HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-05, Page 7tatismanali
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Of Tills Total About 800,000 Belong to What is
Called "Kitchener's Army"
A deeparbch from London says:
The British a,may on rolls and :drill-
ing in the United Kingdom, now
amounts to a,pproximately one and
a half million men. Of this t,otal
•about 800,000 men beleeg wheat is
termed "Kitchener's Army"—men
who have responded to his rave calls
for 500,000 soldiers to eeeve three
;reel's, or for the duration of the
war. About 600,000 belong to the
territoriels, while the remainder
ere eerolled with the special re-
eerves, so-ealled, or with the regu-
lar army, and have seen sernee
previously. The terriboriale are
idered the flower of the force,
as a great majority of them belong
to the middle and upper middle
classes, and are men accustomed to
.athletic pursuits. Both physically
and mentally they are considered
by military men to be about the
finest body of its numbers evor as-
sembled under arms,. They are
drilling with feverlsh enthusiasm,
and are .anxious to go ' abroad for
service on the firing line, A con-
siderable proportion of Field Mar-
shal Lord Kitchener's array, of
course, is not yet fully equipped,
but is working heed. They are be-
ing armed and clothed with great
rapidity. The Canadian and other
overseas contingenes are not in-
cluded in tails total .
Iro-rd Kitchener issued en urgent
appeal on Wednesday morning for
100,000 more men, He •says the Wer
Office nutchinmm, which ives some-
what clogged by the eudden Crea-
tion of a new army of 500,000, is
now reorganized. The minimum
height for men has been reduced to
6 feet 4 inches, and the age limit
raised to thirty-eight, Recruiting
sergeants say they amid get as
many smart young men as are
wanted fO•I Orta1112y 1.111fb the cavalry
regiments are closed so fa -r.
. ---
Dragoon Kills 'thirty Germans in
Five Minutes:
A despatch from .Northeen France
' says.; At a town near Lille a Dra
goon marksman was stationed at
swing bridge with two cionarades
load for him. It was important
that the enemyehould be held beck
eule bridge being blown up.
, The Inger:amen hid behead a -fe,nee
sixty- yards from the bridge. When
two Leneers eppearea he shot them,
then three, and he shot thein, .ailso
five Uhlarna came up together. He
brought down every one. Alto-
gether, he thirty Germans in
leas tlien five minutes and retired
with his comrades. A great pile of.
deed men and horses in -the narrow
roadway on the opposite skie of the
bridge proteeted it fecal the ap-
preach of the enemy during the
(ley elmost as well as a mitrailleuee
would have done.
'Two Men Hurled: !Thirty Feet
TheoUgh Heavy Door.
A despatch from Winnipeg says:
Thomas Foordr aged thirty-one, and
Arthur Bright, aged twenty-four,
were killed in an oxy-acetylene
welding -reek explosion in the Breen
motor garage at 4 o'cloek on Wed-
nesday -aeterreoon, The bodies were
terribly mangled. Feted was
thrown a &armee of thirty feet
through a heavy .plank door. Food
is a widower and had resided In
Wierapeg neerly ati his life. Bright
ea -me fix= Stherbreoke, NS. He
lived for a tame at, Coboueg, Ont.
He had lived in Winnipeg for two,
Exploit of British Flotilla in the
A dria tie.
A deepateh from Petrie says: A
squadron of British torpedo-boat
destroyers has sunk in the Adriatic
a German steamer -which has been
converted into a cruiser, according
to a despatch from Barcelona to the
Haves Agency. The Barcelona cor-
respondent explains that this news
appeared in Publicidades, a Spanish
newspaper puplithed at Gibraltar.
The British desrbroyers rescued 86
members of the crew of the German
Fresh Meat Importation Fron
States Prohibited.
A despatch from Windsor says:
Because of the spread of foot and
mouth disease in the States of
Michas= and Iudatea, an order
hes been lase:ad by the Canadian
Department of Agriculture prohi-
biting importation of all fresh
ineaes from. the United States. The
use of hay and traw for packing
purpose•s is also prohibited.
Missile Alighted Anrone Group of
Women in Market Place.
A despatch from London says
German eeeoplenes recently sailed
over Duekirk, dropping two bonthe.
