HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-08-13, Page 5kuguq 13th 1914
Clinton News -Record
aasing,,•of a Pioneer'
of ,Goderielt Township•
• .L,
istitive oft,the 0Ounty
WIlere ehe fist
.; • 'CladericIS toynehmit -passed, into
With her 'hitsbana;' •Whei 'departed-
; 1901,'. She 'Came tie Can;
da' in 1344 p,nd .after a eouPle-- of
' . years reSiderice.„ItemetBrantiord moved
„to ,tlie I -Tifton- Ti and ,,took ap.Alse
,arm wher� both .lOirghlt 'life's battle
• •.."- ".to,a.'clesti,. Settling ;in the solid
'bush, biter yeatV ofinclUstry they had
,ssa well cuLtinted. ares Mid enalfdilt"
,able ludrae.
A deeede ago as .tlie result of P,
^tall Mrs, Anderson sustained a free-
. .urc.ot hen hp bone-, Owing , to her
advanced age the. bone would not knit
. and. thus during all idiese years Ms.
' 'Anderson has been unable to mote
• ,altaist' except in an invalid' chair. This
eordiaementIsto one Of :her 'active ,
.iiure had its ellect upon her health
and 'gradually wore her down "so that
• '
death came at last- as e welcome, .ra:
- •
,- •
Mrs. Anderson was a kindly Chris-
. -lien woman . and held, in the very
. -highest esteem by all who :know her.
She was a life-long member of the
' • "Methodist church. Seven sons end
-daughters survisle : 'James, Top-
. , -aka; Kansas; ; Robert 'J., Winni-
" ' •-p_eg, Man. WflhialTh J. and Char -
let A., Aberdeen, S. D. ; George
Mortlaell, Sask. ; Louis A. and
Ben, W. oil the homestead ; Mrs.
. John R. S.helipard, Macklin; Sask. ;
• „ .and Mrs.. John Thoinpson, Bayfield
Line. "
The funeral will take, place to the
, • Bayfield cemetery on Friday after -
ti -• noon.
Hullett Township
Messes. Will Clary of Seaford& and
John Phelan of Goderich spent Sun:-
-.Clay with Ifullett friends.
• Mr. Daniel Shaeahass of. Seaforth
visited at Mr. and Mrs. John Me-
: Intosh's on Sunday.
Miss Mary McIntosh has returned
• home after spending 801110 ..tinie with
. relatives in Seaforth,"
"Mr. Owen Reynolds left the fore-
part of the week for the west.
Mr. John Flynn and Misses tulala
Flynn and Nora McCaughey Sunday -
ed with Dublin friends.
Miss 1VIary Snell' ' • spending a
‘couple of weeks' with Mrs.. Kunkle
•of Niagara Falls. „ . •
• News -Record Means News -Leader.
' • . .
, atitur dangliter;..
Hape Gaudio, of Berlin, are ghost's, at
Mr. I. Cathy° af "Moutteal .joined „
his Wile ,eeid amily jest Week, wIto ,
aret speridnsg, the , situ:inter in the,
• Mrs. J,• Geddes and. Mr's,: Ie. Cd -
des; 'Belgrav,es. and Msa;Ai.leht,
°Mahe. , ere, the ;guests of-tVits..
es ,Fetguson., -• • ;::
The ..campers gave a-, ,hoi) ',in .the
*.paV„ilidri on '',1‘tteiday
. Mrs..130.swielt of Seaforth spent San-
layps the- guest of her parents, Mr.
• sand Mrs. James Mann, Sr,
. Mr. Thos; Tudor of Eugenia spent
a fe.w deo here visiting his daughter
Mrs:- James Mann, Jr., and . son Mn.
