HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-10-29, Page 6TIIE TPRRORS OF INDIGESTION Disappear When tile Blood is Made, Rich, Red and Pure miseadeen !idea that daseativee or drastic purgatives provide a fil04 OUto lbhe cure of mdigeetion is liarg'ely responsible for the 'Pre-' valenee of dyspe,psia and other stosnach disorders. Iodigeetion calls for More thain a makeshift. your stomach ineeds bone; ib can- not a,Issorb nortrialsment from the food you eat. To give new strength to your „stomach so that it Ifilay per- form -the work of digestion without pain or distress, you mast enrich the• !plead. 'Ilia is the tonic method for etrengthening Nevelt stonuteles, In eases of this kind Dr. .Williame' Pink Pills for Pale People are the beet medicine known. Every dose makes new, rich blood, which not only eerengthens the storriach but buildup every peat of the body as well, Here es an illustration of what this medicine ca,n do : Mrs. I. N. Brown, Dowville, N.B., says: "For three yearn I wins a suffeee•r from Climatic indigestion. I was hungry all the time yet could take very little food, and what I did 'take vas followed by great distrees and nausea, My eleep at nigh,t was broken, avad I often had profuse nightesweats. The suffooattin'g feel- ing Which often followed eating would ciaiuse my beset to palpitate violently. At times my hands and face would become the color of clay and I would be completely pros- trated. I was ander !the care of a good elector, who finally told me the trouble Was incurable and that the moat I could hope for was tem- poraky relief. I was en these straits wheat a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I did so, and used the pills .steadily for two months. when I was again as well • woman; and have since had no .re- turn of the trouble" • You; can gab these pills through any dealer in unedicine or by nail ab 50 eents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from Tlie Dr, Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville Ont. BIRTH oF RE» CROSS. A Product of the Geneva Confer- . acme and Geneva Convention. The Red Cross, of which we hear much to-day'owes its real °Agin to the great and terrible campaign of 1859, when Napoleon made it his boast that he would free Hely "from the Alps to the Adriatic." At the great battle of MesgeMa over ten thousand Austrians and some five thousand French soldiers were left dead and dying en the fields. A 'Swiss gentleman, named M. Henri Dunant, made a pilgrimage to that battlefield,. and was an in - 'voluntary eye -witness of the awful • carnage of the battle of Sollerino, a bottle which lasted some sixteen hours, ,and left some thirty thous- and dead and wounded. Henri Dunant realized that the medical service of what., was probably the greatest army in the world WaS absolutely inadequate to cope with the casualties, and he was at once compelled to take ,some action -to rectify the matter. The result was that he wrote a small book for private circulation, . entitled, "Un Souvenir de Soifer- ino," and this, together with his private appeal, resulted in Napole- on III. conamanding Dunanb to his presence, where, with the great Marshal McMahon, they seriously talked matters over. The reeult of this was a confer- ence of the ,large powers, called to- gether by the Swiss Federail°Gov- ernment, at Nvillich Henri Dunant placed his proposals. Out of this Geneva, conference of 1804, result- ed the ,Geneva, eonvention, under which all'nteclical supplies and per- sonnel in war time are protected. Strange Growth. "Pa, what's a feebly?" "There isn't any such thing, Har- old." • "Yes, there is. It says in this book that the young man had a feebly gr owing clown on h cheek." The neat" of Corn —the sweet centers of choice Indian corn; cooked, seasoned just right, rolled thin as paper and toasted until they become golden brown flakes—crisp and delicious! That's why Post • Toasties are better than ordinary "corn flakes." Toasties are packed in an inner container inside the tight -sealed, yellow carton—keeps the food fresh and crisp for your appetite e— up rior Corn Flakes .