The Clinton News Record, 1914-10-29, Page 1No. 1656 -t -36th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29th, W!4. THE HOME PAPER ►C p eel Thats what it will . cost you, to subscribe, for, e lTews�lRecor� ' • �..o .: THE LOCAL MARKET. WILL IlrecJr\ fl. ' ST. JOhE1'.lrl'S CHURCH. MARRIED, TN 111 INOTS. I. ' Alarm -in y,' News j$ `� , I ` Wheat 90e, Oats 38c to 40c. , ::. • ,; Bailey a0o- Lo 55c. 9 3 I3utteL ], c to 2 c. 'Eggs Mrs, R. Itowland will be pleased to see her friends: on Tuesday aitch:1100)1,: Nov,, 30,'and,aftcuwauls.tvtll be at. iioiuo 'thefirst , rr la c e '. 1,. t y nt,;U3 crab ,.. , • a ' ?Mrs. Ilowaid .I- Humphreys assisted ;),_ the choir on Sunday morning' singing Y �, singing colo . parts in the, mass and ren- " tiering in , exceil enL voice. the sole, Tho nlaxLiege took place at Lena; Ill:, on Puiesda . 0!,last deck 0f Miss Y Luella -C. Ditzler, Warinel:1Y of 0,1 ,Miss.ian to Mr. Jos4P11 H. ,SA alcut), The ;brid4 r�i�ld . ; Cuirel Abs.David Lyotch the' is 'Wi . Sask., hs,hotile,Lpr tate Wntpr„ ., Got. Midge ervhces will he le , , . n bL. Atultew s chutcit on Strad, I19 :,-,� i \ r n 1 �� a I r r e e 10 r e r (k 01 p hJ a eery • R/ 7 `�j ;r 6 "r /A !r' f �1: / " I III) ofwar,. NOT.ftom the seat w , rant from our own Clock .Department, The. mornings * are getting darker, which r in on necessitates out ely g e 'an AC;ARM CLOCK. yoti• in time for your work 'oe other carries, We o re prepay- L cid and can furnish "you with - y ALARMS that we gtiar.autec to the satisfaction iron $i a gWeare-selling'agents for. Bi' Ben AlarmCorrie in Anil lr+ti' us how on; grin as- ' Y sortment, Perhaps you have an alabnY which only needs n t it Brin it in°l litL'le repairs. g 25c toealet' ` . ., g $•,, Live ROSS 7.2b: ,:'T ,,, - C ... BAI1 S1 LHURCIII, ,r'.., the pastor, Rev. J. K. •Pailfuh will tach' a both services . n Sun- preach' t bo se s o rat day. The evening subject will be, T -he;• D' , '"song ; ay, A bright service - will from 6:50 to 7 o'clock; Colne and errs 001 ` joy the se tee, All seats tree,. • Anniversary services will be helditt ) ,'White, this church on Sunda' Nov. 15th, Sunday, a , when . Rev. 'II, 0, Priest, B.A,, of Toronto, Secretary of the Missionary I ducataon Movement Or Canada, will the r - + •. IT AS GOA PiAltAtiNG. te- ' Mr.. S. G. C stle, having rented.,the }.. Tfitp]> place• otj tai 2nd 0e Hulhi,e,.Tune tools p0 .e. fast ,H+ee'n and'ismgw';°ang ,comfortably .- located the . not Y e :.,hLr,s 'a; large place, but ' as Ill n --.bo-date farming • foot of land isT g } q nd made: .'tO,pay toll; no doubt Mr, Castle *ill' Tie able to et ex talent n results. g e ett •' . + , r W. I. MEETING. l he 11 °mels Institute held air Ojka meetingat the" home of 11Irs. J. 1.. „ Cook on Thursday afternoon last at which'a. ten ; cent tea was serried. Vet' Us,, lave Peace." :. 1'AI,O1v SERVICES - .. , . ; .. ,.; ,; ,,,. n ehangehstlo scr.vtpcs azo he held in CiiitaLio sti'cet "clitArch h "enin• h Dao evening g t Is weals' and Twill `tie ;o ntiilhe(l inWosle = church nest week. A 3.. rev, I7. J , Closslc} is ahsistmg the `'gasioes. .., - .. = I i7LL PI ONI tl\T AP'IL TRF `. picking apples to bring Prato towel for, the 1 abiotic cal tbut)on Friday mooing . h st r, John on y , g t M Jou In -was his had the ,misfortune to fall from 'a tree and sustained an injury to his `which was -a resident of C`linton for some time a few Years agp and .her many °til friends • in town velli waft her hearty good wishes roc future happi- . • 1p1 ass aid good fortune• AT '17HE Ri!'GL'L 1Tt MEETING: , Every member or the Women's 1 at- . • ., ,� ; - :. ilea- raottc bdcdety slioulct atLand t•he.leg-, nla set meeting in the ,conned chamber Loniorrow afternoon \vjicn on'atiuilin- .Tarr demonsat:ation \i'ili be given and; Pancakes madeOct,analuminum. 