HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-08-27, Page 8r9�
Clinton News -Record
August 27th, 19I4
)AR) FA 1114150Z
Ego b9,
Now is the time, while the weather is fine, to put your
Roofs, Chicken Pens, Stables and Sheds in good
repair before the bad weather comes. --
We carry the stock to do it.
Brantford roofing
Barn Paint
House Paint
Roofing Paiat
Tarred Paper
Plain Paper
Beamer Board
Paints, Varnishes, c
,.,.,++ •4t!•NN• ♦NNNN•NN•N•N•'
1 • _BUB WOJ11E}I'S • 1
Awl $2.&1 Sj1OES •
iN�N��N�1��N`����� .NN...•1••••••N
.A woman can always find good shoes at $5.00 or
$3.50, but she does not always find them at $2.50.
Two -fifty shoes are always plentiful enough to
sure—hut real:good shoes ly es atewo-fifty is another
Our $2.50 shoes are made from choice quality
leathers in Vici, Dongola, Patent (Jolt and Tan
Calf. These moderate priced shoes have all the
good style featuresof higher ed shoes—well '
Nearly ever shoe store in the country sells $2 50
shoes. Take a look at our $2,50 shoes, madam t
The Holme of Good Shoes.
-.. errr ctnrs VNX IMP. SnNDAP. D Wt NtN�1:
Basques, Capes and Cape Coats
Flare Skirts, Blouses
and Dresses '$
with Italian collars, long tunics,
gathered, plaited, yoked and circular,
with hundreds and hundreds of the
latest Fall styles, are shown in the
for Autumn
With each copy you get any
Standard Pattern FREE
Often the cheapest --Allways the best.
-WI ••
viTATCII our Windows
for Bargains during
July and August Mid=Sum==
mer Sale.
Ball & Atkinson
Night ht and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110. J. A. ATKINSON, " Phone 1811
1i,moon mwmtm,o,
7.11m11111 111,
Miss Ward spent tike wc:k-end at
London and Port Stanley.
Miss Rena Picket left on Saturday
to spend part of her holidays in
Mr. 1Vi11. Marland, Guelph, spent the
week -end as the guest of his uncle,
Mr. W. S. Harland,
Wilbur Welsit is visiting his 'brother,
Mr. Lorne Welsh, the Pere Mar-
quette agent at Chatham ,
Mrs. '1'. Kearns returned on Friday
last from a fortnight's visit at
Palmerston and llarrislon.
Mr. F. F. (Mlles, Mr, and Mrs.
,J. McCaughey and si:ss Erma An-
drews motored to London on Fri-
Mrs. Frank Dant and her daughter,
Anna, London, 'tve•e guests of her
sister, Mrs, A. J. firing, the past
5'lr. W. F., ('antelon came up from
Toronto on Monday and is spend-
ing this week with his family at
Mr. (1, J. Wallis returnedlast week
from e, trip to the west with a
consignment of horses. Thu market
is not quite as brisk as it was a
few years ago.
Mr, Ed. and Miss Resent Schoen -
hats left on 'Friday for , Port Al-
bert. Ed. returned on Tuesday,
hut Miss Schoenhals will remain at
the Port for, two or three weeks.
Miss Leery, who had been visiting
ilei sister, Mrs. Von Rohl, left. for
New 'fork on Saturday, accompan-
ied by her brother, Mr, Sam,
Leury of the . Piano Company's
Miss Lulu • Hall, who has been visit-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Mulholland of
Llolntesville and lir, and Mrs, J.
Mulholland of town, left' on Sabur-
dap to return to het home in Chi-
Mr, Robert Hanna, and Mrs, R. I3an-
na, Sr,, Milverton, 1VIiS5ee Marie
and Ada .I -Janna and Mr. Wrn.
Thompson, 'Toronto, were private
guests at the hotel- Normandie ov-
er the week -end.
Lieut, Broder McTaggart, after
spending the week -end w:th his
parents, Mr, and ,Mrs. G. 1) Mc-
Taggart, returned on Monday mor-
ning to re;oin the ,Gth Battery
which is now in, camp awaiting
Mr, and Mrs, Jesse Streets of i 13u1- e nests of "Mr. and Mrs, \V•
' acid Mr. and Mrs.'Walter Cantelon for a few hours on Moa-
Clay while on their way h oto Bay-
field where they had been spending
A Month of
Cut Prices.
Commencing Saturday, July 25th, we place on sale hundreds of
dollars worth of good, new, seasonable goods that must be cleared out
to snake room for our new tall stock which the manufacturers start to
ship early, in ngiist,
Out prices on Dry Goods.
Cut, prices on Mens and Boys' Clothing.
Out prices on Boots and Shoes.
