HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-26, Page 1No. 1860 -36th Year ,CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1914. O lVille THE HOME PAPER Your friend who may not now be a subscriber The NeltivsRecord that without any ; doubt the News�-Leader is• (AN I AI3LI1+R TRAIN, CLINTON' ,SERVING TIIEIR,:COUNTRT'. The following Clinton native -bores are now in the. Service of the King as members 01 arthcr the First or Second Contingents; Broder McTaggart, Lewis Manning Walter Armstrong Bud brewer ' Aubrey Brewer: W. rU. 13Crzoe ANOTHER CLINTON BOY, Mr,' Walter •Armstrori ', 'eldest son of g Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Armstrong, for- merly well-known resiclents of Clinton but now .of Toronto, was one of the number who went from Toronto with the First Canadian ' Contingent to England. 1-10 went with the artillery company and . is new at Salisbury: Plains unless' theyy have alreadybeen ordered the battle o to bate ]lee in France , L1P THE GOOD WORK CSO ON. • Althrough the weeny meetings of the Women's Patriotic Society have been discontinued until after Christ- mas those who can, do so are rogues- ted to continue the work at their homes. Also, an}Yone wishing to be- crone a member of the' society can do so 'by handing their name 'with the initiation Lee, twenty-five cents, to the secretary, Airs. Axon, or leave ing at Fair's bookstore. GOOD PICTURES, The Lison l.rlucational Art Exhibi troll, two hundred large, reproductions of masterpieces in architecture, seulp- titre and painting, is being held in the town hall this week. The pie- tures are suitable for school, (Moore,- tion, are chosen with an eye to such fitness, and Critics say the exhibition clow on is a worthy one. The pro- ceeds of the exhibition will be used to bey pictures for the Collegiate. The hall will be open at three and half- past seven pen. Iseidv will be the last day in Clinton, Admission ten cents, It l`"5I b 1 C.IICRCll. :11 the close of Lhe preaching set- vice'on Strada}` morning Ileo, Dr, Rutledge had; a racopticn scrvtpa whom twenty-nine were received into fun- lowshfp dither by profession of faith or by letter, Miss Bessie Irwin, field worker for the DCaconness 'Movement, gave im ad- dress on this phase oT churh wore at the close of the Sunday school sesst[on oil Sunda' afternoon, Miss Irwin has } spout several. years in the actual work and is well qualified to explain just what it means, especially,in the }argot .cities, Rev. J. 1{, eel- addressd the League on 1lrnidayr evening lits sub- „ „ sect being, 1)ecrsion, 'oho i •!tie ng in. charge of the Goad C'ittzeh: ship llepactmant. llx, b'airfiill's talk was r' clic s P a at and earnest and listen ed to with interest and profit by the )'qung people present APPROPTIT<1l RI Il ME. iM•Iiss •1 1iza Mountcasile, while read- ing and thinking about the war, as who of us are act just nett alln,gst to •the Cxelustou of ail gtse the oils er day dug up from her "memory box" the following couple of stanzas of an old 1100111 which she says was taught her by liar father many years a- go, Slhe, thought them somewhat ape propriate to the present and handed thein hi to The News -Record ; ,Stand by each ether and front your foes.• Fight while e diet of rad treed flows Fi ht as. 1 f i! fo t ht t g ._ t g of tile, sae eat. rose• - Iluz a 1 .. Sumo, Henze s tlase -Ave, no.ic Sinews as strong ea they , ' have so not • boatels that ne pt •gtvll tva • 2 ' Y have ss not right on our side, - to-. dayt ? 