HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-10-22, Page 4Clinton News -Record October 22nd 1914 V4**116444661N441e114040cm412484.44•9•414+41644,401•46400,8441)44446.644444sfla44446•1047861aiihetv444efs4ste4440,4044164444446404.4104•S40416•Teefeels444•Ts44644)0,046440 44.61‘91 4 4 4g 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 We are planning broadly and vigorously to 4 stantaneous response to our announcements. 4 5is reat ;vent is eta d fSweaters. 4 A large range of men's,- * women's and children's sweat 41, ers to. be cleared out, alt sizes, 411 all styles, Shirts for Men, 4 value fine soft shirts, $1 e for 69e. $ Men's Underwear. Fine, pure wool under - 4 wear, the dollar kind for 68c t a garment. . You Men. 4 A heavy short overcoat, heavy lined and just the • thing for driving, regular 4 $5.00, Dow $2,98. STORE OPEN NIGHTS. 4 We will remain open ev- 4 enings during this great sale 4 for your convenience. 1'1 to.. .010 :1100:: istory le 3 make these banner days in the history of this store, though every day has been touching the high nark. 3, It has been one in= 1 101 1 is1 10 3. 1' iD 1' 1 10 MOBBED WITH EAGER BUYERS who know real bargains and have a desire to save at the same time wishing to lendassistance to the success of this great undertaking. People are coming from far and near, rich and poor alike, The money stringency only goes to make it more essential that you should reap the benefit. House Dresses Ladies' strong print house dresses, well made and the kind to wear, now 98c, For Boys. Sweaters for 39c. Knee pants for 69c. 3 -piece suits at great re- ductions. SUGAR 5c A LB. Friday and Saturday this week we will sell gran= ulated sugar at 5t: a lb in 5 lb packages only and to pur- chasers of $1.00 and over. Ladies' Underskirts Black satin underskirts' for ladies now 98e.. Children's Underwear. Fleece lined and wool underwear for children at and 29c a garment, reg 35e and 50c values. A Sale With a Reason RAISING CASH ON THE STOCK OF Competition is Dumbfounded Edwards, 3ayfiold. H. MAITLAND IN CHARGE. Reedy- To -Wear 'P -Fear C' arments r tJLJ011 � e Dry Goods uli ne onse i l ni tin s s E New Aiutiiinn Suits. :Each bears the latest imprint of fashion, hand- some materials, pretty styles and careful workmanship. No matter what may be the style you prefer, you will be sure to find somewhere in this great collection just the suit you want. Every garment guaranteed correct. Filis of na1ity. T h e customer has everything t o gain and nothing to lose by making the choice of good furs now. Select while our stocks are at their best. Select in time to have furs ready for the first day of cold weather. We are carrying one of the largest tur stocks in the county, After one has com- pared all other furs is the best time to see ours,. Every Fur guar- anteed correct.. Autnnin �i�llnery. ISTINCTIVE IN STYLE` AND QUALITY. Our showing of the latest models` for fall is coIY- ete, many imported models as well as the charming eations adapted from our'own workrooms. Every t shows that exclusive style and quality which ha s tde this store the store famed fcr millinery. THE STORE OF QUALITY,. Bayfield Miss Edna, woolridge, who has spent the past summer with her aunt h Mrs. 1 Shanley, returned home e to Toronto last week Mrs. SI:anbury, who spent the sum- mer r at her summerresidence in the inne i e. village, left last week for Exeter. Mr. Metcalf, a student of Huron College, occupied the pulpit of Trini- ty church on Sunday morning last. Ari old resident or Bayfield. passed away on Oct, 10th, in Seaforth in the person of Mrs. .Arthur Keegan. ;The deceased lady, whose maiden name was Jane McGuire, was born 10 County Armagh, Ireland, in 1931, and came to this country with her family when still a obiid, first settling at lraysville. In 1859 she was united in marriage to Mr. Arthur Keegan, and they immediatelii moved to Bayfield ' and here she continued to make her home until a few }ears ago when she went to reside in ,eaforth. The fun- eral Look place from her late resi- dence Lo the catholic church, Sea- forth, whore Roy. Father Cochrane sing mass, afterwards the internment was made in St. Columban cemetery. A family of four survive : Charles Keegan, Alpena, Mich., Robert, Fort Francis, Isabella of Seafortlr and Mr. ]Prank Keegan, e, respected citizen of Bayfield. , Her husband died forty- four years ago:. Mrs. Joseph Foster: of the Sauble 1Jne, was called to her long home on Friday last after but a short illness. Mrs. Foster, who was the only dau- ghter of 11Ir. John Brown, was. horn in McKillop in 1873, her mother be- ing a sister of Mr. Thos. Stinson. Ie '1894 she was married to Mr. Poster of Greenway and for several years theyrfarmed there. Three years -ago they purchased the farm of Mr. "Phos. Stinson on the Sauble and have con- tinued to reside there ever since. She was a woman of consistent " Clhristian. character and was a member of the Methodist church; Bayfield. Her hus- band and: a family of six, four girls and two boys, survive, the youngest being under two years of age. r1111e funeral took place on Sunday after- noon and was very largely attended, not