HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-08-13, Page 111P Year'. t .' CLi`NTON`;ONTARIO, THURRDA` 1, A'tT'GUST"!Sth 19i4; • kre.. THE.HOME PAPER "::'... '' '. .. i,. :I '�io :':. r. .:,: .. r,: y,.,; :; ,. .:::,..: .. .11:•.+r'. r:': 4a' ,.. '.,:-- r:.,;;.r. ,. . ENGAp BNT AN'NO.0 II .,. t . , Mr n ', r ii . , - , and Mrs, John.„ Mc-{]nl.,v . oC,,. � .- .... ., ...: S{,'anle t0wns$L annqunce .the , -e1- Y„ .`A , ,. . ', : ,. .:,..1)he.;,engagomen`t . l,ageniemt of,,the:r, slaughter,'” ;Mabel ,. .:. Dlra, to IVIi: J. Bar'tlgtt Lavrs son gf Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Lavas of, Cin- ;,,',,•Weeka„•inBoston, ,g ton, the . wedding, to take ,plac,e„ the ;, rTI3E-LOCAL latter part of:Angust+ ..: .•_ . , ' •x: °..:.. � LIYGAGLM)JNT •:AN'1\TOT N(i J P>D, "i; -:-: Ialr, and,;lMlrs. •• I�Iatlran, _Wad of Bothwell ann0uane . the en a -ernent,. 1 g g ... o their daughter, ,Mabel Anncttej.ko•.<<;i Gleaawon Blackwell son airier, and:, Mrs. J r .T3iackweil ol.,.iiiothwirll, formerly.,of :, Clinton: d the iaari:a e r g- - will take place early ;n �up6wnb r.. •: MAR;IIIDD` Al• NIAGARA i Phe marriage- took place 'at. Niagara' Falls on•Monday-of a couple of pop-' alar •young Clinton` people; • the, beide'' being Miss Gladys, daughter of Mrs. `,- 1 ,,'T3ernlan, anis .the groom, Mr, Carl Draper, son of Mr: and Mrs, R, J. Draper,-"also,01 town, Mr, and Mrs, Draper returned to Clinton on Tues- day and loft on the afternoon train on Wednesday on a short: honeymoon trip, . y ecidt mayd e oaoctt ae a Falls or May ,return to take. up residence in. Clinton. The Noivs-Record joins in congrat- ulationsand good wishes .for their future prosperity and happiness. • fila Pe UL'S hITl7RCTL hive !former members of the car re- congre- gaPain'son took part in the service in St s 11 ho n Sunday read byro Rev:. • edit, the les- man of Galedorx est while Rev:, Har- ank lIer- iyep Colelough. of Lloydtown was the Preacher. fora Rector Potts left on Mondwhich three w=eeks holiday which he will Blend in Brantford and Muskoka. In ! consequence there will be no serv':0 next Sunday but • the Sunday after Rev. C. .E. Deakins will preach both morniu= 6 and ev5ning: On the thir(1 Sunday Rev, Jones -Bateman of the City of Mexico 1(11 eke the morning service• There will be no filurllay school next Sunday ailernoon• CLINTON(lCIlI'7,1::N 1.11110 1.1) • bliss Minnie, Rudd ,sailed a1- July 2nd with the Withrow party for a, tour or Com.'nental Europe. doth, Mg'de'fnite has been heard from her f01 a fortnight Or SO a11(1 some ail- xiety is felt as to her safety.I6 is supposed the party would be in 1''Lanee about the time ,/,r=at was do• cia.ied, unless the war cloud looked more real at Close range. and the g parly decl(ded t0 curtail t11eir t0rlr considerably and 10011 home, iii which event they should arrive short. , ly, This is, as far as Thc, hews -Ree- and is aware, the only Clinton etc- zen who is near the war centre and it is shicerely hoped she Iilay reach tome safely '.''01 116: Sittlorfng an= 3 50)1005 inconvenience ereu thougli the pleasure of the trip has been marled by the turn events have talc- en• I-0LT CAN Ill;h,P THE 1 D7'1'OR, One of the most difficult tasks iii, a newspaper office is in getting the facts relatives 't0 births, marriages and deaths in the community. 