—solt by Grocers. Canadian Postum Cereal Co„. Ltd.. Windsor, Ont. A, TorrviuG Terrible Conditions Vflach Prevail Throughout. Aeteffria. The Vienna coerespoindent of the London Daily IVLail describes the terrible conditions which prev•aril theoteghout Austria, and mote per- tictilarly in Vanilla. He nays :- "Panic rules to -day in Auseria, The 'great, unysieldy, bankrupt) esti- pire, dragged relootantly litre it tame dog et the heels of Germany into a world 'war, is in a sate of desperate muddle and fear. Ilee armies, baillehearbed• at •the first, nowepee* mutinous, are beaten back at every point, by Ruesitins to the north and easib, by Serbs and Montenegnin mountaineers to the eouldi7 "The army 15 beaten as well •ais discontented! And the Russian avalanche drives on through Galli - eat towards Vienna. And th,e Serbs, reinforced by Russians ee•nt to there up the Danube, are recedsr in Itheie tu•rn to invade. Bosnia le in epee” revolt. Trieste is paralyzed web fear of Meath from the sea. The Treatable awaits the Italians, and the pitiful [Reale beenbardraent of Belgrade continues, Symbol of Austrian ineiffe•ctiversees 1' "Austria is. bankrupt, ilie•o. En- cumbered by 'debts the Gover,nreent hass no erediee•asaywh•ere Trade is ait s standstill. The banks dole out driblets,. despite harried minting and Is•sueng of paper. Hundreds of thousa,nels of baseness sreen.are ruin- ed by the war they hate. Vienna, whose food problem, fo always seri- cue, is menaced with famine. There in only Tough army bread, and not math of, that. 1Vieaneehitle, for the misery of the •poor icead unemployed priees are •seedily rising. "In• utterfear the Government has begun te fortify Vienna. Ar- rangements have been made to in- undate large tracte of low-lying land around the city. On the trenches -numbers of unemployed have been given work. Bat not all the unemployed -but a fraction of them I "Austria, realizes ithart she has been duped, now •she sees that her; bully is not the supreme force he posed to be. Aghasb, ethe sees the arms and the opinion of the world aeldayed against her. But it is too late. Austria, the oldest and stateliest empire of our world, is plunging to• shipwreek like some hugs .storateciaught hulk, -without mast., rudderless.' BOY TELLS • SECRET. Poignant Incident In a Preneh Hos- pital Ward. A poignant tale comes from one of the Frencit hospital wards, A mother called to see her -wounclecl son and found hine in bed with Itis head bandaged. ' ' "You suffer roue's, my son," she inquired trern•ulouely, No, mother," replied' the sol- •dier. "Not meta." "The day is fine," she said, "will you come for a walk in the garden 7" . "To -morrow, he re,plied. The next day the mother came again. Again she begged her eon to come for a walk, and be frankly told her to bend over so that he could tell her a secret. "My two legs and my left arm have bean shob away, another," said the el - cher, and the mother collapsed. es--- • BABY CRIED CONSTANTLY mo•ther, perhaps," Mrs. Simon Ailment, Mashke, Ont., eaos : "My baby was 1111 and cried continually till I began giving her Baby's Own Tablets. They worked a marvellous change in her and she booms happy, gained in weight and ell signs of sickness left her. The tablets are the very beet medicine I know of for little ones." Baby's Own Tablets cure all the minor ills of little ones such as colie, colds, constipation and indui- geation, etc. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from 'Dhe Di Wi1lisanss' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. • THOUGHTS FOR THE DAT. All we have in the world hangs on this war -Empire, country, honor, our place in history, and in the nations of the world; yet so placed as we are we can neither flinch nor come to any patched -up truce. -Lord Rosebery. There has never arisen an enier- gency so trying to our best qualis ties, so inspiring to our highesb hopes and ideals, so gigantic and portentous in the magnitude, the duration, the scope, and the issues which, hang upon it. -Me. A.•squith. The German people never timele a graver error -when they believed that the honor of Great Britain was a thing of the past, and that her friendship was a thing of no 'value, upon which no one could depend. - Lead Ronaldsimy, M.P. Againet a system so devilish 8,nd destructive of true freedom Ger- many would ,yet, ifree herself, and •be reaceepted by other nations as escaping from the toneequences of the policy which had ibeen •forced upon iher.