HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-12, Page 6SEVERE PAINS ARotiND THE HEART Are Nearly- AiNvays Caused by Stomach Trouble •, Don't let at peen in the regien the, heart frighten you into ',think- ing you have heart disease. Just ets a pain in t,lie back Olden! Mai- ' coteskidney tamable, ,no, pain near • the :heart is searoaly °Ver peeeent. in organic heart diseeee. The pain :is nearly 'always, caused by 'sbointeeli %rouble ee,r, th,e ,ettioenseli and heart are cennectid, by -many en.erves, and gas on the ,sforintech ,eauses preesure on the heart. , ,The alarmin,g pain*iaa: clitea.p- ' pear if 'you ton.eup the ,stomech, eat the right things and 'worry. Dr. • Wil-liaen.s? dein,k Pills for Pale Pe.Opte are: the ' best :ate- temitob. tonic. One or to Pilie p.ach meal ,soon pro.chmee a, healthy' ' appetite, the food does not. distreee •yOU , yoe are no longer troubled with goe,,,sever risings in 'the' throat, and :those misleading points, around the heart. • Strength andertergy : rethen, ,tesa,c1" the eich, 'keel blood, carriee reneeie,d' vitality to every part of the body, Mrs. Henry Con- nolly, Br'ookstale, P.E.I., says "For a number of years I wa,s a great sufferer • • from • indige,stion. which, despite all the treadetment I took, was gradually growing worse, I wool:3 Sometimes feel as ; though I woe anothering, and when . the trenble eacaa,e Oen I would suffer from violent palpitation and pains around the heart, - which greatly I alarmed me, I was under doetba'e treatinent for a Son•g-titme, but with no 'ben,efit. • A f•rend ,suggested De. Williams' Pink Pills and I. decided to by them. 'In about a, Month' I felt moth better, and by the time I had taken...another, four boxes:•I was in the best'of health and able Ito eat all kinds, of oourishing feed - It is now several ye,ars since I was cured and 1 have never ,fe14, et, :sy•nip- torn of indigestion since. I take every opportunity of recommend- ing Dr. Williant,s' Pink Pills to Emends who are aillog." If your dewier does not keep these Pills y,o_ta Zan get them by mail at 50 'cents a box or six boxes Par $2.50. from The Dr. •Williams' .Co,,. Brockville, -One, TRAINING -AUS'IltellaAN BOYS. The Government Is Very Strict In Regard To It. • Australian 'lads of twelve years begina more or less voluntary form -of insilitia-y training. R in an indul- gent, happY-go-ludicy sort of thing, "designed priombrily to be, of phersicaa advantage. 'When the lade are four- teen years old a limited military serviee is eavereilY coinpulsory; with penaltiee foe evasion, and fin'ee laid utpon employers and parents who interfere, and thus eo,ntinues, with pheetieed exereisee, parades, and rifle peactioe, for four years, whereupon these cadets are Paesecl into the citizen forces. Four whole - day drills are required each year, and twelve holi-day chills, and teveney-four night drills. A perfunc- tory attendance even the'ee pave • ,obligations-ainapt, euthlon, trivelotss behaviour omelets for nothing art all, If the eadet fails to be marked eft.- • otie,nt by his, battbaltion officers he • meet perform his service all over again. in Kalgoorlie, of Wesbere peat einsbestorm blow- ing that night -we. watelie,d aopt- limn -ea these "little •conseripte" • ma'reb past with riflee and bugles and drums; and they were arreieb to see -brown uniforms, with bricks of green, and wide -brimmed Asteera- lion hats eaught up ab. the side in the Australian way, says a writer in • . Harper's Weekly. It is mo "farMarel affair. When we were in Brisbane, Queen,sion.d, a score of truant youngseers Were peeked off'ho the barracks for ben (lays of dose confinements ',lode drill ; and away:they went, ina big Cape wa- gon, in charge of a. sergeant -major, and un.d,er eecore of :some brilliant ortillerymen-aa ertelextehely likbla •ere-ty, the:se tenonts, then, facing ten cley's of lob,semee from home, with aix hours, of drill on ,the hob parade groised, under a 'tserge.aest- rnajior who doubtless know:hew to improve tho -patriotism of small pul- ' arila. and vamild do itiWith 'a, SWitch. . _ Superior— "suinassing °aims in great- ness, goodneses, oxteot • or value of any ouality."