11111/a ! huzza I liana I �� mew e }Leese; COME l`0 Tesee. Mr, and Mi's, Robert Thompson, sr, who have this week taken. up their a- bocce in Clinton, were for many yeses hi hl = s g } e teemed residents of the Six teenth con. of Godericll township, having resided upon the same : farm srnoe 1809.: 7'he '1lmont spas are excel- p lent farmers, industrious and ;mine- taking, and the hopna51010 on the 16th is coneideied to be one of the best cultivated • in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs, Thompson Navin borne g the burden and heat for many •ears 1 Y ere now preparing to take, i1 easy lot the remainder of their nays. One of their daughters le a -,ember of the 6 14Iodel school leeching sue:. and it will S therefore, be convenient • Por her to have het home in trove and in ntatl)' ways they will tint] it advantageous to reside here. Their son', Mr. Robt. •souls. Thompson, Jr., who was married yes- terday to Miss C. Elliott, is left in charge of the homesteaed, This is not the nest timeM e AIr. Thompson has been a rest n ' P . ds t o, awn. >•le lived here fifty years ago, tylion Clinton wag little More than ga cross- toacbs. A log tavern then occupied the corner where now stands the Molsons Bat>fk building, Mr. 'I'lionhpson can re- member when the G.T.R. was built from Buffalo to (soderich and assist- `present ed in building the cattle •pilus on the 'wedding line through, He also did 0onsider- ' able railway bridge building, being a competent workman.. 'Potter, The News -Record, on behalf of Olin- ton citisens generally, welcomes Sir, and Mrs, Thompson and their (laugh- tees to town and wishes thein, a plea- a $fi,linnl•n• hn,•n _,.. THE LOCAL SARI{.E'1'. Wheat 01.10. 13arley.60c. Oats 15e to lOc. Eggs 29e to S0c. Butter Ole to 22c., Live Flogs ;$7.00. MUST IIAVE 'NAME. A communication, that was probate ly untended for publication, has reach- ed this office • but which is, for the time being, on file, the writer not sendin • in his name. This is es- g sender fora as a guarantee. of good faith we Must know the author of articles sent this way, particularly those whfoh. deal with Controversial matters, 'A PRL,SLNTATION. -. About twenty members of the Phil- .athea class ' of Ontario street Sun- day school met at the home of Miss Clara IIoltzheuea on Thursday even- y ing last and in view of her approach- ing marriage, which took place yes- tardily, presented her with an address and 1 handsscfrmw sliver berry spoon, it3iss Liva Wiltse read the address WILL 13133 AT HOME. Mrs.' T:, E. ,Mackenzie .Jr, now comfortably settled in bo street, dente on King street, will be to her feielids • as usual thi Wednesday of each month, P1 RRY'S IE:E.r2T:ESS P1yA' ']'his seed known C'ompany, ly the most popular players . art of the, p peon}ace, will app` the town hall• on ,Saturday • 'rico, 5th; , when "The Bella Post" strong military o a o g mi to coo ma will be presented. 13A1lLST CIiURCFI. • , Tho pastor was "wee to y his work • on Sunda last ow.to illness,, Rev. J. Greene and N C. Holland very efficiently fit on short notice. The past preach on Sunday. His morel 100t will be, "Pahterns," and evening, "A Fellow Wtho Made g' e The Sunday school is prepiii a cantata, ".bound the Mang be given tit connection with a nits Tree. We `few ,7f ave `Our , 'ahris f maJ Jteek NIGHT Many impe tant, changes -are being made in the •G.T.11 tinmetable, corn- uxencing allot Noventner.29th, but as WELL EEUPRLSIJNTIJD: Mr. Hugh B. Grigg, 'Montreal; son of • M2, 'A. • I. Grigg of town, has heard from his old. schoolmates, Bud en shale• to the arrive' and leaving of Clinton trains no ohange is being trade with the exception of the late train from and Aenbrey Brewer; who went to England 'with the First Contingent and are now in: training.; at Salisbury 1 We Will be pleased to Show tl e'`diffe eat' new renes and: designs. 9.,. r } Pur.,hasers•wil,1 be well, -repaid by 'a visit to our store, Goods may now be selected and left with us �r until' near XMAS if the customer so •desires, the east, which is now dile at 11.23 p.m. and Which will arrive fifteen minutes earlier: , THE JUNIORS Al'WORK. Oho J Junior Patriotic Soeiefy intend holding a sale in the town hall on Dec, 12th. The girls have been busy making, articles for sale and will be glad to•havedonations of second-hand Plains, At time of writing they were revery day expecting to be• sent to the firing line m prance. The boye n=eat o . y. over with a Montreal Re anent, WINS A' SCHOLARSHIP, . :' Mr. Clarence