515113 people take it: for grouted• that when a person dies the editor is familiar with every detail of the 1 fe of the deceased and brim, activities', when as a fact he sometimes knows absolatel31 nothing about, him, but Ile has to get his inforinati(r front. other sources, same as other persons would have to tlo, It 1-s the same wit] marriages or other more or less important happen- AI ings in the conuntunty. In almost every case the editor has to (dig ;up ` the particulars or satisfy A y himswelf-and the readers with a meager and ince-' curaCe;account, The average error of a 0ountry pa per has something like a million arid .a Half 0f things • to do and to •thirjic •. r„ about in a week, and the .patrons 1 1 s an' ha d y overestnnate holy much 1 ti 3 :appreciates any• efforts they ry19110 in furnishing hint ,the facts for hews ?I351111• our items C ,. y e o news to the N(vs-R cold. ..,, e •G:1Mi Be1Qii SATURDA7 ' 14It. and Mrs. H, •W. Watts •retru•n•ed Saturday evening from a -seven weeks' Urip to their old home at Ili ac0rnbe, Devonshire!, England. In a talk with, The News=Record , on Monday Mr. Watts said. ;',• .as : • Yes; • were bade and I can,saythe •and trip was 1-'a; very ,pleasant one.: • It' is eight years since we canto,' out, ,Nora ",: and n1- that time there have been a , great many,chan es, in Tlfracembe, so than indeed "tligt' y n a we didn L seem to: know more 111511] 1-o a turd of the people... 'Lvr e met., A great many of our • old associates have passed over - Jordon, {sell while others have, einfgra.ed' to vat i- ons parts of the world. Ilfracombe, too, bas changed seine- what. For instance, when we left . , the • thew .cabs were means. oL locotrro- teen and, we found we that rho had 50 coin letel. •iven . Yn Y g 1-iscarce-, - way to autos that ]here las ace , ly one of them to Abe seen, Ilfracombe is a summer resort and.'] in that way in particular it will feel the effects of the ivar.' On our way hack by the Royal George, our captain leas informed by wireless that war had. heed declared and that there were Gelman cruisers on the Atlantic. As a conseq,uericG the officers tools. every Precaution hostile o riser was 'see much to no o i s n Ue tel of F 511: on board.. t i o We are glad to get back to 'Clinton 1w .Y _ •.r k, :� ,u - .... , Mt. and ':Mrs.• _' Trick Li, announc0' , _ ,,. :• oF; thoirr•agbaughtnr,, Jeanie M.,1- to Mr. SVallianl,. Wipe'. , a ,,., ..,, eterrlit Go c eh • towuslup; the mal-• 511' of d ri 4 stage to- takeplace at an ea'1 - date, • t y4,,. M1. .K + : , It IaT, r-• '''' L GVheat,31.00, f'1•00'''''''''''' Oats• 40c. Barley,50e, Butte1.16o Uo 201. - : • t • • :: -'visit Eggs I:'Jc to <20c. „• Live Togs O,tO,., . • , - GLINT ON PEACHES, 'Mr* T,"Wzggiagtpri presented' The News -Record last•evenirig. with sever- al peaches grown .in :hes garden: They are large, ;look well and taste better T s d:AO to Seto ..that 511. the y ni - +3vp .. ,.: �S Y�,.. Y� .Pat 1 ai:e rnone fruits, _reach'•pentection here.; AN ENJ(IYABLD TDA. :'q he ])?omen's Association of Willis church had a very enjoyable tea on Mrs. Whitehead's..lawn yesterdayal_ ternoel, , the meeting beng the egu- ar monthly _one. Arrangements were being made for a reception -'to "the new pastor, the date not yet }raving been set, A GOOD SAMPLE. The •first new wheat.dellvered at the Elevator came from J, RansFord N Son's farm at Stapleton. It was. splendid sample and part of it. was kept for seed. As there have been onl.}r a ,Few thrashings as yet chore is there is of course but little grain being' marketed. 