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Clinton . News -Re
August Edi, fl9
?our Choice Bargain Lois
for Saturday and all next week
5c, 10c, 15c 'and 25c
all useful and needful articles displayed in our'°`
Big Window.
Special cut prices on the following to clear
2 only lawn mowers regular $5.50 for $4.38
1 5.00 Per 3.08
1 only hammock .," 3,00 for 225
'' 2,75 for 2.00 •
" 2 25 for 1,75
I . only enameled linedretrigerator' 17.00 for 19;00
1 only galvanized 32.00 for 9.75
Ice cream freezers 10 percent, discount.
AA/Mtn our Windows,i
for Bargains during.
July and August Mid=Suln-
mer Sale.
Ball & Atkinson
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110, 3. A. _ATKINSON, Phone 183
A Month of
Cut Prices:
Commencing Saturday, ,Tilly 25th, we place on sale hundreds of
dollars worth of good, new, seasonable goods that must be cleared out
to make room for our new fall stock which the manufacturers start to
ship early in August
Out prices on pry Goods.
Cut prices on Men's and Boys' Clothing.
Out prices on Boots and Shoes.
Out prices on Hats, Caps and Shirts.
Extra Special.
We have ;shout 50 Boys' Suits too many --which means 50 setts at
manufacturer's prices for the first 50 boys. Don't tuiss this chance to
rave money on your boys' new fall suits. They will likely need .them
when school starts. Sizes 24 to 35.
Also extra low prices on our Pumps and Oxfords, White Oanvas
Shoes, Sandals; etc.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits
More Business
A 1
1 Bh�o sale
Since•e t r
the , n touucernent of our Midsummer r Shoe Clearance
Sale our prices have been a magnet. Shoe buyers wit h good
beads on their shoulders have been coming here from near
and from facto make investments for themselves and the
families. Nothing strange about it either when you learn
HowM h
u� Shoe Values You • tet For So
• Little Money l
! ... It certainly would be:strange,. if buyers would not flock •in•
I this direction, Make hay while the sun shines, for it shines
always, and the Golden Shoe opportunity will soon be a
I thing of, the past. Drop in and see what's doing I
Just Note'a Few, of Our Magnetic Pikes !.
Men's $5.00 tan shoes 3 49 Boy's 42,50 calf shoes $1.98.
3:00 pat lea shoes .,.d9.
Mi .
en's. 5.00 pat lea shoes -3.90 :Boy's 2
Men's 4,00 pat lea shoes 2.98 Boy's shoes all sizes 1,19;
$2.50 Farm Shoes for $175. 5
Ladies Pum.ps, slippers and oxfords I/ price.
The Home of Good Shoes.
HIS beautiful ',Summer
Dress with the long one-
piece tunic and waist with
front and back yokes in one,
as well as other smart styles,
will be shown in the Standard
Fashion Sheet for August.
A Free Copy for you at our
Pattern Counter
Often the cheapest—Always the best.
ut mr wisennunry
mwul. ih„
Miss Topp of St, Lotds is visii;iug
Mrs. ']'hos. Prick.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowland were in
"roroneo this week.
Mrs. George 1VleCartne}t returned to
Woodstock_ on Monday. .
Willie kyle of Kippen is spending his
holidays with his grandmother,
Mrs. J, Mitchell.
Messrs. James Dawson and Graven=
stein of Auburn were in 'Clinton.
Saturday et:ening. '
Miss Hattie Trick has returned from
a fortnight's visit with Miss Lilian
Lawrence at Ottawa.,
Miss Grace Walker has accepters the
position of teacher of Broadfoot's
school in Tucdcersmith,
Mr. I1. C. 1Iolland is at Dungannon_
this week in She interests of the
Clinton School of Commerce,
Miss M. Cooper and Mrs. C. Ituntball
returned on Friday from a western
trip of about a month's duration,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J: Cooper and fain•
ily of Goderich were guests on Sun-
day of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Cooper,
Mr. Il. 'W. Watt, caretaker of the
C. I., and wife are expected home
from their trip to England this
Mrs, J. 17. C'antelon and Miss M.
Clark are spending the week with
their sister, Mrs. Ogle Cooper, Col-
Rey. C. E, Powell is occupying the
the Methodist pulpit at Grand Bond
for two Sundaes including newt
Lord's Day.
