HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-08-27, Page 1No. 1847 ---36th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1914. 25cwill pag a subscription to The News -Record, to any part of Canada, • for new subscribers only, THE HOME PAPER end of 191 •tV V11++A UlAVU i;wbu , W. t of are I Lou - 3 ' the Tito on Tng a ek, as int vicek on as the Miss on Fri- p weeks Brant - s par- M0Cen- itinma from a very clay for Mich.., 1 her Louis, TI Tor- v .the Misses Misses 1g of 1511008 farting 1cl on \sit in Pother 1, New ssfully rn. at hl and as a 'I'oren- rators, big el- ite in 5'. J.- - week their. George l was 01)1)10111- Helen, aim to iter a ,rental le dau- o, have tlrs. G. omi en - Miss Saville ;ft this -mer to s, the ole t0 They 'editing been ek of ]e past Pres - o holi- 11, that of Bay- Aber- Clin- ladies NIES , visited Sitev- i auti 0 are 1`rla- Base ilspn is pleas- • saw t anti as Left Fort been months MIR 01 in tlic' came accent - col. 1. ugh ter, South visit for a shortly pax^ State eturged \.'three e ranks inst„ are all d 1 uiet tedin , this being a`- 6located As a • busiest idle, a ccnn- drive'. y his eat job 'a° " IMPLEMENTS OF WAR. Rev. J. K. Fairfull, the new pastor of the Baptist church,- on friday ev- ening, last gave a talir'to the melt]- begs of the Brotherhood of Wesley church and a few friends, numbering about thirty in all,. at) the home qf, Mr. W. Doherty, his sub'ect bein g i "Fighting Machines and how to Handle Them." Mr. Fairfull was for sixteen years employed in the ,Sir- W. Armstrong- Whitworth Co., , Linii0ed, Elswiek Ordnance Works, Newcastle -on -Tyne, ne, IfalF of this time lie was superfnten dent and as he carne up through the different departments, mastering the details as lie came, he •is well versed in the working of the bigestablish' gafternoon rent• This concern, which is one of four.day some such industries in the British Isles, employs on a peace footing 25, 000 liken and during the Boar war employed thirty-four thousand. Theyhis manufacture every class of gun and carriage from, a 1 10. gun to a 13 lb 5 -point. They: also Ihvanufacturc in their ship- yards everysort of ship from •the l smallest submarine t the largest Dreadnaught. To build m Dreadnaught from, the laying of the keel to the launching of Y g g the ship requites ten months. There staybeiofcourse,severalshipsinCapaelty, course of construction and i,I times of emergency a ship could he put into, use hi a Ver}I short )101100. It was,, however, more particularly regarding the giros that Mr. Fairfull sppka The largest naval gun weighs, 80 tons. One of these large guns can be tied so accurately as to kneel( thetheir periscope off a submarine seven utiles distant. The periscope, by the way, is about two feet in diameter and shows 100118 four to eight feet above g the boat. ` The periscope is arrangpl with mirrors attached to a plat- form above reflecting on a table be- low and b the stud of which yes- y Y secs in the neighborhood may be sighted `without the look -out •being es- posed to the enemy's fro., There are eight of these largest A PATRIOTIC SOGIET'f. The Ancient Other, of Foresters is truly patriotic. Any member 'o£ that Cider who goes to the war Will not' '1st be required to pas, (lues, but the full benefits will continue 'with Iris policy.. ? ; 1-%NGAC'rE1VIL+�\T AANOUI\iCPD. N1r. and Mrs, James' Reiii of the Front Road, Stanley, announce the -engagement of .their daugltec Marys J,, to Mr. David . Elliott of Oli'nton, the marriage to take place the meddle ca Sepf ober: 'J• I{• W151, BUDS GAR. NIr., J. K. Wise of the Huron Road east slipped into town on Saturday, last in his new auto. It was but a recent parches° Which the onlooker would scarcely have inr�agin- ed for J. K. handled the wheel very much like an experienced chauffeur. HYDRO'S ,BIG DISPLAY, The Hydro Commission is making a bigdisplay pay at the big rink on Wednesday, Thursday, Fr:day and Saturday afternoons and evenings 'of g this week. This is a free