HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-11-05, Page 4,loommiummammusilliinimisimmislasee
Mr, iChard Anderson has returned
after :spending the simmer h, the
' Canadian West and Seattle, Wash.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Miller mototed to
Moorefield Isfat week and Mrs. Miller
remained for a time oft account 'of the
illness of her lather,
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fleming of
Fergus were the guests for a few daps
last week of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Mr. Hugh Rosa and Miss Jean of
Clinton ved Wingham friends last
Mrs., E. G, Dymond and children
have returned from; a visit with Wind-
sor relatives'. •
Mrs. Oscar Roger's ot Toronto has
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo, Wynn.
Mr. Ross Max.well Of Chatham haa
been spending a vacation at his home
in town.
The iron bridge on Victotia street
has been implanked,
Nearly six hundred bags of produce,
potatoes, , apples and oats, were
bl;Dllgilt ill and contributed from the
farmers of this. section to the Patrio-
tie Fund,
Mrs. Arthur Haines, Mrs. Attlito:
Robinson and Mt. Fred Scott were
in Moorefield laki, week attending the
funeral of their sister -hi -law, Mrs, W,
W, Scott. .
Mr. David Moffat, a highly esteem-
ed resident of Turnberry, passed ane -
ay at his home in that township On
Friday week after bet ». short
nec». Ile ia.survivea by his wife and
a family ,of two daughters, Mrs, ('.
Higgins .and Miss Jennie Moller
Mrs. M. Robinson fell while cleaning
windows ono Inc recently rind broke
bet arm.
Mrs. L. A. Fisk of Cleveland, Ohio,
has been visiting .her brother, Mr.
John Ritchie,
Mrs. W. J. Pattison, accompanied
by her daughter, Mrs. Leaky of Kin-
cardine, has gone on a visit to 1)e-
troi t.
Mrs. McCammon of Vaneout er has
been visiting friends in town and vie -
Mrs. John Kerr returned last week
to London after a visit with Inc dau-
ghter, Mrs. E. A. Hammond,
Mrs, Knight of Brantford has been
'the guest of Mrs, H. B. Elliol 1 dur-
ing the past week,
Mr. W. Gurney was in Montreal
on business last week,
Mrs. J. H. 11 -lough has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. E. H. 13ind of Tor-
Airs. Melholland has gone to 13un-
10 to speed the winter with her dau-
Mrs, Carrink has gone to PONDS Is-
land wbere she will spend the next
couple of months.
Mr. John Holmes has been promot-
ed front the local branch of the Bank
of Commerce to the branch at Sud -
Miry and left last week for the north- 1
ern town. •
Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Young have re-
turned from a visit with their sons
at Winnipeg. Thew also visited anoth-
er son in Toronto before' coming
Clinton News-Recot d
November 5th, 1914
Ms : Theis, 1-la1eher and two ions,
who have been visiting friends here.
abouts, left last week for. Orangevil-
le to spend a feW days with friends
prior to leaving For their home at
Mackie; Alta.
Me. and Mrs. Savuage, Mr. and
Mrs, Copeland of Barfield and Mr,
pattison, station agent at Brucefield,
have goae to Doe Lakes Parry, Sound
District, for a eouPle of woec's 'hunt -
'One of the oldet 'resiheats -passed
away on irsiday week in the pereon
of 1 Mr, John Wright. Me. . Wright
had fatined in McKillop for -Several
years but has berm a resident of
town for about thirty. He is, surviv-
ed, by a family of six daughters and
one son :, John W, Wright .of Strat-
ford ; Mrs, 11, Riley, Kinbinn ; Alre.
John Hughes, Caylosd, Mich Mrs,
Ed. Braniff, Cleveland ; Mks. Jacob
Whiting, CartatuiS, Sask.. ; Mrs. Wm,
Trott; Seaforth and Mrs. 11, Bewail,
Miss 13.! Morson was in. Hamilton
last Week attending thcs wedding of a
friend. "
Rev. W. Hodgins of Stratford
WAS' in town Mat week calling on fri-
Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm.- DaVidsen and
family have moved 'in from Manion
and are now occupying the house re,.
ecntly purchased front Mr. M. Will-
Air, and Airs. W. Davidson of Lead -
bury, who have putaased the Wil-
liams' home on Goderich street, will
shoetly move into town. '
Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan. of Grand Parka
N .1),"is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mc-
Quaide, who has just _moved into her
new linme on Goderiell street.
