HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-10-22, Page 2(I, D. lleTAGGART M. 0. McTAGGART [ciaggart Eros. -_-BANKERS --- e1 GENERAL"BANK/NG BUST, - NESS o TRANSACTED. • NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS\ ISSUED, INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PUR- CHASED- T: RANCE '- NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANDER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE -AND FIRE "INSUR ANCE AGENT. ' REPRESENT. • ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COU.ti,T OFFICE, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, , NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office- Sloan Block --CLINTON , CHARLES B: BALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON DRS, GUNN & GAN Din Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.O.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B. • Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., • or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW •. -OFFICE -- RATTENBURY ST. EAST; -CLINTONI -DR. C. W. TIIOMPSON PHSYIOIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention given, to dia- eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2doors West of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. OIL F. A. AXON -. DENTIST Specialist in Crown and ,Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Ohicago, and R•C.D.S,, To. ren to, Bayfield on, Mondays from May to December. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the, County • of Huron, Ciorrespondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The 4Vews-Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone I3 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. A' Ifw +4i = RAND RUN R SY,STERNY TIMFLE TABLE - Trains will arrive at"and depart from Clinton Station as follows: B Ul'F A L ON , ' A D GOD L' RIC H DI 4 Going East, Goi r.ng West, rr " 7.33 a rn; 3.03 p. mel 8.15 p. m., 11.07 a. m. 1.35 p, X ,40 p.' m. 11.98 p, m: LONDON, HURON Az BRUCE DIV Going South, 8.10 a. m. Glom Nor 4.23 p. w. ,c: g' crth' 11.00 a.;, m. 6.35 P. in. 'avER es YEARS' EXPErliENCC, Tnerin MaRlta Gal .1J orva, J79 Y t( hJ 8 LuAn9otleg honeraoten t e. yeeteti oortgi our opinion. !ee oh r.mthtoIt hrob nat@usmmuionuetpohildentlal. 'lnar houte,uneno.Oldest Bugfor securing putoutp:Ploute tftktn t rouh Minn r(0.Lecelveweet4r,twtece. without o�nrto,la the entssf - rage d 0srheomet'p alaleratea weekly. Dirgost a41bnits, je era. toroir• .0004, 104t year, poetagbrognta..501d by all WiWfkIN& 981erosdlysy, Newyork York N,ie i,r n P iflrA et6 r'st. Wne t h Halon .D. C. I.: T .. TH., ..6. v., A F�tMirpl.Y7 LJORnta' Tho dost In Current Literature, $2.20 e.enveen; 25 c'rat,•A coati , NO COI`tiTINUED 'STO131tm - ,61 aPh viun H(JM0 f cbnda4ETs:9i r • ran, an 3 oris Lour From the]lest Mills at tiro lowest possible Brice WE PAY THE IIGHEST PRICE for ` OATS, ' EAS ,and' "BAR- LEY, also HAY for Baling,. Ford " ' McLeod ALL. KINDS "OP COAL, ',n OoD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. ATI kinds of Coal on,band: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL GOAL FURNACE .00KE. BLACKSMITHS WOOD 2% in., 3 in, and 4•in. Tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FORRES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 62. The 11eKillop Idlutual Fire Insurance Company Farm and Isolated Town Property only. Insured - OFFICERS -- • 13, McLean, President, Seaforth ly, S' hoa,eat,GodericP.O.; T. E. Hysecretary-Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. Directors - F. McGregor, Seaforth; John lie ve, Winthrop; William Rinn, onstanee; John Watt, Harlock; ohn Benuewies, Brodhagen; James vans, Beechwood ; McEven, linton P•O, - ents - Robert Smith, Harlock E. $iacti. ley, Seaforth; William Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Holmes. vilie. Any money to he paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Olin. ton, or at Cutts' Grocery, Gorierich Parties desirous to effect insure ones or transact other