HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-10-01, Page 3inton News-Recoi afield . Sayfleld IVIr, i30bt2 LagtesOn is A'ms1Utnta', ;life Rev ,1„3„,,,:0. 1Condell,,.':who hes'becim Mrs.Writ, T;:a=l - inctiinbent of '`the. BBayliel d` parigh for larentsi: Ali. and b w • . , ear has; ,. - d hal s >; � time ant fire .an a ,1 Y ,, son, `ai, P 'Parish Of: Se-•. 'bronU , soca i, beep'. appom'ted to the 'par ' • ",pp, btm'vt 1k an' Ellice ,township, whi;oh„ ., � odist,oliutcli, , � l 4 ,� , , . ed• t11e ;pulpit of time Meth, 'Sunday morning last,' inclu'des 1PrilutY and l�inntanuel.0hur- . onr, K Uh's � eek i x hila; iCin hes roe to =ro>!ary then .and ,lgives t week q,, IV Io athe I1v flcla of Labor, Mt• Cdndell has toi to. °atlte ", the F'acidty'; of.. Ethics- pc* d ess it ni is�b ` here and. had a`sneer h a n J,Y tipul ltt able mini ter iraro already enrol e. a.strop y• oifng.People's Society in' g, 1e1d hts ,people have trade hmm _and, s At of public ri deiang sof, c}Luce li esteemed farnf!ly1 yet frappes anis^,pori }n the'.'town hail otlo l day evening. rtabl Mr:. Cordell",';has;bee"n-;;espec- last, i � -was dveidccl. tv ,iornm' a CiUt� io , e. netts? ., It rills successful arnUng;'irlie young phti .. n ".. A': consider' , ssociatio, ,n n , 211 e A iildtn _1 1 ms d m,e .- ^ace ed b h i s s o i 1 p ma e 1 :.a d .(a n ants there should bo no difficulty in obtaining the "number nieceesary to secure 'the sanction .of -_the Minister W. 'Militia. This movement ' should appeal :to all moawho lore depede 1)3 4d(litiOfl to the opportunities it gives "for liu:tltliful and congenial>"ex- • ercise the 1tr< trice MO rather training received will -in'nl e ihciii tetter 'fitted to take their -share, as all true; hmotr' would; wish tit do, }n the defence pf. their countrk;shotiJ4 it ever be ,nee " essay to defend our land again•St an invading foe. All men between ' the ages „of eighteen and sixty are eligible'` and should 'enroll as 'soon as Pos- sible. Names of meniliera received at Vat office of the Sterling Bank.. The following officers wereelected: Clap, tarn, ,Lewis Thomson ; SecretarY, Rev; A. Macfarlane ; 'Treasurer, Robt.. Sailcy ; Committee, Dr. Woods, Dr. Smith, hien. Mustard, George Greens- lade.' s A. most successful Rally Day wa held in .the Presbyterian church • on Sunday, The church was beautifully decorated and there was a large turnout, not only of, the Sunday school pupils, but also of their, •par- ents and friends. The service of praise was led by •a juvenile choir, who acquitted themselves most cred- itably under the leadership of Mrs. Ferguson. Recitations were given by Agnes Macdonald and Jean McKenzie and addresses were delivered by Rev. A. Macfarlane and Mr. John Fraser, the • superintendent. The offering amounted to over seventeen dollars. connection with T'ruii'ty^`•clturch Bayfield ;Fair. Was a lendld: S iCceSS. P, ;I ar a wonder, aluost, tale weather ori both clays ,of the Bayfielil. scarf, t}iat is Tuesday and Wednesday of., i his week, was pretty , dress• all Uhat:'' could be deeired; Consegllvntly thp? tittendauee ,; was larger very Nearly; three times' that of',1ast ,yoltir, cal culated" by.'the gate; tecotpts.:;: rver,!' iPhis Pai'has=ri>;uclt draw'in�,po vlsi;tors,'be' resent m fro'far ;anti'. 