HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-08-20, Page 5August 2 Oth 1914 Clinton New -Record Sagfield. Miss lel° ,Tohnston M Godetieb is 'visiting her sister, Mr. lildwart1 -Weeton, Miss Minnie Harper M Washington, D.C., is the guest of Miss Garrett at 'summer residence in the Village. Miss Lorna Ogle and , Miss Mit- 'whiter of loronto aro the gueste of Mrs. Wharie in the White City. Miss Estella ,A. Bedford, and Miss Ada Roue.lit of London are spending wen's holila,ps with tbe letter's siothe „ s. Rouat1. VisS •Mary Mallard. of Dftoi is -thes geest :of „Mies Rathwell 'On Ann •=streets •. I-larolcl Shapton of Detroit M the guest of the' Messrs. Atkinson. Rev. Mr. Herbert of near St. Marys -occupied the Methodist pulpit on • .Sunday morning last. •Mise Jennie Taylor and Mises • .Marion and Eleanor Manning. of Lon- don are guests at Miss Ferguson's. IVIIS and Mrs. Couch of Citation and the Misses Smith of Steatford • were week -end guests of Mrs, Couch, Sr. auP Mrs. Ross at -their cottage. Mrs. J. P. Fla,verson and Miss Mary and Mrs. Saxeby returned to 'Toronto on Friday after spending ieverel weeks as guests at Miss Fer- guson'e. Mn rs. Ranki, Misses ThSsthe of Stratford, Mrs. Goudi2e and daughter, • Miss Hope M Ber1in, and Mr, and `Mrs. nide M Detroit are ,at Mrs, and' Mrs. Stephens and two ebilaien "of Galt, - Mrs. R. T. 0121, • Mrs. R. T. Orr, Jr., Miss Taylor and the Misses Manning, London, are guests. at Miss Ferguson's, _ leapt -iced should endeavor • to get. emne permanent industry that would 'keep the boys and the girls at' home to 9, much greater extent than at present. Miss Elizabeth Fitzgerald, Misses Evalene and Olive Fitzgerald, Lon - 'don; Revs J. W, Herbert and daughter, Wellburn, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jaznee Fitzgerald in Deer Lodge Park. Those who were fortunate enough to attend the grand concert • last Friday night enjoyed a great treat in ilisteiting to some of -the best artists in Canada, Louise McLellan (Mrs. Elmore -Richards), elocutionist end actress of Hamilton, who has ap- peared before some of the largest •.audiences in Canada and America, and with some of tbe greatest artists, is ,considered one of the best, gave four " •enumbere, responding to encores on taeh appearance. Mee. Elmore-Rich- seards is not only an elocutionist,- but r, :an actress M great abiliby. Others talting part in the programme were : . Miss Mitchener of Toronto, one of the caning Prima donnas of Canada, 114rs. Pell, a sweet singer from De- troit whose sibging was greatly en- joyed. Miss Wiltse of dlinton else favored the audience with a . vocal solo that was much appreciated. Patriotic choruses and duets were .also given and altogether the concert was a .great success, Mr, Stur.geoe is having a new kit - then bunt. Holmesville Miss Verna Jervis has t Mannecl. home after a month's visit in De- troit. She was accompanied by her L. see aunt, Miss Annie Sterling, a,nd Mas- ter Robert Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Johnston of Toronto have been guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. Jenkine the past week. Me. 'Johnston retuens to the city Thurs- day but his wife makes a more ex - 'kneed. stay. Prof. J. T. Holdeivorth and wife, alto: a fortnight's visit with the fermer's mother, will leave for their Thome in Philadelphia on Thursday M this week. The weather on Tuesday ek the date of St. John's church garden pariy which was held on Mr. S, 'Sturdy's lawn, was very ufffayor- •able. After a da'y of alternating cloud and sunshine the rain commenc- ed to fell in earnest about sevea • o'clock, when it was too late to postpone the event and also in time to prevent inany people from attend - Mg. Nevertheless, in the face of the storm, many did turn out. Supper was served in the house, which was hospitably thrown open, a