-Cen. titre 1)ictionory. That's the -definition, and that's why -Pest Toasties are called tie Superior Corn blokes `surpasiing, delicate Indian Corn flavour being sealed in -by skillful toast- ing with sugar and salt Post Toasties are made in" clean, airy, modern factorWs-coOked, seasoned, rolled:and toasted to crisp golden flakes- • Ready 'to sem direct l'I'0111 the package. - To secuto the Superior Corn Fleke,e, ask for Post •Toasties -sold ,by Grocers. Canadiar,)' Posturn Cereal Ltd. Windsor,..,Ont Aerowszalopoonvi-,, Amoortus,Strvm FROM MERRY OLD ENOLA1) NEWS BY NIAll, ABOUT' JOIN BULL AN» BIS. PEOPLE. Occurrences In the Land IhU Pelgits Supreme In the Dom.., • inercial World. 'CloSe-ePon B0,000- toesieberseif the, -Lanceishire and Cheshire ' Miners' Federation have eommenced to pay •their employee'e a weekly'levy in' aid .of the National Relief Fund. The 3rd IScots Ginaticae are new eneanalied nt Sattelown Park Race-, ceuree, , and are accosermodateci with sleeping and catering quarters, in the morn under the ,grand stand. Mr, J. R. ill. Butler, eon of the i Master of Triniby Oojlege, daln- bridge, belopgine to the family of faenoue, classical echolars, has op- plied:for a commis,sion, in the Terri- torials. Mr. Richard Lloyd George, olcl- e,st non of the Chancellor elf the Ex- thequer, has enlisted in the Port- madoc battalion of the fiaruarvon- thire .Territoefais for ' active ser- vice. ' While playing golf on the Stoke Poges course, 'Baron, Wuranth, a Wealthy German, was arrested asa prisoner.of war and Conveyed to 'the alien compoend at Newbury ratce- couerse. • -A peculiar, eight was witnessed at Lewes recently, when a hunt elide turned out with the.htmetsmen all mounted on bicyoles, nearly all the horsee having been taken for re- mounts. Notwithstanding the fact that a large number of Royal Naval vol- unteer reserves is quartered for 'training purposes at the Crystal Palace,the ipalaee will still remain open to the public. The Arany !Council have accepted with an expression of their warm appreciation the offer of Messrs. Godfrey Phillips, to supply to the Expeditionary Force, free of charge, 2,500,000 cigarettes. At a meeting of the Jockey Club, it was agreed that in the interests of the very large number of per - eons 'dependent upon ruing- for their livelihood, racing should con- tinue at Newmarkeb and elsewhere. Out of a total population of 1,459 the Surrey village of Horn, near Kingston, has 74'men: serving with •the forces, and at the present time bhere are only about e0 men in the place eligible for service. As a result of the represenbations made by the Netwee,s,ble ()bomber of Commerce, the North-Easbern Rail- way Company have agreed that sol- diers will be booked at, single fare for the double journey when pro- ceeding on leave. „ Among the passengers on board the S.:S. Turalenee which arrived at Plymouth from New Zealand, was a party of young Englishmen, who upon hearing of the •ontbreak of war, abandoned their occupation and booked for home. Mr. Richard T. Gates, the well- known oviator and genera,' man- ager of the Hendon Aerodrome'has died in the Central London Sick Asylum, as the result of injuries received while giving a biplane dis- play recently at Hendon, A GOOD tiVIEDICINE • FOR THE -BABY Baby's Own Tablets are the very best, medicine a mother men give her libble ones. They sweeten the stomach, regulate the bowels, break up colds promote healthful sleep - in fact they cure all the miner ills of hale ones, The mether may feel absolubely safe in giving them to her ohilaren for they are guaran- teed by a groveroanent a,naly.et to be sbricbly free fTOM all injurious drup. Th.e. Tablets are sold by me,clecine dealers or byernail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Go., Brockville, Ont. DYING