The Clinton News Record, 1914-10-29, Page 8Clinton News -Record'
October 29th, 1914)
the best sloes, at any stated price, that the price can bay any-
where 1 '.The new' fall styles are in and'; there's not a foot we've
not provided foal . Some people will comehere for their Aloes,-
hoes—others wont.., The people whp'do come will wear far better shoes
than those who don't I
' Our $3.00, $3.50 and $4,00 men's shoes and our $2.00,'$3,00 and
• $4,00'women'sshoes:are the best ever --well, they'•re the best
The new 'fall shapes are handsorne—the stock and shoeinalc-
an,We're atyour service.
The House of 'Better Shoes.
Our Present Specials
Stoves and Ranges
Happy Thought; Pandora, Canada Steel Range and
other cheaper lines.
.Coal and Wood Heaters.
Sheet Iron Cold Blast and Perfection Coal Oil Heaters
for »chilly mornings and evenings.
Gun's, Rifles and Ammunition,
Dr, Hess' Stock Food, Panacea, Louse Killer, etc,
b'Cedargand Wizzard Polish Meps.
A good supply of Tungsten Lamps and Electric
RTTl� �' At Reduc-
ed Prices.
During the next two weeks we place on sale about
Forty Beautiful Rugs in Tapestry, Brussels, and
Velvets in sizes 2,'-� x 3, 3 x 3, 3 x 3i, and 3 x 4,
offer our choice at wonderfully reduced
Owing to the advancing prices on all lines of im-
ported rugs we have placed extra orders for spring
in order to secure them at lowest possible price but
must now make a clean sweep of all rugs in stock
in have room for the new ones when they
Men's and Soy's Clothing
If you are interested in a new suit, overcoat or pair of odd
trousers, come in and see what we are showing, We lean
save you money and guarantee to please you.
Small Profits -- More Business
wary ams
11 M117111111(
New Wide. Gathered` -and Circular Skirts
Redingotes in Coats and Dresses
Tie -On Blouses
Volants and Ruffled Skirts
These and, many other lovely, up-to-date
styles ate shown in the•
for Winter .
With each copy you get any
Standard Pattern FREE
W. D. FAH/ .CO.
Often the cheapest—Always the best.
•i n III, IIWninieuseeillariiy
Rcv. A. Macfarlane, Bayfield; was in
town on Friday.
Mr, Geo. Pollard and his grand -dau-
ghter, Miss Edna Wasmann, visited
over the week -end with Brussels
Miss Irene Harrison, stenographer of
the Knitting C'ompanp, has been off
duty for about a fortnight owing
to illness.
Miss Ruth Walkinshaw, who has spent
the posit eight months with friends
at 1 -Nigh River, Alberta, returned
home Saturday. •
Mrs. J. R. Miller (nee Norma ,Callan-
der) of St, John, N.B., is visiting
her aunt, Mrs, R. MacLellan and
other friends in town.
Mr. Win. Dixon leader of the Kilty
Hand, has also accepted Hie leader-
ship of the Band at Mitchell and
goes down weekly for. practice,
Mr. Otto Fink and Miss McLeod„ mo-
tored to Palmerston and back' on
Sunday afternoon lasti a distance
of one hundred and twenty miles.
Misses Irene Could and Marion Irwin
-were at 13olmcsville on Saturday
visiting at the home of the former's
grandfather anti with other. friends.
Misses Kathleen East, Ruby Wise and
Marion Irwin attended the S,S. and
E.L. convention of Godorich District
in C,oderich on Tuesday. and Wed-
i1IrS Stone
�� an,
Misses SCS 0 Ilia and i
uu mo-
f, 1
over Thursday last and spent
the day as the guests of Miss Jule
Mrs, Jarvis. Watson of Brussels
and. Mrs, L. Tasker, 1'03w:tier,
spent a few days of the past; week
with Mr. and Mrs. Adam. Seott of
the Base Line.
Mrs. Ritchie and Mrs Attridge of
Marlette and Mrs, Brooks of Brown
City, Mich., the former: a sister and
the latter two nieces of Mrs. Cant-
elon, are guests at the ]ionic of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Canielon,
Miss Bessie Irwin, field worker for
the Deaconness denartment in the.
London Methodist Conference, gave
an address at the Sunday school
and- Epworth League Convention
held in GoderiCh Tuesday and Wed-
Rev, 1I, C. Priest, Toronto, Secre-
tary of the Missionary 1lducatien-
al Movement in the Baptist Church
in" Canada, will, conduct anniversary.
services in the local church on'Nov.
l Mr. Priest is a son-in-law of
Mr. wni. Robb of town, •
Mr, Bert Kerr returned' last week
from Clarksburg, where he had
spent a week with friends, having
gone up to at the funeral of
his aunt, Mrs Foster, mother of
Miss Pearl Foster, who has visited
in town on several occasions,
Mrs. lloward Merinpitreys, who has
been in town for the "Past few
R eels, having come over: on account
of the death of her father, the late
James ]learn, left Mendayi morning
for Buffalo and will proceed from
there to her Mollie in the South.