booth occupying a portion of the kitchen. A very pleasant and s,ociable even- ing was spent by those present and the proceeds amounted to ' some fillets five dollars, It was deemed advisable to phone the Killen • band • 40 Clinton slot to come, which wee a disappointment to -many, but there was no lack of enbertainment and Mirriteenl, Mr, Shaw, the 'student who is- as- eisting Ret,•. H. J, Condell of Bay- • field during the summer, will have • charge of the 'service in St. Johns ,elmecis, at the esual hour. on Sunday 003(13, 1319th Mae Leslie McElroy, Who has •been 'suffering front an attack of typhoid fever, is now recovering nicely. • Mrs. Dunbar left last week for her helve in Texas after a visit with her mother, Mrs, MeSitiarrie. She in- tended spending a few days in New York and Boston. Mrs. Weimsley of Holstein has beenvisiting her daughter, Mtg. EL Harney. Wra: Robeteson of Winghara wae ill town last week. looking Mtes hie property here. Rev. W. D. and Mrs:. Turner and faitily have beee viSiting Norval Mr. Jetties R. Cott has . only re- , cently returned from Germany where he Went en bueiness a couple M months ago and got :01113 of that ,e01*n1ity just prior to the declaration .of war. • ales, lt ES. Babb and Missee Jean ;and Margaret et Teeswater visited the. lady's mother, Mrs. H. MeQuar- - Mr. Meraggaet of Exetet was tile guest laeb week of Ills eons,' Mr, ES G. and Dr, IVIdTaggart of •tosen, Teachers -to -be at the Clinton Mode School The Clinton Model School opened oh Tuesday morning alai on -the op- ening day twenty-five students were enrolled. Principal Bouok expects the numberto reach at least thirty- two before the time limit of entry is reached. Following are the names of those already here : Allan, Flora, Stratford. Brec,Itenridge, Cecelia, Ripley., Carbert, Mary IP., Clinton. Carbert Veronica Clinton Gase, •Georee,"Dungatteoe. Clarke, Mabel, Vaina, Copp, Clara 'L. Pe Chilton. Douglas, Rhoda, Ripley. lerapet, Gladys, Clinton. IPingland, Frank, Auburn. 'Haines, Jamee V., Wingliam. 1-Ienry4, Silbert G., Clinton. I-101, Leyden, M., Parkhill, • Hoare, Austin E., Clinton. Jones,, ,Nathaniel -fee Goderich. LaW, Emily P., Detunbo, Lobb, Vera H., Clinton. 1VIMS'eneie, Jessie, Bayfield. Nelson, Wetter Mc., Clinton, Palmer, Hazel, A.Mberley. • Plunkett, Grace A., Aub -urn. Ryan, Mae J., Stratford, Sperling, Lyle, M., Cranbrook Turner, Hattie J., Seaforth, Ryan, Richard, Nile, Two 4 • Mr. Jehn T. Crich of Tuckersinith has purchased a new car from Mr. Bert Langford. . A. special meeting .of- the • Women's - Institute will be held at Mrs. Mun- roe's on Friday afternoon.' Goderich Township Mr., Robert Beacom .01 Plekford, Mich., has been visiting his brother, Mr. John Beacons of the Bayfield Line, the past ten days. It is thittp. five years since Me: Beacom, let his native township and this is his first visit back M. sixteen years. Natur- ally he notes a great many changes, the majority of those, he knew when he lived here having left for one part or another, many for God's .Acre. Years ago Mr. Beacom, knew every business man in Clinton but R, Cluff and the Cantelon Bros. are the only ones now remaining. Miss Tichbourne, teachen of Por- ter's Hill school, spent the week -end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cole. ' Mr. Shaw, a ETuron. College stn.' dent, will take the services at Mid- dleton, Holmesville and Summerhill nexti Sunday. . Miss Bessie Weston is visiting friends in London, The funeral of the late Mrs.. Ander- son took place from the family me- denee on the Bayficld line on Friday afternoon last. The services at house and .graveside were conducted by Rev. R. J. McCormick of Holuesville and interment was made in Ilayfield cem- etery. Four sons, James, William, Louts, and Benjamin, and two grand- sons, Wiltricl and George Thompson, acted as pallbearers. Among