Miss Greitia ROSS, who is Leaching
at Waterford, was home last week on
account of the illness of her father,
Dr. R. R. Ross.
Mro„5. Payne bas returned after
spoading the mummy in Toronto.
alr. and Mrs, Adam Dodds have re -
lulled from a visit with frieeds in
the west.
Mr. .1. Stiles has eetunred .COM ti
ViSi t tu the Old Country.
Mrs. Pyper and Mrs. Socemer of
Until il ton were here last weak on ac-
count of the illness and subsequent
death of their father, the late John
Mrs., Gordon O'Leary of Port Ar-
thur has beea here accompanied by
Iter little son, visiting her mother,
Mrs. fr. McDonald.
WIT. and Miro. Arthur Mason, who
have been visiting the lady's mother,
Airs. Robis Charters of the Mill Road
hare returned to their Immo in Sask-
Mr. John Beattie, a prominent re-
sident of town, passed away on Wed-
nesday of last week aged eighty-one
years. The funeral tool: place on Fri-
day to Maitland cemetery.
Mrs. (Rev.) Patierson of Sarnia has
bean in town visiting her sister, Mrs.
James Watson..
- s
O uuum & 0
D ry Goods
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Ladies' new Red i mote coat with flare skirt, in ail
trimmed with velvet vollar and large velvet battens,
word in winter coats, prices range from $15.00 to
We :LIT S'10AVi Ilg Oil r 75 different styles in our mantle
the new shades,
half lined, the last .
$20.0 0.
We can show you coreect styles in all wool hard
popular colorings from $3.50 to n7.00.
wearing cloths and
The Amount of money involved is sufficiently incentive
care in selection. Our advice is to look carefully and
Careful inspection and comparison will establish beyond
worthiness of our styles,
foe great
satisfy yourself.
is doubt the .
NEW WAISTS. - 46eAko'sFax
. We are daily complimented, on the sup- TerNSMVSWat
et ioritv of our waists in crepes, voiles, silks
efc,, all at most moderate prices. C.iM,VallaY.
,, ....,.. _
Mr. J. T.' Reid returned last week
from Prussia, Sask., where he spent
the ournaler mien his homestead. HO
is Suet the genial John as of yore, as
good natured as ' if the Ms.'
trict ,which he bee been living
had had a bumper crop instead ' of
scarcely any crep at all. We are glad
Lo have him in out midst again (wall
if only for the winter months.
Mt, ''Billy'' Reid, Stanley's ''Bean
King," is very busy buying beans.
The Women's Patelotie Society
Packel. and shipred to Toronto 011
Tuesday eight fine bales of cloth:ng
for the Belgians. 'rho bales contain-
ed sixteen quilts, neatly all perfectlyi
now, and clothing for men, Women
aud children, undercleething, dresses,
suits, coats, sox, mitts, caps, etc.
Much of the clothing was newand it
was all good and suitable for winter
wear. The members of the society,
which only nurnbers about twenty-
three., have indeed been doing wen
and deserve much credit for their an-
e,eg'y and diligence, They fotworded,
about two Inindre,d dollars to tho
Canadian Red Cross Society, before
courneneing theft: work for the unfor-
tunate Belgians,
Have you heard Evangelist
who is conducting success-
ful services in the Clinton
Methodist Churches.
Mr. It. 'Buchanan, Mrs: Time, New,
Miss 'AL Tibbs and Miss Carsoa were
in 'London last week attending the,
Provindial Smala.y school convention.
Mrs. Geo. Hibbert of Mitchell and
Mrs. Wm Robertson of Brussels were
the guents last week ot Mrs. -Wm.
