The Clinton News Record, 1914-10-01, Page 1THURSDAY, OCTOBER „1$t I914 TffE liOIVIE. PAPER are pro. inot!V obtain! f ews,-Record For Sal aclvertlising ;e�nt,• !IN`aated', Etc.,. os 111.011.011 , ' ^ CITIZENS- itlI THITSI4,S1IC c •t'. gotten:: u h i o e ' c e A y ) i,ro'tc,_ n i 6 I I'he. a t P , l .. E t the BQltird of Ttado and given in ;the 'town half' alY on` Thnreda}^ evening, call- ed out roan1 who -arca -net in. tate ha- , 2 tc bit of attemding the prdiiiar yconc as Well and most of these • who are Thus the ball Wee ' filled with ah en- thusiastic), droved:of citizens who Were, ;:to hent 'swell the total .Or tile" „Patriotic -and 'Relief Feed aande at thct sante time take advantage' at the op- portunny of giving vent''to their Pa- ttiotiC emotions by heartily applaud- , ing and speech, The'laltie band played national airs from about half past seven until the concert commenced -and Clinton is quite proud `of its band ,and likes to heat it play on any occasion, The program was also a good one, and was mucic appreciated by all pre- sent Indeedit seemed to many to prove that the bringing in of a trig concert ccinrpany was a sheer waste of money when local talent of such a high order could be obtained, Of course the object brought out the very best. Mr. J. Ransford, president of the Board of. Trade, occupied the .chair. That he did it gracefully, saying the' right word in the right place and keeping the big audience in a • good, humour, no one who knows that pat-' riotic and loyal Britisher will for • a moment doubt. Ile also read with much effecta short poem which .was published in, one. cif the city papers last 'week relating to the war. The first number was a chorus groin the mole choir who occupied places upon the platform and whose hearty singing, under the direction of •Pro- fessor Bristow, was highly apprecia- ted. Among the other numbers were a Solo. "Soldiers of . the British Em- pire," by bir. Edgar (last, who hail to respond to au encore ; "Soldiers of the King" by Mr: 0, E. Dowding and` the male chorus ; "I Have No Song to Give You," Miss Barbara Melvor, who also gave as an encore, "My Highland Laddie," "Rule Brit- annia" ritannia" and "0 Canada" by the chor- us and. "Its A Long Way to '.Tipper- aryl": by Mt, Stewart Jackson • anti the chorus, who gave a5 an theme, "The Red, White and Blue." The speakers of the evening „Wee Lieut. -Col Wilson of Scaforth and Rev. 3. K. Fairfull. Touching en the conditions prevail- ing on account of the war: Col: Wil - sea dwelt upon the splendid unity of 1 the Empire, with ['amide, a us tr:ailia , New Zealand and South Africa vieing withothert in sand- ing other ung ±.ten; money and stoics lo help the Motherland in the hour of bet meed. IIe also urged upon the young ,men the need of keeping the "home guard up to its full strength, as only in this way could mot be available when the need arose and stated that from "the 33rd regiment seventy men had vol- unteered, with two officers, one of the latter, Lieut. Hodgson, Motu Clinton. The address of the evening was giv- en by Rev. J. K. Fairfull, who spoke on '"British Fighting Machines and Ho'w They • Are handled." This ad- dress was very fully reported in The News -Record a few weeks ago, when it was delivered before the Brother- hood of Wesley church, and it is a most interesting one. "I ant sorry," said Mr: Fairfull on ,opening his address, "for the occe- sion which has brought' us here, but I am glad, and proud to belong to, an Empire which is ` fighting today, not for glory for herself, not for con- quest or for territory, but to help should be known ns tire•., Ultnton the little fellow.' Britain .fs fight -Women's Paladotic and . Relief So- ,rned from Xellr ar°' • r is t� ill he 'or gift. I many. ghose whose n 'yell see it.. By it, r'taste and judgment, tnd liberality.' Safe - g us in the selection suit. We know the •-most suitable gifts. Art Goods China, tat'sho'lt' refinement, ly moderate prices. ella r Clinton 1 al Bank ADA. d 13(3J. $25.000,000 11,580,000• Profits 13,500,000 180,000,000 connection: Interest , allowed mess transacted. Clinton Branch ns Bank tablishecl in Clinton 1870 $8)800,000. IN CANADA- USINESS TRANSACTED; DLT - ISSUED. DEPARTMENT ved at highest current rate. ;er Clinton Branch.. 0E1)itBFID OLOTHIIe6 weater S.