HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-09-03, Page 5September 3rd 1914
I.fme A, MeFar/ane •will exehange
Tiapite witli Bei,. George Ross of
Knox Chinch, Clocterieh • on Stanley
TvIisses.. Annie, Kalbleen and Bes.sie
15/11cite /led Dolly Ross left on 'Tues-
day for Clintou and Mise I eau King
for Goderieli to attend Collegiate.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Phomas King spent
.,,Surelity at the Band., ,
Rev.,. Mee IlotIgins wife and amity
ot Straliforit am tone:Wing friendships
•'In: tee Village' this week: '
, Mesa V:- EaWa.rtle. left this Weak
etor afeeii Weekg visit to 4Berlia and
and Mrs. P. Stanley .and fam-
ily spent Sunda a at Holmeevelle,
visiting hie •pareirter
, Mrs., If. Merrier, 'Mrs. J, Toms and
IVIIKMand MeBregot, left 'on Monday
:for -Toronto te attend the Fair,
Reer. Mr, Jerminge and family wini
•.spent the, past month ie „Lake Side
Park, returned to thel-Iiiirne ea,e'Blen-
!beim an Monday. e
7. Mies ',Eliza Reid of Loailon, • whlo
just .returnede from her vacation -
•'thewest, was visiting friends, in the
village this week,
AU. 'Olivet Johnson' of Clinton was
he village on Tuesday buying
horses,- •'
' T. 13, Scott, Owasso, • Miehe
joined his wife the Past week, who
-ie summering in Deer Lodge park..
Miss Edna Woolidge, who spent the
Past'. imam.): with her aunt, Mrs,
', Stanley, returned to Toronto last
'kiss 'Ploy Edwards left this week
for Berlin to attend High school.
• Charles Ferguson, who •spent the
:season_ on the lakes, eetuened'oe. Sete
'urday. • •
The .Rev. Robert Gairdner, M.A.,
reetcneeef St. Martin's Church Chica-
go, pieached in Trinity church on
Sunday morning to a large congregae
'tion. Mr. Gairder is a native of Bay -
:field and on the -few' occasions when
it has been possible to secure him
foe a service, he has been greeted bp
large eangregations for out people
know they will hear ahelpful and Al-
e:. -
eequent . sermon.
Rev'. James Stuart of Knox church,
South London, was the guest of his
hister, Mrs. Stanbury Mat Sunday.
Next Sunday the Women's Mission-
ary Society thankoffering service will,
be held in St, Andrew's church. Rev.
'Q., E. Ross of Goderich will preach
morning Rind evening. The evening
'service will begin at 7 o'clock from'
now on.
The public school opened on Tues-
day with Miss Charlotte Stirling as
Principal and Mrs. James Ferguson
. as assistant teacher. •
; The 5.13, picnic of Si: Akirew's
church last Wednesday was a great
success. There was quite a large
gathering and all seemed to enjoy.
'themeelves thoroughly, Tho follow-
ing is the progeatn of races with the
names of the winners :
(1) -Intermediate boys, My Me-
D6ugall, Alfred Copeland. ,
(2) -Girls (Intermediate.) Sherley
King, Izella IVIemer. •
(3) -Junior girls, -Frieda Sterling,
Marion McDougall.
(1) -Coat race -,for senior girls, -
'Gladys •' McDOugall, Sadie Woods,
' Kathleen Elliott. .
(5) -Girls race under 0 -Laura Raid
Grace Stirling, Adeline Davidson.
-,(6)-Boys under 6 -Harold Taylor,
John ;McLeod.
(7) -High jurap-Boas-Wallace Me -
'Fine -all. Bruce McDougall. .
(F) -Thread -a -needle race -Bruce Mc-
(9) ---Chum raee-(Boys) --- Wallace
and Bruce McDougall, Wm. IVecteelf
mid Miirray lefeDougall.
L(1U)-Chum reee--Girla--Florence
Elliott and: Irene Harrison.
(11).L -.Young • ladies' race-KatIdeen
News-ReCoril Means News -Leader, ,
Mrs, lerehmann, and family returned
on a ey after spending . the past
six Viiji friends at Holyrood;
. ,
her bIlIS Sara 1-laines accent -
ponied her. '
Now that the holiday • season -is
about over and school started 'a large ,
number of the 'Visitors' have returned
to their respectiv e homes, '
,. ,. .