Mr. Gordon Yining has returned
from a thtee-month's visit in 'Winni-
peg and Toronto. •
Miss Dell Mitchel! has returned home
from a visit itt Toronto.
MIs. A. R. Deals has returned to
her home in , Wiarton after visiting
her 'Son, Mr. 5, 5, Davis of town,
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Green of 1301)-
caygeon were, Um poets of the for-
met's Ather here for a fOtlf days
last week.
Mise Irene, Taylor itt Hanover has
been visitieg Miss Hazel Brandon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gregoty and son
of Calgary have been speeding some
Lime with friends in soma
Mt, ,rohn Templeton, a \yell -known
horse buyee in this eection, died on
Thursday week aged eighty-six, The
funeral was held to Herman cemetery,
Mr. 'I'. Pat:Inter, Sn., and Mrs.
Whiteside were itt Crecliton last; week
attending the funeral of airs, 'Efedden,
Mrs. Millet: has returned to her:
home; in Michigan after a visit with
her sister, Mtg. Si0Ott.
Mr. and Mrs, J. McMartin and ail-
dren have been isiting at the home
of Mr, .R. Bondman.
Mr. Hugh Macdonald Was in Toton-
to for a few days last week.
Alt a well attended meeting held in
the opera house one night recently it
was decided to ask . the. cottncil to
make a grant of $500 to, the Patriot-
ic and Belgian Fend and to suppli
ment this by raising another $500
ilY subsaription. A committee was
appointed to solicit subscriptions con-
sisting of MOSSCS. 13. A. IVIcConnell,
Geo. joyne and A. Whiteside, At
their first muting to malleiultallge-
'Tient,' eighty dollars WAS subscribed
by the members ol the comnittee of
Miss C. MelSwan, a nurse of New
York City,, is visiting her father, Air.
John Mehlwan. •
Mr. Rs B. ROSS of Byron has been,
visiting friends in Hansen and vicin-
ity,. -
Mrs. Thos. Dinsciale died at be»
home near Kippea on Friday week,
having reached the great age of eigh-
Hansou Petty has poseed his exam.
as a. chauffeur and intends going with
the Second Contingnene,
Dwelling houses are said to 110- scarce,
in Mensal'. Some public-spiv:Bed 131 -
lien shoulil erect a few which would
rent readily, thus creating industry
and promoting "good time."
Tucltersmith Township
School report of S.S. No, 4, Tl1C1C-
ersmith for October. - Class 30, --
Winnie Hunt, , Edna Crich, Mabel
Crich, Phyllis Crich. Class 31d, --
Geo. Falconer, Wilbur Nott, Bert Wal-
ters, Vera Stephenson. Class 2nd, Sr.
--Emily Hunter, -les'sic Ball, Ceml
Matheson. Class 2nd, Jr, -Ernest
Crich, Kenneth Hunt, Viptor Falcon-
er, Leonee Cadieux, Clarence Ball,
Reginald Shipley, Edward Walters,
Class 1st, Sr. -Sadie Ball, Harold
Stanbury, Austin Matheson. Class
lot„ Jr. -- Ernest Hunter, Thelma
Roweliffe, Harold (Stich,
A car of,ebobin wood was ship-
ped from here 'alb week to IVIenehes-
ter, England.
The members of 51. Andrew's 'cluireh
are looking forward 4.0 their anniver-
sary seryMes next ,Sunday. Bev. S. ,
IVIcLean ot St, Mary's will be the
lilisti Janet Steinhoff returned last
'week flmin ti vielt with his sister,
Johnston of Balntoral, Man,
Miss Eva Gracey of Wingliam,
friends in town last week,
, Mrs. Sameo of Mitchell was the
guest of Mrs. Wm. Jackson for a few
days recently. '
Mr. Caesar of Markdale Visited his
daughter, Mrs, I -I. A. Thomas, last
weelics's M. Forsythe is visiti
Mng her
sister, IVIrs, .1. lientlerson of Howick.
