HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-09-17, Page 1No.. 1850 .L -36th Year
. ,
;es .5iii Bight if it Vonie6 front Xellitar's
10 e in t ts
,Be careful in selecting Yotngift. It wilt be
viewed and criticized by many. ghose whose
opinions you most esteem1Dill see it. 23..j) it
may be judgecf your good taste and judgment,
perhaps your friendship and liberality. Safe-
guard yourself by making us in the selection
• 'we ha'be the goods that suit. We know the
Latest styles- best makes --most suitable gifts.
Cit Glass, Sii?,erware, Art Goods, G'hina,
Clocks, trpecial pieces that shoW., refinement,
richness, at surprisingly tnoderate prices.
W. Yi. YielltIcir
'mete" ana Optician - - - Clinton
870 Branches.
on Depoeits. General
Royal Bank
Incorporated 1869.
Authorized $25,000,000
Paid-up 11,560,000 •
and Undivided Profits 13,500,000
Assets 180,000,000
With world wide connection. Interest allowed
Banking business transacted.
Manager Clinton. Branch
1Ee Molsons . Bank
Incorporated 1805 Established in Clinton 1879
Capital and Reserve = $8,800,000
BANK MONEY ORDERS - - - - - ..••
At all branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate.
•-,C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch.
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Motto : "A Square Deal
• Tne_mairiage took 'place in. London
on Tuesday afternoon. of Mis•
s Libbie
,Hiseoek, and Mr. 1,'red Couch of Tor-
onto, The former is a cousin of Mr.
• Ratienbury and the latter of Mr:
P. Couch and, Mts. W, J. Rossof
town. Clinton friends waft good
. ,
„Alt• a meeting held n Goderich last
week the members of the Huron. Med-
ical Avociation decided to treat gra-
tis the families of •all privates who
have gone to the war. This is• a
worthy action following the • example
of the Academy of Medicine in Tor-
outotwhich arrived at a similar de -
Elision a couple of weeks ago.
Rev. E. G. Powell preached on Sun-
day morning and evening. At the ev-
ening service Miss Beatrice Greene
sang a solo in excellent voice.
Next Sunday the pastor, Rev. Dr.
Rutledge, who has returned from his
vacation, will occupy his own pulpit
in the morning while Rev. Mr, Rae,
a representative of. the Dominion Al-
liance, will preach in the evening.
'1ffie I.mague, which was discontinu-
ed during the summer, reopened. • On
Monday evening with a good at-
The funeral of the late Miss ,Jessie
Cadzo, who died in Buffalo on • Fri-
day, tobk place from the de-
pot on the • arrival of the af-
ternoon train on Monday, interment
being made in Burns cemetery, Hul-
lett. The deceased 'was a member of
a former well-kndwn Hallett family.
She was a niece of Mrs. Margaret
Watt of town and was- also related
to the Misses Thompson of 'Clinton
and to the Ilamiltans of Ilullett.
Her mother was buried in Hullett in
the winter. .21 brother and two. sis-
•'Barley 55c.
Baler He tio, 2.20, •
.,. Eggs 22c to 23e. • •
• Live Hogs $9.00, : •• •
WILLIS CI -113110H.
The new pastor, Rev, dr., 0, Harper
occupied • the •SanclaY
preaching to geed congregations both
inorning and evening.
The Sunday achoel, which met with
the oongregat jou during the
summer months, has resumed its af-
ternoon seseions, the Bible class
meeting in the auditorium. Rally
Day will beobserved on the last
Sunday in September.-
• The pastor will preach on Sunday
morning net and Rev. John Mail:,
Field Secretary of the Dominion- Al-
liance, will preach in the evening. .
Rally Day services in connection
with the Sunday school will be held
on the last Sunday of this month.
The young neen of the °brach will
be entertained by the Young Wo-
niens League at a banquet to be
held week after next.
The ladies of the church have pre,
Added ne•tv carpets for the auditorium
and school room.