those from 1 dietance, who were present for the last Sad rites wete : Mr. and Mrs. ,Janies Anderson and daughter of Topeka, Kansas, and Mr. Wm. .An- derson of Aberdeen, S. 1): Thus wits laid to rest another of the pioneers of this good old county. Porter's Hill Rev. Dr, and Mrs. E. Pickard of Portland, Maine, and Mr. and Mrs. C. T, Johnston of Toronto are spending their vacation at Mr. R. Y. Cox's. ' Mr. James. Harrison has pureheeed a new 22 Isp. New Hamburg trac- tion engine and will make new records at threslang this season, Mr. D. N. Watson of Clinton is agent for the New Hamburg works. Stanley Township The Stanley marsh has been, burn- ing fiercely for a couple of weeks, owing to the serong WindS and ' dry weather. Councillor Keys had to hire a man to constantly watch the eroad, which, if burnt, would cose 5231 6151 hundred dollars to repair: Coderich. Mr. IP. C. Graham of Ntagata N.Y,, ie holidalyieg at his home ill town. Mr. lie G. 1111111131011 of •London was in town on business onc clay Mk week. • • Mr. Geoffrey I-Iolt and a college friend, Rev. H. Mock -ridge of Co- bourg, spent a few, cloys at the form - ors parental home, that of Judge add Mrs. Holt. • The volunteers who were quartered at Gocierich, paraded for die ine Ser- vice on the courthouse square Suit - day morning. The following olcrgjenen who are visiting beeer conducted the services : Rev, Dre R. W. Dickey 01 • Mentreal, and Rev. Dr, C. A. Seger of Van- couver. Tho volunteers listened with nitich attention to an inspirieg se,r- 23100. The 'Thirty -Third regimental band. had charge of the musical part' of the service. The eitieens turned out, in large numbers to show thets ap- preciation of the men, who are go - Ingle the Irent.A lar,ge sum: of money wt coliectoA go towards the hind for , the hospital Lietit.-Cot Wilson, 'llite,ty-Third Regiment, who is in charge -of the entisteneet for this enction, was i11 continence- assisted by the ether Dille- ers of -the ',nhiety,Third Regiment.' Lieut. 'Hodgson of Clinton and limit: Attains of Winghera; have ' enlisted' aloeg svibh seStes 50 -melte They ex- pect to leave. oa Thursday. : Alter the service,: the men Were htOculeted with typhoid serinn .S-lunter, surgeon int tilP ThirtYsTilird Regi - His Holiness Pope Pius X Died Yesterday. piu$ X, who became Pope 111 92 died yesterday in his 80131i year. Ele has been in frail health fot some months, but the immediate eatise death was a high fever eonsequciat upon worrying over the war, Varna. Miss. Edna Beatty returned home last week aftet completing. ,a, semmer, course in Agriculture lid 'Horticul- ture at Macdonald Imo tibiae, Guelph. Misses Edna. Beatty and Erma Diehl are holidaying at Bayfield: • The garden party, which was given by St. John's dhurch in Mr. T. Mr - Ash's grove on Feiday evening 'last, proved to be quite a successful one. The affair had been postponed from , the evening before owing to the rainfall in the afternoon but this fact did not seem to detract from the success of the etiteeprise. There was a good turnout of the members of the congregation, the:r friends and neighbors, the supper furnished. by the ladies -was of excellent qual- ity and abundant in quantity, there was plenty of ice 6rearn awl other re- freshments to be procured on the grounds and altogether the evening was very pleasantly spent. The Sea - forth band furnished inuele. About Sle0 were realized by the committee in charge, who were very svell pleas- ed svith the result of their efforts. . -London Road Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burton and three daughters, -Bellrea, Hazel and Audrey, pf Se Thomas visited over the week -end with Mr. Bktrton s sis- ter, Mrs, Philip -Roweliffe. On their return home -on Tuesday they were accompanied by their nephew, Ar- thur Kennedy, who will visit with them for a week or