HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-10-08, Page 4Clinton •News-Recotd October 8th1 1914
Mr. J. G. Medd of Clinton visit-
ed lier sister, .Nirs.-.Vien, Stanlek, this
Mrs. Leach, Mrs, Howell and the
latter'e two grandchildren, 'Misses
Mar p and 11,1eudie Howell, of Gorier-
leIrspent the lyeelc end as the guests
of /Vise " D., Ae ITolreee.
Miss 'Theresa Ceooks• spent Sunday
en tbe village and rendered valued
assistance in the Methodist, ceurch
Miss E. McCartney and her brother
Clifford eisieed at the borne of Mies
Tebbutt over Sunday. •
The anniversary servicee, in the
, Methodisb church on Sunday , were
veiny successful. Rew. W. Wren 'of
•13euese1s preached morning • and even-
ing, the discourses bein.g• lieth elo-
quent and inspiring_ 'His morning
theme, was "God's Greatest Gift to •
Man, which, , the speaker said, was
not his entellectual endowments, :but
rather his power to eon -mime 'With
his make]; and, le -veal God tohis fel-
eownien. In ehe ermning he took for
his subject the longing. of King D'avid
for the "Waters of the Mrell at the
Gates of Bethlehem,"
In the afternoon the Sunday school
bele their Rally Day services, .which
consisted of the regular prograrna,a1-
so addresses by Superintendent Lobb
of Ebenezer and Suet. Potter of
Bethel, recitations by several of the
.pupils and also an address by Rev:.
M. Ween. The thankonerine • amouet-
ed .to nearly eixby dollars. 'AR , the
iereicee of the • day were poetry an=
preciated by -the large audiences
present on each occasion.. .
The Iollowieg, is .the s,teadipg of the
fourth class of Holmesville Public
school for the month of September :
Milton Hollaeid 82 percent., Emile
Ford 81, Willie Marshall 75, Harry
Ford 75, May 1-lutson 68, Willie, Al-
coCk 67, Edna Miller 65, Clifton
Proctor 63, Leslie Jervis, 52, Alta-
lind NIceartney 40, Stewart Malts
Goclerich Township
The box social held -under the ,aus-
picee of ilniey ChM at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Berl; Murphy on Wed-
nesday evening was a splendid suc-
cess in. . every way. The proceed
amounted to thirty-eight and' a half
dollars which has been" sent to, the
'Patriotic Pend. The ladies oflenity
Club will have ,a eeeelmue parey on
Tbanksgivinge ,'" ,
Mr, Henry Snider taye his potatoes
for, quality bear any:he has' yet heard,
• While cutting ,corn at Mr. Harry
Graham's the other' day' the machine
broke and a delay, in the, 3llling of
the silo was' thus caused.
Mie. Albert Cooper, spent Sunday, at
his hoine on the 9th eon. visiting hie
mother, who has been indis,posed for
some weele. She is now improving,
however, . • •
Owing 'to the departure of Rev. C.
L. Langford there was no serviee 10
the St. James' chinch on "Sunday
' •
Mrs. W. Glenn Campbell of 'Aylinee
is visiting at the horee"ef her sisier,
1VIrs. S. R. Mace/lath of the 4tli cote
GOderich Township
elr. Fred Dliddleeon motored to
Grand Betel on Sunda.
The deepeet sympathy is extended
to Mr. and Mrs. S. R. MaeMath in
the death of their onlp child, William
Goodwin,, •a bright and lovable boy of
thirteen months, which occurred on
Saturday week after an attack of
cholera infantum. Being a partieular-
ly robust child and. with all that me-,
dical skill and careful nursing could
do, hope was cherished that he would
withstand the disease. But the Mass
;ter needed the flower for his garden
aftei: having leaned it for a brief
time to brighten the earthly home.
The funeral the following Monday to
Maitland Cemetery was largely ale
• tended, the services at the house be-
ing Conducted by Rev. .laines Hamil-
ton assisted by Rev. J. E.Ford of.
