HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-10-08, Page 8Clinton News -Record
At Reduc-
ed Prices.
£luring the next two weeks we place QiI sale about
Forty?Leauttful Rugs in Tapestry, Brussels, and
Velyets in sizes 21, x 3, 3 x 3, 3 x 0i, and, 3 x' 4,
and offer you-yourchoice at wonderfully, reduce
Owing to the advancing prices on all line'sof int
ported:rugs We have placed extra orders for spring
in order to secure them at lowest possible price but
must now make a ,:lean sweep of all rugs in stock
in order to have room for the new ones when they
Men's and Boy's Clothing
If you are interested in a new suit, overcoat or,pair of odd
Mousers, come in and see what we are showing. We (can
save you 'money and guarantee to please you.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits - More Business
130-10YaL Shoe
'31"'"' Satisfaction
Perfect Shoe Satisfacticn awaits the man who comes
here to select his Fall Shoes. The new Fall models are cer-
tainlythe limit of goodness in Men's Shoes.
The best Bright or Dull leathers of 'selected stock and
the shoes are made by the very best makers of men's shoes !
There are no better men's shoes !
We've the conservative lasts or the new styles in more
pointed effects.
BUTTON OR LACE STYLES, $3.00, $3.50,
$4.00 UP TO $6.50.
We've all sizes and widths and you'll be a very hard
Hurn to shoe if we cannot please you, fit you and satisfy you
perfectly in every respect.
The House of Better Shoes.
Our Present Speeials
IN STOVES—The popular kind is what we sell -Happy Thought.
Pandora, Welcome, World's Favorite, also cheap-
er lines.
GUNS and RiFLE3-We have both the Stevens and Rem-
ington, and a complete stock of loaded
shells and cartridges.
YALE LOCKS—SafetyFirst—There are only 2 ways of
getting through a door
guarded by a Yale lock -break down the door or
use the key.
Suitable furni tare
for all rooms is equal-
ly well displayed.
EASY Chairs of the soh that
give your whole body rest
are here in endless variety.
Just come into our store and
try them all, that is the best
and sure way to choose chairs
that are comfortable.
We want to say a
word about prices.
They can't be beaten.
Ball & Atkinson
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110. 3. A. ATKINSON, Phone 18J
Basques, Capes and Cape Coats
Flare Skids, Blouses
and Dresses
with Italian collars, long tunics,
gathered, plaited, raked and circular,.
with hundreds and hundreds of the
latest Fall styles, are shown in the
for Autumn -
With each copy you get any
Standard Pattern FREE
Otten the cheapest—Always the best.
,p•q�l WI p11(aununeuNmtup„�
d6 OOu - 16I,
Miss Hannah MacKenzie has taken a
position in Irwin and Co's store.
Mrs. 0. L. Bruce of Fort Wiliiam ie
visiting her parents, Mr. and .Mrs.
Geo. Potts.
Mrs, M. D. McTaggart has been vis-
iting her old home at Miamisburg
during the past week.
Miss Florence. Cuninghame returned
Friday from a visit with Miss
Mattie Baker at Fullerton.
Mrs, Dowding rctturned' Saturday.
from a visit of three weeks in Tor-
onto and other points east of the
Miss Jule Bartliff has returned from
a very , pleasant visit of some
months with her sister in Van-
Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Evans and Miss
Grace motored to Tiverton to vis-
it the fornrer's sister the beginning
of the week.
Mrs, A. J. Irwin is attending the
W.C.T.C. .C.l
.lItavmc'al Convention in
Toronto this weekek as delegatee from
the local union.
Mrs. Wright, who has been the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Irwin for
several weeks, has returned to her
home in Toronto,
Mr. George Armour, formerly, a busi-
nessman of Clinton but who has
been in the west for some time, is
visiting his sister Mrs. D. S. C1ufI.
Mr. and Mrs, W. Jackson, Dr. and
Mrs. Straw and Mr. C. 1. Dowding
aro in Chicago this week attending
the Canadian Wicket Sellers' con-
Mr. Wooicott of Toronto has been
acting manager of the local branch
of llire Royal Bank for the past
fortnight during the absence of Mr.