'WILLIS BOWLERS WON. The Presbyterian lawn bowlers 'got the 'better of the Methodists on the glees yesterday as the following 110".., 1111 Show : • resbyterians. Methodists W. Brydonc • W. Doherty 1 il'iseintn J. Taylo7 . ,1. ,C,'onstantine P„`G, Courtfee 0. Roberton (2u) Dr: hall (14). WITOT,E CLet,5a5 PASSED, Collegiate was''uile sue - Clinton51SSFnl in the recent matrieulAtim exams:, two, Miss Dorothy 1'i;•ruey' , arrd L. 1 enhale, obtaining senior, trio, L, R. IVimmhrg and W. M. �\=el- son; junior, and six, 51. Gunn, S: C.. I3ekry, W. 51 '51cSaught(r,, J. II, and S. Smillie and tS Tl. biallcet, obtaining paz_till matriculation. 'Tele entire class was, tUus successful TU-MORRO11 Ill'IONiNG. A garde11 p1113•. 11'.11 be held 1mde1 the i1i 1,ces of the Kitty }land on Mr. 1Valla.ce Wheatley's lawn tomer- row evening. Great rear b• preparations cricks 'arc being Inn le and iU prnuraes to a lel 5n Y Y enjoyable affair., '1'tvent free Prizes consisting 0f silk umbrellas, pipes, cigars, cliinsOare, etc, will be competed for and 115 well there will be a baby contest, While several of the prizes are in cash, those which are in goods may lie seen in )Tar- land's window. AL4.JOR 513,\W IN IIL4R1) LUC'[�, Dr. Sliaty has been connected with the Huron Regiment for well nigh on to shirt}=, years and in• all • that long, period 1i never missed attend- 1118 the annual camp. He has always taken an active interest in the Regi- 1sent ii, which he has risen to the rank of Major. He is the Surgeon as well. He 3s a thorough militia officer and in this critical period when officers all over .Catnada are offering togoto 8 the front, tie finds his illness, as the result of an operation for ap emit!- P tis, doubly hard to bear. LITTLE LL LOCALS, Cloud lTorning ! Are you a NewS1 Record subscriber? ll not 25 cents will a=.a sub to the endof 7:01f1, The residence of Prof. I3r.Lstotvehas been fresh] emitted and othernose y, ,e oche 41 se improved which a l _ ! w adds m1- ch to its np P earance: ilIr+ Chas. Baker did Elie paintili g Mr. harry Cook of Trenton, who has been visitingiu town •this week is negotiating for the purchase of the, Guest houses ort •.'A.lbert.street his mother's residence, which by the will of ells brother, the late Dr, J. was bo quoathcd to n hospital in. Clashes, Ind. ROBB-!f3AMILTON, •A pretty wedding was. solemnized high noon , -on-'Tuesda at the •-• • 'y home of Dr. J. ILand Mrs.'I3amrl- .ton of Etin when them dauebter 1. i, • :' Margaret,. was -ranted u1- surer• - age .to, •• ML. Chas, W: Robb, BIAS, • ,. MathenatieM. Master to Gunton Col-, legiaU0 Ins d, ti 1.x To the steams of the • :wedding march, rendered by Miss Rus theweddin wedding passed through g Y P 6 an aisle of Ilowctts and satin.rlbhons, termnnatrng 1-n a bower of palms and (erns, where the -coronary was per: formed' by Rev. 'J; Lindsay. , . ,. .. , The bride loo]ced charming 1-n a •: g3„a.,t.,. ,gdtvn.of 'stilt rrepo 5ntiatne with e earls and wore full len th' veil ,seed P t f; arranged in lulretstyle with sprays of orange 'blossoms,. She carried • a : a nificient a uet'of roses and lilyr. nt g Uo.1113 of the valley and wore tete morn's gilt, a hoopof,pearls, € Miss Oda Hallett,- acted as brides- maid and Miss Jean Scriven ,as iloid e1- girl, The .groom was by Mr, J, 1 „ 1toss, M.A. "` After ilio weddin breakfast with - the,usual toasts the young couple : left for a,trrp ori .he S• Lawrence