HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-12, Page 8Clinton News -Record
November Bath, 19114:'
• Our Rubber Boots' are, of staliclard make -there
are no better boots ! Its •the best or none here !
A. new line for this' season;our, '`Dreadnslught°,
area rubber that•in actual test in railroad ;construction
work has outworn from two to; four pair'bf'the rehear
black boots; The .price is, reasonable at
We 41§u have th'e ordinary ,gum lines at $3.75
aild $4.49,
We guarantee our RubberBoots to do
their full deity:
The House of Better Shoes._
Deduced Pries 1
Stoves and Ranges 1
Happy Thought--Pandora—Welcome National Canada
—and Favorite Steel Ranges—A_ good assortment of
Coal and Wood Heaters—all at reduced prices.
1. Happy Thought Range with Reservoir
1 Radiant Homs Base Burner
1 Modern jewel
1 Small Globe Coal "Heater"
2 Box Stoves for Wood.
All cheap in good order.
`a"tove Pipes, Elbows and Stove Boards.
R UQ ARdu-
During the next two weeks we place on sale about
Forty Beautiful Rugs in Tapestry, Brussels, and
Velvets in sizes 21, x 3, 3 x 3, 3 x 31, and 3 x 4,
and offer you your choice at wonderfully reduced
Owing to the advancing prices on all lines of im-
ported rugs we have placed extra orders for spring
in order to secure them at lowest possible price but
must now make a clean sweep of all rugs in stock
in order to have room for the new ones when they
arri ve.
Men's and Boy's Clothing
If you are interested in a new suit, overcoat or pair of odd
trousers, come m and see what we are showing. We can
save you money and guarantee to please you.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits
More Business
Sri AO SO(80OI
: New Wide 'Gathered and Circular Skirts
Redingotes in -Coats and Messes
Tie -On Blouses
Volants and Ruffled Skirts:
These and many other lovely, itp.to.date
styles are shown in the SIreoa.'
for Winter
With each copy you get any
Standard Pattern FREE
Orten the cheapest—Always the best
„•q',,��>t�1miumnnunm ens nntluu
�10HIl�ine 71116..
(1 ,-
Miss Wheatley visited over the week-
end with her sisters in Woodstock.
Mrs. Heltron of Blyth visited at Mr.
and Mrs. Janes McConnell's on
itirs. J. W. Kilbride has returned
from St. Thomas where she has
been visiting her parents,
Mrs. Robert Wilson of Godcrich vis-
ited her cousin, Mrs. J. Crich,
Ontario St. one day last weerr.
Mrs H. W. Cook wont to Haniiiton
today to ;,pend a felt weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Garrett.
Mrs. W. L. Rutledge returned the
end of the week from a visit of a
f(tw days with . her mother • in
br. and Mrs, J. S. Evans and Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Watt of Fairview
Farm motored to Brussels ono clay
last week to visit feisuls.
Mr. and Mrs. It, Fitzsimons were in
London yesterday attending the
marriage of Miss Fav Winslow to a
Mr; Perkins of the seine city.
Mrs W. C'tntclon and her guests,
Mrs. Attridge and Mr's. Brooks of
Brown City, Mich., are visiting
this week with Toronto and Mit-
chell friends.
Miss Rudd is attending the District
Library Institute convention in
Walkerton 'today and tomorrow.
Miss Hazel O'Neil is taking charge
her absence.
of theduring
> and
Mrs. E. D
were delegates from the local
branch of the Women's Institute to
the convention of Western Ontario
Institutes ]geld in London last week.
Mr, Lewis Manning,, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Walter Manning or town,
who has been in Fort William for
some time, has volunteered for
service overseas and ii; now in
training at Winnipeg.
Mrs. Christian and Miss Jean Mac-
donald of Toronto arrived Monday
on a visit to the fortncc's daugh-
ter, Mrs. J. C, Gandier. Mrs.
Christian will remain some time,
Miss Macdonald's visit will be for
a shorter period.
Mrs. H. Smith and her daughters
have leased the residence on Huron 1
street lately occupied bp. Mr.' and
Mrs. S, G. Castle and will take
up their abode 'there shortly. Their
many friends here will gladly wel-
come thein back to the old town.
Mr, and Mrs, 13. J. (libbiugs, Mr. and
Mrs. L. Weir., Mrs. W. J. Moss,
Miss L. Grant, Messrs. J. 1'.
Sheppard, Edgar: East, J. Sutter,
E. Beacom, T. Falkner, T. J. and.
C. Monaghan went oat to the fowl
supper given b
, the Orang
No. 189 on Thursday evening last.