'Goderich. The little casket, which
was covered with beautiful floral em-
blems of sympathy, was borne by four
little boys,' Allin I3ichen, Broek Orr,
, David Davidson and Victor Falconer,
Stanley TOWnship
The anniedreary services in connee-
don with the Varna Presbyterian
church will be heed on Oct. 18-116
with Rev. Dr'. Shearer of Toronto 'as
the preecher for the day:
Mr: Robt. Specie:min has doinnienc-
ed' threshing, beans, with his new
machine. •
• • Mr. James IVIcelenagban was. in
Zurich on Saturdayon business. •
Glad to know that Mr. Wm.. Foote
who was seriously ill and underwent
an operation in the hospital at Clin-
ton, is doing as well as can be ex-
pected. '
. John Wanless spent Sunday
aftdrnoon aL ehe home of Per, John
Sorry to !leer ol• Mr.. John Heard
being somewhat indisposed. His
Snarly friends hope for his speedy
recovery. '
The following is the report for the
month of September of echool section
No. 14, Stanley, the names are in
order of merit :
5611 class—Louisa MeOlymont, Cecil
Johnston and Anna Fisher,
4th—Margaret Cooper, Matilda
Nigh and Harold Rathwell.
Sr. Berl—Archie, Parson, Willie Par-
Jr. 3rd—Verna McClymont, Ella
Fisher, Grace Cooper.
Sr. 2nd—Willie Harvey, Wilfred
Ross, .
Jr, 2nd—Luella Foster, Loretta
Sutton, Sylvester Nigh.
2116 Pt.—Walter Workman, • Amy
Appleby, Doroina Foster.
Pt, 1st—tee:ler Nigh, Lloyd. Work-
man, Olive Anderson. • •
The best spellers in the mienthly
spelling =tell were ;
5th—Ceeil Johnston,.
4th—H, Rathwell.
3r6—G. Cooper.
2ticl—W, Harvey.
2nd .Pt.—W. Workman.
Ready -
COUCH & 00 •
Dry Goods
and House
In which a splendid stock of this staple merchandise
is offered. Just at this particular time you shoUld take
the opportunity to see just how large a ranue ot hosiery
we are carrying to compare our values. We have the
famous Penroan's Hose, prices from 5c to 50e a pair.
We vvish to call your attention to the fine display rf
'• Wearable" fiats on display in our show room, Al.•
though showing a number or distinct novelties, yee irs
the stylish wearable and moderately priced hats vvhich
we make special mention of. Always something to see
in our millinery parlors. _
)10W.:Fal..r.lt.eas...:00.9.0," •
Our dress geode denaiencien 6 these days is one of the
most interesting and educating sections of our store, we
have Made special effort to have only the veilr newed
weaves and shades and those at the lowest prices. Prices
range from $.50 to 2,5011 yd,
Our dress making depart-
ment re -opened Sept, 28,
and is in charge of
Miss Menagban,
Mr. '1', J„ Mails leaves elis Week
for, Ieanstee *City where ha expeces to
spend the greatest paet 01 6110 win-'
. • .
Rev. Hall' Woods of Bruciefleld' will
occupy tn.° pnipin ot Andrews,
chuteli en Sunday next. "
Mr. -Robert' SPaeknimi has ,inveSteds
, • ,
in. a beanetliMeher, , - • •
kiss Jean. Muiterd. le' • ehe gueee
of Mrs..
Mr.,, W. Joiins,ton -and wife of, Leta::
den eeeei. Sundey and _,Mc,ndaynt
thole ,ebteage, on the '1'neeeCe. • '., ,
'Alpert Catlin left on Tuesday for
Port Stanley to engage' in fisliing,
. Mr. Artbur• Wilds of tl'otolito was.
the guest of Mr. George Copeland'
the past week.
Per, John I-Iowa•rd. of Dryedale Spent
the past weelc with • friends 'in the
Garnet Aticinson, who eras spent
the past summer in the village,. left
oe' Monday for Tetonto.
Mts, E. Merrier has jest opened up
a tine stocic' of fait
Mr. Frerl Staeley moved this weelc,
into the storri •and peenlises, fornierly..
oce.upied by tite tate Jotin Whiddon,
Rev. Mr. Carswell of' Winthrop oc-
cupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's
church en Sitneay last, Rev. Mr.
McFarlane preaeliing , anniversary ser-
mons at ,Wilitlirop: ' • s , •
Nt. John • Reid, wife ane fonvily,
who spent the summer in the village,
moved .back on." the • farm' last week.,
Mrs, Sfirenbtity and • Miss Kate,
Gibson of . Toronto are „spending ,e,
feiv weeks at the fciriner s honIe in
the village. ' •
NewsxR,eeord Means. NeweeLecieler.
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Murney and
finny and Miss Howard of Goderich
motored down and spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs, E. W. Morrison.
Rev. H. M. Langford of Listowel
visited at Mr. E. W. Morrison's on
Monday on his way home from
S theta.
