HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-08-06, Page 2• • rbought, tl. D.'MeTAG'GARi M. D. MITA `GABlr G ''p .t7rG1� f Shse Orus ' '' and Flour: ', • s Dr.` -0• ' - 4, u Ind.ialta <B oot Pals are net a new Mtn untried re.medY::; "' in'•the• teMple-This traffic wa:atearried^:on in the outer co.rirti ,of' the tem pie, It c`nslsted',in the bit Pi en• Y g Sellingbh of O'l.�%b . ►+,;4 t � '<' C Farre in' S. rTIiNKrrji cense, oil, and other things rggitir= : our grandfathersused.them ,.Halla century ago,-.before Confederation; ,. eneefor sacrifice. 'It saved the il•- : , P .. .Ig170r2117Ce �+ n A Gl 1 - �a• gga Y Pe 'the m t le BesE lit at the • lowest possible price. - he werean 1e nneari a er :dr or` eneral sto$ a in the Canada,of that 8 , •.. , in 'Say, and w re the, regio ¢'zed' nure' thousandsf�homesfor�Coneti anon P � � lieliggestion, Biliousness,,'Rheumatisat ' gi?ms.the ,tro.e.blb'Qf bringing &11_ these thln's with' them' firom' tkrelr, ,, g n ogee and,was tho,refar a dicta t • h eoonxenlence.and 'h c i ' ad" the 'sanction 'of 'the chief;pi`iests, But :the mer- 4..,, ++�.e: ' ., ,., , .:: • VYhut ilio Scpa•1,abor 1Hel ns. Whf1e the anan who has fiearned I5 Y1el.dln t0' Knf) l g wedge, Pride :td Hu 1 i . • >a llty; and Fear to Faith, `- B11NIiEI1S -' -• .,,. 'and Kidneyand`Liver Troubles. To-. ' ...,ae a tae daY.bhey Just eenary epu•it' of these -.traders 1ed the real value o•f 'ihe se. 'air for " is P ,a.Be ''r ad :and ` a re efieoGi v ,lis.. be hem to bt so. th r.: • l age,,, and • t ex. usn 11 ;, . „ ,. , , a .Y emphatic ,in lits . - ,. 57 rejeace.-Tsa]ni. xxxu 0'04.1stricken:; Is man a . A timelRAL• BANKING" BTiSI- NESS T1i,ANSACTED:" NOTES. '7 WE ,, PAY THE,HIGHEST 1?RIC.E far -OATS- PEAS and BAR- >, LEY 'alto r n othm ter reliable as eve , a cl n g t :has et been devised to Y .. : 4 Cu a 'Coan[tC�aaon El1S � i thele bnsmess wan cltaracterszed' b roc . , Y desecration,.,greed 'ex/d frauds IVIone chane. ors--= . Y . g 1 ose one,:£or,a _. eoneideration; changed' money, g1v- . is t''ar 1 .o. -, - ' " ids ., e ey .n, k}te fem}dnane side, of the:,,: . house that'reme . f •the a •age :. Y o ..r vont a s iii most Sign na11 t anen.;: _ g y 11p .:. , Ie'eoneent ie . 1 tee the time rrif welt - , .. '� 11• , . Wh.Y not indeed? Who that has eyes tt see„ei's tc•he'az+.: and a : heart tof uudersta'nd ,van 'look - uP oa Jia'Jjwit' • disease?-1t z •_' •• ` eo : . , s bec,attsa ha 11ves a1 dust,and fileh'kno s w net the balm C bIOS, mr aeticeesli'air h r c?ties;-here• r otfce ' • •a d%` n P a s the :eoiiiaptton DISCOUNT>;D, DRAFTS ISSUED. 'INTEREST , DREST ALLOWED ON DE- I ti '.• SALT: NOTES PUR- .y CHASED. is HAY for •��" Ford & Boling g �Leods �� ,Sufi INTERNATIONAL Q �' �1 LESU.9I2 LESSON, i • , ng- the. .people the smaljeL coins the , needed'+in. making: smalls. u _ Y. g s 1 ee r chases and .tulso givritg thdse' who' came from a.distaiioe Hebra cos invv ns, exchange for 'the of Ro- man •money they had brought with i . i .into definite- hours o the d anal .. , f day ,hese era:. shor. `' I"here :are no lieav 'unit ...cans coming lipme neaa, ilio noon hour, rank. withtha acidity of them contents. All milk utensils s taken oa the 3vorld these summer days;-: and not respond-to the admen'tion' of , tlse T'sal list? Behold aur brother; the. Suri,, , as Sy' Francis called hvm, sprcadmg-abroad the; spl'endoi• of his radiant 'beams by of tile; flesh! Inman= till s doeme rA Pevert ?b-it is :b :because he ha not ,:e{,]etLrned` Y. to share to lustta and mere,, the;J'ounty•pf`God's ,pro v1d'enoe I Does man till ',: hri'1 n from death?-it is because he hoe .ld. T. ILAIPCE; =- - • ' • AUGUST 9. •Davos-The them. olferrng of the poor, may be : care of durin h . ,g mornm,,.,, linos,.,a day, and all bur little •biothers the clown the: 'benedie-; e not see in death th sntxance Loth larger NOTARY' PIIBLIC; ;CONVEY- ANGER TINA CIAL REAL Ngcourt.of .ESTATE; AND FIRE INSUR• T- • ANOI AGENT.. REPRESENT- • „INC'• 14 FIRE INSURANCE .COMPANIES; DIVISI6N COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. •who .