-Rev. Canon Carne,gie, The New Testamenb is nowhere more impressive than where it in- sists on the fact of man's independ- ence. Is ills view the first step in religion is for man to feel his help- lessnees. Ohrietac first beatitude is to the poor in spirit, --Henry Drum- mond. Memories of the Past. The jolly old uncle was relating some of the incidents of his earlier life to his nephew. "01 ellthe wo- men you ever met, unele,' seid the young masabY V lelph were " you most -struck'?" "By yotir aunt, my boy, by your aunt," replied the old gentleman, dropping his yoke and feeling the hack of his head tenderly. A. British Red Cross NIIrse., • The regulation dress of the Bra tiet Red Gross nurse is mule of dark little zephyr, the apron of thick wi ite linen, with a red cross .sititeh- ed on to the bib, which is paesed under straps on the shoulders •a•nel fastened at tale back of the evaiat• A White ea.es and over -sleeves to the elbow and a plain stiff white collar complete the coseunne. I Nova Seotta Case of Interest to All Women Chest Colds, and lioarsness Quickly [tubbed Away 'NerviliheP Give's Speedy -Relief and Cures. over Night. cot a cold? • IS your voice raspy -is your chest congested or s ore ? If po, you are the very person that NerViline will elite in a jiffy. • Nerviline is strong and penetrating, Et sinks right into the tissues, takes out inflammation and soreness, de- stroys colds' In a truly 'wonderful Way. ItUb Nerviline over the Chest -rub on lotaof it, and watch that tightness die - appear: Nerviline won't blister, it sinks in too fast-doestet gantry stay an the skface like a thick, oily lini- ment wouldy If the throat is raspy and sore, nib it wall outside wah aIerviline, and use Nerviline as a gar. gie diluted With warm water. Just oneor leo treatments likeethis arm your voice and throat will be quickly normal stoat• , . • Jut think of it -for forty years the largest deedfamily niedicine ib thin country-Nerviline must be good, must quickly relieve and cure a hun- deed ills that befall every family, Try it far earache, toothaohe, coughs, colds sore chest hoarsnees and mns- clear pains in every part 'of the body. Large family Size, bottle 50e.; trial size 85c,, at all dealers. Halifax Sends out a Message of Help . to Many People. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15. --When inter- viewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Ha.verstock was quite willing to talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case."I was alwaYS 'blue' and de- preesed, felt weak, languid and utterly unfit for any work. My stomach was so disordered that I had no appetite, What I did eat disagreed. I suffered greatly from dizziness and sick head- ache and feared a nervous breakdown. 'Upon my druggist's recommendation I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills. "I felt better at once Every day 1 improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured completely after differ- ent physicians had failed to help me. It is for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- tive troubles to use Dr. Etunilton's Pills." Dr, Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. By 'cleansing the blood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high polnt of vigor, they effectually chase away weariness, depression and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Applicable to the Kaiser. The 55th Psalm has two verses peculiarly applicable to the Kaiser at the present time. The verses are as follows :-"He haat pub forth his hands •against sech as be at peace with him ; he haeh broken his covenant." "The words of his mouth are smoother than bolter, but war is in his hearb; his words were eofter ehan oil, yet were they drawn swords," Mem is always danger in sub- mairinesithough the men 'who foam theii crews would be the last, to admit it. A eruieer may inane dash - sing tip at 'full speed eight over the Place where the under -water beat is lying, and 'the first intienation the men in tbhe depths would duive of the feet would be !ehe !bearing of ths. plates over their heads as the big ship's keel bit into the steel, and the oompartiments ftlling with wa- ter se the submarine wept to the • bottom •with a rusk, giving netaace of the disaster but a few bubbles Then ,alt any moment an explosion' of gas may occur, and the crew b maimed andeinjured; or the sub- marine may rise •below another ship and have her hull cruehed like an eggshell; -while, finally, during a c live for an abbe*, she may lose every ounee of her reserve buoy- anee-as did A7 in Whit:sand Bay - and remain feet at !bottom beyond the reach of 'human aid. Many Were Horrified. A Britisher who has just return- ed from Brussels has been inter- viewed. He Speaks Belgian, Flem- ish, anti German fluently, and has thus 'been able to get about freely, and also mix with the German sol- diers. Many of thein, he •said, are very much against the war, "Many of us," said one, "detest the war. All we want is to gob back to our wives and children." Another Ger- man soldier took him on one side in a cafe and showed him his cart- ridge pouches, "See," he said, "I have not fteed a ehot. I have not the heart todo so. It, is the read Kaiser who has brought this upon us." Many of the German soldiers were