Misses Gladys Laundy and ' Annie
Mains were in Goderieh last week at-
tending the . S.S. and E.L. District
The Birth sawmill will operate all
this winter, as usual. '
Mrs. (Rev.) Fear of Teeswater was
in town last week, being a visitor at
the Methodist parsonage.
PIM Misses Little will very shortly
Lake possession or their beautiful neve
home on Ring street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Blaeltbrotig,11
and daughter left last week for Bat-
tle Creek, Mich. They will visit there
fot a time before going on 'to theii:
home at Anaconda, Montana. - They
went the guests for a couple of
months in and. mound Blyth.
The Stain of
German Dishonor.
. .
(Providenee, (Rhode. Island) Journal)
"The Munstethergs, the Bernstorffs,
"the Bidders 'and all 'the subsidized
"agents of :the German Government
"ere persisting in their frantic •ap-
"peels to the Journal and many oth-
'Mr newspapers in the attempt' to
!Math the 'honest and heartfelt kali g -
"nation of , .the American people..
'These representatives of Conlon
" 'culture,' together with the Kuhn
"Lochs of the commercial world, in
'their fatuous 'patriotism,' or Mind -
'Mess, believe that the newspaper$ are
"responsible for the most epontane-
"ousand universal protest that the
"American people have ever made itt
"it,S history,
"If German money, or the specioue
"arguments of German professors,
"could change the course of every
"newspaper in the United States to -
"morrow the sentiment of the coin -
"try would still remain the. same.
"For the- German Kaiser and his
"Gam:merit haver been convicted,
"not by the false reasoning of the
"American press, not by lies or spec-
"Ial pleading, but out of their own
"mouths. America needs only a sin-
"gle justifloation for her attitude.
"She finds it in the one word -
. Germany aad his .Peo-
"pie have an account to square with
"God that no sophistry can WiP0
"out. For they have wilfully, and
"in their mad passion for cord
"quest, turned it fair land bite
"a shambles, taken a peaceable little
"nation by .the thtoat, torn it into
"bleeding fragments and crushed its
"very heart beneath thole iron tread.
"The stories of individual German at -
"recites may not all be true, though
"there is it proof that many 6f them
"are. But. -whatever is true and
"whatever is false, this one thing
"etands out, so overshadowing in its
"monstrous cruelty and barbarism
"that it roves the hoarse Cry 01!
Crliturr from every man and wo,
"man In the world whose being throes,
"with a spark of human love Jr the
"spirit of justice.
"The preservatioa of Gerinatia's na-
tional power, her boasted militate
"machtne, her position in art, and the
"eciences, and. conimecee, are no long-
"er dependent for preservation on Iter
"victories tn the field. 'Phey am de-
"stroyed already, and she will toil
"on towards the light through many
"generations of better years before
"She TiSOS frOIrt her knees again.
"Not because great armaments will
"have beaten her down -not because
"she had been hurled back itt her ern-
"sade of butehery and invasion. No.
"But • bemuse, petporting to im
"great eivilized race, worthy of 'a
"Slam in 'Um son,' she has proclaim,
"ed to the world that a treaty
"only •a scrap of paper, and, by the
"hand of a .paranoaie W110 poses as
"Me chosen of God 'himself, hag delta
"ged with tho blood of murdered
"thousands a lend whose Imam- she
"had sworn to ptotect and hold Mai -
"Ali the teeth -ping of Germany's le-
"gains,- all the thueder . Of her
"bontbs and batteries cannotdrown.
"out the my of one little Belgian
"child." . •
On The War.
This splendid weekly publication is
performing alt ainitsually important
service to Canada during this great-
est of all international ware of the
world's history, "World Wide" sel-
ects' and presents to its leaders ev-
ary Saturday the ablest articles by
the ablest weitera in Britain arid .A-
raerica on the war situation and its
consequences. It thus reflects idle cur-
rent thought of both hemispheres in
these eriticartimes.
"World Wide" is therefore indispen-
sable. to every thinking man and wo-
It is indlspensable to you just now.
Eminent inen all over the country ac-
knowledge its great wotth.
