HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-10-15, Page 1• 'No. 1854' -36th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THU-RSDAY, OCTOBER 15th.1914. THE HOME PAPER, • s h 1. t � 'f it Mme frerra.,�Eel a 4 i it i � � Wedding It s. Be careful in selecting n our gift. 'It will be viewed •and ctttc zed bymany. Ohose whose > :' 'OPiniOnB you most esteem 7bell see it. By it maybe judged your good taste and judgment, perhaps your friendshiprand lcberalet.Y Safe- . guard yourself bymaking us in ,the selection.:: y f 9 we heoe the goods that, suit. We know the la styles-bestmakes--most suitable i test. gifts. :: -..Cut Glass, Sil�ie/ ware, :. Art • Goods,"China, Clocks,. piecess ecial that sholD P n l moderate rices. -richness at�+sur rest e'wetet and Optician Clinton Th.Roy1 Ban: OF CANADA. Incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,560,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits - 13,500,000 Total Assets 185,000,000 380 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking business transacted, R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch lli'e Molsons Bank Incoriiorated 1555 Established in Clinton 1879 Capital and Reserve = $8,800,000 91 BRANCHES IN CANADA A ---GENERAL - BANKING • BUSINESS • TRANSACTED, CIRCULAR LE'T'TERS OF CREDIT - • TRAVELLERS CHEQUES - - • • ISSUED. BANK MONEY NEY 'ORDERS 1 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT At all branchea. Interest allowed at highest current rate. C. E. Dowding - Manager er ..Clinton, Branch. g 1 1 f READY -To -WEAR CLOTHING' ' ORDERED CLOTHING Men's sweater Goats. We show all the best models in Sweaters with the Sweater Coat easily in the lead as a, favorite, All wool yurns. Full faqhioledi Extra heavy knit, Bne or pearl.button.. Someof the. styles have contrasting colors around the collar and down the front. 1.00 to7. 0 5 BOYS' SWEATERS We show all sizes and all the good styles in Boys' Sweaters. There are a,variety of new colorings and trim mings. ,The Fall season is the'' Boy'ss time for ,Sweater�,< 50c to 5 $ . . 0 Just received `seine' Swell Her, Iwear fora the little fellow. 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.25 HT MORRISH CLOTHING: ECO, Motto "A Square Deal for EveryMan." 9 ATTENDL0D CONVENTION. Ila Model school staff. attended' the; ,leachers' Convention in_Brussels " on Thursday and Friday last making the trip there and back in motor. cars.. LATE STRAWBERRIES, T _ P T3ai _ cel i.. M . H. a nes is ' a�n ew el ei't gardener,' as most`.' people iu Clinton. are aware, and things 'will',grow for; him, more' successfully than for nhoet' folk. Orr'' Saturday Mr. Baines pre- sented to The News, -Record ': a ,ripe strawberry which would have amply graceda well cultivated :strawberry bed in June or July. It was large, well formed, ripe and juicy and Mr. Baines said. lie -had picked. nearly a box of similar ones from bis patch that morning.. The saaisons in .01d_i Ontario seen? :to be ,changing , tsome, what and: should the time, come y3en strawberries, raspberries, etc.,:.will bear two crops annually:. the -people g13 enera l > ..will have cause 4 to n Sider p themselves' very highly favored. THE' CONCERTS,' As was suggested by The, News- Record a few -weeks ago it seems a useless waste of money to bring in an outside concert company for the en- tertainment of Clinton people when Stich excellent entertainments can be presented by home talent. ., 01 course, the programs of Monday. and Tuesday evenings were not all supplied by home talent, but most of those taking ,part were of Clinton., past or present, and all will admit that the entertainments were among the best ever put 011 here. - At half past seven on Monday ev- ening the hall was packed and people- wero, being turned away unable to ob tarn even standing room.;.• A moving picture machine was in-. stalled in the town hall for the oc- casion and pictures were thrown upon the screen until it was time for the curtain to go up and when it did it disclosed a fine arra{' of minstrels with Mayor Jackson in all the bravery of a green velvet suit and powdered wig, as centre man. The songs and choruses by the min- strelsrt e er e well renderedh se tak- ing t o in r ' in t g 1 alt the solos being 71Icssls. Karl Wilkin, A. Mitchell, T. E. Past, Stewart Jackson, Fred Thompson, C. Whitmore and Masters Willis Cooper Jack Bawden and Tom Jackson, Messrs. Stewart Jackson, ('. W. Whitmore, Fred Ford and. John Mc- Caughey, as end -men, were very fun- ny and kept the audience convulsed with laughter. 