Dittman Tudor. ,
A• , Miss. Love of 'Toronto visited. ° her
' sister, Mrs. Ed.), Britton, for a few
- Mays recently. • '
• 'Alr. • Joe Riley has engaged with Mr
Thos. Beatty for- the threshing sea
' 'son.;
• Miss Elsley of Londesboro will ad
dress the Epworth T,eagite next Tees
clay evening, giving .a report of the
summer School recently held at St
••• Holniesville -
Miss "Enieline Holland has been en-
gaged by the SemmerbilL school board
at a salary of 9575, -Miss Holland
taught verp successfully at Ketwood
west of London last year and the
trustees wanted to reengage her but
she preferred being nearer 1OnbC.'
The garden party 'to be held on S.
Sturily'S lawn Tuesday evening ' next
promises to be a very pleasant aftaii
so 1418 expected 'tnere, will be a
bumper attendance. The. Kitty bind
of Clinton Will furniSh' the , Musical
Miss Halls of Detroit is visiting at
the home of Mrs. W. 'Mulholland.,
Mr.; and Mrs. Cliittenden of Myth
were guests at the parsonage on Sun-
Rev, J, Greene took.the service in
the Methodist church on "Sunday ev-
ening. 1VIr. ateene is always welcome
at Holmesville and his ministrations.
are much appreciated. '
Mr, J. Proctor has jus# had ' his
house painted. Mt. Carter of Clinton
doing the work which has grattly.
improved its appearance.
Mrs. Alcock is also putting a coat
of paint on, the Palace. . This village
has certainly been very much improv-
ed this summer. We need some new
houses as it is undeestood if such
were to be obtained • a number of
persons who are desitious of settling
in a nice, coast spot would take pp
residence here. .
Fred Levis, • son of Mr. E. 'Levis,
met with a very serious esecisloat, last
Week- • He was returning frh, the
village when the horse shied and or-
e.eturiled the buggy which struek Fred
on the back of the" head and fractur-
ed the skull. .,The injurji was a very '
serious one lita fortunately Frei has
pulled through and will Shortly . be
,quite himself ' again. • • ,
It has been arranged that- the' an-
'nual thank -offering of •the Methodist
church will be held on Oct, fdurth.
A shipment of cheese was ; made,...9n •
Tuesday to ,the .1VteLaren Company of
Woodstock, the price realiced he-
ing lne per 'pound.- The usual thing
• is for .tife buyer, t� inspect . the 1 cheese
-before it is shipped but from 1, exper-
-Mace having perfect . confidence in
Maker Williams the tgoodsteick' people
directed that.it be sent 'to them with-
out any preliminary. • ,
The rain was much appreciated and
will doan enormous amount/ tit good
as things were beginning to show
Ilia need 'of moisture. .
Mrs. Ladd and ildiss S. . Tebbutt
visited.. over Sunday with Win,gliam.
friends. • ;
The Gotlerich District ,Epworth
I,engue, and Sunday school convention'
will be held in the, Victoria " street
chureb, Cioderieh; 011 Tuesday" , and
Wednesday, Get. 2711i and 28th.
There will be 'three sessions,. 'Tuesday -
evening beginning at 8 o'clock and
Wednesday .morning and Wednesday
afternoon closing, at 1 o'clock. • The
sessions are so arranged as to make.
it very convenient for the delegates
to attend the entire convention and.
only he away from home twenty-four
limirs. The execittive are busy plait-
ning a bright and intetesting pro -
gouts. A record delegation is ex -
Peeled from the young peopla of the
district. '
, Lady/AVIel:Vinl-Jithes ;0''Teitoit1os",has
,beemsPeildhi smile ,"titinp .rif Hotel
"Sunset having ;metered up 'ttom. the,
:QUeen Ottyt, ' " • ."••••'.
Mies }tutchinsoii and. tilies jr;0.
Mitchinson Of )4Viontipet ate hljday-
Mrs„" Geo.; Paltrier, Mrs: R.,Boliion:
and :Miss', TottreBolton have retstined
to their hOmb in Mid:Ph 'after a visit
ots�flbe' Weeks; at the home tif
uncle, •Ath:. 'Janies Mitchell; ; ; ' •
Mr.,, end .Mrs." P,•• G.Dynn and Miss
oyer;r1 Stones
tha City .ol;Strarts last; week'. 'and.
are" the, guestse,Of Mr, Lynn's .,Mother.,
Mr. J. (1. Keefer. 'of the, Norwood
Register and Mrs. Keeler are •viSiting
their relative,s, Mr, and 1VIrs. • A. J.
