HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-08-20, Page 8Clinton News -Record
August 20th19f ,
DUB WOffIEN'S ju i
'OOOOO•+$•+•+••+•••••• *******+++40*******
A woman can always lied good shot s at $3.00 or
$3.50, hut she does not always find them at $2,50,
Two -fifty shoes are always plentiful: enough to
sure --but real`,00d shoes at two -fifty is another
matter entirely
041r $2,.50 shoes are made from choice quality
leathers in Vici, Dongola, Patent Galt and Tan
Calf. These moderate priced shoes have all the
good style features of higher pries shoes—well
made and durable.
Nearly ever shoe store in the country sells $2 50
shoes, Take a look at our 7,50 shoes, madam 1
The Home of Good Shoes.
{Four Clioice Baraaiu. Lo1s
for Saturday and all next week
5c, 10c, 15c and 25c
all useful and needful articles displayed in our
Big Window.
Special cut prices on the following to clear
2 only lawn mowers regular $5.50 for 50 for SIM
1 hammock 3,00 for 2.25
1 only h ,. 2.75 for 2.00
2 25 for 1.75
1 only enameled lined refrigerator " 17.00 for 14.00
1 only galvanized 12.00 for 0.75
Ice cream freezers 10 percent. discount,
1 "
VIATCH our Windows
for Bargains during
July and August Mid=Sum-
mer Sale.
Ball &
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110, J. A. ATKINSON, Phone 185
1olgi V�V
ream CtttrS x,/N to 3'""" PATTeN PN[!. PAM*
Basques, Capes and Cape Coats
Flare Skirts, Blouses
and Dresses
with Italian collars, long tunics,
gathered, plaited, yoked and circular,
with hundreds and hundreds of the
latest Fall styles, are shown in the
Cut Prices.
Commencing Saturday, July' 25th, we place on sale hundreds of
dollars worth of good, new, seasonable goods that must be cleared out
to make froom for our new fall stock which the manufacturers start to
ship early in August,
Out prices on Dry Goods.
Cit prices on Meta's and Boys' Olotbing.
Out prices on Boots and Shoes.
Out paces on Hats, 'Caps and Shirts.
Extra Special:
We have shout 50 Boys' Suits too many which means 50 suits at
manufacturer's prices for the first 50 boys, Dont mise this chance to
save money on your boys' new fall suits. They will likely need them
when school starts Sizes 24 to
Also extra low prices on our Pumps and Oxfords, White Canvas
Shoes, Sandals, etc,
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits
More, Business
for Autumn
With each copy you get any
Standard Pattern FREE
Often the cheapest—Always the, best.
Harvey Harland, Guelph, is visiting
Clinton friends this week.
Miss Cleta Danford is spending a
week or so with Brussels friends.
Miss Maggie Klftg of Auburn spent
Tuesday-, with her brother, Mr. Wal-
ter King.
Misses Olive and Edna Cooper are
expected bonne Crani Ontario, ('al.,
IVL:. Carl and Miss Kathleen Pest re-
turned Monday from a fortnight's
holiday in Muskoka.
Mr, John \\'ard and Master Douglas
of Woodstock spent a foil, days
with Chief Wheatley the pest week.
Miss Mae East returned Monday af-
ter a visit of several weeks with
her brother, Mr. Hoy East of Win-
Mrs. W. Cantelon spent a couple of
clays at the beginning of the week
at the summer cottage of their son
at Bayfield.
Rev, Kenneth and Mrs. Beaton of
Toronto have been speeding a va-
cation at the former's parental
home in town.
Mrs. P. Mitchell and Miss Sadie Car-
ter returned to Auburn on "l'uesday
after a week's visit with Mr. and
Mrs, Fred. Murch.
Mr. and Mrs. Harty .Jackson, after
a pleasant visit in Clinton and Mul-
lett, returned to their hone; at
PortRlast week.
o Rowan
Mr. Oswald Hunt' f L nden has
0 � o 0
been spending the past week or so
holidaying in town as the guest of
1VIr, and Mrs, Will. Hamblyn.
Misses Anna and 1lary Smith of
Stratford, formed)! of Clinton,
were week -end visitors with Mrs.