exhibition and it is hoped a gre}tt many men and women of town and townshipsafter will comp in and see it, It will en- , Lighten many people as to Hydros particularly the n>any ways in which it can lighten labor' for the housewife, WE SLEY C'FIL''RCII, 1'he, pastor, Rev, Dr. SZutiedge, preached twice on Sunday, his dis- courses beingboth appropriate and telling. The quartette rendered a selection at the morning service and in the evening Mrs. Co1)il'e of Grand Ledge, Mich„ .a former mitt- her of the choir, sangwith much expression and sweetness Jesus, Lover of My Soil." • Next Sunday, owing to the absence of filo pastor, Rev. T. {r'. Powell whll •prcuch morning and evening, HAD A 0311971IDAY PARTY, Miss Eileen r5it1(inson, ,the little. daughter Alt SCFIOOL' OPENS NEXT -,TUESDAY \THE The Collegiate' 'and the Public g Schools open on , Tuesday next, elle not the 8th as some have `stip- posed, ABOUT AUCTION SALES. The man who holds an auction sale is liable to hesitate at going the ad -guest ditional expense of $1.00 or e1,50 for havingthe entire list inserted An the local paper. The fact thath tit paper. tloen e list is in. this wayplaced in the Bands of every( reader'of the paper so that he can :persue it item byS:S:,lesson. itotin at his home renders it of rent value to the erson hoidfn the cele, p g Vl'ILLIS CET'CJIiC'II.•_ Rev. W. D. Turner of B1'ih preach- ed at both services on Sunday and will also occupy the palati at Sun- day next, Rev, Mr, Harper taking weer( at Blyth. The induction o€ the hew pastor will take place on Thursday even- ing next, emnntencing at seven o'clock. A reception will follow the induction exercises when the W'omen's Association and the Girl's Club will furnish refreslunents, Il]? SERGEANT \jIGILANT; About two o'clock the other mora Ing,Sexgeant Welsh, the niglttvatch-oticfund,Mo., man, observed a urea plodding through town, As out citizens re- tilt, early, this it was very evident was not a citizen,'' so the Sergeant' Bailed him and a Pon interrogation discovered that the early riser was a douse of Refuge lodger who had broken a window 130 ;make his es- cape. He was very anxious to slip away as fast as he could, but the Sergeant detained hien, and he was' returned to the Home on the Lon- don Road in time for breakfast' ON'T, S'1', CHURCH, C'onniuuipu service on Suedes, roar- uhng next. ' On Sunday lash services were Held once, more in tihe huditorium which his been under renovation for several weeks. The pastor preached in the LOCAL MARKET. .: Wheat $1.00, Oats 40e. I3c,�rley .55c. Butter 18c Lo 2Bc., kJggs 20c to 22c. Live )dogs t9,5i, 13AL'TIST CITURCH. On Sunday a.ln. Rev. Mr, Pali:full' will take "I Know" as his topic and in the. eveningit will' be "Deceiving S One's Soli." ' Al the prayer meeting on Thursday evening he discusses the • AN 1sMPLOYMENT. AGENCY. At a meeting of the hoard of Trade on Mondays evening it was decided to 01)00 an employment agency , with a view of bringing together most ex pe(litiously those needing employ- tint and those who have it, to give. T'L is understood that many farmers will require hpfp with the fall work, it so and they register with the town flet., who will act as ent:plat'ment agent, Wren will be at their service, the 7ioard also decided Lo n.quest Rev. Mr. Fairfull to give his talk on "Fighting Machines and How to Handle 'Phe»]," in the town hall at air early data The intention is to charge a small admiss'ien , foe and donate the proceeds to some pater- WELLS GIVING 0151'. Iii arts iron] different, p parts of the town show that the few remaining tvelis are not as (leprlhdabl0 as pricy once were and here and there one niay see women carrying water from neighbors well. One well which bas been considered among the. very best for twenty -fife years has now been given up as unfit for use. All this leads to 'the conclusion that now is the time to install wet/et-works— labor is plentiful and the town sup- ply is abundant. 