Pailttidge. •
Mr. 'and Mrs Linderilleld ot Exeter
visited the 154315 mother and -sister,
IVIrs, Grahani and Mlss Maud C-ira-
ham, last tveek.
• .
Rev, W. K. 1 -lager has joined his
wife 'at their summer cottage on the
Georgian Bay and will be absent for
the reMainder of August. Rev, Jos-
eph Deacon of Ridgetown is taking
Mr. I -lager's work during his absence.
• Miss Evelyn Carrie of Toronto is
visiting' her mother Ms. Carrie of
town. •
Miss Agnes Nairn of Detroit • is a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mts.
C. A. Naien.
1Viiss Carrie Shannan Of Detroit is
.speadiag her annual holiday in God-
,erich. She was accompanied by MiSS
141r, Robt.' McNair and children of
Chicago are the guests of the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. IVIiller. Mr.
McNeil: accompanied Ids family to
Goderieh but was obliged to return
immediately to Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Micas and child-
ren have gone to Toronto to spend
some time with the former's parents,
there after a few weeks' iracation 54
Hotel Sunset. • Mr. Harry Climes of
Toronto also spent a few we,eks in
the. ola town. , - , •
Mr. Gordon McKinnon . 'of Toronto
is spending a vacation in town. .
Mrs. Walter Sharman has 'returned
from a months' visit with her daugh-
ters in Detroit
Mrs. (Rev.) James Hamilton and
kiss 'Hamilton are visiting friends at
Janesville, Wis.
Principal Hunie of the 0.1. - has re-
turned from Guelph where he • was
taking a special cdtirse in' horticul-
Mr, Frank Smith of Swift Current,
Sask., is in fowli and. will probably
roman' for some months.
Me,. and Airs. But Flatland of De-
troit are; spending 4 fortnight in
town. Mrs. ITarland is p daughter
of. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Siratman.
' Mr. and Mrs,. W. Proudfoot hatere-
turned from a trip to I he west. .
Gocierich Township
The garden patty held at Mr. Geo,
A, Cooper's an Friday evening last
'was well attended and • the refresh-
ments being excellent and ample, the
eiveather ideal and the company con-
:geniel au enjoyuble eveeihg was
spent. The Kitties, who did ' not
-Stint the number of the): settee-
itions,, gave a Much appreciated pro -
•gram, The affair wea under the aus-
pices of L.O.L. No. 306 who are rais-
ing funds for , hall purposes.
, • Mrs. 4,, Agnew and Master Eldred,
, ;after visiting at the parental home on
'the Bayfield Road, have returned to
• IDetroit •
On Monday of last week Mr• Cleerge
• 'Holland started to Ca thirty-eight
;acres of oats on the Crooks' ftin
• :and on Saturday afternoon he lad it
• threshed by Mr, Gilbert Mairs
et -Lachine, The thresher made good
• 'time a,nd. the yield was good.
Miss Annie' Cooper, nurse-in-traiu-
ins in, tlie gingham hospital, was at
• the ,pargalal home, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. A. Copper's; for 8, couple olt
• days the pasteweek. ••
Mr, 13ett Cooper hes been engaged
• by S.S. o 1, 'fOr the ensuing term.
,-- • Mr, Gough of' London spent a few
days the past week as the guest of
• 1111. T -I. Weetpa of the'Haifield Road.
• St. John's church ate holding their
annual garden party in Mr. T. Mc-
, Ash's grove this, evening and a good
time is anticipated as tills is usually.
