HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-10-29, Page 4Clinton News—Record
October 29th, 1914
40444444444444e 4+ 4 44444444444440444X446)4 4.4444+ 4+ .16444444.44 4444440404444464 4104�44444a 464444
ns i
E last hours of this - great sale will3. toto
long be remembered. Early
, morning j
trading is advisable to facilitate the sery-('is
in ° of the vast crowds. Success IS OURS,
we are about reaching the mark,to to
Reinember Thursday, Friday•
.:.: •„'.';:.',. ,' ,` v: x,, ', ` ,:^r ..r: .<•��` t,:�� 4 u'<5`r,�;-;w,a�� t ' r,. r, f .,'�
Then Satiirday.
�. stirWhat.3 W;hat a Triumph, You Cannot Down. the Truth. t
84**1411•04.001**** isoctii tretteltctEtvoktiNeriPlieti i ti"ttiPluIP,Itb"114994********************�1•r
Consult your best interests while a few lines are broken.
Many are still complete.
All $1,00, 1,25 and 1.-
50 shirts to be cleared
at 98c.
Ties reg 25 and 35e for
• 19c.
Good strong wort.
shirts 43c.
Short overcoats reg, $5
for $2.95.
Wool gloves and hits
ltet'. :)UC for 9c.
Underwear 43c a gar-
Sweaters now 73c,
Felt Hats 10c up.
Linen and Rubber Col-
- Tars 5c each.
Socks 9c a pr.
L'nderweal 19e & 29c
Stool tuffs 22c
Top shirts 38c
Sweaters 39c
Gloves (wool) 18c
Hats 39c
Caps 1.9c
Stockings, per pr 41c
'This great event has converted an emergency
into a phenomenal business triumph for us. It,
has been a remarkable success from the very
start and means
Complete Reorganization
of Our Business.
"Buy for cash and Sell for Cash this till en-
able your dollar toattain its aceatest purchasing
power. �� e wish to thank the general pnblie who
have so generously responded and trust our nett
pulley will meet with your approval-
. We have a large
range of dress goods,
all new patterns, i n
place on sale at 39c a
House Fur-
m nishings.
Flannelette blankets
` $1.29 a pair.
Lace curtains from 19c
Toilet sets all reduced,
'97 -piece dinner set reg
$12,50 for $9.49.
Corsets for 19c, reg50c
and 75c.
Corsets for 39c, reg $1
Stockings 22c
Vests 11c
Skirts $3.49
Underskirts 98c
White " $1.19
4 Do Not Miss
4 the Last Hours.
F. A. EDWIb2D$, Bayfioid.
Goderieh Township
The farmers of this community
contributed handsomely of thrid ap-
ples, oats and potatoes. on Friday
and. Saturday for the benefit of our
boys at the bat ale -front.
The old honk method of cutting
Coln 18 out of 1hquestion11r
when .
Bert Lindsay comes around,
L.O.L. No, 189 ultchd giving a Fowl
supper on Thursday evening next in
I their: Lodge room, the proceeds to be
devoted to 1 ho 1'atriot1c Fund. .1
good program i.; being arranged.
11r, Lewis .11dsworth of the Lake.
Shore Road finished the cutting of
sorghum in the township of Stanley
for the farmers therir, al which he
11118 1)041 busy) for the past two weeks
during which he did not cut a stalk
of corn, Ile has certainly, seen an ex -
cell mit crop this year, especially that
of bar, James Reid of the Font Road,
w ie • las the faemers all beat ns Six
acres and a. half taking twenty -live
pounds of twine, 051 legit to the
• pound, T.et the farmers aryl to do like-
wise in the future,.
The "Bean King" Says, Don't
be in a Hurry to Sell
\Vlnnipcgl Oct. 22nd,
Dear i.<ir, Mitchell,—As I have just
returned from a trip to Vancouver, on
business srnrss I3caus 1(16c e al
T thought
it alight interest you some to olds
line the trade situation as 1, found
1. left here on Sept. 1511i, and made
my first stop ut Regina, Sask,, where
1 found the cr0g:S north of Regina in
very good shake, in fact 1 met 0110
fnrnu`r who had Threshed his wheat,
which turned out 38 bus, to the acre.