11essr•s. J. 111oCaughey and qi{to b fries did a funny little- suint whibh great- ly amused' the auclien_e. Mr, Elgin Mason also sang a. cou- ple of songs and did a dancing stunt which caught the audience, once ap- pearing in Highland costume', Miss Prince and Mr. Stewart Jack 'son went througha couple of little playlets which were not only funny but pretty and also „gave some of the new and popular dances together. The performance Was brought to a close by thesinging of the national an- them,-. ' The whole shove was, .fully up to that presented by: many professional. companies. It wasbright and full, of movement throughout and was, of coursa,,,free from anything bordering. upon the objectionable. Much of the success of• the enter- tainments was due to the efforts of. Mr. Stewart Jackson; c Isilo trained 'the bogs -for the choruses and took 511011 a leading part himself in the performances and Without whom they could hardly have been brought to such a successful ending. Miss Dag- mar Prince - of Toronto also added much to the pleasure of the evening by her pretty: acting and dan- cing, as; did the presence of Mr. Ernest' Lawrence, also of Toron- to, who is himself a composer and who has written and staged a play or ttvo, one of which, "The Western- ers" was put og in one of the Tor-' onto theatres for several nights -a few years ago and in which Mr. Stewart Jackson took a leading part. • Mr. Elgin ' Mason As another old' Clinton boy who contributed to the success. of Monday evening's perfor- mance by his singing and dancing. ` Miss Jean C'hidleyh acted as accorn- paniste each evening, performing an important and difficult part very sue- ces511llly, ' On Tuesday evening 'Mr.: Elgin Mas- on did' not take part, but Mrs. How- ard IIuniplwcys contributed a ,solo. and was, obliged to "respond to an en- core. Mrs. I-Itnphreys is always wel- come before a Clinton audience, not ,, :onl}i because of her charm as a sin g- er, ger, but also because of the fact that she is a native .ol the town. Quite a lively ticket selling contasi was engaged in by a number of the boys for a week previous • to. the -con- cert. Three prizes were offered and Were won as follows : First, a gold ;watch, Orville Murphy ; Second, pair of boys' bloomers, Earl Steep ; Third, a fountain pen, Leighton Walker. The hall was jammed Tuesday even' Trig, again ,and many people; were un- able toobtain seats. Sonic who had driven ilk' Sfx ox 'seven miles fr•onn the country` were unable to even gain an 'entrance either night, The concerts were certainly a success and in con- , of the fact,the proceeds amounted to $250. As r.' '1'. Jack- son, Jr,, with whom the idea of hold- ing the concerts originated,' all l x c penses connected with them the en- tire proceeds will be handled to the central Patriotic and Relief Corinhnit tee to be used as needed during the' coming winter, When "Uncle" Toni undertakes anything it generally,.1 !'goes." ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT. , The 1\am,en s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Ed. Cook, Albert street next Thursday' afternoon when en Mrs . Kilbride, ,the District President will deliver• an address on "White DISTRICT MEETING HERR The autumn meeting of Ministers in the Methodist "Goderieh District will be Bela in Wesley church on Tuesday next, The `meeting' was to have tak- en place in "Seaforth but p. charge has' recently been made. WESLEY CIIIJRCIL . Rev. R. ,J. McCormick of I-iohrres- ville preached on Sunday morning, the paster taking Services at Jlo1- 'niesville. Dr. Rutledge' 'occupied his own 'pulpit Sunday Evening, continu ing his series. on the war. The choir' was assisted by Mi, J. Lonie of Tor- onto who rendered, a solo in good voice.. DEATH OF GERALD EAMES, Tho death took place at Gabates; N. S., on the 3rd inst., of Gerald, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Eames, formerly of Clinton. The cause of his early departure, for he was only in his ninth year, was spin- al palaly;. }s. The many friends here of thd family Sympathise