.popular, entertainment• McKillop .
nunsbets'Iroin "town, went out tic)
see thfi raiSflig of .•Ifr, W. Sloan's,
tiarn liilli,lllctt last • iveelr,
Miss Fleishman; has retintned to her '
horrie , ixi WeBeeleti al9t a Tielt "With
the 1V/1itnee Begley 01 Own- '
• Mr:, H. W.-Hugtiee ••;if Owen Spend
and MISS., Hughes of :Durham yMited
;their sister, Mrs. (Rev.) li4ar,r, for a
,few days recoatly. , •
Tho MisSeS Merritt 01 London have
been 4110 guests .of. the Misses
Mr, and Mrs. Pafford' and Mt. and
Mrs. Veale of Ingersoll and Miss Nel-
lie Neil of Stra,tfora have been guests
of Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Neil,
Mr. and Mrs. John Forbes of 'Hous-
ton, Texas, were in town the the re-
union. They were the guests of the
former's, beother, Mr. A.. E. Forbes.
' Miss 'Neelin of Fergus and"Nfr. Fred
Neelin, of Buffalo visited thdir patents
Mr. and Mts. F. 11. Neelin, last week.
Mr, Stewart. Scott of Brussels and
Mr. W. Brine of Toronte spent last
week with,Mrs. Thine of GOtiCtiC11 St,
Mr, L. L. McFall has returned from
an extended tour through the west.
\Mr. II. Livins of Detroit and MiSs
M. Livins of Windsor were guests at
their Mime in town last iveelc.,
Mr. 1-larry VanEgiroond of Bay Cites
Mich., who has been absent from Sees.
forth for over tnitty years, was the
guest of Mrs, W. YanEginotid. during
014 Ilmne week,
hIrs J, lsreal and son, Aft. Russel
Isegal, of Walken:vine have hum the .
guests of 1Ver, and Mrs, Cadmore..
Me. and Mrs. „Stiles, who have been
residing in Goder:ch for same tinie,
license and will return to town to re-
side' veny shortly. • . •„
Messrs. Will and 500111 flays of Re-
gina are visiting their patents, Mr.
and Mrs T E. . I-Tays
. Mr. Russell Hays of the Soo is hots
M0ying at .his. IMine in town• ,
Mr. W. C. BICKay . of Toronto was
home during Old Home` week.
Mr. W. fe. Shea of Detroit was pro-
bably the oldest, •'"old boy” present
nithe • teen:Mon 'held .las It' week. NT.,
Shea is :ninety years 'of age arid was
keenly interested in .everpthing which,
took Place. • I -Ie Was the. guest ,while
in, town of las, daughter, Mrs. It. S.
The people turned out to. ;be old ,
'reenion and. firemen's , 1.eurtia-
1ilent 10 Seaforth itt droves.
Ale, J. J., Itvine lias been • on a
• pleasaist yis,it to' tile phi. laoineitead
BlaeShard township.
• ,• .:Aluels sympathy, 15 1011 for the
of Mi. Fred.: Eckei:t; 1,11:s. lilcbert
haViug: been removed by des,01, • ,
The, late rains have been of great
• bele ; to -4110 pastures and "root. crops,.
" A, lake amouiM Of oata and
Was bit stook, last week. Both erops
, ero good. , ,
• "Api#eS and pears, are, going ,t")be
plentiful in this section. aii,d we
; trust -the buyers.. will pay' us o visit
atter . While., ••
•., • „ ' ' . '
' ' ivice411.0,y0 of, London waa the
;guest"; of Alisa•loloi:enee '.Fowlereduting
71r;4110 Mier ,C. ,Bhe SA, have bken
visit,ing idea& at Stratford and Ber-
Mise Wright cif,Dunda,s 'has been the
guest of her sister, Mrs. T. Wood -
Miss Rene Bennett has returned. to
Toronto after a fortnight's vacation
spent ather home here,
Work on Mr, 0, E, MeTaggart'e
new regidence on Dinsley street is go-
ing on nicely. It will probably be
ready for occupancy in October.
Mrs. L. 0. Charlesworth spent last
week with Seatorth friends.