Some further snail lots turned out
even better than that, but to the
south of Regina the eters are poor,
8onw farmers getting nothing at all,
were in fair
s! ape, but buy cls vcry7 conset•vatn0,•
and only buying l in small quantities'.
My next stop was Calgary, where
found conditions not as bright as at
Regina, as the. oil boast throe had
petered out, and business was virtu-
ally at a standstill, in fact I co011101
eight moving' picture houses that were
closed, and hotels complaining of
poor business, The crops around this
district were eery
the sane
conditions existing as around Regina,
cis, the best crops at .the mirth clad
and very poet crops at the south enol.
Business herd was only fair, bud; most
0f the wholesale houses v rc lightly
stocked, and only buying actual Wants
ie plain. k f00CS such asbeans,-cereals,
elicit]) yams, flour, etc.
Mrs. s. 1oh1 Rau, d' 1 ,' t -
1. ltd a Sti
SrI c 1
da last i
V at the ago of eighty—four at
was ,au oldresident of Stanley, She
her residence in town. The dceeesetl
leaves 0 large family of grown-up I
sons and daughters,
Me. J •T, Alerner, it1.1>, has moved
Into his new 'residence at the north
end. Me W. 11, Bonder has also ,mov-
ed into his fine new home. NIr, G.
\\itwer also moved into town in the
dwelling vacated by 1Vir. 13ender, Ilte
G. S, IIoward moved into the-resi-
t enc. vacated Mr. G. rk •
1 c e 1 b} Sparks.
Mr. Morris Webrishof c m`lrotn the.
o Weber
west and is visiting with his par.
ct is Mr. and Mrs C. w. r,
i 1 ( enc
The young people of St. Ic
church have otgaui•recd a Lutlle111
gue with the folI v1nbofficers Ia•
rcint Andrew less Vice, e 1
Treasurer., 13 Kal.bfleisit Secre-
tary, L Prang, : Rec.-Secretary, Miss
Cela Haas:
Messrs F. W. Iless, -wm;' O'Brien,
101. Asti; and ,Harry Weber. .1:e 01009
Mg 'at the Riau.,', according to their
usual autumn. liract400,
Word was received by :Principal' Cts
S, Howard that Pearl,McBride, who
wrote on 'the Departmental e: aMs.
last June and was reported unsuccesse
Cul, hath passed. This. Makes an 0)t-
cellent'showing for our, school, Four
entrance out of tour were successful
and five gut of -six on Model Entrance
exam,; • ,
lien. Mr. Miller will take prepara-
tory service at Blake on Saturday
next, As many as can 81)0(1ld no pre-
senia to hear. him.
Owing to an aceldoitt while pulling
apples on Saturday. )lar,; Howard is
nursing a sprained ankle and his
room had a fete holidays,
ifr; Marshall. Zeller, who has-been
a member of the Mtt. Forest branch •
of the Royal Bank for some time, has
Mien , tranllerrod to , the 'Sarnia
I then went straight to the Coast,
Vancouver, where 1 found fair busi-
ness and a grand crop of fruit, in fact
Vancouver h • s
has the. largest crop in this
line ever known. To illustrate this,
large delicious lcious lit.c.•
)tuts in 5 lb, boxes
for 15cn
a [1 the fin •
es t pears and
peaches anyone
c could desire u at
15c per dose 1 e o and, everything else
in the fruit t True a,acnulmglyr. The
trees through 13,0. averC just
clown with apples certainly grand to
look at but, tasteless. 1.`heru are 310 ap-
ples in title worIcl tha,1 Dan canteen)
with the Ontario apples, and people
right here. 1(1 Winnipeg now appreciate
this.: feet, as tamp never had .the
char'ce before to btiy 'apples so cheap,
$1.00 a box of 50 lbs. or 53.00 pee
barrel for the finest quality .put in
yoir house by the retail grocer.