'A W01118,01, and third were killed Two
bombs wore also dropped -rib Beth-
une, west of La. Bream The filet
failed to explode, but the 'seemed
in a group of wornep In the mar-
ket pi ace, killing nineteen airel
eeunaine forty ethers,
......isiq*:...U:SIN'c.f10RSE VEHICLES
Gerntg ns Have iixita.usted the Gasoline Sup.
plies of '13elgium
A despateli hem BrUsSel.$ nayn
Tae Germen troops in Central Bel-
gium beve virtually exhansted their
petrol supply. Oil is issued HOW
only la high °Dicers, and -then in
small. qv rattitias The Germans
eerzed large quantrinee of fuel
here, but saieped Leek to dee-
many. Apparently they are new me
able to rreetree a return of this, oil.
'Ibe Germans e re quisitio nine.
manv se•conearate. horses, which
they formerly haa ignored, and also
horse vehicles. '
Let/tees reCeivect here indicate
OM, M. Max, the former Birreornas-
ter 'of Br ussols ti seal being held
in Leipzig by the German offioiale.
:Elis refusal to turn over to 'the in-
vaders •Ile; fir o department toeyer
and laddees led to his arrest. He
Nati the l'adders %Yen 'needed to
ptateel Brussels. Naben leter the
Germans took the ladders by force
elie,v found that the Belgians ha,d
rendered them unfit for eervieee
Glenn an miciaanacc, however, re-
paired them ,end took them to Ant-
werp for ese 555 directine ere of the
guneers, • •
Germane's "Bomblaasta—Sold for a Penny in Berain Streets. •
A full reproduction of the shell throvver by the big German
siege guns. They a,re selling in the streets of Berlie the broadsheet
here shown held by a British •soldier. This purports to represent the
eXa•Cili size of the projectile thrown by Germany's big siege guns. The
reproduetion is headed "Geemen Were Surprise, 1914." On the pic-
ture of the shell. are photographs of damage done to forts, end the
;reales Luttich Liege), Namur, Long-wy, a.nd ateubeuge, with the motto
God for King and Fatheelanda
Men .Who Brought On the War
Hear Their Fate.
A deepatch from S.erajeve, Bos-
nia says: Judgmeat was passed
on 'Wednesday on the assassins of
Areliduke Francis te,rdinand, heir -
apparent to 'file Austro-Hungarian
throne, and his 'wife, the Duchess
ef Hohenbeeg. Gavero Princip, the
actual assassin, escaped with a sen-
tence to. imprisonment for 20 years.
Four of the conspirators were sen -
termed to death by hanging, one to
life imprisonment, two, including
Met -teary Gabrinover, who threw a
bomb art the Archduke but which
did not explode, to 20 yeer.s, one to
6 years one to 13, two to 10 years-,
one to ,7 years and two to 3 yews.
The ether defendants were acquit-
Was to lle Held. in Toronto Novem-
ber 1,011 to 14tb.
Owing to the military authorities
taking over the Exhibition Girounds
for a training camp for contingents
of Toronto clristrieb, it has been
made neeessa,ry to cancel the
Ontario Horticultural Exhibition,
whieh Was b0 have been held in the
Horticultural Building, Exhibition
Park, Toronto, November 10th to
14bh. lb Web the ineention to de-
vote the entire proeeecle. of this
year's exhibition to the Red Croes
voi-k, and the City of Toronto had
granted free use of the Horticul-
tural Building end to. have it heat-
ed and lighted frei._e of east.
• — .
Britain Trying to Protect Shipping
Against Mines.
A despatch from Flathing, Hol-
land says: The Water mutes from
Folkestone to Flushing nod from the
English coast to Dieppe, Boulogne
and Calais are being guarded with
the greateet care in order to proteot
thipping against mines and submar-
ines. British oruisers are escort-
ing ell tra,wlers and mine .sweepers,
torpedo boat destroyers and other
that b.aci washed ashore.
gian fishermen have been killed
rsoinleirtellsnavB_*terliteilatearerpeuvalnleselaoinsoe ace
scouting constantly. Four Bel -
near Nieuport in handling a mine
'Inge llanga.rs Are Being Erected
Near Ostend by Germans.