1 r • i o t mut t bud dao will be serval. Each lady will be given a sample saucepan: Thew ]ad- res Who have not yet become inenlbers cordially Tac, preparatory sm:v{co on I'rid .aftcitno0n isdll be conducted •b' } • R h• t!. Imam., )c , of • Clinton. I. • l Mr;, C', lies spent ,the'pad t, h, weeks at Goshen• •ands,; being call away by the death of hts,daught1 daught Mrs. 'Blender;. , Miss T honaion of tate Soo: is i ,nests, of Mr's. .John Tough. 'tl g week, . s. 1". Weston,.is rtsitiug frici 6 in G:oderich. •' , • . . Mr. AlAlex: i nzi,etfielrt ' OL Belgr2 the guast of ens sister; M: - Jas: Ferguson, over Sunday. • Miss White,, who spent, the suunn xi" D■11 H • �/I' �fr S�'(112ZCf ana Optician - - - Clinton be preacher of the day, FIRST PRACTICE TO -NIGHT. The first •practice of ,the Choral So-, ciety will be held this (Thursda))) evening at 8.15 o'clock in. Owen Mem- Hall, There was a nice little turnout and a pleasant afternoon was spent. The proceeds will be applied to the gut- chase of material for their Red Cross work ONI. ST, CIIURC• L back' has' laid him up pretty notch since. It is hoped, dio\wea'er, that the injury will riot prove to be a set- ions one. NO OLD RTI B 1RRl LS IIE$E• arty invited to attend. LITTLE LOCALS, P110 ' li'e Six" intend holding an inforutal dance in tpe town hall to- morrow, Friday, evening. in the village, returned to Lond last week. Mr and Mrs,. Rlcharci Lllfott'' a Master I:eslie spent 1) riday • last ' lliingbam. The women of the village and h oriel All those who intend to he nhembers are requested to be pre- sent if • The tlwe Methodist' congregations of The cider mill is having g a busy sear son for this being a dial county apple rho nicinbets of St. Paul's :\.3'.P, A. wish to thank the ntgmbma of the rounding country have recently c anized a 1?atrhotic Social g Y with i following 5 Dib possible and any who eannot attend to -night but tneart' to'be'mem the town Meeting together in this juice will in all probability, be the choirs of the town who 50 kindly as- listed them in their recent concert. officers : in0tdent, Woods,,; Vice Presidents, Mrs. GI ��� Royal Bank OF CANADA: L)001»p°rIILed 1369: Capital Authorized $35,OOD,000 Capita] Paid-up 11,500,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 13.500,000 hers. will confer a favor b sendin )n N g' their, Hames and stating pitch' of their voices so that the balance of parts °nay be ascertanAi. Organiaation will be proceeded with and the con- ductor, accompanists, etc. appointed at this evening's meeting. Intending members are asked to tinily assist the committee in extending the Meane.. bership by informing them of the names of singer§' who have. not int decided to become members. church last Siutdaw evening Tilled ev- cryo nook and corner of the bedding and many were unable to get in. ) v- angelist Crossley conducted the ser-' vice assisted by the several pastors.ncctapn The choirs f chol o the two churches united fh leading tjie singing and the male