HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-05, Page 6A WOMAN'S
No Reason Why They. Shot,Id
Suffer From Backaches
•and Headaches
To Ovcry woman belongs the right
to enjoy a healthy, active, happy
We:, Yet nine east of ten ,suffer, of-
ten in •silence, bona splitting head-
aches, teetering beickachee, violent
heart palpitation 'or ammo& other of
the many evilthat followsranaremiar
, or blondleseneas.
- That is why one sees so Many WO -
Men With pale,thin cheeks*, 'dull
eges a•nal dreeping -figares-gure
signs that th chime' is out -et order.
All suffering women Silionold win
the right to be weld by refreshing
their weary bodies with the new,
rich blood of health that promptly
transforms r them into healthy, at-
tractive women. There is no other
medicine ean Is:4p1y this, new, rich
blood so ,Eapeedilly and so S1112ed.7ss
•1Yr. Williams! Pink Pills for Pale
Preople. - Throngb thia medtheine
thou.sands of tired, tfferawo-
rneseal ` have failed, new health and,
• strength. Mrs.. James Most,
Chipman, NB., .says: To years I
did ;not know what it was to be en-
tirely free fneen headache or beck -
ache. My hands were cold and
dandily aa.1 the !time. It 'was diffi-
cult foe me TO get any work done,
and to walk even iL heet dietance
would leavre me completely NVOT71
.011t. wee one iof Constant
worry, and I thought 1 would never
be better. I was doctoring a the
time'but witheut bit of brenefib,
ad finally the doctorrsboopped gv-
nig me medieinre, as he said he
•(mid not help me. Do you wonder
that I was in despair. My mother
urged me to take Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, bat L said "what'oe, the
use; medicine can't help me." How-
ever, ray beamed got eix boxes of
the pills, anti to please him I began
to take them. By thre time I had
finished them I -undoubtedly bad
improved, and there 1VOS the signs
of rethening health in any eheeke
and hands. My husband thought
the improvement so great that be
got another -half-dozen boxes, and
before the,se were completed I was
enjoying sitch good health as I had
nob had in year*; in fact, I was a
weal woman, and have since enjoyed
• the best of health. I sincerely feel
that, I owe my dile to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and shall alwa•ye recom-
mend them to allthck. people."
Y,ou *can •get these pills at any
medicine dealera, or they will be
aent by mail, postpaid, at 50 cents
a box or six boxes for $2,..60 by
writing The Dr. Williams" Medicine
Clo,, Brockville, „Ont.
• On a Clear Footing.
An Irishman who occupied a
email eottage in the North of Ire-
land was in arrears of 30s, of rent
with his lancliold, His landlord,
eeeing no ,possible chalice of getting
his money, went to Pat one day
and offered too throw off one half
the amount so as be encourage brim
to pay the othev half. "Well,"
said Pat, "sinee you are so good
to throw off 'the half I never eaw
the day I \freak' take anything a
any man for nothing, and to let
you ,see that I'm as good a man as
you I'll throw off the ()thee half,
and that will leave us on a clear
Too Sudden.
. George GoodriellOw was dining
with 'his best ,girl, who had just giv-
en one of her *prettiest nods to a
young -man who come in and sat
down at a table opposite. "That's
a nice -looking young fellow. Is lie
a friend of eours 1" "Yes, indeed;
Igkerew him well," laughed the
maidenShall I ask him to join
nil" -asked George, anxious, to die -
play •his goodness of natiuo, "0
'George I" astid the girl, blushing;
'`this ia so sudelen.'' "Sudden'?
What do you mean 7" he asked in
'surprise, Why -why, that's our
youeg minis be r. " ,
mil:lard:a Liniment Cures Distemper. '
"Say; you sold me a parrot and
you said it would repeat every
word it heard, Well; I _can't get a
word out of it," "I meat have for-
gotten' to e11 yoii it gasaleaf,"
. Realize this ambition, when
-assisted • by Cuticura
ment; by keeping your scalp
•dean and five from dandruff,
itching and '
sapitplAs •Freq by Mali
'•7Tla°e.Tfl°rg,r.gI6t t7g3cru,5nt,1h°
. yeraZg'r,op;oea4l3000, o0113,
wok;Aldree ,m,ama/mn,
Queer Kinds of Bread
Strange aos it may seen], there is a
sort of bread made from Sawdust,
the prerduet of German ingenuity.
