HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-12, Page 44 Clinton News-Reeotd
' 1101111eSVille
Notwithstanding the dullness of
the apple market a large number of
leads ate going -through our village
daily tor 'shipment at Clinton.
The ,last shipment of cheese:. •from
the Holmes.'ille Cheese- and Butter
feetory was made on Tuesday. The
Price, was around lq Cents. ',`•
Mr, and Mrs, John Potter Visited
friends at Miteltell 0160 - the weak,
tIt 11.• J. Trewertha is liuying
lots of Poultry these days at his
poultry ,yettm.
•• The "'services in th 'Methodist
siehitrela on Sunday' were net so t, well
ratk,entled as usual,ruany people; be
ling in Clinton, taking Advantage' of
the opporamity of bearing Rev. El.
T. Croesley again_ after his having
been here twp weeks In June last
when a goodly number gave in their
names for°Mitch membership. • -,•V
. •
At the League meeting on Monday
evening all the ,oilleers Were re -ap-
pointed for the ensuing tent. ,
Mr. N. W. Trewartha is nbt using
his poultry plant liere, this season so
far, his whole attention being given
to the Clinton branch. Owing to tee
,demand pot being up to the ueual
'mark the price is not crate so good
as formerly,
A conference of ministers 'and lay-
men representing the several charges
the Goderich District met in 11o1 -
*evilly on Wednesday, in the interest
of the cause of Home and Foreign
Miniona. This meeting was held at
the suggestion of the General Board
which met recently in; Toronto and
yVhiell in confronted tlus year w
imesual and which might possibly be
NOvemberl2th, 1914
tanbarrassing conditions.. The board
Sears a serious decrease in Mission-
ary: givings on account of the finan-
cial stringency occasioned by the
great war. This decrease need not
,oeellr, if those portions 81 our church
who have not done . all they could
shall resrond generously to tins
appeal. Our missionaries upon the
firing Illie must not he alloWell LO
Want, while 0111 resources at home
are still hot lidless. Plans were laid
lot a thorough canvas of all out
good voice, Miss Weeds beteg =-
people awl it is to be hoped the ur-
companiste. At the conclusionof the
gent need may be successfully met. eograin Messrs, A. ;Cantrelon ' 'find
'Ilte local W.M.S. served meals to
the visitors in the basement.
'Arts you a News -Record subscriber ?
•The disagreeable ",state of the weath-
ef-had 310 'ill effects on the
given bY the 'brethren of
18.5 '011 Frit-tapevening last fbr thete
were as many popple as Sharon
church, where tile entertainment bas
held, woeild ribe6ainiodate, and- thosu:.
who did attend were well repaid... An
excellent het; supper was StrVCt1 lis
the hall c,onSiSting of foWle vegetab-
ies !and all the other things which ;
go to malie up a first class :Spread,
There was an abundance of itt ,'and
the supper \vas thoroughly e,niot,ed.
Alt• the, conclusion 'ail repaired to. Ate
ehurch where tint'. Program W'an;ti".7t.nt-
Mr. Ct. 13. Henley of the 1.,oadon
1 -toad acted as chairman, a position
Which he •filled witff gteat acceptanee.
In MS °petting address he explained
the , objeet of., the gathering, namely,
to raise 1116114 fOr. the Patriotic
Fund, Mule recalled- forMer ••5tli of
Ncivember gatherings in the old hall.
''The first 5131) of November after the
hall was ono .e:1,'' said be,' 19.116re
was a dance in ili, The next year'
special evangeUtte seritees were be-
ing held, the next there was a
prayer meeting. I Cannot telt Von
exactly what wg • done. each 'year
since," •contiiitted Mr: Hanley, "but
there Ims never been another danee
there. The first one was the last."
The Ontario street quartette of Cain -
ton MIS present consisting of Mrs.
RoSs,, Mr. Gilibings, Mr. L. . Weir
and Mr. 13. J. G ibbings, with Miss
L. ((rani as ac,companiste, and they
gave s,rveral eecellent . Fe'ectionS,
Rev. S. .3. ABM of Clinton gave m.
