HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-09-17, Page 8Linton ?stevrs-Record• Septiimbei. 1914 1 Suitable 1:1.11'Lli Cuie for all looms i equal- ly well displayed. ,RIFS . . . EA.e, alittit'S Or the sort that. give yourayho e hofy rest. h'i kk eudless Jest crane into Our...Elf:ore ." rythein,M1,t,hat !siib bet and Sere wa,YCbCOeChOiES , . tbat are ,cein fortitl)le, ' We 'want to SaY' • , , vto v 4 about prices: They can't be beaten. , Twist cens wrn ie51.0.ARD TTUN ripe ?4.4*.,,PATrua A6sitoivic(*iv Coummay. Ball & Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS ancl UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls. N. BALL Phone 110, J. A. ATKINSON, Phone 186 werowaiso ilirromtmiroff. ft. 1 1 --is Akeyel I II• %\1'°..94Ci'$x‘1'iIN`6vW1Y1.1. 1 1 -lF'-F-I-LE—L IRNOUN-M-ENT !1I 1 -2 0 CENWTS TERN COOhUe.N TER best. -.........—, 1 Basques, Capes and Cape Coats Flare Skirts, Blouses and Dresses . • , _ ' with Italian collars, long tunics, gathered, plaited, yoked and circular, with hundreds and hundreds of the latest Fall styles, are shown in the STANDARD FASHION BOOK for Autumn With each copy you get any Standard Pattern FREE 1 The Season's Best in Fall Footwear. Standing upon the threehold of the fall season we announce our readiness to provide our trade with the very best of footwear at moderate prices. We are able to show the best shoe values at any stated price. Our Shoe Service. - We do more than simply pell shoes ! Our expert and careful service will provide for every foot that comes to usa shoe that's right ia,size.and construction. • We Ask Your Consideration. FRED. JACKSON The House of Better Shoes. • 1 A ONE DOLLAR I BARGAIN SALE I ree our big windowanddisplay tables inside for the different assortments, the lots aye- all differently arranged and big value, including hardware, tinware, graniteware, Japanese ware,,alluminum ware, galvan- ized ware, glass ware. It pays to buy when those op- portunities are offered. . A good supply of Brantford roofing, roofing and barn paint. Sherwin-Williams paint, beaver board, nails and glass. All kinds of machine oil. Dustbane in cans, quarter bairels, half barrels and barrels. Fly Exterminator for cattle in quarts and gallons. HARLAND BROS. 'STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES WAIL .4711 poupouvionanuni , Miss Luella Walkinshaw is spending this week with Wingham friends. Miss Gladys Jones of Goderich is the guest this week of the Misses Wil- ' Miss Itellyar of Bowmanville is the guest d her brother, Mr. W. H. Hellyar tif town'. Hr. Stewart Jackson of New York is holidaying at his home M town for a.feW weeks. Miss ,Tessie, 'Crooks is dssisting, through the busy season in Couch & .Co'§ Mrs. 11. L. Moore and her little son last week joined Mr. Moore at West Toronto where he has a position. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sheppard attend- ed the Elliott—Reid wedding in Stanley yesterday afternoon, Mr, E. J. Howard, London, was in town Saturday and Sunday, re- turning to the city by motor cycle, his favorite because most speedy, mode df travel: Mr, and. Mrs, J. W. Nedigar, Mt. Austin and Miss Leona motored i,o London' on Tuesday to take in the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. ID. Cantelon accompanied them. Mr. and IVIrs. James Finch, Jr. and their little daughter, Thelma, hava returned to Stratford after spend- ing several da.Ips with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J. Finch, town: Mr. Chas. A. Comp, engineer with the Canadian General Electrie Co., was in town for a few days last week in connection with the finish- ing up of the work, about the hydro station. Mrs. 'P. Jackson, jr., returned home on Friday after a fortaight's visit with friends in Toronto, Mr. Jack - soli W110 was in the city on busi- ness during Fair time, returned with her. Mrs, George Finch and her two sons Russell and Harvey, of Flint, Mich,, have returned home from a visit o1. several weeks, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Finch of town and relativ- es at Auburn., Mr. and, 1VIrs. James Iteraolds of the. King Edward Hetet, Guelph, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs, J, J. McCaughey and on Saturday motored to Detroit to visit 'relatives there. Mr. and 143:s. R. J, Cluff visited their brother in' Stratford and their daughter in, Hamilton last week. Mr. Cluff returned Thursday but, Mrs. (hill stayed lot a longer visit in the Ambitious City. Mrs. W. E. Miller, of Detroit, after spending some days with Mrs. R. Miller, Sr., and other relatives in tows and country, lett Saturday to viSit Mr. and Mrs. Albert MeBrien, London; before returning to her home. • • Mr. Frank O'Neil, Moose:jaw, .Sask, returned east ten days or so ago and is recruiting in the old home town. In many wayN there is no place Mr. O'Neil likes' so well as Clinton, one reason no doubt, being that he has many good friends here. Mr. A. C. Pattlson is taking a fort- night's holiday and is visiting in Port 1-luron and LT& o Mrs.. Pat- tison accompanied hint to the for- . mer place, returning 'last week. -Mr. Rontley of Kirkton is, relieving agent at the G.T11. station during Mr. Pattisan's absence. Miss Marion, Trwin, who sr oit the annum! with her sister, Beaconness Bessie lirwin,assisting in managing a• sunimer .eamp where numbers of , children from, the- Men -treat missions . .are giving an outing;.,.haS rettlracil hoinfi'. 