Miss Verne Bennett of Toronto was
home last week holidaying.
Miss Lizzie Brown of Weyburn,
Sask., has beeu vfsit:ng hex sister,
Mrs.T. Stewart,
Mr. Robt, Stater left last week on
an extended visit to his daughter at
Smith Falls.
Miss Nora McCaughey visited Clin-
ton friends last week.
1VIr. Wm. Campbell and Mss Eva
have returned to their home in Tor -
Onto after a visit with friends herea-
A new smokestack has been erected
ots ,the power house to replace the
one blown down a short time ago.
The lack of power was a great in-
convenience to town dwellers.
News -Record Means News -Leader.
• Dungannon.
1415.. Richmd Reid was , in Toronto
dni business for a few days task; week,
Mr... Richard, Westbrook of Peferbo-
to spent 15 •weee's vacation in the old
'Lowe. ."' . .
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Whyaril ot Ber-
Liu spent a few daye in town last
week as the guests of the former's
Aliss Clara ;;•:•Iproul is visiting Ham-
ilton friends,
Miss Marjory Dmile has returned
from a ,visit with Auburn friends.
Miss Margaret, Ryan, who liss been
aSsislant postmistress here for some
time, has, accepted a similar position
at Stamford and left last; week „to
assume her neck' dutles.
llev. L. and Mrs. Bartlett and fam-
ily have returned to their home et,
Belmont; after a visit with fritnds
Mr. R. 14, Blanard, who has • been
acting as teller in the local branch of,
the Sterling Bank for some months
Into gone to 'Toronto and about, the
middle of the month will leave the
employ 01 the hank • to engage in
another line of business. Mr. Mc-
Kenzie of Bayfield is filling the posi-
tion here temporarily, ,Mr, 13ain-
ard's departure from the village is
much regretted.
Mr. Wm. Anderson of St. Louis,
Allseourt, visited his brother, Mr. A.
E. Anderson of Aslifield, for a clay or
two tecently, being called here owing
to the death of -his sister, the late
Mrs, Webster of Goderieb.
'the' Dtitinivi:„Canadlan CannerS, who,
• has. made large ,SialiMembs
last 'two Yeara '..ia , hero agate and'
prepored to m0Ice uontracts •,lor'
Iiirated quantltiqs 01 Pluma and. al-
so Bartlett Pears. See or phone
''11fr, 'Day nt, the. Notmendie,
or ,Wni.' Grant., ' ,
Miss Sadie Caldwell ,has -returned
from a trip to the west.
Miss Margaret Drysdap has return-
ed front London. '
Mrs. McLeod of Detroit has been
visiting her sister, -Mrs. Robb.. Bolt-
Mr. Wm. Murdock, of Auburn, Mich.
has been here visiting his erotherst
Ille'ssrs. Alex. and Thompson Mur-
. Mrs.. Walker and children of
Guelph have • been visitMg the lady's
mother, Mrs. Smallacombe.
Mr. 'and Mt's, W. 0. McTeggart or
Totonto visited the former'sister,
Mrs. Hugh McDonald, for a few days
Mrs. James Bonthron and little
daughter have returned froma visit
with the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs
Yonngblut of Waterloo.
Mrs, W. Welsh and Dies., 'D. Thomp-
son of Toronto' Who have been visit-
ing Mrs. Geo..s Erma and other rela-
tives in town, left here for Clinton,
Stich,, to visit their brother,., Dr.
lilatchfotd. •
Mts. A. Case, who was operated on
for appendicitis in a Loudon hospital
recently, is pi7ogresSing nicely,
Mr: and Mrs, 33. 6. Cautqlon, who
have been residing in Toronto for the
past, year or so, are returning te take
up resideace Hensel], ,
; • ,
town ,er good ' village a 'dwelling
holise... in good repair and about six
-.. 'a:era ,•lanti.f—Adt.dress DraWer ;Di
_Clint„on.-,.. • —15
. . ,
• Maitland con: Township of Colborne
consisting of 90 acres, all cleared,
clay loonn and firsts:lass wheat
• land, 1 acres of young bearing or-
chard and small fruits, 2 good wells
• Good frame dwefiling with stellar un-
derneath and good batn and stables.