HIGHLANDER'S BET. S. Pathetic Little Incident of The Present War. The following is told by a .ser- geont iof the Seaforbh Highlanders, There were two of our °haps wila,o did nothing ,elee than ",thew the rag" oyer 'anything and everything, and iheir favorite way, oa showing their faith in their views was to make a bet over it, One dear they lead a wrangle as to whets we would r.esazh Be,rlin. One thought ' it 'mild be by •.C.hristonts, but the other, more patriotic, was. for St. Andrew's Day, and was Mee, be- 00,11,PD Clare wasn't any peostee'et 01 haggis fou the oeca'sion. They nsade a bet on it as u,s,u,a.1, and it was duly: registered by n cluem who a,oted,sce be:elm-taker on es& (mope:tone. Next day they were in iaetien and one of' theirs was 'badly bit. His mate found him, aind,saw that he had not loog to live. The woond,eel Mak) Wthe Inc go-ne, but ho had, enough sense left t.C.I reeopize his 'chum, a,nel io a weak voice he ,saiele--"Aare think - in', Geryedie, that wee bet 0' 00,re wtill hae: 'bee be off the 1160, It's geY hard, "'but the Ahnichee kens, beet." A wan 'smile flickered over the pan -twisted face, and the poor follfow had gone to a iland where there is iteithee the giving me tek- g CallglIt a TOrtar. During a [military re,view at Alder- F311,01t, 118,St summer one CI the fomign, abate -bee had made Mute:elf obnex- inus to atalf officere by as,k- Mg ridiculous and often inip'estinent queseiems. At :lest isa caught a Tar- box. Turning Ito fen od intfpnittiry officer he zaid, "How is it, Cok,nel, bleat your bugileeciall 'Advance' is so very ehort, evisile the 'lletbre,aile is jost the reverse?" "13,econee, eke" replied rbb,e ,old veteran, "when a British teoldier ,gioeis Into eotion itt only needs: a little nate from s be- gle to makg hien aelvonee Salyevibere, but it rbatus a whole braes head ,to m ace him: re (sir ' ' A :GERMAN LOVE LETTF,R. Glimpse Into the liome Tragedy of , One of Oils' Jiieeinlee., The French Red °foss had foupd the 'body of,a dead German eoldier, says a London Mail Special' cOrre spondent. , "The victireas tunic was already Open, we is the habit' Witt tail own levave Tommi -cis' I unfastened some, more :buttons. Mutt I spoil „this ,story ? • Let Me QM witdi it all ,frieth-a huge ,raelier of bacon. - fell from his ,breast; and as -we rale ed his shoulders there fluttered -out letbergreasy with ,bacon and rapidly baking on anoeher celor from, his welling wound. May we look 'at the letter?' The docthr gives consent. •Just an ordinary letter. It ran tlins : " 'My. Dearest 'Hear t --When the. .ones have said their prayers and •prayed for their dear father and have gone to bed I sit and think of thee, my love, I think of all the old days 'when we were 'betrothed, and I think of all our happy mar- ried life. Oh! Ludwig, beloved of irry soul, why should the people fight each other I cannot think thab God would wish it. . "'1 de not think you need read 4.By mere,' said the doctor. " 'Nor do I,' was my reply. You will not believe it, but, hardened to war from my youth, I could only toy with my rough meal at night, and in any slumbers, I kept hearing the simple Words. 'My dearest heart, whee the little ones have mid their prayers and prayed for their deir father and have gone to bed I alt and think of thee, any love.' I wonder whether the great War Lord has been troubled in this way recently?" Will Quickly Cure Arty Sour Stomach Relieves Fullness After Eating. "When was working around. the farm last winter, 1 had an attack of Inflammation," writes Mr. 31 I'. Daw- kins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to Work until spring. But something went wrong with my bowels, for 1 had to use salts or physic all the time. My stomach kept sour, and always after eating there was pain and fulness, and all the symptoms of intestinal indiges- tion. Nothing helped me until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead' of hurt- ing, like other pills, they acted very ancaseemed to heal the bowels. I did not require large doses to get results with Dr. Hamilton's Pills, and feel so glad that I havefound a mild yet certain remedy. To -day I am well -no pain, no sour stomach, a good appetite able to digest anything. This is a whole lot of good for one medicine to do, and I can sak Dr. Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and my 'letter, I am sure, proves it. Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, sold in ninety boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Cetarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. A Prince in Rags. el quaint picture of one of the Kaiseeis sons on active service, Prince August Wilhelm, the fourth oa the family, tvho pecomparded the German corps which occupied Rheims, is given by a French nurse of the Bed Cross Society who was ab one of the hospitals established in the town. "One day se young of- ficer whose uniform was hanging- ia tatters and who Was indescribable, dirty," she say,s, "stopped rue in th, e ,street and spoke to me with salute. Be asked if we eould re- oeive in one hospital some :wounded in whom he took an especial inter- est, I replied that I no longer had any authority there and that as it was I was hardly eble to find enough food for those I 'was taking care of already, He thanked mc. and went on. I then saw him enter a pork buteher's ,shop. A few mit- utes later he came out carrying in his arms a greab quantity of sou-, sages. It was only later that I learnt that this ragged officer was the _fourth son of the Raiser." • druggist can obtain an imitation' of IWINARD" LINIMENT :from a Toronto house at a. very low price, and .haVe it labeled his own produCt. This greasy Imitation 15 the poorest one we have yet seen of tile oiany -that every Tom, Dick and Barry has tried to introduce. Ask for MINARD'S avid yotiwIll get it. • The Fond Mother (to the local lenteher)-,Wooki yes mind weigh- ing 'my kiddie, Mr. Bittock 1. Mr. Bittock-Yes, mune-with the bones? - • Minerd's Liniment Cures Distemper. - • is an extraordinary Woman, you know. ',She- paints, plays; rides horeeiba,ele; boXes, plays lam thall, golf; and is all aviatet'. it is too had, If 1 knew how to eletee my own melts 1 would Marey her.' ED. 4. ISSUE 40-'14. tura: thildrews*Colds.'-• Ilgotiter,d W Ecu inn n g Su 'speed- ., _• • • iiy and !tellable' as Old-TIrrie It's !navy, a shame to Upset a young child's stomach by .internal dosing, When ' external treatment will 'so proMptly break up a 'cold. When sy,ofir boy edmes In 'atter pi ay his toet 'soaking- vv 'hie teeset lieerse• 'arta , Chet, tight and cohgeated, fiat apply' Nerviline, Give' him a, vigorous rubbing Over his throat,. end put lots' of Nerviline ou his °heat 'itud rub. it right in. To inalte hferviline petict,r-atinmere quickly cOvea his eheet. and throat, With a hot flannel bandage, This treatment WOleark rail. • Your hoy vvill. be feeling better in•-ii'alf aa.lionr, and. 'you will have' the satisfaction of knowing you have *anted off noel:tater et. cold, or grippe,;or Illness that might have laid ' . Nerviline is mighty good fo'r pre- venting Colds and tor breaking up a bad one, too: For general -faintly lige it cures all sorts of external aches and pains -you' simply can't beat it. Try It for earache, toothache,neuralgia, selatica, lame back', 'thestineeisin, or lumbago. Wherever there is 'congas - tion, inflammation orpain in, the joints or Muscles, Neraiiine WM cute mighty quick, Tile, -large 50c. family size bottle is so economical, so useful, It should be in every hose. There is also- a small '25e. size. Dealers' any- where 'sell Nerviline. ' tee__ PERILOUS UNIFORMS. 