Mr. R. E. Manning returned this
week from Ottawa where he has
been attending the meetings of the
General Conference of the Methodist
Church in Canada.
Messrs, Louis Hearn of London and
Robu:t'Hearn of Byron have been
in town the past week owing to
the illness and consequent death of
their brother, Mr. James Hearn,
Miss Jess O'Neil, who ,has been
teaching in Alberta • during the
long summer vacation, spent a few
days at It r home in town n last
week before returning to 'Toronto
to resume her studies at the 'Uni•
Mrs.' Howard Humphreys of Jackson-
ville Florida,, arrived in town 'oh
Tuesday afternoon, : having been
sent for on account of the illness
of her father, the late James Hearn.
She is while in Clinton the guest of
Mrs. Bawden,
Rev, Chas. L. Langford, who has had
charge of the .IHolmesville parish
for the past two years but whose
resignation took effect at the end
of September, has taken charge of
St. James church, St, Mary's, dur-
ing the illness of Rev. Rural Dean
Mrs, George Cordelle, who underwent
a veryt seriousoperation at the
local hospital; was enabled to re-
turn to her home the forepart of
the week and ,is now : making as
rapid progress as could be expect-
ed. ; Mrs." Cordelle, and her husband
and family, are deeply grateful for
the _Many, little kindnesses which
have been shown her fa, tactful and_
unobtrusive ways,-
ays;Mr. Ales, Sloman returned on Friday
last from. Pinto Creek, whet('
he spent a couple of months assist-
ing his brother, Frank, who is
homesteading there. The crops in
the Pinto. Creek district are only
about a .quarter of the, average, a
state or affairs that is unfortunate-
ly too common in the • west this
season• and which as a matter of
course implies a curtailment of the
purchasing power of the average
homesteader. This was our towns-
man's first trip to the prairies and
while he enjoyed ,it very much he
still thinks that any person doing
well in 01d Ontario should
marc that well enough alone.
October 8011, 11914.'
It is just a little of the whole story of this s'eason's fashionable furs, but conveys an excel-
- lent idea of the great nu nber of pelts that are fashionable, Black furs are extremely good style—
therefore, we bnve an exceptionally` good assortment, ata wide range of prices. Handsome Canadian mink ,is;;
as usual, well represented in our stock and a large number of individual sets --only one of a kind -combine to
afford you 'Nide latitu,de in the matter of choice, Come in and see our fine stock.
Black ;Fox 'Neck Pieces
Black Fox Muffs
Sable Neck Pieces,
Sable Muffs
Fine Canadian Mink Neck Pieces
Fine Canadian (link Muffs
Persian Lamb Neck Pieces
Persian Lamb fluffs
Also many pretty styles in the less expensive furs, as well as many smart novelty sets.
This is strongly advisable, because it assures you of the first choice of skins—those of the finest pelt and
prettiest markings being shown in the new furs. 13y paying a small deposit, purchases made now will be reserv-
ed until desired.
New—that's the point ! For it's on just such small accessories as the 'right 'Neckwear, Gloves, Hosiery
etc., that the success of the costume depends. And the newest are right here !
Dainty4Neckwear—A: snowy white collar or vest, and sometimes the addition of cuffs to match, is the
fashionable finish for -the dark Autumn gown; and they're here in all degrees of sheerness and all desired styles..
Beads—Where is the girl who has not fallen a victim to their charm? These new jet beads are partici
larly' fetching—both dull and bright varieties, long and short strings.
Gloves—Our prices slake chamoisuede, cashmere, lisle. silk and real French kid with over -sewn seams;
extra choice skin,Cchange hands quickly,
• Hosiery—We sell Hosiery in cashmere, wool, lisle, silk mixture and silk that are woven for wear, fash-
ioned to fit and loomed to last.
Visit this store whenever you can. You're almost sure to find something to interest you for
•- your wardrobe or your home.
Frank , oderich was
Mr. 1 rank IIodgens of Cod r
in town on Tuesday.
Mr. Stewart Jackson returned Mon-
day after a week's stay in Toron-
Mrs, Stringham of Woodstock • is
visiting her home in town this
Mrs. R. J. Cluff is spending a fort-
night with friends in and about
bit and Mrs. Mose and Miss Mose of
Walton visited Mr: and Mrs. J. S.