G, Kilby,;'son_ of Mi:s. tending: Collegiate In St. Thames, :has •Kilty of Clinton,' who has been et- been awarded the second of the "1.1. . � We !Xellitar • •ONIONS ewe t rind QptxCtan' - - �. ClintonClit Agent or the. Howard Watch. f toys, books; ate., anything which would sell, the procee'ds to be given the Red Cross fund, • K Misses Sewell,; Pott's, or Gunn will be glad to :receive. donations, ALL SOLD. The management o[ the House of Refuge are leaders in onion cultiva tion and base every reason to cola gratulate themselves, 0 they Carter scholarships for the county of Elgin. There are three' for each county, or gtoup - of counties, the value of thefirst being • $40, $100, the second ' $110 and the third $40. The News -Record con veinlet- g os the successful strident. I'1' WILL INTL"REST YOU, Mrs, Greet Meekhare, who is being are so disposed. On the three acres under sent out by the Canadian Red Cross Society to address the citizens of the cultivation they expended $373 .for titer. different tonne in Ontario, will Speak in the town hall and time teacher, Mr, Wm. Walker, made the presentation. The rem remain- dei of the evening was very pleasant- 1}= spent in games and social enjoy- anent, MRS, ROBl3 S REC'E1'C•ION. r + Mrs, R. C. Robb held her post- ilei reception at her home on Outer- io street on Friday afternoon last, sewn a great number of ladies took advantage of ;tile occasion to call and bid her tvelco)ne to Clinton. Mrs. Robb received in: her lovely wedding gown of white satin, Her mother,. rs. Hamilton, ' ' e:= -1 w M la lniton, and bel-srst in a , Miss Robb, received with her, the former. wearing blue silk' and the tat- ter white, Little Miss Norma. Tee- leaven answered the door, Miss Win- rote O'Neil assisted in the drawing- roost and Mrs, 'Treleaven, ,Mrs. Her- per, 31155 Jean matey and Miss I-ra- rel O'Neil,in the lea room. ` 111,7,:11 [\ 1:5 01+' BURNS. i'Vlrs. J. 1Vlacdonald of s'orter's hill raft qn '.CuM d For a fmtatter s yrs, It 1n Detroit, where Mut members of her family reside. Mrs. Macdonald, whose maiden name was llTacdo:[ all was born on the farm on width the Porter's Hill school now stands, her father having taken up that farm over eighty years ago awl' which remained the Oa- 6 P siss]on of the fancily for many years. tette iltacc1ougalls were relatives of the poet Burns and Mrs. Maeda/midis first school tearltes was a Dr, Rabb, a ne hew of the Sonttish bard who p taught the Porters Iliil school in the earl days, Ile diel in Clinton some y bears later ante mays be remembered hyy sonic of the older residents, Mrs. IViacdonald Is len 11 a art to Scot- p g p land, which tvili prpbably be carried out next Sun111111, and which twill her tate second visit to the land of her Coxefathexs. 111E U)3 TO (.10, Major II. Torr etance has volunteer- ed for foreign seruice and is ready to o tq the front whenevoe called a on, g p He has been ' connected with the Nitron R(lgiment since his boyhood days, has risen step by step ])t, rank <tnd in ,the natural course of e.enhs will be in charge of the. gallant [hirty-third, ' Major Rance has always taken c keen ]uterest fn the llurons, has F- done his utmost to promote dielr ev- ict lrcieney i» etery Souse a[ the word, a fret that rtes teen appceciatad byt the h,ghm•-ups, by the no}'s rn red and Gy ilial portion of tihi ,pudic tvhtoh telcos 1 gcnulnc beta sonnowl+at' 5111101 interest in. the militia. Towne, m command of . 6bo Lieut. f C•tLntohi Company ,a.nil of the Home Guards has also volunteered, 11c is one of .the leo.st enthusiastic of the rntn er• eitiicus, or which his tl101 y• g ough training 0f the Company and of the Cruards is an evi.ti01100 WEDDED YESTERDAY, A quiet little home weddieg :tock Place at the home 01 Mr. and Mrs. Pit Ilol rhauer a't six o'clock ester-. y day' afternoon tvhen , then; daughter, Clara.Al., became the beetle of Mr., Freiecick 1.. Potter, son of Mr, and Mrs. "bo Potter of Godericit town- N 'rhos. 1 e ship. It the hour appointed, to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss s . tsister m :last 1 rances potter, of the glee the, 'ride entered the parlor leaning t b s.. P t7, on the arm. of her lather, who .gave het away, and the young couple took r then places before ti heel. 2pC ferns ' ' • • , • ' n and palms. •The blare wore a daunt. gown of cream sill: crepe with tiini• ntrngs of shadow loco and a veil caught .