Couch, Sr., at her cottage at Bay-
Mr, and Mrs. C. S. Hawke of North-
wood have been visiting old friends
in town during the past week. They
always find a hearty welcome in
Mr. Otto hink was in Palmerston
and Listowel on Monday and made
a record trip' home in the evening
to escape the storm. His Saxon
brought him in ahead', of time.
Miss Helen Howctti, who has been
the guest of her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cole, for almost
a month past,, leaves next week
for her home in Ypsilanti, Mich.
Dr. and Mrs. Kay of Lapeer, Mioh,,
motored over last week bringing
with them Mr: and Mrs. J. W.
Treleiren and Miss Norma, who
had been visiting them for a few.
Mr. John Crooks, western traveller
for =a. Toronto wholesale -firm, ' is
hohdr,ying in Clinton: , "Jack's"
many old friends here are always
pleased to welcome him back to
the old town.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Fisher, who last
Week sold their house on Princess
street to Mrs. J. Lindsay, left on
Monday for their homestead near
Edgerton, Alberta. Mr. and Mrs.
Fisher were for six years ninth res
speoted citizens of Clinton,
Mr. Frank Hutchings, for the past
season chauffeur for Mrs. White-
head, has accepted the position of
clerk in the Hotel Bedford, Goder-
ich. His gonial, obliging manner
will no doubt make him' popular
with the patrons of . that well-
known hostelry.
Mr. J. Johnson of Toronto, who was
for several days the guest of his
nephew, Inspector Oliver Johnson,
has also been visiting (he Inspect
tor.'s brother at Zutiah. to one of
the results of his visit Ait. ,lohn•
son has formed 'a very high opinion
of 'Huron county.
Mr. Clarence Rance, youngest son of
Mr. O. C:. Rance of 25 Wells street,
Toronto, who has been in the em-
ploy of the Good Roads Commis-
sion the past three months down
through the, southern part of the
province, wastaken ill last week
with appendicitis. On Monday hs
was operated on by Dr., Malloch in
the 'Toronto, General Hospital and
is now doing as well as could he
In BROWN'S tailored clothes you get your money's worth
besides --
n honest wear and solid comfort,' and
Tailored Clothes
give you an air of distinction which influences others and smoothes the pathway of business and social success.
Onr Stock of Fall Woollens Have Arrived
Men's Furnishings of All Kinds
Any Straw flit in stock at Greatly Re.
Ordered nnowil7e Mens'
Clothing Furnishings
About People You Know
Warden Cantelon -was in \L'inghanx on
county business on Mondayt.
Miss Leery of New York is vi;lting
with her sister, Mrs, Paul Von
Miss Lily Lindsa.p of London is holi-
daying at the home of her mother
on the Base. Line.
spending a vacation at the parental
hope, that of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. G. .Brickendcn of
London are spending a couple of
weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Mr, Walter Taylor of Chicago spent
last week in town its the guest of
his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Taylor.
Mr, and Mrs, P. Couch a,nd Master
Jack were at Bayfield over the
week -end as guests at their moth-
er's cottage.
Miss Vera Schadel of Toronto has
returned borne after a visit in town
as the guest of Mrs. T. Hesston.
Miss Pearl Foster of Clarksburg is
a guest at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. J. Kerr.
7Jr. J. S. Evans and Masters Er -
skin and George and Mr. A. J.
Holloway ,motored up to 'CivrLeon
the beginning at' the week and on
their return`.were accompanied. by
little Misses Ruth and Carol Evans,
who, had been spending a few weeks
with friends in that., town,
Mr. \\'m. liinaldson of Kincardine 15
stopping at the Graham house this
Hiss Fannie Ilellyar has been spend-
ing the past week at the Wallis-
Mc1VIath camp at Burk's.
Miff—and MTG. Fred. Cooper leave
next week for 'I'dfonto to take
charge of an apartment house.
Miss Bernice lIoflicH of Berlin is vis-
iting her grandmother, Mrs. Lay-
ton., and her aunt, Mrs. John Walk-
er of town.
Mrs. R. D. Muir and Master Douglas 1
and Miss Mary of New Hoschcll, N.
Y., are visiting the lady 's mother,
Mrs. T. Hession.