quartette of Wesley church sang, ?'Je_ 'sus, Saviour, Pilot Me." Mr. Cross- ley sang three times- during the eourse of his song sermon on the first t•ets(Z of the first psahu. Ntsx't Sun- day evening the two popular drink, consequently there is a great demand for barrels, those that have held old tee or same 51111- Tian ticta0etion preferred. In this con- a. personal 'friend 0f oneofanclah out hotel keepers asked him for a 'barrel t,o which t1ie, genial Joe reel% ed with a smile ; "Really, I would like to accommodate you if 1 eolld, but have }nu forgotten that this is a dry town?" 111 I LT, S C1 1.I15 II. Rev, J. C,reene liar teat hammy- g e P ov- ed his residence on I3uron street by erecting a new and commodious ver- at the front and Putting in tL 0replace and otherwise do iniovtng the interior. NIRS. T. GTBBINf 3 LAID f(? 12PS'C The ;funeral of the late Mrs. Thom- as Gfbbings took place -on 'Thursday afternoon last to Clinton cc netcry, The services at the House and Copeland and airs: Ward ; Secreta Miss CJtarlotte. 4terling ;'.1'1510111 11/10. A L. Erwin. F, A: I dwards is couclucting a 1 solo just now and at the conclusi will adopt the cash systenn entire baying for;, cash and selling for ca Mr. Ldwarcis-cons Triers this the bl s)'stan for both buyer .and sellar a «dlt,gi\e it a good tttal in Rapfil where he thinks it g"iIl prove popul Total Assets 155,000,000 380 Branches, witti world wide connection: Interest allowed -- on Savings Deposits, General Banking business transacted. R, E. MANNING, Manager - : Clinton Branch FUNERAL OF A PIONEER. The funeral of the late .Edward Straughan took place from the home of his son-in-law, Mr. W. H. Bald of the Base Tine, °n Saturday afternoon last.'Iihtermeht was mala in Colborne cemetery, in which townshipttie db- chthrches will unite in Wesley church gain. Crossley Last Sabbath morning the Sacra- will speak in Ontario street church an meat of the Lord's ;;upper was well- the morning. Speeial,eerviec for nen attended, there being over 200 mem- en Sunday afternoon next c001111 its- bets at the Lord's 'fable. The spirit sed at 3.45. °of the service was well -manifested. The minister, Rev, Frank Harper, of- 11'.ESL) S' C1il'RCI3, ficiatrd. Rev. IT, T. Crossley The Preparatory serl1eat 011)' itcr+i grave - side were conducted by Rev, S. ,7. Arlin, the pallbearers being the de- ceased's three brothers, Messrs, 'Phos., Gcorgo and 1';'illial Pie), DIessrs, Ralph and Wm. 'fiplady and George 'Turner. Mr, and. Mrs. H. Henderson, Dir, and Mrs. Cl. ]ie»dcrson and Mass Henderson et Seafortli, Mrs Proctor Hohnesville Mrs, A. Steep, of the hayfield L' f Kipp( and s )ent1erThursday Miss last 1 the gnr of Mrs, Shephard. • ahs. R. J. McCormick sl omni Masi ceased had been a highly esteemed re- silent for many Rev. J, peached On 'on Friday afternoon and evening last, Sunday moa:nag last and also addres- Tire addresses; Rev, and. Miss PiOCbei, Mrs. Wheeler and Miss \fill Harry left Monday to spend -a we with Woodstock friends. years, G', Reid of I,ondesboco conducted Ole ser- ,sed' a union 'fleetingof the Ontario given by Ball street and Wesley Sunday schools ill 11,0°115 of 13rtteefield (vete helpful, ikon, Redgrave and Mr. and Mrs, Yellow, Exeter. iliac Methodist church here criebr •i'��MOISOIriS ank Incorporated 1355 Established in Clinton 1379 Capital and Reserve _ $8,800t000 01. BRANCHES IN CANADA A - GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS, OF CREDIT - - Tttet'1•;LLooe CHEQUES }ISSUED. RANT;; MONEY ORDERS }, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 5100 at the house and Rev. Gen. 12.eve Ross of Goderich, the, grave- Sade services. '1']]e Pallbearers 500 Messrs. George Fantail bar, Ja'r»,es and Albert Straw hon, K G, Munnings, 1;'. 