1nK P rile e i:; . resent,"• ,being '! near antiglig s P Mr and''Mrs Jam'cs Mose caane over, fircgm,• North McKillop, to tak'v ,in thee: s}K hts.<atd`xenew elci friendships, 'she', sae i,th- PoSCinaste spCni alto ` of tet- hxA Moon shafting hands with •. old tine; associates;: The Liecnscl Insure toia of; Centre:rand South.Heren 1 BingE,, spry, siupPosedly., oaxe frier, enjoy , 'i r he , of tiernoon admiring the.,tt:ally • first,, glass horses Gxliibttton.t,Mi.•,J;ohn • Andersof1'wlio left. Stanley, . thirty. nine years ago Inc the wrist and is. neve . nakzng bis first visit. east, was•. preseet.for the first tianv;at,p •Bay», field` , field Pair; 'Then 'there ,,Was, as John JIowardd.,01 ,the boundary, who claims ;o be ,croute Seven ' years C:ondell ' and ' family ,have the: very, '. best wishes' of tlle people of Bayfield Inc happiness, and success In their Mr. and Mrs, W. A. •Jowett; Mas ter }tern and Miss Edna Metered; up." from Port Huron Anil. spent :a "few. dais with their aunt;: • Mrs, Thos. .J.owctt, and. their cousin•, Mr.,„,W. ,,W. I3.. Jowett. They returned home last Division court was held in the, town hall dn Friday of last week, being tra:Sided over by Judge flop, and the following cases were disposal of Frank Thomson vs. T, 1. Marks. The applicant failed to prove his claims and the casc,was non -suited. Hoare vs Blair, applicant not appearing judg- nmentwas given against hini with costs 01 court. 'Next Sunday time service in St. An- drew's church will be. connected tby han Rev. D. Carswell of Winthrop, pastor, Rev. Mr. Macfarlane, taking anniversary! services there. A great improvement is being made in the equipment of tit. Andrevr's Sunday school room this week, the basement being divided by means of curtains in such a way as to .provide a separate class room for each class. This should help the teachers to con- centrate the interest of their schol- ars and so make the teaching more effective. News -Record swans Neves -Leader, prtia. The' treasurer of"''iho Patriotic So- ciety, Mrs, John McNaughton has received ' from the Red Cross So- ciety an official acknowledgement of the .$200 contributed by the three churches of Varna and.;vicinity:and for their generous donation- the ex- ecutive. of; the lied Cross Society re tune its sincecc'thanks. Stanley Township' Mr, Jack McElroy and sisters, Mis- ses Mary and Bessie, of Winthrop, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Henry Diehl. • Mr. and Mrs. 'W. L. Keys spent the Week -end with 'friends in Stephen township. Mr.. Wilmer Peck has returned to Montreal to resume . his course in medicine. A largo number of young people of this vicinity took in the, Fair, at Zur- ich on 'llhursday last. Mr. William Reid has been busy threshing beans in' this vicinity. Leivestor Sheol). •Shearling xam-A, hlleoat ,and Ram, I'nnuh=A, i..icoat 1;5 r c nd 2 d• lean" eines E; kI tyL1a ,'hen lfn',•ewes-L H, W}Se, Pairs i g,, Ewe lainb A.