business will he promptly attended to on ap. plication to any of the above offigers addressed to their respective post, offices. Losses inspected by the director who Lives nearest the scene: There is a Cold Day Corning W'lry not prepare for it by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley Coal. None better in the world. House Phone 12. Office Phone 140. A. J. HOLLOWAY Clinton News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charged it not so paid. No paper discon. tinned until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the pub... Hither. The date to which everysubscription is paid is denoted on label. Advertising Rates -. Transient ad- vert;. ,dents, 10 metes per nos- pareil line for first insertion and 4 cants per line for each subse- quent insertion. Small advertise: ments not to" -exceed one. inchr such 'aa "Lost," • "Strayed," "Stolen," etc., inserted once :for. 35 cents, and each subsequent M. tertian 10 cents.. Communications intended for " licatto puo a must,: as a guarantee of good fa,th, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, , Editor. and Proprietor. ✓l1"rSIIHAL STRATFO RD. ONT. a school 1 with 'a continental reputation for high grade work andrind for the success of itsrad- nates, a school with e superior courses' and instructors. CEO rs We give ' individual attention in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Department S. Why - attend nd elsewhere Mien there a ie room''here 7 You may enter at .any time, Write for our large free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN; • Principal, Once in a while a man , has so much money that he feeds Ile can af- ford to la honest,, Sick Ii'IIeaadfacheo-,. are not caused by anything wrong he the head, but bycon'stipation bilious=" <' nese and indigestion. Headache powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure thnni, Dr. Morse's Indian Root PlllS do cure` sick head ache in the sensible way by rentovit e the omanh lichocausedzon or 'tilem. sick Dr sMorses Indian Root. Pills, are purely vege- table, free from any harmful drug, safe and sure, When you feel the. header:he coming take ' Dr. Morse's se's w , Heidi -art` Root, Vii U $s Does Aybody Want an Umbrella Wo mean a GOOD Umbrellas,.`, Most •people.' own ton Uul.-. bre'lleeol somo sort. • But not ours in a hundred owns one like we have to show you or -geld you. Ours .are die luxe goods. Works a .art. Present yrourself " with one, have your monogram put on it-- 'Then t-.Then take e,are to take Dane of it. Ar variety of handle designs. Best of heel; :silks in the tops. Cost $2.00 to $10,00. You can't equal t'he'n :at the prices hereabouts. Prove it, W. R. COUNTER JEWELER and ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES. BOiMBS DROPPED Al` DUNSURR German Aeroplane ]Brought Down -Occupants i1[adr, Prisoners. A despatclh from London says: The Daily'Chronicle's correspond- ent in France contributes the fol- lowing: "Dunkirk, which expects to be the next objective of •the Gentian attack, was the target for an aero- plane raid. One Taube machine was brought down after dropping two harmless 'bombs, and the two avia- tors were made prisoners. One of them had been mortally injured by the sharp -shooters." Took German Gunboat. A despatch from London •sap's : A despatch to the Central News :from Melbourne says that advices of the capture of a German gum .boat have been received by the Government from New Guinea. Sentenced to Death. A despatch from Chalons says A' Germ an' lar mer named Weber l Weber. and his wife were tried here by ,count -martial on a change of har- boring an enemy. They were found guilty and condemned to death. The man was executed, but a re- spite was granted the ademan and it is .possible that her sentence will be commuted. This can be your ex erI cote' P rf o u use Y Chamber- lain's gain's Tablets -- they cure head- aches byremov- Ing the cause.... not . by smothering the syn, roma-woman's-surest. cure for wo mans moat co -,� mmon oilmen T'ry them 2$c. a bottle. = t}s