'Ile, Cr. T. 1;. water tank has recently hecn connected with the town s}stem as well. as the following residence. W: T. O'Neil, S. Lawrence, R. Rowland, NIrs, Sloan 15'. L-. ('ole, •NIrs. •Mo'l'e art, g, L gg Sr.,. a•Iis, D. Shanahan, 1i'heatley, PeOly]e Yfiu Y{)1]l' Miss Bell, London, is the gue Miss Miss Ward. anti Ml s• 'i', Jackson Jr, in '1'orpnto this 'eel(; Miss MaTY ,Southcombe was it iron over the week -curl. Mrs, Palmer of eek -inions i. of tlic Misses ;Doan. A'Iiss Ruby Irwin went to Toro Thursday to' take a Position Miss Ethel 13radsbaiv is spend few days at Bayfield this we Mr. M. Millet of Stratford w• fawn the beginning of the 1 business, Miss Grace Weir c f 5eaforth t1 guest over the weak -end of Ruby Wise, Miss Edith Jennison returned last after: s send' th •• g with 'London frien(ls. NIr., Kenneth McCrnmell - of ford spent last week with 11 eats, NIr, and NUa. Jas. Well, Mrs.. H. el ret r1) and Miss Pinmstee] L'eturn(d yesterday Y Bayfield where they spent pleasant fortnight. Mis. Chas. Colville left yestor her harts at Grand Lenge, a month's visit twits aunt, Mrs. J. Cuuinghame., Miss Nita Southcombe of St. who alas been visiting i onto for some time, is now guest of her aunts, the Sonthcombe. Miss Jennie Taylor and Marion and Eleanor Menai; London were week -end 1 with Mr, and Mrs: R, I•.,, N 01 town. Miss Gertrude Chant returni Tuesday from a fortnight's v Pittsfield, Mass,, with her 1 and with her sister in Aubtu•i , York Miss Elva T,avis has sure, passed her prohationary exar ,) the '1'oronkp General .Tlose it has entered upon her course muse in -training. Mrs. Stone and Mr. l\lltchcll, to, hydro -f lecihtr dcnianst and who have charge of the 4ff +! s sill I ht !f it `Comes. from .7ielli al ene ' •, '' �'%S Weddi/���• " Be careful -in selecting your gift. It will be criticized bymany. e�hosew1ose viewed and cJ opinions you most esteem ?mill see it. By it may be judged your good taste and judgment, perhaps your friendship and liberality, Safe -1' guard yourself by making us in the Selection 'we hale the goods that suit. We know the latest styles- best makes --most suitable gifts. y Cut Glass, Silber'ware, Art Goods, China, Clocks, Special pieces that shot refinement, richness, at surprisingly moderate prices, 14 ```/// �� .. dell fezuelet and Optician - - Clinton u�r� Air a 11{{�(__ The ROVal B.M�i� d OF CANADA. Incorporated 1300. l' Capital Authorized $25,000;000 Capital Paid-up ,11,500,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 13,500,000 Total Assets 1SO,000,U00 870 Branches. "With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Deposits. General Banking business transacted' R, E. MANNING, Manager — Clinton Branch TieNolsons Rask Incorporated 1555 Established in Clinton 1870 Capital and Reserve $8,800,000 p 01 BRANCHES IN CANADA A - GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. CIRCULAR LETTERS. Or CREDIT - CHEQUES lrISaUIaD, B.Srii 1lortEr ORDERS J BANK SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT rate. guns on the bigDreadnau+hta, g b The ordinary field guns ars thirteen and eighteen ouhtlers and can be Err- 6 p ed two or three utiles. The Howit- zee is the most deadly gun in use. nav heavy artillerymen work a to on a7 naval gnu is sometimes mounted p1) a field carriage. A {ire fuse is set on these guns by means of which it can be exactly determined just when and where the shell will, explode. Shells filled with Luddite are the most deadly and do not need to s�triice a man to kill hips,, Thep aro often timed to explode in the aft, 13110 fumes from the Lyddiie causing death to all. in the vicinity.