News -Record Means' News -Leader.
Stanley Township
Mr, L. 13e116631 and son Gearge
autoed to Ooderich on .Monday last,
Me. Harvey Reel has gone to ,Tor-
onto to begin Ms studies at the
Dental college. Wd wish hint success
in his new sphere of life.
Mr. Frank Bossenberry, of Beylin
spent over, the week end at the
honiet of Mr, Wilson Armstrong.
Frank is an old. Zurich boy. Eyerp-
body was. glait to meet the . genial
Mr. Louis Aldswoeth of the Lake
Shore Road has been busy cutting
sorghum in this vicinity the past
News -Record Means News -Leader.
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 4, meth Stapley for the Month
of September. Based on proficiency
and regular attendence. The names
are in order of merit ;
5-01,--e-Eva newer, Bessie Tough, Sr.
4th,—Edna Scotcln»er, Clifford Soot -
0110100, .Alice Stinsbn, John Watson,
Bertha Westlake. Sr. 3rd,—Elva Dew-
ar, Harold Scotehmer, Russel Sparks,
Maggie Tough. Jr, 3rd,—Annie Dew-
ar, Bessie Watson. Roy Scotehmer. '
Sr, pt, ,1,—Charlie Scotclunee, jr.
pt. 1,—David Dewar, Dorothy Scotch -
mer. ,
. —Mary Macdougall, Teacber.
. Me. Joseph Bowmen .01e3, with a
painful and 'unfortunate accident at
the Doty Engine, Worke, on,e dap re-
cently when a 'heavy casting, fell,
crushing etis hands eci badly that or
.fingere* had to be amputated fioni
the left hand anil two froia • the
tight. , , , , , •
Mr.' Ernest, leriehein w;on 'the.
cue at the Itincardeee"Faie receilely
M a. .15e0seard weer), ",111 i (11)160 a
liaadSOTOO 11,1O00' :of , silverware. I -Ie
was ,also the Wineet. of the 525, eup
from ,tee 10,04 ilait ei8eociatienee,
,Mr. Drewten ,Chall'on SainM,
formerly 'a resident of town, 10'11014-
[layingat the home of lffe lirother;
Mr. Jolla, "Olmllon. •
1V1r. and Mrs, .15. • Bradwin ref
Wingliam and Mr. and Mrs. ii`rank,
Bradwin of 'Hamilton visited Mr.
Bradwin of the Sigrid,' one "day re-.
Mr. and 'hire,. Joseph Kidd are in
Chicago this week attendieg .the
Ticket Sellers' Convention, •
IVEr. 'and Mrs.' Peter, .Edward and .
Miss Vittie McLaren' of the •Adierican
Soo, visited Mr. and- Mrs. D. Meter -
en and other frieads hereabouts last
Ms Grace Taft met with a Pain-
ful riecident last •Sundap esenine.
She was out. driving with two lady"
frietads when the hoese took fright ate
a herd of .00)60. The horse,- eneped
and turned the. buggy . over, thtevving
ladies out. Miss Tait was
thrown on, her lett; hip, which1,0010e.
The other ladies were noe Mewed. '
Miss Mona Kidd is spending a
fortnight with St. -Catharines friends.
Mr. Nail Mcllwain of Nile has
'gone to the to visit ' "freeeds
and loolc over the country. '
Miss Jessie Ford left last week to
attend the Ontario College •-,f Art,
Miss Lilly McAtthur left last sveek
to take a course of training in the
Deaconess Training School, Termite.
Judge Doyla _was among Me List
of those called to the bar in 1870
when the late Sir nines Whitney,
Chancellor Meredith and other prom-
inent Canadians were, also eallsel.
Miss Janet Walker of Regiea is
visiting her inanp friends in iowa.
Mr. Neil Morrisy of Savannah, Ga.,
is the guest of. Judge and Mrs, Doyle,
Dliss Marion Stowe of Wiarten is
visiting hex uncle, 1V1r. II. Stowe of
News -Record Means News -Leader.
Mrs. Wood of London.le visiting
her parents, Per, and Mrs. John
Misses ,Alveda and Selma Weseloh
were the) guests of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Weseloh, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Magel and their
son Eimer came over from Detroit
to call on old friends last week. Mr.
and IMrs. Magee "were formerly resi-
dents of town.