The sraaarcluat ia first eubjected to a
process, of fennentatiorn ad variants
ohemical manipulations. Eventual-
ly it is mixed with eine-third part
of rye floor, formed into loaves and
baked in ovens, like may other bread.
This bread is not intended for hu -
Man row/gumption, but is DOT horses
only, although same authorities, aoaa
*bend that pain de bads, se it is °ail-
ed by the Frenreli, 'who have thavest-
tigated its merits, oftege a nutri-
tionand highly eatisfactoey too•cr
for human lieangs:
In various parts of . the world,
Woad is obtained arena trees. Foe
instance, in the Molueea, Islancla the
'starchy pith of the tag,o palm, fur-
nielvera a white floury meal, which is
made birth Iuisti, oblong loaves and
baked in milieus little ovens di -
aided into email oblong cella just
big enough to re.oeive the lo,a,vred,
In Lapland the inner bark of pine
trees . well ground and mixed with
Oat iota'IS made into cakes, which
are cooed in a pea:Cover the fire.
In Kamchatka pine hawk and birch
beak ar,e used for beetadeivithout the
addition of atny other osubstanee, be
ing'rechiced to powder by pounding,
Made into loaves an•cl baked.
Along the Columbia Bweer breacl
is made Isom a sort of morels that
grows on certain fir trees. After be-
ing dried it is sprinkled with wateii,
allowed to ferment, rolled into
balls of, ehe size of a man's head and
leaked an pitos with the help of hot
stones, This bread is eild to be by
tiro mane unpalatable,
The Califon -lie Indians eallect the
pollen of cat-tbailein large cluantaties
by beating it off the plants and
catching it in blankets. They make
bread of it, hut as a aoal dedicaoy
they prefer bread ea "grasshopper
flour ''
The Indians of the Sierra country
employ their own method ef trans-
forming the bitter kernel of the
acorn into a kind ef bread that is
said to be extremely palatable. The
process is as follows: 'There is
shucked and ground in 'the usual
mamma- a large mass of acorn meat.
A leather of circular vets are hol-
lowed out of the black soil in the
shape -of a punch bowl. Into these
is placed the acorn pulp. At hand
• stand several large clothe ibmikets
filled with water,
Into tame baskets are dropped
tibo hot ',stoves whereby 'the water is
heated, Upon the mass el crushed
bitterness the Indians ladle the hot
water until it is about toile color and
consistency of cream, Not a. copeck
appears, A strong 4.3quaw ',bands. by
each vat and with a small fir bough
stirs the massif .elaillfully removing
any speck, that raay appear upon
the slit:face.
The *oi1 gradually absorbs the, bit-
ter waters, leavings firrn white sub-
etance, This the Indians reanoye *so
adroitly that only a. small, portion
adheres to the soil. They ',spread it
upon rocks to dry and afterwards
mix it with water, pat it into thin
cakes, and bake before, the fire.
The PreParation of bread in
eheets hardly thicker fbrin sheets of
paper is a, real art among the wo-
men of the 11icati Indians of our
Western deserts.
A corner of the principal room of
the Indian habitation is get aside
for the acconneodation of a shallow
brough, walled in with elabts of
stone set on end. T.lie trongb is
divided into three -compartments,
and in these the first process of
breadmalring occurs.
When bread is to be inside •a
squaw kneels behind each crorapart-
meet, aliened eorn isthen placed on
the flat stone in th,e first eompert-
ment, and mita, a coa,ree, oblong
stone', the first woman proem& to
rub it. The coaree meal thus pre-
pared is passed on oto tho next. corn-
partmeato, Heat it is again rubbed
with a done leas coarse, and passed
on to the third stage. The result is
a decidedly flonry meal.