• To show the deadly nature of this ex- plosive it is only necessary to explain that 'tee men employed iu the man- ufacture of it in titne turn as green' as the grass of the field. A projectile shot offt from a gun manufactured by the company; with which Mr. Fairfull was employed pen- etl'ated a fourteen -inch armour ,plate and' twenty-three feet of masonry such as is thrown up as a trench or barricade, and the point of the wee- port was not even blunted, was, in fact entirely unharmed.. Mr. Fairfull says the Vickers -Maxim breach is the finest in the world and that the sight of the British gums is far superior to that of the Getman, British workmen being instals more CL- ficient in sight work. For two yearn Mr. Fairfula ryas superintendent of the sight department and it was most, interestin • to hear hint describe gMorris; with what accuracy all `Ulie work is done, lIie;B011)51h Government re- lrcts everything 'that is not perfect. The Admiralty Department demands absolute perfection in everything as cel ed for use in their -de artnlelt: 1 tp Eberything"is inspected in the nide- Most detail and the stiiallesi, deflect, i•s ugt100(5 'M'r. Fairfull also spice of the;Max- un gun, 1Ls efficiency, •• the ease with whfpli It is ut<anaged, Ube dLlnculLy of putting it'out of commission and tlhe' deadly work it; does, firing 205 shots a minute. Maxim ismanned b twelve The NTa m yS men two of when work the gull and + g the other ten, while the gun hs. in action, stand with their rifles cow- Grin and defending the gunners, g This gun can be taken apart, • lifted over' a tour -foot wall or barricade, put together again and be read. for 6 g Y action in one minute :and twenty-five seconds. For use on the • battle shi sthe r al- o P } so have a• 6 -inch, 45 -ton gun which is . . placed between decks. 10 show show, of and Mrs. J., D, At: kmsou, passed her eighth birthday or Saturday and celebrated the event by inviting cumber of her little girlfriends to make sherry with her. The weather man was kind, the al- teruoon being ideal, and a ver S } en- 10 C'abiL'�tllile was spent the small p by maidens in games of various kinds tmtil tea, time, when the abundant birthda}t feast was also enjoyed, and at a seedily 11011r the little folk bale their hostess farewell, wishing her many happy returns of the day, and wended their way homeward., ALL MAZY TiRLP_ he legal branch of the Women's Institute has received a coinmunica_ tion from headquarters. telling_01 the l work which they and all. women may assist in doing in the present emer- gency undo: the Canadian Red Cross Soc:ety. Such ne:0•sary . ar- tieles as handkerchiefs, socks, shirts, mending: kits, cholera belts, etc. ivill be gladly received for the Canadian .contingent .and all ladies who vi'1h.. to assist by making any of the above articles of an}10ne who wishes to contribute money willgindiy cent- municate with the president of the local W. 1., Apra. 17, .Muhroe: The Institute has also placed 'boxes in various business places in town and any contribution.placoi therein will he thanl(fuliy. .arc pted: "Ile gives twice who gives quickly." AN OBSEll •'-'-- 1 '1'OWIIft, For scientific purposes the Depart-- 1)1mht of the Interior has erected a tower" on -a high point just east of the Clinton cemetery, The Lower in realjty consists of we tripods, one law a 'bhe other. g71e tuner fibre is'si:;t e l 1)r. y f t high and of the top of it is 'a small platform on wllioli the obs• srver's instruments Lest, The ;outer" tripod is; sixty-six Fe(t ht h to) )ed ley a )latforlih stip- g 11 1 aortia a"iii h candle ower acetylene taint A little lower p down is ', a' F platform for the observer. Between. the two tripods there isno connec• �•ioOn theground •direr under t n fly aide the platform on which the.oiscrver'sof 1 instruments rest is a cement pillar. Ovct: at the fence by the roadside is anotier, cement pillet foot Peet undo ground and 'as many a"etre which is supposed to remain there: foL all time. It will'have an `in- seriatim placed by the engineer in' Cliargc so that the exact `point where the tower stood can be easilyaster-' tabled,• t . _ iC_desuetl, aFLeh it has dis a, .cared, PP These toavers are bong erected all; over the provinces at .distances of hundred ills Ltoni twenty to one b m 1)l a according•i and aro to the nature " of the country frons: thirty-five to one' , r, . hundred <,,nd forty-six feet