HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-12, Page 5November I21h, 1914 Clinton News -Record 'There cannot bp peace that will last until'Prussian Militarism is. crushed. M. ,Alfred J. Clark, representing ;Stott ie Senitle, Lim.ited, Manchester :and Empire Mills, Conglet,On, E08 - end, was in town last weekeho bus- ' 'Mess with, the Jackson Manufactur- ing Company wile ere extensive' Users f English -tweeds." ' Though he has been in other beyonil-seae portions of theeEmpjee,:thia was his first visit to thie teed of the "Lion's. Whelps" and; le Was es ,A ,tetettexe of, couleegreatly etalg4.'n by the" magilitude of Canada'e ,matl:o.eal works and the imeneese pose". e-sibilitieS for future 'development,- , . Speaking of trade. in the Ohl Land, hlre'Clark says that hatueally most ines of 'manufacture are running be- low normal, but others again are Pretty-enuch as usual. The :eottoit' trade though 'lee been hard hit ow- ing to' the loss of the coneinental „and •Aeia Minor .trade because Of 'thee:war ' • andeetsee conseeitence it is feared there willebe much depression inelean- ace.,sbire -during the winter . months. l'Our people at home,". added Mr. Clark, are very much in cattiest re- garding the war and are determined to win 110 at what coat or •:sacrifice. We all, feel that thew can be no' lasting peace in Europe until Prussian militarism. has been so crushed that it can not rise again." In His.1.90th Year He Goes to s• His Long Home. "Uncle Dave" Cook. . D,ayid Cook, one of the oldest rest- adenis of this county, passed awey at the home of his son, Mr. 1), S. Cook, Rattenbury street, on iday morning last at the age of eighty - mine years and six months, The deceased was a natiee of "Ire- land, having been born in Tieperary .nearly ninety years ago. The family -came to Canada whea he ene 01100t two years of age. They tirst settled 0"""eicelrettrre-." taI0716, where a numter of :relatives had previously located and -where there is still a large commo- tion. Mr. C`ook -resided there until he .greweto _manhood and there he married 'Miss Maria Cantelon, In 1853 they came up to Huron County, couple of brothers of • Mr. Cook having, already located here, and he -look up a ferm on the fith coueve- sion .of G-odericit township, where he famed until 1888 when lie moved to ('lin bon ancl went into the finer and feed bueiness. This business he Oa- ried on with his SOTI until two or 4hree years ago. Mr. Cook was twice marle(l, his second wife being Miss Anna ityau, who predeceased him by three years. By his first marriage there was a family of seven, three of whom sur- vive : D. Se Cook of town ; 1)r. W. J. Cook of -Brownsville, Oregoe, and efts, Reid of Owen Sound. , Up to a couple of years ago Mr. Cook's mind remained clear ana he ,dearly loved a little, chat with old friends. lie and the late Mr. Jacob • MilIer we.re neighborsfor many years before the tatted left for British_ Columbia and almost any day during the 4unu2ter season the two old friends might be seem sitting in front :of Cook's store chatting 000K 0V01171,S past and present. For the past two years, however, Mr, Cook's 1110113ory. • had failed and. though his bodily health remained pretty normal the •:pleasure of 'life had largely gone. Some weeks ago he fell on 'the floor of his room' and sustained a fracture of the hip and since then he has been • coafined to his bed,.gradually grow- ingweaker on ill the end came on Friday. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, the service being conduct - 4'41 by Rev. Dr. Rutledge. The pall bearers were six nephews, Messrs. David and Peter Can tele n , Ar - :11.0): :and T. FT. Cook ot 1101101, and Henry Cook of Streetsville. Amongst • those, front a distance whe were prea- ,' 'Opt kr the funeral Were : Mrs. A. Reid.. and her son, Mr. Henry Wide of Owen Sound.; Messes., S. ..Cantelon and Henry Cook, Streetsville, and • Mrs. Fred, Wiglesworeb, GeorgetoWn. The.re were also many old Wends, from Nile and Dungannon and a' . . large number of, the 'neighbors and , -friends from Goderich township, who Cameto pay a list tribute to the deceased. Thus was laid