$.900 up with a wreath of orange blos- She also carried a bridal boil- sleet of ereailt TOWS' and maiden hair ' ,fern. The young couple were uuat- tended, The Ce•enfony was peeforrneci byRey, S. J. All,n pasyor• of the Ontario' street church 'of which the bride is a member, and was witnessed only by the members of the two lane- !lies• When the ceremony was .concluded' and the newt}rwadded:...pair lied ' re- ceived the, congratulations of those all sat down to a sumptuous ;'388 feast and a couple of hours• were , afterwards sent: in music and P social chat. Later . Mr. end Mrs. drove to their' 'own hoitae"oa the fourteenth of Goderieh townshlip. Phe Netvs-R ora heart'1 'oins in' goo(' wishes. for the `futtt a ha ince and well-being of the newly -wedded .. The Telephone Sy stole in the CO of County U I" _r: The following report of the Telephone Systems operating County 6111u -son was by Th Record taken from the eighth report of the Ontario Railty Municipal Board submitted Provincial Legislature and Published. This report is for 1 ending December 31st, 1913, The McKillop, Logan ,`v Telep}tonc Co. A.A.Col uhouh Coke :1101u fa, secretary!, was started i has 870 tetephones, 124 miles es, 26(i miles of circuit; $18, capital invested, receipts fe were ,$8,0x1 and expenditures North Muton Telephone CO., Elliott, 1Vingham, secretary, in 1909, has 133 telopltoucs in tion, 134 miles of poles, 366 1 Circuit, $23,000 invested rp0ei mounted to $15,955 and expen tp $11,757. 1lroxeler '1'oicphono CO., 1 _ McKeroher Wroxeter sec Started in 1909. 292 lelepho 660' 6f miles al poles, 126 mi circuit, $1+L,180 investocl,.10001 11113-lnoun.tad to $1,615 and [tu,.as to $4,052, Brmssels' 11T'orl;ls ,1p Grey Mt Telephone System, M. Black, seorctars. Started 1909, has aphones„ 780 miles of poles, 48 of circuit, $17,106 invested, were receipts last year and $5, expenditures, Clodesich ':Township Telephone tern, Adam Cantcl0n, Clinton, {;art', Started in 1900, has 20 scribers, 190 tetras of poles., 19 of Circuit $12 000 of capital 1 had $1,991 in receipts and $1, expenditures last year, Coderich Rural Telephone C' I1, Johnston, Dungannon, sa Inaugurated in 1910, has 17 phones, 174 Miles of poles, 48 of circuit $15,iG2 of invested' .• $22,532 tecetpts and $22;820 !tures,` Salkeld -Andrews Telephone J. W. Salkeld, Croderrch, sec Sias started in 10:10, has 8 tele 2 miles of poles, 12 miles of s $150 invested, receipts last amounted , to , 060, expcaditu saint. Blyth Municipal 'Telephone C );trier, Blyth, secretary. Star 1910 has 411 subscribers,, 162 of: poles, 254 miles of rlrcuf h, • . 1ial of $3h,213 itn•pstelei , receip year amounted to. $3,460 and. ( 11151/05 to 18,282, •• • Mchillop Munleipal Telephone int, J. m CTouenlgcic, Wile 003 teleph Was started in 1908 303 telephones, 180 miles of poi miles of Dies :180 furle9 oP ,c , P $27,000 of capital invested, he 'Iso of receipts last yeast ane expa,dttui,cs. Tucl,arstnith Munietpal Tel System,: John Reinke, Seafortl rotary, Started 'in 1000, has subscribers, 212 miles of pole miles of circuit! a capital of 1 invested, had $11,8'10 in reeeip' - year and $.13,263 exPendrture.