so. Mr. Lawrence Stephenson returned home on Saturday last atter a year's absence through the west mid North- ern 'Ontario. The rains of the past couple of days have, been a .set back to harvest operations but as it was badly need- ed lateness are not complaining of the few dayis enforced idleness, Mies Maple Livermore of Toronto came up last week and is spending a fortnight's well-earned vacation under the parental roof. Brucetield Miss Sadie Bowey has. gone, to Lon- don for the millinery openitigs. Miss Mary Edmands ot Scalorth is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. Wheeler. , Mrs. Drew Boyce and little daugh- ter, Miss Bessie, are guests of Me. Jas.. Swan, Miss Jean. Ingram of London, who was the guest- of Miss Mary Walker, him returned home. Mrs. Blaine and daughter of Toron- to are visiting their aunt, Mrs. D. Stong. Rev. Hall and Mrs, Woods am holidayieg in Leaden and ,St. Thom- as, Rev. Charles Mustard of Toronto occupied the pulpit of the Presbyter - Can church last Sunday. Miss Preemie Swan is visiting in Goderich. Mr. George Swan 11)0411 Sunday in our village. 11Its. Mains° and Children of Clin- ton are geniis of Mr. Edgar Patti- son. Mr. acid Mrs. D. ,Mtutroc spent Sunday at Grand Bend, Rev. Charles and Mrs. Mustard of Toronto are the guests of Mr. IVIess tail's father, Mr, Alex. Mustard, The Kelly Mission Circle are hav- ing a tea at the home of Mrs. , Hugh Aikenhead on Thursday of this week. Miss Margaret Ross is visitiug 111 Bly Miss Mabel Turner has internee trainee pleasant visit to Marmara. Mrs, James Teener, who was the guest of her sun, Mr. George Turn- er of Drayton, has returned home. The many friends of Mr. Robt. McCartney1 of the Mill Road will be sorry. 13hear lie met 'with melte a bad accident Thursday last, when he fell oil a load of grain and slim& on the wagon tongue beiceting several ribs' and gettlag a bad shaking up. Mr. ;Rose Scott and his sister Miss Elizabeth have interned home from Bowmanville. 34 Blake A 'theceseful lawn social by the Women's Institute was held at the residence of Mrs. John Keys on July 31113. The proceede, amount- ed to sixty-one dollars- and forty-six cents, including receipts Mom tho Kiondyke and retesliment boo 1. The. Heiman band was in attendance. An intetesting meeting was held at the tome of lefts. G. S. Howard on ,Augest leth when It wee decided , to donate av6 doiless to tele Bible 'Society' and fine dollars to the God - Belch branch al the Cibildrens' •Aid. The' president, Mrs. Keys, sent in her resignation, Whitah was not- ac- cepted. There was a -good literary end musical program anda goo& attendance. The next meeting will be held at the 1104315.01 Mrs, A. T. Douglas on Sept, ath at 2,30 ummerhill Mr Asa Mae; is holidaying 'Bider the parental roof. Mrs. 14. MeBrien attended the • fun - era of ”ter brother-inelaw, Mr, Geo, Burns 'of Detroit. , MiSS Tina Mair has returned, to bet bottle after a pleasant week's visit with her ester, Mrs,' II. Brims - Mr, and Mee. Jas. Grieve of Sea - forth spent Stealer the guests of Mr. and Mr. 'Plies. Mason, ' Misses jeckson and IVIre. East of Clinton spent Thaw.* at the home . of Mr. Tyner. Stanley Township The 'farmers of this vicinity aee most finished with the harvest for another year and all report ,a good Rev. Mr. BorWn of the Varna 'ea- . , , eurt Methodist church is at present having his vacation.' ter, '1'. Wiley took the servicelast Sunday and Mr W Robinson will take eharge on Sunday next. •on tbe following Sun- day the pastor will. be present. Stanley township voters' list has been propered and penten and wits 'first posted lip by Clerk ilichanson on Monday, August 171311, The total number of voters in tbe township is 620, the numb& qualified to serve en juries being, 310. These are also a number of large connections in this township, the largest number, of any ene name being the, Johnstone, their being nineteen voters of that name on the list. 