Patriotic address which was muell
appreciated. Mr. Allin 'saki' that as
Al 'the manse on Wednesday after-
noon , of this week liev, Machit-•
lane :,tinitcul • in inarriage ,"Sarnuel Pet
111 Young to Miss, Elam flatOes,
daughter of Mt. Thomas, 13attles, all'
of Goderich township. !rho happy
couple will talici up their abode, on
the groom's farm on the Front Road:"
TheY have the veli 1 best wishes of
Miiterous friends.
tl*Nie,,111.fle Club . lies purchased a
110031)50 of rifles and a qtranihy of
nmoilinition and the,y held their firSt
practice at, tile, targets on WedneSilay
'e.;Y(.t1.1,hieng;:b°uinglaspleo:ZIr Of the village,
gaVo. a hop in the town hall oil the
eve.ning of NO'. 5t11 When an enjoy-
able evening .iva•s spent. '
Mr: c, Hess intends inOving
Varna about the first; 01 December
and Will open up a reaair .shop,
Meant Ab6: Brandon, -Who speal
ne summer with friends at 13elgrave,
returned home this week.
Charles Dttpee is home on a viait
Rev, Mr. Powell,, Secretary of the
Hurtio: D. A. Association, gave a
terriliaance ' address in the /basement
of Stf:•,-,Andrey'S church' on Thursday,
evening` Inst. ills talk W2s• illustrat-
ed. ItY linielight, views, •
; Capt. J. A. Ferguson, Who spent
a most sticcessfa summer on the
lakes, returned to his home on Satur-
„Mr. Frank Glass, 'M. P., and Mrs.
Glass of London spent :Sunday at
their.'reSidence on Via Terrace.
Mr: Peter McGregor and his nein.,
Miss Nellie McGregor of Freirdale,
N Di
are the guests of the former's
0 Mord Pollock has returned home
brother, Mr. Andrew McGregor,
he. was leaving home Ins young son
said to him, "Now, Dad, let your
after spending tbe summer in the
speech be betel, patriotic and enthus- ,
iastic." thought this was good
i„ Miss Fanny Grasby of IVIorris was
10185100dyiee and he elideavered 'bo a—ethe guest of her aunt, Mrs. Brandon,
upon it., 1 -le was in his happiest
mood and everything he said seemed during the past week,
to appeal to his hearers, who great-
services in Trinity churn will
lconducted in the evening during
iO his speech ahlr
ly ehjoyed Iris address. In. addition he e
e irbe winter months, having coma -lone-
, ir
couple of readings. Reetat Lad) also ed last Sunday.
rim following from hayfield attend
spoke 1111011)and Mr, Clark' of Pert • -
ed the Liberal convention in Clinton
er's _Hill sang a couple of solos in •
on Wednesday : Murdock Ross, Wil
A quiet wedding was solcminiveti on‘
Wednesday of last week at the home
of Mr. tin(' Mrs, 11.3131ry Taman, when
their elder,Ahiughtur, Violetta
became this Wife of William 'John,
Carter, younger son bf James Car-
ter or Walton, Rev'. 'C'etirge Jewitt
officiating. The bride entered the
parlor leaning upon the arm of her
father, to the strants of tile' wed-
ding 'march played by Miss Pearl
Gidley. Master George", Churchill of
Toronto, cousin of the bride, acted
as ri•ng-bearer, Though MAI bullied -
'late relatives were, Present, yet the
brideovas the recipient of many cost-
ly and beautiful presents. . After the
sumptuous repast was partaken. of,
and an hour spent socially', Mr. end
Mrs. Carter left in the evening for
their home cast, of Walton, where a
reception WaS' awaiting them:, •
1VIta. F. Carr and family returned
last week- after; spending a inonth
with the lady's mother at Waterloo.
Mrs, Smith, of Brussels- vitited at
the liome • of her brother, Mr. Win.
Jackson, last 'weak.
Mr. Wilbert Spofford visited friends
at London and Woodstock last week.
Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin of Paris has
been ;spending a few , days at the par-
ental home in Blyth, that of Me. and
Mrs. W. 11. Snell,
Miss Patterson has returned to, her
home from Exeter, where she, Was
taken ill 'some le* weeks ago.
