HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-09-10, Page 5:September 10th, 1914 Clinton News -Record OUR FLAG.: (Continued frommpage 4,) 1torx(a ionion flag. James I's Tack was^again introduced, the fitnbrica- ttou was made •t little wider. I; was under OAS ,first union flag that Clive won his splendid victory "at Plessey which gave to England ,a new empire. %Nidi this flag Sir Wit- . liarn. Johnston captured Fort Niaga- ra and. 'the hero Wolfe stormed Lou- isburg and climbed to victory and death oe 'Abraham's heights, With -lis Nelson carried confusion into the French fleet in Aboukir Bay and ran t r his re ns ri i enn nt is tn i o a which h 1pennant., t thrills every heart to this day, at the battle of Trafalgar. This liag floated for the first time over Cape Colony, New, South Wales anis the Island of Vancouver. It may be ;interesting to note 'that when ;in :1052:: Van Trontpe, the Dutch Admiral, succeeded in sweeping 'the English fleet temporarily from the narrow seas, he boasted his vie- -tory by hoisting a broom' at his mast head. Blake in retaliation soon humbled his pride by giving him, such ra trouncing, h as the have not, forgotten to this day Blake, to - 'celebrate his victory hoisted at his mast head the whiplash pennant of the British navy.. The Lineage of the Irish Jaclr is not `so clearly .defined as, is that of the other jacks. " Though Paddy has always been so really for a shindy • that fighting has colon to be eonsid•- ,ered his natural "diversion" he has never found himself particularly at home on the sea. 1t is on land that he has found play for his fierce, delight in 'mingling where .the fray is thickest. 1t is` as a soldier that the Irishman has always excelled. Wel- lington, Wolseley, Roberts and Kit- chner attest their power in command and in many a forlorn hope the wild •energy of the Irish blood in the ranks has sealed the breach and car - Tied. the stormers past the anxious moments of the onset, displaying. that same eager, fierce, impetuous valor with which, in the charge ; of the light brigade at Balaclava, the went k nn'skillrans r rat neo the massive ]Russian columns with a cheer. , Che banner of St. Patrick on the Irish Jack is a' white flag having on it a red cross of the same diagonal shape as the St. Andrew's cross. St. Patrick was the Christian apostle of the Irish and -thus became thein bra- •ditional patron saint. The story of his life is that he was born in Scot- land at Kilpatrick, near Dunharton on the Clyde, and being taken pris- oner by pirates when a child was ''`� •-' pied into Ireland and sold - there as a serf. '1 -laving acquired the na- tive language he. escaped to the con- tinent and afterwards becoming a Christian and being ordained to ser- vice •in the Church he returned for the purpose of converting the people. He was renamed. "Patricius" from 'whence came "St, Patrick:" It is quite universally accepted that St. Patrick was ordained by Constantine .. Hislop of Route and the Larhal:tun which the bishop carried as the sign of his priestly office was made up of the first two Creek letters 01 the word for Christ. St. Patrick diose the first letter of this Greek word as the emblem of Ireland which corres- ponds with the Irish Cross. The Irish Jack blended with the other jacks in the parliamentary UTn- 4-�u7t'tii'Gfent Britain and Ireland in 1801. The history • of these successive blendings.shows most , plainly; that the triune arises not frontunion tin- der one sovereign but Froin legislative onion under one parliament. The 'Union Jack, therefore, has be- - - some the emblem of the Bhitishr con- stitution. and the British race. It is now the signal of loyalty to one. sovereign and the existence of Govern meet under; the British Parfiamentry union and .therefore, wherever display- '" '- ` rad itindicates• the presence, of ,Brit- ish liberties and British laws, Our. present Union Jack was born