• models in Sweaters with e lead as a favorite. ull,fashion ed. Boneor pearl buttons. have contrasting colors the front.; $7.50 EATERS all the good styles in new colorings and trim time for Boy's Sweaters, $3.50 me Swell Headwear c and $1.25 Ar.13117 After having .been in; the service •Of the ,Doheny' plane .Company for rev-. eral years, Mr. ,F, J. Idi11 has re- signed the positron •of secretary -trea- surer' aril has;: been, sueceeded by Mr. F S, dost who until recently was• Manager of 1110 . Company`s Calgary braeich' Mr, 'Jost arrived fast :';week, and is now in charge,'_ ,AN 01.I3 L3tNDWAEK, One of Clinton's old landnmacks is beingremoved, the house on Albert street until recently ocoapied by Miss Mary Johnston. 'flits house, •which was built' of hewed logs, was erected by Mr. 1 ode, father of Mrs, .3. `T. Harland, who was; one of :Clinton's earliest settlers and the dwelling was, for many years the Houle of the lam ily. Later it was sided up and an addition buiit to the back and no doubt many were unaware of the fact that the originai.building . , was of e a logs until the vyeatherb at n siding was torn off. A new dignity clothed the old landmark, which has been more' or less of an .eyesore to the property holders on the street, when its shell was removed and there are those who regret its removal as .one of the oldest if not the oldest build- ing in the town. '1'H):)• WOMEN ORGANIZE. LITTLE •LOC1U 1, Today is 'Flag ,Day" in ' Clinton. .lave you beet "tagged" 'ver;? !,`hursday,. today!, is Field leap nn c t neotion with the Collegiate t sti- t oto when the 'usual pregrani 01 sports ris Methl; gone through ,'on Rec- reation., peak, J0INS • TORONTO'S' ','FINEST." Mr. Frank A. Williams, .Youngert son of -Mt; W. '"of Godcr-:' ieh township, and .•w'ho for lire past, eoighle of; years bas, been, engaged iu the :making of ,b -utter and ehlosv,has decided'upon an entirely different oe=: ctipation arra today beceines a mem- ber ofthe''I'oronto Police; Force, sontewliat 'known as • 'Toronto's "h'in est." :applicants` have to Undergo a severe testy but Prank A. "ryas more than equal to it at 'all points so to- day Will probably; see hitn in the un iform• of peace guarilian and infortpa- tion dispenser. I .l C'lILRC l . W LL1S "Rally Day" was, observed on Sun- day last, the open ' session of the Sunday.achool being vein well attend- ed by the nigmbers of the school and the parents and friends. The exer- cises of'the day OM very 'pleasing- ly gone through by the pupils. Miss Helen Grigg and Master Archie Mc- Kenzie each gave a recitation while scleral of the classes gave responsive readings: ; The minister, Rev. '11Ir, Harper, spoke very inteiestingly', his subject being "The Lilies,'' Which he likened in their innocence and beauty to the growth of e little child, Messrs. C. Lindsay add 11. Alexander also gave short addresses. The whole school joined heartily nit the rally day songs and Superinten- dent Scott presided. The church Was very prettily dctoo- tatecl, an abundance of. flowers having been brought to graec the oclasion. A' VISIT TO (,,1111' YALC'ARTI;EP, Mr: and Nes, Cr. D. McTaggart ,spent a.couple of days last week at Velem:- tier, the big training camp where thirty-two thousand Canadians'•have been drilling for the past six weeks in readiness 16 go to the front, Leaving here on Tuesday afternoon they artived'at Quebec the following afternoon. 'There their son Lieut. Broder McTaggart of the. Divisional Ammunition Column, who, by the way, had been in the saddle all the previous night assisting in the load- ing of cavalry horses anti stores, met them. acid spent the reminder They of the day withwiththem. I] ) went• A 'Targe gathering of ladies respond- ed to the invitation to meet in -the council chamber op 'Tuesday evening for the purpose of forming a Women's Patriotic Society. ' Mayor 'Jackson occupied the chair and explained the purpose for which the meeting had been called, the object, primarily, being to provide comforts 'for the -ten on the firing line. After explain- ing the nature of the work required and congratulating the ladies of the hie turnout, Mayor Jackson said that there were ra number of officers nee- Cissaty to form the organization and the tnme'was ripe for receiving nom - Mations. Miss Arty Rowson was el- ected secretary! for the evening and the business was proceeded .with. The Mayor suggested that Mrs, ef, D. McTaggart, who is giving a sou to the