• Holmesville
, The Women's Inatitute held a Pa-
triotic social on Mr, Win. Stanley's
lawn on Tueeday evening, when a very
enjoyable time was spent,. The for-
.. noon was decidedly wet amel the pros-,
Pee-ts at noen evere anything but roey•
but the weather cleared about one
o'clock, ,the afternoon remained .doe,
,tie ladies went' on withetheir. Prete-
atations and at about half past six
the crime began to arrive', The, la-
dies screed sapper, steel. a euppee at
the Holreesyille Iaffiee know so W011
hoev IC get up, and this was fallow -
ed by a good progiam. Remo Lobb
was- called to the chair, Misi Snyder
of Jarvis, who is a visitor in the
neighborhood,rendered a 'Couple of
solos in egeellent voice ; Mr. Fred
Potter also sang, there 'were a"_nitin-
her of instrumental selectionand the
Following' gentlemen delivered 'brief
addresses : Messrs. S. Sburdy, N. W.
Trewartbe and A. J. Coartice. Mr.
Forster was present with the erMil-
°phone pad :the' music- Irom it was,
much appreciated nel evening. The
ladies vitalized thirty-seven dollars
from the yeature wbich e'ill be for-
warded to the Canadian Red tross
Society. -
Prof. Fred Elford of Ottawa Vas
the guest of Mr: and Mrs:0:k. J.
Courtin over Hie week -end. ,
Rev, R. J. McCormick, Mrs. Mc-
Cormick and little son are spending
a vacation with frienns at Ethel. .
School opened. Tuesday with e good
atitendance of pupils and Miss Rob-
inson again in charge.
Miss Snyder and a girl friend from
Jarvis are visiting Mr, and Mrs.
Mr. Young of Goderich preached in
the Methodist church on Sunday
morning and Rev. Mr. McKelvie of
Ethel preached in the evening. The•
pastor will be absent again on Sun-
dayi but a supply will be found to
take the services.
Dr. Holmes and his daughter, who
have been spending a few weeks at
the Cornier's old home here, left yes-
terday for Detroit,' Dr. Holmes has
not been enjoying the best of health
lately, his .many old friends here were
sorry to see. But it is hoped be
will soon mead.
The Unemployed.—Special
• Information for Farmers.
(.13y John Re:listen:I, 'President of
• tile Clinton Board. of Trade.) •
.Tha Board of Trade held a meeting
Monday 24th. There was a good at,-
tendance, . and the President drew the
wt tent i on of those present to
the number of people unable,
• to obtain employment. After
eome discussion, a practical
• step was •takan, by opening a Labour
Bureau in the town hall, under the
-charge of the town clerk,. D. L. Mac-
•' pherson. Anybody • deeirous of eiii-
ployment is requested to register his
or- ber name in Mr. lefaephersee's of-
fice, and anyone, espePially farmers,
who wish to obtain 'help, are asked
to register similarly, stating what
they Want, for how long, and at
,:sydiatrenunidation.' Up to thepre•
ent, 'only six have, regieterecl- as' nodd-
ing employment, and two as needing,
• The Board of Trade Wishes, to int-
• preSs upon those unfortunately unem-
pleyed' at the present tiine, ' that
, they „ shotild lose no time in obtain-
ing something -to do for the corning
winter. All men are agreed in think-
' ing that we are face to lace with hi-
therto unexperienced conditions. It
Would bo wisdom not to be too par-
ticular, hat to accept what undeir
dinaty conditions would be neither
•accept able entp.loyment
and that but pooxly remunerated. The
community,' also look to farmers to
help.- for the .general good in the pre -
hent strese, , and, if they can' give eme
_ploy -Meat, for say only half time dere
leg the earning winter months, at e
morreepending.reteof pay, it "will
There was o large meeeing of repie-
sentativee from, all over Ontaxio
:held' ea the Couneil Chamber in the
effity of Toronto yesterday. '.11 was
. steM everYwhere. The une
•empleyed increasing daily, the cut-
- lo,ok,Snot improving, aed mete em.archs
et% for e, solution, • te the difficulty.