Rem W, Kerr of Welland, fornierlp
oftown, was, poisoned by ivy on a
recent holiday trip. His arms and
hands were severely affected.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cantelon of
Toronto were the guests for a
couple of days last week of the
fornier's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wni.
Mr. Tilos, Rumball, G.T.R. agent at
Elmira, and his son Norval were
guests for a tow days during tine
past weep of the former's brothers-
in-law, Messrs'. John and Williain
Mr. Clouston and Mt ., and Mrs. Dun-
nett came up front Toronto on
Monday and are this week guests
of the 'forniet's daughter, Airs, W.
F. Cantelon, at her, summer cot-
tage at Bayfield: .
Are You Making the Best Use
of Your Opportunities ?
No matter what your walk in life every man and
woman needs a thorough' business training. The 'best
way to obtain that is to have
This you can obtain at the Clinton School of Com-
merce. ; r the follow-
this Business Course, we offs
ing courses : Stenography (Gregg and Pittman),
Telegraphy, Civil Service and a Farmer's
who can't attend school we give the
To those v
Correspondence Course: Youmay finish at Col
lege if you wish- Positions guaranteed:
School opens on Tuesday, Sept. hst, but you may
enter at any date. Miss B 1+. Ward, B,A. the Princi-
pal, will be assisted by expert and experienced instruc-
tions, For full information address
B. F. Ward, B. A.
The News From Londesboro
Mr. 1I, Lear left Tuesday on a
boat trip to the Soo.
Mrs, E. Ball of Clinton spent Sun-
day at the house of her brother, Mr.
1 hos. Sampson, before leaving to
visit friends at the Soo and Rud -
yard, Mich.
plrs. Mils of Blylh visited her
daughter, Mrs. 5`. C. Kahle Monday
ofthis k.
Rev. 0. C, Kaine • has vein tetn ,
his services as chaplain and if he i.
accepted he will accompany the ".0 r,•
tangent sent from Canada for
seas service.
Mrs. 'Thos, Roberton has nia ei
her household goods from Clin,..e
.and will live with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Riley.
Mrs. Joim Nott spent a fewas,-;
firs. Mogridge of Clinton sl eat this week at the home of her pas.
Sunday with her daughter, MD:s. C. ents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Youngi:iut,,
H. Manning, Auburn.
Eiullett Township
Mr. h'ran.cis and Misses May and
Marjory Nolan of near Seaforth vis-
ited at Mrs. T. Carbcrt's on Sun-
Mrs. 'Phos Tighe visited her sister,
Mrs. Geo. Kcauskropf of Dublin, last
Mrs. Mike Quigley left this morn-
ing for her Thome in Ilarrisville,
rich., after a pleasant three -weeks'
visit with her -brothers and sister
and other friends and relatives In
this vicinity.
We aro plctased to sec itis. John
Riley out again 'after his illness.
Mr. and Mrs, Jaynes Faieservice
visited at Brussels on. Sunday.
Misses hazel and Mabel Ker of
Clinton ands Katie Bowes of .Drayton
spent Sundayt at Mr. Win. Carter's.
iltr, .Tames Hart has purchased
new Ford ear,
Mr. George Quinn, a highly respsi:-
ed citizen of East Wawanosh, t
with a tragic death on Tuesday. '_ e
was in the haymow, when he slippe .
and fell to the floor, receiving iuj'tr-
ies from which he never recovered,
passing -away in a few hours, The
deceased was one of the early set -
tiers of this section, being fur many
years a schoolteacher,
Mrs. Johnston and babe, who have
been visiting hereabouts, return this
week to their home at 13alnror3i,
Man. Miss Ja,nelt Steinhoff acce"at•
panics them.
Miss Ella Taylor visited in De-
troit last week,
Miss Bisset of Goclerich bas bee;:
engaged byt :the Public school boarti
to fill the vacancy caused' by the
resignation of Miss McNabb..
School Shoes
Among' our stock of School shoes for Boys and Girls
you will find opportunities aplenty for practising that
economy which is now the order of the day: And we
warrant it will be true economy, too, since all these
shoes are in new shapes, all leathers, and good hard
wearing quality, while the prices you will find wonder-
fully reasonable.
for Saturday ul da Only. e
50 pairs boys boots, all sizes,
Regular prices 2.00 to $3.00 1' JO
Saturday's price