HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-10-15, Page 8educ- e Pries. During the next two weeks we place on sale about Forty Beautiful Rugs in rrapestry Brussels, and Velvets in sizes 21 x,8 3 x 3, 3x 3," and 3 r 4, and offer you "your choice at woi derfully .reduced„ s; ,prices.— : "r Owing to'the•advancingprices on all lines `of, im- ported rugs wehave placed extra orders for spring in order to secure them at lowest possible price but must now make a clean sweep of all rug3'rn. stock in order to have room for the new ones when they arrive. • Men's ani BO.y''s Clothing If you are interested in.a, new suit, overcoat or, pair of odd thoosers, coine in and see what:we are showing, We tcati save you looney and guarantee'to please you. Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits ' More Business' Shoe Satisfacti�n Perfect Shoe Satisfaction awaits the man who comes here to select his Fall Shoes.. The new Fall models are eer- tainiy the limit of goodness in Men's Shoes. WE PRIDE OURSELVES' ON, OUR MEN'S SHOES! The best Bright or Dull leathers of selected stock and the shoes are made by the very best makers of men's shoes ! There are no better men's shoes ! We ve the conservative lasts or the new styles in more pointed effects, BUTTON OR LACE STYLES, $3.00, $3.50, $4.40 UP TO $6.50, We've all sizes and widths and you'Il.be a very hard ' man to shoe if we cannotpiease yon, fit you and satisfy. you perfectly in every respect, FRED. JACKSON The,. House of Better Shoes. Our Present specials • STOVES and RANGES GUNS, RiFLES and AMMUNITION YALE PADLOCKS and NiGHT LATCHES. SEE OUR 3 NINDQYiI DISPLAYS. IN STOVES—The popular kind is wbat we sell -Happy Thought. Pandora, Welcome, World's Favorite, also cheap- er lines. GUNS and RIFLes—we have both the Stevens. and Rem- ington, and a complete stock pf loaded shells and cartridges. YALE LOCKS Safety First -There are only 2 ways of getting through a door guarded by a Yale'Iock-•break down the door or use the key. HARLAND .BROS. • STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES 1 Suitable furni sure for'all rooms is equal- ly well displayed, easy Oluiirs EASY Chairs of the sort that give your whole body rest. are here in endless variety, Just come into our store and, try them all, that' is the best' and sure wayto choose chairs that are comfortable. We want to say a word about prices. They can't be beaten.,. Bale .& Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. N. BALL Phone 110. J. A. ATIKINSON, Phone 160 Clinton News -Record' t Oetaber 16th, 1914- from ew»uwi""';' Me,' Basques, C and Cap QCiats Flare Skirts," Bloustts :and Dresses with Italian 6IIa6,104 tames, gathered, plaited, yoked and circular, withhundreds and hundreds 'Of the :latest Fall styles, are :shown in the STANDARD FASHION. BOOK for Autumn Wide each copy you get any Standard Pattern FREE 20 CENTS AT THE PATTERN COUNTER W. D. FAIR CO. Often the cheapest -Always the best. i• n n�� tlnnununwnnmuwu,i ni alr ,t.l-._ imwnulih Miss Minnie Rudd was with Toronto friends over the week -end," Miss Merle Moore spent the week -end and holiday with Blyth friends. Mrs. G. Doherty and Miss D. Doherty Stratford, were in town on Thanks- giving. itIr. Ernest Guest of Hirt was 'a week- :end 'eek:end visitor at the home 0 Mr. and Mrs. Peter • Canteion. Miss Edna Cooper of the Wingham High school staff spent the holiday at her home in town. Miss Mary Holmes of Toronto was • the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Chant, over the week -end and holiday. Mr. Geo. 13rickenden 'spent over the week -encs 'With Mr. and Mrs. J. Tay- lor, and Mr, and Mrs. Rollaway of S topic ton. Mr. and Mars. W. 