Bev, E. Townsend, who was ordain-
ed as deacon at the recent Confer-
ence of the Holiness Movement held
at Ottawa, has bean appointed . to
take -charge ofa circuit at .Bristol
Mines, Quebec. • • The many friends
in the old town' with hilae - success
in the cause which, he has sq much
at heart.
Mr. and Mrs Georges Sherman of
Yorkton^ Sask., are here on a
. vis-
it to old friends, Mr Sherman was
at 0110 One a teacher in S. S. No.
9 Cloderteh township and he has
many friends in the old township
wbo are glad to welcome him. back
on a visit. Mrs. Sherman is a
sister of Miss Jemlie Hol;m,es of
Glin'ton. -
Mr. .1', 13. hoover, ',Guelph, was in
town for a few days last/ week
renewing old friendships. '.J. B's"
genialityr doesn't daninisa, a bit as
the Years gather about Irina so ha
adds, frieeds.,wherever 'he goes. As
the furniture business. in which lie
was associated with Mr. Wesley
Walker has been disyowd of, Mr,
Hoover is taking things easy but
expects ' to'. be back in; harness
again before very, long. - -
Captain E. M...1ticLean, ,at one - time
science master .01 :the 1elin.ton Col-
legiate and subsequently -for a
couple of years secretary of the
Knittiaig Company, is new acting
adjutant of Seventh Reg Ment, Lon-
don, and captain of the speoial
detached',company .of that regiment
now on active duty in guarding the
Cove ranges and powder magazines,
Alba armories and the ordnance stor-
es. Captain McLean is adlutanl • of
the :Wheel for iilstruci,ion„ now, in
session -..there. Ile was °lie of the
first Otters to Volunteer ' for the
•second contingent.
Suitable furni cure
for all rooms is equal-
• }y well displayed.
Easy Ohairs
EAST' Chairs of the cert that
give your whole body rest
are here in endless: variety,
Just come into our store and
try theta .ell, that is the best
and sure way to chcose chairs
that are comfortable.
We want to say a
word about prices.
They can't be beaten.
Ball & Atkinson
A Dress or suit -no matter ho'w good its style and 'tailoring ---
is no better than its cloth. A little stretchin
g, -,a few wrinkles, wilt.
ruin the most fashionably cut, finely tailored gown ever niade.
Only an expert can accurately judge the quality of a -piece of
dress goods by inspecting a piece of the cloth. But, when that cloth
is made up into a garment, its quality quickly shows to .everybody..
Every, piece of
sold at
is guaranteed all -silk, all -wool, or silk -and -wool, as the case may be
---its high quality shows. in the long wear of the garment as well as
inr the beauty of the cloth.. Well-dressed women have learned that
they can rely absolutely upon the quality of all dress goods bought at
BR •
Mrs. Dr. Hamilton of Erin is ihe.
•'1 C.
guest of her. daughter, Dors, W. rte t
6 ,
Messrs. ('. 1:. Dowding, W. Walker
and T. Jackson, Jr., are in Toron-
to this week,
Mrs. N. 13. Coleman of Godet'ich _vis-
ited with her mother, ,Mrs. Annie
Nickle, for a few days last week,
Mr, Fred. Henry, after spending a
few days with his father, Mr. W.
T. Henry, has returned to Toronto.
'rite' names of your visitors should
have a place in The ;vet's -Record's
Personal columns. It is expected
they will appear 'there.
Mr. 11. 1W. Watts went to Bolton on
Friday to ,loin his good wife who
preceded him a weak. Clinton was
very sorry 10 lose this worthy
Mrs. G.. Atkinson of Exeter has been
visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atkin-
son of town during the past week;
Mr, Atkinson came up for the
week -end,
Registrar Coals was in • town ori
Friday on business, and pleasure,
too, for he Will always enjoy a
visit to the old town for a wee
bit chat with old and tried frioads,
Mr. and Mrs. Client of Lakefield are
visiting. with Supt. acid Mrs, H. B.
Chant. The gentlemen are brothers
and the. Mr. Chant of I,akifielcl is
the G.r.R. representative at . that
Mrs. Morley and her little son, iIas-
ter- William, of Livingston, Mon-
tana, are visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. • D. Tiplady, Mrs.
• Morley .being a Wee. of Mrs. 'I'ip-
la;dy's. -
Earle Crich, son • of Mr, and Mas
Iddo (Jadoh,. entertained a few of
his boy friepils Monday evening, 1t
being his thirteenth birthday.