horrified at, the Louvain. atro- cities. "Ala, sir," said a reservist, was awful, ibut .do not ibtaane us. It is the officers and the N.C.O.'s who wish thab sort of work to be A Frightful Fire oaueees 'widespread sorrow-likowiee a lively corn causes much pain -the cure "Putriam'e," • the old reliable Put. nain'e Corn Extractor, that never fella and always cures, tryit, 25c. at oIl &micro. Non -Committal. The teacher had worked that morning explaining the injustices' 'done by Nero, and believed he had anade an impression on the boye. Then he asked questions-2'11ov, boys, what do you think of Nero ? Do you think he was a good maul" No one answered. Then the teath- er singled out a boy. "Charlie, what do you 'think? Do you think he'was all right I" "Well," re- turned the boy, after a long wait, "he never done nubbin' to stie," 'HELP KEEP THE P07' ABOILING." Mr. T. IL Gaines, the People's Poet, 16 destined to eet Canada, on fire with hts war poems! Kis laet effort "Delp Keee the Pot Abetting" (dealing with the Masi. nese eituation) will soon be heard in every village, town and city of Our land. Every home, etore and faetory will become fem. Mar with thie superb 's poem. It goes out as the businese* manwar song. le, Mame it oopY postpaid. in postcard form, 6 for Mo. Be in lino, buy a postcard for yourself and friends. THE WAR PUFILISHING COMPANY, 589 St. Catherine St., W., Montreal, Que. To believe that a task is •impos: sible is to make it so. Illnercrs Liniment Cures Dandruff. Location Stated. Illsie-Mternma, I don' b feel well. Mother -That's too bad, dear. Where do you (feel worst 7 Elsie -In school, nutenma. • New Forentan--"Wh•at are ye do - there,' Rafferty 7" ItafferfY- 'I'm oilin' the evheelharrow," New Foreman --"Well, lave it alo.ne.111 do • it eneself. What., do you. krio•w about machinery 7" ED, 4 ISSUE 44.-'14. Willie in Trouble. Little Willie had 'been very naughty -so much no, in fact, that Giber having reproved him several times his mother was st last forced to punish him severely. 'When his Lather arrivecl home in the even- ing he at once perceived !that Wil- lie's eyes were su•spiciously red. "What's the matter, teeny?" he cried. "Oh, !nothing," responded Willie uneasily. "C•osne'don't be frightened," said the father in coaxing bones, "tell me all about ib; I 'want to knoW." Willie re- mained silenb for some time, then he suddenly burst out, "WeR, if you must know, I've hael a, thun- dering roW with your wife." ImPon3i,vr1oN FOR INVENTORS Messes. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davis, Patent Solicitors, Montreal, report that 117 Canadian patents ware Issued for the week ending October eth, 1914, 78 cf which were granted to Americans, 24 to Ca.nadivins, 10 to reside•nts of foreign coanbriee and 5 to residents of Geetut Britain and colonies. Of the Canadians who received patents, 12 were residents of On- tario, 4 Of Briti9,11 Colunab' la 3 of Nova Scotia, 2 of Quebec, 2 of Sas- katchewan, tend 1 of Manitoba, - BAY'S FACE Spread char ReadandiNeck. Caoiod .Disffgureinent, Burning 'and Itch- , ing. C.ould Not OotAny cu- . figura Soap and Ointment Healed. , ' -1 Ilibernia Ave, West Toronto, Ont. - First we noticed a rash on our child's face, • whieh soon began to spread all over his head and then around his \ neck. I thought it was . going all over his body. It ;a. was in red patches on his tit fam, then pimples began to • "'" form which brbke and inat- t,er was running from them. Ilis •face and head was a mass of eruption and it domed a very Intel disfigurement, also burn- ing and itching. Thcrehild could not gob alit sleep. • 1 triad civeral kinds of oint- ments and powders bat with no success for about twe monthS, The rash amen 10 got Worse. Little blisters would form then burst and a lot of cUschargo would come out. "We tried — Ointment and — but to no geed effect. After the child ha4 been suffering about two months we were recommended to try tho Cilticura Soap and Ointment. After a feW applications ft gavo relief and the child began 50 51 some sleep. In about sin weeks CutiCura . Soap and-. • Ointment completely healed - the troulelo and not a scar is left." (Signed) Mrs. Wra. Tucker. Feb. lft. 1014. Samples Free by Mail A single cake of Otalcura Soap and box of (Mamma Obitment are often sufficient when all else.has failed. Sold throughout the world. Sample of .each plaited free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post -card V..Chitimint, Dept. D, Boston, tr. s. d.", Explained It. Theee had been an explosion in a powder mill, ,and the proprietor, who was .sevay on a pleasure trip, hurried ;home to make an investi- gation. "How in the world did it happen?" he asked the foreman of the mill as he viewed . the wreek. Who was to blame?" 