A week or so ago a eitken made
use of The News-Recorci's cols. to ad-
vertise a. building for sale and the
same afternoou' the paper went out,
a subscriber came in from the coun-
try and bought the banding.
In last week's issue Sergeant Welsh
advertised his brick house on Ratten-
bury street for sale and a half dozen
people have since been after the
place, one lady coming up from
Stratton to see about it.
The Moral is : When y, ;have
for sale what the public; wants the
-ten of the deceased accompanied the easiest, quickest and cheapest way
remains. • of finding a purchaser is through
the medium or The News-Reeord's ad -
RAD A RUNAWAY, ' vertising columes. The sarne applies
A somewhat serious aceideat happen- to Wanted, To Rent, etcadvits.
ed to Clarence and James Page, sons (2AN TET ITS uspe,
of Mr., and Mrs. George Page 'Of
near Belgrave, last week. Tho two In order that housekeepers may ar-
noys were driving' a team of horses rive at an accurate and speedy
when something, went wrong • with the knowledge of trite uses. of electricity
harness and the horses taking fright for domestic purposes -an electric
ran away. The lads were thrown .eookieg range has been .placed' in the
out, the wave passing over JarneS, hydro office, corner of Albert and
who was Picked • up unconscious. • Princess streets, arid anyone intereSt-
At last. reports both boys were re- .ed may being along a roast of beef,
-covering from their injuries, howee- 'ealce., pan of bisouits, or anything re-
el:, and it .is hoped no permanent quilting oven heat and have them
harm was thine:, --Mrs. Page spent cooked. A meter is attached so that
some time with the 'Harland families the exact cost of the eteetricity used
the MeCorvies and other relatives can be ascertained, thus 'giving one
and friends dn town only 'a few an idea of the relative cost of chic -
weeks. ago, she being a sister of Mr, tacit, as a fuel, No doubt Superin-
Will Harland, formerly of town. tendent Chant and his assistant will
find that many citizens will avail
FORMER RESIDENT PASSE'S. themseIvea of the' opportunity of mak-
• in
Maria Davis, widow of the late g these tests as eleetricity, being
so safe, so cleanly and so convenient,
Hugh. Moore, a former resident of M bound to grow in favor as • a
Clinton, passed away 111 Detroit on doatestie factor. ,
Thursday last aged senntly-four
It la over twenty years since the Clinton is 11)0011 favored as compar-
Moore family left Clinton. for Detroit
cal with towns of similar size and lo -
het this was the old home town
her husband and some children wereeat industries may congratulath them-
selves upon there being a demand for
buried here, and here the remains of goods which require full staffs to turn
the late Mrs. Moore were brought out. But in order to guard against'
the funeral taking place from the
s. unemployment locally the relief
residence of her sister, Mrs. coin-
mittee of the 13oard of Trade and
Crich, of Huron street, on Saturday Council meet irons time to time
afternoon. The services were conduc-
ted by the Rev. s.J. Amu, the to devise means by which all . citi-
zens may, he kept busy. At the meet -
pallbearers being Messrs, J. 0, Mc- ing held on Tuesday it was auggest-
Math, W. 1-E Hellyar, J. Lindsay,
J5.5. Twitohou, A. J. ,rmran 011(1 ed. that local hnptovernents should
J. stopbonson. whs. Moore 15, stir, be continued as long as the
Vived by a family of eight, tour sons, weatilt11: Pe.tillitS arid a' special
of the (mimed, will take .1110 matter
and four daughters. Two sons, Ott--
into consideration.
er and Frank, with the latter's wife
and one daughter, Mrs. Thompson, • The recently organized bureau which
was suggested by the B. of H., is
iier -Imeband and a !mellow, Mr. Mar-
tin Davis accolapanied the remains m006.1115 111±11 success ami alrea(111'
from Detroit. • several men have secured employment
Thc. deceased was sistm ot MIs, t nou h its medium. Both men and
and of Mrs. S. Crieh and Mr. o
John Moffatt of Los Angeles, n110711111 1 dteosialle1/14 toemaPirhlerrnictilliel; kislfhaoyuolrd
Davi8 of tee.% ge or town clerk, A list of ' those. so
• applying is kept at the derkes office.