With a brush, which is made of
dried brass bound together with a
string of oaddeor, the meal is then
getther,ecl up and mixed with water
until it 'becomes a thick batter.
Rime enters th,e art of the baker.
She takes a single handful of the
batter and 'apreadet it over ao long,
flat -stone, under which a fire hes
been burning for some time. The
batter is made to cover thinly the
entire reurfa,ce. When one slide is
belted ehe takes the bread by a ear-
ner and palls ie off, dexterously
turning the ether side up. When
it is done a long, flat basket Ile -
°elves it, and the baker tuans the
edges up 'all around, ao that the
•ca,n get art' it. Sheet after sheet is
baked until the basket is piled high
with the blue bread or "piki "
which the baker pronoun-ces
"peke," "
No salt is used in tato bather, and
the piki has a sweetish taste. It
is atonally blue, partaking of the
coder of ralm 00111 f170711 which it is
made, It isr eaten dry or in a reorb
of eoup, when the leen go on 81
j0117.11,0y they take piki made, into
lolls, very inaueli ads one wood mai.
.sheat of web paper, ;the bread
being of the same thicknerse ,as the
p aper.
The stones upon whieh the bread
is baked 'are prepared by the old
women of the tribe with great sec-
recy and much eereanomy. They are
ve-ry valuable ,anod are handed down
as heirlooms from mettle& 'tio
linows When to Quit.
"Walt sort of a speech doe) he
*"A lazy worker's speech."
don't get you.'
'He always knows when its quit-
ting time,''
Throe oast of revery four German
nonagenarians 0018 IWIOnsett,
SilcepSICID, is need as 41 substitute
for almost every other 'kind ef lea -
An electric machine •that tweaks
anteanistically has been invented
for ',stuffing ottu8sgeo,
paps,r drinking cup,e,
bound together lilte ±3 chequer hook,
are 81. novelty tor tea -yellers.
For eleaning bath tubs there has
been invented oflo flat inetal handle
to be covered with toweling.
A floating buoy made of concrete
poski 10,17 mooring yetseels in the
harbor of Kingston, jainalem
'Tearpe 'have • ',been invented to
math flies sib their breeding places
before thee become ielci enough 'bo
,nreve away,
Railroads in. Southern lineetall are
preserving their ties by soaking
them in a strong solution of emelt
sea salt. • ••
. • Sound dumbee, 25 years old., hae
been proved by a German govern-
• ment test bo be anaterially stnonger
than new stock.*
Oparathed byhancl, speed being at-
tained, by gear wheels, a tiny emery
wheel has been invented for grind-
ing off etorrne.
A drinking fountain from which
the water bubbles upward which
may be fastened to an ordinary
faucet alas been patented.
There 49.11X) more than 65,000;000
sheep tin, Australia and nearly 55,-
000,000 in New Zeallandy etr more
than eighteee for each resident.
A 'wire lemon -juke extractor /WS
been inventedthat ream:abates the
familiar glass ons with the advan-
tage of being unbreakable.
Mho germ theory of the •thansmirs-
sion 1 coiata,giroue dieeasers wa5 en-
tertained as ear back as 1657, -when
blie plague ravaged Reiner.
Of Engdish invention iaia magni-
fying glass that- may be attached
to a pencil or engraving tool to aid
a, 'draftsman or engravero•
An artificial butter coming into
use in Europe to rephtere the cream-
ery variety is made ef cocoanut, Jodi
and hydrogen, blended with milk.
A one-piece suit, including °eat
and 'trousers., has been invented for
meal to Wear while gunning 017 in-
dulging in other ;outdoor pastinaes.
Wireless- telegraphy works better
on the Pacific blaan en tile Ablentie
tiond experts are trying to find an
adequate explanation for the fact.
Deaf patrons of a London thea-
tre have been provided with heml
telephones, 'the sounds being :gath-
ered on the etage by megaphone
A motor sleigh built foe a Rus-
sian grand duke has a cigrar-shaped
body and is propelled by a suction
turbine, opexabing rargaanst the ail;
in fewest.