Driving shed with cement pig stable
underneath. The fences are in good
condition. 1J mile from, school, fiis
• from Hohnesville and 6 from Clin-
ton. Will be sold on reasonable
terms.—Apply on the premises or
• address Thos. Pennington, I-Iolraes-
ville P. 0. , - —15
Mr. Walter Scott ol Toronto was
in town for 0 few hours one day last
week. .
IVirs. Ted lidliott hae gone to Win-
nipeg to visit friends.
Mr. Robt. Weir of- Regina, Sask.,
is spending MS VaCaliOn iVith 1)18
-parents in town. Mr. Weir is math-
ematical 'master on the Regina O. I.
staff. ,
Miss Jean Weir of • Toronto is holi-
have leased . Miss. Kate McDougall's (laying at the paeental home in bown,
that, tit Mr. and IVIts, Relit. Weir. ,
•Mrs. J. Henry and daughtet have
retuened to their home; in Edmonton
after a v1811 with Wingliam • friends,
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McKinley of
Winnipeg aro at preeent the gueSts
of the termer's _patents, Mr. and Mrs.
McKinley of town.
Alr , Hotace Bennett ot Nelsen, 13.0.
has been spending s vacation. with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Bennett.
MiSFi May Al. Smith was united in
marri9910 OR Monday Moruing of last
weekto Mr. T. ' Chas'. EVans of 0.1;ta-
1511, Nnancriy or-Wingliatir. • The core-
inoirg was performed by Rev.
Dymotiii in St. Paul's church.
Miss Mary R. Hammond and Mr.
Wilbert, Wellwood,. both esteemed res-
idenia of tewn were merited in St,
Thomas last 'week and atter a short
heneyntoon trip will take up residence
'Mr. James Cowan has returned from'
'a trip to Edmonton.
Miss Mary 'Walker of • Regina is
Spending - weeks' holiday wall-,
her patents in town.: •• '
Miss IDdna Troyer • has , returned
iliODI, al Visit with friends in Parry
8, Goderich Township, duties to
. commence 159 01 September. Sthte
salary and experienee.—Apply to
Alfred Nal Lel, Secretary, Walter
Weston or 'Alex. Sterling; Bayfield
• P0. , 45-3
St. Helen's
Mrs. McPherson of Gifelph is visit-
ing her mother, Mts. Hugh McDou-
ald. • ,
Miss Lena Bennett is spending a
fete days svith Miss pearl Todd..
Mr. and Mrs, James ,Lavis aro re-
joicing osier the birth of a bouncing
baby boy. ,
Mrs. J. Metcalf and children are
spending a few days al the home of
the ladjes sister, Mrs. Itobinson
Misses Mina and Clara Woods have
returned from a weeks' visit with fri-
ends at Bluevale,
si 000 ooa,Loss.
It is 'estimated by the Govern-
ment' iniat, keeping elate birds wit&
the poeltrY flocks after the breeding
eeaSon ie costing the. Canadiaa farm-
ers over 91t090,000 each year. It is,
theitelore to, the advantage, of every
egg -producer to get rid of all coelcit-
old at °nee. • '' ;
, ,
• ' *Just received a carload of Shatts
and 13ran., • -
Only a; few ilaas of calf meal lett
which we are settles at a reduced'
1000 live ducks, liens, mid broilers
wanted. each Week at top prices,
, .
We are wholesale agents in Clin-
ton for Gurin's ciired 'newts and
poultry foods.
eston fantni on the Huron Road, God-
erich township, 156 acres more or
Jess, will be offered for sale at auc-
tion on Saturday, Sept. 12th, prox
at 3 p. int at the, town hall, Olin-
ton.—For particulars apply to W.
Brydone, Clinton. —45-3.