'Well, you see, sir," replied the foreman, `it was in this way. Bill •wenainto the Mixing -room, probably thinking of something else,; and struck a,snateli in Mistake! Es was-" • "Struck a tnateh!" exclaimed the proprie- tor in amazemenb. "I should have thought that would be the Ina thing on earelahe'd dot" "It was, sir,' was theecalra rejoinder of the 'foreman. A Well-known .Man. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs. -T can recommend your MINARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Sprains, as 8 have used it for both with excellent results•, . Yours truly, T. EL LAVERS, St. John. An old bachelor sa,ys that a mar- riege dowry is a 'lump oE sugar in- tended to nullify the bitterness of the dose. YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WILL TELL YOU Try Marine Eye Remedy f orRed, _Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. No Smarting-- just Eye Comfort, Weise for'Book of the Eye by mailFree. Murtha EyeRemedy Cu., Chicago, Many a man has taken a hand in polities and then •put his foot in it. Mlnard's Liniment for sale everywhere. "Opportunity really knocics at many a door. . "Then why don't more of us succeed better'?" "The tiouble is that oppoetenity wants us to go to work." Bad lood--- is the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels arid clogged -up kidneys and skin. The undigested foild and other waste ma a ter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood and the whole system. Dr. Morse's I nd ian Root Pills • act directly on the bowels, regulating them -on the kidneys, giving them ease and strength to properly filter the blood -and on the skin, opening up the pores. For pure blood and good health take Dr. Morse's " Indian Roc,0 PUIs ATENTS OF INVENTIONS PIGEON, PIGEON & DAVIS 700 St. James Si., - men t real Write far inimmation "DoublingPatriotic A Truly Canadian the Watch,"pictur#. Made In Canada. This 11 x 14 reproduction is rich in eolor and should be in every home. Send Me, for eample copy. Post paid to any address. ' Agents Wanted. MALONE MOULDING & FRAMING CO., MONTREAL. ;Silas -What's your son stuclyieg at college 7 • • Hirain-Pluermaa3y. •SilaseaSome new-fangled farming, e'h 7 Minaret's Liniment Cures Burns. sta. A Useful. Photograph. Miss Wyse -And I may really I keep this pho.togea,ph of you, letr, Simpkins'? Birapkins (flattered) - Delighted, I'm sure! Miss Wyse (later to leer maid) -- Maria, take thisphotograph and whenever the original of it calls, tell him I'm not in. 'that lExospei4ating CUM. Child Visitor -ales, Jones, please can I go up-etaire ip your roma anal look in your closet? ,Ilostese-Why, Willie, what ,do you. 'want in my c1orset7 Ohild 1134dt-dr-I ,wapi; to oee the s'keleton p,s Hayti yotk've got ;there, Minard's Liniment Relieve* Neuralgia C(.3PELAND'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION David Warnock, 202 Withrow Avo., Toronto, writes that he owes 110 life to the above remedy; . "Now that I am avelq and strong again, I write to state that the fact I am olive to -day witneesee to the merit of your medicine. The dos - tore gave me only 8 to 10 days to live: . . . 8 wish every ono could know the worth of your medicine, esPeoially those afflicted with eon- , sumptionas I was, for I uncloubti ectly etwe'd my life to its use. DM.' A. doeter end a speoirdiet attended David Warnock and gave bird no hope That Was in March, 1911, Pour months afterwarde„he was a Wellman and bad gained 66 lbe. If you suffer, or know Of one send us Your address, and we. wile send a copy of Warnook's testimonY 10 full ,and alio many othere; some of which (lave been cured of chronic bronchitis of over 30 yeare' stand - At your drUgglat or direct from us at 51.00, per bottle, COPELAND MEDICINE COMPANY, LIMITED. 511 PAPE AVE., - TORONTO. ...••=0.101.44 WOMAN TELLS OF SPIES. Naturalized Belgian Subject§ 'tent Co ,GerocallY to Eight. The Brussels Ctirra$ponclent of the London Tele.graph publishes au interview •with an Englieheenean there who thus tells of the entry of the Germans "I am ,not likely to forget that endleee etream through Britesels. For eliree weeks, it Seerned to me, they never ceased the steady march. What., is triumph orgianiz- ation! It was a perfect, niadhine moving ;with aleno.et mathematical regularity. The men looked well and unrolled briskly. The hOPSeh Were spaearlid animals in perfect condition. -The artillery was end- less. The commissariat ,mnst have sufficed for an army twice as large, The green -grey line was endlese- Metee eaes with officals, motel cars with guns, motor ears with kitchens; motor ears eif .every size, of eveey shape, loaded with every eroneeivable Iform of stores, 'Now' it 'Was that bete spies came into their own,. 