high, The ground required for each tow- r cr, 15.0 feet square;; 1s' rented for a f t h e 8 n e :peripd o e1 } n a d _ . t the ex P ratio)) of that time the tripods' go to the: owners: 01 the land, The nearest tower so far to Clin- ba 0uta-t mil- ton is at Blgd ,gen two } wo m 1 es distant:' , `� , si are d� night, The observationsa a c aL 1 g the observer with h's instruments :b'ein located on one tower and his g light -keepers on the, three' or four towers nearest hint, perhaps none of i fc n unto t t Cien closer tan o f G n c Brodhagen: From the fact that Cllntn is now: • r he timber- use in the depot fD t d COnstrit0t)on work. It is altogether 1 this t estern art. ld(rly that a ong v p of the ooufttry several slick: tripods rvin Aa rrectrtl. .. _ morning on "The S Brit's Ifel) at 6 1 1 ," and in the evening on , `rhe Spirit of Service." Mr. 11 J. Harland of Guelph assisted the choir at both services, singing as tltq solo in the "brother-in-law, evening in splendid voice, Thy Will Be Done." Mr. Russel AIa t assisted } the pastor in conducting the set•vie- es• TWO \Pat' 11 Hell01' \('ES, Mr. R. Rowland's 110w residence or. High sta:0013 is being rapidly Com- p1Ct�1d and will 8.3)0)1 be ready for occupancy, It is a handsome ):est• Bence and will be complete in every particular thus adding another to the Inane beautiful homes of Clinton, file new residence being built on Ontario street by' Mr, W. '1', O'Neil for Mr. W. 0. Robb of the C. 5.. J. staff, is nearing completion, 11 will be a neat and cosy home, having all the modern conveniences, and is in- deed an improvement On the old tumbledown building which has adorned that particular corner for so many years, NTaRRI1D IN CLINTO\. ,A quiet wedding took plaee at St, Joseph's church on 'Tuesday morning when Rev. bather Hogan ,joined in holy wedlock Miss Edna Fearon of Godericli township and Mr. Anthony Devon of Detroit. Mass was' said at nine. o'clock. 'Tie sponsors were Mi. A00,11. and Miss Els:c C'rpnyn of At the conclusion of tie ceremony the wedding y ' 6 part drove to the borne of the bride's uncle, Mr. 'Phomas Crolyn of Coderich township, where the wcrkliu breakfast was servers, gtet ants the same afternoon Mr. and Mr6.'Devon left to: thou; 1tome in Detroit. Phe News-J4eco1d •joins •the •friends of the newly -wedded pair i'1) col- ratuLations and 000 wishes; g g OLD LONDON IN WAR, LIMES, The following extracts,. are from a letter received from Mr.. E. H. Coop- er, London, l ng, by his, brother, Mr. A. T. Cooper'of town; and will be of interest having been written on August :lith : "We, are passing through exciting times here, but, so far:, as outward, appearances go, the usual, course of lice F11 this country is not greatly changed, While England•is engaged in her greatest wax, trade is `going on as usual,—restricted—bub going on. +. t - The Government 1s handling this of fair beautifully, You see no troops y or guns: around London—the} are all ''being moved at night. Food Is no , • .•h weeks - 'a .- The, dearer than tw,o, go s • i,i .Naw is bristling but thoo is .no X g great worry here. 1`: am getting business letters from. Belgium, .but I don't hear of anyone getting, letters from anyof their friends who aro in rat <confidence in Belgium. '(`here' i 6 C T itcheiner and. Winston and everyone 18 willing t0 leave it all to them.. We are :hoping, of course, that it will 1r. that depends soon ibe all Duey. 3 it p on boxy soon' the. GeTinna,rs; will be o • neither Russia nor En. - beaten 'fou e b g land will ever give.in until they've won.. .5o while lye did not want the war and behievo that SIT Edward Grey did h.is best to ' prevent it, d u 51e mind that we ve all rna o p o we shall he content to sleep on 'a plank and eat tut one meal a day in order ,: bring the Kaiser and Crown older to U ng t Prineo to their senses—Poor Ger- T.rad had popular rot'_. many . IF she 1p p b eminent she would never have got bi- 1:i, f3iir - r„n)tAtn +' W. Mr. 