when the power of England seemed ahiiost wrecked.. "But English courage flames Thefiercest in.. defeat And in -the day : she stande at bay Most dangerous to meet," With rth dear s th i ax old flagWellington sought Isis way from the Tones Vid- ras to Paris andt1 e i�• 1 mighty Napole- on in the cabin of the Bellerophon, with this flag floating o'er hint which he had used all his stratagems to lower, begged to be allowed to spend 6f. the remainder of Itis life under its protection, 11, was in this flag that Nelville and Coghill' in South .Arica wrapped themselves as their enemies riddled thein with bullets. It Was around this flag that fifty mounted riflemen in Mababell' died in their trenches singing YClod Save the Queen." It was for the -honor of this (lag that the sons of empire ail_ . a- ioutd the world diedon the veldt. Such there is the story, sucsh.is the meaning ofo1tr• L fn n Jack, the em- blem of combined constitutional gov- erunct, the iro latmer 01 British liberty, the union sign of''Rritish rule, the signal tit" she Realm of Ireland Great Britain and Leland an 1 0f all the Britons beyoifd, the seas: Therefore; mindful of its story, hap- py" in our lot • facing the world with courage and uphold by parity and truth let tis- fervently pray .that our sons, and our sons' sons may now and : always as in - the past Stand Up to their Union Colors and "encircle the earth with their undying anthem' a "God Save the. King." " Titus, when we comprehend the sig - fl sig- nificance of our triune a g in its fullest extent we are led to believe that Almighty God leas chosen • the Anglo-Saxon race to be his special. instrument in carrying justice, liber- ty and righteousness into all the dark places of the earth. --May we live true to oar awful responsibility and -when in the fullness of time we, with the help of the Almighty, have brought to fruition our great destiny then and only then shall we be wil- ling to roll up dm union colors and unfurl in' its stead the only ''other cross that bears a diviner signifi- cance and spells to all m,ankind ev- erywhere, irrespective of nationality, universal peace and brotherhood. Constance Mr, Wnt, McIntosh is improving after , his severe illness. Mr. Alex: McDonald and sister of Stella called on "their uncle, Mr. Mc- Intosh on Sunday. B1gth Mr, 0. 0. Hooper has sold his res- idence on Dinsley street to Mr. L. Williams • of 13'elgravc. Mr. Hooper has bought the house now occupied by Mr. R. - I3. Robinson and the change will be made . about the first of October. - Miss Alice Bristow left last week, for her home at blast Orange, N.Y., after a visit with her aunt, Mrs, W. Jackson. McKillop Towship. One of the oldest and most respec- ted farmers of McKillop township has passed ,away in the person of Mr. Janes Lawrense, who - died at his home on the 5th concession on Sun- day morning last. The late Mr. Lawrence had been in poor health for several months, being afflicted with heart trouble, He was in his 75th' year and is survited by his wife and a family • of four sons and three daughters. Wingham Mr', °James S. Hamilton, who has been in, poor • health for several. months, passedawaiy on Saturday in his 55th year. Mr.. Hamilton was bora 'in Kintore and was for some years en1aged in business here, The funeral took place this afternoon to Kinloss cemetery and was under the auspices of the Masooio order. Grey Township Robert McKinnon, son of Mrs, Hugh MOKi:nnon, of the eighth con- cession, of Grey township, met with is serious accident Sunday whereby he lost his right arm nearly to the el- bow. He had recently invested in a straw cutter and this :wap.tbe first jobwith the new machine. 13e was the feeder o the 'machine and had t f a as book strapped to his hand withwhicli to; gatiicr in • the straw, when the hook caught in the knives, dragging his "arm in, inch by inch. 1Se is still in a serious condition item ;'loss ' al blood. 