with them in their affliction. LITTLE GIRL ILL, • Little Miss Marion Thompson, the winsome and -only daughter; of Dr. and Mrs:. Thompson, has been very Ill for some days past and .on Tues- day; evening Dr. Wishart -of London and Dr. Gunn operated, removing the appendix. The little maiden is dO: ing as welL,,as can he expected and the many 'Mends of ,the family, hope her recovery may he rapid and COT- plete. DIED ' AT, CARBERRY, MAN. Word was received here last week of the death, which took place on the Ind inst., of Mrs, Daniel Switzer' of. Carberry, Man. The late Mrs. Swit- zer was formerly Miss Elizab eh Ag- new \ 6 �•- new and was a sister of. Mrs, J. Sny- der, nyder, Mrs. .5. Jervis and Miss (i, Ag- new of town. It is a good mann years since the family •went west. Mrs. Switzer,' whose death amid un- expectedly to her Clinton relatives who Were not aware that She was seriously ill, is survived 'by her bus - band and a family pretty will grown up, the youngest being a girl of fif- teen years, BACK FROM -THE WEST: Mr, Thos. Archer, who has .been in Southern Manitoba for the past six- teen months, arrived in.C.lihiton Mon- day evening and will probably remain here for: the ;winter, 115rs. Archer did hot -return with; him, being unable to leave' tier daughter, Mrs. Macdonald of Griswold, who has been an invalid for the past couple of years and Whose. health does not seem to int prove. Mr. Archer says the threshing is ov- er in the west and/'hat in southrtn Manitoba, as i1 most other sections, the crops have been;considerahle of a failure this year, not averaging more than twelve bushels to the ac- re. Ile •says • the shortness ' of the `crop was due for the most parte to the hot winds following on the dry weather which came ,just as the grain was filling. Ile says that many of the farmers. are in a bad ways and but for the fact that prices are higher than they have beeu for some years would be much worse off -than, they 'are.. This shortage of crops, ,,together ' with the dullness caused .by the war, effects the towns badly and everywhere factories are Closing and many men are out of em- ployment. Mr, _Archer thinks the peo- ple of the west have been going, alto- gether; too fast; however, and a reac- tion was' Slue 'to coque. ''That country is fairly swarming with autos," said he, "why, you'd he l'Onely ifyoudidn't; meet one 'every - couple of miles as you - drive along the road, If a' short crop had followed a couple of good 'ones it would have been., -better for most of them butt a;succession of bumper crops' served to give the people swel- led head He thinks, however, that the west will eventually conte out all right. Tho farms will have to be made smaller, ,fertilized properly and lucre carefully ;worked ,and the sooner this is recognized and acted upon the better it will he," remarked Mr, Ar- cher, Froin, a fain near Griswold owned by "Irish" Robert Stewart, Mr. Ar- cher brought home a potato. which he says Was a-sanhew'hat average one and which tipped the scale at thirty- eight : ounces. In the field ,where this, tuber was' grown Mr. Archer says there were no small ' potatoss, ,every one .being of good size; the smallest heing little less than hail this : size, and the strange part of it is that the crop was -supposed to be a failure un- til' quite late in 1:11c season, Having all grown to .tops, .the main growth took place within the last couple of months, Wearo glad that the west can grove such potatoes as the one exhibited but Old Ontario 15 not by any means behind as Mr. R.. 0, Smith of 11ul'lett weighed one of his the other day and found that it came within oneten o c0 of three pounds. Mr. Smith says he could pick hushcsls from his bin which weigh _t.w0 pounds, It. is well .that both east and -west have • such a good crop of potatoes this year, they will be needed and it is one, of the things 1-0 be thanked for, THE L'OC'AL' MARKET, whe•'1.0 at $ 0. Oats 38e,to 400,• ' Barley 50c to 55.c Butter 160 to 22c Eggs 25e,to 26c, Live Flogs $7.75. ONT. ,ST, CTIURCFI:' • On Sunday last "Thanksgiving 10111605 were held morning and even - Rev. R. J: McCormick preached .i1 the evening and Mr. Stewart Jackson sang with _much acceptance. Next Sunday morning the pastor will exchange with Rev. Dr.. Rut- ledge, . , The congregation