Mos. Chris. Camelia, arid her eaugl1e.
ter are neer ixem. the State of
Michigan Visiting, the lady's par-
ents, Mr. 'and lefts. M. Karcher. '
Mr. and Mre. Wen.. Finkbinder • of
Milverton motored to Zurich recent-
ly to visit friends. '
1Me. Gee. Hess of Detroit; is holi-
daying at the home of his father,
iffr. F. I -less, Sr,
Mts 16. 'Gottsalk of Bad As
Mich., is visiting' her mother, Mrs.
A. Lebnian. • '
We tegret to report Mr," Chris.
Millet of the 141110 con. is seriously
Nowa-Recoil- Means News-Leailer,
Hensall '
l'here is talk alteacly• of the 'council
being elected by acclamation next
January", '
Mrs. J. Sutherland andher son
George, took a driving 'trip last
week, visiting friends at 13eechville,
Woodstack and other points. As the
weather was ideal the little jaunt
was much enjoyed, "
IVIr. and Mee. Redinoed visited their
daughters, Lucy and Olive at St.
Mary's last week.
Misses Jean and Lotto ',Cooke have
returned to their home M Toronto
after a visit in town with their
grandmother, MIR. Sheeray. '
Postmaster Stitherland holidayed
last week and Mr. C. A'. McDonnell,
assisted in the' (Mice.
Miss Allen and little niece returned
last vveek to Tbronto after visiting
the Misses Sherray of 'town,
The Craig family have retinned
froni a visit with friends in Ireland,
Mrs. Cragg who is Well advanced in
years, stood the double trip across
the Atlantic very well indeed,
Mr. Percy W1ggins-hi:1,e sold his in-
terest. In the harness business bo Mr,
Alvin Warm, and having bought out
the restaurant busluess from Nee. A.
Mclewaa, taeen possession of
News -Record Means News -Leader,
News-R(10rd Means News -Leader,
Mr. and Mts. Mutton and Mr, aad
Mrs, J. Blowes of Mitchell yisited
at the home of Mr, J. Walkorn re-
cently. ,
1VIrs. L. 8. Palmer and daughter
and Miss Esther 13ellamy have re-
turned from a vieit with friends at
Shanawan, Man, •
Mrs. J.. Medd and daughters, have
returned from a visit with North
Bay friends. •
Mrs. Stephen Beeves has returned
from a visit in Holstein. •
Mrs. Wm, Honey and two' datigh-
ters are here from Flesheeton on a
visit to friends 111 Dupgannon and
The evapoeator commenced opera, -
Merle On Monday and is running with
a full stall,
Mrs, J. M. Robetts wed family in-
tend shortly taking up their residence
in Goderich, having purchased a
house there.
Rev. Mr. Williams, who is reetor
of 86. Paul's. (lurch here, has two
brothers. noW at the front, befonging
to the 'Welsh 'Regiment.
News -Record Means News -Leader.
St. Helen's
Anniversary service.s were held in.
the Presbyterian church; St. Helen's,
Sabbath, services conducted by Rev.
W. A. Bradley, Teeswater. A fowl
supper and social was held, on Mon-•
dae evening,
Mrs. Ramage 835116 a. feiv days vis-
iting her daughter,„ 'Mrs. Jas, , Pur -
vie, 13ounclary.
Mr. Thos. Reicl, aecompanied by his
sisters, Ella arid Mabel of near Au-
burn, spent Sunday at the home of
Ur. John Durnin. ,
Sunday was Iially Day in Calvin
church, St. Hele»s, A large number
were present in the miming and in
the evening the W.FIVI.S. held thsie
l'hankonering meeting when Rev.
Mr. Grath, Henan, Chine, addrese-
ed the meeting and gam a very
interesting talk on conditions in
Mr. an.d Mrs. Wm, Taylor acme:-
panied by two lady friends autoed
up•,from Guelph and spent a COW
day's' visiting ,friende around. St.
Mr, ane Mrs. .1 ohn Durwin silent a
colmle of days visiting friends around
Wingham and vicinity,
Miss Della Cranston and Nliss Ver-
sa Woode speet Sunday at their
res•pective homes .he,
News -Record Means Nevis -Leader.
Seaforth. '
Aer. Ralph Gresswell has returned
front a visit -in the west.
Miss Nettie Sproat of Edmontonis
visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
John Sproat of Egmendville.
Mr. and IVIrs. Arthur MaO011 of
Saskatoon, who have bevn vieiting
the lattee's mothee, Mrs. Robt.