1914. Clinton Goderich Miss ss Rose and Mabel Strang liav'- 4 6 e arrived some from their, trip to H+Ju- rope. Miss Rose seas since gone to her school at Anitprior., Mn`s. (.Rev,) Wright,. children and nurse have' returned to their home at Brantford after spending several weeks with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Connolly, ]Hiss Winnifrcd Ball, who has been. in the west for some little elmolas returned to town and has accepted `a position on •the Central school staff. Miss Beatrice hauler left' last week to resume her teaching duties on fhb stall of the- St;'Catharines Colleg- iate. Mr. Preston Strang of Windsor is holidaying at his home in town, that of Ds. and Mrs. S(tatg. feast week Vinton, the (thirteen - year -old son of Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Tremb'ey, while driving in the count- ry, was bitten on tic arm by an in- sect and blood poisoning senting it the lad died a few days later: , MissMay Dunlop, (laughter of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Dunlop, died last Wednesday after a lengthy illness. The funeral took place c e on Friday a y last. Mr. W. I1. Robertson hes gone on an extended trip to the west. Miss Bonn returned to her (tome in Windsor last week after a visit in town. Miss Robertson returned with her to take up her teaching duties here. Rev. W. A. Shannon . of Nashville; Tenn., and Miss Ct. Shannon of De- troit have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. Chas. Simons of town. Rev. Canon and Mrs. ''Hill and their daughter returned last week to Re- gina after a visit here. Mr, J. M. Roberts of the Union Bank is holidaying in Muskoka. Miss Margaret Kelly has returned to New York after spending her vaca- tion in town. Mr. 'rhos. Salkeld has ^pucliased the Balmoral cafe business from Mn. F. P. Burdett° and took possession last week. Mr. and Mrs. Burdett'e leave shortly on a trip through the states but willreside. tt cslile in town for the winter. • Blgth ` Last Monday night as a load of picnickers arrired home they noticed a light in Poplestone sS Gardiner's store, .and alter investigating they found that a burglar was inside, so they called up the constables and some others, and as they thought guarded all means of exit. 'l'hc one which the burglars took, however, was over the roofs of a couple of buildings and through a window in Dr. McTaggarb's office. When he got in there he took out the _fanlight ov- er the door and came downstairs. After the proprietors of the store went through the building they found a bag fencer with wearing apparel, so they think the party had his, trip for nothing. This is not the first store that has been entered deriirg the past few weeks! I-Iigh Constable Whitesi(les is investigating; Misses Florence and Marjory (Mall- ey of Novar, Muskoka, were guests of Miss `1'. Scott last week, Mrs. J. G. Moser of Waterloo has been visiting her daughter, Mrs, F. Cart, Miss Hoover of London .nos been visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. Spafford, Miss Many Fear' has gone to Bricl- den to 'take charge of a school,' Miss Eva Stotiiers left last week for Collingwood to a5snnl0 her deities on the .Public school staff, Mrs, T. Mackenzie Jr., and child - ran of Clinton were here visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs; James Nesbitt, Misses Edythe Gidle)' and Pearl Fawcett were in 'Toronto last, week visiting, the Pair and also seeing fri- ends. Mr. 0. V. Jcwiti returned to Chat- ham last week to resume his work as mathematical master on the Col- legiate staff after spending the vaca- tion at his home here, the Metho- dist parsonage. The -funeral of the late Henry Ed- wards,, who sliest suddenly -at his home in East Wawanosh, tools ( place on Friday to ;Weshlield cemetery,. Mr. and Mrs. ,Janes Workman of Long Beach, Call,ycieea e ,ueof • le latter's sister, Mrs. 13. Taylor, for some weeks, leaving, here 