Efforts ere being made te increase
Cie isabaeco industry in Ireland, the
soil of whirch is taid to be suitable
for ealsing •almooet all varieties of
NiTitiliout ran arched suppoet or
centre pier, n, single -span conerete
bi:idge 64 feet long, 'strong enough
for the heavies' veldcle !traffic, has
been built in Illinois..
For use in French colonial waters
where rank vegetation would foul
submerged wheeler, ahallow-draato
boats have been built, that are
dniven by titeroglane mature and
For quick destruction of buildings
and foe rbletating.rentrenthirn,ents ra-
pidly a saw inilitary explosive has
been invents,d, h-andled lakre dyne,
mite, but gitth greater •seletty and
more effect. ,
• -
Heayy Weight on Old Age.
When people vanilla° the injurious
effeets 0± tem and eoffee and the
elninge in health that Posture can
bring, :they are ustaally glad to lend
their testimony for the helmet, of
oth ems.
"My mother, since her early
elaildhood, was an inveterate coffee
drinker, had been troubled with
her heart. DOT 0, number of yeaa's and
.complained of that ',weak all over'
teeing leond sick stoniach." (The
effects on 'the system of tea and
coffee drinking aro very *similar, he -
'cause they each contain the drug,
"Some time ego I Was snaking a
visit to a 'distant part of the coun-
tey and took dinner with one ef the
merchants of the place.. 1 notitced
a somewhat unusual •O51.0117, CI the
'offe-e," and asked him, .concern-
ing irt. He replied that it was Po --
"I was- ao 'pleased with it that,
after the meal was over, I bought
a package to; reariy home with me,
and had wife prepata ,Some for the
next mead. • The whole family were
so well •plesed with it; that we dis-
continued coffee, adacl emeclo Pestaini
enti rely. •
"I had really beree rtiine,a very
anxiou11 ooncerning mymortheaao
conditioe, but we noticed that after
using Poathum for a; adhort time, she
felt so 11111011 better than she, did
prior to its tree, and had little terou-
ble with her 'h,eitat and • no sick
stomach ; that the Iteraclachera were
not SO .brectitervb, and, her gtmerral
emaciation much imp:toyed. Thie
reonitinnerd until •ehe was well anal
•"I know Peahen ha a benefited
eirysela and plie other members of
the family, but nob in a0 marked a
deg\ree ea wn the case of any in.ether,
as she 51158 130131111 oi long stand-
ing." Name given by Canadioan
Poralmo Co., Wintleoe, Oet,
,p,pefrill111, 00117VA in two roma:
Regular Nettie' - must be well
50C and ate packages,
Iiistaut Pestunt-i,s •ao eolubler peg -
der. A !teaspoonful diesel -yea quick-
ly in a cup 01 110313 water and, with
cream and sugar, makes a delicacies
beverage instantly. 30c and 50c
'Ilhe.erest ear cup -of both kinds is
ablaut the eaute, .
'There's a Reiteroe" for Post:tun.
by Groats.
•t\ 130513A''•••r!,' age
4 tigit'antegtglrl. 11I.•
Whaedropped three hoods* 'on thie
Zeppelin • relied et Dueselderra;
iloarneely' Ileac' at WirenipregO •
• o
These Julie Brides.
"Ma'am, here's a man at the
door with a, parcel for yen."
''What is, it, Bridget 9"
"It's a ,fish, ma'am, and it's
marked 10.0.D.1' -
"Then make the ram] • twice • it
straight back to the dealer. 1 order-
ed trout."
• When the baby is. ill or oteti of
scats give him 33aby's Own Tablets.
They are dm ideal medicine for
littis ones and never fail to relieve
constipation and indigestion; cure
colds, allay simple 'fevers and peo-
mote healthful eleeop. Concerning
them Mrs.. F. Wurker, Ingersoll,
Ont., says: "1 haoye used, Baby'
Own Tablets for eight years and
can aighly recommend them to all
mothers tor brag:hoed and ohild-
hood ailments," The tablets ore
scald by medicine dealers or by mail
at 26 cents a box Loin The Dr,
Williams Medicine Co., Broekville,
Become Useless Alter Being rived
Oyer Twenty Times.