and the Saguenay after which they will take up tlfeir. residence in Cline .Feople =You '�E�now. r d Mrs, (, an I3 H, NIIz h of Exec M _ :. : A y _.. ,. ec vrsrt5d i�ir: and M1s, •L. Gree yes- . ;; , .. - Y Miss Isabel Grm,js spa dung a felt' ?i 1oront .:and oth-- .: c e1- points.._ • . ;,, Mrs. FI: Plufgsteel' and :Miss iantiira P1uulstoel are t I3avfel[t f a t or a fortnight. Miss RoSs Lav is' has returned `from a' i .,P with Miss LtruabeCh Spark at Stratford. .' ' Mrs. R. R,:Counter and Norman left 'a1 •°`uesda to 'vis) friends in Y t d I3rant,ford, Mr: Carl East, of the Royal Bank staff is'holidaying at 13a1a ON the Georgian Bay, 1-s Geo Levis M avis and Miss Lrnnia are enjoying .,the ..lane, bremes,•at.. Bay; ,qt,�,n ;, .j..,. , .-. free this 'wee$., a Mr. Eddie 5hep}ierci of, 1bLonto is holidaying ying .at, his home In town for a couple of weeks, Mr. and Mrs, E•: Davis and ehtldren of Toronto are visiting friends in Clinton and' vicrnntst.' '" Miss Florence Cunin ghaine has neon spending the past few days at the summer camp at Sulk's• Misses isses Helen Roberton and ,Mary Crawford returned yesterday 'from, visiting their uncle at Innerkip, Misses Anne and Minnie Holmes of St, Catharines have ' beryl visit'ng , their sister, Mrs.. II. 'B. Chant., Mr, and Mrs. Chambers and family of Stratford are visitors at the home of Rev, and Mrs, p'airfuli Mrs. J. D. At:;hlson"arid Miss Eileen returned '.Tuesday 'after a fort- night's visit with friends at [tiger- soli, .. Misses Minlou Pirating, Ida Wilkin and:' 77attie Holloway, are 1nj0yin• A the lake.breefes at Bayfield this • week. .Miss Jean C'111 13 is .spending a few 4 weeks with her aunt; Mrs, •J, T. 'park, at her summer home at Go tdonte Bat. • Mrs, 1. L Germain and .her daughter 1 5•I'ldred, ar•e visiting at' the par-- ental ental hacks, that of iVL . and Mrs. Isaaca(.k. an. Jackson. Misses Ldna•and Edythe Wasotan 1ci turned Honda from a visit of set- }' tial days with t eirbrother, Mr, 1'1'. 4l'asmau, L(tdou'. . Miss Husband of Ingersoll has' been visiting her sister; Mrs. 11. (:'nonan in town. and also spending some time • , at Bayfield. Miss Olive lleBriOr, has returned to her home in London•: atter a few wee1is spent in visiting friends in Clinton and vicinity. Miss Gilchrist is relieving in the 0,7:':,11• telegraph k' 011)11 6110 opera 10 0(1lCYI155 ls'nve11 Southcombeis holidaying. Emma y ih Hiss Vina Stevens, who is a nurse- •he in -training •in '1'(1-01110 has boon visiting her parents 0n William S#,„ and relatives in ]:Iu11ett the est n thrre week Messrs. Charlie and Many Twitchell, their mother, Mrs. Jas, Twitchell, and their sister, Mrs. IVIcGlop, coni posed a motor party whieli visited London today, errs. Jas. 5. Miller sp5nt a tett' days in London last Week visiting her slaughter, Miss Jonnvo, While ill the city she was the guest of Mrs. A, lt. McBrier. Miss Margaret Dart,;, who has been residing for some time past at Stevensville, Montana, intends shortly taking up Deaconnoss 'Frain- ing work in Chicago, 1Ir, and Mi s. IL L]. Rorlce amd family are hampdn at iiurk's this we k g and have tor the'r guests Mr. and -Mrs. Chas. Colwell of Grand' Ledge, Mich, -' 'hiss Agnes Reynolds and blas g Y f - Hubert left on . Tuesday for St. Columba( to spend •;i,he remainder of the holidays with their grand- ntothetr, IPs, M. Lynch. AIr, and Mrs, l-Iarold Johnson return- cd on Monday to their liarne ;i11 Toronto after a