A de patch freni London says: An
Ametherdlarm cleeparteh points •otit'that
indications aro strong that 'the Ger-
mans intend to invade Britain by
an aerial fleet of Zeppelins. Huge
hanga.rs ate being erected near Os-
tend,. Seven Zeppelin air -slips, the
same despatch reports, were Been
paaeing Has.selt.
S El E A T 13 ORD E A
Vessel Flying British Flag Used to
Ile German.
A aoseriteb from. Boreleaex says:
The port authorities sleazed the
stewm•er Colonia on suspicion blut,i;
she wes a German vessel. The
arrived. at Bordeaux flying the
British flag, but when in port a few
moeths ego she gave her national-
ity as German. A Prize Covet will
,clecide whether her' transfer from
German to laritish OWIlerSIllip
311' latMOVE I N G P LA NIS
One Less= Drawl,' tam the Ent-
. press of Ireland !Meister',
Deteolt, tDcb. 28.—All boats on
the lakes must move interior light-
ing plants to -a potne ebove.lihe load
line before January lat. lire new
reguleititer 15 the bacouie- ,the
enquiry into the lagetting system on
the ill•-fatecl Lengthen of Ire:lend,
where rlynamos- were irmated at the
bOttetri of the ship,
Wrier= ere running the subway
Galls ill Pari., is t o hliealeieseera
their geisha:arta places, nerale va-
curet by their being milled Upon 'be
go 40 ware
Progress of the Great West Told
In a Few Pointed
Bithulithic pevements ,ere being
laid in the stre•erts of Revelstoke.
Victoria is reeking preperaltions
to handle its- unemployed during the
coming venter.
Trains are now being run from
Grand Forks into Pestiebon on the
Kettle Valley Ittialway,
Lieut, A. H. Boulton,, of the Che -
Aire Regiment, who re reported
missing from the font, is as Vain-
ennver amen.
W. C. Mitchell, of Vancouver,
was seriously injured when an in-
terurban ear struck the milk wagon
which he was driving.
Searoh is being made for .an hos-
tile wireless elation which is known
to be somewhere along the North
P,acific cease
S1x. charges of murder will be
tried in the nal Assizes at Vancou-
ver. Most of the prisoners are Hie-
d= and Ohinemen.
A large business ,blook will be
ereeted on McKenzie Street in
Revelstoke, where several houses
were burned some titme ago.
Bela Singh was committed for
trial at Vancouver on the oharge of
Killing. Baden Singh and 33b-a,g
Singh 111 the Hindu Temple of that
city on Sept. 51h.
Col. "Jim" Ma'edenell, of Van-
couver, has been authorized by Col.
Hughes to organize a mounted corps
in British Columbia for service at
the front.
'rho Vancouv,er Board of Trade
will suggest measures to prevent
unjust; foreclosures and stringent
legal measuree in the present finan-
cial situation.
Motorinem Charles J. Geell was
killed 54 Vaneouver when a small
boy released the brakes of a box
ear that moiled down a grade bate
a street car.
W. E. G. Murray, whose tether
resides at Union Bay, 13.C. . Was
wounded while et the front will the
King Eawerri Horse. He is in a
Prince Louis of Battenberg Yields to Adverse Press
A c apean fican London ewe:
Admiral P-nince larmas ei Batten
berg, herst Sea Lord of the Beitroh
Admirwity, personal aidede-camp
of King George and a relaeion by
marriage of his Majesty end of the-
Ge•rmen Emperor, has resigned.
The Court , EDI' aerie tutees
briefly dime Prinee Louie wee re-
ceived by • the King upon relin-
quishing his appointment as a Loed
Commiseioner of Admiralty. The
King hee appointed Prince Louis of
Bettenberg e member of the Privy
Gonnoil. Me Times says it under-
etands thee Baron Fischer, Admiral
of the Fleet, will -succeed Prince
Loeie of Babtenberg as First Sea
Lord of the Adseirality. 13eren then
Sir John, Fisher eeetipied th'is of-
fice before, in the years, bona 1904
Ito 1910, The resignation is attribu-
lted to the Very frank obje-etione
leased by newspapers and influen-
tial individuate to anyone of Ger-
rasa origin remaining connected
with the navy oe :the army:
Th -e public Sealing against eel
Germans is ,SC intense prese-nt
that 'Prince, Louis ma.y have been
led by feeling% of pride to disasso-
ciate himsela from navel commend.
