HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-08-20, Page 1lintQn News�ec No. `1846—36th'Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2011i, 1914. THE HOME PAPER will pay a subscription to The News - Record, to an for new subscribers only, art of Canada, o end of 1914. Sur carving se,, o n. Y• a' e 1 n c d d it e,. Y t 0 Y matte 1, er r s; is ;r THE CLINTON MARKET. !'heat 81.00, Oats 40e. Bayle 50c. YMa, Butter 0e to 22n: Eggs 20e to 22c. Live Hogs $9.00. NEAR THE WAR. CENTRE. Mr. and Mrs. PAsheir of. Denver, brother and sieter-in-law of Mrs. R. B. Manningof town who with their two children and a nurse with have been abroad for some'weeks, were on the borders of Switzerland when the war broke out. They in- tended spending the winter in Porus, Mr. Fisher in the study of arehitec- tura and Mrs, Fisher in music, but owing -to the fact that their tetters of credit would not be honored after the opening of hostilities they may have been suffering some inconvenien- ces, They wired home -to have mon- ey wired therm but even this coulee` note be done last ,week and their friends this side of the.water are quite anxious concerning them. A THRESHING IN TOWN. Mr. T. H. Cook, " the liveryman, gathered in his harvest the end of last week and had all pxeparations to thresh out his stack of oats on Puesday morning. The heavy rain, however; interfered, but the via°bine was set fn place and in the afternoon the busy hum of the thresh- er wa,5 heard ust opposite Tile News- j Record •office. The operation'was watched with much interest by "the neighbors," many of whom no doubt had assisted at many a threshing bee on the old farm in the days gone by. Tlie farmin' editor of The News- Record feared the grain was too wet to thresh well, but hopes it won't "heat" and that "Tim's" steeds will thrive on it during the coming fall and winter, A PRETTY IIOBII (BEDDING, A pretty Iitt[e floor wedding tool. place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. le. Wasman at high noon on Tuesday when their eldest (laughter, Nettie Beatrice, was united in mar- rdage to Mr. John R, Little 0f Es- sex'. The bride, who was given away. by her father,, entered the drawing -room to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played •by Miss Stella Wigging- ton and took bei place beside the groom in front of a bank of ferns and (towers, The bridal couple were unattended , and the ceremony was performed by Rev. 0. J. Allis. The bride wore her travelllna cos- Lone, a tailored suit of mode worst- el twill with blouse of s:l; crepe with shadow lace and earl trim- P slings, and hat to match. Only the family and inunedinte friends were present at the eerentony, During the signing of the register lIiss Wiggington sang "Sweet Gene- vieve," in good voice, g When the ceremony was over and tie bridal pair'had received the con- gratuilations of those present all sat down t0 a daintily served wedding luncheon in the 01)11113 r00111, wli]c]n was prettily decorated with flowers, the color scheme being pink and. b white, The bride was the recipient of many very handsome wedding tokens from Friends in town and elsewhere, and Mrs. Little left on the afternoon train for a trip to C'le, e• land, Detroit and otherwits points and on their return will take up their residence in Essex, • The bride was a papular young lady and will be much missed, among her circle of friends who heartily join in wishing her and her hu.shand long life, prosperity and happiness. SATURDAY'S FIRE. On Saturday evening about sis-thin- Ly : o'clock fire was discovered in the Hotel Normandie barn and the brt - ade was quickly upon the scene. q t n The (ire started in the ono -vv and owingto the Fact that it was well stocked with hay the; flames smould_ erect there for some Lirne before, lir] ing discovered and had gained con- siderable headway. > The firemen work- ed valiantly and against heavy odds as the smoke was sq dense at tomes as to be almost. suffocatinsg and the barn being tinned on 115 outside it was found difficult to get an opening to admit of streams of water - direct- ly upon the blaze. Atter a couple