'Why the ' British Have Lost So Heavily. The' folloeying .aceount, communi- cated 'by an eye -witness "preeent with General Headquarters, con- tinues the /sanative of the move- ments of the British force an.d the French armies it immediate toach with it: • Ever since the ,South Africain War the desirability of rendering troops asinvisible as possible has been generally recognized', and this was kaa thrown much ,Eght on the matter. It - appears that at long ranges the uniform matters little, but eV -medium ranges the red trou- sers of our allies show up very down, however, their kepis tare not so easily seen as our own 'llat-top- ped forage caps. From prisoners it hoe been ascertained that at roedi- :um ranges both French and British officers arevery easily distinguish- ed from their men, and that select- ed marksmen provided with field - glasses are specially told off from each platoon of German infantry to pick off officers. The French officer is betrayed by the greater visible length of his red trousers •and 'by his accoutrements, while the British officer is "given away" by bis sword, bis open jack- et with low collar and.tie his Sam Browne belt, and the absence of et pack, The Germaes certainly do employ snipers, and some have been found On eleurch towers, up trees, and in hoeses, One of them suc- ceeded in killing two of our officer and wounding two more :before he was accounted for. The following notification to his troops •by one of the French army commanders ibears upon- German methods, of warfare. "The Germans helm forced some prisoners of war to remain ist their 'trenches. When the French' advance -d, under the impression that the trenches were in possession of their own . side, they :were fired on at close range," That this has achially been done is fully confirmed by an entry in a captured German field note -,book. It runs thus: "At dawn the shelling began. We retired with the prisoners. My two prisoners work hard at digging trenches, At Mickley I got the or- der to, rejoin at the village with them. I was very glad as I had been ordered to shoot them as soon as the enemy advanced. Thank God, it was nob necessary." INFORMATION_TI INVENTORS Messrs. Pigeon, Pigeon as Davis, patent :solieitors, Montreal, report that 13e Otena,dian patents *ere is- eue,d foe. the week ending October 20th, 1914, 103 of which were gaanited Ito Ameiicans, 23 to Cana- dians, 6to residenbs f Great Bri- tain. and Colocies, .and 4 to re,si- deu,ts of foreign countete,s. , Of the Conadion,s who received patents, 10 were oa Ontario, 4 of Quebee, . 3 oS Sagentollewen, 3 ,of Colt(N i)nebia,ew1; iF Brumewiek. • PM 0 NCI TO T RAPTI , . Lord Kitelteuer, inJ01141011, Speaks • to- Sir J4411i1 Frenell. Amongeb the most temarkable feature.e, of-the-preeent %VAT, none is MOre einter.esbiog than the fact that, the authorities in Whiji;ehall are able. to speak by telephone direct to- General Freneh. MOSSELIpe aze being receivedi almost from the battlefield ibselS without delay, and with as mach ease as fthre Glasgow to London.' Lord Kibchener eten,, .a.s si conseetuence, sit in hie chair at the War Office and ,epeale to Si, John lareseeds without any more trouble than if the, commander of the British torce isa Filartee was alt Aleteeshot, This is ;the fia•si•, 'tame bhat 'science ita,s permitted the Bali- dih at home to poise's% soca se loee grip of the, osrousn- stienoe 01 'tinh y war in wich they have been engageel. In the South A frioaes War the Wer Office deperel- ecl upon :the, gable servies, and fortuneattely itihroughonb the war, owing to the pea:Bien of the Boers, the enemy wee entitle: lo thsloOaitia this inettne nt coremossieniti,on. Even SO, the :tins.ev,er to queries esou•lel, not eellow derectly after ithe queeliien, end could net elateidate foots as readily 11 a good telephone servite. NSIGHTLY` PIMPLES ON FACE • ltd.:ling and .Burning, Scratching • Irritated. Disiigurecifor a Time. Used Cnticura Snap and Oint- ment. Pimple§ Disappeared. 505(1 ru,p5g • Seek,,.- • was troubled with itching ,pimples.ou my Rico for ,over'three years: They were red and tin:sightly., Tiiey canded itching and ; burning and Luseil.to,serAch 'and Irritate; them. ...The b,reaking outedisaguted mis for 'a,thne. ,• ' "I ttled maily ivell-advertised treatmenta: sneh as Prescribtion, ; bet withoht success. 