While at Vanu,ouver I visited the
Salmon inclusbry- at ,Stevenson,where
most of the salmon is packed, and the
grade this year .is. 00'rtainly ,Ones, and
prices rulhtg firmer 'every day ,on.' tato
heist grades, as this :is also isolux-,
ury. •
While .a11 Vancouver 1 visited the
Inspector, from Ottawa,, who had been
travelling through Canada to feed out
the production, also trying to regu-
late prices, and certainly.mygreat
fort was beans, as'I represent the On
tario. Bean healers, Association, here;•
in the Northwest, from, Fort William
to Vancouver. T' found at Vancouver'
they had imported a tot of Jap beans
during -'the' past season, which ,were
hardas rocks: and, `took a week, to
Only a Few
More Hours.
soaic up, and 111eri they were still
hard. They were nothing to compare
with Ontario beaus, a they t yet tl c were re-
tailing this class of goods 3 1hs
for 25c; which you can see is over Sc
per lb. or $ 1.00 per has. Waren I ex-
plained this smatter to the Inspector,
he quickly saw that it 1Vt15 the retail
er who was getting the large gold;
froul11i `
t t, consumer, and the faruter, ar
producer was only getting a normal
price. In order to illustrate this fact
to the gentleman, I stated that beans
bad only 10170111011 a cd considerably, on
the close of aha old crop, owing to
the scarcity and heavy demand when
the war broke out. Previous to that,
beaks were only al it normal price of
52.75 per bus, cielicertd out here, and
when 1: showed lune figures to 00rivince
Idol of this fact, he readily saw
through it. Ile figured that if beans
cotiLd be laid down bore to the re-
tailer at even 5c per, ib. it was the
cheapest article of food produced, and
1 lb of f h e' ass would go farther than
ant thing else lie could mention. 1'ile
gentleman was wc11 pleased with tide
iuf(rmation T had given hint, and
said ho would tante the matter up at.
on his return.
I then started back on my return
trip via the Crow's Nest, through the
Arrow and Kootenay Lakes, which
was certainly the grandest scenery
anyone could desire and everybody.
looked robust and healthy in
this grand climate. •'1 found on
my arrival at Nelson, which was
my first stop, thatat here againfruit
was abundant, in 13101 all the canning
factories had
alt thep
could handle.
They were certainly
up ele-
gant ga11t 1arils and canned fruits of all
s, for lcincif
-with the it arco ii n 'n
g on,
and the production of 301111, etc: from
the Old Country being reduced, the
cry throughout the west now is "Buy
goods puts u) and )r
1 c produced in Cana-
i I t
da which is certainly in line.ne.
On my return through this part cif
R.C. found C . o uuf t cr `thus virtually
r t at
a standstill, outside of the fruit line,
As you r 11 t 1
A are o clo )t aware, through
n I
} S
this part oft the c oluttr y , their prin-
cipal occupation is the lumber indus-
try,. 'and to iltstrato how flat that
is, l passed through fully thirty-five
limber yards eleng .the line of the
ralltpad .fr001, 1too1;enay I aiiding to
feethhrldge,e and only saw . three 511115'
'olid .01 the thirtp -five nl csperailion,
that) rt -o idle suck up
and all tl ail w I stocked �
with leather.
I then struck Lethbridge' and Medi-
cine Hat.These towns are suffering
more than''any, other points, as they
simply have no crop. at all, especial-
ly t Medicine Hat, and business of all
kinds is et a standstill, I alien jwnpe
ed to 11.1thrionton, where I found that
While the .north end' of Saskatchewan
diad a fair' crop, the southern part of
'Alberta and Saskatchewan were all
complaining of the short :crop. Yet,
when you stop to consider the high
price they, are. getting for "grain, it
will pay up constderablp for the 'short-
1. then, stopped at Saskatoon, and
front here en • to Winnipeg; found bust-
ness better. Winnipeg, Brandon, Por
tags La:Frerie, North Battleford and
all other points are doing" a -fair bus-
Mess, considering 11Io war, and have
no complaints t0 ,make about Crops,
fact from Saskatoon eon in to l
Irb, they are going more into mixed
fariuing every year, as they find it
pays better
Now as to the outlook for beans,
which h
may he of some interest to
farmers in 111171011 countyt
ti �
like to give some pointers, As you
will note on my previous remarks on
beans, they are the cheapest article
of food 011 the list to -clay and the
consumption of same here in tits west
alone will be at least double that of
Previous yeses, and this is accounted
for as follows„ From Sept. 1912 to
Sept. 1013, the receipt of Domestic
beans in New York city was approx-
imately 380,000 bags, and 320,004 01
Rtlropcian beans. Now, where is that
European gap to.bc filled up 1.