tm eest :another of the 010 Menem' 68 this , and Mrs.D. 8'. Cook 101811 to 'thank their neighbors . and friende foe their kindnose &milli; the illness an death of their father. flensall • Dl': Sellery, was' in tOwn, for a few -days last week. Toronto seems' to agree With the genial Dr. all right but he Still has a soft place in his heart for the old town. Dr. S. Coulter has gone to Toledo, 0100, to open a practice. _Are you a News -Record subscriber 7 Art' in School's: , An exhibition of pictures „specially selected for school decoration ,vetl be. given. in the t,oWn bali under the' auspices of the 'Collegiate Institute from Noyerabee, the 24th to 28t1.. ' This exhibitiori -of pictures . Is :one of 01010 than ordinary interest. • It con- siste of parhOn photographa and en- graying,,s, loaned by the 'Elson. Art , • Publication' Co. of Bern -mete \Massa-, cheeette. -It --centaiha-only'•-„the '..•Very best 'repitiduetioris of the master- pieces -ef art of a different bountriea deut periods. „Nearly 'eVery gallery and country in the wOrld 'Woeld have ,to, be visited to see the oeieinal Pic- ture which :are here • brought togeth- er .in one collection. The, collection comprises two ItendredeSubjects re- presenting all the priacipal schools of art and including many: . reproductions of sculpture, architecture, and impor- tant views from nature'. EOW collec- tions 1ivc- ever been .brought togeth- er ew-hich so completely cover the hisLe . tory of art of- all times as this. An excellent catalogue has been prepared and will be on sale at the exhibition The admission to the hall Will be ten. cents and the proceeds Will be used :in Purchasing pictures for the decorationof the class rooms of the Collegiate Institute. The boaira and 'staff of the Collegiate Institute ' hope that the eitizens of Clinton and of the surrounding country will not fail to take advantage of this opportun- ity. The excellence of the exhibit is beyond question and the .peopl& of Clinton have never, had au opportun- ity before of seeing so large a col- lection of masterpieces,which they may study and delight in for four days. The sale .of tiekots will be in the hands of the pupils of the Col- legiate and it is hoped that a large sum will be realized for the picture fund. Remember the dates and ar- range, to visit the exhibition once, as early as you can. If you come oncu you 80111 come again as long as the exhibition is with us. Town. hall, November 24t1. to 28t1.. Shall -we leave it to- "British Emigrants" to fight our battles under the name of Canadians? • (Continued from Page 1.) epirit. Not because wet wanted to bet because it is our duty. Bemembee, "Just for a scrap of Paper." ' Remember, Oat "scrap • of paper" held and holds us still. Our - 11000107 is ineolvcd. And shall we g0 forth in the streegth of. the Words of that beautiful hymn chosen by the King to be Sung at -the seeeice recently held in Westminster Abbey "Our God, our help in agee past, Our 110118 for years to come, Be thou our . guard while trouble . lasts And oer eternal home." Rev. e. C. Potts. The. .present war is inure easily accounted for than most. Nation- al animosities may have contri- buted somewhat to starting .11, but lhe chief cause is to be found ie Um utterly bostile ideals' pi the belligerents. The immense military and naval forces of the German Erripire are massed to- ' gether in defence of a national ideal which may • be . briefly sum- marieed. as follows : Strength, in a physical not moral sense, is not only fundamental to life, but is the bulwark ef arts and scien- ces,aed the pinnacle of human development• Despite- the protesbe . of her best •thinkers that ideal. has _swayed the: Gorman people.. For years Germany has. cheeished. it eineisturbed, but 0.010 she chal- lenges the. .world to despots it. The allies cen consistently with their own Iiielory give but mat .answer -vs. 