of hours or so of hard work, with three lines of hose, the flames were exon- gBouished, the building: being badly damaged and the contents almost completely destroyed. The Norneanclie team was, when the fire bloke out, on the bus meat:ng London and the evening trains from Lon Toronto and as it happened there was but one horse in the building, 1 he animal- belonged to Mr, Copeland of g' Bayfield and had been driven over in the afternoon by.. a couple of lads. When pulled 11010 the burning bliilrl- in through a hole broken in: the s, g wall, the sense had herr oei• come by;the .douse smoke and was.13th, apparently dead: Artificial respire- Dr .' ll tion was resorted to by s Ba and h vans and the anLmat was brought around, but 'a couple , of hours. hard work were, afterwards put in on the horse by the veteeinar- les and several willing workers who seenned to take as much interest 11 the dumb brute as'if it had been a human being. The horse recovered and was taken back to Bayfield on Tuesda y• The origin 01 the fire is not known. �; The loss is partially coveted by in- ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. kir Mra: lr. Lyon OF hondesboro announ- cess the engagement of her "daughter, Etta Mar to NTr, Darnel Everett Y Dewar of Louden, the marriage to take place early in September." WILLS CHURCH, Rev, Dr. Stewart preached Cn • this church on Sunday last, Next'. Sunday and the one following the pulpit will supplied b Rev. 1), W, 'l urner of Y Blyth and on the first Sundayin Y September the new pastor, Rev, i+', C. Harper, will be in charge, his in- duction taking place on the 3rd, BRIGHTENING UP. Since The News -Record opened the Brighten -Up campaign last spring •.a number of private' residences and places of business have been brighten' ed up by the painters, About the latest is the evaporator which looks like a new place, thanks to the brush skill of W. Mason and W. Rutledge. atter is the soil -manager of file The ty so has a two -Fold pros- for wanting tor wanting to see the building pees- eat a neat appearance, Case is not expected over from P Rose, N.Y., until the season opens. LOSING GOOD MEMBERS, 1 The fee_ e :be congregation ofY Ontario street church, prior to hat departure from town, the family hay- ing started for the west on Mouday, sent to Mrs. Setif Fisher a case of silverware ,containing tea knives-, forks and spoons, aceontpaaied by an address. MIS. Fisher has been, an es- teemed worker in the various de- partments of church activity and this parting gift, was bub a mall token of the appreciation in which her ser -' vises were held by her, fellow -labor- ere: 'Pile removal of this family from town is much regretted and. They will be especially missed in Ontario street church, A CHURCH WlsDDivel, ' A dainty wedding took place i1) St, Paul's chureh a0 high noon yes- terday when 1s he marriage of whin i_ freci, eldest (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walton 0f Lown, and lir. 1recicrick Fraser of 1 oderich, was solemnized. Promptly at the hour appointed the bride entered the church Ieauiug 0n the atm of her rather and accom- ponied by Miss Pearl Buller, who acted as undid of Honour, and was met at. the altar by the groom and His brother, Mr, .Eriutst Fraser, who was hest, elan. The ceremony was perfor0icd by Rev. U. h;. ,Deakins 0f Brantford, formerly rector of St, Paul's. The bride was charmingly g y gowned in chaunpaign satin with trimmings ul' silk and rel, x'ore a bridal vert caught up with a wreath of orange blossoms, and carried a shower boquet of white ascots and 1liaidCll- hair fern, The bridesmaid's gown was of pints satin with overdress of shadow lace and she carried pink astots and fern, lit the conclusion of .the eevemony the bridal party dull guests drive 10 the hone of the bride's parznts, Rattenburystreet, where the wed- ding luncheon was partaken of and Mr. and Mrs. Fraser left by the three o'clock train for a honeymoon tri to Toronto and Muskoka; P Among the gents present from out of town were : Mrs. Ada Fl:as- er and Mr, Ernest Ptaser of Ruder_ ich, mother and brother of the groom, M1,.Burch