One of the !surprises of the war
haos been the extramalinary mobility
and effectiveness of the German
eiege artillery. The advance of the
'German forces into France bee
been described as a succession of
-sieges, and the speedy capture of
one foriresa after another was ow-
ing to •tho tremendous power and
accuracy of the attacking genfire,
• \Siege operations, writes a con-
tributor to the Scientific American,
are usually long drawn-out, 'became
ef the time it takes to change the
aolid firinf platforms, as the lines
round an invested city. or fort, are
drawn rileer. To overeome this
difficult', the Krupp *designed a
new type of howitzer, mounted on
a carnage that can lbe readily mov-
ed atom point to point, and can
even acoompany the ordinary field
artillery into the battle line.
The great gun is reinforced with
a. heavy jacket of hardened ,steel
that measures eleven feet in length;
and it. has to he carried on a spe-
cially designed 'bed. The gun
meved in two eeperate pietes to the
firing line, Where the caeriage that
contains the firing platform and
compressed -air recoil ibertke is firat
put in position. The , truck that
carries the gun itself is then moved
up from the rear. The gun is pull-
ed from that truck to the firing
platform, ancl adjusted to. the re -
cell brake. The spare wheels are
then dream back, and the arm is
ready te fire,
The two sections are anucb • too
heavy to 'be drawn iby horses, and
so the Germans haul them with.gas-
reline tractors, and me the Diglook
wheel construction to support the
exoessive .wcight of the gun. The
Diplock Wheel, or 'pedraiI, is not a
new invention. It has been used to
carry great loads over soft ground
for many years, and resembles the
"ceteapillar" foam of traction that
is often teed on excavators and en-
gines that must move across open
fields. The pedrail has a series of
plat/forma hin,ged to the usual wheel
tire, -to offer • a large ,supporting
surfeee On yielding ground. These
"aeet" are cfnelay 111 appearance,
bet on sloit and light eon, where the
ordinary ,wheel would nob Move an
inch, they will travel about as well
me they would on a* hard road.
. The rapid advance of the Kaiser's
army was owing to the reuppoet of
this wonderful, artillery, The al-
lies could withstand the: assaults of
German 'infantry, but they' lied n0.
guns equed that could vie in range
and 110N1381. With these great howit-
aere, and 'they lati scarcely fallen
'back to :rine poSibion Wore the
heavy gun•s of, the Germans were
again within range, ' and making
their position uriteflable. was
the gasoline motor and the peitrail
that emebled the invaders to move
long-range eaneon over ordinary
Navin lands at the rate of thirty -live
miles a day, and bo•robard each in-
trend:mien lo of, the French and Eng-
lish line as .last 17.1 they were theowg
The Cormans lege also acene stall
heavier siege guns with which they
reduced 'the elgong fortresses. of
Liege, Namiva Mud:hail:sem and
Ai:timer)), to heaps of ruins. These
mighty cannee are Said Go trill'OW a
projectile tihals 'weighs Over a ige.
Whenever the gun is to iga dis-
charged, the firing party has to re-
tire a hundred 5grrcle or more,and
explode the piece by electricity.
The *Strain On the gull is so tre-
mendous that Hogan hardly be fired
111010 thau twcatty limes 'before /3,
'becomes aseless. There la, there
ton, a limit, to the number of aorta
rasses that can be taken by such
Ilow a Sick Woinan
Can Reirain Health
- "For years I was thin: and delicate.