visit at the paren- cal tome •of the (0rmel, •'' •that of , ,- ML, and Mrs, 01Fi,er Johnson;' y l4lr, (4' C. Day of file 'British Cana than. Gannets; Highgate, is in town this week. He says 4hat: a1- though 1115 Niagara district will be shalt eh on pea cs there is a full crop further col west in than -province, 1511 •"and :rylrs^'. Jar es' We n UStec, ;.tiWho• were visiting Mrs. G. P. Saralee and the former's parents, Mr, and hers.. James. Webster of Londesboro returned' to their horse in Tor- onto. Rev. J. Greene will take the services n, the Methodist church a Calms=, t t on Sunday mornin and evening next Y . . - g may renla111 the' following Sun- ? • ' g day= as' well,. •Mr, Greene 'supplied this pulpit for, seven consecutive" Sundays last' year and. as the eon- sequence preacher and,people enter - tarn .a:;h'gh regard,'other.r for each • Mrs. Wm Goo or' and Mrs. J. Me - P .Neat arrrved;hgrne`Friday from! taslc'win .Sask.: r< where they were Lor several weeks o vin 'the' •l owing to 1n i l nems and subsequent death fMrs: 1 o y, C French, 14Tre..'tMcNeil went to ,i , '.. , . , was, root visit her sster, who was taken. ll ,e • to en r/ after her ainval and Mr's: 1 ooper. was sent for later when her illness took so serious a turn. • NV: 'Harland n L I • Ni 1 ! a a d L n0 of tuna, sask,, 'formerly of "1'ormtt0''wbo has: beau - visiting his uncle and cousin, 1001 W.S. Flatland; and .Miss Mabel, has returned to 'Toronto and will; leave •supported tot ileo west in a few .days, leo will be accompanied :by his sista, Mrs: D. CaIllpbell who intends 'bringing her mother lack to 'Toren- to to live. Mrs. Linn;St..:is asister of the late Mrs, W, S: Harland and lost tier husband one at'few months Y 14It,Ss.,.Ber , (vicek ML !gate.,!, in ground b Miss o of the • homestead Mr,' litany `'.tete few (w, Messrs. - Edythe Miss Sunday Mrs, T115Y • The tory was mounting crowd well tertatntnent. Rev, ter, ftp The are Mr. week the errs. Stuart summer dente Mr, of Commercial. Mrs. Cmiley, troll, es lowa, ]irilken, testees, chat. Mrs. es Clinton, Tork, Sunday Rev. preached Andrew's Morning gregations, Mrs. ter week.5115 Miss spending ental ]lie hall Uc there addition with llcLeuitan, give miss W. of Ingersoll village, Mrs, her 'age, Mrs. for(] park. Mrs. of the Ayr: Ilclen 1011101] summering Miss: visiting ,Jantes Dr. more, Side Mr.,_ Nlrss p •, l tads 01 c1- and Turner, sir Rev.' mon(vihe:are man's: The Ma y (ars command which ha,d privates P People:, Y h, Qui ,h�ri1h'VV 1-1";C , Y .. oOPer zs,'spending: tri, >n iTensall. - _ , and Mrs. Pm uk n g and rheic dau 14Irs'.'.tred 14111 are spend l d a Few- weeks. At 61(011(essca B nrl at Ivanhge east if TOrot^t0 Mar RoirY6 tvho clerked in She > ...' , . A and S U " grocery . o s g o sty fol a couple • years ,,nncl was.;v0ry•,poputar weir 'patrons has it a rued ton yo t in Stanley. J. Johnston of Toronto, Win years ago was proprietor. o Bedlam Chronicle is spending ! days as the guest of his nnplt Inspector Oliver Johnston. Wilbert and Charles and Mis Lockwood, accompanied bi Morrow of 0 0(10110h, 51(001 with the farmer's sister J. W. Srtan.'