Charters, of the:re/fill Road, have re-
turned, from a visit at Montreal,
Postmaster Rodgere of Toronto
visited, his sister, Mee. D. McGregor,
Mst week, '
Mr. arid Mrs W Hays have rc
turned fromthe wes,t and Mr. Hays
may go into buSioefss in Seaforth,
Mr. arid 1VIre. Samos Scott , have
returned' from. a pleasant trip to
the west. • '
McQuaig,. wine had been ledger
keeper in the 'Bank of Commerce hero
for some time, has been, transfeeeed
to Peterboeo. I-Ite successor here is
,Nres Donald Gibson. •
Dr. , 61 Fergus motored up
to vieit his parente, Mr. and Mrs.
• .A meeting is being held today' or
the eubecribers Of the Blyth
))11003 Sioyniat teperluens.r tot. car) s icno,gn stihrl ceir acd
Mr• Maitland Henry of East Wawa -
110111 was married in London last,
week to Miss Ilifeele Poweey, formerly
of Blyeh. Che their. eetitrn, from e
weddine journey they will teeide 011
the groom'e fer(1) in East VVavvanosh.
Anniversary services were held in
the Methodiatt church on Sunday
Week. Rev. W. K. Hager of Goderich
Preached and the epecial °fleeing
„athounted to 13230.
13Ir. ,T. G. Emigh left last ,wk oni
a visit to his son. • at Whitewood,
Sask. His grereldaeigirtet, efiss Rhea
,wlie has been visiting en the
east foe some tiine, accompanied hint
11°Mmees.ers.- WM. and Geo. Jewitt bIt
last Week to, resume their studies at
Toronto ,IJniversit/e
Mr. Geo. le. McTaggart has moved
into his new holm on Dinsley street,
'Me: John- I-I•irons went 0602 1;0:
Detroit last week, returning a few
slays later with Mrs, "Beene. and
family and will take up residence
Mes Mabel. Colclough 'has rdturned
to, Ethel to resume hei• ,posetion af-
ter a visit .at her home limo,
. '
Tuckersinith Township
wo:. and IVIrs. Herbert. Crioli and
Mr. ;arid Mrs. Roger Peppet visited
with Mr. awe Dere. IVIelvin.Crich of
Cllinion on Sunday'.
. •
. Miss Dun of Bluevale -visited Dr.
and Mrs. Cooper for a few days re-
ceTilthieY'elieses Cresswell have" returned
from a pleasant visit with friends in
Preston and Mogen!.
Mrs. A. Forbes of Clinton was the
guest of her 'eon, Mr. A. E. Forbes,
Mr a few dap last week,
Mr. A. Reid of Goderich spent a
few days recently with his parents,
Dlr. and IVErs. j. H. Reid,
Mr. Jake McGee of Belfast, Ire-
land, is the guest of Phis brother,
Mr. James McGee of Tuckersinith.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maunders of
Blab() are visiting Mr, and Mrs. R.
E,. Coates.
Mr. Geo. E. Sills has been award-
ed 'the coutract of the plumbing and
heating. in the new Public school in
Mr. Jack Best has interned to itie
Mw studies at, Toronto.
Mr. Donald elantyre was stricken
with paralysis last week and has
been confined to the house ever
Miss L. Holmes has returned to
13051011 to resume her duties as nurse
alter a visit of somo time with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Holmes
01Mtto*.wCri;.. A. • earlier was ia Wood-
stock last week, going clown M his
motel: car. Mrs. Barber and children
accompanied him home after a visit
of some weeks with Sriends there.
Mr. aucl Mrs. S. Wilson of Cayuga
visited in town. last week as the
guests of the latter's patents', Mr.
and Mos. W. 11, Strasser.
Me, and Mrs. T. Case end 'Mile
daughter have returned to their home
in Toronto after a visit with the
former 's mother, Mrs. Case of
Maple Hall,
East Wawanosh.
" The following is the report of S.
S. No. 10, for ,the inoeth of Septem-
Sr. ilth—Cora Fear, Hilliard Mc-
Gowan, George Wilson,
Jr. Fear.
Sr. ard—ledna McGowan, Luella
Wilson, John Parker,
Jr. 3rd—Walter Patterson,
Sr. 2m1.--0lare. • • lefeC1 o wan, May
Parker, Finlay MeGebwan. • •
Pb. and—Ida McGowan.
Prineer—Earl C'alclwell.
- —le. M. Phillips, Teacher.