AamotTETEHE AT THE a. Iraemers. 00 others who need, extra
help for a longer or shorter peried
Following Prof, McCready's visit to *will end this bureau of advantage. A
Clinton and his addrees to the Col- • call ar a -phone message to the town
legiale Board regarding the advan- cleric or mayor will being into touch
Cages of Agriculture training for pu- those wanting work and those want -
Pits of the Collegiate, the Board ing help, to their otutual advantage,
took the • necessary action to have the •
5101152 of Agriculture added to the cur- PIERT'll'8 AN IDEA.
ricultun of the Collegiate Institute: Various schemes aom suggest -
The course has now been inaugurated
(index the direction of Mr. ,arding ed by writers in the county ptess re-
gwhat Huron could and should
13.A., Science Master of tho „Colleg-clo to give its loyalty a practical
late, who has had the advantage of turn in the crisis. • Here is au idea,
special training fOr this work at • the that will commend itself tth many.
suunner (*Arse beld 413 l'118 Agrie41- It is said that fruit or vegetables
titre]. Cellege, Guelph.
There over a lathdre4•
pupils aartethaen karobosotliiitte. tnielecierssiptyhyleeieratilitkeeanlitt,
in the Collegiate Institute now talc- 16, to be kept up th the. mark. WhY
big the (Museand everyeffort. iti
be made, to enlist the support 01 1110 'feo°rnildlie'n0u1se tch(e);rnalitYmy020slenlveirial 11°104u-1:.'
parents in the work. The primary oh- -sand Pounds of dried apples 't Huson
jecti is not to "teath 'farming"' • but , has 1111M season a .buinper' erop • ,of
to..aronse, a sympathy and entIlliluutn. apples. • Many of these ll rati`cffind a
tor the work which will modify . the , Mrkedi', Eor phviout reasons. acid .thou -
attitude .01 -theContimmity ;toward ealids ,of bushels will thus go to-,
11 01111 help to restore the PresPerit3' waste. _ Erthe county ceuncil.'could
of the a-giticultieral indestry in i'11.03011. 8ce its way to purehase the product
Phe :dcolino 01 iihe thral population every' evaporator in the county oould ,
throughout Ontario reuOgilized, by immediately gat busy `` and taxa out
• cvnrYnne. and nowhere 1148• it , been, iffie. amount required. The fine apple
more marked 'than in crop would be thus saved from waste,
The effort of the Board to, renteclY • inany men and . women in the,Ivarious
.the Conditions. which have led to this town and villageS would, he given
will meet the aPPrOval 'Of the Pee* oeVerai, weeke' Work fhl± autairul,
and hopes ate entertained that it good, deal of money would. be cirthlere
will be successful Minton Collegiate ted throughout the county and , the
institute is , the first, to Undertake, men on. the firing line'Would,have the
this Work 111 Huron so fat 'as We , benefit or •tlie :fruit -diet Which, is
deerned so necessary. This scheme
know, though some effort along , this
in the h I eid hot interfere With anything 11 ciSc
buseounty may hav,e in Mind,
Monday, October 121h; will bo
Thanksgiving DaY. • •-•
Good Morning 1 Are you a News
Record :subscriber 1
• The meeting. in Wesley church this
evening, a.t which IVIiss Forman,' re-
turned missionary from the wet will
epeak, will he an interesting oae.
Mr, Oboe. F. LibbY, 'manager of the
Knitting Compeny, has rented Ser-
geanr Welsh's brick residence On Rat-
tenht3r5• street Where he takes up • his
abode next motith.
A couple of citizens, one a reaident.
of Huron and the other of Mary
Street and both of whom take much
interest in beautifying their premises,
complained to The News-Recerd last
evening that a nionber of pennants
had been stolen from their verandahs.
They have a pretty good idea of the
guilty Ones and may yet irivoke the
aid of the pollee, that is if the pen-
nants are not returned.