�J.r. KINDS OF COAL ODD ) ! TILE-BRICK ' LeSSoii V V. The, Barren Pi Tree and „ the Defiled leniplc, Mark 1], 12.33. Golden ".Pexf,to Matt. 7. 20. Vere .12, On the morrow-On 114onday morning, the day following the triumphal entry, : During this could' nut, afford to bringslice or; oxen.. ' P 1¢. Theare the GeutLles, de signed. ass lane where- strangers g . P, might come to worship, had come to be used as a shortcut by • those passing Uo and :Ere with vessels or packages. , 7. It is not written, My house sh'a'll :he called'.a house of prayer for Ymilk.' all ?-See '7,, ;and while: thorough sea9cirng is pr cassaty.to keep them in order they sweet to be in with, )hereib ,. sweet e , ,Y, rendering the weak less' tedious.. Tlhen the' un sca}ding winch, puts on the finishing touches nay be giv- en through the entire clay. :Tt is agreat time shaver in, skim-s. h'u'ng and saves mueh'hand'I'ingancl rehandling'of ihe i This may stars, .,sending tion of'eh ezr gentle rays by night 1 Look upon tlhe earth. teeming. with'. grain and fruit riot the sustenance o , . . i , isf every, living creature:.,, Yonder„ the sea,, great and wide, wherein are things creeping innnmerab'led'•' See "the hili' whence co eth our m siren th"-"lilies of the field !tow g they glow"-the tie is "which"God g li'atli' life! ' asI,an's ignveanoe,.pride and fear- thus 1•,answer you the charge! •1; the W hole 'i to i., , je s al of !Nee , has been the tale e of lits discover o unseen beaut •his 'e la obi Y n Y, gyppn ou nfa,tho'med mysteey, his,conques it ae disappe terror:. Famine?- it has dice s it i Pto ecl,. Pestilence 1t limited to the remotest corner: ` • last week it was the custom of Jesus''hi the nationsIca: SG; which it is redicted that saran - P seem like a [small Matter yet it is reallylarge•e ' ' 1 al,y planted"-the bird's which sing ago p the , .r ng b nuchae.' What of earth . klcaDae they , *V. BRYDONEP , .BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, , NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. A11 kinds of Goat on Band; CHESTNUT . SOFT' COAL . CANNEL COAL . FURNAOE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD to spend` the night at Bethany and return during` -bhe day to Jerusa- 1''m. - • Bethany-See preceding lesson. 13. A fig tree having leaves.Gentiles, -Though this the g ere who worshiped •God, as well as 'Jews, Shall be admitted to the riv- 'leges of 'the temple. The. Jews had come to regard the court of the which was the 'seat of a indifferently a very one, and much i of -the old=ttme labor in caringfor . milk m lk has•'been abolished proven .byib the separator, wholly useless. The cream is in much better c- ()Alenhalfor churning we'd of uniform o need of man is unsa,Ui-sfiecl ,by the: avoild.in which he, lives, what de-STOVE este' unan�swored, ` What Drs iatt Unfni illed.!" ' "O Lord; -how manifold are thy' beinge harnessed! 1)eseats?-the he blossom like the etsly The seal- is theoenlniteof .the! Peyer ty 2-the beginningof .the `and: i hare? Whatea histol;, l And ilii; history, let me tell_,you is Office- Sloan Block '-CLINTON 2i„ 'n tike in., 3 in, -and 4 in, .Tide E Best was earlier .in year than one would naturally ex- peat •to 'fine} figs on the trees, the universal. worship, so that they allowed 'thio be used byq the traders. We, cannot tell he iality. One of e bnttime maker is mencla,tions' for the batter is hast thou made works! In the earth them all ; the is' full of dally going on se is until. the pester of the secret mastered, its deepest secret .un Quality. fact that the leaves were out would often strangers desired to cone to that her product always may be riches!' veiled, and its highest law obeyed CILAI2LES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, ' Commissioner,-Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses - ARTHUR FREES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. : suggest that them, might be, fruit, since in hg