HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-10-22, Page 8Clinton News -Record %T IS A POSITIVE FACT THAT WE OFFER OUR TRADE j the best shoes, at any stated price, that the price can buy any- where! The new fall styles are in .and there's not a foot we've not provided for ! Some people will come here for their shoes— others wont. The people who do come will wear far better shoes than those who don't I • r:r Our $0.00, 53:50 and $4.00 inen's shoes and our $2,50. 53.00 and 54.00 women's;shoes'are the best ever—well, they're the best The new fall shapes are handsome -the stock and shoeinak- ingeperfeet. We're atyour service. FRED. JACKSON The House of Be tier Shoes. Onr Preset Specials Stoves and Ranges Happy Thought, Pandora, Canada Steel Range and other cheaper lines. Coal and Wood Heaters. Sheet Iron Cold Blast and Perfection Coal Oil Heaters for chilly mornings and evenings, Guns, Rifles and Ammunition, Dr, Hess' Stock Food, Panacea, Louse Killer, etc, O'Cedar and Wizzard Polish Mops. A good supply of Tungsten Lamps and Electric Irons. VD FA NICI [1.00 ATf ow a),.1, rwarry cthIm .vn W 515IDARR 9ATr[YN rat,ilatryYNI �tt Basques, Capes and Cape Coats Flare Skirts, Blouses and Dresses with Italian collars, long tunics, gathered, plaited, yoked and circular, with hundreds .and hundreds of the. latest Fall styles, are shown in the STANDARD FASIION BOOK for Autumn With each copy you get any Standard Pattern FREE 20 CENTS AT THE PATTERN COUNTER W. D. FAIR CO. Often the cheapest—Always the best. n,ipputiomuuumti„ D'iiss Sarah Turner was with Wing2 ham friends for a few days last week. Mrs. W. T. llawkins and fancily are spending three wee'cs or so with fri- ends at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Watt of Fairview Faros, lluron Road, spent a few days last week in Woodstock. !Hiss :Anis Bartliff has entared upon her probation as nurse -in -training at Victoria hospital, London. Prof. Frank Weaver, L.G.S.M,, Lon- don, will be in town today and to- morrow to organize a class in mus- ic. Irs. J. tichoenhals spent a tow clap; last week with friends at Port Al- bert, where the family formerly, re- sided. rev, S, J. and Mrs. Ailin returned Friday from Indianapolis, where They attended thtr wedding of their son, Mr. C. Clarke Arlin.. lIr. Stewart Paisley of the Royal Bank staff, West 'Toronto, visited at o i the parental home, Mr. and d Mrs 1 W. J. Paisley's, lass: weep. Liss Susie Johnson of ''Zurich has been visiting at the home of her uncle, Inspector Oliver Johnson of town, during the past week. NIiss Mellen Bowlby of Windsor, who has been visiting het cousin, Mrs. J. E. Ford of Goderich, was the guest from. Friday until Monday of Miss 'Rudd. lir. and Mrs. E. E. 13rovn have re- turned to town from Petrolia and will reside in the house on Orange street owned by Mr. ,James Cook. Mr. Brown is a member of the G. T.R. gang. Hiss Richardson and her cousin, Miss Kate Richardson, Goderich town- ship, spent over the week- end in Ethel with their cous- in, Mr, Robert Pearson, who under - wont a serious operation for appen- dicitis. irs. Humphreys leaves next Monday a.m. for buffalo before returning to her home in Jacksonville, Fla, She. will visit friends in Buffalo, • New York and Washington until the first of December. Mr. M. D. Jackson, son of his wor- Jackson who has been p �ski, Mayor'fillfni,a'good position at North l �a y_ for several months, has taken a similar position at Fredericton,, the capital city of New Bruns,vick, leav- ing 'for that place last week. ML W. Jackson was appointed to a place on the executive hoard of the Canadian Ticket Sellers' Associa- tion which met in convention in Chicagorecently, and Dr: Shaw was appointed honorary physician, Thus do Clinton citizens ever come to the front. Mr. W. J. Newcombe'of Fort William visited his father, Rey W. II. New- combe, and his sister;, Mrs. J. S. Evans, during the past week. He returned home by way of Detroit Where he- was joined by Mrs. New- combe who had been, 'visiting her old home there. Mr. Albert R. Mitchell, who has been in the service of the Jackson Man- ufacturing Company for the posit nine years, for a considerable por- tion of that time as chief stock keeper, is now "on the. road" ' for the Company, starting out on Mon- day. His territory is Western On- tario, •fo to the Soo. His good pre- sence, sence, gelsial manners and loyalty to the people whom Ise serves will undoubtedly make him a successful traveller, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Watts, who re- oently sold', their. property on Wil-. • Liam street to Mr. Thos, •Cardwell; move shortly to Bolton, where they will engage in the restaurant husi- ness. Since coming to Canada sev- eral years ago they have resided in Clinton and