of Toronto and Nfrs. Moore and little sun and Hndere iss Fox of Goderiele The News -Record joins with the friends of the young couple in wish- ing theca a happy and proseerous married life, SUCCESSFUL. LAWN SOCIAL, 'he Kiltie Band held a ver}t sug' oessf it social on •the grounds of Mr, W. Wheatley on Thursday' evening' of last week. The evening was' fine, g there was a good turnout of citizens, the band dispensed sweet music dor- ung the evening and a, pleasant time \1'as spent generally: 'Pickets were sold for a fortnight or so previously and fifty dollars worth or prizes, twenty-five prizes at allythe were distributed and much interest" was manifested to such distribution. Miss Kate Sheppard was found to he the possessor of the •Lic1et ,hear- sag the lucky number and was ac- cordingly awarded the first -prize,. 500 pounds of coal 2nd prize, umbrella, W. J. Nedieer, 3rd, wicker chair, Ambrose Me- (lune. , 2th, 50, pounds flour, Mrs, A. -Mac- ' .kenzie. _ r.' 1 daft shoes,n 't nth , ] o c'aimee. :6th man's hat, Helen Forrester. 7th, carving set, Miss Twitchell. 8th, China set Harry Shaw, i Y 9th, hall rack, Cissy. Kennedy, 10th, sugar bowl, Ruby Graelis, 11th, 300 lbs coal, 0, A. Brad show, pipe 12tH r of stdumas umbrella, Mrs, W.' Ladies' h , Butt., - 1th cake knits G. D, Roberton, 1� y lfith, 1Tuns shoes Joh n i'0ri 16th, 200 Its. coal, Charlie. Cook, 171h, 25 lbs. flour, :Frank Audrewe, '18th, box cigars, Nur. Libby, 19th, perfume, 20th, 25 tris, flout. 21st, box ciges, G, D. Roben:ton. 22nd, Chung bowl, 0. D, Roberton, 23rd, tunbrella. 24th berm bowl Dorothy. Rattuen- Y- bury, Y, 25th, Miss Ward. nOth t' J h Salve Ei\TCFAC+EMENT ANNOUNCED. Mir. and Mrs, S. J. Andrews an-, nounce the engagement of their` da daughter, .Erma 5,, to Mr. p', F. Gillies, the 'Wadding to lake •- place on September seventeenth. ," CLINTON GIRL APPOINerI D, Miss Ruby Katy, daughter of Mrs. Kitty of town, who has had a num- her of years' experience as a teacher, for •solve; thine as prmelee ' of the Llo dt y own Public school, and who has just finished her commercial specialist course at Toronto Univet- city, has been engaged by the C. i, board as agnlme_cial teacher to fill the vacancy left live the resignation of Miss Stone. Miss Kilty is a min. ton giri and her many friends in town will congratulate her upon her appointment to ' the teaching staff of her home school. ONT. CHURCH. The pastor preached at both servic- cis on Sunday last. At the morning service he was' assisted by Mr. e, a former local preacher C. S. connection in connection with the congregation, and in the evening byRev. Kenneth g Beaton. A. large audience listened with leaf int,orest to tbe, pastor's g „ . Phases discow a on Som° 1 ha es of the War and the Call to Prayer." On'Sunday next the church auditor- rum; which has been 010sgd fol sono weeks for renovation and repair, Wit l • ire re -opened with appropriate servic- es morning and evening. IT WILL BE INTERESTING. , On Friday evening the Brotherhood of Wesley cliureil will hold a meeting at the home of Mr. W. Doherty which will be addressed by Rev. J. K. Fait- full, pastor of the Baptist church, The. subject will be "Fighting mach- Cies and ]low to Handle them." Mr. Fairtu!1 is well qualified to spear; upon this subject, which at this par- titular time will home a peculiar in• terest, as for sixteen years, half of the time as foreman, he was employ- ed at the 1. swiek-Ordinance Works, Newcastle -on -9 yne, where they malt ufacture guns and guns carriages for field and ship, 1rnln torpedo to Dread- nautiht size, GROSE—GUEST WEDDING. 