10 visit friends at Ilarriston and other po]irls before returning home. Seaforth. Miss R. Woolfs, who spent the long vacation'at' her Borne here and at Bayfield, is now at Lpngforc( W11e1:0 she has accepted the; principalship of the .Public, school Miss :Massie 1-1'ivan of Toronto is holidaying at her home' here,, Miss Manion Drown, of: the General Hospital, Toronto, is spending a va- cation at her home, the; rectory. Mr. Henry Larkin, son •'of Rev. and - Mrs, ndMrs Larkin of f to ' 1 s town, is lnlistOd with a new :Brunswick regiment . and ,is now in camp at Valeartier. Mr, L. B. Thompson left last week for his poufs i0 iVansouver after, a visit with relatives herr. i -Its : sis- ters, Mrs. Neely and Mrs. '1'. 0, Scott, accompanied him as far as Toronto. Mr. Robe. Oen-Knell and his (laugh- er, Mrs, Harry Vanl?gsnond, left last 1it woe for their home at Moose Jaw. • The barn on the adjoining Mayor Aniont's residence was found to . be on fire one evening last week and was well under wa)i before being noticed, but the firemen succeeded in 'extin- guishing the flames rad confining them to the one building, c 1 ub, wlu it was pretty badly damaged. Dr. W. 0, Gouiriloek of Warsaw, N. Y., formerly of Seaforth where for years conducted a salt business with the late Dr. Coleman, died on Sunday week after an illness of some dtirationf He was seventy, years of age. The Seafortlt families who have been summering at Bayfield have re- turned to town. Marriages DEWAR-LYON-At the residence of the bride's• mother, on Sept, 5111, by Rev. C. C. Keine, Elsta M„ youngest daughter of Mrs, E.. Lyon, Londesboro, to Daniel 7, Dewar of London, . - BLANCHARD-PICIKETT-In Clinton on. September 7th,; by Rev. S. J. Arlin, Harriett J., eldest daugh- ter of Mrs. Margaret Pickett, to Oscan J. Blanchard of Toronto. Births GILMORE-Ab Orland, Calif.; on August 26411, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gilmore, a son (Barry Stanley) PEARSON-At Wayne, Mich., oa Sept. 7th, to Mr, and Mrs. G u, W. Pearson, formerly of Clinton, a daughter. T'EPPIIR-In 'Cuckersuri14, on Sep- tember 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. le. Pepper, a son, MILLER -Ai St. Helens, on Aagest 3151, iu s Mr. and errs. 1V. I. Miller, ; 7"a(tghtcr. 0I1313INGS-In Tuckersntith, on Aug- ust 29th, to Me. and Mrs. Bort (ribbings, a daughter, Deaths BAMFORD-In Goderich, on Septem- ber and, Margaret Leeson, widow of the late William Bamford, DUNLOP -In C.odcricii, on September 2nd, May Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Flugh Dunlop. BEAUTIFUL ROMP', FOR. SALE, - House •and lot' on the corner of Rat:enbury and Gibbings streets. Good brick house, 1 bedrooms, par- lor, dining room, kitchen and sum- mer kitchen. .Double cellar with furnace, electric lights, town -wat- er, also soft water cistern. Pos- session given October ist. For fur- ther particulars apply On premises or to-Robt, Welsh, Clinton., --49 PROF. FRANK WEAVER, L. 0. S. M., Piano and Voiee ,Specialist. Thorough instruction given in . all branches of voice culture and Piano, 15 years practical exper- ience.. Fon terms and other "partic- ulars apply to Mrs. J. W. Treleav- en at residence. -49 NOTICE TO MAGISTRATES, . ETC. -The Ontario t r 1914 S-atutes fo have been received for distribution to magistrates and others entitled thereto and may be obtained onap- plication at' this office of ,the un- dersigned at the Court House, God- enicb.-Cr, Seager, Clerk of the Peace. Goderich 944, Sept, 1911, -nna .L OPENING. We take Pleasure in announcing that our OPENING W111 take place on SATURDAY, the 12th of SEPTEMBER and will be continued throughout. We extend to you a cordial • invitation to be present on this inter esting occasion..' .Sours, 8.801 a.m, to 6 p.m. INSPECTION SOLICITED. "FOIL SALE -.-;-A GOOD 'FRAME ;1-117N House, to lie removed from'' the promises,• and a chicken brooder. Fos particulars apply to --Mrs. Hes- ston, Fluron street. 