Druggists and healers, or,by, matt.. ,: Chamberlain Medicine Co. Toronto 2 CHANEBEk-LAINS _ 'TABLETS, t. a, OF HD REN DA:Y •. just as they are -in their in- ' door play, orat their, outdoor, play -they ,are constantly of- ferimg.temptatiens for the ,K �,. , AK Leet it keepthem for you as they are now. Let `•t. a keep an other -: P many I hap; pening,s that are a Source of. pleasure'• - toY 0 ll. BIL01'VNIES $2 TO $12; , I(OD UES; $7 pP0 $25. Also full stock of Films and Supplies. We do Developing and Printing. Remember the place; SEXALL STORE Rheims, French Oi;';y Destroyed by Gcrniiln• Boluhairdulei1t. • A view of l3iheim,s, the beautiful French ei :} which was i' ' during load in ruins by the siegeguns na 'Rhe bombard/neat of the city. In the distance on ,an -eminence of the German's Cathedral of Notre Dame, which was desbr" r el startle the a prominened_ Gernvan nus, oYed clueing the bom:baadmeurt. It was year-old g and ,duelling it could ,easrily `Is:a me'.been avoided had the: prominent mark far Gea•m�ana t"4vsdued. ; FAIL TO TURN • GERMAN ORRER IRON CROSS ALLIES' FLANK German Attempt to Reach Trench Coast Sorts Are • Frustrated. A despatch from Paris •says; The attbmpts by the Germans to turn the flank of the allies and obtain possession of the ports of Ostend, Dunkirk and Calais have :been un- successful, for the Germans came face to Lace with a strong opposing allied army which compelled them to fall ,back after severe fighting. hat is known as "the marching ing" of the allies is continually in anted with the German troops and onmletely covers • the approach to e coast towns, When they fought pitched battle west of Lille the ermares eve•re ,forced to 'make a asked retirement from Laventie in e direction of Lille, their oeoulpa- on of which 'by 2'0,000 men was of ort duration, The line of the battle of :the north" extends over e most historic :ground in Man- es, where on ,the "Fie'id of Cloth Gold," Francis I, and Haney II, had their celelbrated meeting 1520. Owing to the sin.nobs ether - ter of the line of Ihattle, the -total •gth of it frons the obast of Bel - nn to the •Seise ,border now ohes nearly 360 miles. Belief in it final success appears to have en a ]item hole: on :the allies, All melt display confidence in their menders, who are doing every- lg possible to spare their troops, allied soldiers are ii'giht'lngwith or•. They often perform marches r 'est .sem 'beyond Duel human an 1e n power, , o thebattle attde ftelcl their ardor nreatraivable, This is made evi- 1 often when avian detachments apant from the main 'bodies, no'h dragoons recently were en - ted with the task of covering •passage of, a river by artillery, The in a'body of German Hussars cles8i.' Both sides charged iii- taneously, and'th.e melee lasted inntes, during which the men ed and pierced eaoh other„wilih els and dances amid elle crack fficers' revolvers. Finally the ills broke ranks anti galloped ea '' tin many n o•f. g e', .l their mat. field. T r an The : t dragoons s al+ • sev S so s,uf- ere, l but t at. ' tame d their iha t of securing tri r t, a sate g pass- er P or their comradu,s, .p. CAIN. Vhat qy 0 0 th a G th ti sh th de of VI in ae ]en git tees the tak the coni this T.he vig w Iht wh' t is u den act Fre tens the nha inul ten m slash ewer of o bliss off, I the fer•ed objet age f Ther' • For 'Inhere That ikee s P hes. cell for hife• But •there'rs none will stand By the sawn who p'l'aned With a Pie -perverted skill , ?