Mrs. I.ybel has returned from Tor-
onto with her little daughter, whom
she had taken to the city for special
Mr. Moore took Mr. and Mrs. Por-
terfield to their home in Clifford last
week in his car, they having been
visiting their daughter, Mrs. Hopson,
for some weeks. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Scott and
their daughter, Miss Patience, were
in Belgrave last week attending Hie
wedding of Mrs. Scott's brother,
The Symphony Quartette will ap-
Vandaburgh moved a 'vote 01 thanks.
to those • vello had assisted. in Making
the affair a success and this whs.,
• The men of Hohnesalle church are animously carried. 'rhe proceeds of
arranging for their annual "Men's the gathering amounted to fifty dol-
paYs" and dinner 10 to held Sunday lars, which will be handed m er 1.0
the 22131 and Monday the 23118 inst. the Patriotic Fund. '
The large chorus has aleeroly begun News -Record means .News_Leauer.
.Practising for Sunday and all fit-
rangements are made. for the big
fowl dinner Monday evening. Soloists •
Srom London and Geduld' have
been naeured ad 'every thing will be ,
ft( following officers Were appoint -
'done to keep up, if not surpass, - the
ed at the annual meeting of the Hor-
liam Mustard, James tantipbeille
James and Lewis Thomson.
Are you a News-Reeord Subscriber ?
Mr, Spackrnan ol Bayfield has been
busy tho past few days putting a
cement platform and sters in Mint
of the town hall, This will prover a
great convenience and will be an
improvement not the residents will
Mr. Kit Ward spent Sunday with
friends on the Sauble.
Mr. and Mrs. Digs visited the lat-
Tetsoril of former years. - 1 .
• .,„. .,., ,,, „ ticultatral Society the other evening : ter's ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horner.
' att. toy t.anteroa rei•urned from 'president; .1.. p. Himie ; vice; D, r ,
'' • of Hay township, on Sunday.
the west last week. . 1 litunlinIC; 'Sep. -Treasurer, with Lane; A. meeting of the Officers of the
'Mr. Wesley Miller is re -modeling i Directors, Messrs. Wilmot*, LcUll- Methodist church. Stanley school was
bis house and expects to be cosy this ;.weite, -Stratton, Hearn, Harrison; hold on Tuesday to consider a Christ -
winter. That's right. There is Nate], Garrow, Morningstar, W. K. .mas , entertainment.' The date is. not
- nothing like having things comfort- Hager ; Auditors, Messrs. Rernolds yet fixed, but it will be shortly.
oble and attractive. • 'and Seaga, • Rev. Mr.' Brown, pastor or the
News -Record Means I , \ re you a News -Record subseriW .1 gethOcliat church, preached in st.
Mary's on Sundap last.
The oyster supper giten in tho
orange bell on Thursday evening
last by 'the brethren of Varna Dodge
proved to be quite a success. The
suPPer was abundant in quantity • and
excellent in quality, consisting of not
only- 'well -cooked oysters lint almost
everythiug ease one could desire. A,
fine program, put on by local talent,
l'ollOwed and was much enjoyed ; by
those present. '
• Are you a, News -Record subscriber 7
News -Leader.
Dry Goods
Po -Wear
nnd House
new Redingote coal with Ilare skirt, in all..the new shoclee,
Id 11(111(18 with velvet collar and large velvet but tons, half lined, tbe last
word in winter coate, Mien range iron) $15.00 bo $20.00.
• We ere s'lowing oui. 75 different styles in oor mantle department.
We ball 010 W you correet styles in all wool hard watri•ng cloths and
popular colorings trout $3.50 to $7.00.
The amount of monev involved is sufficiently incentive for great
care in telection. Our advice is to look carefully and satisfy yourself.
Cavern( inspection and comparison will establish beyond a doubt the
worthiness of our styles,
We riae daily COM pl 'merited on the sup-
er ioritv of our waists in crepes, voiles, silks
etc., alleat most moderate prices.
The Annual Meeting.