- ing, broken in, also two 2 -year-old
fillies.—Apply to Frank Powell,
Goderich township, Clinton P. 0.
ing fresh buttermilk can have same
on Wednesday of each week at Hol -
=swine butter factory by phoning
4 on 143, —31.
• Marriages
DRAPER—HERMAN— • At Nia,gata
Falls, on August 10th, Gladys,
daughter of Mrs. E. Herman, to
.Carl Draper, son of Mr. and. Mrs.
• It), J. Drapet, all of Clinton,
ROBB—HAIVIII,TON--At the residence
of the bride's parents, in Erin on
. August 10, by Rev, J. Lindsay,
Nora Margaret:, daughter of 335.
J. 11, and Mrs. Hamilton, to
Charles W. Robb of Clinton,
Wingbarm Aug-
ust 31d, by the Rev. 01, G., Dy-
mond, 'P. Charles Evans, Ottawa,
, to May Miriam, only daughter or
the late S. ,f. and Mes. Smith.
LOVETT--In G-odericli township, on
ALIgliSt 7411, to Mr, and Mrs. Al-
bert Lovett, a daughter. °
MUST Clinton, on- August
• 8111, to Mt. afid Mrs. Thornton
• Mustard, of Toronto, a son.
1-30YER—In Clinton, on. August 6th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Cleo, Boyer 01
• TOT011t0, a daughter, (Margo:Mt
• Adelaide).
SMITH—fu Seaforth, on July 3011),
to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith, a
FLANNERY—In McKillop, on. Aug-
ust 2nd, to Mr. and Mes. C. Flan-
• nery), a daughter, •
1-lensall, on July 29411,„
to mit. and Mrs, Nitrite. R. Rennie,
a son. Deaths
ANDERSON — Ctederich township
or) August Ilth, Ann Johnston,
widow of John 'It Anderson, aged
90 years.
OLIVER—In Stratford on Aug. 1st
Frank Raymond, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Charles Olivet., aged 8
SMALL—In Wingham, on July 29th,
Richard Lewis Small, in. las 71st
JOHNSTON,—Iii Goderich, on July
• 280, Thomas Johnston.
SMIT111-4n Goderich on July 31st,
Agile% Halliday, wife of J. W.
in Winglisin. , .
• Rev, E., G. Dymond ,wasAntincted
as rector,.,of, St. ,Paill's church one ev-
' Mr. and Mrs... Polif and, family • of ening recently, -,by Archdeacon Richard
I-lainhurg. and Misses M. Dingwell and son of Linidon. Alter the impressive
Clara •Shausepburg of plalitsvillb:werb ' cereincinies the ladies of the churn'
gneSts last week ,sti dilib home' of' Mr, served' refreshment:a " ' in bhe Letut
' , - - •
tor of the Southcombe estate of-
fers for sale 50 acres, being east
half of lot 28, con, 6, Hallett. This
is a first class. farm, well watered
and improved with • good buildings
and orchard, also Seven acres of
bush land. --Apply• to It. J. South -
combo, Clinton I'. 0. —21
column for For Sale, Wanted,
Found, Lost, Ete. advts. All who
have tried it sap so,
The Up=to.clate Firm
N. W. Trewartlia, Wm. Jenkins
Live and Let Live
Headquarters for the
Best -Pickling and
Table Vinegar.
•Old Boys week at, the ?-1.ceeti S., „ , a mrs sE , . yore1, ., room,
• ' •..
• . , •
L., . .
Every housekeeper who puts
up her own pickles knowe the
importance of a good vinegar.
I-Ieintz -White Pickling Vinegar
• is distilled from cereals and
so being free from . vegetable
matter is a 1)051004 preserva-
tive. it is absolutely pure
and wholesome of great stren-
gth and line flavor.