Dr. W. Straw of Morris, Mich., •spent
a day last week with his brother,
Mr. John Shaw, and hie nephew,
Dr• .7. W. Shane,
Mrs. Adam Kerr, her soli Aloe and
her daughter, Mrs. Fletcher, Lon-
don, are visit'ng with her mother,
Mrs, Sloman, Sr,
Miss Edna 'Wasman' left on Saturday
last to spend a week or tett days
in London, as guest of her brother,
Mr, Will, Wasman.
Dr. W. A. Matheson and wife of
Detroit are visiting with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. le. Mathe-
son of Tuckersrnith.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. Taylor and babe
of Napanee are guests at the first
alentioned's parental home, .that of
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Taylor.
Mrs Daniel Da nl M eNg0
au 'ht n and her
daughter Gretna of Chiselhurst have
been wending a Sew dap; as the
guests of Mr, and Mrs W. Stine-
"Mr. Harold Picket, ivho underwent an
operation in the hosjiital a• fort
night ago, hast made quick recovery
and will soon be . quite himself'
Miss Helen Roberton and her 37 cou-
sin, Miss Mate) Crawford, -
a'tv d i.ondes
hoeo are visiting their uncle:, Dr.
liassack, lanes' ip, for a co'uple of
Mr., Jas. W. Rogers,, a. fogmor ,photo
grapher stere, and Itis wife, Guelph,
came up on Monday to attend the
funeral of the late Mrs, Alex. Os-
baldeston. •
Mas, Stole of Winnipeg, who is vis-
iting at the old homestead at Mil-
verton, --was in town with a looter
party of friends] on Sunday and the
guest •of her sister -he law, ' :Mrs.
Mrs. T. PI. and acconv anted
#3 y, , p by,
her daughter; Miss .Netta leas been
spending, the past.week with.' her,
sister, Mrs.' W. Netihelry, Belget ve,.
and her. Another, Mrs,. James' Camp-
bell at Dungannon.'
Mr. and Mee.. W.. L..,,C„luca of St.
Louis, Mo., spent the 'past•.week.eo'
guests .of the lady's brother,.. Mr,
. W. 0, Fair., Mrs, Clucas will ho
best remembered by; ottr citizens of
a dozen years ago as Miss' Dottie
Fair, one of the most; poptdar.. of
Clinton's girls 051 that period.
Miss Elizabeth Sheppard, a former
resident of ` Clinton, arrived ` ort
Monday from Waterbury, Conn.,
and will :visit for some weeps with
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sheppard, town,
and Mr, and Mrs. J. a, Steep,
Goderich township: She is accom-
partied by her nein, Miss Eunice 1
The attitude of the purchasing public determines the success of any "establishment ; for the moment sus -
twined sensational'. special selling nlay reign supreme --but in the end actual merit and unvarying excellence find
praetical appreciation,
25 fancy white lawn waists
at one half original price;
pretty materials, good styles
all different, at cost and less.
`these lines are limited in quantity and if you would share in the offerings you must act now.
2 pairs for 25c. 36 inches wide, $t,00 per yard,
If the present season does not suggest a Rain Coat a sudden downpour catching you unprepared will.
The Rain Coat can be worn anywhere, at airy"time, the most useful garments' lady can have in her ward-
robe. These are all Canadian Rubber Co, made garments, are most generously cut, and most carefully tailored.
Buying them at any time here you pay the lowest market prices, when the superior manufacture and fit as well
as:quality of material used,•is considered.
We want you to make this store your shopping headquarters, came in whenever you like, stay as long as
you like,iwe are.at your service, .
About People You Know
Miss Sybil Ccurtice is spending a few
dap; in J3aylield.
Mr. Henry Simian has returned from
a month's visit in London.
Mr. 1-:larry Clucas, Toronto, spent
the week -end with Clinton friends,
Mrs. Alvie Fleming and -Miss Walker,
who were visiting with Mrs. Wes-
ley Walken', have returned to 'Por -
Miss .Lily Moffat of Shoal Lake, Man,
is visiting her cousin, hiss Dora
Mrs. W. S. R, liolines and babe are
spending the week with Seafortlt
Mr. 33, A. hessian of Toronto, is
visiting his another, Mrs. Thomas
Miss Jean 13011 spent; the weekend in
Goderich with iter aunt, Mrs. Wil-
liam Clark.
Miss Vera Trick had returned after
spending a week with Itlisa Rata
Rowe of Exeter.