• 'There Were some , practical sugges-
tionS, which the ., President of the
'Board., of Trade would like to have
'erlfseuesed. A meriting therefore is
called' in the council cheanher at 8
' lock on Friday evening next 40
p,nd 11 membere are. especially re --
Amsted to,' be presant.
Goderich Township
Mrs. John e/oetelle, Meter: 91
Reeve Lobb, left, on Tuesdap, astatine;
panted by her slaughters, Geneva, and
Elizabeth, for her home at Redlands,
Calif., alter an enjoyable six -weeks
eenewal of ffie acquaintances, iv setae
of years having elapsed since leer
peeveous departurefrom here. '
A very enjoyable evening was spent
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. ee
Trick one evening recently when a
number of young people, in the neigh-
borhood, young married couples add
unmarried, gatherea • and presented
Jennie 'Trick, prior to her marriage
with a misMilaneous shower of ar-
with Mr. W: W. • Wise lase Thursday,.
with g miscellaneous shower. Of fir -
tides which will be lound Useful, in
turnishing . a new home. The young
ledy was . taken by surprise but:
nevertheless she and the other mem-
bers of the family bade the visitoxs
welcome . and a right„ jolly evening
WM spent .in games, music, eic., foie
lowed by a dainty eitticili Which thci
ladies of the company had prepared
and brought along. It is matter for^
congratulation that 7the bride ee r -
=Ming in the neighborhood and th
young couple have the • good wishes
of all for a happy and. prospexous
journey through lite.
The Weston Bros. have completed
what is ,known as the Thompson -
Smith bridge and the steel super-
structive is now being put in place.'
Completed the bridge will cost about
six hundred dollars.
Mr. • A.Ivin Lobb, a nephew of Mr.,
W. IL Lobb, and son of Mr. "ehomas
LoOb, Formerly of Hohnesville, has
been speeding the •past ten (leas as
the guest; of Iris uncle and on Thurs-
day leaves for A.ueora,Illineis, ,to take
up his theologiceI studies, having de-
cided to enter the minielry in which
work he bas been engaged the past
year. His home is at eraneouver,
where his Parents reside.
Hullett Township
Mrs. Gelb end MiS3 MeiVill0 of Sea -
forth are spending the eveck at IVIr;
James letterservice'e,
MI% lien Riley of Constance is build-
ing a ,c,ement bridge on the 111My
Messrs. James Snell & Sons have a
very fine exhibit of sheep at the Can-
adian National in Toronto this eveele
and Will DO dOilbt bring home sever-
al prizee. •
Miss Clara Carbert returned .hoine
Saturday after ,speraliitg' most of 'her
vacation with, relatives at Walton
and S &rat f ord . •
Miss Amite MeGuiee of Godertch
township visited in this neighborhood
last week. •
WhyBritons Are Confident.
(Montreal 1.1era1d-Te1egraph.)
"l'he ' question now is . who 'cat'
stand the ,strain longest. The Ger-
man artily becomeweaker every day
because every ayailable man has al-
ready been mobilized. The Beitise
army becomes stroliger• every doY be-
cause it has only just begun to tap
the vast reserves of the British Em-
pire.. Germany's whole .trade and
commerce is suspended. That ' of
England ,and the 'British Elmolire goes
on AS usual. Who can doubt the ulti-
mate issue ?
News -Record to end of yew: for 2,50.
Clinton News -Record
The local Market.
Whsa3 31.05 te'
Oats 45e. , '
Barley., e0c,
Rueter lee bo 22e.
Egg's file to -22c.
Stanley Township
• Mr. D.- fI. .NreNeughtee delivered
fifteen fat cattle to Mr, '1', 'IV11ason of
'Clititen the other. day which, were et
euch materiel geelity thathe rebeiv-
eet irome.elel•aggait's leanketee larg-
eite sum Mmerse paid Out • for a 'lie°
number: of oxidic, by that inetieutiou.
Newseltecord to end df yeex for 25c:
A New Branch of Study.
(Continued from page 1, dol 5.)
common peopee. - .3113'theboy or the
girl," said the speaker, "who gets
tlicironghly. interested in growing
thinge, fruit, grain, flowers, is ie. the
why of, the highest culture. The eitb-
ject is 'as irich de 'etch ,cau.'be
ture," be -added
'Then, -this study 'Will:bring tum
leo:fie and tile school 'together: 'The
.ordinary teaching 'fit• the schools Mtn -
not be passed on into :the home etsr
the *ay this particular one Carl be.