'They had lived ;for years in Brueciels. Very many of them were naturalized Belgian Sub- jects, but on the outhretek of war they ;returned • to 'their country, joinedetheir xegiments, and now led the officerand others to ;numerous louses and places about whith they hod the ,,very fullest information. Many had the 'audacity to lead the soldiers -to the heanes of those who a few weeks earlier had been tbeir very employees, where they helped themselves to ithe best that t,he houses contained.'' You will find' relief in Zam-Buk It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding -and brings ease. -Perseverance, with Zam. Buk, means cure; Why not prove this 7 eta Druogigsaz stores. - Delicately flavoured- HigIoly concen- !rated. °UPS • WHY WORRY I Choose your variety and ask your grocer for 'Clark's'. rerism -ion SALE. tv. DAWSON, Ninety Celborne Street. Toronto. _ Ie you WANT TO BUY' tilt SELL A FrulL Stock. Crain or Dairy Parra. Write 71. W. DaWson, Bran:intim. Sr 74 Col borne , Toren to. St. W. DAWSON, °anionic St,. Toronto. ',ors SALE. EB EIGISTERED HAMPSHIRE SWINE Al) Prize •winners. • All ogee. Both eeXes• Fisher Bros., Benmiller, Ont. A NEWSPAPERS FOR' SALE. C71005 WEEKLY Ili LIVE TOWN05 York County. Stationery and Book Business in connection. Price only 94,000. Terme liberal, Wilson Publishing Corn. Pany, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. • 'AGENTS WAN'rED. & GENTS, UPTOMINTITE WA'S BOOK end Combination Christmae Gine are sane MONEY-1IA10ERS. Ilandsome kiiiimples Free: Best Tome, ORDER NOW; Postag8 twenty -flys acute. Niohols Cons - gamy Limited, Publiehers, Toronto MISCELLANEOUS. CANCER, TUAIOBS, LUMPS. ETC., interned and external, cured 'with. out pain by our home treatment. Write ' us before too late Dr. Denman Medical Co, Litnited. Collingwoocl, Ont. rFlBOILERS New and , Second-hand, for heating and power purposes. Water urnee. TANKS AND SMOKE ' STACKS. POLS oN IRON WORKS En.,...ii...,::....T.0100,N..1: Wh t Shall I Read Night A few hours a year, a few years in. a lifetime are allany of us has to read. Why. waste that little time on useless, fast dying books? There are a few really great books in the world—Biograph- ies, Histories, Essays, Dramas, Works of Travel, Fiction, „Science,. Religion, Philosophy, and Poetry—that truly pic- ture the progress of civilization. What are these few worth -while books?. • We want to send you the answer to that question in a free "Guide Booklet to Books." It is of wonderful value, It tap the story of TI -IE FAMOUS FIVE:LFOOT . SI-IELF OF BOOKS 418 Masterpieces for the Price of 40 As -a matter or efficiency, ask for this booklet. Find out for yournelf why one hundred thousand successful men have found in the Five -Foot • Shelf just the daily mental stimulus that they need. Why one h hundred thousand men, many of whom never went to College, now have a wide appreciatiou of literature, science, art -why they can think clearly, tan; well -in short, why they are among the • successful men of to•day, ' . , Your free copy is ready and waiting. Merely ask ,for it. "It was worth $100.00 to me," writes one busy man. Yet it is free. For Your own sake and for the sake of your children, clip the coupon NOW. P. F. Collier and Son, '416 W. 13111 St., N.Y. City: Mail me without obligation on my part, your free "Guide Booklet to Books" containing the story of the Five -Foot Shelf. Naine Business Address Province If you have children and are interested .11iT in what they read, put a X in this square. The Comfort • Baby's Morning Dip g4 rtOODNESS N -A KNOWS,' says the Comfort Baby's Grand - m o the r, "what we'd do without this Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. "If I'd only had one when you were a baby, you'd have been saved many a cold and croupy spell." For warming cold corners and isolated upstairs rooms, and for countless special occasions when extra heat is wanted, you need the Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater. • PE RF TION II,BATER$ The Perfection is light, portable, inexpensive to buy and to use, easy to clean and to ie- wielc. No kindling; no ashes. Smokeless and odorless.. At all hardware and general stores. book for the Triangle trademark. Mate in Canada ROYALITE "OIL is best for all wets THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., Limited Toronto Quebec Halifax Montreal St. John Winnipeg Vancouver esee