I lOst.cOlor and was easily tired; a
yelloyegalier, Pimples and bletehes on
my fate Were not only Mortifying to
my feelings, but because I thouglat my
skin rend never look nice again I
grew despondent. Then. my appetite
,I' grew very week. Various
reinedies, pills, tonics and 'tablets I
tried without permanent benefit, 13.
visit to my sIsLor put Mtn my hands
a box ,of Or, Ilamilton's,Pills.. She
placed ' reliance , upon them and now
that they have made ine a,: well weman
I would not be without, them whatever
they might cost* I found Dr.•Hemit-
ton's-Pills by their mild yet 'searching
action very suitable to the •delleate
'character -of a woman's. nature, They
119Ver OnCe griped me, yet they estate
:fished 'regularity'. My .appetite grew
keen -my 'blood red and purti-heavy
rings.under any eyes disappeared and
today my rslcin is as gear and un-
wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr.
Hamilton's Pills did It all," r:
• The boyo 'straightforward letter
from faro, 1. Y. Todd, wife. a 'well
known miner in Rogersville, la proof
sufficient that D. rierailton's• Pills are
a wonderful -woman's medicine,: Use
no other pili but Dr. He.inilton's, 25o,
per box. ,A11 dealing or The' Catarrh -
ozone Co,, Kingaton, Ontario, •
What Is Going On in the Highlands
and Lowlanals of Auld
Colonel David Laidlaw is to com-
mand the 2nel elide Battalion in
The Edinburgh Academical Foot-
ball Club has roancelled all fixtu.res
for the coming 1108.1.011,
Since the oublare•ak of the War
there hare b-een practically 90,000
recruits enrolled in Glasgow.
Althea:Ring,. a reeruib from Croat -
bridge; was killed by ladling over
the walla ef Stirling Castle.
Thre War Office has. taken over the
Martine' Gardena, Portobello, for
th•e housing of Territorials,
Kilmarnock special co;nstablies
ere to have a day eel; apart for
themselves am: practice at the shoot -
mg range,
Mr. John Hutchinson, the .oldest
representative of the building trade
in Dunfermline, hare juat died no hie
'79t11 year,, . „
From all the •coarieraining °entree
the demand for pitaprrooso has be-
eeille urgent. Ste -ed substitute8 are
being suggested.
The Cheartbrer of Commerce bat-
talion ea the Highland Light, Eaten -
try, left Glasgow for :camp atmirdst
seenre•s of enthusiasm.
The' death dia.s occurred at Dun-
dee of Mr. Jam Create -bell. Smith,
ex-Shoniff-Subentute of Illinfarshire,
at the age of 50 years.
A sev•en-yearaold boyar:limed Alex -
'ander MeLeish o± Glasgow wander,
ed on to the rattle:err aib Whiteinch
anti MVO kilblcd bY 4.1. train.
Mr. George A. Clerk Huteheroon
of Er'iska, Unionist eandidate for
Argyll, haa given hisyacht, Ariani
te the Goyerninent for patrol work.
Mr. 'William Muir, wife ,of Conn-
cill-or Muir, Ealinhargh, end her:two
children were .serionsly injured in a
runaway accident tat Po'ness.
Thre (1.eauth is announoeci, in his
80t1) year, of Mr. William Paton
.Maine, Aieles, ene of the leading
Wigtawnshire agriculthriste,
Mr. Harvey, Wearlinge Hall Po&
meet, has furnished and equipped
r•eereation rand reading room for
the use of Territorials at Grang-e-
mouth. '
Dainage to the, extent of about
$106,000 was caused by a fire at the
distillery -at Cambers, near Allan,
belonging tho. the Distillers' Com-
pany, Lenited.
The Valuation Roll of the burgh
of Aberdeen for last y•ette has been
made up. The valu,ation of the re-
srpective wards show a totarl increase
of $45,400.
Under lead cirousnetancoes Alex,
Radio, a Dundee Boy Scout, was
accidentally ehot deed at Dureithopre
Castle, seb•ere seine Territorials are
An Appalling Condition
Invooriably vestals when 7011 lige a
cheap carol sabre. Be judicious, use
"Patunsn's," for fifty years it, has oared
eerns and warts Blot untiring' Oleo can
touch. Ask far P,tttnam's Painless Corn
Extractor only, 25o, at top doaaers.