It can be ,starte,c1 that the King and
the Ministry beer Detained the most
perfect -confidence in Prince Louis.
There is oentain to be a wave of
prothat from a very large part oil
thee public, Prince Lents is Eng-
leed'a real 'sailor prance. He has
worked his way ,to- high command
by Omer ability, passMg threegh •all
etarge,s comzeand since he entered
the navy.
isegetten, Jemmy II. Wieson,,
sub -el -lief on Sir John French's Staff,
• —
Five Drowned. When She Hit Mille
Olt C ex!: roan.
A despatch frern Stockholm sayer.
The Swediah steamer Orden, korn
Portugal for Getheieleirg; Sweden,.
tit a mine in the ninth Sea -end
seek off :Cuxhaven. Five members
of bet crew were drow-ned
German ITieelean 10 Halifax.
A de spa tch (ram Hai itax, N. S., ,
says : Three Gernians were etrest-
ed in • a house in Hollis *Street,
where they were epee:tang a wire-
less installation, The' wireless, .ae-
tennae we's' not {papa -tea ham le pole
or mese as usual, bat to escape ear
aervation eaS oat of a third
.Slorey window :and cOncealed ainid
tha, .
Three of the Warships flit, With Total Casualties
of to Killed and 3-9 Wounded
A despatch from London says: guanney -seems to be established.
The Secretary of the Admiralty,
makeithe following announcement :
'Pile British neval flotilla continues
to support the -allies' left, and the
fare of 2-inehgune has been brought
The casualties have been very
slight throughout, but ono shell, ex-
ploding on the desbroyer Falcon,
killed one officer and eight men and
wounded tnte officer and fifteen men.
Oslo killed and seven wounded on
to bear upon thnr German positeons the Banalcio.
and batteries. Repents received The enemy's submarines have also
from shore te•stify to the effect end been reported seeking an oPnor-
accuracy ef the fire and to its gall-
ing character, The flank is thin
thoroughly maintained.
The enemy brought up heavy guns
rind replied vigorously to the fire
of Admiral Hood's ships. The ves-
sels received only trifling structural
tumty to attack tbe. bomberding
ships., which la,re covered by British
destroyer -5. The casualties an-
nounced by the Admiralty include
Lieut. Hubert, 0. F. Wanton, of the
Falcon, killed; Sub -Limit. Theodore
Bob son, severely wounded; Lieut.
damage, The opposition from the Rebert Grossman and Pa.ymaster
shore Lae practically ceased and Joseph Shepherd, of the Rineado,
the prepondeeamce of the naval slightly wounded.
Porte's Cruiser Bombards a Port of Crimea on the
Black .Sea
'A despatch from Illieeclosia, Cri-
mea, says: A Turkish *miser with
tliree funnels bombarded the
tin and and city, damaging the cathe-
dral the Greek church, a pier and
some sheds, One soldier was
wounded, A branch of the Russian
Bank of Foreign Commerce caught
fire. At the conclusion of the
bombeedenenb the cruiser left in a
south-westerly direction.
The Turkish cruiser Ffemitliyeh,
which arrived at Novorossysk, de-
manded the surrender of :the city
and the Government properties,
threatening in case of refusal to
bombard the town. The Turkish
Consul a,nd officials were arrested.
The cruiser withdrew.
DECREASE OF $500:000.
Hard Times Curtailed Enterprise
of Lumbermen.
A deapateb leen Toronto saes:
Premier Hearst, Minister of Lends,
Forests mid Mines-, on Wednesday
intimated that returns, from revenue
thus far received indiceeed that the
aCtual revenue to be derived from
his department this year would , be
some $500,000 lees -then the estimate
ef $2,800,000 made at the beginning
of the present fiscal year. The fall-
ing off is attributed 'largely by the
Premier to the hard times and the
war and to the action of the brinks
in refusing:necessary a,ssistance to
the enterprise of holders of lioenses
in the timber districts. "However."
added Mr. Hearst, optimistieally,
the situation 'is going to be very
much better than I anticipated a
couple of months ago."