Out prices on Hats., Caps and Shirts.
Extra Special.
We have shout 50 Boys' Suits too many -which means 50 snits at
manufacturer's prices for the first 50 boys. Don't miss this chance to:
save money nn your hays' new fall suits. They will likely need them
when school starts. Sizes 24 to 35.
Also extra low prices on our Pumps and, Oxfords, White Canvas
Shoes, Sandals, etc.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits
More Business
We take this opportunity of extending to our wide circle of customers our warmest thanks for the splen-
did support that we have received during the past season,;assuring thein at the same time that our efforts for
their benefit in the future will be redoubled. •
Larger and better assortedstocks than ever before
The preparations that we have made for this fall have been on a'much larger scale than on any previous
year, and when all the new merchandise is here, we shall be in an admirable position to fill the needs ct our patrons.
The buying of oiiu Fall Goods commenced away back in the Spring, the utmost consideration being taken
to secure only the .most reliable and up-to-date goods; and as we always buy for cash, manufacturers are only
too willing to bring forward the cream of their stocks for our selection.
The Bulk of Our New Goods is Already Here.
IN THE DRESS GOODS SECTION the shelves are already full of new fabrics from London and
Paris, Some of the most popular weaves are the new Crepe materials, including Ondule Crepes, Crepe fIe-
teors, and Crepe De=Chenes,
1N THE SILK SECTION are being shown beautiful Moire Poplin Silks, striking Roman Stripe de-
signs ;
e -signs; also lovely Persian Silks and Oriental Satins, If yon cannot come to the store `Phone 67 for any-
thing you want in Dry Goods,
About People You Know
Miss Irene Carling of 'Toronto is
spending a fortnight in town as
the guest 01 Misses Mae and E.atth-
leen Past.
Mr J. L. Cranston oI Port Arthur
has joined his wife, who has been
visiting her parents, -t Sr. and Mrs,
John 'lbrrance,
Rev. S. J. Allen was yesterday in
London where he was the officiating
clergyman at the marriage of a
1lefee of Mrs. Atha's.
DIr, Walter King, wlio has been
quite ill for several weeks past, is
now improving and it is hoped his
recovery may be rapid and col,
Mrs Mellardyi.Sinith and Prank
Dr. and Mrs , .J. C. Gandier and babe
are spending a short vacation with
Toronto friends.
Miss Margaret Cowan of Blyth has
been the guest of the Misses Walk-
inshaw during the past week,.
Mrs. Sutter of Stratford has been
visiting her son, Mr. J. Sutter of
town, during the past few days.
Miss Helen Bell has returned to
town after spending a holiday at
her summer home at fort Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Mahalfy of Cromarty
were week -end visitors at the home
of the former's brother, Mr. James
Mahally of town,
Rev. F 0. and Mrs. harper arrived
in town yesterday evening and will
who have returned from Vanoouvcr, be for a few days the guests of
B,C'., to take ' up their residence in Mr, James Scott.
London, are spending a, few clays Miss Pearl Foster returns to her
in Clinton.. home at Clarksburg today after a
Mr. J. 11„ C'autelon of the Molsons fortnight's visit with her aunt,
Bank stall at Norw:0la spent a Mrs J. Kerr of town, and with
few days of his vacation at his Goderich friends,
home in town and is now holiday. RHS, Eddie. ;Shepherd returned to
ing at Grand Bend. 'Toronto on Monday after . a fort -
Mrs. D. Dickenson and her son Mr. night's holiday spelt at his home
Wilfrid Dickenson, Brantford, after in town and at the camp at Burk's
a week`svisit with Seafot:th as the guest of Mr. Clordon Cun-
friends, arrived in town Friday inghame.
last and were the guests of old Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Rutledge, accotn-
Clinton friends for a few days, poled by their daughter, Mrs.
iMIr. A. H. Dunnett, 11 A, of the Shillington, and her babe who
Riverdale Collegiate, Toronto, Mrs. have been visiting at the parsonage
Dunnett and Mr. Clouston were for the past couple of months lit
for Mrs. Shillington's home a
South Bend, Ind:, y..sterday morn-
ing. 1)r, and Mrs, Rutledge will
also visit Friends at. Windsor before
returning home,
The News From Londesboro
'Phos. Sampson had the misfortune
to loose his Jersey cow on Tuesday
Mr. D. C'antelon loaded a oar of ap-
ples this week.,
Miss 11, Mains is spending a few
days With London friends.
Mrs, J. Potter of Blyth and two
daughters spent W'ed nesdayr at the
home of Mr. M. Mains.
Mrs. Stalker has returned front vis-
iting Auburn friends.