• isordwich Rural '1'e1e,horn) Cs i H. Rogers, Foldwieh, secretary started in .1911, has 135. thief 107 miles of poles, 121 ,piles chit, $6,305 of: capital snvestes year the receipts aino nti ) 1 u $1 912 and expenditures to $1 2 Crediton' 'el, Assn., J. N., Crediton, secretary, started in has 112 subscribers ail • of 1 miles 100 nil f civ , • 70 ,c ' es n circuit, a capptal COD, had $1,324 receipts last ye. expenditure. • Mt. Carmel '0 Centralia Tel Co., started in 1900, has 23 s' bets, 11 utiles oh poles, 18 mil circuit, $2,000 invested, receive last year .and expended $232. I3yndmaih ',Private Line,I. 1.3) ndmau, E\eter, secretar s y, in 1907, hes 10 telephones, 22 of Pales, 22: miles of circuit, invested, -received hast year $4F oxpetdod 0220, Hay Municipal System, Fred Sr., Zurich, secretary, started telephones, 105 1i,iles of, 175 tittles of circuit, $20, 215 ed, necsilpts lest; year were $8,7 y expenditures '$7,983. ' The following telePiionacoinpa.c the county, have repeated their to the Raitwa • and Muniei�pal l Some of ipbeselopetate in other ties as well. y The RO al Sank OF CANADA. Incorporated 1300: Capital Authorized • $25,000,000 Capital Paid•up 11,560,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 13.500,000 Total Assets 185,000,000 880 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted, P S R. E. MANNING,• Manager - Clinton Branch seed and crop realized 02514.60 a net . return of $2141,60, The yield, the best the 11 of R. has yet had, has all been sold and paid for, also stands to the credit) of the shrewd management • 1 or owing to the falling OR in the demand a con- , 'sidorable portion of the crop through- out the countyis still in the hands of the producers, WAl%ERLP Y CHANGES HANDS. The. Waverley Hotel has changed hands, the purchaser beiug 11Tr. Wes- ley Walker. Needless to, say the the Waverley will no more be known as a house of public entertainment, it bo- ing Mr. Walker's present intention to convert it into a factory for the manufacture of some popular line of goods. 01 course there will be no on Thursday of next :week at four o'clock, She will speak ohm the work of the lied Cross and Will show samples of necessary sup- plies. It is the citizens of town and surrounding country, not only tits ladies, who are invited to hear this talk, OiN:I', ST. CHURCH. • The pastor preaelled. on Sunday last to good congregations notwithslana- ing the stormy day, At the arching service a quartette composed of Mr, and Mts. B. J. rubbings, Mr, . \Voir and Mrs, Ross sang with inch ac- ceptanca. On Sunday next Ret', Arthur W. Brown of Varna will preach ;morning and evening, the pastor taking anal- versary services at Varna. change at the present, not until the financial The League meeting on Monday! eve clouds roll by, and• io the nheant}me it is possible that Mr, ening was addressed by Miss Syybel (ourticc on "Life in ,Japan." Her Ti' olsons Bank Incorporated 1856 • Established in Clinton 1879 �+ Capital any Reserve a $8,800,000 01 BRANCHES IN CANADA A • GENERAL - BANKING - I3USINI;SS • TRANSACTED, ••Ontournx, LETTERS 0]' CniansT • • 1 . --^- TRAVELLERS Csin jsie ISSUED. BANK MONEY ORDERS - • - - ' f .SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Walker may dispose of the property, for although he has confidence in the future of Clinton the baying and sell- ing of real crt tp is ono of his side Irncs.• SOME OF THIS WORK DONE. The ladies of the Patriotic Society . 01 Clinton showed forth, their good wor,rs hist 1 hlayy afternoon when they held an exhibition of their Red Cross supplies 1i1 the Council chain- her, Everyone knew the ladies had S been working and had accomplished a great steal but no one could supprefs address avas listened to w.itlh much interest, Anniversary services Will be held in tills church ezl Decelnhcr, tbirteE'ntn, , A. CONFIRMATION SCRVIC:1.. Bishop Williams conducted a con- titillation service in .'St, Paul's church on Monday evening, preaching from the loci : "Be ars imitators of Clod." llie Bishop went en to show that to be imitators of God 1.t must be by imitating Christ and. be, pointed out g several ,ways in which mortals could not imitate Christ as for example, At all branches, Interest allowed at highest current rate, g C. E. 'Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch. a gasp of astonishment at sight of in his ahistlghty power, his right to the huge pile of socks, shirts quilts, rebuke, his power to work miracles, etc, On