• elis,ses Gretta and Irlina Kennedy
returned last week to resume their
studies at Toronto U.niversity,
Mr, and Mrs., Herb. Jerome of De-
troit visited the former's parents,
Dr. arid Ilirs. J. S. 'Jerome, for a
few' days recently.
Mr. Brock Brandon of Hanover was
the guest of his parents last week.
Mr. John Shea aad his daughter,
Miss, Gertrude, of Paris were guests
with 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boyce, for
a few days last week.
Our Prayer To -Day.
Tune : "God Save the King."
To Thee, 0 God, to -day,.
We fervently do pray,
God save our lands 1
War's sombre cloud is spread
Our nation overhead ;
And hearts are filled with dread ;
Thou our hands.
Cive suff'ring hearts Thy bah))
x ,
And' restless spirits calm ;
• Make us assured..
,That hone this vale of strife
Where yiolence is rife
.13hali rise a better life,
• • And wrongs be cuedd.
No obher power but Thine,
Supreme because divine,
dam bring us peace
0. haste. the day, dear I,ord,
As promised. in Thy word,
When there shall be no moue
But wars shall cease.
0 God, we pi:ay that we
Thy guiding hand may see
As Thou dost lead' ,
May' we live true to Th'ee•
And to humanity;
Tiles will ein destiny
Prove bright, indeed,
39 FRONT ST., E.,
SE,ALED PENDERS, addreesed to
the Postmaster General, will be re-
ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Fri-
day, the leth day of October, 1911;
for the conveyance of His IVIeeesty's
1Vfails, on a proposed Contract for
four years, six times per week, oyer
Goderich (Benrniller) Rural Route
from. the Postmaster -General's Pleas-
ure next.
Printed notices containing ferthee
information es' to conditlims ,of pro-
posed Contract may be seen ereehlank
forms of Tender may be obtained at
the Post Oil:ides of Godetiche Salt -
ford, Benmiller, and at the olilee• of
the Post Office Inspector, /emulous -4-
Ottawa, Sept. 121111, 1914.
s fni-Ia4a:Viniiilentortonittn (la t6.0
Mt, John "le, I-Ion:die eves injured at
the barn raising of Mr. John II. Reid
and 'Me been laid up in coneeterence„
Moe. James darr ono of the old-
est residents of Winghaen, passed
away her home here on Saeurday
weeic. WaS eighty-three years, el
age -
The new Canadian Bird Book • be
W, T. MacOLEMENT, M.AJ , D,Se.,
Professor, Queen's "University, King -
13y C+. A'. CORNISH, 13.A.,,,Lectur-
e0 in Science, Faculty of Edueation
University of Toronto,
These books will,be ready for diseri-
bution in October. Special proposi-
ition to' .teachms Who, order, during
month of October, Will make , excels
lent Books for Chrisienao.-,
in this' locality. Liberal terms.
Write 'for" partieblais to
hen the War
is Over
WHEN the War is over what motor
car or piano, for example, will stand
highest in public favor? What cer-
eal ? What range or furnace ? What
brand of soap, paint, stock food, and
so on.? The answer is:, The make,
or brand that has kept ..itself con-
stantly in the public eye DURING
THE WAR—by means of advertise--
ments in the public press.
Selling courage expresses it-
self in publicity. The with-
drawal or suspension of ad-
vertising is a form of econo-
my with a "back kick" in it.
Veterans and Heroes are the men
who fight and keep on fighting.
We ran assist you in selecting your furuiture if you are
ngNtoiri I r`11isla your home, OP if you only want some odd
1 pieces you will find it to your advantage to inspect our
stock and pep (be bargains we are giving. We also carry a
good line i ± violins, pianos and organs.
Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re-
spect and w v guarantee the be) of satisfaction,
[ Undertaker nd Funeral Director.
Night and Sunday callsstaonrs:ered at residence over
28 Itt Phone 28
How Every Reader of The News -Record flay Have a
War ,Wiap Free.
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The News -Record nas completed arrangements by whirh our reatler5 can
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Here ls Our Offer Good For 30 Days Only.
The price of The Family Herald ancl Weekly Star, Canada's Greatest News-
paper, is one dollar a year.
The price of The News -Record is one dollar a year.
We now offer both papers for one year each. including a copy of The Family
Herald's War Map, size 80 x 40 inches,ln a neat folder of convenient size for
only $1,85.
This offer applies to all subscribers, new or reneWal, who ray for the two
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To folloW the war situation intelligently The Family Herald War Map ig
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