have made many fri- ends here who are sincerely sorry that • they are leaving. The people ' of Bolton will find Mr. and . Mrg. Watts just what they appear to be, unassuming and of the strictest im tegrity, HARLAND BROS. 1 STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES ......... N 1 _ A I RUGSAt PricesReduc- • ed. During the next two weeks we place on sale about Forty Beautiful Rugs in Tapestry,Brussels, and Velvets in sizes 24; x 3, 3 x o, 3 x 3i, and 3 x 4, and offerou.youl choice at wonderfully reduced prices. y ] - Owing to the advancing prices on all lines of im- ported rugs we have placed extra orders for spring ' in order to secure them at lowest possible price but must now make a clean sweep of all rugs in stock . in order to have room for the new ones when they arrive. Cloth�in Men's and Boy'sClothing g If you are interested in a new suit, overcoat or pair of odd trousers, coupe in and see what we are showing, We (can save you, money and guarantee to please you, , os P1umste1. :B r• 1 Small Profits — More Business Suitable furni t u r e for all rooms is equal- ly ly well displayed. Easy hair.s EASY Chairs of the sort that give your whole body rest are here in endless variety. Just come into one store, and trythem all, that is the best. and sure way to choose chairs that ate comfortable. , $¢.1oY,61 To�x CgraVaNdAY We want to say .a t es. c word about prices. They can't be beaten. Ball & Atkinson FURNITUREDEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. N. BALL Phone IW J, A. ATKINSON, Phone 183, iimiiiimmaxivammiamommingeaumossiaimosusw AMMOIAKOMISMIL MAMA AMEN W NURI; D October 22nd, isesswassmoississmososmossu SHOULD READ THIS. `It is just a little of the whole story of this season's fashionable furs, but conveys an excel- lent idea of the great number of pelts that are fashionable. Black furs are extremely good style-- therefore, tyle—therefore, we haye an exceptionally good assortment, at a wide range of prices. Handsome Canadian mink is, as usual, well represented in cur stock and a large number of individual sets --only one of a kind—combine to afford you wide latitude in the matter of choice, Colne in and see our fine stock. A MAGNIFICENT SHOWING OF Black Fox Neck Pieces Black Fox Muffs Sable Neck Pieces Sable Muffs Fine Canadian Mink Neck Pieces Fine Canadian I`linkiMuffs Persian Lamb, Neck Pieces Persian Lamb I'lutfs Also many pretty styles in the less "expensive furs, as well as many smart novelty sets. SELECT YOUR FURS EARLY.' This is strongly advisable; because it assures you of the first choice of skills—those of the finest pelt and prettiest markings being shown in the new furs. By paying a small deposit, purchases made now will be reserv- ed until desired. NEW THINGS TO BE SEEN IN THE STORE NOW. New—that's the point ! For.it's on just such small"accessories as the right Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery etc., that the success of the costume depends. And the .newest are right here ! Dainty Neckwear—A snowy white-collar or vest, and sometimes lhe•addition of cuffs to match, .is the fashionable finish for the dark Autumn gown ; and they're Here in all degrees of sheerness and all. desired styles. Beads Where is the girl who has not fallen a victim to their charm? Thsse new jet beads are particu- larly fetching—both:dull and bright varieties, long and short strings. Gloves—Our prices make chamoisuede, cashmere, lisle. silk and real French kid with over -sewn seams extra choice skin, change bands quickly. Hosiery—We sell Hosiery in cashmere, wool, lisle, silk mixture and silk that are woven for wear, fash- ioned to fit .and loomed to last. Visit this store whenever you can. You're .almost sure to find something to interest you;for your wardrobe or your home. EROW1T'3__ 1 About People You Know i Mr. and Mrs. Walter1tCLKing spent t 1 es- terdav with :Auburn friends. Rev, A. MacMillan of Mimico•was the. guest during the .past week at the home of Dr, and Mrs. Gunn: Rev. W. T. No, Stratford, brother of Mr. R. J. Chill', of Clinton, has been appointed rural dean of Perth, succeeding Rev. Mr. 'Taylor of St. Mary's. Rev.. and Mrs. Chambers of Newark, New .Jersey, were guests of DIr. and. Mrs. D. N. Watson the past week. Mrs. Chambers is a niece of Watson's. • Mrs,. L. Greig ieft yesterday •for Tor onto and will spend several weeks as . the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Clark, and -with other friends in the city. Mrs. Percy -Couch; ivho has been a patient in the local hospital for some weeks, having undergone an operation for appendicitis, has rm covered sufficiently to be,able ;iio return .hone. Mr. Stewart Jackson, who has been visiting at his home in town for several weeks past, left yesterday Inc ,Toronto and on Friday will go In York, where will join h New on to 7 0 a a Theatrical companya Whiter For tour. Mr. l I Iand IMLs. 