Rev. S. T. Bartlett of Toronto, Sec-
retary for Sunday ;Schools and Ep-
worth Leagues wino was attending
the,convention in ('oderich this
week, is the guest today of his
brother-in-law, Mr. W. 1I, 1l.ellyar
of town.
Mr, Wm. White of Winnipeg has bean
in `town visiting his sister, Miss
White, who has been quite ill but
wlio is now disproving. Mr. White
was a former: resident here, and his
many old friends were glad, to inept
him again.
Mrs. H. '1', Rance, Mrs. Clandier, Mrs.
J. W. Shaw and Mrs. J. Ratten-
bury, with Mr; 1; 'Rattcnbusy as
chauffeur:, composed a motor party
which spent a few hours last Thurs-
day afternoon as the guests of Mrs.
S. Hays- of,
A motor party from !Hanover, con-
sisting of Mt. Eddie Fink, brother
of Mr. Otto Fink, Clinton's artist,
Mr, Harry Sciroenbals, brother of
the proprietor of (Clinton's big mill,
Mr. and Miss Kaulty and Mr. Ld.
Knechtel'., passed orough town Fri-
day or their way 1•o London where
Mr, K.necbtol purchased .a McLaugh-
lin ",Big Six" in which he made the
return trap on ,Saturday. 'This Mr.
Kneclitel, like all the rest of the
lChoehtels up. at Hanover, is very
much up-to-date so nothing but the
ver best in cars satisfies frim.
Suitablefurni c u r e
for all rooms is equal-
ly well displayed.
Easy chairs
EASY Chairs of the sort that
give your whole body rest
are here in endless variety,
Just come into err store and
try them all, that is the hest
and sure way to, choose chairs
that are comfortable..
We want to say a
word about prices.
They can't be Neaten.
Bahl »& Atkinson
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110
J. A. ATKKINSON, Phone 186 '
It is»just a little of the whole story of this season's fashionable furs, but conveys an excel-
lent idea of the great number ofypelts,•,that are fashionable.. Black furs are extremely good , style
therefore we have an exceptionally good assortment, It a wide rano. of prices. Handsome Canadian mink' is,
as usual, well represented iour sock and a large number of`individual sts--only one of a kind—combine to
- afford you wide latitude in the matter of choice, Come in and see our fine stock.
r .
Black Foz Neck Pieces "
Black Fox Muffs
Sable Neck Pieces
Fine Canadian Mink Neck Pieces
Fine Canadian`rlinkiMuffs
Persian Lamb Neck Pieces
Persian Lamb flutfs
Also many pretty styles in the less expensive furs, as well as many smart novelty sets,
This is strongly advisable, because it assures you of the first choice of skins—those of the finest pelt and
prettiest.markingsgBy paying 1 p p Will be -reserv-
eduntll tiesued. being shown in the new furs. a sinal. 'deposit, purchases made now well
New—that's the point ! For it's on just such small accessories as the right Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery
etc., that the success of the costume depends. And the newest are right here!
Dainty Neckwear—A snowy'white collar or vest,,and sometimes the addition of cuffs -to match, is 'the
fashionable finish for the dark Autumn'gown ; and they're here in all degrees of sheerness and all desired styles.
Beads—Where is the girl who has not:fallen a victim to their charm? These new jet beads are particu-
larly fetching-both:dull and bright varieties, long and short strings.
Gloves --Our prices make chamoisuede, cashmere, lisle,, silk and real French kid with over -sewn seams
extra choice skin, change hands quickly,
Hosiery=• -We sell Hosiery in cashmere, wool, lisle, silk mixture aid silk that are woven for wear, fash-
ioned to fit and loomed to last.
Visit this store whenever you can. You're almost sure to find something to interest you_Ffor
your wardrobe or your home.
Mrs. A, .T. Trn•in returned last week
after spending
0 fortnight with h fri-
in 'Toronto.
Mrs. Edward Acheson of C oderich
visited friends in town the latter:
part of last week,
Mr, ('has. 1) Libby, manager of the
Knitting 11Tili," will attend a meet-
ing of Ranleses .Temple in Toronto.
Friday! evening.
Mr. -John- Linder of Toronto, who has
been visiting his• daughter„Mrs.