'E and child of Hamilton were the guests over the, week -end of the former's mother, Mrs,. J Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morrish and Miss. Bessie spent the week -end and. holi- day as the guest:, of. i1Mrs. Morrish's brother, ...Mr. Ogle Cooper of Col- liugwood. Rev. E. Townsend is in charge of the Holiness Movement Wolk at liar. love and will so continue until the meeting of the Conference the lat- ter part of this month. Mr. 1•l. S. Chapman was a visitor at his home in Collingwood over the • week -end, going by motor with a patty of friends front Stkatloid on Friday and returning, by train Tues- day morning. Mr. Ross Johnston of Blake, who was in ']%own Saturday, is one of the number of Stanley farmers who have made good on beans, that is he bought the seed cheap, had a good crop and got a big price. Miss Dagrnar Prince and Mr Ernest Lawrence of :loroato wino the guests of Mr. and Mrs. •T. Jack- son; Jr., from Saturday until Wed- nesday, having corse up to assist in the concerts of Monday and 'rues - dap evenings, Mr. W. R. Counter went down to Simcoe on Saturday .to visit. his mother -who has been in., poor heal th. Counter Sr. whor: Mr.and Mrs. Coon are Ccloselythe�four- score, ur- ti c a lin to o PPo S score, have fora long period been residents of Simcoe, Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Steele and Miss Margaret Macdonald of Amberleyi and Miss Agnes Campbell of Mitchell were Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance. Miss Macdonald, who is an aunt of Mrs. Torrance's and who. is in her ninetieth year, enjoyed the trip and the 'holiday ,festivities as much as anyone of the company. Mrs.' Carter and her grandsoh, Mas- ter Buol Biggins, of Hamilton visit- ed at the ;tone of the former's ,son, Mr. Edward Carter; over the and holiday. Mrs. Caster likes to come back to the old town oc- casionally, to see her friendsand look after: her property here and she `may 'come hack to reside per manently' before many, moons go hyo Miss M. E. 'Chidicy was in 'Toronto last 'Weer, ]laving been given per: Mission by the inspectorto visit some of the Toronto Public schools instead' of attending the Convention at Brussels. The idea being that she, could (bus gather: and bring home some points which could be used Locally; • Miss Chidley remain- ed in the city over Sundays ,and :the holiday. Rev, .7. Greene was in 'Toronto for a couple of days last week and took advantage ' of it to call upon the Premier;` the Hon,' Mr. Hearst. Their acquaintance elates back many years to that period when Mr. Greene was paster, of the church at Tara, and the Members of' . the iiearst family were among his most active workers, Premier Hearst was then 'but a boys but ev- en then gave promise of the dis- tinction to which he has, since attained: SHOULD READ THIS. = ' It is just a little of the:NV"' hole story ;of, this season's fashionable furs,but conveys an excel-, y lent idea of the. great number off' pelts;. that:] are fashionable. Black furs are extremely good st le-- "therefore, we 'alive an exceptionally gond aesorthiei t, at'a wide range of prices. Handsome'Cana mink' is as usual,well represented:in our, stock"and a large !number of individual ets--only one of a kind -combine, -;to 'afford you wide.latitride ija ths'inattei' of choice; , Cone inand see our fine'stock, A MAGNIFICENT SHOWING OF Black Fox Neck Pieces Black Fox Muffs Sable Neck Pieces Sable Muffs Fine Canadian Mink Neck Pieces Fine Canadian Clink Muffs Persian Lamb Neck Pieces Persian Lainb fluffs. ,Also. manyprefty, ,styles'in the,1ess, expelasive furs, as well as many smartiloveltysets,. SELECT YOUR FURS EARLY. This is strongly advisable, because it assures you of the first choice of skins—those of the finest pelt and prettiest markings being shown in the new furs. By paying a small deposit, purchases made now will be reserv- ed until desired.. NEW THINGS TO BF SEEN IN THE STORE NOW. New—that's the point 1 For We on just such small accessories as the 'right Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery etc., that the success of the costume depends. And the newest are right here ! • Dainty Neckwear—A snowy white collar or vest, and sometimes the addition of cuffs to match, is the fashionable finish for the dark Autumn gown ; and they're here in all degrees of sheerness and all desired styles. r Beads—Where is the girl who has not fallen a victim to their charm? Thsse new jet beads are particu- larly fetching—both dull and bright varieties, long and short strings. • Gloves—Our prices make chamoisuede, cashmere, lisle. silk and real French kid with over -sewn seams' extra choice