•• -Llicoat, .Csir anti 2nd,. Lmco'ln Sheep, Rain -Ciro. Penhale. •. Siteauling " rain Snowdon t' -I Geo; i?enhale. add. Rain: lamb -Goo,- l�enitale;.lst <u and .who on Wednesday paid Tun ,very 'first Visit, to Bayfio d orgyany other 'Fall ' Fail, `IIo carie Up at the Per, somal salic)Yyation' ,President Snow- den,, who Made him a merriher of the Society. :Though getting along ,in the sere' < and y elloW, Mr, Howard is remarkably -Chirpy 'and in verbal es changes he holds his own very Well,. There was a very fine class of hors- es shown, ,particularly- in' the drivers and e'atriage` classes, •'ten splendid animals being on exhibition in each ' class, • - There were more and' better 'sheep on exhibition than in'' sonic neighbor- ing Fairs which put on. More airs than does Bayfield.., The same miry be said of cattle. Indoors, too, there was a fine dis- play particularly iu house plants, cut flowers and fruit which o:owded the space allotted to them. • An exhibit seldom seen at Fairs was "lunch for one." It was daint- ily displawd upon a small table and was much admired and commented on. The .exhibitor was Mrs. A. E. Erwin. Among the judges was Mr. Will. Carter of. Hallett, one of the best known chicken men in the province, and Mr. Humphrey Snell, same township, who awarded the red tick- ets on shop. Being a son. of Mr, James Snell, judging sheep or any kind of farm; stock comes quite naturally to hien. The speeding contest was won as follows : Anderson, W. Elliott, - G. Weston. The judges were '1'. Mason of Clinton. and Ed. Bossenberry of Zurich. Secretary A. E. Erwin had his work well in hand, and ticket sellers and caretakers worked so smoothly that there didn't seem to be a hitch anywhere. • A big crowd attended the cornett ' in the evening when a. catchy pro- gram was nrescutea. The price winners wore as fol- lows BrUcefield (Mrs. Allan Douglas and Miss Agnes Beattie left on Friday for PotmdMills where they will attend. the marriage of their niece, Miss May Beattie, to IMr. McLary, Mr, Peter Bowery has completed the three cement crossings and also the sidewalk on the south side of Railway street, BFucefield now has sidewalks on all the streets, Mrs. John Walker is confined " to her hed through illness, but' is int - proving. W. D. Swan left on Monday' for Toronto to attend the University. This is his third year in medicine and fourth in arts. Pair' ewes' -Geo.; 3'e'nlia1e, Snotvil'en B1.os ; Shoarlhtg ewes -Gee. Pgnhalo ' 1a n, -St deli"'1Jros, y\ ethel r h tvw .. ', .'male - s6. aud Lue:l&tub-CToo, Penhale , 1 Fine Wool Sheep, , Raih-A: Dimkih. •Shearling ram -A. Dunkin. ;Rana lamb 'n`...Dunkin, 'Ewes -A. Dunkin. i kin. '•' • Slieai;ling elves -A. Dunkin. - Dunkin N. Elcoat. Ewe lanmb ' A , Wether Iamb -A. Dlcoat t sPair:'fat. .theep,, b'r'eed -George 1, Y PICTS. 13erkshire Pigs. ' Aged boar-Sr`icwdcn Bros. Brood sow -Snowden 'Bros. Boar six Months or unties -,Snowden Bros, Sow, six months or under -Snow , den Bros. Yorkshire Pigs. Boar: -W. 13. Battler. Sow -W. B. Battler, R. Blair. -Boar 0 . months . or under -W. Battler; R. Blair. So* six months or. under, W. B. 13ntilp , R. Blair. • Red Pigs. Aged boar -Snowdon. Bros. Brood sow -Snowdon Bros. Boar six months or' -under-Snow- den Bros. • Sow six mouths or under' -Snowden Bros: Boar any' breed -Snowden Bros. Sow any breed -W. 13. Battler.. Pair: of bacon hogs -,Snowden Bros., 'T. E. Harrison. • 'Judges -Humphrey Snell, Clinton ; John Walters,, Goderich. POULTRY. Silver Cerey Dorkins-W. B. Battictr, 1st and 2nd. •. Light Brahman -Beatty Brom. Dark Brahmas-J. S. Howrie. Barrett Plymouth Rocks -E. H. Wise, 1st and 2nd, White Plymouth Rocks -Snowden