The home and • the school are the
,two great agencies of eduethlioe
they eshould .woele band: The
time 'Will' copie '• whoa every High
school will have a ape -Mal teachet in
agriculture, e seice Mr. McCready,
"when a neW Meta Ond purpme will
be given to -edueationf6 -
Asked as to whether girls ' should
be given the. new course Me. • Mc-
Cready's answer was a most decided
affirmative. "Girlse" he said, "thew
much interest in the subject and
when a girl intends teaching, in a
Country school the knowledge thas
gained will be of great value to her."
Be also referred to some of the pa-
pers gent in this silmaner winch prov-
ed Wet girls were as apt as boys in ,
taking advantage of slich teaching.
• "Many a girl who is now go-
ing out into the world to
take a position i0 a depart-
mental , store or to euro a liv-
ing hi the various ways open bo girls,
la the big cities could be making more
money and living' more healthfully
keeping bees or cultivating fruit on
her father's farm," delared the speak -
Prof. McCready then outlined brief-
ly the work which would be taken up
and which is set forth in a pamphlet
sent out, bye the Tepper -lei -dent. The
subject is possible of enlargement and
it looks as if in future the man or'
15051)50 .11110 is to be a successful
teacher will have to he an adept in
nature study, • .
prof: POcCreadyi is enthusiastic with
regard to the teaching cif agriculture.
He can see wonderfully possibilities
from it and under his, simple, earnest
presentation the eubjett • took on a
new dignity and interest; 'and he
strongly, urged the e3ofted t0. give it
their heartiesi support and assis-
"Honey is a Food and
a Very Healthful One."
Beekeepers in this district would
ao well to study the annual Govern-
ment Report ol elle Beekeepers' As-
sociation for last yeat. They would
find it not only most interesting but
vastly inaeruetive as well. Beekeep-
ing is no longer in its infancy, it is
fest'-becoming one of the most . im-
portant lines ot industry. Men oC
ability:1 are engaging in. Ib and are
giving thein best thought to.,its de-
velopment. The Ontario Government,
too, has been rendering valuable as-
eistance in placing at, the command
of the beekeepers t1M servieee of
trained men who give instrnetion and
help in dealing with disease, etc,
' At the last meeting of the Ontarie
AssoMation nineteen. reports were re-
ceived from Buten Beekeepees, re-
porting 1158 colonies and a yield of
45800 pounds of white honey!. 'Phis
was' rather a email average, much
lower thait e great many other coun-
ties, but higher than some: *
The. Association conceres itself
about 'the marketing et the product
and is considering the matter oe co-
operation in connection with it, - The
west is considered one of the, best
markets available for honey. The On-
tario mareet, it would 'appear, de-.
Deeds to a large metenti upon laie
yield of apples and other truits.ae the
honey market here seldom amounts
to much until the fruiti season is
pretty well over. A heavy yield of
peaches eriects the honey market con-
siderably. This le one reason why
the yogiis coneidered so se,'
perior as a market, - thea,
have not the abundance of fruit that,
Ontario enjoys and a vexy large per-
centage of this fruit it is impossible
10 ship as far.
Beekeepexs are advised not to _glut
the market by trying to sell all their
yield at once naSi at the same time
advised to sell they can in the
henic market ; to endeavor to create
a larger and surer home market,
"Half of the people believe honey • is
a medicine ; we should teachthem
that honey is a Mott :and a very heal-
thful °Ale," was a remark made by Mr.
Jacob Flabeeer of Zurich, one of Hu-
ron's most successful beekeepers, at
the last raceang of the Association.
Auothee fact that well ,strike the
casual reader .With seeprise , is _the
assertion ithat beckwheat 'honey is
good, news to most beekeePees , as
growing in faker. Tide shotild be
,e,uelcwheat will grow on land: which
will not successfully "grow . other
grains and buckwheat honey, being
inure easily produced than other
'Ideals; can be sold, at a, larger profit.