00 Tuesday al the homestead in LOntlon townslup Mitis Irene, claugl1- ter of the late Mr. John Guest of town, was united in marriage 10 Mr, Earle Gres° of Toronto. The wed- cling was a YCrY quiet One owing to the recent death of the bride's lath- et, only iiunedial° Mende of 1 -he two faun ii}es being present. families Miss Guest has visited in town 0n various occasions and will be remern_ betel •bp many here, who will join in congratulations and good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Grose will 15 (11.. i1 l'oronto, Mies Gladys Cantclon was a guc,i• at the wedding on Tuesday and ,play- ed the wedding march, ,1LREADY SHIPPING. YI°ssrs. C'antei0n Bros. have been shipping plums during the past well t'lle season hoeing opened about two weeks earlier than usual, 'rats 11110- has been in businaas fur over 11)111y years and they yearna handle :1 toy large amount of fruit, Lhis, year haw- ing contracted to Handle from nue g lower atone, Mr. C. Hoare, fifteen hundr0d . liasicets. In ^0nv1rsatiol a member n[ the turn PHe News -Record eves informed 'that a Pe°ulnar feature of the husl;n as. ns that some years ago the y were ban- (1capped ly the fact that fruit of all descriptions matured and lapelled a couple of weeks earlier In some other parts of the province !Ita-v in Qllnrgri frill COrlSet]ll°nLdy the I)e9t �'F the market was gone before " the fruit from this: county reached it • These cenditlons have been gridna l,r changing, however, and eliteIn is •this 'ear •in •the •fcirefi•ont, ;lt least as'far as hunts are coneel:nad. gII3 1 perishagle nature of the mop, es- pecially of 'the early variety of plums, make it a difficult one to handle with 11 ofiL to all corccrned' P6ople You Know. Rena Pickett of the postollice, miss R stall is holidaying this week. t with Miss Lulu Elliott Of Varna. Miss Wiggington left Tuesday atter-. noon to' attend the ni11inery open-' ings. Mins Irla Walkinshaw spent t]ne -vveeir- •end as the 'ues,t of, Miss Gladys Chowen at their •slunme • cotta e •t A Bayfield: RISC Tichbonle of Cloderich is the guelst this week of Mr, and Mrs, C. • • holland. G, L, Ta. for oP London s y pent the week -end in town with Mr, and Mrs. J. Talnlor, Mrs. Jordan of Alden, N.Y., is vis- iting at her brother's, Mr, Chas. L. Glew's, Piullett, Mr, Harvey Elliott of Godetiali spent a few hours in town on Tuesday on his way to '1"croute, nZessrs. Tom Herman, Ike Rattem bdty an P WCLbul. Ford left Monday for a•tti down the St. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kemp arid Miss Nei, he visited Mr. and lits. R. Rath, lea,sMr. day. Wawanosh, on the seventh day • Mr. S. Agnew, salesman in J, Ri. gdap N'ewconlhe's big dry goods estab- lishment at Fort William le home for a visit. The Misses Holmes, who have been visiting their sister, Mrs, H. B. Chantfora, fortnight, left For r 5t Catharines yesterday. lit 1-1. E. Paull, apcountant Molsons Bank, returned. Monday from holi' detyin ' at Morrisbur g where Mrs. g 6 Paull awakes a longer stay. Mrs. Maguire and children have been visiting the lady's brother, Mr. Ed- gar Pattison, G.T.R. agent at Brucefieid, during the past week. Mr. Il, A. Hession returned to Tor- onto our Saturday after a fort- night's -visit at the home, of his mother, Mrs. '1', lt:ession of town. Mr, Chas, Donaldson of Wiugbeen, who accompanied his wife and tam. ! � ily ore Monday to visit his parents at Bayfield, was in town Tuesday and }•esterday, Mrs. Jannis Livermore attended the funeral of little Clara Muir oi' Sea- I'Ortlt who mat death in so tragic a manner lash week by: being 1010111- lred it a nun of wheat, Mss Gladys C.antelenr was in London townslltp tie beginning of this • week 1001 on 'Puesday attentl£d the Giese —1 i^est wedding, at which she pial ed the wedding music. Dr, dud, Mrs. 'i'hr,n ipsbn. returned Sal- urday from a visit in St. Mary's and Toronto. The Dr.. has coin- om- pletely recovered from the effects of his recent operation and has resent- ed his practice. lIisses CII and ilT}rile 1Zouson of London, after spending a couple of weeks with lir. and Mrs. Bert Langford, left on Tuesday for Luck- now 4n finish out {,licit vacation. Me. Chas. Colwell, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. Cunning- havoc of town and Mr. and Mrs. I1. i1. Rorke at their camp' at Burk's, left Tuesday for Cleveland. Mrs. C-01wcll is remaining for a longer' S visit, Mrs. D. L. C'raustnn of Port Arthur ]las been .the guest o[ her patents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Jobs Torrantt; titre- ing the past week. Mo. Cranston is expected the end of the week and will spend some time in toren before leaving t0 