Bros., Jas. Campbell. Black Spanish -J. S. 13owric,. W. B. Battler. White Leghorns-E. H. Wise, W. 13. Babtler. Brown Leghorns-J. S. Howrie, W. B. Battler. Silver Spangled Ilainburgs-V. B. Battler, let and 2nd. Black Hamburgs-J. S. Howrie. Red Caps -W 13. Bat=tier, 1st and 2nd. Ready- ,. a LJ 1)11 & 1)0. Dryyyy Goods ddo s Furnishings u'u me and Admire Our Beautiful Fall MILLINERY Order your f a 11 hat now as the rush will overwhelm us in a week or so, We can give better 'attention to your order now. Our milliners are creating. something new all the tilde. You'll. enjoy a look through the de- partment if you don't, decide on your hat but we urge the advantage of decision now. IVhi: jt';�Ir�1 the bigyaltes we a. re • t'offering in those smart styles' in our :coat 'department. Over one buil- d different Boats to choose from, no two alike, in y styles. _See our range befcre buying, T h e coming o f c o 1 d weather makes you think of.a warm snug fitting coat , does- n't it? Ha ve you seen Latest Fal" Suits. 'A complete showing of the newest styles in misses, women's suits. The charming styles with the tary collar and long tunic skirts are very fashion- Prices range from $15 to $25, W Delgaty. Spitzenhurg--,I', Keegan. 'Collection of pears -F; Keegan, W. Fall ,Pears -P., K'ee`gad, W. F. Met- pears,-W., et- c rs W. A. Iialkwiil,Jbltn Winter p a • MrCiluie, _ Peaches-Jar'uos Calnpbell, J. R. Sterling, • • Franca -rings'. BrotwFnett," Miss, I. Er. TCr UeQn. K lu • , . Flums Mtss'L. E. Ferguson,' .John Tough Y in'' ohn Me,. BalilWin -J:, R, Stv i Sohn s 6, Clare: Iq thpin ;SP:>fls. J.• K. Sterling W, stow Crabs -Snowden Bros;, F. Xe. Keegan s- 13, Battler• L^ Red Clab,. .lV r Beatty, of Tltom skins -R. Penhale"; R. g 1 W. Delgaty, Greeni s s -John Mctlure, W.' 11.',' 6 Balliwill R} stow I'm ins -IL. G. Reid, ' b .; P,p. .. Twenty . bands "pippins -R. `ilenilale, Jelin 'Mc01ui:e., Wagners-ie,-1Ceegau, C 1 ruenanet,%' Cidhien Russets F, `' Keegan; ^,' C. ' Trupinmer, • Bjenheim•.i'ipinns-J: 11. Sittlmng,• L. Beatty, Snows -F. Keegan, W. A. 13alkwill.• V,L,CIETABLES. Earl potatoes -O.` 'l'nueniiter, R.. G reet.y' Iaate potatoes -C.._ 1'rpennner, R,. Greer. Mangolds,,, yellow. ';lobe` -Snowdon Bilis , Jas.. Cauipbell. Intermediate mangolds-Thos. - Cam - Woollen gloves, hand made -Mrs: Houston, ,J, Decker, Sr, Woollen mittens -Mrs. Houston, W B . Battler,'- t- 's. an Mrs.IIous Rag rna MxKeegan, Cg , Platted rnat-`-Mrs, : Houston, Keegan. Z'atclted grmilt, cotton -Miss It, E. Ferguson, W. 13. Battler. Patched quilt cloth -=Miss Ferguson, J. Decker Sr. Crochet guilt --Mrs, IIowrie,' JDeolter, •:Sr: Silk qui1L-J`, Brownott, Miss L. Ferguson, Collection ladies' work -Mrs. How- rie, Mrs. Ross,' .Croohet lace in cotton --Mrs. Met- calf, Mrs.' S. Houston. '"'".knitted lace in wool -Mrs.: Hous- ton, J, Decker, Sr, , Pancy: A,proa-Mrs: Metcalf, Mrs. Bh1kw dlr ; ; Tcncrifie'' Ince Mrs.. A. 11..» Erwin, Miss loss. PLANTS AND FLOWERS, , Lange boqucb-'Mrs. Metcalf;• Mrs. Hdwsorr " Small boquet-Mrs. Moises, Mrs, 1-Iinde; ' Dahlias-IVirs, Metcalf, Nlrs. Funic, Mrs: • L. HORSES. General Purpose. Brood marc -Thos. Brownett, R. Delgaty. . Foal - Thomas 13rownett, Samuel B. Battler. Cleave. Black Langshans-J S. 