'rouge, E. Jackson, Mrs, R. Graham and Joseph Copp, An ap- plicaLicn placed with Air, IT. B. Chant svi11 receive prompt attention. A B.1D BOY. ()n 5atlll'tla}' illgllt last inagl ars entered the Clinton statins and robbed the rill of a small- s.Lm of money_ The theft was not discovered until Monday morning and CIit&I Wheatley immediately got busy 10- eating the thief. It appears 'that three or four young men got, off the late train ]]ere Saturday and typhi to Brucelleht or. Sunday. The one who is supposed to have perpetrated the burglary Here beat his way to London on Monday where he was nabbed and given thirty days in_ consequence. On the expiration of his term. he will probably be brought back to Clinton to answer the charge of theft. but he is also wanted in Guelph on a charge of. assault and battery, having, in company with a companion, beat up a milkman in that city with whom he had hem formerly emplo7'ed. 1t looks as if he were a "bad 'an" if he is the guilty one and Chief Wheatley thinks there is little doubt of it. Ile is a lad hardly out of his teens. Agent Pattison sa}•s there were two good Cigars and several dollars more iii a small box at the hack of the till which the burglars missed. cattier •clfspla}1 in the rink town this week NTt n Farquhar'hiwand Mrs. McBrien were in Detroit las attending the funeral of the late ;lir, Burns of that Cit' Me, Alex. Cameron of f3aylielr in town on Friday last arc ted by his daughter, Miss who left by the afternoon tr return t0 Seattle, 15`,5]1., ai month's visit at the p home, Mrs. Joe Webster and her litt 3111171, ivDss Ssabell, Londesbor returned home after visiting 1 E. Saville the lash weeds, ace fed by her little (lnughte' Mary who visited with Mrs, several weeks. Misses Ross and Edna Levis k morning for 'Toronto, the fel attend the millinery opening latter on her way Lo Boa the resume her teaching duties. will attend their brother's e in Stanley on their way% Mr. E. C. Andrews, who has connected with the Royal Ba Canada for several years, tl fele months as teller at the eott'branch, is spending sun days lender thepare 3101 rax of Judge and Mrs.. Andrews Mr.' and Mrs. John ii. Heard field and Mrs. H. Young of deem, South Dakota, were it ton apartf Hasa The Friday spent h1) day with 'Tasker of Hullell' and. also at the lionic of A9:r: ,Tame ens, Albert street. alt. and Mrs, Frank \yiasc) Master Kenneth of 1'oront spending a week or so with tives at 13enmlller, on the Eine and in Clinton. NIL. W a native of Clinton. and wa: ed to remail: that he never the old town look sr. mea` 'thratp• NIr. ancT Mrs, Flaubert. nigh, Int week for their home ih William. .Mrs. 1•lughcs 101 the guest For a couple of her father, Itis Jas. Ste, oftown,he and ether: friends i vicinity, and NIL. IAiand east tot a short stay and armed lxis wife hon At all branches. Interest allowed at highest, current - Branch. C. E. Dowding - Manager Clinton I } I I , READY-To-TVEAR CLOTHING♦ ARRI'`i'A • WEEK* ORDERED CI:(1•rHING NEVV THIS Suits $ •• 50 75 ' l .25 - Bayfield. Nlore 13aylield News page a, cul, 1. Mr. and Mrs. George Phoenix, al'- a very •pleasant visit •with Bay - field friends, left on Tuesday ''to re- tutu to 'Che;r ho.1)e •at -Sa •iliaw Mich . g r Fra lc'I{eeas attonil- M>, and M s, n g ed the wtdilfn of Miss Edna Fearon g which i took place, at the hgn1C of her uncle, Mr. Thohnas Cronin. near n,n of this :week, Clintonuon ' Eagleson Mrs. James Eagleson of Aberdeen, South Dakota, is visiting her moth - er, Mrs. Afflict, her: Sister, Mrs. ii, Darrow; and nwnerous other.. rola- ,Lives, and friends in :the old hotte village. Rev, 1T: Ja Contie;l is visiting friends near London. Rev. Mr. Jennings has bought the corner lot: of the Rouatt. property, opposite Stanluryi'e, and purposes' $awing a neat cottage built fir' for occupation early next season. 