"Almost every article every issue
you feel you would like to pub away
mnong your treasuves,"
Subscription Rate $1.50 per annum,
or on trial for three mouths for only
25 cents. Send; to JOHN DOUGALL
de, SON, publishers "Witness" Block
The marriage taok 'place, in Clinton
011 Wednesday of last week of Misa
Jean, Budge to Mr. Robert Watsen,
11m. J, Greene, pastor of the Bruce -
field Methodist church offieiating.
Mr. and Mrs,. Watson left the same
after000n on' a honeymoon trip be
Teronto , and eastern points and on
their return they. will reside, on the
groom's farm on the London Road,
Their numerous friends join in good
The people of lads vicinity have
been buoy collecting and welting for
the Patriotic andRod Otoss societies.
5280.46 has 'been collected and $225
forwarded to the Red Cross Society.
The ,balance was reserved tot the pur-
chase at material to work up for the
soldiers. In addition to this Mr. Jas.
Pe'trie of the 'London Road has dona-
ted $100 to be given to this fund or
te the Belgian Fund. -
, The pranks played in -the village on
.Satatday, night (Hallow e'en) • Were
rank' in tlm extreme. Outhouses . and
heneoops were carried away . from, the
residences, business signs taken dowit.
and fastened tooutside lavatories,
wire fencing • -roiled .. in the .streets,
buggies and gates hoisted . on build-
ings and .evarything loose ivao trans-
ferred to .aew, muarters. On the north
side a plow was placed on top of a
Windmill,. great iron gates wale .sua-
pended on telephone .polea• and wire
fencing was otrewa in all direetions.
On the Zurteli Road a' Wagon was
placedon top of a two-story building
and had it not been for the smell 01
powder a large casket in the under-
taking establishment woeldshavea been
taken arid used as anornament for
some .atore front. Tim Public school
was also visited and great confusion
was the result when the children made
their appearance this morning. Much
damage Wk1S clone, but as there is no -
clause in the insurance policies cover-
ing these, depredations the ONS*1101:S
will be the losers.
The heavy dealers in lire
stock in this 'neighborhood aro
" hedging " in order to break,
even dining the stamp in prices. Auc-
tion sales have been inaugurated dur-
ing the w.eelc to dispose of the sur-
plus to farinees, but whether on
coitttb of being overstocked or having
a doubt in regard to prices they have
fought, very' shy of the glitatongate,s
COWS- that would have, sold
for .500 throe weeks ago went for $70
on Saturday. Taking the various
grades together it is safe to say that
the prices have dropped from, $10 to
1$1.5 per head. Dealersbringing stocic
from a distance in tim hope of get-
ting a market here will do well to
attend a eale or two before shipping.
Many of the dealers had itivested in
young feeders for the winter, but that
class now appears on tim sale bills
and will go to the highest bidder at
home instead of going to the eastern
11 .was announced on Friday last
that Mr. E. 'nonce had disposed of
his business. to Mr. A: P. liess. This
is understood to include. the Hetald
newepoper and the printing plinth.'
Last week a farmer inquired as to
the proper, place, to deposit wills and
other like documents, in answer this
writer would say : The! Registry of-
fice at CI °dada has vaults 'for that
purpose. So has the Molsons Bank of
this village.
Mr. Chas. Grob of Berlin has dis-
posed of his residence here to Mr.
Jaeob1Ilowald who now resides ia
Mr. R. Geiger ot Henson is consid-
ering the advisability of openiug a
branch drug store in town,
Mr. Angus Patterson of Grand Bend
has purphaecel the faun of Mr. Chas.
Pone on the Town Line of Stephen.
Mrs. Daniel McPhail 01 Dam bin,
Aloe., i8 visiting at Llm home, of her
brother, Mr. Wei, O'Brien.
11,11:. Harry Baseew has been holi-
daying at London during the past,
week. i
Mrs. lleYrock 'slant a few days in.
Henseli last week.
Rev. W. 1, Miller, paston of the
Lutheran congregation here, a short
time ago eeceived a call to a London
church but has decided to remain in
Mr, J. G. Howard, principal of the
Public school, is suffering horn a
sptained attain, the result of a fall
from an apple tree.