"Yon naver know what you earl
do till you tag," says a • writer,
"and then you are generally eorry
you found -cut 7"
Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows.
"Are you married, my man ?" a
lady aaked a sailor, "Yes, indeed,
mum-Malirled and TOUrtgell
&cm" "Poor fellow, travelling
about like this 1 Aed don!la • you
ever get homesick 7" "Only when
b Me ' mem "
ED, 4.
The G emelt Crown Prince.
caricarturet, by Edward Giles,
a tautens Belgian wrtiat1, la a, W011 -
dart& resemblance ea the looting
prinee-•whotte animosity to Eng-
land is the outstanding trait •of a
blatant, ,ohallow and eonceited
character -the Crown Printee has
set an example, of uneivinzed wa,r-
fare to thi miaguirled soldiery by
the plundering of the chateaux of
n o n -comb a tante. -Land on Taller.
Tortures ofRheninatisni
Yield to his Remedy
A Marvel of Speed, an Unfailing Cure
for Old Chronic Cases.
With reliable old Nerviline •you can
rub out the pain tat Rheumatism, Scia-
tica, Lumbago; or Neuralgla-rub It
away so completely that you feel like
new all over.
• It niatters not how deeply seated
the pain is, how long you have bad
It -rubbing with the icing of an lini-
ments "Nervilino" win cure you.
Nerviline is highly donceatrated-
about five times stronger then the or-
-dinarY white ammonia liniment-,
therefore it penetreates guieldy--sinks
In deeply -and gets right at the core
of the pain at once -draws out the
lameness, takes, away the stiffness -
eases the Joints that have hurt you so ,
Out comes the pain 013017 time You
rub On Nerviline, \vita contains sortie
of the 111 yaltmele pabasubdueing
remedieilmown to science. Worth its
weight in grad to every family in the
land, and sure to cure the emergent
and minor ills of a Inindred kinds that
constratUy arise. Get the largo 50c,
family size bottle:'smau trial size 25e.
Nerviline Is sold by every dealer, ev-
Pat Gaye Hint An Answer.
Travelling in Donegal nob long
ago a clergyman engaged a lo-
quacious boatman bo raw him on
one of the lakea and allow him the
eights. They inspected a ruined
'castle with the legend of*s banshee.
The clergyman, thinking he would
pub a poser to the loquatious
31.611, glee 1111,019' everything, in -
'quire& 'Have you evev seen a
banshee, Pat?" "Aye, 'boded, that
11 have, yeur revercera-
deed!" said the clergyman with an
incredulous emile. "Ancl• pray
where did you see one 7" "Stuffed
in a. in.useum," replied the umehash-
ed Celt without any hesitation.
• Pat's Beeision.
"Pat," &aid 'Sandy, "why is a
short man struggling, to kiss it tall
woman like an Irishman going up
Vesuvius " "Faith, anal isn't it
because he's trying to get, at thi
mouth of the erater1" replied Pat,
Wo believe LINIMENT ie the
Mathias Foley, Oil City, Ont,
50503)13 Snow, Norway, Me. -
'Charles Wheaten, MulgraVe, 115,
Bev. B. 0. Armstrong, Atulgrave,58.8
Pierre Landers, sour., Polearnonehe,58,11.
Thomas Weeson, Sheffield, N.D.
"Father, don't 711011 -call •thein -
salvers baeltelors before they get
married 7" "Yes, my 'boy," "oknel
what do they call themselves after,
dad V' "Hush 1 It isn't fit ifor little
to k°1.aw'''Granniated Eyelids,
tc, Eyes inflamed by expo:o-
1181 10 Sus, Rise and Wind
quickly relieved by 51011110
Y 3 E3c Remedy. No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort, At
Your Druggist's SOc per Bottle. MuriseE)o
5alveinTubese5c. 5.or8askoJ iheEysFreeask
Druggists or Merino Eye Remedy co., Chicago
An egotist imagines that the
world thinks a,s much of him as he
thinks of himeelf.
minard's uning;—cures Colds, dem
Very Simple.
Interested Party -Yoe. say this
boat cannot upset 7
filled with righting fiariel.