OLYMPIC ALTERS 001311511.1.
Big Boat Puts in at Irish Port to
Avoid Mines.
A despatch from London says:
The .steanier Olympic, white': left
New York Oet. 21 for Glasgow,
warned by wireless telegrephy that
there were German mines off Tory
Isiland, on the north meet of Ire -
lend, put into Lough Swaim Here
her, passengers were landed and
sant by special train to London-
derry. Trouah Sivally is in Comity
• •
BM:de Takes $100,000 in Cash
From Nova Scotia.
A despair:ea from London saes
The War Offiee has informed the
Governor-General of Oan-acia: that
ie has beet found impreactioable
for the Government of Nova Scotia
to ma,ke a proposed gift to the
Home Government of 100,000 tons
of coal, his Majeety's Government
hes aecepted the offer of $100,000,
which will go to the Prince of Weles
Fend for the relief of distress.
Glir1111111 Ship Flew :Japanese Flag
aria nad False Smokestack.
A despateh from Tokio says: The
British Ernbaosy heers, that the Ger-
man cruiser Mace, fraieg the Ja-
panese flag, and disguised by the
addition of a fourth smokestack,
entered Penang, a British posses-
mienin the Straits Settlementsand
fired torpedoes whith sank the'Res-
elan ertuser Jemtchug end a Freneh
destroyer. Two officers and eighty -
kin. seamen of the Jernbchug per-
ished. The Emden's entrance into
the waters of Penang was alias:
ciente She came in under the guns
of the fort, and atter sinking the
cruiser and destroyer, eecaped
through 'the Strait of Malacca.
Germans Given Six Days to Close
Up Their Business.
A despatch from Kingston, Jas -
maim., safes: Wessels Brothesis• and
von Gontarci, as branch of the New
York commission house of Wessels,
Kwleekainaiff and Company, have
been ordered to close their busier -errs
here within six days. The princi-
pal member of the 6.1.611., who- is a
naturalized subject; of Geeret
thin, and two German eseletants
have been ordered to leave Jametic.a,
because of alleged sympathy with
the eause of Germany ie the present
Germany Said. to Rave Tried to
Conclude Individual PCitee.
si despatch from London saaar
The Haile Ohroniele's Parra% corres-
pondent as -aerie that, vvita a view
0-1 de:tearing Fran-oe- from the allies,
Germany feted& en offer to conclude
peace on the basis orf the cession of
Metz and possibly meention •of
sake to la:emcee The effer, rereord-
ing tea earreepondeet, was re-
Beyers Flees, Commaildo Scattered
A despatch from Londen, says: A mance 1°2c°, r,elpt'at'8 tha^b.. '.*ohe'l
, ,Gen. .13eyers, commailee-ea ha,ve
Reuter despatch from Cape Town, been soatt,ered end oree not likely
Union of South Africa, seas ,that to reunite. Gen. Revers lute fled in
Gen. Botha, ceinmander of the de- an unknown direction.
rctory:f0t:...pt00luglist Forte
A eleepa-tch from BOrtietill'X t
A report received here from Gen.
Dobell., commendingthe French
foreee operating against the Ger:
man. Came-roon, equatorial West
Afriea, seys that twO 1r.ttneo-Eng-
=learns occupied leloa after
eerioes netting, in which the allied
troops sbowed great bravery.,
'Edon. is an important railway sta-
tion on the Salringa, tieety miles
from the cortet. •
Hood's Sarsaparilla removes
scrofula sores, bens and other erup-
beemese it drives out of the
blood the humors that cause them.
Eruptions cannot he snceessfully
treated with external applications,
because these caneot purify the
lIood's Sarsaparilla makes rielf,
red blood, per...facts the digestion,
and builds up the whole s,ystern.
cia having Hood's. Get it now.