For the past ilir • • years there has
been as mally7' or 1l1 C Austrian beans
used in' the west t an Canadian beans
for that abet people out Here sinipl}r
became disgusted with Canadian
stock, arid turned to European beans
so this is our chanes, to get it back.
I have scan several samples of new
crop pea
beans, Canadian dian
st ct
,' return, on n y eat n, and must say that up
to the present ti e the best beans
camp from Huroii county,. With the
heavy demand now starting in here,
the farmers in Ilur011 county have no
reason to sell their ;beans c
heap, as
Irons li the
present outlook, the price
will advance aboio pres6111 basis, in
fact we know of beans being offered
now Neal the Ilonsall district, at
fully 10c to 150 less than 'they aro of-
fering from lee
t county' ,l
Consequently, it would not take long
to use all the beans du Huron county,
and then the Kent county, farmers,
knowing the .situation as it exists,
arc not anxious to sell, as 1tlleypkno v
it will be may a clatter of a few
months when -they will realise hotter
prices for their- beans, I siniply,give
out this information for the benefit
of the Huron County farmers,. se that
they will not be anxious to unload
too quick,
Now, lir, Mitchell, if you see 'fit,
you can publish what y00 think is
intemsting enough in pout: paper, as I
should 11113 the Iluron farmers to be
posted on the bean situation, as there
will be a great quantity used this
year, 11 may be in the course of a
month or so I will be east and np at
With kindest regards to }tour good
self, and -all friends inY our district.
Yotu:s very truly,
Oreaiii Wanted!
Farmers having cream tosell closing the Fall. and Winter months.
can get, best results by shippiug to
Gunn9 sre
C a e
n1 r
y, Walkerton
Highest Peices aidfor
Butler - Fat.
Two shipping cans supplied free.
Express )aid on all'shiprnents.
1 1
Each can carefully weighed ed and tested and statements neI
ts oP each ship,
uca5t erlenil rmntndthvlyitl1reL
mroeC ys
Write forcanY
rid full particulars a 1 titulars
guns s Creamery, Walkerton, i orae
olnres iIIe
15 on I53, Clinton.
We elm assist you in selecting,y0uefurniture if you are
going to •furnish your home, or if you only rant 801110 odd
pieces you will fiat it to your advantage to ie peet our
stock and seethe bargains we are giving. We also carry a
good line of violins, pianos and organs. •
Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re-
spect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over
28 Phone Oa". 28
'r0 Went'
Garments est
Ary Goods
and1'1O n.l.
New utnl it Suits.
Each bears the latest imprint of fashion, hand -
some materials, pretty styles aucl careful workmanship,
No matter what may be the p
you stylerefer, you will
be sure to tinct somewhere in this great collection just
the shit you want.
Every garment guaranteed correct.
d : `
� .
t Ii
- -•3' u
,..e sr
.� f.
,r 1
r. �
., .
i :_..
i ii.'f•'i1R•yy...
.I .
. ,.1
' It,
• y,
•� ,.
t ^�
, fl. a
T h e customer
has everything -Co
gain and nothing to
lose •b making the
choice erg ood las fl.,
v Select
n of . while
011e stocks k' , are
their best. Select 111
time to have fn1'5
earl for the first
day o f cold co w le'
y earl 1,
W r o•.
e a e
e air 'n
I one
y ,.
cf the largest aur
stocks in the county,
After one 0 1'
las C ill -
all. other furs
the best time to
see ours,
Every r Fu
guar= r=iIl
a teed correct.
A.utumn illillinery.
Our showing W of the latera
plete, ' many imported models as
creations adapted from our own'
hat shows :that "exclusive style and
made this store the store famed
modest ;
well as' the
, or
work ro0tns.
for millil erY
fall is com-
which has
Goderieh Township
The farmers of this community
contributed handsomely of thrid ap-
ples, oats and potatoes. on Friday
and. Saturday for the benefit of our
boys at the bat ale -front.