Four rinks of Clinton bowlers lotr-
neyed to Mitchell 'on Tuesday and
played a series of garnee with a like
number in that town. Luck was
with the players in the Pervh county
tiontavIns,. WhO 121000 eight up on the
The following were the local play-
Karl Wilkin, J. Wiseman, J. • Har-
land, N. Dail, 11.
W. Jackson, Dr. Axon, W. Grant,
C. E. Dowding, 36,
C. .1. Libby, J. I -Tenter, W. Dry-
(1one, 1). A. ForeesIttr, 9.
A. J. Morrish, 1, Oxe, Cl. D. Rob-
erton, J, Watt, 15, Total 74.
The skips 01 1110 opposing rinka and
the 800008 were as follows
Dr, McGill, 1.1 ; G. Sawyer, 19 ;
W. 11, (tole, 311 ; P. C. 1Iurd, 18.
Total 82.
Sce The News -Record's
Advertising Columns
•• 1010,119.13. Downs has eold his lamsit
on Victoria street to Mr. doe221)11
Mrs Charles, Wiltse, have
talon up their abode in the Scoteh-
emir cottage on Albert street.
• The Women's Inatituth will meet ab
Mrs. R. Filvssimons • next 'Thursday
when Mrs, ICilhitide will gi ve. a paper
' ''Women'a Edueation,''
• Rev. J. Greene • has the eetneith
foundation built for a new commodi-
ous verandah atthe front or • his
residence on Eturon street.
'Miss Clara Glidden spent the week-
end with Clinton frienda.
Mrs. N. W. Trewartha was in Clin-
ton on Saturday.
Rev. R. J. • and Mrs. McCormick
aad Master Harry returned last
week after spending a holiday at the
former's. parental nome near Trow-
Rev. J. E. Ford, chairman of the
Goderich district, • conducted the ser-
vices on this •circuit on Sunday,
Rev, Mr. AlCUormick preaching an-
niversary sermons in Victoria street
church, G-oderith.
Mrs. Mulholland was called to the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Draper
of Goderieh, this week owing to ilL
mess of the latter.
Miss Robinson has been staying at
the parsonage during the past week,
• having been linable so far since the
opening of the school term to secure
a Permanent boarding hollee.
Sunday schools of the }felines-
ville Methodist circuit held a union
picnic, in Forster's flats on Friday
last. There was- a good turnout from
the several eongregations, the wea-
ther while net very warm AWLS bright
and line and a very enjoyable lime,
was spent. Thetti were games of
various kinds in' which everyone joie,
• ed with good-natured enthusiaam, the
young people enjoyed tidily; on Mr.
Forster's ponies, there was an abun-
danee of good things to cat with
many willing hands to sett them out,
when meal time came and altogeth-
er 5(I15 a happy social gathering
Which was appreciated by all present.
11-Iessts. Wm. • Stanley and J. R.
llohnee were in Blyth yesterday.
iscx STUDENTS A..T 1111.1 C.. I.
There are now 180 students in at-
tendanee at the Clinton CoPeziate
Institute, the largeSt number in the
history. of that institution. Fifty-
eight pereetit, are front the country
districts Sllowiflg, that loyal and
painstaking efforts Of an able stall
of leachers is widenidg the 0.• I's.
sphere of usefulness, The staff con-
aists of : •
J. W. Treleaven, .Principal, See:dol-
l:St in classics.
R. W. Fleming, Specialist in Natur-
al Science,
C'. W. Robb, Specialist in ,111,athe-
matieS, ,Physis and Physical Culture.
Milis 7. McDougall, Specialist in
Modern Languages.
Miss 11. 1. Kay, COmmerekti SPee-
Miss 'IC, Ford, Specialist in Art.