'Lowrie, Gelding or filly 2 years old -A. El- 1st and 2nd. coat, J. R. Stirling. Bantaans-W, 13. Battler. '`e Gelding or Lilly 0 years old -:Nelson Pekin Ducks -Snowden u f3res. , C. 11. Reid. Truemner, - Teanm-J. Decker, Sr, Rouen Decks -•E. IT. Wise, 0. Agricultural. 'I'ruemmncr, Brood in are -,1. R. Stirling, Geo. Toulouse Cieese-Geo Lindsay, R. Penhale. Smith. Foal -John Stewart, A. Dunkin. Any other variety geese -Snowden (folding or. filly 2 years old -J. and. Taros., W. 13. Battler. R. Reid, John McBride. Bronze Turkeys -W. B. Battler.. Golding or filly 13 year oltl-Arthur Any other variety of Turkeys - Evans, .J. R. Sterling." Snowden Tiros. 'ream—John McBride. Judge -Wm. , Carley, Mullett. Heavy Draught. DAIRY PRODUCE. Foal -Arthur (;vans. 25 Lbs. salt butter: Mrs. F. Keegan. Gehring or filly 2 years old -Nelson 10 lbs. butter in blocks --Miss Ida Keys. Reid, Mrs. F. Keegan. Team -Wm. Stephenson. 5 lbs butter -Miss Ida Reid, Mrs. Roadsters. F. Keegan. Brood mare -Malcolm hIc\augliton Cheese, home -made -1-J., ,Decker, Sr. Douglas ArcDougall: Homme. made wine -Mrs. (Dr,) Foal -Malcolm McNaughton, Doug- Woods Mrs. I. !Coogan. - las McDougall. Collection o' canned fruit -144s. Gelding or filly 2 years old -Doug began, J. Decker Sr. las McDougall, henry Talbot. Honey in conch -L. Beatty, Team -J. Decker Sr., Cleo. C. Dale. Honey in lar I,. Beatty. Single roadster. -Morton Elliott, C. Collection of honey -L. Beatty. Tlueillner. home made bread -Miss L. Lr, Wer - Carriage Horses. guson Mrs, W. A. Ball Well. Brood stare -Louis Anderson, Maph, syrup --Mrs. S. Houston, Foal -Louis Anderson, Geo. Bat- W. Delgaty. Iles,Co111 hunch Mrs. A. C. Erwin. Gelding or filly 2 years old -Geo. Buns -Miss I E. Ferguson, Mrs, A. Battles. W. P. Metcalf. Clelding or filly '.1 year old -Geo, A. Cookies -Miss 1,. T3, Fbrgegen, 11, Battles. ^ Penhale. Team, 10 hands or ever -Roland Apple pie: Miss L,. E. Ferguson,' Geiger. Miss Ida Reid. Single carriage lmoiwi C. Either, 20 lb, crock 01 butter -Miss Etta James Connolly: Reid, Mrs. F. Began Best gentleman's outfit -Morton GRAIN' Alv'D. SEEDS. full:iolt, C Either. • While ,winter wheat C. Truenmmmcr, Lady Driver -Miss Decker, ' Mrs. (1. A. Cooper. IIey. Red winter wheat -W. 13. Battler,}. 'Judges -James Ilandford, Cen- J. K. Wise. trails. ; Alex.' Purdon,: Exeter. Spring whcmt-J,' 1i. Wise. CATTLE. Large white peas -J. 1C. Wise. Grade Cattle. Small ;white peas -0. Truemmer, J. Milch cow -J. & R. Rend, E, II. K. Wise Wise'. 6 -rowed bails l -J. K. Wise, G. A, II'ekfer, two gears old -W. 11lliott, Cooper. E. H. Wised' 2 -rowed barley -J. K. Wise, Heifer one year. old -L. H. Wise, White oats I. 1C. Wise, D. Tough, 1st:, and 2nd: Biaok oats -J. IC. Wise. Heifer calf -L. 7I. {Vise, W. Lhiott. Timokhy-.J, S<, -Vise, G. A (soon- Steer calf= -J; & R,I Reid, 11. 11„ er. Wise. Spclts-J, K. Wise. Steel two years old -E, H. ' Wise, - Yellow Corn -A.; 17, Erwin, R. 1st and 2nd.' Blair. Steer one year old..W• Elliott, 1st Dent Corn W. B. Battler, R. Blair. and 2nd. Sweet Corn -J. Tough, James Fat cow, 'heifer or steer -)1, I•I, Campbell. Wiae, W. Elliott. • Any . other varietis•-A. 1. Erwin, Durham Cagle. .13, Penhale. • Mitch cow Beatty Bros., (iron. ' • Field carrots -Samuel -Cleave, Jas. Campbell. b t ell Table carrots -A, E. Erwin, R. W. Delgaty, Table beets -John Tough, Mrs. W. I7,inde. Cabbage -R Smith, John McClure. Cauliflowers -Mrs. Hewson, Jas. Campbell. Muskmelons -Jas, Campbell, R. Pennale. Parsnips -Sam'' Cleave, R. Pen - hale. , Pumpkins -J. Decker Sr., Cameron. Squash -Snowden Bros., Sarni Cleave. Fold turnips -J: Decker Sr,, Snow- den Bros. Sugar beets -J. R. Sterling, Sam'l Cleave. White, celery -Thos. Cameron, W. P. Metcalf. Winter radish -W. 13. Battler. Citrons -R. Smith, F. Keegan. Small white beans -W. 13. 