'that the ideal is wi- cked:hip and untrue. Only Awe - (ria teed the murderous . Turks are. found to agree with Germany. These: lava opposite wimps are; at- testing their creed 'not in, words, but in life blood. -Horrible as war new be it is, the _only pos- sible method as things now are ei decidt•ng this iratter. Those who helieve that he man freedom depends upon the, supropecy of such moral equalitlee as love and trerth, honour and sacrifice, etuet vindicate their belief 11010 with arms, The fate Of . Belgtine, and the pateige ferocity, of the pres- ent warfare bell us plainly what the 'practical oirteonle of German ideals is. The British nation owes her immunity from . these horrorts. to he fact that she is frbl•e be meet force with force. statesmen tel us that ' the secriflaes. 4110 ea,s already • made are nee suffieient bite that more mee are needed .1. or the ermyt Call like tins puts- each pee of 110 in the position. of. haying "to. de- cide what our pereetal responelli- ility is, lienowieg ehe gauge': Which thre11te11:4, . We: tenet -Put aside thoughts ot ease and lunne, alld do our dulee however 11)11001- 001110, If that be to enlist, we nreSti Looking After the Children. The animal meethig of the Huron County Children's Aid Society was held in Goderich on Tuesday,' l'resie dent J. 3/litchell in the phair. There was a geed attendance and mucei in- teresb was shown in the report's gilt,: en of the work done in the eountyt The Md staff of county ofileere was re -appointed. Mr, A. M. Robertson was appointed secretary of the Goderich branch in place of Rev, John Pollock, removed. ' Mr. CI-. M. Elliott, county secre- tary, was instriteted to receive twelve Belgian children, the SocMty to be responsible for their• maintainanee. until homes are found for 'them. The Association of Children's Aid -Soeieties is askihg the Provincial Government to co-operete. in _bringing out two' hundred such children. Born in '.Clinton'IFifty-Three Yeats Ago. Mr. Geoege Brown, „ manufactueer and importer, Toronte, came to town yesterday afternoon and . forth- with started Out to look up 11I1'. Will. Jackson and though they had not seen each other for thirty years recognition by Voice was inetalit on the -pert of the visitor, a Mr. Brown was born • ia Clinton fifty-three years age 'anti was a , son of Magistrate 13101011 who construed. the law, and dealt out mild penalties a half century a„hd. more ago. He re- ceived his education in the .,. Clinton schools and the eames of, Matlock, Trambull and others of • ' those eerly educators are yet green in bie mem- ory. It is five and , thirty years Sines the family left town. Will Jackson and George- Brown were great cheats. They were desk mates, leaders etl sports, and pre) - ably in mischief, and in recalling many happy little • incidents of that 'long past period they spent several pleatant hours yestorday afiernoon and 'evening. Of 'Omer youthful contemporaries very few of the boys are left, about the only Orle hereabouts being Will. Coats, now ef Godetich, better known as Registrar 11001e. Married in St. Paul's Church - Wednesday. Evening. A pretty and- quiet little wedding was .soletnnized in "the presence . Of only iinineetate relatives in St. Paul's church at seven o'clock last evening . when . 'Addle V., yonegeet daughter of Mr.- ad Mrs, • John 11 becante the bride of Clatemee Sturdy. The bride was daintily attired in a suit of navy blue serge with waist of cream ,silk crepe and Over 1/0411 with pearl (rimming and; 800170 a 8(11')' becominghat of blue plush. Rev. J. C. Potts, the rector,performed the ceremony, The bridal party then proceeded to the bride's home on. Albert Stwhere they partook of a sumptuous wedding dinner, after which 11 very enjoyable evening was epelit by the company. Mr. arid Mrs, Sturdy then drove to their home 011 the Huron Road, Goderich township, where they have taken up housekeeping, They Neve the good wishes of a very large circle. of -friends for their futere welt -being and heppiness, Marriages ST lellD Y-LITTL le -In St, Paul's church by Rey. J. C. Potts, on Nov. 11(211 Acidic V., youngeit daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 13. Little, Clinton,. to Clarence Sturdy, Goderich township. CARTER-TAMA 13 -Al the residence of the bride's parents ab Blyth on Nov. 3re, by Rev, George Jcwitt, Violet' a