11. Ball and James Goldthorpe. CLINTONrvice CL, vl'ON AS CENTRAL STATION. This has been a busy week in 111 illtal'}' circles in Clinton, this being recruiting the central recruiting station for those wishing t0 enlist f10t11 Hilton for the Second Contingetlt. Lieut.- Col. Wilson has been hate ever)day service afternoon.Sixteen new mcmhrrs were welcomed � nii0nllmcrti05 being hcldliu t0 the fellowship S 1 1110 church, 01 Ontario street church, \011011) nin0 Were admitted by conies- Next Sunday mornhtg the pastor soon of faith, and seven by cert'111- fate. will conduct the service and. the Sus- ,,, rament Of the Lord's Supper will be he (lira's ('tub balsa their regular 1010)1ng on Tuesday e*ening, which adminislerrd at its close. A union ' of the Two nongcegadiotas will t'as addressed by Rev, \h, Harper, Misses H111 l' Llall and ]]attic Citci' be held in the evening. g NIA's, W. L. Rtaledge's class held each re Tit contributed a solo. Ratrrshments to ed the prpgraul. their annual meeting on Thursday ay C\'- ening in their class room. The garb- •set Sabbath 'nommen' Rev. , ' •� lldl p p Cl:llig took the f0'rlii Of a social tea, ie w11e rraCll 011 1 atl'l0ttti111 each bringing along refreshments, and and Sacrif,ce. The su),leet 1n the evening will be ' IndfOeience,' after supper the business meeting was LfS'PO11 L I. IfON, :1 footb tlt 'Mani from the C'. C. I, went up to Listowel' on Saturday to play a hough ('up game with tar. Lia- towel (!, 7. team, ,:1t hall time net, they had secured a goal but during the last hall the Listowel boys "bus,- i d up' and being favored by a shift ill the wind succeeded in scoring two ;mg .- The 10Cal hill' -alp \w»5 aS t01- 101\.0; �' Gpa1, (dill ll'all ; .. BthClis, Bei1C011Y„ Moffat ; Halfbacks, Me\Aughton; 1luts , Sparks, ' •,, Wasman ; Forwards, 1 care, ed the 19p\vorth League Silver •111 1(1115' Sunday last, having a gene, ratty In the afternoon, when tale pi 510111 provided for the occasion 11 gone through and a ver•}• 111110sti meeting was the result. Mt. C. Holland or Clinton ave an aik1X( g which was much appreciated, In 1 evening the pastor preached an appt. priaie sermon, Rev. R. J. McC ormick, Mr, N. 'P I:L'1t"81'tl,a and Misses 1'lOhIIISOri a Flossie Holland attended the. S. and E. L, convention in •Clode(ieh There was no, school on \Vednesde Miss Robinson being in (iodateh, b At all branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate, C. E. Dowding - Manages - Clinton Branch. receiving' :recruits and has been assis- ted 1)31 Major Rance. Major Shaw, utedical examiner, passed the follow- ing left this held, Mrs. A. 1', Cooper was tie -el- WAR SHIPS IN TLJRI•v.E LINES, acted president, hiss Gertrude Chant, D7r. Jolla secretary and Miss 'r,amie Stewart, ul Raltsford roe' t'he fol- lowing note front Lieut, C 1Y Hodg- lea'e •r, Itrdfard, (Fad•cr! t, (tray, school \v 11 be held on. Saturday 11115 lveelt instead, PAti51\Cl OF P, \l, I`f713BC'P'P, ,TR. who interning for London where. the Regiment will mobpllzcson, g , treasurer, Committees were also ap- formol}• Of the local staff of pointed to look tines I'hc subject oL' this skatch spent his Married Port Lambton • and remain in T00ini05 for some arta certain Maisons Maisons dank, who \went to le la+ucl work. 