only by the friends and neigh- bors here, but by many relatives and friends from ,her old home at. Green= way. The service,, which was held in the Methodist church, was conducted by Rev. L. C White. To the hus band and yioung family the sympathy of the community is extended, An unpleasant incident happened on Sunday last while a funeral was som- ing into the.' village from the Suable Line and proceeding to the Methodist church. An auto going in the oppo- site direction came' in contact with the hearse and was' thrown into the ditch and the cat somewhat damag- ed. To say the very least, a funeral cortege should have tlhe right of way and aeitoists should, without having to he told, run their machine off the highway while the cortege passes, which is only a matter of a few min- utes. The News -Record hopes' it will not be necessary to refer to this kind of thing again. News -Record Means News -Loader. „„ ice'."s4ilftit+W Bayfield Mr. 1', A. Edwards, merchant, is ur S carrying on a most successful sale un- der the management of 511% 1I. Mait- land, Toronto Dr. Atkinson wife and family, 'who have sperm the past summer at thein uunler residence on the 'retrace, re- turned to Detroit last week. Mr. Root, l'enhale left on 'Tuesday for. the west. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Snell and dau- ghter of Mullett were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bred Stanley on Sun- day last. Varna. Mr, R. McGuire is visiting Mr. John Dennison in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Epps and family spent a'L5w weeks with friends around Atyl- to et Mr. Malcolm McNaughton is quite ill, we regret to state. Mrs. H. Beatty, Mrs. 0. Elliott of Clinton and Miss Mosso') assisted with the music at the Presbyterian church on Sunday last, 1t being an- niversary clay. The farmers in this vicinity( are getting ready a largo amount of sup- plies for transport to Europe, such as oats, potatoes, etc, Theyi will be shipped today. Everybody seems wil- ling to assist and the donation from hereabouts will be a large one. Mrs. Geo. Foster of Pont William is visiting at the home of her father, Mr. Samuel Reid, at present. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hayter and son Henry and a friend from McG.il- livery motored to Grand Bend Sun- (lay. Mrs. W. Wellington Pee visited at the borne of her: mother, Mrs. G. El- liott of Goderich township, over the. weak -enol, 'The "farriers hereabouts who have silos'at:e. taking advantage of 'the fine weather to get them filled. Holmesville Preparations are being macre for speoial B.L. Silver Jubilee services on Sunday in the: Methodist church, Dr. 17. McCormick of Detroit visit- ed his brother, Rev. R. J, MOeer ankle, nit the parsonage over the week- Goderich Township Unity. Club tenet at the home .of Mac. Fred Ford on Wednesdays of this week and spent the afternoon very pleasantlyiand p>oftabiy in working, up articles} of clothing for the distres- sed Belgians. Mrs, Ford served " 'a dainty tea, The next meeting,, of the Club will be : held at Mrs, Thos. Lindsay's, Rev.,'Mr. Whit o? Bayfield conduct- ed special Thanksgiving services at Sharon on Sunday week. Master Murray, McNeil'. of Clinton spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. Geo. .Cooper of the 9th con., • House Furnishings. All union and wool fill- ed carpets are half price. Measure your room and pro- cure a new carpet. Lace curtains from 19c pr up, Tapestry ,e $2.23 reg $4,75. Toilet sets 20 percent off. Axminster rugs $2,39. Ladies' Dress Skirts. In black and grey pat- terns for fall wear. Regular price was $5.00 and $5,50, now $3.49, ' Hats and Caps. Men's and Boys' fall and winter caps 18e. Men's fall hats in soft felts, regular $1.50, now 98c, Men's pants in tweeds and worsteds now 98 . ';' Holmesville arcs. Wm. Stanley is visiting fri- ends at oto 0 rides h Tilo pastor ot the Methodistchurch preached an excellent setm0,1 on Sun day evening, his subject being John the Baptist's message, "Repent ye, for the Kingdon! of !leaven is et Band." Ilad the world accepted that message, so said the preacher, the foremost nations would 1104 now he engaged in deadly conflict. Mr. W. Baden went to visit his parents at Courtyright on Monday, last. " The farmers are making excellent' use of : the continued fine weath . to gather in the apples, roots, corn, fil- ling silos, finishing up the, threshing and heating ready for winter general - Mr. A. J. Courtice has erected a neat lawn fence in front, of his pro- perty which adds to the attractive appearance of the place. MY Cour- ties as well as many other: citizens have improved their properties very much during the past season and now the village of Holmesville is about as neat and attractive as any, place of its size itt the country. A meeting: of the, man of the Hol- •mesville congregation and vicinity is called for Thursday evening to ar- range for their fall and winter pro- gram. People arc saying; that the 'plat- form light at the G.T.R. station is a great convenience to those who have occasion to use the train Service at night and it is much appreciated. For a small place Holmssville has many