trees the fruit, which is inereality modified blossom, appears before the leaves, •. It was not the season of figs-, The early variety of figs appeared i June, the later crop in August. the temple to worship, but there were some who accepted :the Jewish faith, and ,we know that certain Greeks came asking to :see Jesus. Jesus felt that thispart of the tem- pie, as well as the other courts should not be given over to.pur- of the same grade. Few• can.attain t0his .and only with the best facilities. The cream gauge fixed the thickness• of :the cream ab- ;se]utely, The .rule foe salting .may tUus, be as rigid as for "bread, The cream Do you answer me that the world is ugly as well as •beautiful, and is filled with things terrible as well as useful? 'I answer you in burn, that nothing is ugly or-terrible save to h g Y man's ignorance,- pride .and 'tear•, Is baffled And Cheri shall we be able to prove what the poets and seers have even seen, that `.God is g, ,and Hf: tender mercies:.are . over all Thi works!' ' • So be glad with a mighty glad • HURON STREET, - - CLINTON¶� TheMCRlIlOp 11!uUUal FI_B • Mutual Thetime indicated in our lesson about April. • 14. If this incident stood aloneif poses which would prevent the wor- shiper from finding it a place where he could hold undisturbed commun- can easily be kept at the same tem•- perature every time by the ,use of the ice And man still and at times de-; stroyed by the seal-it is because he has not yet learned to bow • his ness, and rejoice with exceecli:n:, great joy.1 Sing to-day and ever more, as little Pinna sang, on Nev -- a RS. GUNK & DANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. 0,5., Edin i Dr. J. 0. Gaudier B.A'. ILB. . , Office-Ontario St., Ni bt calls Oatrer o StClinton.Cli ten. igb , or at Hospital. j bounce Company Farm and Isolated Town Property only Insured -OFFICERS - • J B. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, 'ice-Presi• dent, Goderich P.O. ; T. E. Hays;' Secretary-Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. Directors - we knew nothing else about !Hie character of Jesus, we should be inclined to think.-his' act petulant. His words would seem to have been spoken because he was irritated and disappointed. r ppointed. Vlhy should one curse a tree? But we know enough of the life of Jesus to cause tis to seek a further explanation. The true meaning of any man's words is be found, ion with the Father. A den of robbers-Quoted from Jer. 7. 11, in which the prophet taw le because eaks of ' h desof ecraclianacterthe Pthe of the people who used it. Here it is P p not the people primarily, bud, the wrong use of the temple, which isP condemned. Jesus evidently ob_ jested to having the house of prayer used for or,cold water.. thus the ibnbter is always alike, cense- quenMy its in demand„ at fancy prices. • Crean' for the table trsea is al- ways available in the. very Pest form. The most .delicious deserts can be extemporized on short no- Lice and time. saved from the once laborious work of making pastry. -.- proud spirit to the laws of wind and wave! Does man still tremble at the lightning?-it is because he has not yet completed his certain task of tining the thunderbolt to do his pleasure! Is man still over- whelened by the cataclysms of tor- nada, flood and earthquake lest is because lie has not ye't unveiled the secret of these mighty mysteries of Year's' Day in Asolo "The year's at the spring; The day's at the morn" The morning's at seven; The hillside's dew-pearled ; The lark's on the wing; The snail's on the thorn;- God's in t His with the w- All's right ay world !" Rev, John Haynes Holmes, DR. J. W. SHAW .- RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTONin -•-- D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rine, Constance; John Watt, 'Harloek; John Benuewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans, Beechwood ; Me McEven,general. Clinton P.O. - Agents -P Robert ]3ariock; to not in •his isolated sentences, but in a study of all his teachings. The nieaning of one act of any person can. be rightly un-iced -only his derstoodmy when compared with Moreover, Jesus frequently, chose enigmatical meth- pds in order to coni e1 men to think or to teach them a forceful lesson.rations as a. place personal gain. But fair trading could not be call- ed `robbery," and before using so strong a ward Jesus must have not- and that these traders were greedy p, lous and that they sought to enrich themselves by tat- an• unfair advantageWhen g of those who came from a distance to wor- Notes of the Sheepfold. Whenever a farmer can be in- ducecl to take a pride in 'bhe ani-. male he produces ihe is on •the right road the lambs are weaned the ewes should ,be kept on nutritious � ��A� j�t� Fashion Hints biles--theta is one"new used that l-OFFICE to below thks like crepe-and vafst n Sowetimess o it is made with cutaway front. The sleeves are snug about the wrists, but the collars turn back comforta- bly from the neck. ' DB,. C. W. TIHOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC: • Special attention given to des• eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined' and suit• able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of amitb, E. Hine6• ley, Seaforth; William Chesney,. Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Holmes. villa. Anymons bpaidg'i'lt, aid o one , h Clot' in may be P ng Co., Crn• ton, er at Cutt s Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect incur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on ap• plication, to any of the above officers The sin which Jesus had• so often found it necessary to reprove was that of hypocrisy. Here is ,a tree of this same thing. and Jesus takes the opportunity afforded, him to pronounce judgment in symbolic form upon this prime fault of a class with whom Jesus and his 'ens_ ciples would constantly come in contact. 15. Them that sold and them that ship fn the temple, 18 The chief presets and the scribes-These were the authorities •ivho had sold to the traders the right to carry en-their business in the temple court. Since the words of Josue were a rebuke to them as well as to the traders, they resented this invasion of- their established rights. They also constituted the male body of the Sanhedrin, and in order to prepare them P p for bhe next breeding season` Some farmers follow the practice of allowing bhe ewes to shift for themselves after they have weaned their lambs. This results in per- turbation at breeding time. Two weeks of neglect will mean a decided loss of flesh and loss of time ,and feed in recovering it, �'N►ao•�Ho Embroidered Petticoats. Embroidered net petticoats are one of the things that have persist- ed from last summer. They are made, usually, almost without fol- ness, Some of them ,are gored a little so that they flare about the ankles. They are scalloped along the lower edge and each panel or „ ran and Buckskin Shoes. One of the most attractive shoes for tennis is made of white buck. skin and tan leather combined. ,The tan is used at the toes and,heels, and sometimes it is introduced in the way of straps for decoration, through the centre of the shoe, 'But the toe and heel arrangement of tan leather takes much of the soil that would fall the the f�immer'cial Hotel, Huron Si,, ' addressed to their respective post- sought how they gore shows an embroidered design, otherwise on -therefore • • oQicee. Losses inspected by the : might destroy Jesus. t'o}t'S Freshen Tnice a Year' Sometimes the panels are joined defenceless buckskin, and so the are little DR. F. A. AXON director wlioliges nearest the scene. --� They feared hdm-Because the multitude stood in awe' at the pow- Furcows to freshen twice a year really sounds like nature-faking, with rather heavy thread lace: shoes trouble to kee clean; P Bags for All • - DENTIST -- Specialist in Crown and Bridge� Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., ' Chicago, and R,C.D.S., To. ionto, Bayfield on Mondays from Mayto Yprepare. December. There is a Lfold Day Coming Why not re are dor it b y , ordering your winter supply Have YQal ; . Yl ®1m$ } 7 �Jc a Attacks? (r f ' ChathberlainTabletskee the liver right up to norp.