'I'ihe Sano 0110 Tilt. rally boyhood days on the gid home -at months before leaving for England. of gathering met at six with the, 'on n1) which is o'clock, spending a eul mph) of g pleasant! ~Lead on the 1.111) concession of Clod- 1. erica township. he Roman Catholic Church Marin is asked for 50 men and the now undergoing a further course 'of hours 'together, training on Salisbury! Plains before Port Lan) ) to early manhood he teamed the Lampton was the smite of 'Tuesday READY -To -WEAR CLOTHING �eZ►OyA� ORDERED CLOTHING list shows over half of them have already been accepted. 'Tlie pay for a private is l.10 #.}wing per dap from i,he time he err - 1'IIP FARMERS' Carr, being semi, to the Continent : "On board S.S. "Laurehtic," Oct, 00 Friday' the farmers of this via 13th,—Dear Mr. Ransford,—We are iuity brought in their contributions, within a day's sail of Portsmouth, pretty wedding on of la h blaW(s»ltthing trade \vilh Mr. ,John week when Robert Francis Macdoua Jadtord, formerly of Clinton, cortin - afteruarcl as a ,jotancwman• nit- of Courtright and Margaret Ja 13edour, daughter of Alexander B let leaving Clinton he was for ten g Codcrich formerly'0110(1 �OYQu�Q LN•VetelMAY, lists, with an extra allowance of 7 cents per day for board till billiterl at London, The recruiting station .will close as soon as the required as per arrangement by the county) Everything going fine. We think we coattail, oats, potatoes and apples, to are going t0 Salisbury Plains, hilt no-, the Patriotic Fund, this being one of body knows for certain. It is quite the receiving The tai's, with D'Ir. Ilolmes of \\`ingham, (lour of towmslu years were united in the bonds or matt when tailing health forced 111111 'tel re - Lire from his chosen life work. morel, The nuptial isnot was tied 1 Although in Rev, Fatter Odrowski, The britt •The We Take Pleasure in Announe- —�� number have been accepted, oleo gathered in b}' the vagi- ousstrainsyesterday afternoon and spent over night in town as Uhaguests of the Corporation of Clinton. Alhcrt Chapman, centres. eontribu a sight to see the thin), ocld boats tions here were in charge of Mass L. which form our transport besides seat- �`• DlcCreath aaul Mr, Florey Ldtvat(Is real British etagere and war ships 1 of, Goderich, who have been taking which Fort" our convoy, advancing in charge of the work in VOOIOIIS parts, three lines coveting ten 00 twelve of the comity. Miss McCreath start- miles. This is our 1.9111 day 011 board, ed at Centraili l Monday, hooking not robust health for groom was ably assisted by IToum the past four }ears he was as well Bedour brother el the bride, will as usual until a few hours before the Miss Jean Macdonald sister of 11 passed away, .recurring spells of heart blidel;loom acted in a like capaef' weakness causing his life to ebb for the bride. I ate bride look( peacefully away to the better ]and. charming in a cream silk crepe 1 Until forced b}• ill health to desist • �r in Our Comptete Readiness for b- Rringham, 23, on but we have been kept bast' and the 1 single, 3 years in the Canadian lira- the contributions there, at Exeter, time has not seemed long. We have had iiia, Sergeant Instructor's certificate. Iiensall nal Brucefield before coining ideal weather. Today is the first da, 2 en here. } Potty Ilazris, li mgilain, singi9, 1, the sea has been at all• row h, but we came with silver lace, and carrying Mr. Tcbbutt was always actively ca- white prayer boob, while the hrid gaged in church and Sunday school Y work. OF a enact, thoughtful nature, maid was becomingly dressed in 1 S Business. 