Pearl, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taman, to William .8(11(0 Carter of Waltom YOUN G -13 A.T•rr,r;S--A t 13 ay 1101 0 on Nov. 1 1 th by Rev. A, Macfar- lane, Mina, daughter of Flee and Mrs. Thomas Battles, to Samuel Peter Young, third son of Mr, and Mrs. George Young, all of Goderich [OW115114). Births (ira7w5-1.1) ciinton on Nov. 6 th, to Mr. and Mee. Harry Glazier, a daughter. TYNDALL-4o Hialetit on Nov. 5t1., to Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Tyndall, a son. KEMPTHORN.E Seskatoon, Sask., on Nov. Silt to Mr. -and hire. S. T. leempthorne, a som BARTLEY-In Venkleek Hill; on Oct. 25111, to Mr. mid Mrs. John Hart- ley, formerly of Clinton, a 11110511- 1111, 171 ele(:1(4011-In Tuckersmith on. Nov. st, to Mr, and. Mrs, F, D, Mc- Gregor, n. son. 0-11.,LES Pi le -In SeiitorI,ls on No v. 1st, to Mr. and Mrs, Will. Gilles- pie, a son, - Deaths COOK-Tn Clintonon Nov, 8(211, David Cook, aged 89 years and 0 months. COTTLEAt Clepe Girardeau, - IWis- solll:i on Nov, 8t11, Alber•t, Cottle, 'brother of Mrs. Thos. Mason, Clinton, and Mrs. C. le, Smith, Seaforth. SWAN -In Brucefield on Noy. 10t1., Mary Jane Calwilt, wife of John Swan, aged 52 years and 10 months. MeLEAN-In East Wawanosh, ore 1 st John McLean, aged 59 y100,175, 1 month and 10 days. SNELL-In Exeter on Nov. 4t1., John Snell, aged 67 yeaes, 8 months am) 19 days,.' MITCHED LL -i Exeter on November ((211 , Valentine - i toilet e. aged 83 3a7tsL' 13 B.01,1NinCli Mem cm Nov. 7t1., Mazy Ann Peenabaker, wife of Sir, .101m Brown, aged 58 years and 9 tnontlis, Brucefielc14, - After 'an illness exteriding oeer some three, years Mts.. John Swan passed into rest, op 'euesday. ' deieased lady was a .daughter of Mr. Moses Calwill of Tucker - 1140 and was a imeive of that township. Besides her hueband she' leaves to mourn 'her departure . a family of two SPA'S' and one dough - tee : George, who Is station agent at Harley, arid Andre* and Mabel ab home. ' 13es1.1ers her aged 'father, she also is survive0 hy lour brothors and three Sister's : Mrs.e. Jarnee Macdon- ald, Richard, Thomas and • Emma Calve:ill of Teckersmith ; Mrs. Robert Young of Stanley Joha Cla,lwill of Wisconsin and William Catwill of the Canadian west, Mes. Swah was a Presbyterian in religion- and a member of the Brucefield °buret'. The funeral takes place on Friday, tomorrow, afternoon, the, service: ' at the -house cenimeneing, ab half peat, elle 'O'clock, Interment wtll be Made ie Baird'S cemetery. HOUSE TO RENT ON , HURON .ST. Waterworks, and electric light, one Of tie most desirable tesidenees 1.1 Clinton. Possession . at once if de- sired, -W, J. -758 11 FOR SALE PANDORA: COOK Stove with Reseevoir, good as new, for sale cheap. Apply at Brad- ehaw's' Variety Store, Clinton. PULLETS WANTED. -100 BARRED Rock Pullets at 55 cents each, to weigh not less than 34 -'pounds , al- so 100 crossbred pullets at 45 cents each. Taken in at Holmes - vine on Nov. 24t1.. FOR SALE. - 50 °Barred Rock Cockerels at $1,00, $1.25 and $1.50, all bred from hens of a heavy laying strath. -H. J. Trewartha, Holmesville, phone 1.4 on -153. a -55 AUCTION SALE Ole BUGGIES, Cutters and Harness. -The under- eigned will sell by public auetion and 'without reserve at the Deering Shop, Clinton., (opposite the Gra- ham House) on Saturday, Nov, 14, at 2 o'clock p.m., the following : 2 buggies, new, 1 second haind bug- gy, 2 _McLaughlin cutters, 2 small seats for cutter, 4 black cub bear robes, 3 sets single harness, 24 halters, 1 Sharples cream separate or, 38 -foot exteneion ladder, 23 -foot steel ladder, 1- clop ladder,. 1 pota- to plow, 1 pea harvester, 2 smile- lers, 4 hay forks, 1 . sling chain, 18 pulleys, grindtone sfor grind- . Mg sections, 8 feet of . bare door track with hengers and rollers: complete, 1 wire stretcher, 1, doz, cans of fly chaser, 1 barrel_ machine oil, Stock of dies for threading pipe, Outfit for raising Windmills, Number of plow points, soles and .landslides for Paris, Willciesen, Bell and Miller plows, 2 Oliver walking plows, 3 Clothes Wringers, 1 good binder, 1 box stove wieh number of 0 -inch store pipes, and nuineroue other articles: Terms :-$5 and un- der, cash; over that amount; 6 inonths' credit on approved joint 1.1.