Empire, should he appointed honorary president. This was pint as a `emotion and unanimously carried. Several luting were putt forward as president and on the first Mallet Mrs S. J. Attie was `elected, The two receiving the next highest num- ber of votes, Mrs, 1'' 1). Fair and Abel C. J. Wallis were then 'declared elected as first and second vile presi- dents, respectively. Mrs. F. A. Axon was elected secretary -treasurer, During the couree of the evening' ,out to the camp the next day and Int. C. E. Dowding was introduced' remained until Friday. to the meeting and captained that he Mr, Mc,l aggart describes the . big wished to bring a couple of camp ground as a vest plateau sur- wished before. the ladies. first, rounded by hills, a beautiful place, in regard to the conduct of and to all appearance having had Flag I)53' " which the C. C', I, ever}* atrangemint, possible made for was taking up, and the part, if. any,the comfort of the men, The water the ladies wished to take in it,: and supply is said to he excellent and the SeCoud, with. rel;ard to the placing of sanitary arrangements of ,the best. any funds which the society might The men, all in Lharki, Mr,iVielag- Have in the bands of a central cont- gait described as looking very besi-, mittee formed by the clergy of the nesslike and all caber to ". he off to town, and two members 'each from take part in active service for the the town council, Board of Trade, . Every ratan had -his gripsack C.O.I.and the vvonen's Organization. packed and was .ready to go on a Owing to the fact that the society iiloment's notice while here and thdre was not yet roto whether it would could' be seen a space in the army bare any funds other than those of tents which told of a corps whichh raised for Che• purchase of material, ltael been ordered out. the latter matter wa.s left over for k'Ir•MeTaggart said, that his son and the present; as {.o the former, it. wasLteut.'Z•Todgson, whorr he also saw, decided that the conductof"Flag' were both °loiiking"exceeding]y well Day" should be left entirely in the and tout 'all the Men seemed to be hands of the 0,0,,T, -the the'best of spirits, 0' tl class 1 thirty Shx 10110 glad 131G I'OJ` TOE5. Last spring, Mr. ,lathes Wn11 insita v obtained fro-iWr. J. W. Moore, whose supply waslimited, Len pounds i >ro of a;t}ow and said to be very due- 1 Live potato (lit the l tl.of May t Ito -planted them and cm the 22nd- of Scptwmhet: lin raised the product which .weighed . Four bushels; Individ- ual potatoes weighed twenty-three otmcee and" the quality of the whole lot was ";really eupetier. While: no clou.titthis is one of the most prodiic- tn'e potatocS grown }'et it must be talcel into account that Ml, Welkin- snaw aiw'ayrs has his ground in extra good shape and that he gives what- ever, is grown in,: his garden. every at - twitter': WITH THE, S A, Capt. F. 'yon. der vet De. I tssdi: OF Wingitani, who has just returned from. 13elgilnit and Holland, will give ars illustrated lecture in the town hall Hie s - 'ecu even in �.: f11 lilt On Saturda , b 1 1 " will be,"The Lowlands, 13tfore and luring the War," and he \vill he dresst ed lit natioaalecostuuie, The C'aktain will also address the Sunday, evening Meeting in the S, A. hall, when his subject will be, 'Teem Manger to 'Throne;" ,Y '1'JC'K:LTS FROM "1:1111 BOYS. BL To the Editor 61 The News -Record Dear Sir :—Your insertion in that columns of your paper of a few lints front fee with 'tefe ence, 10 the ,pur- pose -and object of an entertainment to; be held in the town hall Thanks, giving night will ,he much appreciat- ed. eee already, announced the hors 01 the town, are associated with me in getting uta mr tr.r tertatn anent which. 1 b 1 b money. But 1L the wre11\\o It will be the object of the entei.tainntent is for the purpose of creating a local relief fund which there 'Is reason to believe will be mudh needed. this .TAS. 111. McfN `; RE' PAS5.P s. lylr, James I1, McIntyre Passed in- to the Great. Beyond early. 'Tuesday morning at his residence, Spence,'. streets . The deceased was- born at Whitby, ext of e resident but 'has an a t Ont.,h ttlas b Clinton for about forty; years, For some tithe past Ile. has -been: in fail- ing health but , had been able to go about` Most of the tifne and': just the 10 a o i'grad- It was decided, that the society mated from: the Royal Military C:'01 - lege, Kingston, witfr`Lieut. McTag- gart last j'aar thirty-one do7unteered for service and are already nn traiir- ing or at the front. A nunitir were In Europe travelling .