Needless to say • all had a very en-
joyable time. -
Messrs. T. -Cottle, M. D. McTaggal t
and Miss Kate McTaggart are in
Toronto attending the annual con-
vention of the Provincial-IIontictil-
turas Association as delegates from.
the local branch. Mr, ,J, C'uning
Name also went down - to he present
al; the. annual netting. '
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL. Phone 110,
Phone 1813 •
Miss Violet Rabhwrll is visiting
with fttua
' the Front Road.
cis on
"h cold weather of the
last few
The 1 I•
days has brought to mind the fact
that jack Prost is not very far
Close Chums in This World.
"They will know each other there."
JAKE" MILLER, Crossed the BO,t,
November 14th, 1911,
"11NCLis DAVi3'' COON, depa'•Led
this life on November 6th, 1914,
Mr. .los. C oopur of Cleveland,
Ohio, came over. on Monday to visit
his mother:, Mrs. Hannah Cooper,
and she returned with hive to Cleve-
land on Wednesday; She, will prob-
ably spend the winter with hairs
Mr. and Mrs•. Will McMillan of
131yth spent Sunday tis the guest of
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. C'eOil Oke and Miss
Oke .Spent Sunday with their: sister,
Mrs. Lph. Clark. .
Mr. and Mrs. 1-foward Snell were
the guests of the latter's sister, Mrs.
Joe ,)3rown, over the week -end,
Mr. and Mrs, Iild. Crawford visited
the latter's sister', Mrs. Geo. Riley,
;on Sunday.
I. Miss Coleman of Walton spent a
feu' days as the guest of her sister,
Mrs, Jdph. Clark.
The News From Londesboro
Jrls b b>'
t" Hiss alae of,iand
Clinton are visiting friends here.
Ret, 1'. 0. and Mci, 'Turner of
Blyth were guests at the manse on
Messrs. Ford acid McLeod of Clin-
ton loaded a cal: of pressed hay here -
this week,
Miss E. Hooper has returned -to her
home at Woodstock after spending a
week with friends on the 13th con.
Mrs: A. McLeod of Clinton. visited
herarents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
p u ra
Bunking of the 13th con:ession, nu -
Mr. Wna. Dell, who has spent the
summer ranching near Calgary, ar-
rived Roane on Tueaday and will.
spend the winter here.
j A G,T.E. bridgo gang, with 11r.
Frank Gibbs as overseer, is .repairing
the stock pens at the station this `4
' week. •
Hullett Township
Mr. William Snell, sou of Mr. Jas.
Snell, the well-knowt stockman of
this township, who is now with the
Idxpeditionary Forces, having gono
with the 1st Canadian Contingent
who have now g0ne to the firing line
in France, writes to his home giving
a pleasing account of a good voyage
across and of very pleasant impres-
sions of what ho has seen of Eng-
land, the land of Mils forefathers.
Mr. Snell has been a member of the
police force in London, 'Ont., fru:
scone time and went with one of the
volunteer companies from that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Gillies, Mr.
Frank and 'Miss Rose McCaughey of
Clinton, and Miss Nora McCaughey!
of Blyth spent Sunday at • the home
of Mr. land Mrs. john Shanahan,'
News -Record Means Mews -Leader.
Hullett Township
Several of our, farmers have sena
apple, to the west of late among the
number Len Weir and James South-
combe who each sent one carload.
and James Medd Who sent two. In
all probability this system of ship-
ping, which does away with one
middleman, will increase in volume
from ynae to year.
Special services will cenrmenca 114
the Methodist church here on Tues-
day evening of neat week, .111 are
cordially invited to attend.
11117. and Mrs. James llitrcltley' "f
Seaforth spent Sundayh' as guests at
the home of Mr. and Mips, George
News -Record Means' News -Lea ler.
Anyone wanting to save money
should pay a visit to this store
during the next two weeks.
Boots, Shoes, Clothing, ` Under -s.
wear, etc. at reduced prices.
Next to McTaggart s' Bank.
Rubbers for
Eveioybod;y !
Every man; woman avd child should'
have a pair of good rubbers at this season
of the year. Wet feet always travel the
road that leads to the hospital, and it is-
• usually a short trip.
We've the best Rubbers made, we• sell no •
other sort, for poor Rubbers are' worse'
than no rubbers at all.
There are storm Rubbers, low cut Rub-
bers, toe rubbers, etc, We've the Rub—
bers modelled to fit all -the -new styles- of
fall shoes.
We (it the shoes with the sort of rubbers-
that are ,just right,