(11,es. A 0 iseount ot foue percent PC): annum for cash. -3 ohn May, Proprietor t Cleo. IT. Elliott, Auc- tioneer,: . HOUSE WANTED. ---I AM OPEN 'PO. „Mu:chase in Clinton a medium. sized house in good condition, with stable and gal:doe-Wm , Perdue, Clinton 0.0. , 7. FOWL WAN'TED.-HICIIIEST MAR- ket price paid fot all kinds of fowl, taken any day of the week or phone 8 on 166 and wagon will call. 1 cent peu pound extra allowed ou trade account. -T. 11. Masom Sum- merhill. -56. FOR SALE -A DESIRABLE PRO - Petty on Frederick sttecte, consisting of dwelling house containing nine rooms and woodshed, all in good re- pair, fiesb class cam under all. 1-5 acre of land with stable and (iris- ing shed. Possession arranged. For particulars apply on, reremisee or to -A lex.. Leitch, el into n -56. POTATOES. FOR SALE 100 BUSH - els at 40 emits per bushel. Get your winter's supply now. -Frank W. Andreeve, CLOTHES CLEANED, REPAIRED and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Ladies and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Room over Mr. Grigg's jewelry Store. -'Win Jaw). -55. FOR .SALE.-OWINGe. TO INSTAL - line Hydro in the' House of Refuge a six horsepower .Gasoline engine,. in first-class running order is offer- ed for ,sale.". 'For Jurther PartActi- tars .apply to R. Match, manager House of Refuge. ---448. PROF FRANK WEAVERt. L,G.S?37, Conceit Organist, Pianist, Wilco Specialist. Teacher of Organ-I:Pi- - . ano -and Artistic Singing, Vieits Clinton Thiirsdays and Fridays. Re- sidence and studio, 620 Duffel:hi AVe. London:. --49. WANTED. - BRIGHT COLORED Dried Apples, Eggs; Butter, for which we pay highest priccs.-Can- telon Bros. : -52. CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN hay.ing cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all 'express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices donsistent„., with an honest test. Testifig done by a competent man, Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave. their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write for cans and give us a trial. -The Seaforth Creamery, Box CM Seaforth. FARM FOR SALE BEING LOT 14 Maitland con. Township of Colborne consisting of 90 acres all cleared, clay loom and fIrst!class wheat land, 4 acres of young bearing or- chard and small fruits, 2 good wells Good frame dwelling with ,cellar un- derneath and good barn and stables. Driving shed with cemeat pig .stable underneath. The fences aro in good condition. e mite from school, 21 - from Holmesville and 6 from Clin- ton. Will be sold on reasonable terms. -Apply on the premises or address Thos. Pennington, Holmes- ville P. O. -45 THE CORNEA STORE Live and Let Live TEAS and COFFEES! Have you tried our bulk teas and coffee,still selling at the old _prices ? Cured Meats ! Smoked Hams, Rolls, Back Bacon, Breakfast Bacon, Salt Pork, Sausage, Cooked _Elam, Jellied Hock Corn Beef and Bologna. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Live Poollu 2500 Chickens 2000 Hens 1000 Ducks Each Week during poultry seasoe. Turkeys and . :Geese wanied later, I31BLICAL-PROPHETIC AND OTH- ther subjects studied on Sundays at 3 and 7 pan. at J. Holmes', "The Evergreene," Huron Road. All in- vited. Malachi 3.17. -51. The WM' CIOSifigl Union Service with ? =.1 Rev. H. T. Crossley Programme. Thursday : The last, Song Sermon. on "From Plow Handle to Pulpit," In Ontario Street chilech. Friday : Grand Rielly of students, youths and ndults in Wesley church. 1 Sunday, 11 a.m., "Perfect Love." in Ontario Skeet church. . IrSuonudEtaly,e,i3i45itpecia.n.,p'l'aMiayteoteattaiteeen,d" , NIL nt i.. tOeirloy.isoluety,'farigenrediste,est address, en Sunday, 7 p.m.. "Seven Royal Proclamations.' In Wesley church. Tuesday : The grand send off to Mr, Crossley. Don't miss this. , Make these closing services the hest in crowds. interest and results. . Wesley church. • Monday, 7,45 pan., "The Dance and the Garde.' In Wesley dulcet). W. L. RUTLEDGE and. S. J. ALLAN, pastors. 