A committee of the Board of 'Prado
have made artangenituts for a splen-
did patriotic concert 'to be given in
the town hall on Thursday evening
next. The chief item on the program
will be an interesting address by
Rev. J. K. Fairfull on "British
Fighting Machines and, How They are
Handled." Lieut -Col, Wilson of
Seaforth will also 'be present and
give a short address. •Patriotic 31150,
iC will be furnished by a large malo
choir and by local singers. Mr. Stew-
art Jacfsson of New Yorlc will' also
assist. Everything in Connection
with the concert, including the
printing,- ad\ el:Using, eta, is being
furnished free and the full proceeds of
the concert will go tO the Patriotic
Relief Fund, which will be handled hy
a responsible committee of citizena
to be appointed.
• Rev. Dr, Edward L. Mills. of Heleda,
Montana has bee h appointed superin-
tendent of the Methodist Episcopal
Church in the' State of Utah with
headquarters In Salt Lake Oiler and
lie will move his 'family there about
the let of October. Dr. Mills is a
member of the genetal board of edu-
cation in New York,has held vari-
ous °Matesin the gift, of 'the Metho-
dist Church and is rapidly coming to
the front as 0110 of its leading men.
Dr. Mills has visited Clinton on
more than one occasion, his wife be-
ing formerly Miss Alberta May, only
.daughter of Mr. Albert May of Stev-
ensville, Montana, formerly of Clin-
ton; ,and 15 very well known in town,
and vicinity.. Mrs. Mills and her
bittle (lallghter spent 'a couple of
months in town a couple • of sum
mere ago as guests at the home of
her grandmother, Mrs. Howson.
A fortnight 'ago a carload of hoes -
es was ..shipped from 'Clinton to the
big military anal) al Quebec and
last Saturday another earthed was
sent off, the second lot being Put-
thased for the Bffitish Government.
This bunth went to Brampton where
"the horses are brandedbefore shipped
all -to the. Old Clountry. • •
• • '
Both these Carloeds, were bought
by MT: 'T. Mp.S011, with -WhOill as ia-
spector was associated Dr, Quinn of
Toronto.. Mo. lllason ,expects to start
buying again next week. He 'doesn't
find it an easy matter to pick, up
the required number, ,the inspection
being very rigid, The following are'
the kind of horses required : Riding
horses,: A,ge 5 to 8 years, 15 to .16
hands, 1000 to 1150; pounds.
laity horses : 5 to 8 years, 15 lo, 16.
halide, 3059' 10 1250 peinvie. Draught
horses : 5 to 8 years„ 15-2 10
hand's; • 3259' 'to. 14,00 pounds, No
grays, Whitet 00 buckskitia •bo
Coderich Township
Anniversary ' services • In connection
with Ebeneezer church will 110 held:
at 2.30 and 7,30 p.m, on Sunday
mext the preachel to be Rev. Mr.
ITager of Goderich. Special music
will bo furnished by the choir.
The Osbaldeston farm near Holt»es-
ville was sold by auction on Satur-
day last, the purcheset being Mr.
Herb Osbaldeaton, who lias been oc-
cupying it, and the peice $4,000.
Those who know the place say it is
very good value far the money.
11 is expected that a meeting Will
he held' at Ifolniesville shortly to dee
elde upon the best; plan of raising
money for the Patriotic Fund. It
is felt that Goderich township must
not be last in eXpressing its sympa-
practical and thm
erefore uch.
The Unitly Club .intend giving a box
social at the home of Mrs, Bert
Murphy or -Wednesday e ening of
next week. Everybody is cordially
invited and 'will he. made welcome.
There will be a program and a real
nice sociable time. The proceeds of
the affair will be donated to the pa-
triotic fund.
Miss Edna Miller went to l`oronto
on Tuesday and will visit her broth-
er and sister thete. Her brother,
W110 is a oienber of the 10th Am-
bulance Corps, is 11051 in trainin5 at
r4.00allgt, Branch awaiting a call to the
A meeting will be held cth the honie
of. J. Holmes on Sunday after-
noo)1 neat at three o'clock to which
all • are cordially' invited,
subjeets %will be : • The first war,
the last war, the present war and the
great battle of Armageddon, when
and where, and the war in heaeen."