advantages, such as good train and nail service, express service, etc, its citizens are industrious, it is's,tne- rounded by an, excellent, farming cont munity has a good school and chur- ches and is altogether a desirable plaee of residence. Mr. George Holland, who has bought and disposed of three car loads of cattle in the past fortnight or so, left again on Saturday last for Elgin County to personally select a carload of cows which he will sell by auction. in Clinton on Friday of next week: Mr, holland is certainly doing his share in making this part of I-Iuron atom given to dairying than it has' been heretofore. • News -Record Means News -Leader, Goderich Mrs, Thos. Huelcstep left the begin- ning of the week for St. Louis, Mo:, Where she intends spending the win - Miss -Bowlby in-Miss-sowlby of Windsor is the guest'' of her cousin, 1VIs.J. E. Ford, at' Victoria street personage, Mrs. Geo. W. Tweedie, who has been visiting her brothers, the, Messrs, Love of town, for the past couple of months, left Saturday for her home in Toronto. Miss Iltary Phalen was 'nettled in St. Peter's ohutch recently to Mr, J. D.,McLaughlan of Collingwood. After a honeymoon journey they will talcs up bhei,l residence. in Coliingwood, ; , Wingham f Clinton was a Miss SaraTurner o be- ing in town last week, h ing the guest of her cousin,, Mrs, A. Cesens Miss Henderson of Pine River has been visiting friends in town. • 'sspending i. 1 ice Sh eller ha iYl t a couple of weeks at Milverton. Mt. and Mrs. W. H. Rintoul were in Toronto last week for some days. Mr. and Mrs. Joluu F. Groves spent 0 few clays in Guelph and Acton last week. Mrs. Mary Wilson of New York City is the guest of her cousin, Mes. C. N. Griffin. Miss Ruby Duff of Utica., N.Y., vis- ited Miss Burdettai McCracken last week, Mrs. Roland Beall'', and children of Alliston visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo.; MoKenoie. I Mr. P. n W. Link! r 'c o f Toronto wa V t ,s ho'nie for a few days at Thanksgiving 'time. I -Io is teach'ng at Toronto. 1VIr. and Mrs. F. McBride, Mr. T.J. McBride and IVIr. tied Mrs, A. Don- aldson motored up from Hamilton last week and 515:1)4 for a few days with the foxier s daughter, Mrs. J. J. Moffat, 011 (hear r,,turn to Hamil- ton they were 0ccoi.i;tanied by Miss Clarice Moffat. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawrence of Tor:otto visited over the holiday time with the latter's brother, Mr. John Amsbu:y, Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Elliott motor- ed to Markdale and Owion Sound last week. The funeral of the late George Lea - thorn, who was accidentally; drowned in the Saugeen River near Walkerton, was field from the family .residence to the Wingham cemetery on Friday week. Nelson Shaeffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Shaeffer. of town passed away at his home on Sunday week after: an illness of a fele weeks following an operation for appendicitis. He was in his twenty-third year. 'He is sur- vived by a young wife and one child, his parents, two sisters and five bro- thers. TIIE GUYS ARE COMING. Don't miss seeing Merrill, the Prince • of Jugglers, who is with Guyi Bro- thers' Minstrels who aro !tilled t ap- pear a teat the. town hall,Clinton,next 1 at o Wednesday evening, Oct. 28111. This is a European act just returned last sprint,. Mr. Guy was very fortunate in securing this act. Watch the hats fly during his act which is:decided- ly interesting and well worth seeing. Seats 11015 on sale at Fair's Book Store. Secure your seats now, they. won't cost you any more. Watch for the grand street parade at noon on the main streets, Port Albert Miss 1, Richardson leaves shortly, for Huston, Texas. Mr. Jas. Oliver has his straw shed up again, after halving had it blown down by the wind before it was com- plete. It is now finished. Mr. John Schoenhals of Clinton, who has been building a cement waste gate to his mill dans here, has it about completed. Wo trust it will be the means of taking a lot of gravel and mud out of the pond, which would mean more water and more mone31. Mrs. Harry Hayden has been some- what confined to her home the past few days. Miss Ellen Draper, who is a pelt, ient in Goderich hospital, is now, 101 - proving, her friends will he pleased to learn. Mrs. John Sclioenbals of Clinton spent a few days with old friends in the village last week, Goderich. Firs. .Tas. 1Vlcaracken has relnrued from a visit of several weeks with her: daughter, IVIrs, E. Bond of De- troit, for a fete days recently. Mrs. Walter Saults and daughter. were in Toronto for a fete slays last' week. Miss .Anderson of Ottawa.isaguest at the glome of Dr. Strang. FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINOLEUMS We can assist you in selecting your furniture 11 you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some add pieces you will find it to your advantage to in:.pect our, stock and see the bargains we are giving. 'We also carry i4 good line of violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re- spect and we guarantee the best of satisfaction., JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over store, 28 - Phone 28 1