News -Record and Mall & Empire $1.60
New. Record and Globe.... . 1.60
News•Rotord a,,4 Family Herald and
News -Record and iies;kiy Sun , 1.85
News -Record and Farmer's Advocate, 2,36
News•Record and Farm & Dairy .• . 1.0/
Newsdlecord and Canadian Farm . 1.86
New...I-Word and Wookly Witness ..,. 1.86
New...Record and Northern Messenger 1.60
News -Record and Free Pres. .......•1.86
News-ltecord and Advertiser• - •• • 1.00
News -Record and Saturday Night..8.60
Nevre•Rreord andYouth's Companion 1.26
News•Rreord and Fruit Grower and
Faymer 178
Newe-Ttecord cad Canadian 817erie•la 2,
Nally Veconrand. buni..*
Nows-Record and World,
News -n .
eeord and Globe - „ „ 80
News-R000rd and Mail &
News -Record and Advertiser . 2.85
1,Tews.Reeord and Morning Free Prem. 5.55
Nows-Reeord and Evening Free Press. 2.55
Nows•Record and Toronto Star 1•80
Nems-Reeord and Toronto bTewe
It 'Ault You want le not in this list let
as know abottt It. We MD eupply 7011
lees than it would cost you to send direct.
In remitting please do 60 by Post -office
Order Poctal Note, EXI1C.F.EI Order or Re&
Were(' letter and aflame.
Publisher New3-Re:7,3rd
British and Preach Advance "Moir
Line Further Leto
A elerspetch from Paris save
There is only one conoluelon to be
dr -awn from the very defmite and
complete reports issued by the
French Government thee the Ger-
m:ens are being fought to a stand -
stile in, Belgium, ancl .trare lousing
ground everywhere in Frenee. It,
is now entirely probable thee there
will be news -Wan •Oif a elecieive vic-
tory by the allaee, antl a• general re-
-trope -by the Germans.
Their tremendous efforts to break
(through in Belgium. have •cott them
terrible. Punished by the long -
sense guns of the ,allied fleet, they
abandoned the 'coast and treed to
hew through in the lower valley :of
the Yee -r. Tao 13elgrans, mut the
dykes arid the Germans- fled to es-
-crape drowning. From the North
See to Ypres, therefore, tbey halm
metatally lore ground.
Seeking to obey the Kaisefe
mandate to crush- the British mar-
ines, the. Germanas made desperate
efforts against. the British in the zee
gion of 'Ypree and near La Bessee.
They enientim-bcred 'the British- and
supporting' corps of Emma, end
they struck with ishat wes proba-
bly their ;maximum power. The at-
terript failed: as previous Mies -rants
have failea, The British stood fast,
infiieted greet, luesee ea= the Ger-
men% took the offensive themselves
and drove the Bevariant and
Prussians from gronnd -they had
taken does .s.before.
Not mile, on the west flank, but in
the old, centre north of bhe Aisne
and .nerose the plainof Chalens,
the Germane appear to be toeing
their grip, surrendering entre-note
marts. and giving way to a, stesed,y
nertheserd advance of the French.
They were beaten out of • posies -one
nontb and eaert of Seiaseees, where
they had be -en rooted for six weeks -
Went Yilhr 1 isa --Medi an teal Tea us -
p ort Service.
A -despatch from Montreal .saes:
William Cacti -all, of Montreal, was
killdad et Lille, in liamte-e, while in
',active selivice, alessag,e,s to orat
effect, w,era received' here, Cock -
hill had been •a• came:gem' in the ena
pl-ay el Sir Frecteeick
'Parker -end went with the Gana,
dien*Overeeas Expeditionary Pelee,
having joined the mechanioel trans, -
port eection of the Army' Service
Corps -es, at -driver. The mitiorit# .04
this par.t of the courtriegeat et once.
preceeded to the Conan -elan and
joined the allied anniee to serve in
the transport se-ction. • At
,streek the- cae Cookhill meg
haedliam reed the ges tank expaceled,
the driver bei
ing nstantly kilthecl, A
eater received official notification
isbn \a \.,ausf vCale NI,c..01 s :f3
s 'to his depttaure- from Mont-
A shtiolc, safe and effedtivc treatment avoid.
Mg drugs, Used with SUOUSS Inc 35 r9nrs.
. °Zeal tr:easror yrei nog, ctol: : n d s c p de vapor, Inhaled
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and stops the cough,
Crcsolencis invaluable
to mothers with young
children ando atoon'to
su:porers from Asthent.
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