A collection will be taken by the
officials of Coderich township for
the destitute in. the waring countries
Belgium, France and Berlin. Tea
will be served. Read Rey. 12111, 10111
20th and 21st
Mrs, M. Sterling and Miss M.
Alexander. spent a few days visiting
Toronto, friends and taking in the
To the Front! Huron
County' Council.
The Dominion • CI overnment has giv-
en the Motherland one million bags
of flour foe her mea o21 the fighting
• The Provinces are 0)1 moving lis the
same 'way, some giving lioeses, others
fruit 'flour, etc. The Government of
Ontario contribeted 5 cmarte11 million
bags of flour. •
Onterio • counties, eta also, being
heard feom, some. donating money',
others theproduct of the field or
orchard; •
But liuron has not Yet been heard
The county council should be called
together at onee and as there Would
be only one item oflmainess the $35-
sion'need not extend beyond one day,
The' cost of the ineetiug would, there-
fore, be small. •
As Bemarnin Franklin, remarked
"--HaPPY 'fg he (or; t.,IleY) who' will do
the Plain dutY of. the moment quickly
c eer ).
Head of the Employment
Mayor Fred. Jackson.
His worship is thoroughly in sym-
pathy with the. Employment Bureau
and is personally doing what he Cc!'
to bring together those anxious tor
work and those who can avail them-
selves of the services • of lust such
Messrs. Wm. Mustard, Jolui Tippet,
Hugh McKay, A. Et Erwin and
Robt. Bailey motored to London on
Rev. W. S. Campbell of the Dom-
inion Alliance will occupy the pul-
pits of 81. Andrew's church on Sun-
day mornin5 and the Methodist
church in the evening.
Rev. J. 0. Toilette. of Winds' came
up on 11,10tulay atid returned on Tues-
day. His wife and daughters, U'IICT
spent the past four months at their
summer cottage on the Terrace, re-
tuned with him.
Mr. W. Johnston and Wife of Loa -
(Lon motored 11 on Saturday and
spent 13512111133' the village.
Mr, and Mrs. George E. Mewls -
lade, H. Drehniaina, J. H. Field, H.
Darren and T. J. Marks took in the
Exhibition at London this Week,
Mrs, Stewart of Cloeorith M the
guest, of her mother, Mrs. John Pol-
lock, this week.
Miss Meredith, who spent the past
few months at Mr. .James Donald -
son's, let the past week lot Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. Pickles and "Mr. and
Mrs; it/ Wet of London spent Sunday
111 the village. -
Mr. `and Mrs, John Fraser returned
to their bottle the past week after ae
absence of a few months in the
Mrs. Wright nee Florence Martin)
andeec. hild f
o Toronto were the
gUesta of Mrs. Fred. Baker the past
A concert will be given IIS the town
halt on show 'night by the. London
C'oncert Company, consisting of high
class artist.
Mr. Albert Catlin of Port Stanley
spent a few days this week with his
wife and family in . the, village,
Miss Garrett and Miss Motherse,ad,
who spent the SCISSOR at their sum-
mer residence here, left .this week for
their hoine at Washington, D.C.
The Fair Sept 29th and. 300,
Goderich Township
• 1V4. J, P. Cole has had his bera
refitted: and with eemeent doming,
etc., in the stabling it is now quite
529-10-11 1O.
Mr. 'Frank Powell has had a silo
built, so has Mr, Alex. Elliott and
also it Labeau.
Mr. John Connell has had his barn
re,built, so it will he. seen that the
arenas i11 that eorner of the town -
hip are progressive,
• Mrs, 19. Lobb is visiting London
friends' this week,
Not So Well As Usual.
• Mr. James Rearir.,
very many friends of Mr, 'Jam-
es Hearn in, about and far from
Clinton will be Sorry to learn that ,
he is not enjoying his former robust'
health. That, perhaps, could hardly
be expected, for he is away Past
fthrseore, but he is about every clay •
as usual, appreciates a jpke as welt
as ever and enjoys the beauty and
fresimeth of this delightful autumnal: •