Miler last week.
I e
Miss Clara Sipes of I .1lttsvill e has
been the guest of Miss Marion Ir-
win during the past week.
Miss Jennie Robertson returned Sat-
urday from a pleasant visit of sev
eral weeks with Brantford friends.
Mrs. R. Marshall, accompanied by
Master Bert, was called to Kings-
ton last wee'c by the illness of her
Mrs. (Dr.). Ferguson and little daugh-
ter, Jean, of Kincardine have boll
the guests this week of Miss .1myc
Miss Susie Sloman returned home on
Friday last after a fortnight's` vis-
it with her aunt who is 'a trained
nurse in New York (lity.
Miss Webster of 1 ondeshoro has been
at tine home of her sister, Mrs. T
Saville, during the past week ow-
ing to the latter.'s illness.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McKinnon left'
Monday for 'Toronto on their way
back to the west after a bout -
night's visit with Mr. and Mrs, W.
Mrs, Whitely and little ,ones, after
having been in Woodstock • where
Mr. Whitely is employed fcir -some
time, ate now spending some, time
in town with friends. • •
Mr, Russell May, who bus bean visit-
ing his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
May, Rattenbury street, heft for
Toronto University, on Monday
morning to•resume his ministerial
Mr, and Mrs, John May and family
were in Exeter the latter part of
the week attending the funer:ed of
the fornter's father, Mr, ':Thos.
May, who passed away on Thurs-
day last in his eighty-sixth' year.
Mr. and Mrs, T. Jackson and family
motored to Seaforth on Sunday
and on their return were ` aceom-
. paned" by Mrs. L. Greig, who had
been spending a fortnight with her
son, Mr, J. 0, Gceig of that
Mr, W. 5..; Harland, who ' has • been
Very ill for sone weeks, is now on
the mend and his friends arc hop-
ing that he may soon be somewhat
like his old self again. Ills familiar
form andkindly greeting is missed
by many of his old friends since he
11asbeen confined to his room.
Special Music
will be rendered in -all, the
churches at the Thanks-
giving services ,on Sunday.
Hullett Township
A Patriotic concert will be held
in 8.5. No. 9 on the evening of Wed-
nesday of next week for .which what
will prove to be a very enjoyable
program is now in course of prepara-
tion. Among those who will take
part are : Miss Farrow, Westfield
Miss Paterson, Wawanosh; Rev. J.
K. Fairfuil,- Clinton ; Robt. Cribbs,
Londesboro ; M. McPhee, Loyal, and
the young people of the section. An
attendance that will tax the capaeityr
of the school house is expected.
The following is the report of S. S.
No, 5September, , nani `s order of
h. t in
Sr. 4th—Fred McCool, Marjery Me -
Cool, Mary Jamieson, Florence Cart-
Jr. 4th—Flossie Gibbings, Annie
Weymouth. :
Sr. 3rd—Grace Vodden, Alice Vod-
den, Lilian Cartwright.
Jr, 3rd—Rose Gorbutt, Percy
Gibbings, Arthur Weymouth, Helmer
Sr, 2nd—Wellington McCool,
Jr 2nd (a)—Rosalie ' Crawford,
J)ora Vodden. -
Jr. 21111 (b) -Margaret. Brown,
Jenny Gorbutt, Harold Snell,
Primer—Edith Gothutt
, 'vel yet
Gibbings,1u1gs Cc Lie vennic
Way mouth, Charley Brown, llugh
Radford, Elva Smith, Alvin Cart-
wright, Laura Sne , Alberta Snell,
Berta Nott.
The Best spellers are :
Sr. in—Mary .1antieson.
Jr. 4fir-Flossie Gibbings.
Sr. 3rd -Grace Vodden,
Jr, 3rd -Rose Gorhutt.,
Jr, Ind (a) -Rosalie Crawford.
Jr. 2nd (h)—Jenny Garbutt.
—B: M. Maul,wan, Teacher.