will have, the pleasure of again hearing Mrs. Hum phrdyts at both a.m: and evening ser- vices, on $unday 1151115. In .the morning her, selection, Will 6e.: • '':Let Vs Have Peace" by Earnest' Ball," and in the y : "Rock Rook of Ages." CLINTON BOWLERS ' WIN, - • On IF'riday, last bar: J. Taylor re- ceived a phone message from Seaforth intimating that four crack bowlers- that is Postmaster Williams, Jos. Tainan, Ed. Bright and Jas, Willis-- would illis-would be up in the afternoon' to give him satisfaction for his defeat, of a fortnight a o. In due, time they came saw and were beaten by a score of 23 to 9, the victorious rink consist- ing of John Watt, Bert Hovey, John Harland and Jacob Taylor, who 'na- turally were well pleased at the easy hand out to the strong quartette from elle east. As each rink has 11011 won a game the Clinton green, acknowledged to be about the very best in the county, will in all prob- ability be the scene of the deciding contest. LITTLE LOCALS. - Mr. Wm. Rath naw occupies the. Ar- mpur house on Townshend street. Mr. R. Jennison has moved into the Oshaldeston cottage on Joseph street, Mrs. French's cottage on Townshend street was struck by lightning on Friday last. Mr, J. Taylor has had the ho ise i c owe i by hi nilut 1 occupied t d by the Bram field family renovated—stoner foundation, verandah, paint. The- elevator was struck by light- ning during the storm of last week but with the exception of tearing off some shingles no damage was done. l\'OM1.N WILL IIOLD MARKET. Tire Clinton Women's Patriotic and Relief Society have decided to hold a market in the town hall on Saturday afternoon of next. week, 'fhe idea is to raise funds for the purchase of morematerial with which to carry on their. work and in order to get the ladies of not only the town but the surrounding country interested and give all an apportunity of assisting they will receive donations of butter, eggs, fowl, garden stuff, fruit, home- made baking, hi fact anything that will sell, and the proceeds of sale will lie used for the purchase of yearn for knitting, etc,' One lady remarked, "We will handle anything but live stock." But should any generous far- mter froth the surrounding townships decide to donate a fat cow, sheep or hog The News -Record undertakes to say that the ladies will not turn down such a gift. The market opens at two o'glock and all donations will r9.luire to be in ;before that time, in the forenoon if possible, so that they may be pro- perly, placed before the buyers arrive, Mrs. Bryt;lone will have a Curiosity booth for which she. will he glad to receive donations, - ,. •'Light refreshmentswill be 51r0ed during the afternoon .and Mrs: Hun- lhreys, who is .a guest in .town, has kindly consented to sing at four o'- clock and again at five. A charge of ten cents will be made. The woman of the town, who .are devoting much time and energy -to the Work. of -this society, s -ie y i ty, feel that there are many women in tie country -who would bibe 10 assist but who have> fewer opportunities of doing so ;and they hope that any such will come in and by theirpresence and anything they wishtto donate help ske the mark success r • fnext et a st cess on Saturday o week, • Summerhill Miss holland spent Friday in Brus- sels attending the convention of ,teachers. A number from here attended the supper in Londesboro Methodist church mi Monday evening, Mr, R. J,, Miller was the guest of Mr. W. J. .MoBrien last week,. ' Mr: -and Mrs. ll',"I,awson of (dui ton' ,spent. the holiday at the home of Mr, and' Mrs. Wm, Lawsoti. Goderieh Township A special meeting of She„township council Was, held in the clerk's office on Friday last, called by Reeve Lobb, to consider . the, patriotic gifts from the farmers arranged to he accepted by the Warden's committee. It was agreed that Clerk Trewartha should notify every ratepayer in the town- ship and urge upon all to give as, liberally as • possible. From the weal- thy, patriotic and generous people sof the good old township of Goderieb the response is sure to be a liberal 0110. Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Steep spent the holiday season' with friends and, rela- tives at Merlin, Kent county. People `You Know. Miss Winnie O'Neil"speat the Thanks, giving holiday. in Toronto.:` Mrs Wm 'Graham was with Bue - field friends over the holiday. 