7 years in Cadets, England. Contributions were received locally have' got a very steady boa wh1011 is Samuel Weed, Goderich, 13, marl- all day Friday and were received by loaded right down to the water line, ed, 12 years in Icing's Own Iinperial Messrs, II, ('ole, 11,, King, W. T. so there has practically been no 1110- Yeomanry, t0 those who knew him best shall the Pink silk crepe, chemo After the nut words ever ring true, "lie being dead tial ceremony wedding pang returlmarl-Fall vet speakcth,,, ed to the horns of the bride when sumptuous repast awaited them,, PI Permit us to suggest that it is an excellent pion 10 make your selections for your fall and -� '� '• � winter needs now. „ ,. ,, ,. The New Overcoats for Men Will Sure! Please YOU, IIeIii J. Chimes and D. S. Cook Ike funeral on Saturday afl,ernoon England, 3', , tion at all, We do not know how gift was a pearl La llalldcre ac Tirnest Walls, Goderich; 33, 6years who packed the apples adid potatoes long we are to he ka7t in England,England,last to the faintly plot in (Tinton 1111- Oxford Infantry, Canada, lilt° barrels, provided by the count = cteri= was very largely attended b shorn to the bride -maid an ameth>c 3 , about tW° months '[ should imagine. La L+lallfere and chain and to tl Ilatry IT. Silk, 35, married, 3 1511110 Mr, Edwards looked atter the -Yours very sincerely, Christ:mbar lrieltds ansa relatives, the pallbearers years lob Micldlesee Infantry, 3 years oats and as they came in emptied W. Ho(1 rsonl+' 1 being Joseph Jervis•, John Potter; groomsman) a gold tie clip. The nes provided anh(t LOW Proctor, N. 11, Trewartha, Non- lig nlatried couple were the recipien in Egypt. diem into the sacks g A STATEMENT SLBMIT'1.'ED, man Holland and Mees Jeh1ins, of man} valueable gifts. Among tl 41m. Lowery, Uociericl,, 11, mantled, packed them into a waiting car. many relatives of the newly manic 14 years in York and Lancashire Reg, 11)11••tuff has beep shipped to ,Mon- IWo. Von Rohl was. present at the 'face. deepest s3tmpatlhy is extended couple from a distance who we ]England. areal by special train and front there monthly meeting of the 13oard of t0 'tate brothers and 510)51. in Choir present was r, Wm. :Beater, Holt y sorra . e aa r, Arthur Riley, Goderich, 20, sing]°, will be forwarded to lsh,glaod, 'Trade on Monday Iasi Nit. `lion Rohl esvflle. 3 years Canadian Militia, At Clinton (entre Goderich town- informed the meeting that he desired Men who recognize the advautage of an early choice are sure to be impressed with our ex- ee]lent slowing of final styles, Henry Baden, Goderich, 36, married, ship was the largest contributor, to stay in Clinton, but to do so, he 12 }'ears Royal Fusiliers. with Mullett, Stanley, and Tucker- needed additional capital to the ex- People You Know. Hale and Hearty at Wm, Walpole, Goderioh, 22, single, smith in the order named. But DIel- tent of $12,000. These are two towns 1 oars, Canadian Militia, lett also delivered liberally at Loa -Mr. W. Jackson was in