skin, change hands quickly. Hosiery,—We sell Hosiery in cashmere, wool, lisle, silk mixture and silk that are woven for wear, fash- ioned, to fit and loomed to last. Visit this store whenever you can. You're almost sure to find something to interest you for your wardrobe or your home. flOWN'3 Personals. Mr, Smith of Dunnville was a holi- day visitor in town. Miss Hanna spent the week -end at the parental home at Milverton. Miss Berle Cooper spent a left flays 0f the past week in Toronto, ' Air.,, Edgar Torrance of Dxetoc spent the week -end at his home here". Mrs. J.0. Choaven and little son vis- ited in Teeswater over the holiday season,' - Mr. Fred Rumbell of the Royal Bank staff, London, was hone for the holiday, Miss Kathleen Quigley of � g y Clinton spent the holiday with friends in Goderich. Miss Grace Chill of Toronto spent. the week -end and holiday at her ]tone in town, Mrs. Heriot of St. Mary's spent the holiday time with her sister, Mrs. • John Wiseman, Miss Pearl Husband of Listowel was the guest of her sister, Mrs, Ren Chowen, over the week -end. Mr. Edgar Reynolds of Stratford spent Thanksgiving Day at the home of his uncle, Mr. Dominic Flynn. Mrs. C. E. Smith and Miss Etta of Sealorth were guests of Mt: and Mrs. Thos. Mason over the holiday. Mr. .7, W. Irwin of London and Dr, Wallace Irwin of Moose Jaw, Sask, called on old friends in town on Monday, Mr. and Mrs; A'.' J. Tyndall were in Goderich for a few clays this week and took .in the S.S. convention on Tuesday-. Misses Mandena Holland and Verna ' Vance of London called on Mr, and Mrs. C. 'H. I-Iolland on Thanksgiv- ing Day. Miss Edith' Jennison• who has been suffering from an attack of appen- dicitis 'the past week, is now on the mend. Rev. Dr. Rutledge; Rev, E. G.• .Pow- ell and Mr. Miller , each took dele- gates to the S. S. convention in Goderich in their cars on Tuesday. Mr. Nixon Welsh of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Welsh of Chatham were guests at the family home, that of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Welsh, over tits week -end, ' Mr. and Mrs.. Joel 1VIcLeod of Guelph. visited old Clinton friends over the holiday season, They are always welcome visitors here and enjoy a return visit to Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. 'A. F, Collyer' and lit- tle Missee Phyillis and Mary: spent Thanksgiving Day in town as the guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Steal). Mr, Collyer was obliged to return to the city but Mr,' Collyer:• and little ones are making a longer visit in the home town. Mr.' Eddie Shepherd was up from Toronto for the 'Thanksgiving holi- day. He was accompanied by Mr.' J. 7,onie,' also of Toronto, who as- sisted Wesley church choir Sunday evening and also assisted with the program of the Methodist entartain- inent at LondeSliO 0 on Monday eV - ening, Hultett Township The fine weather of the past few weeks has • been a boon to farmers, enabling them to get in theirpota- toes and roots, which ere a good crop. The apple crop in this town- ship, as all over the county and province, is a good one but the market; is so poor that prices will not pay for the. trouble of getting them ready for market, Mrs. Allred Peters of Clio, Mich., is visiting at the old homestead, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1-I. Weymouth's. Airs, Kunkel and babe of Niagara. Palls visited over the , k - o ci see .end and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Ahs. E. Crawford. Several from this township attend- ed the funeral of the late William Cole, who died at the home of his son at Ethel. The late Mr. Cole, who was ovcir eighty years of age, was a former well known resident of this township. The News From Londesboro Constance Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Stanley Of Hol- insisville visited their daughter, Mrs, 1). Tudor, last week, Mrs MekY a and Ahs Munroe o` Brueefield visited Ali gnd Mrs. McIn- tosh for, a few days last week. Mr. and Mas, Love of Walton spent Thanksgiving Dayas the guests of their daughter, Mrs, Ed Britton. A number of people in this vicinity are laid up with colds. .lnniversarp services In connection