'Phis s .that Mr. Jennings thinks Iles show g that nowhere else is life so enioyable i in . the, good old sumpser time es in layfeld the'13alun}i. ' Mr, S, Moore who has mado a spec- , l stud of the bee industryi n which a y he is extensively engaged said to The ews-Recons on Tuesda ' 1n ex- 1 c N y planation of: the 'poor Crop 'bleb is general over 13130 province this year : rhes will 'not ' this season) he more than fifteen percent. 03 an av- ,wage yield of saleable stock, There are Ithink- several .reasons .for :this; 11)' the first placer: niece were late 1 hosts, Then in the iuLtlseason when, the clover and basswood was out the t alt was too dry, 1'he' bees, require considerable moisture) at that'period: From present indications there '' will be a full yield of inferior grades of hohe which the hees� ether, ver , Y , 6 3 largely front certain weals which abound along the river Rats. Yes, one has to watch the bees carefully, n ,find to' be succesalel it requires con- si er le :rix erienee to be equal to d €b P q emergencies which sometimes ells°." Nrevs-l2eroi:d to end of vena for 2Ga Men s Fall Hats IA ii Ga Y 6.' qt • Suits i4 cc • . Suiting • ".' Sweater Coatsn Boy s Wash • • � a� l 2..Price • wash S $1 S uit 1he e '�°o c t6 ../ bi id 2.5® •Bayfield •time Mare Tia}?field •News Page, '01rs. H. Young and ler (11 tsllss IPTorence of Abordee» , Dakota, after a very, plpasa0 d about ' 1 1 ` Ba +field. to an bo ba u. ',) y mouth or so, expect to leave for their Dakota Home, The} , pose vlsiti'n • the Minnesota P , g Pair 0r. their way twest. Miss Elizabeth Fer •uSOn 1 S to Toronto Wednesday after ; peeks' holiday at hoarse. Mr. John Darrow: joined 10 of the, benediets on the 410 . the happy event tasting pl Gin¢kuow, While,drivilh down the roe g ,day morning Mr. Joe AicTave with a painful accident. A.do ed' at his horses, head. Star horse:' jumped, too, the result broken democrat and a dd shoulder tot,AIr. Mete wen. 11 reshot this bran his very g season the nnlury enforce( and /less ins doubly trying. NIr, Rich rd Smith has had eat foundation built for a house the work being done i son, Ttoy, W110 has made a ' a 'of it. i • . etiectient the British sold\ x s Mr , Fairfull explained that the m.en : in P charge of this nn could, runu with g t P• their dismounting gear, take the from its carriage, run it back and chain it fast with heav chains un- c , Y chain it again, run. It forward and ' • intofiringposition, all in Put. y . p seconds. ' Even.' man = Cigltty taroy inpws' exa¢iLy w11at ht, has to do aad `• with the ercisi011 of does it wtL t 1 clock -work, • J;cavin • ,the navy Mr.. Fairfull spoke Leaving " of the. British field e �o in'the world(has astifioe field y, ," said artLiLery as 'B L L t a> u, . 'tie, artillery "France comes a good second but the PL 1)C in Royal Horse- AstiFlery is .the finest a ' rld. 'There's no •• question the NO .. I.. bout it." U Mr. Fa[t. 1 explained the do , iof thetime fuses used in mechanism twith the sells said h and that r1) trete manufacture it was eir delicate found thati won)enJ with their ouch, woze mote suoeessftii than then and that in this department artment of the P {'n.,�yRR THEMOI 111 ■ I, Motto . A Square • " ,(1.�.'NctoTalmr,cpnnectton I V 1 1 I 1 �01 rs , Deal for Everyp Man. J _.,, s _..,, r ,a 1 N .. •tV V11++A UlAVU i;wbu , W. t of are I Lou - 3 ' the Tito on Tng a ek, as int vicek on as the Miss on Fri- p weeks Brant - s par- M0Cen- itinma from a very clay for Mich.., 1 her Louis, TI Tor- v .the Misses Misses 1g of 1511008 farting 1cl on \sit in Pother 1, New ssfully rn. at hl and as a 'I'oren- rators, big el- ite in 5'. J.- - week their. George l was 01)1)10111- Helen, aim to iter a ,rental le dau- o, have tlrs. G. omi en - Miss Saville ;ft this -mer to s, the ole t0 They 'editing been ek of ]e past Pres - o holi- 11, that of Bay- Aber- Clin- ladies NIES , visited Sitev- i auti 0 are 1`rla- Base ilspn is pleas- • saw t anti as Left Fort been months MIR 01 in tlic' came accent - col. 1. ugh ter, South visit for a shortly pax^ State eturged \.'three e ranks inst„ are all d 1 uiet tedin , this being a`- 6located As a • busiest idle, a ccnn- drive'. y his eat job