'. The . Horticultural .Society held
their aunual meeting on w000say,
evening last a representative Aiifinber
of the , members being, • p rese .• The
treasfire,r's reliort 4hpwcd ' a' balance
.hand , of $1.00,, atter a year et
generous outlay,. The membership
now nuMbers .180. 'rile following of-
ficers were elected. , •
PaSitlent; '11/I13jo1 :141) 0, Mo'raggart
Isfyice, (1.41.,Dgvid
21131 yice.; ..J; Wheatley.
• Sec: -Treasurer, '17. Cottle.
Auditors, W. Bry done,' W. I): Pair.
Board of Directors, T. Cottle, J.
Cifilingliaine, 1-1. W. Watt, A:
Seeley, E. Munro, Mrs, G. H. '
Davide Mrs. W. D. Fair, Miss K.
- MeTaggart, Miss Bessie; Watt.
' 1VIesSa. 51. D. McTaggart and Cr::
14, David and Miss Meraggart were
appointed delegates • t o the annual
convention with *Messrs. A. Seeley
and J., Curringhaine as .alternates.
The convention is noW session in
Toronto, opening yesterday'. Owing'
to the fact that', the 'Horticultural
Balding, in 'Exhibition Park, where,
the show was to have been held thie
Oar; is bang used for military 91303-
p0030, •the Horticultural Exhibition
11) not being held. 'The proceeds of
the showthis year were • to have
been turned over to the Red Cross
Societyt and the city had granted the
free use of the • building, but after
wards it was put to military - uses.
'rile convention, for the transaction
of business, is being 'held = yesterday,
Mic<jonary olVerings frown the Methodist Churches of G oderich District
for the year 1013-11, ,
M. L. Zettle of Walkerton has
taken up residence in town, having
taken a position on the Herald staff.
Mrs. M. Fritz and Miss Anna Hess
were in London last week attending
the Women's" Institute convention. -
Mr. Tulfield Ayotte of 13a18 Axe,
pear in the town hall on Saturday Mich., hats purchased from Mr. Win.
evening under the auspices of the ISchrenek h1tfarni on the 14th con.
Blyth Bowling Club, the proceeds to of -Hay. The purchase 1)1100 waS
be handed over to the Red Cross $3,900.
A meeting of the Liberals ot the
A November Day.
The day ita bright will: sunshine :
blue the sky
Above, and blue the lake beneath,—
blue fringed with while—
I lion whose bosom warmly sleeps the
1 ight.
Surely 'Hs June iloW 1101OS ha stab
on high
And not November 4 Vet the leaves
that lie
So thia around our feet, and cm the
The ruined tree tops bare, cleareut
in bright'
And perfect air, proclaim the winter
Oh 1 hea,t7La that grieve today o'er
flowers that lade,
And fallen leaves, who in life's win-
, ter tide
Sit dark and hopeless, ' look up
through the shade.
And _ see the_ sun of hope shine clear
. and wide
Giving a token in the darkest hour
Of a mew springtime's leaf and sum-
mer's flower.
hayfield, Nov. 41311, 1914. —A. Mc.
new titling a North Huron will be
held in Blyth on Tuesday evening,
next for the purpose of organization
and the electing of Wilms, ME. • Par-
dee, M.P., will give an address.
'Miss Mary Wightman of New Roch-
elle', N.Y., has -been the guest Of her
uncle, Mr. R. Wightman.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sheffield of
Owen Sound were guests at the
home of the latter';$ parents, Mr. and
Mrs Jos Gillespie.
Messrs. Anthony and John' Elliggitt
and Frank Atieheson were at Orkney,
near Hamilton, last week attending
the funeral of the latter's father,
wbo died as a result of an accident,
having been run over by a train.
Miss lona Stoners Was awarded
the silver medal at the W.C.T.U.
Ontest on Friday week in the Meth-
odist church. Dr. Stewart and Mr.
J. Taylor of Belgrave and Dr, Alit.'
son of Blyth acted as judges.
Mr. John. Habkirk 01 Port Francis
was in town last \Vac calling on old
friends. He had been in Gotta:in at-
tending the funeral , of his brother.