11'lr. and Mrs, 'L'. Jackson and family, ulotorecl-t0 Godericli y Mn, J, Shopllerd,0110 Winresterdays, spent Sunday and Mondayat. the Nile, Miss'Brown, Toronto, spent the week- end with her brother, Mr. W, Cr Brown. Mi. Chas. ;Howson. returned last week after a'`btief stay atl55arriston and Hamilton, ' Mrs, F. Morris and Miss Marlon have ;been with Listowel friends during the holiday' -time. — Miss 01 We' Marland of Toronto 'was the guest of "Miss Mabel Harland,. during ,the "holiday season. Mr, Ogle, Miller came over' from, Wing- lia,nn to cat 'his, Thanksgiving dinner with his parents in ;town. Mrs hearns has been visiting Mr. M. visiting and Mrs, Jas. McClaeherty of 'God- ericll during the past week, Mrs. J. T. Clark of Toronto spent from Saturday until "Tuesday in town as the guest of her sister, Mrs, '1'. Jackson, Jr. Miss Della Taylor spent the holiday period with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Taylor, and returned to •oronto on Tuesday. Miss Sara Cluif of Toronto is .epend- ing a few weeks visiting ' at the home of' Mr. and Mrs, R, -J,' C1uff of town and with relatives in the vicinity,• \1r, John Crooks -was u'p'from 'Paton - .to over the holiday and took in the concert Monday evening, The latch- string always hangs out in; Clinton for the genial Jack. Mrs, IIellyar, Mr. John IIellyar and Miss Eva Flellpur returned Saturday to their home in 11'owmanville after a .visit of severed weeks with the foriner's song Mr, W. 1I. IIellyar of town. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Downs and child- ren were gun.ts over the holiday season at the hone of the former's brother at lona Station. They al- so visited another brother and oth- er friends in London en route. Mrs, J. 101 *Deem D 6>CtV C :Toronto was l n n o the guest over the week=end of her.' sis- ters, Mrs. Robt, Miller, Sr., and Mrs. 'Phos. Beacom 01 town. 0n Monday the three sisters spent the day with their brother, Mr. Noble, Cluli ,af'Seaforth. London Road - Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wheeler and Miss Robinson of London aro guests at the dome of Mrs. Wheeler's ' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. 13. Stephen - 14118S, Dora tephen- Miss,])ora Staples has returned to her borne in Mel{illop after S lengthy visit with West End Tuck- ersnnhth friends. Master James, the little sons of Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Nott, took suddenly ill on Tuesday and a doctor hail to be summoned. It is hoped the little man may soon be quite well again. 'i'Ite League decided to have a soc- ial evening at the Heine 01 [IIr. and Mrs. A. 13. Stephenson's on Tues- day evening and the 'ladies hi prepar- ing the refreshmeihts-had in mind the Thanksgiving time, so, fowl salads and pumpkin pie formed an important part of the menu. A very enjoyable program was given, moatiyt of a mus- ical nature,anti the evening was vei'y pleasantly and agreeably for all pre- sent,' ro-sent,' Stanley Township • Mrs. Jambs blcC'lymont visited fri- ends Irl Toronto over Thanksgiving. Mr, Ernest Pollock, who weary' to `{alcartier with .the volunteers, .has returned home.:, 111•a. Appleby of Kippen is the gtiost of.. the Bev. and Mrs. Brown :at the Varna . parsonage this week. Mrs. Appleby,'s husband was a reservist and was, called to the front on the breaking out of the war, Mr. and -Mrs, Idldward Ratl wehl of Clinton visited in the old township last week. Mr. G. 5, Floward, who taught No. consecutive 'cars and of on } 1 9 for fifteen ctlhose was, a resident of Blake dor 12, removed to Zurich - on Monday where he will be more convenient to his la- bour 'as principal of that school; - Mr. R. Beatty of Egmondville has been engaged by the trustees of No. 9'for the fall term. Mrs. Swaim has returned ' to her home in Blake for a few weeks. Mr. Metro Steckle hascted fitted out a cider mill on'herefs fa'inclrm and has beer f doing a good business. this fall pp' r d munity i The gooda, inlec factopiso goodtlifscomas to do wasting. Mr. Sam 'Hey lis bOilght She Pro- perty of Jacoi'r Gingerich and is fit- ting ,up the old cider; mill for a black- smith shop, Noservices will bet held in Blake presb,ytorian church next Sabbath ow- ing to anniversary • services being ]held in Varna, Rev. Dr, Shearer of Toronto is to be the speaker of the day and all who can should try to Bear him. Blake Branch Bi ble Society collect ors Completed their canvass and gath- ered thirt sev dollars,' thirty.seven News -Record to any address in Canada toend of 1915 for $1.00. Bayfield Mrs, (Dr.) Wright spent ;Thanksgiv-' Ing with her 'mother, Mts. Thos. Jow'ott,, and her brother, Mr. W. R. Jowett, Mrs. Wright lives at Tot- tenham. ' Miss Ruby Fishier of Berlin was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. F, A• Pd- wardp over the holiday. Rev,: Hall Woods of Brueefield be cupiei.i ` 1112 pulpit ` of St. Andr'ew's church on Sunday last.` William Leetcli has gone to Strat- ford to take a position' in -the Miss C -ulster of Loudon was the guest. .Of her sister; Mrs. - John' Scotchiuer, o:'er the holiday, Mrs. James Ferguson spent the hol- iday with friends at Belgrave. Mr. Frank Glass, ; MP., London; spent the holiday with his wife at their cottage on •She• T'eiracc.'t- Miss Ploy. T6dwa,rds, who is at- tending .High. school at Bcirlin, spent the holiday tinder their parental roof? Mrs. .Bridges and daughter, Mrs. Shoebottom of Belgrave, were t1r3. guests of the former's daughter, Mrs, Brandon 'aver the holiday, • Mrs. Edmondson of Oilman is 're- newing acquaintances in the village this week, - - ' Lawrence Fowlie of London spent the holiday under the pareotal roof. W. Mr.Johnston\\, and wife spent 1 � e the holiday at .-their cottage on the Terrace. Mr. Robt, -Penhalc expects to leave for the west next week with a car- load of apples. ML•. E. Saucier and wife and Wil- ber Erwin of Berlin spent Sunday and Monday with the latter's parents 'Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Erwin. Rev, Mr, C'ondcii and wife of Se- briuigville were in the village this • week having their furniture packed and removed to 'their new field of la- bor at Sebringville. - Mrs. Keegan who was for a ions time a much esteemed. resident, of, Bayfield and until she went to live with her daughter at Seaforth, pass- ed from; this life at that place on'Sat- urday last, aged fourscore end three years. Her husband was long since deceased and now the only surviving members ofthe family are the (laugh- ter h- ier with whom she made her home of late years, and two sons, one al; Alpena, Mich., and Mr. Frank Iieeg- an. of this place. The funeral took place at Seaforth on Monday. Mr. ,lolln I-Ierd is spending a short time with his sister, Mrs, W. Rew- ard of (iodcriclr. Brucefield Mr. and Mrs. Bovey spent Thanks- giving at Neyv I•Iamburg. Miss Maggie McKenzie of London visited at her- Home here over the week -end and holiday. Mr, and Mrs. Caldwell of Godocich• . visited their aunt, Mrs.,,T, Simpson,' this week. Rev,' A. Macfarlane of Bap.eld ex- changed pulpits with Rev, IIall Woods on Sunday .last, The closing closing meeting of the Mission Band in connection with the Presby- terian church There will 1)6 beta 0,, Saturday when Miss Sarabel ' McLean of lortlt wf11 addheldress the children, Miss Sadie Bowey was - 1(0105 for ThaSeanksgiving, A meeting 'was hi tete lecture room of the Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening of lastweek to organize a Patriotic Society to do something in aid of the brave boys 11110 have gone to the front to fight for the Empire. it was decided to make a house to house canvas and a number of girls were appointed to call on every one and no doubt all - will respond -with a liberal contribu- tion, Messrs. A. '1', Scott, - ,JolitI Kaiser and Bo6'ey were appointed a- conimittee 0f men to look after the wore ,; the latter, being - appointed .'treasurer. Mrs. Ball Woods, - Miss McCully, Mrs. Rattenbury, Miss Wal- dron and Miss E. Lane were the la- ther: appointed to look after the sup- plies which they hope to be able to, send, '1'iiere is a quantity of yearn at the nhanse and the committee frs charge would urge all ladies in the•, neighborhood. who can knit to call len ' for Soule of it 'and a help along e th. ,good work.11society T he is, ' of course not in connection with any church or congregation and everyone 1s asked to assist... The Kelly Circle of the Presbyter- ian church intends holding a sale o£ work later on in the season. When he does it, he does it well." Mr. Tom Jackson.