49-1 AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK. -At Holmesville,' on Tuesday, September 15th,.at`1.30 p.ni,, con- sisting of 40 head of choice stock-. Feeders, Stockers and Springers. 30 steers from600 e s f ,to8D0 Pounds, i heifers 2 years old, 3 cows 4 years' e in October. Thin stock i$ we'll breis and in fele condition. 'Perms-: Cash ,or 6 months time with t percent. added.'Notes must be 'joint and approved by the. pro- prietor, -George Holland, Prop --43 FOR SALE CFIIL'AF.-A FRAME building 22 x 30 siiitahie for a stable or wood House. The build- ing is situated on one of the main streets and the owner would like for hate it movedas soon as pos- sible -Apply - sibie-A l at News -Record office. -48, ESTRAY HEIFER. - STRAYED from lot 11, con, 5, Stanley, 011 the 11th August, a, two-year-old heifer,: grey in -color and the of right ear cut square off. Was, last seen on the Babylon Line, Stanley, :Any information leading to the recovery' of the above animal will be liberally rewarded. -George El gip, R. II, No. 1, Varna, 48-3 PRIVATE KINDERGARTEN -I AM re -commencing 11133 Private Kinder- garten on ,Sept. 1st in 440 little school from 1.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. and would like a limited number of pupils between the ages of 4 and 7 years. Terms $1.00 per month in advance. Hazel O' Neil, , 40-4 CEIPAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for Dans. We supply 'tire . PP Y two canse Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. 'resting done by a competent ratan. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it bete. Write for cans and give us a trial. -The Seafortlt Creamery, Box 486, Seaterth, FARM FOR SALE BEING LOT 14 Maitland eon. Township of Colborne consisting of 90 acres, all cleared, clay loom and first-class wheat Iand; -4 acres of young bearing or- chard and small fruits, 2 good wells C,00d frame dwelling with ,cellar un- derneath and good barn and stables. Driving shed with cement pig stable underneath. The fences are in good condition. = mile from ticltool, 2k. from l'3olmesville and 0 from Clin- ton. 11ri11 ho sold on reasonable terms, -Apply on the premises or address Tiros. Pennington, Holmes - villa P, 0, -15 'HOUSE AND LOT • POR • SALE.=A bargain . if taken at once. A com- modious nine room, story and a half frame house hs good repair, stone foundation and cellar. About three-fourths of an acre, with num- ber of good bearing apple trees. Situated on east side of Victoria street and nexir to Doherty switch. Known as Butler property, 'erne to suit. Apply on premises, or to W. S. Downs, Ilattenhury, stteot, East; 40-4 IUTTERMILK.-ANYBODY WANT- ing fresh buttermilk can have same on Wednesday of each weep at Hoi- mesville butter factory by phoning on 143. -34. FARM FOR SALE,-TI•IE EYECU- for of the Southcomoe estate of - fees for sale 50 acres, being east half of lot 28, con. 0, Flullett. This is a first class farm, well watered and improved with good buildings and orchard,: also seven acres of bash land. -Apply to R. .5. South- combe, Clinton P. 0. -24 THE CORNER STOflE7 Live and Let Live Headquarters for the Best .Pickling and Table Vinegar. Every housekeeper who puts up her own pickles knows tire importance of a good vinegar. Heintz . White Pickling Vinegar is distilled from cereals and so being free front '" vegetable matter is a perfect preserva- tive. It is absolutely pure and wholesome of great stren- gbh and fine flavor. • ALSO` HEADQUARTERS F'OR 11351E BEST PICIKLINC+ SPICES,' E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE" AND LET LIVE GROCER. FOR SALE. --OWING TO 1NSTAi;-' ling Hydro in the house of Refuge. ' a six horsepower Gasoline engine, in first-class running order is offer- ed for :sale, For further.'particu- lars apply to R. Match, manager house of Refuge." -48. GOLD COIN IMMIONMOMMummoilMffiligmailim ♦ 4N S V J [.! 