'Phis sort, el work ppeala to Miss Marion ansi she has shown a decided talent for it. - Mr. and IVIrs.' A. Case and their son Fred arrived froin their home in Rose, Netv York State and purpose for the next few months being res- idents of. Clinton where they have Ladies' and Children's Mantles The new coats are now here and are without any exception the fin- est, showing of high class garments we have ever offered for yota! in- spection. The styles are the v,iry latest and the pr.icies the lowest possi Me for high grade garments. We want you to see these exit whether you buy or not. Coale in any time and look them over. Ladies' Raincoat Special. A beautiful poplin raincoat and big value at $3.50, special for one week $5.95. , Rubbers ---Just ,Arrived. A big bright new stock, all styles and all sizes for all makes of shoes, prices the lowest possible, Buy your rubber wants early its prices are , likely to advance. Plumsteel' Bros. .Agents for New Idea Made-to-111eaSure Prti,terns, All 10c. OLD AT • , • • 't t • "Will not break or rust or tear, Coilene • Corsets made for wear." e wearer of a CoileileCorset is always distinguished by her poise and, elegance of figure , • , Not one woman in ten thousand can '3 really have a "figure" without a corset. , Coilene Corsets furnish the actual sup- port necessary to every lady. A few light strips of the peerless Collene boning give as much control of the figure lines as the stiff, heavy, cramping corsets of tattler y4air. Whatever the design, style, or price of the Collene Corset you buy, it is the beat value, best fit and quality for the money. Prices from $2.50 up. ilene rsets Write for booklet showing latest corset fashions. Every woman should have a copy. We mail one free on re- ceipt of 'your name and addre9. This hs is the famous Coilene boning 111111111.11k, 1311C)1771T'S Personals. Miss Lily, Leitch has taken a position with J. P. Sheppard & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Ifill spent the week -end with Goderich friends. Mrs. Smith of Stratford visited her daughter, Mrs, Lorne Murch on biNorsl.nlic.31. C. Coleman of Winnipeg is the guest of the Misses Cole, Elur- on street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bartliff motored to London yesterday to attend the Western Fair. Mrs. M. McVittie of Westfield and Mrs. Thos. Lyon of Mullett spent Tuesday with their brother, Mr; .7. G. Medd. Mrs. W. J. Stevaas and children of the, Base Line are. in London this week taking in the Fair and visiting friends. Mr. 11. E. Rorke is assisting in the local Canadian Express office during .the rush seasbn. Mr. 3D, Holtzhatier visited cousins in Mitchell on Tuesday he had not seen for thirty ,yearn. Miss !Alp Lindsay, who has been spending a vacation with her moth- er in town, has returned to London this week. - Miss Ward and Miss Stone spent the week -end at 13ayfield as guests al, the summer home or -Miss Gar- ratt, Miss Ward's Coitsin. Mrs, Chas. Wright, Miss Moffat and Master Albert Campbell all of Tor- onto are the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs, 3. A. Irwin. Mrs. Crardner returned to town this week after a visit of. a couple of months with her sons in Toronto, Hamilton and . St. Catharines. 'VD's. Cl: M. Elliott and Miss Barbara McIver assisted with the prograin of a patriotic concert given, at Constance on Friday evening last. Rev. D'r. and Mrs. Rutledge have re- turned from a three weeks' visit with their daughter at South Bend, iitd,, and with Windsor fri- ends. 1Vfiss Edith Torrance, who has been at Lbtlibridge, Alberta, for the past couple, of years, is 110010 011 a vacation and may remain during the winter, Mr. a,nd Mrs. F. J. 11111, Mrs. W, J. Cooper and Miss Phoebe Smith, re - 'turned on Monday from attending the 'HolineSs camp -Meeting east M Toronto. ,Miss .0 arratt and 311155 Mothersead, who have been . spending the sum- mer at Dayfield, Caineiato town • 'yesterday and leave this week for their ,home- in `Washington, B.C. . •Blineefi,eld • Mrs. W. L. Kell§ and Mrs. S. C. McGeorge of Listowel and Mrs. D. M. Johnston, Drayton, were guests. of bit'. and Mrs. ID, W. Morrison the many Personal friends and a cordial past week, I welcome always awaits the. • Mo. Mr. C. It Reid has had the wind - Case expeetS to begin operations in mill on his grass farm moved, the the evaporator tiext Monday with a Work being well done bk Miller S.,., full staff J,ittle of C.ilintoil. Hullett Township The News From Londesbora Messrs, T. McMichael & Son made . live entries Of Canadian Clydesdales at the Toronto Fair and won prizes as follows ' 1st for Glenrae, 1st for International, a two-year-old, 2nd for yearling, 2n6 for yearling filly, 2nd for three-year-old filly. At the London Fair this week the Messrs, McMichael won as follows : 1st and championship for Glenrae and firstfor best horse and three of his colts. 