(Si stu,iyi't5 when war broke out and they,, int- inediaitely ,joined the nerviCe, ::: Otic, .Ile, Blacketeck or Toronto is `" now, With British army, in. France. Since "returning: hone Mt IIb'0ag- gart' has •reeeivetl' word 'that his, 'sbn sailed on the Megantic on Saturday; Word has also beat received that Lieut. ]:-iodgson sailed earlier the lIolland, and W ' fi. Y2.- Ilolnlcts, same . day •;on the ,,Laurentie and the j • probability is' that• the big camp will Those who sang and did' so e'ith soon be deserted.' great' acceptance were Mrs. Gibbings, A good deal of trouble was exper- Miss McIvor,`•Mf. l'9, East and F, fenced in obtaining supplies.' For 'i'honpson. Mre,t 1'releaveh and Miss instance, sufficient military harness E•]va Wiltse plesided at the piano. could not bre -manufactured in time. Othets who took part and helped and a lot of ordinary heavy farm lax_ much to make the evening bright and ness haul to be .substituted. It was heuw,' Mayor Jackson J. W. soni:ewhat - the sante -with tttiform5 1'relelpfallen, Jere,',Taylor, D2, livaus and and number of the officers were Mr. Bradshaw, given allowaitees with }which to pure It .,fs .not possrble:1o,give the name chase Is gl d es 'of, 0,11 the lathes' preset and a*ho. did s much i to n tike, the gathernatg ing for honour's sake. She went to wan for a 'scrap of paper' and for this reason her sons and her daugh- ters in every 'part of the Empire are willing' to sacrifice much to help her u .,y As I said in my.- Former talk, continued Mr. Fairfull, ''British field guns are -the hest in the world and the them behind• the guns cannot be beaten for accuracy, coolness and bravery in the face"of danger,: This has been, amply proven in the pre- sent conflict for it' must be remember- ed- that so far the •.alli.es hard been outnumbered three to' one."' defy," :the fee was fixed twenty- five cents, and the time of meeting' Friday., afternoon. About forty-seven ladies paid their ice and enrolled at once but fully twice that number eV-. idenced' their desire to ,join but had hou come prepared to paY itlteir fee, Ori taking the ,. chair Mrs. Alija spoke of the ,Woric which ilio local branch of the ,Wooten s, Itistituteliad already. done alortg the lines which this more comprehensive society, had in mind .and asked tlte, W. I. presi- dent), Mts. Munroe,, to kindly, explain somewhat hots the work was taken up and carried on, which . she ` did in Vividly describing the ono ruin briefly, sa3'!ing that, the members were and firing of a big naval en Mr. [still engaged in work, one consign- Fairfuil remarked, "You neer saw., having been forwarded to the such coolness as is displapail b, l ri- Red Cross Society). Mrs, Alli- then testi tars• upoti a warship. Tbete's no: suggested that she: Would like to such a thing as excitement• on board. avail herself 1"t Mee 74lartroe's expel- a British warship, every . man -does his ietnce and would like her .tame added duty with the precision or a'mnachine to the hist of officers as assis'taiit and 'yet every man's a -tan and not a' president, which was heartily concur - machine. You ,feel• that as you watch ed in by the ladies' present. The, lot - them. But each man knows his vvotk lowing committee was then appoint,' with absolute exactness and they do, ell three from ,each `church, to act it With a ;coolness and matter -or -fact-' with the exbaufive : Mrs,` Holloway, mess which amazes the onlooker• ,Mrs, Paull,,Mrs. 12atteubury, Miss In ,commenting on the sinking of Potts, Mrs. CLOTHING CO. eal for Every Man. a B,..I. G'bbings, Mrs. W. the three, Br1ttsh .erwtsers last week 'Martian r Mrs. reamste0l, Mrs Chant,. Mr, Fairfull said;, "I3ut for the brave Mrs, Rutledge, Mrs., fowler, • Mrs: fellows who'' Went down with them, O'Neil, Alts, glum, Mrs. Brydmtc, their loss is immaterial. It saved Ns. Harper, Mrs. Fairfail, Mrs, the Government scrapping them, They I'ennehalcer, Miss Livermore, Mrs. were the, usmon in the navy." • Kilbride, Mrs. Sas. Flynn, Mfrs. Me - 3u conclusion part ltarrfrci sous ing Caughcy, Capt. Johnston, Mrs. Bcz- te can do our part toward: a, a gatheringring zo and Mrs. McKown', the Empire by coining to a, resiA supply committee, consisting of like this and by sen.dingtof ogre suiim Mrs. Chant, IVIrs, Iulwiroe and Mrs. stance to succour those vino the fighting line, well and good.'But Mason) wasajipointed to procure if the call "should come and em are material to commence work on .Frt- tthe front, -oiir duty is clear. (lay afternoon, and the members are needed a IVe, have no right .. 