The old honk method of cutting
Coln 18 out of 1hquestion11r
when .
Bert Lindsay comes around,
L.O.L. No, 189 ultchd giving a Fowl
supper on Thursday evening next in
I their: Lodge room, the proceeds to be
devoted to 1 ho 1'atriot1c Fund. .1
good program i.; being arranged.
11r, Lewis .11dsworth of the Lake.
Shore Road finished the cutting of
sorghum in the township of Stanley
for the farmers therir, al which he
11118 1)041 busy) for the past two weeks
during which he did not cut a stalk
of corn, Ile has certainly, seen an ex -
cell mit crop this year, especially that
of bar, James Reid of the Font Road,
w ie • las the faemers all beat ns Six
acres and a. half taking twenty -live
pounds of twine, 051 legit to the
• pound, T.et the farmers aryl to do like-
wise in the future,.
The "Bean King" Says, Don't
be in a Hurry to Sell
\Vlnnipcgl Oct. 22nd,
Dear i.<ir, Mitchell,—As I have just
returned from a trip to Vancouver, on
business srnrss I3caus 1(16c e al
T thought
it alight interest you some to olds
line the trade situation as 1, found
1. left here on Sept. 1511i, and made
my first stop ut Regina, Sask,, where
1 found the cr0g:S north of Regina in
very good shake, in fact 1 met 0110
fnrnu`r who had Threshed his wheat,
which turned out 38 bus, to the acre.
Some further snail lots turned out
even better than that, but to the
south of Regina the eters are poor,
8onw farmers getting nothing at all,
were in fair
s! ape, but buy cls vcry7 conset•vatn0,•
and only buying l in small quantities'.
My next stop was Calgary, where
found conditions not as bright as at
Regina, as the. oil boast throe had
petered out, and business was virtu-
ally at a standstill, in fact I co011101
eight moving' picture houses that were
closed, and hotels complaining of
poor business, The crops around this
district were eery
the sane
conditions existing as around Regina,
cis, the best crops at .the mirth clad
and very poet crops at the south enol.
Business herd was only fair, bud; most
0f the wholesale houses v rc lightly
stocked, and only buying actual Wants
ie plain. k f00CS such asbeans,-cereals,
elicit]) yams, flour, etc.
Mrs. s. 1oh1 Rau, d' 1 ,' t -
1. ltd a Sti
SrI c 1
da last i
V at the ago of eighty—four at
was ,au oldresident of Stanley, She
her residence in town. The dceeesetl
leaves 0 large family of grown-up I
sons and daughters,
Me. J •T, Alerner, it1.1>, has moved
Into his new 'residence at the north
end. Me W. 11, Bonder has also ,mov-
ed into his fine new home. NIr, G.
\\itwer also moved into town in the
dwelling vacated by 1Vir. 13ender, Ilte
G. S, IIoward moved into the-resi-
t enc. vacated Mr. G. rk •
1 c e 1 b} Sparks.
Mr. Morris Webrishof c m`lrotn the.
o Weber
west and is visiting with his par.
ct is Mr. and Mrs C. w. r,
i 1 ( enc
The young people of St. Ic
church have otgaui•recd a Lutlle111
gue with the folI v1nbofficers Ia•
rcint Andrew less Vice, e 1
Treasurer., 13 Kal.bfleisit Secre-
tary, L Prang, : Rec.-Secretary, Miss
Cela Haas:
Messrs F. W. Iless, -wm;' O'Brien,
101. Asti; and ,Harry Weber. .1:e 01009
Mg 'at the Riau.,', according to their
usual autumn. liract400,
Word was received by :Principal' Cts
S, Howard that Pearl,McBride, who
wrote on 'the Departmental e: aMs.
last June and was reported unsuccesse
Cul, hath passed. This. Makes an 0)t-
cellent'showing for our, school, Four
entrance out of tour were successful
and five gut of -six on Model Entrance
exam,; • ,
lien. Mr. Miller will take prepara-
tory service at Blake on Saturday
next, As many as can 81)0(1ld no pre-
senia to hear. him.