Mr. John Weymouth has been at
Londoner() doing some carpenter
Work at Hutton'S mill,
Are 3,011 a News -Record. subscriber 7
Mrs. J. D. Long of London hab
been 'visiting 116r mother, :Mrs. E.
Mrs. J. 11. McAllister of Portland,
Oregon,' has been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Adam Foster.
Mrs. C. Beck .01 Toronto is in at-
tendance on her sister, Mrs. Wm.
Holland, who has been quite ill.
Mrs. Geo, Johnston was called to
Quebec last week owing to the death
ot her father.
Are yoti a News -Record subscriber ?
Mr. Bert W. .Brown has returned (0
Toronto after 11 visit with' MS',par-
ents hare. ' '
Mr. Jacob. Wurtz 'of Pigeon, Actob,,
was a gueSt at the home of his fath-
er-in-law, Mr, J. S. Melick, last
Mr. Wm. Klopp of Stratford in-
tends shortly taking up his residence
in Zttrioh.
• Mr. E. Zeller and family have gone
to re/side in WindSor, whera its is
understood Mr. Zeller intends goiag
into business.
Are you a Ns-Reeord subscriber ?
Mr. James Robb is in Lueknow
doing some fine work in conneetion
with his trade. as house c.mpenter.
' Mrs. .1. Holland of Miami, Man., a
sister of the late. Mr, O. Whitey,
is at present the guest ;it' her sista--
in-low, Krn• W1111511".
Miss M. Goeteineyer, who has hal
an earns]: of appendicitis in Regina,
returned home last week.
During Lhe thunder storm of Sun-
day! week Mr. James Hart's barn in
McKillop township was street: and
burned with the entire season's
crop, The live stoek, with the ex-
ception of some ducks, was saved.
Mrs, McNaughton' has returned to
her home, in Calgary after a Viai
th her. mother, M18. Balt. Mta.
Barr and' Miss Muldrew accompanied
her to the west.
Mrs, Pyper and Mrs. Sodium: have
returned to their homes ill Hamilton.
They came home on aceount of the
illness an(1 subsequent death of their
father, the late John Beattie.
Mrs, D. (1, Scott returned last
week to her home in Toledo, Ohio,
after a visit of several weeks with,
frauds M town.
Miss Ruth Van .legmond has gone
to Bradford, Pa., to take a course
of training as a. nurse.
Mrs. IL Laidlaw and. ha daughter,
Miss Gertrude; who have been resid-
ing in Detroit but who wero former-
ly residents of town, are here lOt
the winter.
Mr, John Nadu was up from Tor-
onto visiting his mother, Mrs. S.
Neeley, prior to going into camp at
London to prepare to accompany the
second contingent.
Mrs, Philip Horton and daughter of
Port Hope have been visiting tlie
lady's sister, 1140e. J. C. Greig.
Mrs, David Ronnie olt• Tuxford,
Sask„ sister, of MrIf. .1, ctillispie and
Mos, Adam Dodds ot town, died at
her home on Oat. 251311 after an 111-
1,e15 09 some duration, Mr. and
Mrs. Dodds retuned only a few
Weeks ago from the west, having
gone te visit 'the deceased lady. She
was a daughter of the. late Robert
McMillan of MeKillop.
Are you a News-Reeord subscriber ?
Table No. 1.
Showing number:of methbers of each church 'amounts given to General
Missionary Society, antltbe Women's Missionary Society.
011 OUCH ES s Mem bees • Gen, Miss, W.M.S,
Godet•ich, North St..- ,......, ...,376 • ... . .. .1100., , . .........209
Clinton, Wesley ... ... . ..319 800 151
Clinton. Ontario St..............4'14.,., 775 170
Londesboro.......................3132 545 108
Varna. , .. . ...... .. . . ..... . . 5•39 103
Anhwei .. .... .. ..,..;.....314 . . 530... ... . . ... 90
Settfortb 310, ........ ..... ,,...... 72
Nile .... ..: .. . .. ... .... . ,,.........184.- - . . ... . ...... . 353.........e .. , ... „ 126
liolmesville. • 195,,,,,.. .. , .. 805 .. . ... ............., 92
Dungannon. • • • • , '', 21'7 258 204
Goderieh, Viettrrio,*St . .... ,285 236 91
Beni -tiller ...... .,... ..... . „ ... - 171 .. . ....... •. ,-... :. , 230 —
Walton „ . • . . , , ,, ,' .123 , '75 —
Bayfield , .... ........-t... ..... . . . 97 ..., . ,...... 54 —
Brticefield . . . .. ... ; . 32 ; ' 51 18
* e Table No. 2.