'A short -time. ago ' I saw the advertisbinent. of Outlaws Soap and Ointment ie a local papee and after I had 'tried a free sample I could see a re- roarkablo improvement. I washed iny face rIfitiv'ehe Soap and thee'. applied the Oint- ment tiVo or:three -Nines day. After using more 'Cutworm noin and two boxes. of Cull, . cura Ointment all the pimples ,completely disappeared." (Signed) Nicholas Koch, J'unel3',1914. :• Samples Free by Mail • A generation of mothers llas found no man : so well suited for cleansing and purifying the ", skin and hair of infants and children as ' Cuticura Soap. Its absolute 'amity and re- : fondling fragrance alone are enough to roe- • onunond It above ordinary skin soaps, but • there are added to these qualities delicate ,lyet oftocutevlime emollient properties, derived- from Ointment, which render it most valuable in overcoming a tendency to distressing eruptionk and promoting a nor- mal cerulltion of sldn and hair health. On - Ceara Soap and Ointment sold throughout , the world. Por liberal free sample of each: with 32-p. book, send post -card to !!Clutt- emu, Dept. Boston. em. S. A 3 • FEATS OP ARMS. • The Freneh and Britieh in the Crimea. For ele,spertebe figthting the Crimea yiekle -an impressive record, The French and British, soemany times foes found th,emsolvee allied in .wn atta!ok upon Rue.sia,n :bereitoeY• The foe was worthy of their ste.el, for several closely -contested battles had to be fought, the hostilities leading up to, that tremendous, fight-Inker- male This fight was so been a.nd so terrible that it was thelast oc- cosion on witioh the Ru,ssiarte v,en- ture,d to meet the British in open com,bat. As one a,uthority says- " The Rossiaets lost in tans great battle -no fewer th,an 10,729 lulled, -wounded and prisoners." But In.kereation, so Inc as Baiti4h annals are coneeroed, at any rate, will not remain the :most noted fights in the Crd.mea. In 'popular opinion the :struggle in the Daleclava Valleys will ever remain the moat memor- able, for wa,s, iil, not !thee°, that the •a'stounding charge of tale Light Bri- gade took place/ In the whole his- tory of fighting there is ,scareely an episode tbhat, for sheer oeu:rage, equals its. Originating in a mis- taken otaninatal, ib was ca•rried through with a supreme debermin- stion and reckless oounage that, St) king san mildeary annalaeuraive, wB1 never be forgotten. The Oldest Man Living If asked about his corns would say - they didn't bother Min because he al- ways used Putnam's Corn Extractor. 9101' Sal' Years "Putnatn's" has been the favorite beentise painless and sure. Try only "Putnam's," 25e, at all dealers. Merely Coy. "That booby mode -a bluff ab kiss- ing me last night and ,the -n quit." "But, he save you seratche,c1 Iris face, bleeked his eye and etabbed him with a. hatpin." "Well, a girl has to put up a lit- tle maidenly resistance." .A WARM WINTER. June weather prevails in California the ideal Wintering place, reached conifort• ably .(1.11(1 Convenienely by the Chicago end North Western RS', Pour splendid trains daily Prom the new passenger terminal Chicano -The mound Limited, fastest train to San Eritimiscot the Los Angeles Limited, three days to Land or Sunshine, the lemons S11.11 Fran. chsco Emitted and the California Mail. Rata, Elnetrated matter and particu- lars on implication. 