33attia'r, Large white beans -W. F. Metcalf, Cf. A. Cooper, Largo English onions -Thos, Cam- eron. Large white onions ---P. Keegan, W, P. Metcalf. Large red onions -John Tough, R. Penhale. Large yellow' onions -F. Keegan, R. Smith. Large red tomatoes-M:s. Ilea son, W F. Metcalf. Rb.0:e Island Reds -C. Truenuier, '0'. 13. Battler. Andaluslans-J. S. Howrie, 1st and 2nd, 'White Wyanitotics-W. B. Battler, E. H. Wise, Silver Wyandotles-J. S. IIowrie, W. Bt Battler. Black Minorcas-W. l3. Battler, 0, T.ruoulner: - I'Ioudans-W 13 Battler. Bull Otphingtons -C, Tineniner, W. rhos. pansies -Mrs. 'Newson; Mrs'. Meir caCielf- raniums—Mrs. 1,ICwsop, Mrs. Keegan. Gladiolus Mrs'; Metcalf, Mrs. ICeog- an.. 1; , Fuschias-Mrs. Howson. Foliage plants -Mrs. Keegan. House plants -Mrs. Hewson; Mrs, Keegan. Asters-l4lrs. A. P. Erwin, Thos. Cameron. GGloxania-Mrs. Hewson, Mrs. Keogan. Begonias -Mrs. Metcalf,' Mrs, Keeg- an. Sweet peas -Mrs. A. E. Erwin, Mrs. Metcalf. F'IN.S ARTS. Pencil drawing -Mrs. Ross, Miss Kate Ross. Crayon drawing -Mrs. Ross, Miss RossWa, ter colors -Mrs. Balkwill, Mrs. IIowrie. Oil painting -Mrs. IIowrie, Mrs. Ross, Kensington painting -Mrs. Ross, Miss Kate Ross. Pen and ink sketch -Mrs; Ilouston, MI§S Ross,. Lustre painting -Mrs. ITowrie, Mrs. Keegan. Painting on silk, satin or; velvet- Mrs. Howrie,,Mrs. Ross. Snapshot of Bayfield scenery -Geo. Greenslade, W. A. Balkwill. Burnt work -Mrs. 'Ross, Miss Ross, Hand painted china -Mrs. Howrie, Miss Rose. Largo yollow touuitoos-W, 1', met_ calf, W. 13. Battler Peach tomatoes -W. F. &Ictcelf, Mrs. Hewson. Salsify Sanm'L Cle.i,ve, Jas, Cam p- hel 1, LADIES' W.1 3.K. Collection cif six fancy llancllter.- chiefs-Ahs W. Ross, Mrs. Howrie. Irish crochet lace -Mrs, Howrie, Mrs. S. Houston, Crochet table meats -Mrs. Ilowcic:, Mrs. M. Ross. ('ruches: work lir cotton -Mrs. How- rie Mrs. Houston, - Crochet work. in wool -.J. Decker, Sr., Miss b, E. Ferguson. Fancy, bond neck lacc-Dlrs. W. P. Metcalf, Mrs, Houston. Shadow embroidery -Mrs. S. Ilous- ton Mrs. llowrie. Eyelet embroidery Mrs. Ross, Mrs. IIowrie. Embroidered five o'clock tea cloth in cotton -Mrs. Ilbwriel, Mrs. Met- calf. Child's dress, feather stitched in silk -Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Ross. Knitted quilt -Mrs. Balkwell, Mrs. Keegan. Embroidery in lace stitches -Mrs. Ross, 111'rs Howrie, Collar, and cult set, enibroidered- Mrs, Houston; Mrs, IIowrie. Drawn work -Mrs. IIowrie, Miss L. f., Ferguson. Bedroom sl:ijmpers-Miss Ferguson, J. Decker, Sr. 13attenhut:g lace -J, Decker Sr,, Mrs..ROSS. Doylies, fancy braid and crochet- ivlms Ballcwnll, Mrs. Houston, Plain hand sewing -Mrs. Ross, Miss Kate Ross. Ilenmstitching-M:rs, Howrie, ,Miss Kate Ross. Pin, cushion iueyelet-Mrs. Ross, KrS. Sofa cushion -Mrs. Ross, Mrs. 