Mrs. Thos. McAdams and children
have returned 'to their home in Lon-
don after a visit of sorim weeks with
the lady's parents; Alr. and Mrs. W.
13assow of the Btonson Line..
A number of thn young facade of
Messrs, Russel and. 'Hazen Zeller met
at their home one evening prior to
their leaving town and after reading
to them an address preseined each
ivith a handsome tie pin,
The Men's Missionary Society of the
Lutheran church met for the organiz-
ation of theit autumn, wori» at the
home of itir. and Mrs. John Iley,
One evening teeently. The work of
the season was ' discussed, several
speeches wen made, some of the 1110:11 -
bars sang and 1Virs. He, served Mee
refreolunents. The evening was a
pleasant, end profitable one.
Mr, and airs, W. C. Wagner ate vis-
iting in the State of Michigan.
Manager Dukop of the Motsons
Batik is holidaying, Mr. Dyer of Ex-
eter is acting manager difring Mr,
Dunlop's absence.
Mr, and Mrs. F. ./less, Sr., enter -
tabled the members of the former's
Sunda)' school class at their home orin
day recently and after the festivities
each one of the children was gives» a
souvenir of the oneasion. Mr. I -less
has been obliged to give up, his Sun-
day school work, in whieh he.has tak-
en an active interest for over forty
years, owing to impaired hearing,
Mr. A. Case motored, to Ansa' Craig
recently and brought Mes. Case and
her impther, with whom she tas
been tsltaying for a, time, home. Mvo.
Case has about recovered, from her
recent illness.
The News From Breezy Hayfield
Calclertvood of (1 innipeg is vis -
letting bee Inothers, Messrs. Thomas
and George, King.
The Bayfield Rifle Club meets evey..,
Wednesday evening for practice.
Mr, Wni, Mustard, Mr. and Mrs. II.
Darrow and Mrs, Rouatt motored to
Elecknow cai Sunday and spent the
day with friends.
11/Irs, George Weston, and son Hat -
old were, with London friends for a
few days last week.
The Bayfield A grieul tura], Society are
now prepared to pay out the prise
money and anyone entitled to same
may get it by applying to the secee-
Mrs. Welsh of. Toronto is visiting
her parents, 141r. and Mrs, John Big-
gar t.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleo. Copeland and
son Master Alfred and Miss .5. Ster-
ling left on Friday last fot Spruce -
dale, Parry Sound District, for a fort-
night's holiday.
NU, ,T. J. Merrier, IVI. P., and Mrs.,
Menet and family of Zurich spent
Sunday with the formee's brother,
Kr. E. Merrier, .
Mr, W. Johnston and wife of Lan-
don spent Sundayi at their Sumrner
home on the Terrace,
Nows-ll&ord Moans News -Leader.
Stanley Township
ur. Wm. Taylor has returned freer
Toronto with a car of cattle.
Messrs, Garnet %Sonless' and Fred
Austin are assisting Mr. Turnbull of
&Worth apple packing. ,
The following is the, Octoher report
for 8.53, No. 3, Stanley!. The names
are in order of merit. ,Irifth-leuby
Paylor. Fourth -Tillie Nigh. Third
-Caroline Lawson, Gertrude McGee,
and Feth and Garnet Taylor, ea nal
Second, Sr.-1V3arjorie Goode, Willie
Parker, Second, Jr. -Clifford Clarke,
Arthur Peck, Peter McGee. Second
part --Harold Taylor, Exiot Nign, Al.'
nta Ilathwejl. First part ---John Mc-
Gee, Gordon Elliott. -R, MeBeth,
Stanley Township
The Orringemon ,aro having thole
annual oyster supper in their lodge
roma this evening, Nov. 5th,
The' small boy was out Saturdayi
night as usual but lie contented him.
self with comparatively, bormlesa
A. number of the young people front
Varna attended ther anniversary ser-
viees in the Kippen „Presbyterian:
church on Sunday evening last.