'here .if Britain, to 6atltec at two o'clock in the coun� needs us to -man her guns or fill her til chamber to begin operations, ranks." . The .officers hope there will be a 1 • w at the initial ut tomorrow oil tt rine 'good The speaker was heartily applauded day previous to his, death had, been iwintet.' And with this worthy object about his own garden. The late bIr. McIntyre was twice, nlarriedl his second wife; sarvfving f loot. 1v1o' daughters and two sons also. survive : Atlnis, Mary, William, and ellexandet. The. ,funeral will leave his late re- sidence thea. afternoon at half past two, interment to he made in the Clinton cemetery'. ONG WAY 0!P DOING I'1', • The. members of the Jackson Mfg. Co. are nothing if not up-to-date and are about. .as,rearlv,.:to adopt.a 11011" idea, if the idea seems to be, a good one, as any,. Just at present .there ie a• decided movement on, foot in ('ah- ada to' boost, Canadiitn trade articles and also to encouraSe the -manufac- ture of -many articles which have hitherto beo:t imported, The Jack- son Company, whose fine line of boys' clothing ire known from the Atlantic to the Pacific, in order tc; emphasize the fact •that;tha\ are a Canadian pro- duct, .have ordered a quantity.,. of tags beating the insert plion Madre in C'anada.," and one of (hese will he allixed ,to each article being ship- ped; froom the factory. This is a good idat and other l'anadian"companies ' might whit Ill'ollt:follott• $he example of 'thee Clinton firm, We 'ought 'also to encourage home mannfactuters by purelfasing the pro- duct of the home factories whenever possible. We are told and in many cases' quite truly, though 'of course this does not apply to the Lion Brand clothing, that Canada does not .pro- duce" as fine ti' -quality of pods as Can. be, or as could be until recently, t The with grh ain, beautifully u1le tiles lra- ora- imported, If, however, manufacturers ted were given the assurance that a rea-flowers and two large 1 -pion Jacks ay marker would be round, for their were draped from the arch behind the goods they would soon he able to pulpit, making a most effective back- bring them up to the standard of ground. foreign goods and before long might The pastot preached at both morn - be expected to be making such a bill ing and evening church 50001cc and in for foreign trade as Canadian man- the. evening tlue choir gave their am:- ufactiu'crs have never 'been able to do vice -of song for- which they, have been up to the present. , Canada is a preparing for several weeks, 'Clic young country. Let es give her ;• a program puhlislied' last' week was. chance to show what she can do, given complete' and each number was to view' I Would like to ask- the cit- izens of Clinton and our friends in the country to show their apprecia- tion and avail themselves of the op- portunity, c i'• c b portunt(y to create a big. t y baying tickets from the boys who will call on them for that purpose. 'rhe six day ticket selling contest commences next Monday between sonic of-. the boys taking 'part in' the shown' 'and every, citizen will he called tgmott. .'ick out your favorite' luoy,. buy tick- ets from hint and ]help hint to vitt the pri9.e. It gives me great pleaaete. to give mum services for. - this entertainment and also to pay all expenses, •so that event cent or the proceeds goes to the !meal Relief Gond, My greatest reward -will he if good results will, accrue from, the efforts to create at good big fund and help is given where help is needed.—Yours truly, Turn Jaeksun, Jr. • WESLEY C'Hi'RC'1T, Sunday was (hserval as 'Railyr;,Day' in the Sunday school and an open session was held at, the usual hour but in tile.,. auclitoriunt instead of the school rootil. 