Stanley Township
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 4, North ' Stanley for the
month of October, based on punc-
tuality, proficiency tuid vegan at-
tendance, the names in order of mer-
it : •
5t11—Bessie Tough. Sr. lth—Alice
Stinson,' Edda Scott:Inner, John Wat-
son, Clifford Scotehnier, Bertha West-
lake, Sr. 3r0—Maggio Tough, Elva
Dewar, Harold Seotehmer, RusselL
;Sparks. Jr. 3rd—Annie Dewar, .11031
Seotchnice, Bessie Watson, Pt. 2—
C131511ie Scotchmer, Pt. I—David.
Dewar, Dorothy Scotelliner. .
The best spellers fm: the morttit
ar5etb—hessie Tough. Sr. 4113-10110e
Stinson. Sr.. 3rd.—IIarold Seotehmer,
3r18e-Annie Dewar.
—Miss MacDougall, Teacher.
East Wawawash,
Showier average offering•per member. No. 1 to the General Missionary
Society,No. 210 the Creneral,M iselonat yr Society and Wernens' Missionary 89
ciety combined. ,. .
No. 1 $ No. 2 $
God erich, Noti li St 2 93 Goderich, North St ..... .........8 a)
Clinton, Wesley .. ...... . . 2 71 Clinton, Wesley .. , .............. 3213
Varna., i ..... . .. .,....., ...... ... ,2 52 Varna ... ....... .3 00
Nile -------------------------------1 80 Blyth 2 60
Bly.th 1 '78 Brucefield 2 15
Auburn .1 OS Dungannon 9 13
Londeshoro 1 64 Holtnesville 2 03
Clinton, Ont. St 1 03 Clinton, Ont. St . . .......... .......2 00
Brucefield 1 60 Auburn 2 00
flohnesville ...... .. . .. . , ..... ... 1 50 Londesboro
Seaforth ......... ............... .1 38 Nile
Benrniller 1 34 Seaforth
Dungannon 1 20 Benmiller
Godericlr, Vietcia St ............ 83 Goderieh Victoria St
50 Baytield . . . - .
Walton 55 Walton
A live, healthy ,fitteners' weekly
iiewspaper is the Weekly Sun of Tor-
onto. It is not owned by eny "spec-
ialinterest," but takes a fearless
and independent stand on all public
matters, regardless of • politics. It
stands for the farming interests, and
is in the thick of the light. It has
the prestige a an established person-
ality. You should read it—eveey is-
The following is the report of 5,
S. No. 10, East Wawanosh, for the
month of ootobor :
4th—Cora Fear, Hilliard 'Mc-
Gowan, George Wilson. Jr. 481h—Ella
Fear. Sr. 3.rd—Edna McGowan, Luel-
la Wilson, John Parker. Jr. 3r18 --
Walter , PatterSon. Sr. ,•2nd--Clarra
IVIcGowan, May Parker, Finlay Mc-
Gowan. Pt. 2rut—Ida McGowan. Pr.
—Earl ,
Are you 11 Newa-Record subscriber? i • —9, 1ti1, Phillips, Teacher.
1 97
1 92
1 60
1 34
1 15
Table No. 3 and 4.
No. 3 shows the offerings from each District of the London Conference,
No, 4 gives the increase over the offerings of the previous year,
St. Thomas
Canada's Most Artistic and Popu-
. lar Magazine,
pietures pertaining to the war
are alone worth the money.
This elegant magazine delights the
eye while it instructs the mind eon -
earning the picturesque doings of an
interesting and highly entertaining
Eissue is literally croWded with
the highest quality' of • photogravures,
many of them worth framing.