-'-it liol}^rood •made rile tr'p by ante. ,,, �+i ., < :. ,` ,, ;: .;' • .,,,. • ... .., _ :' r ,.A. ,....,.,, .. ,. .. �� . �:. ,._, , ... , •, _• �A /� a QQ / �r " a� n 4 nen `_„ -,, , . '. : ” , ,^ j,• .are showang..some„very,pretty designs L .' ., a „ :. leasm contrast to,...the, styles one' --usually:.. , p 9 Sees, Yet th `.. ' are Strt'ctly correct' and fol:" law closely the ,forms prescrcbed by those ,• ,who have .the say so in • ladies. jewelery, We tttvlte you to come in Pand inspect ..our •Ma'iI stool. Prices: from S l o<oo.up, ' ' ;' dki ,,,• , - , ENGAGI MI)N1 . ANNUUIVCJD : .,; >.. •;:; ...,..,, . , The"engagement i ,, t ..•. f as adnomsed o .,.-....., ...,... Miss -J;Lta A„- Hall onP , da bier, o$ , ., Y ub,, , the late Rev,; R. 13., and Mrs: Hail. of Cainrosb "h'lpeita''; : ioru4'erlv``` 'of; Clinton, to M,r. •George Homer;'4Va(tie ;. s: a of of Steatite, 't son of Mr., N Wall] i • h Dresden, the kilartta a -to talio place.. -, - . +• • ,,. , , u . , at Ayhner, the last -week to Au;ust., r ihITH TIIF.. NI++]WS Tt>✓CORD, :.:. - ., , >,;.::, .: , ,,,., , ews-Record-subseri ors can. get " a daily,News-Record- at these lacy.rats ;., a ' ,. Toronto News $1:35. Toronto Star , , . :-1.35, . and Empire. 2,60. 'Globe 2,60 World • 2,25 Free Press Morning 2:35 Free Press Evening 1.85 M rain 2.35` Advertisero- g ., .. ,.,.... Advertiser 'Evening i 1.85 OF.PERS HIS SEIt'VICDS, Mr. Broder McTaggart, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, G, D.. McTaggart has tendered his, services to the mil- itary authorities and in all prohabil-. icy.- will 'the assigned to the Canadian contingent which will leave for theThey seatof;war in a short time, M Me,'Ntagara .. _. .- ' -'.. . ., i. .- :, .,., ;. - ,. • .:: ... .; ,.. :C t,:p ,,,- 1 ' dlqcsr .. - jeweler and C'pficiail - Clinton Ba field Il garden party held on the roc lawn on 'Plulrsdny evening las a great success, the proceols a to 11.25. There was a bi, and everybody seemed to b pleased with the evening's , en E. C. Jennings, a former re[ has consented to preach in `frit church on Sunday, evening next service begins ” at 7,30 and al cordially invited. Monkhouse of Toronto las joined his wife who •is speudin summer in the White City, Stanbury and sister, Mb of London, are spending { at tile-former's summer res 'oa Dow street: (till Kerr and Mr. Paters() London spent' Sunday at tU Bertha Pell and sal, A. Charles Henryand wife, Dt 3 Kenneth Smith, Tomato, Mis: C.raiit, London., Miss Mattie Ho Miss M. Nulling and Miss A F, h Clinton, and it J. Command Inc guests at the ("ommict If. Kerr duct (laughta11 1Tise Mintier Mabel and Hazel Kerr Miss Rate Hughes, teres, Vie, and ler,-"tooth, Clinton, span in the village. W. R. i1icinl:ash of Loudu, anniversary serer^_es in 5l church 011 Sunday last and evening, to large con J, Pollock visited her dau'h 6 Airs. Stewart at Stratford, las 01 Gud110 p f: Edith holidays her holidays unila the par root. concert a given = t to h d lin in the Loth on Friday evening Y g 7?remises i( a treat Ureas and 'b is tpt;et5d will be a large attend 1:1,/e. ]n to local and caul] ` talcni Dr, Smith aspianist, I (wise reader and actress, wit! a number of seleet'mis. Don't this treat, J. llogarth, tulle and tleuep;lttet spent 'Puesday In 'Lire - Phoenix of Saginaw is r'sitina mother, Mrs. 5111111 (n t'10 vii• Murray ant family of Meat- are summering in Deer Lodge Grant and Miss Maud 11`iltse C'1'nton arc •spen(linw tUo season in 6 white City, Jamieson and daughter, Miss • Januesou, of IdioohlO1 i\.1., ]tis wife last week, t'1 0 ie in the 11/11i to City., Howard, Smith's hails, is her 6 parents, 141. and Afrs. • Jolnishon, 11ow110101 and ]vita of Bahl - 1116,, are sununerfng in iaka Parlc, ; and* Mrs. Ross