'l'ilere was a good turn- out of the classes' and also of 'their parents and frielids of the school, The program consisted of. choruses by the school recitations by Miss Amy .11cll- yar and Masters Leighton Walker and Willis Cooper, a chorus bp the prim- "s'the short am class and a .ho t a by pastor, Rev. .1)r. Rutledge 'l'he sup- erintendent, Mr "Il. '1, Rorke, pre- sided and the:clroir assisted ,by lead- ing the singing. erg will uteettn; and that every memo , at intervals throughout This address„ entlmsiastiCally take up and do her his strong, manly' British sentiments share- of this worthy work for the finding ready response among those making up the audience, (Concluded on page 5,) diners the officers at the csnp; Mr. tiro Sunnily school, mr, Bradshaw r o ti1051e: 1 fine prograin £ a presided and a m c j g �t 'ars Moult{und said, that the nn dt and recttat:ions aitch class exercises would unlcrgo,; a few weeks hither was carried out trainin.a in England before mein;; sent (N'TAR/O ;31'. IurN's BANQ,a—E'T, mob appreciated. Alt, Stewart tTack- son assisted the choir'and also ren - The young wamcat's -League of cht- dosed as 0 solo. "1 heard the Voice tario St, church' provided a banquet of ,lesus Say,' with much acceptance. for the .young men of ,the congrega- Dr. Rutledge. spoke briefly on "The tion which was held 'in the school sbngs of'•tbe Bible." room on Monday evening. At both tate morning and evening About fifty sat dotam to .a splendid service I)r. Rutledge paid a tribute id, supper among the nufnhel beteg see_ the memory ' of the late Sir .lames eral older amen' of th&., church who WIlitael', Premier. of Ontario. n came to show . their.., good will ' and "'i'he League held a social evcnin., speepa,thy, and to aid in organizing Monday) to ti'hich were invited the a '$`our{g Mens' League which it is Modelite "class. , The president, Mr. J. expected Will -be' the outcome of the Sutter, occupied the chair and emong banquet, ,the numbers on the program, wvhich. tsti "u'as• d le' ilia ex- .vas, of a pate otle nature, were read :rtf$er full ,I CC or eelleit •sapper the :pastor• relaest"td ings by Miss C,ladys Ii.ellcr, 131isie Mr, :H W+'ltse"to act • ea Chairman, Steuart and Miss Stone ; a solo, L'nd,er the cialiable'e tectio'tt ^'',an in- "Its l long Way. to 'I tpperal,'y" 53' 1'• lir, ,-'t i'uliss Clirecne and a short spcecjt by the 1,cLc.stmb piogi'am Of acl<ltesses and mit� f ie was .carried ort.' " '-"' pastor, ,Aster the program; there was ?j ev.'Wil- a flag, making contest and t'itis . was. aAtiad tc res'' were ,inn:ide b}., 11 a ` f luhutn • %C. Tf: folloi'ed by refresbnieots and a social liaiir Con vay v 1 half hour. An Unfortunate:Accident. untFo.ms'in.'t au . '19us condition of things is 1101: t. o n o` elm surer sing, , of. eoutse,' ; the all carate a great success but .;hey were re- menmbered and their kindness aeknow- with such ;sintitlennes's and"Canada is is easy led ell in an enthusiastic way. not a nnalitar}±+ceuntr}m: "Int Ever • one was delighted' with ` the bath to sit`-baand criticise," said Mr. ?g evening's entertainment and it, will McTaggart, "Slut no one' could have no dobt iesirlii in much good any idea what a task, confronted the _ Militia Departmen( andthe.work has Large congregations r attended the probably, been. pushed through , with „Rally Day" recvices- of • Sunday.. as mach speed and as sinoottilp as Rev A. W Bather of Scaforth p 111r b�e rrgaehed in'lite morning. ht the ev- Mr. McTaggart described the .u- cut ening the pastor and bit, Russell city 01 Quebec as being unusually May, gave brief addresses to : 'the" Busy and ccowde I. "A great many young people. The choir gave - ap people, wore upon t.he, same errand as propriate 1510530 at neigh services ant we }vete," he soul, 'and there were Mrs• C9ibbings and' 7,`reci 'Thompson groups of officers toI e seen at all sang a pleasing duet' at the evening times. No : one was allowed neat: the service, wharves, which were .carefully guard- ed." In the afternoon there was a record It securer] to he the i leraaaan 'attendance of scholars: and friends of good of the Empire and our brave to the"front. "TMEy are i eee,50k- Canadian boys Iv110 are even now on ing lot of men, though,' he millnki k- their way to the front, ed, More Local News page 5. "Uncle David" Cook. Mt, David Cook,. who Inas been a re- sident of Clinton for ninny pears and who is nearly ninety years of age, had the misfortune ,Iasi vveec to fall. on the floor and fraeldire his hip, Owing to his extreme. age and feeble- ness his recovery ms hardly hoped for, but he seentS to besuffering lit- tle and is being carefully! nursed at the . home di his son, Mr, D. 5, Coole