11J 1111! �.► l d SEED WHEAT Afe 1 W specials Is w e • P i 1 have v t o riffer this•' 1 week f I ! Red Peppers $ $ Pickling Onions 1 Celery have We lt a7"quantity of Gold Coin Seed Wheat for : sale. This wheat has been proceed to be onef h o the bastvariet:os to stand our ssbere winters, giving, an extra large yield this year, - SPECIAL FALL WIIPaAT FERTILIZERS. I1 you will compare the re- sults 01 GUNK'S SHUR- CIIOP ,FERTILIZER . with others in this 'district you will a conn neer that theta b 1 1 th, t 4h a area better. non b Try our brand this season and prove for yourself. 10,000 dozen new laid eggs and 1,000 hens and chickens wanted each' week at top pric- ss. We aro wholesale agents for Gunn's cured meats. AsI. your dealer for Gunn's break-, fast bacon and picnic pants. They 'are winners. Prices moderate. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Trewartha, - Win, Jenkins. Slabs for Sale ALSO 12 INCH WOOD. Stapleton Saw Mill. IT WILL PAY YOU TO USE THIS column for For Salo, 'Wanted, Found, Lost, Etc, advts, 'All who have tried it sap so. Double Feed Doors There is no danger of hit- ting thesides and spilling coal all over the floor with the big Sunshine feed doors. i Clover Honey Musk lc Melons 1. and Peaches. 1 Viaa' 1 $ y P W. 'I', Cf NEIL , "The Hub Grocery." � •. ell Where the Good PHOTOS Come From. As 1 have opened a Studio at Blyth, my Studio in Clinton will be closed every Tuesday. I am prepared to go to the countrp on my Saxon Oar. l and do any work you, wish- to have done within short notice. I Phone 60, Clinton , OTTO FiNK Photographer. FOR SERVICE Pure Bred Aberdeen Angus buil, Pure Bred Jersey 'Ilull, and Yorkshire boar. Terms cash. Stapleton Stock Farm, These doors will admit a large chunk of wood, too. Our local- agent will show you this and enany other "Sunshine"- advantages. Sunshine"advantages. Send for' free booklet. MGl ar s y Sunshine Furnace BYAM & SUITTER. Sanitary' Plumber. Phone L Ire You Using Glasses, Many people are using glasses. but many more should. If they did it would save them eye strain, causing headaches, and preserve the sight longer. A propertest by an optician will tell. it -:•--3 Let us make the test for you? y7 11' I'i`i A. ° J. GRIGG. Optician Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses, EIEOLA FURNACES LEAD. - CALL IN AND SEE THE AD- VANTAGES OVER ANY OTHER MAKE AT rt. ROWLAND'S FIARD- WARE, OR PHONE 53. THOS. HAWKINS PLUMBING and TINSMITFIING. 1 SECOND FIAND RADIANT HOME WITFI OVEN FOR SALSI CHEAP. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. PLUMBING AND H.EATINFA. North End Feed Store. For The Farmer. The Best Feed for. Fattening all Stock. Watch the Scientific Feeding. The testimony of the beet farmer's fn Scarboro and Markham. These men and many others who are making a business of dairying find it pays them to feed our MALT AND bl'aLi ierr CORN isirno at least twice i day no matter how good the pasture ie. PRICI'i's DAIRY GETS.1, CARLOAD BY'. ERY TWO WEEKS. TIIE CITY DAIRY CO. lJsk Ts,Ilsnr AT/Focswriaase a1' TREIR FA fur, - Why 1 Because they produce more and better milk. These feeds will do the same for you. Try a ton of each and watch results, There is money in it for you, Being an intelligent farmer you will appreciate what others say about the value of these. Leeds, 1: ant handling and get in line with them in producing the best milk that comes in- to town, and at the same time have a balance on the right side of the ledger. Call in and get some for your stock, Frank ''W.' Evans Clinton, TERMS f CASH. Phone 193 THE TORONTO STAR AND NEWS ADVANCE HATES: After the first of October tite Toronto Star and To'ront'o News will advance their rates half a dollar. That fa the yearly subscription will, be $1.85 instead of $1,35 as at present, Those taking either of those papers clubbed with • The News -Record' spouses re- new this month. By so dog ing they will save fifty cents;