'Ile Reids come a elose steetid with: sixteen names, The Stephensons nurther fifteen, the Armstrongs eleven and the Keys nine. In the cases where these families are all located in, one, polling seb-divielon they might easily ,11011 the balaiice of. power inmany elections and it would behoove the candidates io reckon with them. , Mr. Albert Redmond of Marlette, is visiting his numerous ' old time friends in Stanley Urine vehom he always receives a most cordial greeting. He was accompanied bp his son George and wife, who expect to return to Marlette this week. They travel by auto. Marriages LITTLE—WASMAN—In Clinton on August 181211, by Rev. S. j. Al - lin, Nettle B., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.' IP. Wasman, to John Little of Essex. IPRASER—IVALTON—In St. Paut's church, Clinton, on August 19th, by Rev, C. E. ,leakins, fernier rector, Winnifred, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walton, to Frederick Fraser 'of Goderfch. LAWRENCE--SALKELD—A 11 Goder- ich on August 13.t1i, Frank Law - mew and Rota ,Salkeld, both of Goderich. • ' GROSE—GUEST—In London tewn- ship, on August 1.80, Irene, daughter of the. late Mr. John Guest of Clinton, to Earle Grose of Toronto. Births aleKNICHITI—On the London Road, Tuckerstnith, on Aug. 171;11, to Mr, and Mrs. J. '1'. McKnight, a daughter. FORRESTER—Tit Hamilton, on Aug- ust 18thr to Mr. and 1VIrs, An- drew W. Forrester, 680 Main St., East, a son, (Andrew Dituke). BARBER—In Seafosth oa August 61,11, to Mr. and Mrs. 0: A. Bar- ber, a daughter. ROSS --In Seafoeth on August 101311, to Dr. 14. le. and Mrs. Ross, a son. HOWSON—In Whigham on August 81313, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Howson, a son. Deaths 110111—In Seafor th, on -A ug us t 11t11, Clara; .Jnn 3811111, aged 10 pears, 6 months end 11 days. CA.MI1le0N--Tn Exeter on August 110, Catheeine McCulloch, vett of the late Hugh Cameron, aged 86 years. GROVES—At (.4 ode rich on Augus t 12th, Nina, widow of the late George Groves of St, Catharines, aged' seventy-seven years. PURSE LOST.—ON ALBERT ST., on Saturday evening last a hand bag, embroide,red in colors, con- taining a small sum of money and a pocket handkerchiel. The finder will much oblige by. leaving at Hunniford'e Grocery Store, —46-1 , FARM WANTS:Ds-ABOUT 80 AC - res with buildinge,. convenient to Clinton possession preferred this fall. Prepared to pay .cath.—Ad- dresS Drawer 11, Clinton. —46-2 PRIVATE KINDERGARTEN -1 AM ee-commencing mp lirivate Kinder- . garten on Sept. 1st in the little sellout from 9 a.m, to 11.30 a.m. and Svould like IL 1imited number of pupils between tale ages of 4 and 7 years. Ter/11S $.1.00 per month -in , ad v vice .—Itazel 0' Neil. 40-1 HELP WANTED.—TBE CLINTON Evaporator will open, about Sept. 10th when the services of several women will be required for, trim - ening. Aey desiring work •should apply to the undersigned.—Wm. Rutledge. '' . —16-1 NOTICIS•TS HEREBY GIVEN 'PE AT a ()mixt Will he held, putsuant to The Ontario Voters' List Act, by I-Iie Honour the Judge of the Coun- ty Court of the County of Huron, at the Council Chamber in the ` Town of Clinton, on Tuesdap, the First day of September, 1911 at , 9 o'clock- ems, to hear ani deter- mine complaints of errors and osa- isaions in the Voters' List of the nemicipality of Clinton for 1911. Dated at Clinton this 10t11 da,y of August, 1914,—D, L. Macpherson, Town Clerk, Clinton. .46-1 HOUSIS AND LOT FOR SALE.—A bargain if taken at once. A cora- modioue nine roons story arta a half frame house in good repairs stone fouedation and cellar. A2bput three-fourths of an acre, with num- ber a ,goo,d bearing apple trees. Situated on (met side of Vietotia street and next: to Doherty switeh. Known as Butler -property, 'Penns to suit. Apply on peerrueee, or to W. 8. Downs, Rattenbury, street, East t BOOMERS' „WieNTISIS—erila ITN- dersignea is prepared to aecommo,' date •a linsitscl eunliser of lady students with ,roopie.