• Honer, at least in, Western Ontar-
io, is said,to be ROMCWIlitt Of a failure
this' season , and Prieee will Probablp
be higher than usual.111 is said by
air ,enthorita, . however:, . that 11 is
good value at fromtwelve' to fiftieen
°elite Per pound, but it neap go' even
higher, in ' Which caee, ie is probable,
the westerners will have to take the
neeeot portion
WIS111e--TRICK-Ail ,the home of the
.brideee parents, by Rev, S. J.
ARM, on Aug. 2711t, • efennia, M.,
(laughter. of Mr.. and Mrs. A. L.
. Trick, to W. Wiser, all of
. 0 Ace:tell township,
LAWS-McKiNLEY-.3t1 • the home
011 110 bride's„ ..parents, Stanley;
,011' AllgtiSh 2753,, Mabel Elva,
daughter' of lelr: arid Mes. Jobe
lefeKinleye to James Bartlett
Lavig eon -of Mr, end- Mre Geo
Lavis of Clinton,.: '
residence of the bride's'. parentS
in, Clinton on , September 2ed,
by Rev, S. J. • Allin, Pearls,
youngest dauehtee OE iVir. anti
Mrs.,, Joseph "Wheatley, to Am -
bras Steingbame of Woodstock.
ich, on -August 2553, Herbert Vic-
tor Nicliolls of London, to • Eve-
lyn Margaret Leona, daughter of
,Mr.. mid Mrs. Ie. J, Rum ball.
leARQUHAFT-In Clinton, cm Sep 1,
1st., be Mr. anciMrs, W. T, Farq-
uhar, a son, (Alexander Stewart.)
VODDEN-In Clodexich township, on
August 100, to MT. and Mrs. W.
J. Vodden, a daughter. •
DAL51-In .Teickersmith on August
250, to Mr. and Mrs. Christo-
pher 0. Dale, a daughter.
CH3130115-In Brumfield on August
23xcl, to • Mr.' and Mrs. Charles
• Gibbons, a son.
CROCKER-In. Toronte on • August
2453., to Mr. and Mrs, E. L.
Crocker, a sou.
STEWART-At Winfield; Kansas, on
August 21,ste Samuel Stewart, for-
merly of Stanley township, aged
74 years.
BARBOUR-74n Winghem on Aeguse
21111, Robert Barbour, in Inc
86th wax.
YOUNG -In Toronto on August
, 27th, Eliza ._1-, Sperling, widow.
• of N. IL 'Young, eornaerly of
Blyth, aged 65 years.
. building 22 x 30 suitable for a
stable . or wood house. The build-
ing is situated on one of the main
streets aed the owner Nettled liee
to have it moved as soon as pos-
sible -Apply at News -Record office.
Large Souvenir Heater with oven -
ie geed order -will be sold for
$15.00. -Apply bo John • Stephen,
son, Pumpinaker, Huron street.
from. lot 11, con, 5, Stanley, on
the 1.1.0 August, a , two-year-old
heifer,' grey in color and tee ot
right ear cut square oft Was last
seen on the Babylon Line, Stanley,
A.ny information leading to the
recoeery of the above, animal will
be liberally rewarded -George El-
gie, R. R. No, 3, Varna. 48-3
ling Hydro in the House of Refuge
a six horsepower Gasoline engine,
in lint -class running order is offer-
ed for sale. For further pareice-
lars apply to 11. :Match, manager
House of Refuge.. ee48.
re-conunencing ma Peiwate Kinder-.
.garten on Sept, 1511 in the Witte
school from. 1.30 p.m. to 4.00 _p.m.
and would like a limited number of
pupils betwee0 the ages of 4 and 7
years. Terms $1.00 per month in
advance. -Hazel 43-4
having cream to sell write to us
for cans. We supply 'two cans free,
Pay all express charges and issue
cheques twice eaclt month, cheques
payable at par. We pay the high-
est market prices consistent Wiiill
sh honest test, l'eeting clone by a
competent man. Each can careful-
ly weighed, sampled and tested on
arrival and statement returned.
Those in the vicinity of Kinburn
may leave their cream with Mr.
Hall who will deliver • Hi here.
Write for cans ana give us a trial.
-The Seaforth Creamery, Box 186,
Maieland con. Township of Colborne
consieting of 00 ames, all cleared,
clay loom e.tid first-class wheat
land, 4 acres of young bearing or -
shard and small fruits, 2 good wells
Good frame dwelling With ,cellar,un-
derneath and good_ barn and stables.