0 11 Bennett, Gen. evil Again, 46 Yonge St„ Toronto, Out. Every woman shows :bravery when ,she hae a mouse in a bleep. MInard's Llninient MOTS Diphthella, The Menu. Puzzled dinsr (to r tau r an t waitera-Ithat :have you got to din. nes.? - IV:all:el: Ro its e e Micas eed thickensteweellanth hash :baked and fried potatoes jampuddingmilktea andeoffee, Puzzled 'Di ner-G re Isle the third lonriih, fifth, sixth, lath and 1,0th eyllables. Don't waste Rime on inferi- or salves because 'they're a few cents cheaper. have proved Zatirc.Buk best for Ec%ema, Piles, Skirl ,Diseases, and Injuries. As a mother, you ovve it to your family to use the best, that's ZameBuld 50c6,x, V1555kla and Shires. ... . ' AN, ARMY (11114ARRS.51.1EN. The Recruits Illuet Be Able To Use Illfie With Skill. The etiareente importance' abba,che'd by the British melte:wry allele:Deities to Ja,courate rifle fire is seen in the thor•ough training whites the more itadrrzni.oeewel rreuaraielvidttisgoi eslioeva, e.,eertv20a070,00or men lose see* undergoing muelee:trY inittruction at -the hands of blie, Na-' lieu, 11,1fle ekaso•ciatione body opmsna,lios stoma DI the fine'et civilian rifleMen: in. the kiogeonn and their training,althosigh nece,s owrilY Gintrfuried . sheeter P PieufilijjQ' eddhisl1 av,i11'Ibtilia% f a' mose c of e:nlndeie5,rs- lis tispe'ef peeps. The reel -Attie, in - I Will pisasicaI3y live in the butte until they :become efficient ehtitis. The intones ond tihoroiigii tralniog the [Men ore,receiving is part of Lard Kiteleen•eit'e pcilices :for the new armies. He ie determined that -the me,n, ,sent to the f•ront, ehala not 'only ,be, physically fit enough to ,staired, the rigors of an:arduous 'winter ,campaig.n, but that every 0110 of th'err number shall be eon- veassa,n,b with every detteil of drill, and to be able to use, a, rifle vial the skill of.a.rmaeleonstin, oe, as near to that obeetdard as is indevitinalay possible. Th,e extent to which th,e Briteth Army's wonderful els,o,obing has been tresponsible Boa.' its succeas will perhaps n•eve,r be fully realizerl• exee,pte by •experbs. - The military atet,ho•ritiee know -what the marke- manehip of the 'brows has sell:jetted; hen,ce the care they a,re ibe,stowing on the inu,ske•t,,Cy erairtina of the re- ef the new armies. LATEST FISH STORY. Back to Land- Movemeot by Pike Near Iletesteno, Alta. The late:et „fish story that has been eairung on the public --a etery which "tut -whops" ,eome of the most faneo•u,saf th'e. Whopper Club series -is that told by J. Jones, an inepeotor in the, agricultural branch of the Canadian P,a,cific, whose, ac - awe confined to tho Rose- mary coleary, nem- Rossano. There is nothing of the piking at- titude about 'the etory but ,the fish. The fish were pike, It a,ppears that the,re has been ,starbed among the fish of the Bow River in, "back to the land" -movement, with the irri- gated -land preferred. Mr. Jegete says 'bleat co the Jete4, or On ono pa,rticulder faxme.an the Rosemary colony, „-blieeieatee,--was turned into the ditchee one einornirtg for two hours, tent -hit -ben turned off. 'When it had all :seeped. a.wey into, the ground there • were enough pike found to feet thirteen 'men for one meal. Since thot time a number of fisb have been obtained. In tact, there seems to -be a -seri'outt, sorb of ma,nite among these fish to geb out of the water at the earliesb 'possible !moment. It appears that many of :the irri- gation ditches are full of fish, tend he some plac.es one 'of the fovorite recreations *Ito go out, and "1 -anti" a flock of fish Inc beeakftest.-labont- real Gagette. Stella,--L-Petek—ers*----eaa that meat animals can't cath up witth the eonsumers. Bella -Ever: have a 'bull obese you? • TOIlit OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL 9100 Try Murine Bye Remedy for Red. Weak, Waters, Eyes awl Granulated Wends; No Smarting-. just Eye Comfort. Write, for I3oolt of tbe Eye by wall lrree. Marine Bye Remedy Co,, Chicago, About the time the average man learns how to live ho quits the game. MInard'S Liniment Cures carget in cows. Three Ages. The new Berlin botanical gardens ase wondeinfully 'beautiful, bub to smaal children they are a forbidden paradise. pose and girls under ten are not permitted to enter. Herr and Fr3,11 .Mulle!" found this one to theie disappointment when they plann.e•d to -take their libtle Paul on a Sunday bap to view the be au tifel. .gardens; n everthele•ss, ihey ga-ve their yoong hopeful a few instructions, ancl started out. At the gate, the porter stopped the young 1VIttl1er. 