Corn cutting is about over: and the
next on the program will be gather-
ing in the potatoes, apples and
Mrs. Glazier of London, visited her
sister, Mrs. Geo. Riley, one day last
Mrs, H. Oololough and sons spent
Wednesday as the guests of the lady's
mother, 'Mrs. 'I'hull of Brussels,
Mr, Geo.` Taylor of Vancouver is
visiting his parents,' Mr, and Mrs,'
„Henry Taylor,, „and other friends and
relatives hereabouts.
On Sunday evening Mr. Win. Colo,
a former resident,at Kinburn, passed
away, after. a Icing ' illness, at the
home of his son, bin. S. S,' Cole of ..
Ethel, The late Mr. Cole was eighty-
five years of age and leaves a family
of three daughters and five sons, be-
sides his, aged wife, l The children
are : Mrs, Wm. Stephenson of Mor-
orris ; Mrs. Adam Glazier, Clinton
Mrs. 'Thos.. Pollard, Constance ; S.
S. Cole, W. Cole, Alf. Cole and
Thomas :bole of Ethel, and J, G.
(role of Kansas,' Mrs. Grauer and
Mrs. Pollard were ,present at the
funeral of their father, 01(1 friends
and neighbors extend sympathy.
News -Record 'means News -Leader.
The News From Londesboro
Air, Cameron Geddes of Wingham
visited his brother, Mr. N. Geddes,
last week. •
Mr. John Nott is laic' up with a
severe attack of pneumonia. We hope,
:or a speedy rerevery,
Mr, A. ,Jamieson shipped a carr
load of apples to New Ontario this
Mfrs. Nouse, who has been visiting
her sister, Airs. 5. Lee, attuned to
Guelph Wednesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 'T. Manning . spcut
5undayi with Auburn friends,,
Miss Eleanor Alains returned Tues-
day from visiting London friends,
Mrs. Wm. Riley has been confined
to the house the past weak with a
severe attack of the grippe.
Hullett Township
Mr, James Snell, Hullett's veteran
stockman, has been pretty busy this
fall acting as judge at the various
fall fairs, On Friday last he was lin
Galt judging, while his son, Mr. How-
ard Snell, who c • r
a 1 e ro is a hr. off the old
block,wasperformingaa lik
� emission.
111 Brussels.
Mt, Kenneth McConnell and his sis-
ter of Clinton 'visited at Mrs. T.
Oarbert's on Sunday.
Air, and Mrs, Jos, Kabing and
children of Sbalorth spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Quigley,
Hullett Township
Air. J. II. Quigley of Detroit come
home ' last week and will spend a few
well earned holidays with friends in
this community;
On Wednesday of last week Ala:. Ed-
mund Crawford, who is a native of:
the township, celchiated his fiftylarin-
111 birthday. On the same day, Mr.
Jamas Snell, who is a cousin of Mr.
Crawford's, passed the sixtieth
stone, Friends of both gentleine
wish them many happyreturns,turns
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston of the -
Ind ;con. entertained a party of mus-
ical' guests on Friday and Saturday
last including Mr. Frank Bossenberry
who has almost a provincial repute,
tion "as a violinist ; Miss Durand of'
Drysdale, who is an accomplished pi-
anist ; Mr. Thos. Rands, Seaforth,
and Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Armstrong
of Stanley. Messrs. Johnston and
Bossenberry had not met for thirty-
four years when as young men down
in Stanley they were great chums.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston are a most
hospitable couple, and, .almost need-
less to say; their guests' were given a
most' enjoyable 'able time.
Miss Florence Garrett of Clinton,.
who has been visiting hen sister, Mrs.
Joseph Webster, and her cousin, Mrs,
Derwin Carter, has returned home.
Miss Minnie McIntosh of Goderich
visited Miss Mary E. Blake last
Every man enjoys once in a while, buyi:ig the best
things, even if they do cost more. Some men are wise
enough to know that this is true economy.
If you'llcome here and look at our showing of
HARTT SHOES you'll see where the enjoyment
comes in, There's nothing better made anywhere, at
the price, When you've worn a pair you'll realise the
economy of the best,
We sell shoes that are absolutely the best ever sold
here—in stylish appearance, in qualities, in materials,
and workmanship, the best you can possibly buy for the.
money, the largest stock of men's shoes to select from,
and aygodd at guaranteed.