and dare:titter; biarga.re6•Iloe , .London, Misses ,, cs and Minnie Lomond .1111] Gm- ,, lc Lamontl,..St. Thomas, Mrs. Ba . daughter and Miss Cairo g Detroit, Mts. White, Wild- are: uesis at Miss Ner*•)son's. g , Mr, Argo and faitl7,lj='ol , •guests at'Mrs. S'pack- •„ Taggart is a graduate of the Royal Military College, Kingston, but the past year has been still 'further pur- suing his studies at McGill College, Montreal. During rho vaoation he,Y has •been in the service of the Public Works Department and •engaged in harbor improvement in .Toronto. ONT. ST. CHURCH• Services are being held al the ' school room while the aua corium is being renovated and nett/ carpets are Using laid, • The pastor preached on. swamp Morning and in the evening ll-, R . D. Clarice of Toronto gave an .ad- dress on the work of the Bible ` - ciety, ,, On Sunday evening next t Ile pa, l x will preach (7 "The clit'(11 ci the am.= The Royal BAnk OF .CANADA. Incorporated 18(19: ,Capital Authorized $?5,000,000 C.apltal. Paid-up . ._., 11,560,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 13,500,000 Total Assets 180,OW,U(10 370 Branches, -With world wide connection. Interest allowed an Deposits. General .Banking business transacted. i • R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch g �� present tear to propileiy ani the coming 01 Christ.” The W.M.S. met at the 4.ut,e of Mrs, James Steep 0n 'Tuesday after- noon: Hiss Sybil Candice n'ts able1(13 to be present end hrielly add teased the meeting, FLINE Ah OP MRS, 7, L. HAYES. The funeral 'of the late Mrs, John L. Mayes, wile passed .away at ]ler home in Detroit on Wedntzsda after Y but a short illness, taolc place from the home of 1101 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi 1�lltsc of the London 1load be Friday afternoon last, interment being made in. Clinton cemetery. The services at the hon a and 915/0/1136 1111: conducted by Rev. S. J. illus and the pallbearers were friends whom she had known in her girlhood clays in the old horse community : Messrs. Perry 1''lumstee1 Chris. O'13rion, Drank Walter Marr Hayes, Walter Y Savinbank and Mervin Hanley. AIr, and Mrs. Horace 1Viltse, brother and sister-in-law. of the deceased, •came over from Detroit for the funeral and there were also friends from London, Seaforth, Walton and other places present, lfueh sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband, parents and family in their sorrow. CLINTON NOT i3EI3t\1-D. The need of the .Empire for mea to defend her interests 'n the war now being waged has met read}r response Canada and in many places throughout the Dominion volunteers have been mustering, offering rbcs] selves for service in the first Cana- diaak contingent. On ' Monday a number of ]nen_ were, medically 0x- (mined iu Clinton01111 a list f r". o over thirty names •was forwarded to Col, Wilson of. Seaforlh. Aptong those ti'ho have volunt0ered from town' aro; W: J. Utltlon, 1Toward:'A, Sterling, Sain Caruso, 'P, Hansley';wW, G. 'I3ez_ 1-.o, A. B. 17Tebb, W. S. Gi''ant;'Geor'o, Weber and kJ. W. Hodgson,- Tlieeat- ter, who has=been' a' member of, the Bank ..staff' fpr •:0Ue-.: as'oou-' P" pie of •years, is an officer •in:.'the 33rd regiment,' having been '.transferred from his own'rcgzmenti inthe 'British' army, on• Ms coming to Canada a few years•ago. Col. rv. , 33rd, wi the opens pf_,.the tva of , : ; w l feted the selvic0s of Ins egnrueu.