1 Get our prices each week at the Eleyaeor. We are in the market for all kinds of grain at top prices. A full line of Mour and feed alwaye on hand. flatte you tried our Cured meats ? All meat supplies government inspected. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, Wm. Jenkins, Beans SEND SA1VIPLES, STAT- 'NG- QUANTITY AND PRICE YOU WILL !PAK E. WE SUI'PLY f3A.C3S. MORROW and COMPANY 33 FRONT ST., E., TORONTO, Sale 1 BIG 30 DAY. NOVEMBER, SALE CommenciniTbursday, November fifth, and cOn- ijiming for the following 30 days. , There will be war . among the prices of our gloceries. For cash and Produce we will slaughter everything, . White sale 88 011 our regular menthly customers will he given fall advantage of cash pieces. ' . We have space to quote only a Tew specials: blest new Valeucia raunne .... ...100per lb or 11 lbs for $1.00 1, 1018 " . be for 25e while they last " new Patras currants Itte per lh 0753111)8 tor 0.00 " new seeded raisins , " . (10 o"z size) 2 lbs 25c new eeedless .....2His 25e New cooking egs.. .... . , .... . .... per th 7e " dates ... ... . . . . .. . . .... " 8e " peels (lemon, orange and citron) " lec " shelled almonds ...... ...... . .. , . . , 40e Redpath's granulated sugar 1,1Ihs for 31.00 " ....5 lb packages, reg, 40c for 35e 11 " 16 the for ell 00 `Comatoes Best (B) rice " pearl tapioca . 3 packages barley crisps 8 packages flaked peas 3 bars Infant's Delight soap 0 " Cornfortsoap 6 " Richard snap " Quick Naptha, sea p Good t redit Salmon per tin i Corn and netts lee each or 3 for 25c per tin lec • per lb 5c per lb 8c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25e 25e 10c 15c Challenge corn starch.- ... , per packetge 10e or 4 for 30o Our Own Blend Tea (only 5 the to a customer) per lb 28e "Our Own" baking powder,‘pound tin for ....... Robin Hood porridge oats per package 23e Reason for this slangther sale is the need of money. • Keep buying to keep the Reg flying. W. T. O'NEIL 46gAiorik "coNCNITOWV: CRellelMIWAY ALSO 12 INCH WOOD. Stapleton Saw Mill. IT WILL PAY YOU TO USE THIS colunm for For Sale, Wanted, ,Found, Lost, Etc. advts. All who have tried it sap so. Does Your Watch Need Repairing? A watch that does not keep good time is little better than no watch at all. Intrust your watch to us, we will spare no effort in put- ting it right ibi the shortest possible time, We give special attention to Watch Repairing, A. J. GRIGG Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriags Iii•censes. Double Feed Doors There is no danger of hit- ting the sides and spilling - coal all over the floor with the big Sunshine feed Aciors,.. These doors wi I admit a large chunk of wood, too. Our local agent will show, you this anci manyother "Sunshine" advantages. Send fop free booklet. Mcaary's Su.nshine Furnace) - BYAM & SUITTER Sanitary, Plumbers Phone Clinton School of Commerce. LEARN WHILE YOU ' EARN, The Night School has open- ed but you can enrol at any (212)10. Per month $5.00, 3 months $1.2,50. B. F. Ward, BA., NI.Accts Principal. . WE AIM AT QUALITY IN INSTALLING FURNAC- ES, IN GENERAL PLUMB- ING AND TINSMITHING. THOS. HAVVKINS. Phone 83, PLUMBING AND HEATING. liE1_,L0 ! Have you ordered your leindliag for the winter yet ? Stave edginga mid cedar blocks on hand. Malted grain and stook feed for eorses and cattle always In stook. Quaker Oats, Cornflakes, Floutr, Oati nd Corn Meal, to he had at the North End Feed Store. I I A General Delivery Done. Frank W. Evatts C I n tott. Agent- for Heinezman Pians,: TERMS: CASH, Phone 1.0A Agents Wanted A SPLENDLD CHANCE FOR , AGENTS AT THIS TIME, Does your present income ex- ceed 325 nee week and expelle- es ? If you are willing to work, you should bo Mite to increase your. bank account each week from now until Chrietneas., by selling Professor Mac- °lenient's NOW Canadian Bird Book, a work intensely- interesting, beautifullei illustrated and at the same time. ser- ving the purpose of a reference book for children attending school. Grown, - ups enjoy it, children aro delighted' with it and all are benefetted by it: Every parent having a child in school1 ist a prospective customer. %Wife, now lot special terms. te. agents.: DOMINION BOOK Colt' PUBLISHERS. TORONTO e CANAAA.