Owing to an aceldoitt while pulling
apples on Saturday. )lar,; Howard is
nursing a sprained ankle and his
room had a fete holidays,
ifr; Marshall. Zeller, who has-been
a member of the Mtt. Forest branch •
of the Royal Bank for some time, has
Mien , tranllerrod to , the 'Sarnia
I then went straight to the Coast,
Vancouver, where 1 found fair busi-
ness and a grand crop of fruit, in fact
Vancouver h • s
has the. largest crop in this
line ever known. To illustrate this,
large delicious lcious lit.c.•
)tuts in 5 lb, boxes
for 15cn
a [1 the fin •
es t pears and
peaches anyone
c could desire u at
15c per dose 1 e o and, everything else
in the fruit t True a,acnulmglyr. The
trees through 13,0. averC just
clown with apples certainly grand to
look at but, tasteless. 1.`heru are 310 ap-
ples in title worIcl tha,1 Dan canteen)
with the Ontario apples, and people
right here. 1(1 Winnipeg now appreciate
this.: feet, as tamp never had .the
char'ce before to btiy 'apples so cheap,
$1.00 a box of 50 lbs. or 53.00 pee
barrel for the finest quality .put in
yoir house by the retail grocer.
While at Vanu,ouver I visited the
Salmon inclusbry- at ,Stevenson,where
most of the salmon is packed, and the
grade this year .is. 00'rtainly ,Ones, and
prices rulhtg firmer 'every day ,on.' tato
heist grades, as this :is also isolux-,
ury. •
While .a11 Vancouver 1 visited the
Inspector, from Ottawa,, who had been
travelling through Canada to feed out
the production, also trying to regu-
late prices, and certainly.mygreat
fort was beans, as'I represent the On
tario. Bean healers, Association, here;•
in the Northwest, from, Fort William
to Vancouver. T' found at Vancouver'
they had imported a tot of Jap beans
during -'the' past season, which ,were
hardas rocks: and, `took a week, to
Only a Few
More Hours.
soaic up, and 111eri they were still
hard. They were nothing to compare
with Ontario beaus, a they t yet tl c were re-
tailing this class of goods 3 1hs
for 25c; which you can see is over Sc
per lb. or $ 1.00 per has. Waren I ex-
plained this smatter to the Inspector,
he quickly saw that it 1Vt15 the retail
er who was getting the large gold;
froul11i `
t t, consumer, and the faruter, ar
producer was only getting a normal
price. In order to illustrate this fact
to the gentleman, I stated that beans
bad only 10170111011 a cd considerably, on
the close of aha old crop, owing to
the scarcity and heavy demand when
the war broke out. Previous to that,
beaks were only al it normal price of
52.75 per bus, cielicertd out here, and
when 1: showed lune figures to 00rivince
Idol of this fact, he readily saw
through it. Ile figured that if beans
cotiLd be laid down bore to the re-
tailer at even 5c per, ib. it was the
cheapest article of food produced, and
1 lb of f h e' ass would go farther than
ant thing else lie could mention. 1'ile
gentleman was wc11 pleased with tide
iuf(rmation T had given hint, and
said ho would tante the matter up at.
on his return.
I then started back on my return
trip via the Crow's Nest, through the
Arrow and Kootenay Lakes, which
was certainly the grandest scenery
anyone could desire and everybody.
looked robust and healthy in
this grand climate. •'1 found on
my arrival at Nelson, which was
my first stop, thatat here againfruit
was abundant, in 13101 all the canning
factories had
alt thep
could handle.
They were certainly
up ele-
gant ga11t 1arils and canned fruits of all
s, for lcincif
-with the it arco ii n 'n
g on,
and the production of 301111, etc: from
the Old Country being reduced, the
cry throughout the west now is "Buy
goods puts u) and )r
1 c produced in Cana-
i I t
da which is certainly in line.ne.
On my return through this part cif
R.C. found C . o uuf t cr `thus virtually
r t at
a standstill, outside of the fruit line,
As you r 11 t 1
A are o clo )t aware, through
n I
} S
this part oft the c oluttr y , their prin-
cipal occupation is the lumber indus-
try,. 'and to iltstrato how flat that
is, l passed through fully thirty-five
limber yards eleng .the line of the
ralltpad .fr001, 1too1;enay I aiiding to
feethhrldge,e and only saw . three 511115'
'olid .01 the thirtp -five nl csperailion,
that) rt -o idle suck up
and all tl ail w I stocked �
with leather.