With 'the Methodist church will be held the second ;Sunday in' November. McKillop Township Tliatilcsgiving Day passed quietly here.' A number: went to the woods but game is reported scarce. Mrs.Hall, who was visiting' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Constable, has returnedtoher lionie in western Can- ada. Tlielate rains have made the land' ready for plowing and the fall work id well advanced. Miss Bessie Davidson and Miss Price have been around collecting for the Canada Bible Society and have met with fair success: ada Bible Society and have met with The death of. Mrs. Redmond, for- merly Miss Katie Kenny, is touch re- gretted, here, She died at her home in the west but the remains w0 :e brought back and interred in the R.C. ee'rnetery+, Dublin. Seaforth. Mr, Donald McIntyre died rather suddenly following a Slight stroke of paralysis" on Friday last. He had re- covered somewhat from the stroke and was,; able to go around until within a couple 'of :daps of his death,` His wife and one daughter, Mrs. Os - ear Neil, survive. Mr. and Mrs. L. Watters, Miss J, Maines and Miss 13, Brogden spent the week -end and holiday, in the vil- lage, Mr. J. Spindler of Lucknow spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Ball of Detroit visited at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. John Lasham over the week=end. Mr, J. Cartwright was in Seaforth or, 'Tuesday, Misses Is, and F. Jamieson visited Clinton friends on Thank s iii ig Day. lr. Robt. Gibbs left 'Tuesday for Ayton, where .he inb3nds'spending a few weeks. Mr. L. Woodman of Gdclph was here over Sunday. The anniversary services at the Methodist church on Sunday were very largely; attended. The pastor; Rev. C. C. Kaine, prorated Morning and evening, delivering, two very ' in- spiring sermons. Special music was rendered by the choir, assisted by Mr, and Mrs. S. Geddes and Mr, R. Sleeth of Seaforth, (Iii Manday even- ing the annual fowl supper and enter- tainment were given and were, as us- ual of ancharacter.Tl i a l leP r 0 a consisted gr<ni on steel of solos by Miss Mc- Clinton, C,oderich Mr. J Lon ie Toronto reading by Mr. R. 1-Ianna, London ; instrumental music by Mes- srs; Gibbs; Gurney and Sleeth, and addresses by Revs. J, G. Reid, Win. Conway and 1E. G. Powell. The pro coeds amounted to nearly three hun- dred dollars, ' Mr. Sleeth of Seaforth was the guest of IVIe, Robt, Gibbs over the week -end. . Miss 13. C'ockerline of Blyth visited at the bonne of ' AIr. •Jas, Woodman over Sunday. • Mrs. N. Black of Wingliam is spend- ing a few days at the ltonie of M.. Jas. Woodman. Mr, and IVIrs, W. Merritt of London visited the lady's sister, - Mrs. Arm- strong, on Sunday. AIr.' r Pre ce Cooper, iv ho has just re- turned -turned from Fort Francis; visited fri- ends in this vicinity for a few clays last week. The Ladies' Aid of Knox church will have a social tea and entertain- ment on the evening of the 27th inst. 6 to 8. -Good program. ,Hullett Township Mr,' and Mrs. Sh Hill and children of Behmiller and. Mr. and Mrs, Cor ney of Dungannon motored to I3ulielt last week to visit' their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. David Hoggartlt of l: Mr,ife Chs, I=I a6thoggarth had the mis- fortune to fall to his barn and hurt his back so he finds it difficult to at- tend to his farm duties, It is hoped that ate- will soon he quite himself' again. IMr. Wni. •Coventry of Wingham has been. spending a number of days with. of 1 ti frf is 13 11 tt mmelimonmemoress., IIARTT SHOES for len. Every man enjoys once in a while, buyiag the best things, even if they do cost more. Some men are wise enough to know that this is true economy. If you'll come here and look at our showingg of HAR R TT SHO ES you'll see, where` the enjoyment comes in, There's nothing better made, anywhere, at the price, When you've worn apair you'll realise the economy of the best, p We sell shoes that are absolutely the best ever sold here—in stylish appearance, in qualities, in materials, and workmanship, the best you can possibly buy for the money, the largest stock of men's shoes to select from, and a good fit guaranteed. S. CHAPMAN PHONE 70 �r