Sia is Sale
I w:, , ,., I 1 '
A.ltliough in all thia his tt,
0 tory of all big wars, fcod e
t .productespecially • sta-
° • 0,
; ples, such as flour find su-
; gar, have alvvays advanc-
ed and in the present war •;
• have already.done W', 01
T. O'Neil, does not purr 01
t pose taking advantage of tw,
the war panic to raise the 0
0 0
t price .01t anything unnec•
; essarily, but rather. if pos.. ;
sible to sell at a closer ;
0 margin than ever before,
t To prove the above asser-
t tion we will continue to 7i1
° s.oll Redpath's Granulated
$o Sugar at wholesale price. fo:
0 We invite you to call and 0'
compare our prices with
some of our neighboring $
• towns, et
$ W T O'NEIL ti
Stapleton Saw
• Mill.
Are You
Many 'people are using glasses
but many more should. If
they did it would save them
eye' 'strain, causing headaches,
and preserve the sight longer.
A proper test by an
optician will tell.
Let us make:the test for
• you ?
Jeweler and Issuer of Marriage
Having put in a stook of cigars
of the most populist brands ; and '
also "tobaccos I respectfully solicit
a share of your patronage, if you
are a smoker.
riEtNIN- ckien.
Next Duntord's ParIlittITO Store.
Where the Good
• Come From.
• As I have opened a Stndio
at Blyth, my Studio in Clinton
will be closed every Tueaday.
arn pi:oared to go to the
countrp on ray. Saxon Car.
and do any work you, wish to
have done within short notice.
Phone 36. Clinton ,
!kit) ••
(i)TI"() PINK
you want done in
Roofing •
• of Furnace work.
Call and see our Stock before
placing your order.
Sanitary, Plumbers Phons
nomE, wrn4 OVEN 'FOR SALE
quipped an up-to-date-crearnery nem
• and we are ready to receive cream.
We solicit your patronage. We will
pay you highest prices for your
cream twice a month, also pay all
express charges and furnish you
with cans. Those in the vicinity of
Kinburn may leave their creme)
with Mr. Hall and he will deliver
it here. Write at once for cane
and give as a trial.—The Seatorthi
Creamery Co. Box 486, Seaforth.
Phone 53.
1 Via, Chicago and Duluth
Rom all stations in Ontario, King-
ston, Renfrew amt west.
Pins half cent per mile beyond.
First excursion applies to all points
in Manitoba.
Second excursion to certain points
in Saskatchewan and. Alberta and
all points in Manitoba.
Returning—half cent par mile be
Winnipeg, plus 918.00 from Winnipeg
to destination in Eastern Canada.
'The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway
is the shortest and quickest; route
between Winnipeg, Saskatooa, Ed-
Full partie,ulars at all G.T,R, tie-
ket offices or write C. E. Horning,
D.P.A., G.T.Ry., Union Station, Too -
onto, Ont. •
J. Ransford ST, Son, Uptown Agents
Phone 57.
, A. 0. Pattison Depot Agent
Phone 35a.
North End Feed Store.
• •
We keep In stock a full line
„ FOOD, as well as the BEST
Call arid see as and get prices
when in town.
We are also agents for the)
•I-leintiznian Piano. Old ones,
„ taken in exchange for new,
Frank W. Evans
TERAIS : CASH. Phone 192
America's Greatest Livestock Show
Acres of Manufactures
Exhibits by the Provinces
Exhibits by Dominion Government
Exhibits by West Indies
IGrenadier Guards Band
Dragoons' Musical Ride
Auto -Polo Matches
Circus and Hippodrome
Dozen Shows In Single Hour
Boy Scouts' Review
Canada's Biggest Dog Show
'Greatest' Oriental Spectacle
ever presented on Continent
Paintings from England, Scotland,
United States and Canada
Educational Exhibits
Goods in Process of Making
Athleac Spar ts
Aero -Hydroplane Flights
Grand Water Carnival
Creatoregs FallIOUS Band
Score of other Bands
Dozen Band Concerts Daily
'Chesapeake and Shannon
Biggest Midway ever
Peace Year Fireworks
International Peace Tatto_oi
10 Bands 400 MUSIC:11MS
Aug. 29 1914 Sept. 14