I then struck Lethbridge' and Medi-
cine Hat.These towns are suffering
more than''any, other points, as they
simply have no crop. at all, especial-
ly t Medicine Hat, and business of all
kinds is et a standstill, I alien jwnpe
ed to 11.1thrionton, where I found that
While the .north end' of Saskatchewan
diad a fair' crop, the southern part of
'Alberta and Saskatchewan were all
complaining of the short :crop. Yet,
when you stop to consider the high
price they, are. getting for "grain, it
will pay up constderablp for the 'short-
1. then, stopped at Saskatoon, and
front here en • to Winnipeg; found bust-
ness better. Winnipeg, Brandon, Por
tags La:Frerie, North Battleford and
all other points are doing" a -fair bus-
Mess, considering 11Io war, and have
no complaints t0 ,make about Crops,
fact from Saskatoon eon in to l
Irb, they are going more into mixed
fariuing every year, as they find it
pays better
Now as to the outlook for beans,
which h
may he of some interest to
farmers in 111171011 countyt
ti �
like to give some pointers, As you
will note on my previous remarks on
beans, they are the cheapest article
of food 011 the list to -clay and the
consumption of same here in tits west
alone will be at least double that of
Previous yeses, and this is accounted
for as follows„ From Sept. 1912 to
Sept. 1013, the receipt of Domestic
beans in New York city was approx-
imately 380,000 bags, and 320,004 01
Rtlropcian beans. Now, where is that
European gap to.bc filled up 1.
For the past ilir • • years there has
been as mally7' or 1l1 C Austrian beans
used in' the west t an Canadian beans
for that abet people out Here sinipl}r
became disgusted with Canadian
stock, arid turned to European beans
so this is our chanes, to get it back.
I have scan several samples of new
crop pea
beans, Canadian dian
st ct
,' return, on n y eat n, and must say that up
to the present ti e the best beans
camp from Huroii county,. With the
heavy demand now starting in here,
the farmers in Ilur011 county have no
reason to sell their ;beans c
heap, as
Irons li the
present outlook, the price
will advance aboio pres6111 basis, in
fact we know of beans being offered
now Neal the Ilonsall district, at
fully 10c to 150 less than 'they aro of-
fering from lee
t county' ,l
Consequently, it would not take long
to use all the beans du Huron county,
and then the Kent county, farmers,
knowing the .situation as it exists,
arc not anxious to sell, as 1tlleypkno v
it will be may a clatter of a few
months when -they will realise hotter
prices for their- beans, I siniply,give
out this information for the benefit
of the Huron County farmers,. se that
they will not be anxious to unload
too quick,
Now, lir, Mitchell, if you see 'fit,
you can publish what y00 think is
intemsting enough in pout: paper, as I
should 11113 the Iluron farmers to be
posted on the bean situation, as there
will be a great quantity used this
year, 11 may be in the course of a
month or so I will be east and np at
With kindest regards to }tour good
self, and -all friends inY our district.
Yotu:s very truly,
Oreaiii Wanted!
Farmers having cream tosell closing the Fall. and Winter months.
can get, best results by shippiug to
Gunn9 sre
C a e
n1 r
y, Walkerton
Highest Peices aidfor
Butler - Fat.
Two shipping cans supplied free.
Express )aid on all'shiprnents.
1 1
Each can carefully weighed ed and tested and statements neI
ts oP each ship,
uca5t erlenil rmntndthvlyitl1reL
mroeC ys
Write forcanY
rid full particulars a 1 titulars
guns s Creamery, Walkerton, i orae
olnres iIIe
15 on I53, Clinton.
We elm assist you in selecting,y0uefurniture if you are
going to •furnish your home, or if you only rant 801110 odd
pieces you will fiat it to your advantage to ie peet our
stock and seethe bargains we are giving. We also carry a
good line of violins, pianos and organs. •
Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re-
spect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over
28 Phone Oa". 28