again take up his teaching duties, principal Bouck arrived in town on Monday from bis sumniel: eatta;;e at Iroquois, where his family will re - ma nt fog a fortnight longer, and also 110111 a shot v[sit with his latents at lforrishurg. Mr. Boicic re5urned for the opening 01 111 NIotlel school on Tuesiltiy. er•r. Robert .Beacom of Pinford, NTicln., who thirty - flue veers ago was n familiar figure 0n the streets °f Clinton'but is only ltnonvn by Liner or tout of our present bus- Mess men, was in town yesterday. He Is spending a waelc or so with Go b clbrr, Mr. Joico Beacom, Gode, nein tonin rs J ].. and Mrs. C'olclou'h after Rev. I S some days visit with the L'oaner's mother on the Tiase, Line, ]eft. on Friday; Mr, C'olclough for : Peter- bore >vhelr, he took the services in Anglican church on Sunday: IIe then returned to Toronto where he and his wife wilt spend several days with the latter's parents be- lure again taking up Chrt: work at Lloydtown• Rev, C. I . and Mrs. Jenkins and lYiastm Reginald of Brantford ace this 1we°l;.thr. guests of Clinton friends; and on Sunday Mr. Jeakins' will conduct services hi St, Paul's church, Mr. Jeakins' father anii brothe are now in 1 urope on e pleasure jaunt and their friends are somewhat anxious lest ,they, are subjected to trouble and ineonvienee before 'being a�hle to embark For holm, Bagie1d, Se "Andeeeties Sunday -school picnic. in JowetC's grove nest Nies. Jahn Moore and 1<iiss Niarnce Moore of Mount Albert are guests of Mrs, George Copeland, Nies: •Robert Beatty and (amity Wingnain visited kr, and Mrs, Erwin this week motoring down Monday. Rev. Mr. Jennings' dieeourse Sunday la Trinity church was ly enjoyed by the goodly congrega- Lion which heard hits, A steam yacht from Detroit lay our harbor Por sonic time last Mr, Charles Woolidge of Toronto the guest 01 his aunt, Mrs. • Stanley, The weather •being unfavorable, much wind, our fishermen have reaped mach of ac harvest the 1veek., Dr. Smith left on Monday for day or two's trout fishing at burner stirs, Chas: Donaldson and family thin ham arrived. on Mondayand g spending the week, with Mr. Mrs. Donaldson Sr. Mr. Donaldso accompanied them over but left P this being a busy ;season hum, Mr• Eugene Sander and Wilber win motored up from Berlin on clay and on theft return wore companied by Mrs. Sauder, who been visiting her parents here by her brother Frankie. Albert Redmond and Mi, Mrs. iNii0 George Ronde i of ficId llieh., spent Monday in Bayfield. Mr. ,Joe Wilds and daughter Louis, Mo., are visiting his and his brother, Valentine: lir. Henry Plumsteel of (Tinto whose wife and daughter are ing a fortnight' or o in bairn g g y field, spent Sunday in the village, eon -mauled bp Councillor Wiltse, Good Morning ! clear reader, you a \ews-Record subscriber ' ears, C. Wiltse and family, after few months' residen,e in Ba}•fieltl, returned to Clinton week, rvhe 13m./ldon is visiting Wingbai atltl 13cigravo friends. Mrs. Smith of Stratford is visitl0 her sister, Mrs, ('ouch Of Clinton, her summer glome here. Mr. Merncr of the evaporator putting in a gasoline engine to ate his slicers and peelers. IIe tutus, by being ablo to hustle the work, largely increase the put ,,1 n•C;a.l, is eonsideted. one most up-to-date evaporators in district. 11 the• market will it Mr, NIrrner will run to file capacity of his plant, NTrs. George Chesney and child Calgary are visiting with Mrs. Atkinson. Rev, G•, L. Langford of the Middle ton parish will conduct the service Trinity church next Sunday stornin; and at \'51;1)5 and •1' O hen at usual time, That hitching post in front Thomas Cameron's shop is one the landmarks of Bayfield. Its been nil its present p05lti00 for fort earn and before that did s y filar duty in front u the carding that was one oP Ba fielyd's industries, and which yeas located on ihe lot where Mr, Cameron's cottage now stands. This industc disappeared so long ago titan the, oldest inhabitants have any collection of it: Bayfiehil has fared as well as of the summer resorts in the otopota}onateI the number oa oodtdeal P I y, g' than a great kinany. A dozen or o of our citizens t;lie foremanship of Councillor up are a0 -vYOT1{' a lou harbor im men t. Uur fotball Leant, •Cs tootling ward to a s°tics of vineries {he (all season, . 