Mr. oil Mrs. J. Stalker left for in-
Streets of Lake\'few, N,Y., last
week visited their nephew, Mr•
Calvin' Streets. Before their re-
turn across the border they, also
visited at Brantford Goderich and
Bright, the latter being the lin th
place of the Messrs Streets
Mr Russel Ilarland of Guelph
holidaying in town, being the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. D. McCorvie. Ruses
set bas changed very little during
lois sixteen months absence from
town except that lie has grown
somewhat taller, kfc has lost none
of his cheeriul' optimism' and mer-
rily greets his old friends who are
one and all glad to see him,
Mrs. S. Kemp received word yester-
day that her sister's husband, Mr.
John Hamilton of Nelson, B.C.,
had died suddenly, Mr. Flannilton
wasan official of the C.P.R. tor
many y13ars and had also served
ono or more terms as "mayor 0f
Nelson, IIc was likewise a'promin-
ent member of the Masonic Order.
His birthplace was at 5t. Marys,
this province.
Mr. Joseph Jarvis, who for a 10115
period was foreman of the Staple-
ton sawmi I but who • fourteen
years ago returned to England, the
home land, has been the guest of
the Misses Oriel), Albert street, for
the past few days and recalling old
associations about town and down
at "the block." Since leaving :here
he has lost his wife and now the
only suteIting unerabe5 of the
family are two- sons, both of whom
tare. on this side the big water, Mr.
Jarvis has been pleased to note
the many changoi for the - Letter
Clinton has made,
a holiday.
Are You Making the Best Use l
of Your Opportunities ?
No matter what your walk in life every man and
woman,needs a thorough business training. The bea
way to obtain that into have
.11115 you can, obtain at the Clinton School of Com=
coerce. the follow-
this Business Course, we' offer
Stenography (Gregg and Pitman),
courses •, g ,
rtner s
. .
. Service
To, those who can't attend school we give the
Correspondence Course. Von may finish at Col-
lege if you wish. Positions guaranteed.
School opens on Tuesday, Sept. 1st, but you may
enter at ally date. Miss B. F. Ward, B,A , the Princi-
pal, will be assisted by expert and experienced instruc-
tions. For full information. address
B. F. Ward, B. A.,
gersoll after spending a few days
the home 'fit Mr. D. Geddes.
Mr. and Mrs. Stalker very ably ,-
sisted the ilIethodist choir on Su.n.
day evening, Mr. Stalker rende'ur:
a solo.
Miss Ella Webb and Mrs. Conon +.
of Seatortln visited the former's i-
ter, Mrsl J. 11, Shobbreek on S:au-
Mr. Le Roy Hiles of Kincatdia. is
visiting at the home of Mr. .1, W.
Mrs. Howard Snell of Clinton spent
Monday as the guest of her mother,
Mars. Anderson.
Misses Dora Andrews and iirarget
O'Brien of Cleveland arevisiting at
the fernier's grandmother, Mrs,
Hannah Cooper, and with other
friends in the vicinity.
1VIrs. ,Jas. Taylor returned to her
home in Hamilton on Saturday. Her
sister, Mrs. 1,atinaer, returned with
Mrs. 13.13. Stephenson entertained
the members* of her Sunday school
class at her home on Wednesday af-
The W. M. h, of the Methodist
church held a quilting bee in the
church on 'Thursday afternoon.
This week wi'1 see most of the
Hullett Township
Mr. and Mrs, Will Johnson retaai-
ed to their home in Clinton atter r,
few days visit with Ms, and Mrs Get
Leitch, 'Mr. and Mrs, Bruce. Medd
other friends in the township.
Mrs. R E. Skelly of Chicago ar-
rived on 'Tuesday* and will visit her
father, Mr. Richard Morrison, and
other relatives in this neighborhood.
Mr. Ed, Tighe spent the week -encs
with his aunt, Mrs. Cleo. ISrauskropf
of Dublin,
Mr, John Flynn is in Mel<illop Alis
i\liss Helen Quigley visited Miss
Annie Lawrence, of Clinton for a.
few clays this, week.
Miss Susie Livingstone and her
nei0e, Miss Mabel, who have been
visiting her sister at Sault SM.
farmers wind ep harvest proceedings Marie, returned on Saturday. last. .
i:1 the weather keeps favorable. News -Record to end of yeas tor Cac
a1�► �rranr�'
Schooi Shoes
Amongour stock of School shoes for Boys and Girls
you will find opportunities aplenty for practising that I
economy which is now the order of the day. And we i
warrant it will be true economy, too, since all these
shoes are in new shapes, all leathers, and good hard
wearing quality, while the pri.;es you will find wonder-
fully reasonable.
Sp ecial for r Only
50 pairs boys boots, all sizes,
Regular prices 2.00 to $3.001 5D
Saturday's price