It is the most popular "pick-nte-
up" on the waiting room tables ot
the leading doctors throughout the
Dominion, and in the big public lib-
raries it is literally "used up" by
the many who are attracted by its
entertaining and beautiful pages.
at's a "love at sight" publication
and it has departmental features of
great interest to the young WOMatt
and the home-makor.
01it--,Iust to male one man's praise
from among thousanda—the late Rt.
Hon, Lord Stratheona, weote :
'The 'Canadian Pictorial' is a
publication which, if I may, be per-
mitted to Say so, is a credit to Can-
ada," (Signed)
• . STRATI-100NA',
On trial to New Subscribers -,Twel-
ve months for only 55 cents.
The "Canadian Pictorial'' is pub-
lished. by THE "PICTORIAL" PUB-
LISHING. CO., "Witness" Block,
IWontreal, Canada, Try it for &year,
No. 41
Chatham., •
St. Thomas
Goderich , 200
Wingharn 85
Strathroy , 57
Table No. 5.
Shows thelatering from the Epworth Leagues and i:iunday Schools of the
E.L. S.S. Total
Clinton, Ont. St 246 0270
Goderieli, North St .. 82
185 30
71 215
Clinton, Wesley
Auburn 117 '35 152
0 -----------45 : .. -145
1406 60
48 15 1.s0)1(0(.71:
22 79
60. 23
25 '(21(1351
23. , , . .,. 17
Goderich, Victoria 81. .. .
0 .........
Beelt's Weekly, edited hy Ed'ward.
Beck, the man who employed the.
I1urns' Detective Agents to unearth
graft in the Quebec. Legtslature, . and
published in Montreal, is 130 unique
publication and one that is growing
in favor throughout the counirdy.
Wh i 1 e devoted , p1111100 11)', to the
promotion of honesty in the admin-
istration of public again, it iS•by 130
means _Obsessed of one idea, but is
made up every week of clever ewe::
:Loons and pictares, stories, humorous
sketches and a department of intelli-
gent if somewhat caustic comment ort
Canadian affairs. Amon5 its contri-
butors are several of the, hest writers
and artists ht Canada. It furnishes
one of the most appetizing week -end
collatioes Of information, discussion
tmd entertainment to he obtained
here The prise is $2 per year
and the publthliers will be pleased to
sera , a sample copy upon request.
Address, 13e,elt's Weekly, 335 , Craig
Street West, Montreal:
Are you 11 News -Record subscriber?
Modern Methods
If the people of -today, in all walks of life, had to go
back to the methods or early days they would find it
much more laborious and slow, in fact it would be im-
possible to accomplish the work.
Modern machinery has done wonders in lessening la-
bor and saving time.
Modern methods in business have done much in like
manner and the most approved method is "Pay as You
Buy" plan, Credit means debt and debt means worry.
The rneicTi-a-nt who gives credit cannot do ,justice to
his cash customer for he must get enough profit to al-
low bad debts, extra cost of bookkeeping, stationery, etc.
The merchant who sells for cash is able to have one
price for all, onn sell at u smaller prcfit, can buy to
better advantage and save worry, collecting, etc.
Try the "Pay a$ You Buy" method and save money.
Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples, and Beans Wanted.
F. A. EDWARDS Bayfield.
Cream Wanted !
Farmers having cream:to sell during the Fall and Winter months
can get:best results by shipping to
Gunn's Creamery, Walkerton
Highest Prices paid for Butter Fat.
Two shipping cans supplied free.
Express paid on alPshipments.
Each can carefnlly weighed and tested and statements of each ship-
ment returned with etnpby can,
Semi-monthly payments. Write for cans and full partietilars to
Gunn's Oreamery,IWalkerton, or to
EDGAR J. TREWARTHA, tioltresville
Phone 15 on 153, Clinton.
We eau assist yon ia selecting you', f urni to re if you are
going:to furnish your home, oe if you only want some odd
pieces:you will find it to your advantage to pect our
stock and see the bargains we are giving. We also carry a
good line of violins, pianos and organs.
•Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re-
spect:and we guarantee the hest of satisfaction.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
Niglkt and Sunday calls answered at residence over
28 .1Er Phone 1,11.. 28