the table near the door were etc: On the other gland he pointed P displayed socks, scarves, wristlets out that Christians 'should must and caps, all of grey yarn and hand- imitate Christ in his truth ening 4teas knitted and representing many hours the young Christians to be true ; in of patient wont, Nest the hos- his came p110113 to self-control and in logo pita]. supplies, Pneumonia jackets, do- for Lhe Church, which was shown h}' READY-TO-WEAR O Dmitri naiad by the Serving Club and the self-sacrifice. Junior Patriotic Society, cholera Idis Lordships address wits listened belts, pyjamas, night shirts, day c v , s OLOTaxxa-ttr> $Z•�.,• Ojra� O e, It to with great aai and after - shirts of heavy flannel elm The 'third wards a Blass of twenty-four received table 'was loaded with rcOYOiiT0W':►' (�p111 1111�y c nilly, sixt - one in ali, donated by the Jackson LI rite 01 oonfrrnat[on,' The choir led in the singing rendering also tae Company, who not content with this generous offering supplied the Boxes u.nthem, Gonle, holy (toast; Our E� who likes t likes to afford to by; without M A ICY ` " - =?' -ii8t+dti E‘.,,. to be well dressed make his money o y g let the opportunities pp taking full advantage w � the offered =ems°` ►� 7 �Q I 11 Boy andt either needs to or r f very farthest, can not y ' at this store sli of thein. Souls Inspire,'' by Attwood, 'there for packing and sent two of their Was a very good attendance and the men over o superintend same. Mr. G. D. blcIaggart, undexstaud--service was most impressive• ing the needs of Mr, Thos. Atkins, ACTIVE IN PATRIOTIC WORT{, contributed five hundred cigarettes, • which will no doubt be smoked, The Toronto Sunday . World had though not forgotten, before Princess the following reference to a lady who has frequently visited in Clinton Marys Christmas pae�ai,as arrita, h y where site has a number of ersonal alba supplies were o thed, Cqm- p plate outfits tvcre sent to the .Clinton, friends. !toys note rib ih:arning in London ;rho "Among the interesting personalities haspitai sapplies were scut to the noisy taking part in the patriotic work Re•1 Cross Secret},, tlie� gltilts and of the tvonSen of '1'orptq, is Nliss II. pillows to Bel ium and tete field coin- years ] g 1\I. 1ITI1 ivho for a nuntbett of fot't, to Salisbury Planus.. In the list Inas been a distinct feature in many were 4 v of our Public, aottvitr s pertaining to 1 6 pans of socks , 123 pairs P b , e } a g of •xristicts; 18 oholea toffs; g the interests of women and children.. doze[, handkerchiefs • 57 scarves At this moment when the world is cs ; 13 Rannelette shirts ; 4.0 caps ; 31 peen- farrlsi see Inns to wars win pool; re- 1sonia jackets • 14 nightshirts • 37 Terence to Miss trill is most oppor- g pyjamas ; 1 suit underwear ; 1 dozen tune as she is one of a military fain- wash cloths ; 20 pairs spa sec's ; 2 fly," members of whreh have seised ` :Boys blue serge reefers, double breasted with 'brass - buttons, a very stylish coat $1.50 Boys overcoats in dark, tweeds with convertible col- tars, extra all a) t a v t e G $3.90 • S Youth's overcoats in several different patterns with plain or belted backs $6.50 $7.50 $'8,,50 •to Men's overcomes hn nice dark Ltveecls nod lining, or belted back with convertible collar, special �' plant P $1 .00 Men's overcoats in black mitten with Velvet collar amd well tailored, this is our leader in a black coat � $1.00 8.t $15.00 to $18.00 we a, •re showing a big range of styles and patterns, in many eases onlyorganizing, a at•ere i many one teat ol. p f, to the 20th Century brand. This is: our most popular line. bed jackets ; 11 flannel sh:i is ; 4 their country in the past and several sweaters ; 18 Pairs mittens ; fit` of whom are now at the Front, ready quilts ; one pair of pillows. to fate death if necessary for king Tea was seised by the ladles der- and empire. Tim tragic death of Mg the afternoon and twenty -rise Lord Roberts recalls the. fact that 1 new members were enrolled. 