Driving shea with cement pig stable
underneoth. The fences are in good
condition. e, mile from tichool, 21
from Holinezeille and 6 from Clin-
ton, Will be sold on reesonable
tertus.-Apply on the premises or
address Thos. Pennington, Holmes-
ville P. 0. -45
A Etc:: the first of Octobee the
• Totontio e Star and Toronto
News i will advance their rates
half a dollar. Tha.t is the
• yearly subsexiption will be
$1.85 instead of $1.35 ,as nt
• peesent. Those taking either
of thee": papers clubbed with
The Nes Record should re-
' new this month. 'By so do-
ing they will save ffity coats.
..Record o end 01, year for 25s.
I-10e1SE: AND 1,173' leoee sieaa_Ha
bargain ie teken ,a,t once, A cone-
modious eine room, -.story and
half .franie house in' good impair,
stone fouriUatio ansi cellar. Abode
tame -fourths of an acre, with nune.-
ber of good: bearitig a apple tree'(.
Situated on eget side of Victor'a'
street ,atid nexti to Doherty 'twitch.
Known as' Butler property. 'Peiens
to ;suit. ' 'Apply on pecnitses, or lo
W. S. DoWns, 'Rattenbury ' street,
East. ' 46-4
1 ity of the Township 01Stanley (11
the Countyeof Huron. Notice es
hereby givezi that I have transmit -
tee or delivered to the • persons
mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of
the Ontario Voters' ,List Act the
copies tequired by Such sections to
be transmitted or delivered of the
List made, pursuant toe the . said
Act, of -all persons....appeaking 53'
the -last Assesement Roll of the
said eSunicipality te be wattled to
vote at eleetione, '01 members of the
Legislative Assembly and at Muni -
cleat Elections and that the said
Het was fleet posted Up at myofe
ilea in the tawnshiir of Stanley on
the 170, day of August, 1914, and
reinaitis there for' leaped:ion. El-
ectors are, called upon to examine
the said list and if any omissions
or other errors are found therein.,
-to bake iinmediate. proceedings te
,have saidaerrors correetee,according
' to law. Deted this afttli da,y ot
August, 1014.-Robt. J. Richard -
min, Township Clerk. -16-3
big fresh buttermilk can have 'same
on Wednesday of each week at Hole
mesville butter factory by phoning
4 on 143. -34.
tor of the Southconme estate of-
ten for sale 50 acres, being ' east
half of lot 28, con. 6, Hffilett. This
is a first class farce, well watered
and improved with good buildings
and orchard, also seven acres of
bush land -Apply to R. J. South-
combe, Clinton P. 0. -24
Pure Bred Aberdeen Angus
bull, Pure Bred Jersey lull,
and Yorkshire boar.
° Terms cash.
Stapleton Stock Farm.
Live -and Let_ Live
Headquarters for the
Best Pickling and
Table Vinegar.
Every housekeeper who Puts
up her own pickles knows . the
Impedance of a good vinegar.
Heintz White Pickling Vinegar
is distilled from cereals apd
so being 'free from vegetable
matter is a perfect, preserve- ,
tive. It is absolutely pure
and wholesome of gteat stren-
gth and fine fiercer.
North End Feed Store.
Just received .a lot of No, 1 Tem.:
oily Seed for the fall trade.
Also on hand the hese fertilizer for
the fall wheat,
Now is the time to buy your
Oats and grain taken in exchange
for produce.
Orders for kindling taken,
Agent tor Haintzman pianos.
A General Delivera done.
Frank W. Evans
TERMS CASH. Phone 192
Where the Good
• o Prom.
AI he,ve opened a Studio
at Blyth, my Studio le Clinton
will be 'elosed every Tuesday.
I am Pe.:eparee to go to the
couhtra on my Saxon Car,
and do any worlc yea wish to
have done within shot notice.
Phone 66: Clinton ,
TION. • • I
J. HUTTON Lonclesborn
We have a, quantity of nom
OoIn Seed ,Whea:t . for Sale,
This wheat bas been peeved
to .be Onm of the beet varieties
to „steed our severe winters,
giving.. an extrelarge e yield '
Ibis, yeht, •
If youwill compare the re-
sults '01 GIINN'S pHon-
• others in this district you
will be convinced that there
'are none better. try our
. .
brand this season and prove
'for yourself.