'A. E. Elwin. Toa cosy-, knitted -Mrs. Ross, Mrs. IIouston. Etching on cotton or linen -Mrs, Ross, Mrs A. E. Erwin. Modern cross' stitch -Mrs. W. Mrs. Houston. IIouston. Braiding -Miss Ross, Mrs, A. < E: Erwin., Trish• point lace -Mrs: 'Howrie, Mrs. Ross. Iloniton lace -Mrs. Ross, Miss Ross. ' Handmade button holes -Mrs, Balk - will, Miss Ferguson. Wallachimm embroidered centro piece' in white -Mrs. A. E. Erwin, Mrs. Howrie. Floral: tinted centro piece -Mrs, Howrie, Mrs. Ross. Whisk holder,: hand Madel -Mrs, Ross, Mos. Howrie. Pierced brass candle stick and shade -Mrs. A. E. Erwin,' Mrs, Ross. Ladies' underwear, hand • made- -Mrs. IIowrie, Mrs. Ross; Kitolren apron -Mrs: S. Ilouston, J'. Decker, Sr. Ronan or cut -work-Mrs. Howrie, Mise Ross., Hardanger- Mrs, Metcalf, 'VTrs Howrie. Woollcm socks hand made -Mrs. Ross, Miss Ross. Crochet, fascinator fn wool Mrs. E. JL heifer, two 1134i1i13 61(1-E. .i 1. 11 tse, Beatty Bros. Heifer one ,year old-Bea'+try :Pies., E. H. Wise. , Heifer calf -A. tilleoati, M. !I. Wise. Bull calf -E T3 Wise, J. S'; R. Reid: Jerseys.' Milch cowl -John Gairdner, Fiacrk . FRUIT. :C rapes -Mrs, Hewson, 4ti. F, 'Met- calf. Collectioim of grapes -Mrs,_ Fiewson, .Mrs. F. ICeegan. Coliection. of apples -=J. 11. Storl- ii113. , Wintex apples- Ws' A'. Balkwill, R. Sterling. Fall. apples -J, It, Sterling, ( . `1'ruemner. •• MA,NU•F'AC'TURERS. Siegle harness -L, Beatty, Thos. Cameron. Double harness -Thos. Cameron., J. W. 'Tippett. Skein twisted yarn -Miss Ida Reid, J, Decker, Sr, Skein Woollen yarn -,1. Decker Sr., T. Brownets;, Keegan,' Mann apples --G. 'A.' Cooper, ,R. 'Ross, Mrs. Houston. 13 f� fr tl 1 FURNITURE, RUGS AND LIN We can assist you in selecting your furniture going to furnish your home, or if you only wane pieces you will find it to your advantage to i stock and see the bargains we are giving, We a good line of violins, pianos and organs. OUP undertaking clepartmeui is up-to-date h spec- and we guarantee the best of satisfaction, JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Dir Night and Sunday calls answered at 1'( store, 28 =5 1 Phone 1� FREE WAR It How Every Reader of The News -Rete War Map Free. A Map 3;, x 21 feet, showing clearly every boundary, e village, hamlet and river in the whole European war a neat folder of convenient size. The Family Yleralcl;and Weekly Star of Montreal rights for the War Alan prepared by the celebrated snap fm Co., Ltd., of London, England. it is beyond question Hu map printed. The News -Record has completed arrangements by j secure a copy of this exce,,ent map free of charge. Here Is Our Offer Good For 30 The price of The Family (Herald and weekly Star, G paper, is one dollar a year, The price of The News -Record is one dollar a year, We now offer both papers for one year' each, includir Herald's War Map, size 30 x 40 inches, in a neat folder only $1.85. This offer applies to all subscribers, new or renewal papers:inside next SO days from this date. To follow the war situation intelligently The 'Fain( necessary, It should be in every Canadian home. '' Order at once. W. J. Mitchell, News -Record, National Portand We have just received a carload, of the s of1Portland Cement which has always given plete satisfaction. It always fills your requim cannot make a mistakelusing the National S. J. ANDREWS, The News -Record. Jan1911E