Ottawa last Eighty -Four Year } 3 trying to induce Mr. lion Rohl to ' $10..00 to $25,00. Mark Arnold, Goderich, 33, married desboro and Stanley and Tuckersmith move and loe,ate in their town, pro- weeks 'no experience. were mostenerale at 13rueefield and raisin hint that in the event of his Mr'. A. T. Cooper is ill Toronto this Albert Coxleld, Galeria, 18, sing.. Hensel' centres, 1'he town of Clin- so doing, that stock would be sub- week, le, ilo experience. ton also contributed produce and also scribed tot: in his company to the ret l3,C at t ,husvp;# We' are showing an especially fine line of snits for men -styles full of "Dash" and "Go," _8 wee:; $ 8,50 to $22.50. Stylish new lents that are right, right, in style, • ;• y right; In anality and tight In price. ..• ..g t. 0 I.50 $2.00,n- $ 0 • , $ 0, $2.50 to $4.0,0. - ,Stanfield's Underwear1 In complete range of, red and blue labels, :: Aslc,o see our s ee- Big range of men's 'pg,) Benjamin ;511)111h, Croderieb, '4:1, (mar- a package of dried apples. amount lie desires. tied, 8 years West Rent Infantry, 3 The .contribution of Mt. J. Rans- Under these conditions the Board of StanlegTownship years Canadian Militia. ford, "The Par;n,er' of 'i'ue'.tersnmith," Trade appointed a committee, compos- ' Bert Dennison, Walton, 2;, single, was brought in while 'l'hc News -Roc- ed of Messrs. D. L, Macpherson and Miss Myrtle Keys and Miss Eliz 4 years Canadian Militia, ord representative was present, it C. P, Libby, to examine into the af- attended the Sunda' school and Lea Richard Cuningham, Walton, 21, 3 (vas a good one, as might be expect- fairs of the solo Placer Piano ('o, gee convention at Goderich on Tees- ues wears. Canadian Militia, Sergeant In- yeas , ged from "J:Tl," ,These gentlemen ream that the tom- clay and Wednesday, strrtctot's certif,eate, The thought that struck the writer ' pan, elafm possessed A number of this vicinity attended 1 t t0 be 17, s 8ced of assets Y Jesse Daniels, Seaforth, 22, single, as the farmers drove twit! their up i. 1 to the extent of $17,8,58 and.llablllt the anniversary services at TTltlsgteen 3 }'!ears in Canadian Militia, loads of produce was that nothing as les of $1.3500. The capital stock is on Sunday last,k'`. Frederick Daniels, Sealorth, 32, mar -yet done by Canada, with exec $10,000 with an)o(tnt subscribed of (�ua,rteh'ly service will he held in raed, 3' years, Norfolk pities, If?ugland. tion of sending her men to, the front, $12000.' The business for.:the last six Varna Methodist church on Sunday Hartley Gordon, Luckuow, 10; sing -bas seemed se personal as this gift mouths under disadvantageous. condi- next. There will be no se:viee in le, no experiietpe: of the trait of their: toil and the pro- tions amounted to $4 100: The pros- Goshen and Iiippen Methodist church lfr Mortis, {35, i 1 Alfred Mo tts, Lucl noiv, hnarl'i duct of their land by the farness of pests at present; taro eleven. ordu;'s at On Sunday ;.evening next the people ed ,,12, cars Royal Crap 1.10°1 lttiller • ,Ontario. f GoshMethodist , Y) $700 each, The $12,000 as..eefor will o ea church will cele- England.Probablyi :. ' ..', g- a trainload of thirty cars •be, used as working=caporal Cor_ a nhuclr bra Le the striver anatase. and a good at - Donald Roy Macdonald, hun:euo\v, would be gathered from the various extended business O�poethtg to employ tenrlanee 10 requested. 