'How olcl are you?" , he inquired. Paul answered, 'Six foe the eleobrice; really eight; Inc the botanical gardens, ten,'' Highest grade beaus keimewhale and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength, Flavored with delicious sauces. They have no equal. rename roll SAI.E.- w. DAWSON. Ninety Colborne Street. Toronto. IF YOU WANT TO BUY Ott 18E14. A 5. Fruit. Stock Grain or Dairy 915100.write R. W. Dawson. Eramuton. or V1 Colborne St., Toronto, B. W. DAWs0N, Colborne St.. Toronto. POE SALE. EGISTDRED S WIND All prize winners. All ages. Both sexes. Fisher Bros., 13enmiller, Ont. -NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. OOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County, Stationery emd Book Rusinees in connection.Price only $4,000. 'Terms liberal. Willson Publiehing Own. Pan77. 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. AriANCER. TUMORS, LEWES, ETC., internal and external, cured with. out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late Dr. Beliznan Medical Co., Limited, Oollingwood. Ont. ATENTS or INTBNTIO.NS PIOEON, PIGEON. Fe DAVIS yte St. &Imes Si., Montreal Write for information BOILERS] ITew and Seeond-band, for heating glee! TANKS PUrP°ASAD SMOKE STACKS. POLSON IREtimeTzTcs TORONTO Engineers and Shipbuilders, .••••••••••••••••••• Worth While culthiatIng Your maple Grove How The Government'snow protective . aegislatien against, aulteraters of pure 'Maple Syrup goes into acet on an. 1, 1915. Woe ',betide. trans, eressors after that date! Maple Syrup makers Will reap the reward of their hotteet, labor at, last! Jim, erii-of.31apie Syrup will be greatlY multiplied in number, and It will handsomely pay farmers to /Anti. vote their Maple Groves, The clue 'Evaporator built for the bast re. sults le the ecnameton"-our pride -often imitated but never excelled. Write f01 free booklet giving full particulars. THE GRIMM NEC. CO, LIMITED 58 Wellington St., Renfrew, Quo. "Please, lidy, will you help a poor man who ain't done nothin' in the way o' work for more'n twelve inunce1'' "Dear, --dear ; perhaps I can find you :something. What ean you do?' "Thank y', lidy, thank y' kindly, enuee ; P'ra-Pg give mesome te-as:hin' to do, I could take it lope to me wile." , ANInard'S Liniment cures Celde, "North," said the mistress, "are these French sardines that you have given me " "Shore, Oi don't know, ma'am," said the new wait- ress; "they' was pasht epakin' whist we opened the Dr. Meorse's dia Root 2311/e exactly meet the need which so often arises an every family for a medicine to open tip and regulate the bowels. Not only are they effective in all cases of Constipption, but they help greatly in breaking up a Cold ot La Grippe bycleaning out the system., and purifying the blood. In the SUMO way they relieve or cure Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick. Headaches, Rheum- atism and other common ailments. In the fullest sense of the words Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are o A. es otasehold likorneolr galtreflarretinnEttrOMaritt=rM The House Without A Cold Spot PTAHE house that has a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater needn't have a cold spot anywhere. A Perfection is light and can be carried easily from room to room -anywhere that extra heat is needed. For the "between seasons" of Fall and Spring the Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater gives just the heat you want. PER. TION SAIOKELE 0 IlEATERS, Perfection heaters are solid, hand- somely designed and smokeless and odorless. Look for the Triangle trade- mark. Made in Canada ROVALITE OIL is best for all uses THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY, Limited Toronto Quebec Ranter Montreal St, John Winnipeg Vanconver tiv"...RBACJ'HEALER oseiulMiftitttil'.5* "MZMOMESOMIUMMZE905a21ZONSSOMMS1=ene.SeMenetaMMen2005021 =Ma.