• To mint the world with a German die-- At ie-- Atthe price of a million -kill! It isn't the Mien rattle thirst, It isn't the Belgian rage, st, It Isn't the English'' reed for Mad and h�,• T a; mires the zeekng,stage, But th0 monstrous plan Of a Single Man With a world -engulfing will] Who calls to the vntbtu'res out o' north the To feast on a million -kill. The Kaiser sits in au armoured train, . Far back front- the battle -grip. ESTABLISHED IW FREDERICK WILLIAM 111. jOfllY 73, Including But One Officer, Saved From the North Sea PLOT RN ALD LONDON RAID Police Stine Pa -diary With a Roof,of Concrete Folli • ree-t J'lkwk. A d,cu nn Lc h Eich London says: Phil Ii lice liu,ve..found at Willesden, a s'tlburb to the'north-W,e;st ,of Lon. - don', a, buiJ,cHing oe hpie i' lby Ger- Mans,-with,foun�dations and roof Of heavy concrete. They arrested 22 -Germans on tlheiprernraes, The pre- mises were ,bei»g used' by C re-miseswere,beingused'byC G Roe- hsg,' a German 'music puib!:rsher, ass a factory; Ihe,,police laid their plans and conducted a 'successful lasts 1:n large force they surrounds- eel th .;;,builthuq and then entered and took into custody 22 German subjects. The, factory is.of one story. 11ricirt they found very thick concrete founds,tions, ,and lir was` discayered that the loo;£ also Was of concrete-afd'between three and four feet thick. The site of 'hiss factory at Willesden 'commands several important railroad junc- tions. The Paris premises of this same firm were blown up recently on orders issued by the French Government, More woinen than men are left- ljantled, CRUISER SUNK BY ENEMY Similar 10 Effect to the Orders of Britain, France and Russia. There has been considerable sa- tiric eomiuent over the despatches from Germany relating how the Emperor :has been showering iron -crosses upon his officers and the soldiers in the ranks for conspicu- ous deeds ofibravery. According to one despatch whole .Wagon load's of these decorations were abandon- ed by the. Getman army when the Ara retreat from Paris :began, The Iron Oros's was established by Frederick Willliaan 111,, King of Prussia, in 1813, •as a reward for bravery in the war with Napoleon. 1't consisted of an iron cross of the form known ars "erose :pane," with a border of silver suspended by a black ribbon with :two white stripes. In the centre af. •the cross was a spray of three oast leaves and above it was a crown with the in- itials "F,W." and the date 1813. 1V111ianl 1. Revived. When the Franco-Prussian war 'began, Emperor William I. revived the order ,which had lan'guis'hed, The only change in :the cross was that the initial became a "W," and the date was changed to 1870. Since the Franco-Prussian war no iron crosses have ,been awarded, theor r de beingstrictly a military ztar Y one an the e awar ds be' to •'m ade f • deeds g or of darling in battle. Gener- ally the ,Empe:ror tosses the ribbon about the neck of the happy reeip• ient, but according to the des- patches, he is tossing the crosses about with such a .free hand these days that he is awarding theta by marl or at times by ,bearer. There are many German orders, dating Ecom the fecal clays, when til• Teuton barons awarded to their lieges various marks of favor. These orders, however, are main- ly' 'by the rulers of the various kingdoms and principal- ities s cons i t ' t t tttn the empire, g and 4 many of them are Inc terms f mili- tary service Inc distinguished work in devising military weapons. British V. C. The Victoria Cross of GreatBrit- ain; widely known and probably the e's many a man in flaringhell .roost -highly prized of all honors, a sin an twist n t was established in 1856. It is he knife; awarded." e , only for e on• rd uo ns m•� many a ibravery,": Y tri a r a .t g son' Pa and �to-gain V' toria Victoria ra. P soto I Cross is indeed to '-aceomplis9t• ' a deed of -honor Inc a Briton. It is a bronze cross surmounted by a bronze lion, send bearing a scroll, "For Valor," Frenc'hnsen, of duress, covet the Legion of Honor, awarded' to' all men France thinks 'have done some great deed, no matter in what' walk of 111e. 1t was. founded by Napole- on in 1802, and was first known 00 the Order of Ord Eagle. ' ;h e The Rus- sians, Inc military :bravery, decor- ate with the Order 'of ,St, George, which was established' •by Empress Catharine II in. 1789, " Servia has the order of 'I`ak_<rta, and Austriatwo purely military ordeal. Japaa:nhas the Order of the Golden Kite, the newest of an of the decorations Inc.valor. Tt was established in 1891. It's the I,i > ci ep boy sad boy • g Y the Paris Who er6ue11 where the bullete nip, It's -the Andwerp man P Who is ending his spite air. With b1,eod-est, . Uke dprayer wipl,, if. he hellos h' the Side t •�' i. 3 -, of the Liver- pool lad In the Raiser's s lnill,o" - ' n kat. • �' I�a ., The . T,(a leer' s• m0 1 , - tl ei r est ones' !