Jas, Doig, has returned to his lronle
Mrs. Linder stays here for the pre-
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Seruton, Masttits
Ed. and Jack. and Baby Emily have
just returned from a fortnight's • vis-
it with friends at Port Burwell,
Vienna and '1'ilsonburg.
Rev. A. 11. and Mrs.. Smith of St.
Catherines have been spending a few
• days with Mr. gird Mrs. T. J. Watt
Of Fairview Farm, Ifuron Road.
.Mrs. Smith is a sister of Mrs.
Hullett Township
Mrs. Robb. 1;. Skelly, who has been
visiting her father, Mr. R.• Morrison,
friends iir:the
i sand
and other cr eclat
township for the pastcouple Of
left •yesterday afternoon for her home
in Chicago. •
Mr. 'Phos. A. Tighe and his sister,
Miss Florence visited (ioderich friends
a couple of days last week.
Mr. Thos. J, 'l'ighe has bought from'
•Mr. 'p. Quigley of Goderich the
old Quigley homestead on the 6th
eon. which lie has had rented for sev-
eral years.
Mr. James SOtltlleollbe • has dis-
posed of Tris farm, lot 28th on the
6111 con., consisting of fifty -acres, to
Mr. William Hoggarth who gets pos-
session shor.tiy. Mr. Southgonlbe al-
so owns the adjoining fifty, but in all
probability lie and his good wife will
take up their abode in C1inten where
the carpenters have been• busy getting
ready for there what calla prove to ire
a very comfortable residence.
News-Reborci Means News -Leader.
We Have Decided
to continue our moving sale for
another week. This will enable
the people of this vicinity to ' get
their winter goods at unheard of
prices plus value. Beginning Sat
urday morning we offer
10 doz, men's fleece lined underwear, reg-
ular 60c for 45e a garment.
20 pairs men's high grade tan shoes, reg-
ular $6,00 for $3.50.
18 pairs ladies' heavy shoes, good quality,
just the thing for winter, regular $2.25 for
12 pairs only men's all wool, heavy trous-
ers, regular $2.50 for $1,05.
Have you seer our values in men's over-
coats ? Prices from $7.50 to $11.50. All high
grade goods.
The News From Londeslbc'ro
RebRev,, C.
C. Kaine is attending'. a•
in London this i • t
Misses M. Brown and V. Phillips
were in attendance at . the. Sunday
school and Epworth • League conVen-
tiou in (1 0 11 0 1 011 'Tuesday -and Wetl-
Two carloads of potatoes, apples
and oats were. shipped from here, be-
ing the contributions from; the farri-
ers hereabouts to the Patriotic Con-
tribution from Ifuron Cotmty to Bri-
Mr, John Bedford left this week for ,
the Canadian Soo.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Stringllanl of
Woodstock were the guests of Miss
it. Bell on Sunday.
The Londesboro branch of .the Wo-
men's Institute will bold their regu-
lar meeting at the hone of Mrs.
John. Cartwright or Thursday, after-
lioon next. Dr, .Allison of Blyth
will address the meeting and a large
attendance is requested.
Hallett Township
Mr. John 1-!. Quigley who has pur-
chased Mrs. Thos. Clarnert's farin on
the 6111 con,, returned to Detroit Iasi
News -Record Means Ncws-Learl1r.
• Constance
(;,uarterlyl meeting will he held hero
on Sunday, afternoon next.
Anniversary services will be cum
ducted here on Nov, fitly. The prcaflt-
er of the day will be a.hrother-in-law
of .Rev. ,Mr. Kaine; who comes front
the west. Afternoon'and "evening ; n -
Vices will be held.
Mrs. Ben Riley, So., was called
Seaforth on Friday owing to thy.
death of her father, Mr. John Wright.
The funeral took place on Sunday al -
IIIc. Frank. Hall is improving likely
after an attack of appendicitis.
- The C.O.F. held an at -]roux r•r.
(Thursday evening for the ;nrenllrers ami
their families when a very pleasant
'time! was spent.
News -Record Means News-T,ealer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bloor and child
were guests at the home of the lady's
mother, Mrs. Francis Mason, for a
few days last week, coming over iron:
Mount Forest by motor.
News -Record Means News -Leader.
Mrs. Wm. Campbell of Toronto ,vis-
ited at the house of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, James Bentley, for a few
daps last week.
Rubbers for
Everybody 1
Every man, woman and child should
have a pair of good rubbers at this season
of the year. Wet feet always travel the
road that leads to the hospital, and it is
usually a short trip,
We've the best Rubbers made, we. sell no
other sort, for poor Rubber's are worse
than no rubbers at all.
There are storm Rubbers, low cut Rub-
bers, toe rubbers, etc, We've the Rub-
bers modelled to fit all the new styles of
fall shoes.
We fit the shoes with the sort of rubbers
that are just right.