• Liven tor -Its ire pes,sible The
tanks are
A. Slap at Parting.
She Otter their quarrel) --- 01
course you will want the ring back
He -No, you illay as well keep
.5110110miuld ivear ex5535811)13 on her
it. No other gi
..fl_o,f my acquaint*
Too Ohl for Lamb.
Diner (sarcastically) - Waiter,
you may possibly 'recollect that
eerciered roast lamb a lone' time ago,
Waiter -Yes, sir ; it will be ready
dilla.eicntel'rV-,HrVell, aimther ; don't
Pull flavored and
perfectly cooked
make delicious
, ranras eon r3e,,x,e.
a. ro , DAWSON, rilnoty coiscorno stress.
Toronto. •
s' Von AVANT TO 1311X, OR 41711...L
l''roit" Stock, Grain or vane IrarM,
Write 41 W. Dawson. 13/11QaptOti. QC
Colborne St., Toronto.
H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto.
FOE 54.5155.
• 51158 winners. All ages. Both
sexes. Fisher eves., nemniner, Ort.
York Counly. dtationorY and Book
Business in connection. Price only 54,000.
Temno liberal. Wilson Publishing Com.
nany, 73 West, 'Adelaide Street; Toronto,
11.1 internal and external, cared with-
out, oain by ovx home treatment, Write
ue before too Into Dr, Bellman Modica
Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
narkt Warnock, 202 Withrow Ave.,
Toronto, writes that 110 MOB his
lire to tho above remedy:
',Now that r 1111 well and strong
again, I write to) state that the foot
I am alive to -day witnesses to the
merit of ;!our avediolue, The doe.
tore gave Inc only 8 to 10 (-bye to
live. . . . I wish every ono 00111/1
know the worth of TOLIT 100,1101110,
especially those afflicted with eon.
gumption, no I was, tor undonbto
edlY Saved ivy life '10 1113 use, Bic."
A doctor and a specialist attended
David Warnock and gave lion no
hope. That wile in March, 1911,
Pour menthe afterwards, lie was a
well Malt' and lad gained 66 lbe. If
you suffer, or know of one, eesd
yorm addrers, and WO will send n
COW of Warnoeles testimony in
full mid nlso ninny other; sone of
which have been Cured of chronic
bronchitis of over 30 years: gond.
At your drUccIst or direct from
us at 51.00 per bottle,
Pet Named Them.
An 'Irishman WaS seated in a
railway carriage beside a fellow -
passenger \idru hapened to be a
commercial traveller. Pat, wishing
him about Home Rule, Thai e
to be friendly, started telkin to
ed to irritate the gentleman, who
was a Unioilist. He tamed on Pat
rathef sharply and enid, "Don't.
talk to me, as 1 am a commercial
traveller," Pat sulked in the ,'r
1155' until they ennui to a jive:that.,
and there they espied a number olf
donkeys !Meg by rail, The travel.
ler, withieg to have a juke ab Pat's
expense, Mid, "Eh, Pat, what do
'you call them I'"Betted, air,"
Judd Pat, "yen ought to Ireow them,
as they are all commercial travel-
Wilroard's Liniment CUM Diphtheria.
Crowds in motion on grandstands
and similar structures exert a
strain equal to ahoet 37' per (g)t
of their weigh!.
Just A Scratch
D UT it needs looking after
1.1. just the same. First aid
treatment with
will help it to heal quickly
and prevent riskof infection. o
Carboiated "'Vaseline"
contains 134 0/0 of Carbolic
acid, blended with a pore
"V aseline" base. lt is a most
effective antiseptic. dressing
for cuts, bruises, boils, and
Skirl irritations of all kinds,
such as eczema, poison ivy
and barber's itch. Also
good for corns.
Sold by drug and department stores
everyWhere, or 5001 10 you direct
on receipt of price -20c Per a full
size bottle. Free booklet on request
1111 TS S'LTE 45—'14. wan t naibt01i. oleasseacceonego.ea.atgaeggract,