10,000 dozen. new -laid eggs
and 1,000 hens and chickens
wateted each week at toe Price
We are .wholesalo agents for
Gunn's cured meats. Ask
your dealer for Gunn's break-
fast bacon and •,pienie hams.
They are winners. Prices
moderate. -
The Up-to=date 'Firm
N. W. Trewartha, Win, Jenkins
Slahs ior Sale
Stapleton Saw
Feed Doors
There is no danger a• hit-
ting the sides and spilling
coal all over the floor with
the big Sunshine feed doors..
These doors wi 1 admit a
large chunk of wood, too.
Our lecal agent will
show you this and
many other "Sunshine"
advantages. Send • fot
free booklet.
Furnace)._ _
Sanitary, Plumbers rhone
Ire Yon
Many people are using glasses
but many more should. If
they did it would save them
eye strain, causing headaches,
and preserve the sight longer.
A proper testOby an
optician will tell..
Let us make the test for
Jeweler and Issuer of garriage
1 e B01110 .
1 i
$ s,
,.__..„ ..,
•.; To our many eustomers t$,'}
:abac1,friencls who have re- 01
o $1
: turned 'from their holi-
iAnd to those who stay- $
# ,
t ed at home and helped -to ;,
o 0
0 make for us one ot the •
0 0
• biggest seasons we ,have $
') .
: ever had, We extend our $
$ grateful appreciation; of j
1. their aseistance !
.• :
$ W. T. O'NEIL t °
0 ...The Hub Grocery."
Phone 53.
•-PAC I,F I C.
learth aria One-Thlid Augusb 31.st tei
September Ilth, 1014.
Tuesday, September let and 80.
Thursday', September 3rd and 100.
Prone Pori; Burwell, St. Thomas,
Hyde Park, St. Marys, Goderich,
Listowel, Elora, Whighant, Port Me -
Nicoll, Tecenvater, Walkerton, Owen
Sound, Parry Souhd, Bobeaygeon,
Ivanhoe, Belleville and intermediate
stations, also Berlin, Waterloo, Pres,
ton, Hespeler and Hamilton. .
Retura stareing
point must- he reached not eater than
Tuesday, Sept. 150, 1011.
, Ask any Canadian Pacific Ticket;
Agent for Booltlet giying Exhibetioa
Sturdee, . Asst. D.P.A.,
G. inu:phyT,Ognocr!oA.,,,
W. SACKSON, Agent at Clinton.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the undersigned, and endorsed "Ten-
der for ExtenMon of South West
Breakwater at Goderich, Ont.,'wilt
be received at this office until 4.00
p.m", on Friday, September 110,
1914, for the constructibe of harbor
In:proven:eats, being an extension to
the South West Breakwater ati God-
erich, ITuron County, Ont.
Plans and, forms of contract can be
seen aud specification and forms of
tender obtainea at this Department
and at the offices of the District nil-
eneus, Windsor, Ont. ; Confederation
Life Building, Tor'onto, Ont. and on
application to the Postmaster at CI 9,51.-
erich, Ont.
Persons tendering are notified that
tenders will not be constdered unless '
made on the printed forms supplied,
and signed with their actual, signa-
tures, stating their occupations anct
places of reeMence. In the case of
Grins the actual signature, bile na-
ture of occupation, and place oE resi-
dente of each member of tho firm
must be given.
Eaclt tender must be accompanied
by an accepted cheque on a chartered.
bank,, payable to the order of 1 im
Ionoutable the Minister of Publio
Works, equal to ten per cant. (10 pc,)
of the amount of the tender, which
will be forfeited if the person tender-
ing [loonies to enter into a contract
when. called upon 'to do so, or fails
to complete, the work contracted for.
If elle tender be not accepted the Oise
que will be returned.
The Department does not bind 153
self to accept the lowest or any, tend.
NOTE l-hlue prints can be obtaid,
ed at the Department of Public Worlcs
by: depositing an accepted bank cheque
for the sunt elf $25.00, made payable
to tha order of the Honourable the
Minister of Public Works, which wile
be returned if the intending bidder
submit a., regular bid,
Bp order,
1)eoartutent of Public Works
Ottawa August 21,