19, single, 110 experience. receiving centres .of Heron count At labour', to the extent of $1 200 a The owners of • g n K Y. , the pats froul .Which Wm. Crolb' Croderich, 32 Centralia were mothered 855 bags Month, to taken for bags, &' 1 , t, `s I t y t „�• ''h, .. ,..; ate ?,,. $z''• :?i lr til r� ^, ,• Y Y� � a Tal $2200 snit spade- odd trousers at from to -order, is ;: ` Ole to ;$5,00, .:i •: , y,t)atriF(l, g with reasons antici-gravel was n unici pal goodY 1 12 ears Royal' Fngmeaus, Ln land. 2'19 of pats, 375 of ,otatoes- and 234 further increase, seT fi r "a( - purposes re sl: • for payment, y1 pate f tet ahe gu es Ib 1 t a a ing o but Mr. John Jackson. George Arthur lCells, Goderich,a9, •of apples ; Al Exeter 1532 bags (vete nutted by Mr, Von. Rohr show a pro- as the g ga er, .,99 of oats, or otatoas ft of 75}P pathma married 5years SouthMiddlesex Iii- gathered, v805lists have noir yet ,to 100 c. There is DO ape- turned in thea lists, or rather most Living up to a tfihle•,honored caste' pn• fles,' 8 years Bugle -Major 33rd Reel- and 458 of apples. 4,t IIensa.lt 658 M Canada, of them have Clerk Richardson petition , and , a. tariff not, ML. „Lobe Jackson gave his garden ti RR THE MO�I1� H C�o • Square rel Qi Motto • q Deal for •2 TN 1 11I11� Very Man." � f f . ment. bags were gathered, 155 of oats, 318 against imported instruments of 35 has been unable to melte out the ac- regular fall dig -over, tied tap the rasa George Reid;.Wingilam, 34, single, ef:potatoes. and 185 of apples. At p.c. counts and have than. passed by the berry bushes ave the grass a clot •yeaars Canadian Mi-litia. Blueda d that) •we'e 11.. u ••ht • nh 7G0 1'he Board of 'Pirada'sulitnit this council, 'rho athittasters Who have g, g ', P 1 o a clip, to ' with other little dura( Chas. IL ,Searle, . Wtngltan), 2.t,Gags, 2617 of oats,, 335 of potatoes state ent, 'Lo the'eid;izens 'of Clintons, :not ,attended to this ntattor should whichii irate thepro oh f wit id apt a o single, 3 years, Canadian Militia, and 158 ,of apples, Clinton received so that if the}r desire to keep this do so at once. The eohmeil meets ter, 1ud ' 'e ot, a on 11 ednestlay of last wee John I3, White, Wingbarn, 21, sing- ,075 bags, 142 of oats, 228 of pots- industry in Clinton, they `can do so next Monday,'started ' alo visit bis sons 0 ort ne to r 10, 3 years Canadian Militia. toes and 305 of apples, by subsorihing fee stock,; otherwise Tllo first snow storm 'of the mason Brantford and Rattle and ads clan 1 Alhei ,Dove Wln; ltaln 29 sin le 1)e r 'rause as f tine r n r' r g Y, , , . , g , T , .p o w o { al ty as_ accouling to Mr. 'l on Rohl; •the cbn— visited us Tuesday morning. It was ter'in Toronto, Mr, ,Jackson will 3 years Canadian Militia, well as of abundant quantity and is )an Will be compelled to move else-- a rather ru '.e-. the eighty-four ,• de away lung from 1 e eighty foot years of age in Januar.} Wesley Colwell, Iiensall, 19, single, a worthy gift from' one Of Ontario's where. •— John IZ'ansrord, , President, pleasant almost summer-like weather but is apparently as Yagorious as 001' Y g +,• - - - ' Most prosperous counties. �.: Board.of we havehocra having all roll. ,,,a„a.,,, n:, 1.,.>n,, i•,r-.ra:irs .ata-imiire.. 11`01116 Guard;in id Y. ay• v - VO ed Ire' 1s, as Ve ' er • on, nd at 10- >0 - he •s. O. , pag 011 v, 11t, 351 nd 31d a0. 1111 0, its ee eat It-- bi- :al • O - as ng 11. 9S ho 0- 15. n(1 N, y, ut of