- .ileo She ,hides hot fate in heaven, She playa that she -we're the Yor - e1iiae maid , .• Or ,the .widowed .wife in Devon, They mourn bh,edn• dead With proud'1•ield heed, Whose souls ,are in God's will, Site mourns foe the thrice -eine leci soul of him Who plenned,'fhe attillion kirL1' -Betty D, Thornley; in October C0nadaa Monthly, , 'Phe Ideal. - "Would ,Yeti forgive sue i1 i kissed. yott?" ":Flow eau 1 tell beforedand 1" • •1'rmy. Aatonfbbiles. Motor've,hie.tee of ail kinds play all ee ,dl r: Sia as n b �' le p art in P the Entree peen eonfliot. Cannon, even o{ large calibre, lace mo -ti bed' :upon heavily alanored motet• truffles, moved from place and lllar,e to place tvitll fair greater speed: than could possibly be ahea deme t teem h(i1S-es 'There aro alsotracks E. of carrying a l r, n U VL.'' S1 C n travelling- g1 q�. L tit z. motor 1 aan b- lakuoe�s, water-lanit �trutelts tv'i,t1S: acp- par•attls for . distilling' water that carr , • b the water: to the. man on• the firing lime motet, vehicles eiluipped. with wtt.eless,telegraph and telpr` phone stations • tractors with= a winch and ol11Lin los tlr.aitlang ''heavy guns iritic pee:t roil Upon the eat- bre,alk.'of was, army .officers requi�si- tioned tanieab.s and 10 stox oaeriagee nl every targe city, with which to hurry the ,tr1,ops to thei,r rendez- tams, iaatd tenni. :there .'b0 their places en the frontier, The gen er els and staff officers 01 all the leading atmi:es nee high-powered awbotrsarbiles to (;ravel From place to place. Many of those ,nachln0s.,an0 ;ravelling war ofilees, ., A desp.atcli from London says: ed shoulders with death. He' was The British cruiser $awike, launch- I a boatswain of the Hogne's crew ed in 1891, was •sunk by a torpedo I when that cruiser was torpedoed on from a German submarine in the1 Sept 22. He jumped into the sea northern waters of the North flea, that day ants, kept afloat anti!' his good kick took him into a trawler. Of her crew, which numbered as . His grim experience was repeated many as 544, only 73 survivors have I as nearly as could be pose;ble. So been reported, including a Reuben- I that ant-comunander and three warrant officers. The Theseus, a sister cruiser of the Hawke, alo was at- tacked by the submarine, tbut escap- ed undamaged, the torpedo, in this ease, •going wide of its mark. The survivors reported by the Admiralty are Lieut.,Com'mandez• Robert R. Rothman, Boatswain Sydney Aus- tin, Gunner James Dennis, Acting Gunner Harry Evitt and 69 mem- bers of the crew, Commander no - email and twenty men were saved by a raft, :the 'o'thers 'being picked she by a tr•.arwlsr and' landed at Aberdeen. Among the missing are Captain M. P. Williams, Com- mander B. A. Pratt Barlow and eight naval cadets. One o:f the rescued nen-commis- sioned officers, Boatswain Sydney Austin, of the Hawke, hears -a - charmed life.. Twice he has touch. within three weeks virtually he has ,twice escaped .with remnants of crews .destroyed by the German's. Itis presumed that the German submarine, with the boldness which has characterized the operations of the Unter See Bores, hook advant- age of an early morning -fog and :eta tacked the soont ships somewhere off the coast of Scotland. The sue - cess of the German ;su'bmarine, com- ing so quickly after the achieve- ment; of. the U9 in destroying the Cressy, Hogue ;: id Aboukir on 'Sept, 22, is p,;rtie,ularl y note- worthy, because the blow appears to have been •delivered ,far from the German naval base, and in spite of the increased vigilance of British commanders. It is probable that rthe German submarine ventured fully 250 :miles fro the mouth of the River Elbe and sank the Hawke in the region of the Dogger Bank's. PRAYERS FOR WORLD'S