—Miss White- , • ly, flutoa street. a-10 CREAM WANTED, -- DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for eons. We supply two cans free, Pay all exprees cheeses and 15800 cheques twice, each month, cheques payable at par. We pay tbe high- est :market prices consistent with an honest test. :Vesting dime by a canupetent man. Each gam careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned, l'hose in the vicinity of Kinburn limy leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it hero. Write for cans and give its a trial. —The Seaferth Creamery, Box 486, Sealer th. VOTERS' LIST 1914.—MUNICIPAL- ity of the Township of Stanley in the County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have tramline tel or delivered to • the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act the copies required by sucli sections to be transmitted or delivered of the List made, pursuant to the said Act, _of all persons appearing by the last Assessment Roll of the aaid Municipality to be entitled to vote at elections of members of the Legislative Assembly and at ,Munt- cipal Elections and that the said lisb was first posted up at my of - flee in the township of Stanley on the 17t13, day of August, 1914, and remains there for inspection, El- ectors afe called upon to examine the said list and 0 any omissions or other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 20113 day of August, 1914.—Robt. J. Richard- son, Township Clerk, —46-3 EARM FOR SALE 13.611110 LOT 14 Maitland can. Townghip Of Colborne consisting of 90 acres, all cleared, clay loom and first-class wheat land, 4 acres of young beating or- chard and small fruits, 2 good wells Good frame dwelling with ,cellar un- derneath and good barn and stables. Driving shed with cement pig stable underneath. The fences are in good. condition, e mile from ch001, Erma Holmesville and 9 from Clin- ton Will be sold on reasonable terms.—Apply on the premises or address Thos. Pennington, Holmes- ville P, O. —45 9.ISACHER WANTED BY S. S. NO, 8, Goderich Township, duties to commence 1st of September. State salary and experience.—Apply Allred Nand, Secretary, Walter Weston or Alex. Sterling, Bayfield P. 0. 45-3 i2X11CUTORS SALE—THE, OSBALDs estotafesen on the Huron, Road, God - erten township, 150 acres mose or les, will 130 offered for sale at auc- tion on Saturday, Sept. 12t1s, prox at 3 p. ns. at the town hall, Clin- tome-For particulars apply to W. Brydone, Clinton —45-3. 3UTTERMILK ,e -ANYBODY ' WANT- ing fresh blittermilk cm have same on Wednesday of each week at Hol- inesville butter factory by phoning 4 en 143, —34, FARM FOR SALE—THE EXECU- tor of the Southeonine estate of- fea:s for sale 50 acres, being east half of lot 28, con, 6, Hullett, This is a first class farm, well watered and improved with good buildings and orchard, also seven acres' of bush land.—Apply to It. J. South - combo, Clinton 0.0. —24 THE CORNED STORE Live and Let Live Headquarters for the Best Pickling and Table Vinegar. ...P; Every housekeeper who' put up .her own pickles knows the importance of a good vinegar. lecinteeWhite Pickling Vinegar is distilled from cereals and so being free Isom vegetable matter is a perfect preserva- tive. It is absolutely pure and wholesetne of ginat strut - gbh and fine flavor. ALSO HEADQUARTERS FOR THE BEST PICKLING SPICES. E. E. HIJNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. CIGARS and TOBACCO Having' put in a stock of cigars of tbe most popular brands and also tobaccos I respectfully solicit a share of your patronage, if you aro a striOker. riELvtiv NeXt Berland's Feraitere Stores GOLD,COIN SEED WHEAT We have a quantity of