'Cbe fall Fair will ha Bayfield's big clay: he nikinagement pupa: inakhn, it as ani='active. as possible g p 010 citizens tubo grow reaniniseet make comparisons between the when there were many , d taverns in Bayfield to the when we have only two houses accommodation and neither of q nseci: lir. Clouston and Mus•, and Dunnett of 'Toronto are guests' -vvge1r ,0i Mrs. W. F. Cantel011 at ottage on Rivet street, win! Wed a Y the el A. E, on on great - it week i=. Fred. for no pas: Shell o ar an, heti wit: Ei Su a ha an an tt of S moths spells 1Bay } ac :1t ? Balm las a 1 (Met evil alon out 0f the th permi fol c (Dr. ti th of Mr ha OS' sin tui r III n° cul 3 r an matt ibett 00110 Moon n tour fo: durtn uo day Been preset the Mr tb hh •n Iti )'earl Pendants We are showing some ver tett designs in 9 y pretty 9 pleasing contrast to the styles one Usually are strictly correct and fol SECS Yet they ybe low closely the forms prescribed by those have the .say so in ladies ye'uelery.. We inviteyou to come in !and inspect Our " p stock. Prices from $ t o,00 up,Mrs, • -Col., P We X. �/�� ,�e'weler and Optician - - Clinton �� Tmade eQ Royal Banff OF CANADA. Incorporated 1500. Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid-up • 11,500,000' Reserve and Undivided Profits 13,500,000 Total Assets 150,000,000 370 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Deposits. General Banking business transacted. R, E. MANNING, Manager = Clinton Branch ��. r® A C. V Molsons B� - -r Incorporated 1555 Established in Clinton 1870 Capital and Reserve $8,8at),()tldll 1 Ol BRANCHES IN CANADA • GENERAL • BANKING - BUSINESS • TRANSACTED. g1RCULAR Lr:TTERs OF ORL'1]IT. • TRAVELLERS CHEQUES • - • • - 1}ISSUED. BANK MONEY ORDERS ) SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT • At all branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch. ' Ammon IEEADY-T0-WEAR Cr,OTI5090 ARRIVALSMr. • W ORDERED "LC1HINC} E THIS -_...- —. K. ' A $•5® CC �J J • 12 5 t Mens �a�� Hats Y6 �� Caps • 66 .' Suits • .y Ed tc St11t111 6' Sweater Coats ' y s as • at .1-2 1)ric� $t - y� wash sunt •SO <i FG 2 hh t i � t Feo Ie You Know. 1�li.ce Mr. J. Cuninghame is out at the camp this week, , Miss Annie Lawrence vesited in klul- lett For a deer or two last week, Mr, C. A. Barber of the Seaforth Creamery was in town last week. Mr, and Mrs. 'Theo, Sale and family left this week for Prince Albert, Sask. . Mrs. Geo, Ring of Blyth was the guest last. week of Mr, and' Mrs: J. el , Mead el town. Mrs Thos• Dunbar of near: 'i.,0 u , visited bei aunt, Mrs, hauler Sr., of town one day last: week., Miss hood of Brussels has been a guest this week at the home of Me. and NIrs, S, .P, Wasm'in, Mi Dyer of Crediton spent last week with Mr, and Mrs, C. H. Hole N land and other friends in town. Miss Ligtitle and Miss Tteahy of De-' troit aro visiting ••tha fotmer's' uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs, W,, East: Mrs. C. J. Wallis and Family r:etutn- ed home yesterdai1 after a few ,weeks' stay at the lakeside at Burks, Miss Elizabeth Sheppard Of Water- buoy, New Savers; acaonpanind by his neice, Miss Luniee Yates, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J, G. erich tow situ and n p,. he former5 this wools rho guest . of her cousin, Miss Kate Sheppard' ^r t, .,,r-x_t Will Preach 111 St. Paul's Twice Next Sunday. a ... ; sscz;,;,,;: ,, .,,• s ' ,• ''. Bal-Jf1e2[� Mote l3ayfiald news 5, Mr, • James Camay's 'of Toronto is spending holiday's under the pat- eaiehis ho . ental t4of. Mr. Harold Polloelc utas 'one to ''10000to to offal. lnis `services Por the •first Canadian co'ntin ent. Miss. Anhia Beattie of Toronto is 'the nest of leer Sister Mia, A. E„ g bruin, Mr. McLaren of Poet Ki gin is the g nest of Mrs. W. Stilling..S ° T ■ �' `0 « Motto : A • Square i �'� N ■ Deal �O for TN 1 11 N ■ Every Man. » Read Small Advts. Pace R. - -,; . Rev_ C E. Jeakins. •' carving se,, o n. Y• a' e 1 n c d d it e,. Y t 0 Y matte 1, er r s; is ;r