'Phis .Brigadier -General Hill, C.. B., b .other brings the nenlbersiiip up to 182, of Miss feel, was an associate of It would take too much epee Lngland'5 greatest soldier in more i P than one Indian campai anti was give in detail a list of g all the donations. in cash and his companion in many a trying ser- goods, Most of the merchants tie of which perhaps the most noted gave generous discounts on all was the. famous march from Kabul to purchases, Mr. Fail: giuiag .a real Oa»dSll a'i:.. • u quantity of yarn at cost, The Wo- • The order,' enthusiasm and spirit for men's Institute ` v 1- travel which were attributes f her ute ga e a goodly null tt a h a ,1p s o her of supplies, as did also the la soldier brother, are, all found to a dies of Sunune:hill, Fsoinulsvrlle and high degree in Miss Hill and have ,surrounding • ' i , . • sutt.ounrin,g country, The soolety, , proved factors 1n making her Wolk of • though late m oxganutug, has been a Pleasure to herself and of profit to her decided success, A:ltlh_rou gh e;er' associates. in the Toronto Local g Y member has contributed to that sue- Council of Women of which Miss 1.1111' CeSS by hard and patient work, it is first vice-president, her opinion and 'valued is felt „ that too much praise cannot services are largely and some he given to the ptesideut, Mrs. Allis, years age• she was able to do the nae How about your tailored suit ? w0 are showing a splendid - line of snappy patterns at l)P p 22.00 to 28.00, • ` , '� and the members of the supply and ,tional body1 great financial service and cutting committee, namely', Mesdames the local, by the monotery returns Munro, Mason Chant McMurt:a and from lectures ]which site gave - for that Y C. 1151 `er, who did all the buying purpose: 'Miss Hill has taken trips s g p P cutting, preparing and distributing of abroad and has visited tient' lands the work. MTS. /Win has proved her- and tont het experiences material, fo,: self to ba a, woman of esiseptional exec- the lectures Which are accompanied by utisc ability and she, witihthe hone- limelight views, was gained. She is rare ,resident, Mrs. G. D, Mc'Pag- y 1 president of the 'Toronto `Travel Club _ THEi0001N CLOTHING CO.p 7 Motto : "A Square Deal for Every Square "' J �aBe gart, has worked indefatiguahly for and her, worth to leer, assoeiates is the success of the society. fully appreciated. A line of ales en- The financial roper']; is as. follows : Beevor entirely different from any of Receipts -Tons $45;50, cash donations ;those is in connection with the In- $174.50, market 6194;00, tea and colr fents' Monte on the board of which lection $43.:95';. a Lotti! of .$9:58.04. she has sssVed for neativt . thirty Expenditut'es—Sent to Belgium 91,18.- years.: DD, 1 1 p uses of pnarket $7.38;"Freight Tust nett' she is ,grVing ahuost hot 83.68, Suppiles, yarn etc. ,$224.93, a- ;entilttp t0ssn to tihe, workroom , at, the mounting to $35;',.99, leaving a bat- headquarters of the Women's Patrice a.nce of $104.05, tie.. 7,ane•ni, d❑�itlel"h(}llrlle .street.'' • t,. being ar -rest- at home third probate,. • in this at in veniug, of the dydia • attend ng to r, 13., ling in or will ng sub - la the, Good," ing for sr" to Chriet s urou, various in the The News- :' anneal • ay and to the ' recently tele year Hibbert , Stat.. 1908,. of pol- U31 of r 1013, $7,795. II. 13i. stades': cetera - Iles tera-iles of pts tie ditures V S. ret-arv. nes 111 les of, pts for axpend- »licipat Bvessels 799 tel - miles .. $6,1.11 911 the Sys Seore- 7 sub- 0 miles vested 939 in Cc Jae. ceters,. 5 tele - ll utiles ca:pltal, expend- Ass'n.. tetary, phones lecuit. year :es the o., A ". rod Its miles. a oap- ts last xpend-' Sys- G11,rope, has es, 180, itcuit"• d $2,- . $1,500 ephot1e• 1, Sec - 649' s, 525. 82,912' is hist 1., J. was hones, of Cir- } and pd to 52. Came,. 1910, Poles,.' of ea- r and eplione ihscri- s of 11 $250 [, A. tartad mules $2,600 0 and {,Concipdpd c01, 1, paga;5.) Hese. 1911,. poles; nest- 31 and les, 111 tariff ioard, 00n11•-