•-and the olfrcers are consequently.' waiting until .i. 15 cal]ed 31100 ser'viee,- tvhrch slay be the ..case , in a fort ghave night or so, but Mr'. Hodgson was impatient to he in action in dyad oC the Motherland and offered his. ser- vices at the first opportunity... he volunteers were : are ac�epted will spend a few weeks ire • training at Quebec before being,, taken - to ` the seat of war and 15 they re called y a a ed ; to the front their places will lie filled byfresh recruits, i There area no Ua0 opinrons • about the patriotisul and 'loyalty of.. - Can adians, This is a country of a ricin- g wrists, artisans' :hand tradosmon.,::All' our citizens are 'busy (luring the : twelve months of the pear earning a living and .providing at least some . . luxuries, i. life of •Uhe lu> uLrOs of ]1-'.e 'Col their fames- i i s ' W -: , . . ihack ilio., 110 hate tvar. It mtorferes with trade and commerce upsets o r _ P u institutions, retards p>omiess and makes 'for "hard times.” War is not the trade 0f Canadians and', never This . will be: l.lns 1s a country of peace: But when the 1)Impile is forced into the conflict and calls for aid, men Will leave line plow or ,the harvest field the b, , encu counteL on desk and will: take up arms with as ready a hand' as the soldier who has '' been trained to the business of war ; from And hit youth, tend, as was amply Prov f1` en in South A L.a, Canadians can give a::good account' of themselves on l 1a,o 5s, 1-1 -f,e 1x11'.1:1,, "norma„ s� �j �Molsons ri Baink Incorporated 1855 Established in- Clinton 1874] Capital andReserve $8,800,000 . 01 BRANCHES IN CANADA A . GENERAL • BANKING •BUSINESS - TRANSACTED. (JaisoULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT' TRAVELLERS CI3E(IUES - - - - ISSUED. ' BANK MON'ET ORDERS - SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT At all branches. Interest allowed at highert current rate, C. E. Dowding Manager Clinton Branch. '•�• >`+ P � UNION ��� OVERALLS '° 1-5 1pCr ° "'cw ` � ti�°" ao, \.°• `' "° ¢Pi,rxceo ` ,t,,c.•wisi e, ° ®,mrumaa ((�� � �J iA, ldii' 3 � L: , 3, . a� 1 t x rte, _w'. 4" ; ; r :s r t t a 3 ; ti , should l' . when King"With elle •da y y Several' ®ar�•a� , airs • �^1 A7 r� . 1-Y '„ ` � e, ? .. < <; , sr., : ;.,{„ .1- a �., : a : r,' ,;� ei .:i: + +5. ;: ` t e. ;; J , `Send l ask his he' can a guarantee for every s, , w "They 1.25 and other makes m and $1,25. �►� o q iw left of They are Overallsi11 �� SMOoks, wife buy button Wear. k sfi�sD ' t �l �jp en to $1,5�, � e .snaps... • '� ".: ,._ make Over= .Gook,: from us the of 25c for • coming off •,•i ,: 'll`ke. a peg 3 at 50c, 751..„ ., v �s aD .deb' e•oei 0. bo�7 2 ,1 �C+ a P tD S. ����'®t>m AMERICAN �••"�®� GOODS/� Cep p ,MANUFACTURED .•Molsons ' jAi sf,,,:., +: 3. • __ No man -ails for h "Mechanic every rip and • inside thin 1-7 nosey :-•,.• Prices- Wet have . ••_ tD sa•� 4 d fi Just 50 d , Overalls. tfl�.•w•sa•st(a<dovsoq►sassre:�a•�iP•�iP40°s ' ?, Hurons Are Ready t0 G0 :+..:. ,° t £::•, k „+ „•< a a ., h, • x is ,. ' t l 7s y , 1-y;: 1 ,• ° r , t ;; �v ,;,. 1 I g:: .., w. z , r,• ,aw • THE Matto . i6 , ND's A Square . :'• ] tioTHINGCO.n 9f Deal for Every Man, . .. Major Barry Combe, : ,' or Combe has hail over linty 1. experience and .`:is second Is ex erre of the Huron Re 'inienC ; .., it was repo- Ins. : ,linen ordered Mat. 0lheers and r readwilling' for'ser- es a e ready and wrl ng 1 ice, but t1 wilb 110.. 501.561111. 0 l g SS he i. n e