Gold , Coin Seed Wheat for sale, This wheat has been preyed to be ones of the best var1et/0e to stand our severe winters, giving an extra large yield this yea's. SPPIC'IAL FALIS WHEAT FERTILIZERS. if you will compare the re- sults of GUNN'S SHUR- CROP PERPILIZER with others in this district you ' conveneeci that there are none better. Try our brand this season mid prove for yourself, 10,000 cloven new laid eggs and 1,090 bens and chickens wanted each weak at top pric- es. We are wholesale agents for O•unn's cured meats, Ask your dealer for Gurtn's break- fast bacon and • picnic hams. They aro winners.. Prices Moderate. GUNN, L,ANGLOIS CO. The Up-to=date Firm CLINTON. N. W. Irrewadha, Wm. Jenkins Slabs ior Sale ALSO 12 INCH WOOD. Stapleton Saw Mill. Are You Using Glasses. Many people are using glasses but many more should. If they did it would save them eye strain, causing headaches, and preserve the sight longer. A. proper testEby an optician will tell. Le.t us make the test for you'? A. J. GRIGG 17-41 Je-V-veler and Issuer of Marriage Licenses. IIECLA FURNACES LEAD. CALL IN AND SEE THE AD- VANTAGES OVER ANY OTHER MAKE AT R. ROWLAND'S HARD- WARE, OR PHONE 53. THOS. HAIVKINS PLUMBING and TINSIVIITHING. 1 SECOND HAND RADIANT HOME WITH OVEN roll SALE CHE'AP. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. PLUMBING AND HEATING The North End Feed Store. We keep in stock a full line of ANIMAL INVIGORATORS and POULTRY, a,nd STOCK, FOOD, as well as the BEST GRADES 017' FLOUR and PRODUCE, also FERTILIZe ERS and BINDER TWINE, Call and the as and get prices, - When in town. We are alse agorae for the HeinteMan Piano. Ol1 ones taken hi. exchange fot new ones, Frank W. Evans (Anton,. TERMS 2 'CASH, , Phone 192 1 ptAorlio.tydh uoo cui tgashil ebsnpi f eciaily shctoiasdi # ples, such as flour and su- $ Ear, have always advanc- ed and iiu the present war have already done so. W, ; T. O'Neil, does not pm,- $1 / pose taliing advantage of ‘4, t the war panic to raise the /1 ; price of anything unnec- t; essarily' but rather if DOS,- - • sible to sell at a closer 0, # margin than ever before, ; • lo prove the above asset- .1 $ tion we will continue to / sell Redpath's Granulated •1 Sugar at wholesale price. if # We invite you to call and • con2pare our prices with $ • some of our neighboring $ $. towns, $ $ W. T. O'NEIL • Where the Good PHOTOS Come From. • As I have opened a Studio at Blyth, iny Studio in Clinton will be closed every Tuesday. I ana prepared to go to the countrp on my Saxon Car. and do any work you wish to have done within short notice. Phone 66. Clinton . OTTO FINK Photographer. 25 Cents will pay a sub, to The News-Rec. ord to end of 1914, Anything yk.ma want &tie in Roofing Ravetroughing Plumbing 01 Furnace work. Gall and see out Stock before placing your order. BYAM & SU1TTER Sanitary, Plumber* Phone 7s • ^ IT WILL PAY YOTJ TO USE THIS column for For Sale, \Vented, Found, Lost, Ete. advts. A11 who have tried it sap so. Canadian National Exhibition PEACE YEAR America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Exhibits by the Provinces F,xhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by West Indies Grenadier Guards Band Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto -Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Dozen Shows in Single Hour Boy Scouts' Review Canada's Biggest Dog Show BABYLON Greatest Oriental Spectacle ever presented on Continent Paintings from England, Scotland, United States and Canada Educational Exhibits Goods in Process of Making Athletic Sports Aero-elydroplane Flights Grand Water Carnival' Creatore's Famvous Band Score Of Other Bands Dozen Band Concerts Daily Chesapeake and Shannon Biggest Midway ever Peace Year Fireworks International Peace Tattoo to Bands 400 Musicians Aug. 29 1914 'Sept. 14 TORONTO NEWS -RECORD NEWS -LEADER,