, write JOHN LABA.TT, LIMITED LONDON - - CANADA _. 83 a 1. lrka, \\• • 1e ''illy husband's very pu'l;y, mum, vert p51''l,v,' .said She washerwoman, ",lits Suit the exclamatory aheuma- 11 nn "You I ream nttlentmature rhrnmalienn 111, rata. Ehclau,cttory ,„ Y as ire to rev 'out' r I s, , u at I plied Mar the, oil, crnvrcti ori. "Dab'e what It ice I10e hollers all de time!" p al is .vt'rgBell Tele- pherae is a Long; Disttsiiee,S't cation T"'1 hecme of Efficiency . 'O1.1'. can attain the highest 1 point of efficiency in your 1 `ic 5teIi at mess bya systematic Y and consistent use of the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE, If you have never given the TELEPHONE as a business producer a proper opportunity BEGIN NOW, Ask "Long Distance" for rates. Isi "azsssza The Bell Telephone Co mar a.w OF CANADA. sfh,7.kYsw.a1u`ii , :xY' t '.`'ZIT' `