'Phos, I i est o of Exeter . are guests of Mr. and Mrs, 5. W. Rowe, • Mrs, 5. E. Andrews is in Seafotth visiting her brother, Mr. Sidney Johns. NIr. Dfiickier, 'Toronto auditor for the hydro Commission, was in town this week. Mrs. and Mrs. Case were among the number. from Seaforth who attend- ed the concert given on Monday es/ - ening by Mrs. froward Humphreys, Miss Marion Thompson is now recov- ering nicely from a serious opera- tion and it is hopet the little maid- en will speedily regain her former mosp health again. Mr. Roy Grigg of the Royal Bank of .Montreal, I•Iamilton, spent a cou- !plc of daps of last week at the par- ental liome, that of Mr., and Mrs. 'A • .1 Grigg. Roy has won rapid •promotion and is now receiving tel- •lor. Mr. Herbert Cook, a former resident of Clinton and. son -in-laws of Mr. and Mrs, W. 11. Watts, and who has been (1 P.It.'agutt at'Bolton.lQi some years, has been promos cl at station t rimportant the mo c . Woodiridge. oving Sale emommommosim The News From Londesboro Mrs, Peters, curs who has ben. visiting lits. 4 her parents r. M. and Mrs. W. Wey- mouth, y- ntouth, has returned to her Monte a,t (aro, Mich, Mr. John Lear of London is visit- ing his. mother, Mrs. S. Lear, Mr. John Brundson returned Friday last after a two months' visit in the Itev. DIY. I:n'erington of Fine River occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church morning and evening on Sun- day last, Rev. Mr. Kaine taking an- niversary services on the pine River edetic. - - Miss A. Bell was jn London on Wed- nesday, of this week. Mrs. (Dr.) Young and Miss Clara returned Monday atter a month's vis- it with the former's daughter, ' Mrs. 13. Brown of 13rantford. As We are Taking a Larger Store we want the labor . of moving to be as light as possible. Because of that we would like to lessen our stock as much as possible before leaving. FOR THIS WEEK AND NEXT we offer the follow_- mng values r $11.50. 9 only men's heavy .woolen overcoats reg%�$ 113.50 for 7 only ladies' blanket cloth coats reg. $15 for $6.9S. 40 pairs of children's heavy shoes reg $2,25 from .90c. to $1,50, •all sizes, Come Early Saturday Mor ning to get good values. Brown' s Next to McTaggart's Bank. • ;.. Mrs. E. Adams has had the house recently purchased Irons NIr. J. Lash-. atm painted and repaired until it looks as, good as new. Itimn Campbell spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. 11. ;Knox of Blyth. Miss Aridie Jenkins visited her sis- ters, Mrs. Wm. Snell and 'M'rs. Win. Webster, last week. Mrs. N. Blank of Wingliam has rc- frrtnt+ht s visit ice aflei a � l trneti ho 6 t.. w=ith her sister, Mrs. Jas. Woodman. We are pleased to learn that Miss V, Braithwaite, `rho has brim serious- ly ill during the pest week, is• re- covering nicely. • Hullett Township Y'- News -Record Means News -Leader. Mr. G. 13. Ball of the Maitland Block has invested 3a an auto, malt- ing the purchase from that active agent, Mr. Bert Langford of Clinton, who has made quite a number of sales this season that is now about a close. On Friday last Mr. William pone bad a narrow escape,_ from meeting ..I with a very severe accident. Ile tae• going to town with a load of apples and in stepping out of the wagon his. trouser leg caught on a /mooting board, throwing him io she harci road which he struck with bis heap and shoulder. It was a had fall 1,ut fortunately no bones were broken. The patriotic concert held in the. school house of section No. 9, was a decided success. The weatherman was very considerate by ordering tins night warm enough for the horses to stand outside, Everyone did their -part well and Miss Patterson drew forth hearty encores. The band boys were not stingy with the r music, which was much enjoyed. The proceeds of the candy booth, it unted' the door aro t taken and that a n at to sixty dollars, Miss Margaret and Mr, James Jack- son atteuled=•the Taylor -Tyner wed- ding on Wednesday. News -Record to end of year for 25c.. loontemounwermerAlommii IIABTTSIIOES for 1Ioll, Every man enjoys once in a while, buyi.ig the best things, even if they do cost more. Some mien are wise enough to know that this is true economy. If you'll come here and look at our showing of HARTT SHOES you'll see where the enjoyment comes in. 'There's nothing better made anywhere, at the price, When you've worn a pair you'll realise the economy of the best, We sell shoes that are absolutely the best ever sold. here—in stylish appearance, in qualities, in materials, and workmanship, the best you can possibly buy for the money, the largest stock of men's shoes to select from, and a good fit guaranteed. H. S. CHAPMAN PHONE 70