PEACE That Swords nay Be Beaten into Ploughshares and Spears Into Pruning nooks "On earth" peace; "-=Luke ii., 14. Never before in the history of man'kin'd have so many and such fervent prayers for peace been lift- ed unto Clod. Wars have despoiled 'the ar bef o r e n o w , C e zl s. AttilIas and s have again and again achieved their dreadful handiwork, But never before has a conflict been fought upon such `t stupendous eca'10 been armed with 1 50 monstrously effective weapons ane: threatened with ruin so high az. ebage of civilized development :as this i which t s now raging thrroug'h- oat,Europe. And therefore never before has the agony cif men's souls been 00 intsend 11101' p,rayera Inc deliverance so universal and sincere, Not •ense,merely here, hitt everywhere throughout the ear: not merely bo -day; tbM on every that witnesses the snpreune sloe of nation 'Iditing up sword again tion -not merely by us, who are far removed -ficin tire and sword,,but by sober men .etnel .stricken women in all lands now ravaged 'by des- truction--is G•ocl'besot ght, With one voice and one heart, "to vouchsafe EUS children .peace," Up Front a !L'honsaati Attars :there goes ter God •the prayer to hanash ,from 111e eat 1rh "the griev- eusne1a et war," that men may nab 1)8 1leuglhtered like' herded beasts Within the-s18anr'bles; that women. may not I stripped .Y be stir , to d of p! loved came Anel left alone and desolate; that, homes may, not be'destroyed or tree spoiled, and .the aged and the young, tire -,sick and the enfeebled scattered helpless •before :die winds elf, v rel cute• that c,l'r . t ;hated fields m'l � a a,y not be laid waste and inhabit- ed places bloated like a deserts; . t • Famine may not starlit that pestilence 9111c nee eaath, wa l :Lit` t darkness " l.n eSle and ove p r t beset. se Y Lth• ' (, h amp ' Mee, as in for gotteredays ; that the machin- ery �, end:'inonume•nts, arts and sciermai, comforts and beauties of 'a thousand ,yoars gone' by may, not be swept into oblivion ; that pro- gr•ess toward efficiency, more aibundant and more justly distri- buted wealth, tuner political and industrial democracy, wider anti deeper knowledge lefties. 15 er ' , ideals 1'11 „ 1 s of re liberty zt .and.happiness, ,v may not be stayed for a thousand years to come; that -lust and 'rate may not ,possess the souls of men, force usurp the place, of reason in the governance of affairs, and the brute. violence 01 might dictate isle terms' of human destiny 7 Y Up. from a million hearts ,'these goes to God the .p�'ay er to grant one; earth Inc blessedness of ,peace: that people may dwell in sale dwellings r• and th-' day 1n (Quiet Resting Places. That deserts may bloom like: the tor : rose and all waste places of the ma- earth be glad; drat routes of trade and nate of 'business may be thronged, and prosperity dwell within Inc hordes of every land; that t s'c' rents may be bngy in her la- boratories, philosophy vocal in her halls of learning, and redig+loll tri- umphant, in the :teunpl'e.s of God's praise ; that the hearts of men may be possessed of hove, and in quiet- ness and confideis:ce learn' the noble ;1a,vs-arrd,foilow in the gentile ways of brothe"prood',, :;drat God's i.tn,g- dem may come arses I3is avi11 isi dine en earth has' it is in 'Heaven. seven. Fondly do we hope t.h:at was', the work of tiltl,aii'v anct the sura of all ill, may speedily,lujss away.a ey- venally do we pray :that peeoe, which bormelt}l 110 marl' and ringth stn- to e al,. . 5;11 . P • Nbl ., Dot' g 1 to all, may ,.p•eed- il,y appear, Efighly ,do wo yeses to do all Which yc t,1 itlab FtCll�t@\'t" that Concord among men :oaks naeMert witill r v tl;tvdzl 1 ct;l :rhea :elan t,an Mt neither h•apeeinees not litre friendship, nor any whole:see a fruit of toil or tihonght,''_41,ev.' Joire 3iaynes 1io:1 ones.` ABATT'S t'' TO The very best for use in ill -health and convaieseence Awarded Medal and f•Iighost Points in America at World's Fair, 1893 PURE--SOUND-WHOLESOME Jowl LABATT, 1L1:Mf1'TD, LONDON, CANADA