Little.Missrs Mary and Gladys 1 101
1(111(1 aro holidaying amongst fn icuds
in Holniesville this week,
,eliss .Jean felcoat ' of 'I'uckeasi ith
spent the week -end with Miss Myr-
tle la}
'1'1 c f
i . e She Base Line.
Miss Nellie Oslialdestou is visiting
her 'brother, Mr., Alex. Oshaldeston,
Cloderich, for a couple' of wears.
Miss Bessie Sloman, trained 'nurse,
'New York (Sty, returned home on
Friday last for a . month's holiday,
Miss Bell, London, late a member of
the tel. steel, ue visiting Miss Ward
.of the School of C'elnlerce this
Mrs George 'Roemer, eal family } of
SL Louis, Mo., are visiting het
mother, Mrs. rhos. (rick, for a
few weeks
Dr. J. W. Shaw Was able to sit; up
for a horf while on
� tv e Sunday a'and i
d s.
now Progressing as raprdlp as could
be hoped for. •
Mx.. LaFrance, of ,the herald Times.w
state, Walkerton, Was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. -J. J. McCaughey for
a couple of da3+.a. this week.
Miss Alice Sloman eetuencd on Mons
day from Sarnia, where she • .spent
a few .days as the guest ,of Mrs. •
Phillips, formerly of Clinton.
Mrs 1.1. 'Steep,' after' a fortnight's
visit with bits• father adud her broom
Bier, Mayer Feed: ,Jac soh"•rias 're-,.
turns$ to. ,her,hotiie in' Toronto.
Miss Dorothy Shdiw of Winnipeg. cause
east .,lastt.week and is iiO'5,.tn• Tor-'
onto, hest siS, expected to spend a
fav days next week with her peq•
ills heir
The friends of Miss -13 haddock,
former resident of Clinton, will be
interested to learn that she has
just "finished a post -graduate nur
se's course in Vancouver, WO, and
has received her appointment frons
the Victorian Order: of Nurses for,
China Miss HIaddock 'e;pects to
sail for that great country in Oc-
tober. She ids a eeice 'of Mrs. D
77clanier and wi'l he remembered
by manyhere who wilt 'wish her
Vater, every, blessing in her work,
Mr. James Flynn came down front
Lunn ow for civic holiday,
Miss Grace Shepherd is visiting fri-
ends is London and Lambeth.
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Maxwell are
spending several weeks in Leaming-
Miss Conish of the base Line spent
the week -end tvitli friends in Strat-
Miss 'era Schadel of Toronto is vis.
iting Mrs. 'I'Iros. Hessian, Huron
The McMatb and Wallis families are
camping at Buries on the lake
Mrs. Harry lI, Jackson • of Port
Rowan is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Noble of town.
Miss ''/,etta Mae.011er of the State
of Ohio is the guest of her omit,
Mrs. T. Jackson Sr.
Mrs. A. .Beacons, and her mother,
Mrs. Rathweli, spent civic holiday
' visiting friends at Lueknow.
1Vl'r, and Mrs, W. S. Elliott of Tor-
onto were the guests of Mr. and
IVUs .1. 13. • t,indsay this week,
]Miss Elsie McLean has returned to
her home in (lode/ea atter visiting
with c her ICI VRSInS sr and
• ,T��-
C, l
Master Willie Dell, -
Mrs. Ernest Crich, after a ten days,
visit with Clinton and Tuckersteith
friends, loft for her ]tone at Mar-
lette, Mich., yesterday;
Mx. ]Elgin Mason, son of Mr, T: Mas
on, accompanied by Miss Elsie
Penny and Mr, Guy Penny, of .De.
troit, is holidaying fu town,
Mr, Alec Sloman left on lasselsy for
'Swift Cununa,•l a51-.,: to help his
brother Frank with his ihaivesting
and • may remain for the threshing
]Mrs. •W. Grigg dined with Mr•. and
Mrs, A. Hooper on Wednesday, This
being the farthest she has veneered
from her own neat ;cottage Coir
50111 10001115.
Mr, arrd Mrs, Jolla Cuilmdre returned
te Caledonia last week after some
days visit with Mrs., L, Grant and
otter Clinton
friends . and at I,on-
desboro' and Seaferth,
M.r, and ,Mrs, R. 1..Moo
. >,e and Mr..
and Mrs Wlll Kennedy. and JVlasters:
Douglas anti (,lifford • and.•Miss„Elsie
Fiach•Aaro •spending the week • with'.