2nd for Lord Ronald. 1st for International. Ist for three-year-old filly, the same for a two-year-old and 2nd for yearling. Mr. Led Weir went south last week and bought up a carload t)f cat- tle which he is now disposing of. Messrs. W. and E. Jordan of lin Sundayed at Mr, D. Flynn's. News -Record means News -Leader. • • Constance Miss Edith Delmage of Winthrop spent a few days here as the guest of her cousin, Miss Irene Riley. Mrs, Ed. Britton and Miss Mayne 1-Iall are visiting friends in London and St. Thomas, Mrs. Wm. McIntosh met . with a rather serious accident last week when she slipped and broke her left arm above the elbow. It is hoped the fracture will heal as quickly as possible. Messrs. Jardes Medd and Thos. Adams left last, week on a, trili 10 the west. Miss Tina, Love m visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Ed. Britton. The News -Record to Jan. 1915 for 25o, or to Jan. 1919 for $LOO. Quite a successful patriotic social was held in Forester's Hall on Fri- day evening when .a good program was given and light refreshments were 8aVeti. Among those talking part from a distance, were, Mrs. ILI- liott and Miss 'filefvor of Clinton, who each rendered solos, and Mr. Blanchard, and Mr. Blanshard and Miss Scarlett of Winthrop. Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Rands gave violin solos Mrs. 'Farnham andClifford Button contributed recitatiOns and Revs.' J. G., Reid and C. C. Koine of Londes- 1701.0 and .511:,^ Thos. McMillan each deliVered appropriate addresses. The proceeds amounted to $27. News -Record ntettns News -Leader, Stirnrnerhill Ivy, Geo: Bradford , has Teturned, 10 her, home in Goderich after.' spending the past couple of weeks with her Mrs. J. Freeman and Mrs. 3, John- ston of Clinton spout Thimsday at thiehople of Mrs John 'Johnston. • IVIiss A. Goldthorpe of Goderich is visiting friends around. Summerhill. Miss Etta IVEcBrien is visiting Itiends at Brantford. , Miss Holland (merit a ,day or sO with London friends this week,' also taking the Pair: • News -Record Meng lge,,vs-Leader. Miss L, Brunsdon is spending a few days of this week visiting London friends. Miss M. Lyon was the. .guest over the iveek-end of her sister, Mrs. De- war of London, Mr. John Hutton loaded a ear of oats this week. The shed at Knox- church is being treated 1,0 a new roof in readiness for the fall season. • Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ilransdon and Mt. and Mrs. Joseph IVIanning inctor- ed to London this week with Mr. R. Vodden. • Mr. E. Adams has had a foundation built under the house which he re- cently purchased from Mr, J. Lan- ham. Mr. C. W..•Arinstrong and family spent a few days with Mrs. Arm- strong's mother, ' Mrs. Coombs •of London, recently.' At a meeting held on Monday even- ing it was decided to hold the an- nual fowl supper in connection with the Methodist church, as usual on the evening of Thanksgiving Day, The funeral of the late Miss Jessie Cadzo of Buffalo took placo from the, depot, (Milton, on Monday afternoon, the remains being laid ,to rest in Burns' cemetery% Rev. J. G. Reid °mutilated idle services. Miss Cadzo was a cousin of the Hamiltons and was Oita well known here as the family' formerly 'resided in. the vicin- ity. . Mr. John Woodman spent a couple of days this week with London. friends. ' Mr. 1'. Miller received a ear of this week. Mr, Samuel Woodman had the mis- fortune while gathering eggs on Mon- day to upset his load when his horse shied at a passing traction engine on the boundary line. The wagon turtle(' turtle with Mr. Woodman enderneath but lie escaped uninjured. The aide damage done was to the contents of the crates, there being between one hundred and twentyl-five and one hun- dred, and fifty dozen of eggs broken. Mrs. Wm. McCool and blaster Wel- lington returned Saturday atter spending a couple of weeks with the former's daughter, Mrs. J. I.. A.wilei of Toronto. Hullett Township James Snell & Son exhibited at the Western Fair this week and while; we have not yet seen a list of their winnings there. is no doubt it will, as in past years, be a very satisfactory one. Mrs. Geo. Krauskopf and Masters Clarence and Wilfrid of Dublin spent a few days with relatives here ovor Sunday. Misses Rose McCaughey and Annie McConnell of 'Clinton spent Sundays afternoon in this township, 4•110•101111.11111111•11.1•11101101.1•111 Alenniessalikunsselialssesionsionlir Fall Shoe Styles The New Models we are show- • ing in Wom- en's and Men's Footwear for the new fall and winter • season, faithfully reproduce all the new style features • of the highest price I custom made. We caa meet ev- ery requirement at moderate expense and thorough satisfaction with every pair, They are in refined styles, made of the best ma- . terial, patent, calf or kid, with cloth or plain leather tops, and. easily stand at the head for comfort, flt, quality and value., , C.HAPMAN PRONE 70