Mr. D. Jelinston of the Babylon Line
is remodeling his residence,
The Sacrament was administered in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday'
morning last. Rev.-- Mr. 13rown, , the
'pastor of the Methodist church, con-
iducted the preparatory service on Fri-
Huron County Statistics.
15,4 at
....., Taxes Impos-
,e1 g ed 1013
I •
Tan a, "C'es et
..B. 02
Ashfield 2,248 2,406,025
Colhorive 1,468 1,388.514
G-oderich 1,589 1,687,705
Grey 2.612 2,803,150
Hay - 2,829 2,416,210
Rovvick 3.203 2,871,421
Hallett 2,178 1,973,390
McKillop 2,058 2,254,290
Morris 2,141 2,095,758
Stanley 1,008 1,955,368
Stephen 3,230 2,703,568
Tuckers'ith 1,003 2,118,716.
Turnberry 1,008 1;325.175
Usborne 1,953 2,427,795
Wa'nosh Ill 1,420 1,563,140 21,368 1,002
Wa'noshW 1,080 1,600,818 2,020
Bay field 470 106,601 600 1,216 1,042
Myth 680 288,123 8,000 4,600 2.612 56,059 8,032
Brussels 933 390,850 1,000 7,320 2,926 79,970 7,500 20,500
Fsseter 1,514 627,461 10,980 12;361 4,278 11675
Rensall 742 .281,600 4,453 1,700 9,743 500
'Wroxeter 840 116,028 2,271 1,102 3,799 4,055
Clinton 2.112 731,507 16,573 8,110 171,145
Goderich 4,811 2,287,155 273400 43,610 10,913 400,928
See,forth 1,901. 827,116 44,160 21,131 7,855 227,589
Wingham 2,628 376,784 33,900 19,038 7,176 163,071
• ,,,,,
Dec, 21, 1913 .
40 •15.
• co izpR4
18,109 0,237 125,00
8.340 5.746 15,816
10,305 0,820 2,082
29,851 9,991 100,832 1,510
16,281 11,050 20,137 6,788
17,485 12,260 3,071 3,587
18,721 10,7813 2,762 5,200
17,859 8,332 52,286 2,225
20,113 7,5/.4 54,806 832
13,400 7,015 5,343
16,042 12,166 4,126 5,220
14,356 5,531 45,616 1,070
8,772 6,098 7,128
.9,307 5,550
8,933 9,851
7,346 5,008
• • y ..
To the Public:
'We wish to thank all those who patronized our
sale and trust our new policy "Buy for Cash and Sell
for Cash" will meet with your approval.
We think the present is a good time to practice
economy and that you can do so in no better way than
the "Pay as you Buy" plan.
Buying on credit encourages extravagance.
The people of this vicinity are prepared to pay
their way and are wise enough to know that it pays
them well to do it.
Our close cash prices will save you many dollars.
Save the pennies and the dollars will take care of
themselves. Sale prices still remain .on several lines
yet to clear.
We purpose having special offerings each week.
There is no encouragement f'or the Credit Mer-
chant to oft' r goods at a special price for the credit
customer takes them and has the goods charged.
Try the modern way and save money.
F. A. EDWARDS, Bayfield.
Crean' Wanted!
Farmers having cream to sell doring the Fall and Winter months
can get best results by shipping to
Gunn's Creamery, Walkerton
Highest Prices paid for Butter Fat.
Two shipping cans simplied free.
Express paid on allahipments,
Each can carefully weighed and tested and statements of eeeli ship-
ine»t returned with empty can,
Seml-monthly payments. Write for cans and full partienlars to
Gunn's Creamery, 'Walkerton, or to
EDGAR J. TREWARTHA, liolruesville
Phone 15 on 153, Clinton.
going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd
We can assist you in selecting you», furniture if you are
pieces you will find it to your advautage to inr•pect our
stock and see the bargains we are giving. We also carry a
good line of violins, pianos and organs.
Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re.
spect and we guarantee the beet of satisfaction.
Undertaker ond Funeral Director.
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over
28 -Ai? Phone Jr