Mr.' and Mrs, James Pinch, ;Jr.; of
• Stratford. .
1VI'rs. Cfantea:or cd princess street con -
times to, get weaker end Snot 001
hope ie now held fbe hes recoverr'q,
1 -ler soli Iletin;' who spent nlosib elf
the 'sunmer.on the lake's,' i; air
her bedside. •
Mr, and .Mrs. A. L. Blackwell and
family motored up from oli Woodstock
on Saturday and spent the week-
end very enjoyably with the lady''s
Mother, Mas. Wm. Colalough, Cod-
c1ich township,
Mr, J. • B. Kennedy - mates ever
Frain Detroit iSaturday and
went back Tuesday- accompanied
by his wife 'and li.ttlo daugh-
ter, Who has been visiting for
a month with Mrs, 0• B' Kennedy
Hallett Township
Mrs. Mike Quigley of IIarrisville
Miert., is visiting with het sister Miss'
Mary Ann Morrison and brothers,
Messrs. \9uti-, Richard and Michael
Morrison. it is twenty-eight years
since slue last visited this part.
Mr, and Mrs. J• E: Reinhardt and
children spent Sunday -with. Mr, and
Mrs, Wm, Morrison.
Mr. and Mrs.. John ]'hos. McCaugh-
ey of Morris and Miss Mary McGin-
nis of Stratford spent Sunday at the
home of Miss Mary A. Morrison.
Mr.. Richard J. Blake of Winnipeg
arrived on Tuesday and is vi,h.ting
the parental home. for a few days.
Mr. J. H. Quigley of Detroit• came
Saturday and is spending his holidays
with Mr.- and Mrs. Thos. Tigho and
other friends' and relatives,
Mr. 'Richard \Todden has bought a
new car, making the deal '+•ith Mr.
Bert Lang.ord of Clinton. The pur-
chaser is pretty busy during the
week But expects to have many a fine
spin over the week -end.
Mr. bred Tyndall and friend, • Miss
Oaks spent Sunday with (Iederdch fr -
Judge Jackson .0f Lethbridge, Al-
lier -1;a,, is visiting with his family at
the home • of Mrs. Jackson's • parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J G. lmigli. .
Nle, 0, V, Jetut.t, Chatham, is else
iting with his patents.
Mr. and Mrs'. Ed. Changer and :ash—
sly of Algoma, have been visiting Me•,
and Mrs. Wm. (lark and other
Miss McLeod of Walton spent :San -
day the
rn-daythe guest of her coushr, Mrs. e,,l,
Mrs, Ed. 13ritton and bliss St-rCa
Clark spent Saturday with friend a,4.
]Messrs. Andrew and Ben Snell erre
being visited by their sister and nor
daughter of Leamington,
Mrs, 13en. Riley spent a few na'•s
in. Scaforth last week helping
nurse her father, Mr, ,Wright.
• Mr, Chas. hall of at. 'I'I1omat4
visiting his parents, Mr. and 31's.
',rank Hall.,
Miss Mayme Ball is spending a
days with her cousins, the ;1I':
Govenlock, Seafoeth.
BI} th
Miss Bessie Silcox of L:nbent t'.'.
Miss Edna Lynden of Chatham, ars
visiting at the parsonage.
Mrs. Johnston and children res
have been visitingher mother,. b
Gibbs, and aunt, Mrs P. VVnllr,,t ,
left last week for Uxbridge, whore
she visited relatives until• 'Taese,t
when she left for her Monne at (.upas
Sesk., accompanied by her mother,
who will dor the present make ,:n:
home in the west.
Mid -Summer
Shoe Sale
The next ten (Jaye will see the end of this, the most successful Semi -
Annual Clearance Sales we have yet held.' To makea ficial eledri-up
this season we will -otiF you stil1 better values than before. re.
The Iui5tda,y of this sale will be Saturday, August 11111. ,
WomOxfen's,ordPusrn,ps, .:
ew goods, pal eti nand
gun metal r•eg. ,*3;511,
sale price *1.08
Worneit's 9111095 and
oxfords, regular $2 50,
sale price $1.48
Children's Slippers
30 pelts only, , eg rbir
price :'100 to $125,
sale price .49
Men's Calf; Bluc. -,
New toes, reg. price
$9,00,' sale price $2118
Men's Work Shoes
All sizes, regular $2.00,
sale price $1.00
Men's Patent Blue.
A few pairs /eft, regu-
lar price $5,00, sale
price $1,98