- / mal all the time-and that's why the are so effective Y Y' In euretaiionStomach i dhes Disorders, er of Jesus' andtheauthority of his teaching. 19. We learn from Matthew that he went to Bethany.shirt-waist 20. As they ,,passed by in the morning--Returning to Jerusalem. 22. Jesus answering-Replying to the Wonder ,expressed in Peter's remark. God-TheatuntoHave -hthoughts Jesusi seem but that is just what happens to cows that freshen in the fall, writes Mr. W. F..Freohoff. Good Feeding age careful ilk all- tion keep tip a large flow of milk winter; then in the spring when the green herbage comes the role again tike manufacture of milk re- selves a fresh stimulus• Thos by fall fresising •t�4e milk Wash Silk Shirt Waist. - rot the young •girl no 18 more comfortable than a wash sills dress. These frocks are made in one 'eco and there are P aa Few gloats in the skirts, which are cut rather short, to make them more comfortable and practical. The waists, too, are pleated, and are flu- 'shed with turn down collars. A 'leather belt or etiched one the Uses. Bags are an ever a' present part of woman's dress, but how they change I Now, we are told the leather handbagmost be reserved for shopping, business or travel- lin For all other g• er times a bag of colt, velvet, heads. chiffon or some vel e fabric isused. Silk bags and velvet ones, too, are even used, for shopping. The head bags are per- ,GEORGE` ELLIOTT Licensed Auetloneer for the County of Huron.P Correspondence promptly answered. .Immediate arrangements can be of Lehigh' Valley Coal. None better in the world. Rouse Phone 12.. Office Phone 1.411. all ailments which are the' fore- runners of biliousness. Try ' them. 25c. a bottle Druggists and Dealers or by Mail. Chamberlain Medicine '• Toronto 7 of here to take a ifferent turn from what we expect, and these words, with triose .following on forgiveness as a condition of answer to prayer (verse 25), may be given here as the substance •of a.lon er conversation g flow is not only kept asp for a longer- period of time than would- other- `vise be the case, bub the most milk, is reduced duan the• season of g highest prices. In this lien the chief superiority of winter over dairying. a of silk, Je worn. The silks used are usually of 'the striped patterns- stripes of pink, blue, green or pale violet on.rovhite, Crepe Sweaters Popular. ' • . The haps the most gorgeous of all.• .They aro made with intricate patterns developed' in beads of all colors of the rainbow lined with sills and e mounted in elaborate frames of silver or gold, + made fop Sales :Date'`' at, The ,, j `'News-lhecordi Clinton,' -or" b'tGsT .calling;Phone 13 on 157. , • A. J. HOLLOWAY • • - ' ;'• QST aaHAMBE�dtAIN•S•, TS of which we are. notgiven the full setting. g. 'If an direct rel to Peter's remark Jesus explained that faith ' in God was the source of Itis mime- summer Cows that freshen in the spring 7 g dr'y up quickly in t'he fall when the ,grass is no longer few summer sweater of this sea- ,,.chin in garment son is not whorl g g g made of white and colored worsted. It is made in various thin, silky la- 10, Adol bus, not the T p gush- ing letters are wa•itten with a founb- sin Cliaiges.'iiYodeiate, .and'eatisEaotion '-• - IEt�� , TAB:L % neons ov, ov• er the fig tree, than, present; farmers take good tare Of a dry pen. guaranteed.- ,; �+ ,Clinton News -Record rcalizinower than need .far more fully cow during the winter„ see, tlkeds the • -- than did they th-enesskees, he may 'led nett year the ani gal will be still NA MIN ';! CLTNTOfJ, ONTARIO ' have h:.e.ta to chow thexb -h iav mf less useful,,: ;such deterioration in '� RA,� . RUN:., S- 8.T, - . .,, .,,c ht attain the same greater than the en- y g power a we-ire-Often ;ra often !'" .._ namely, through •faith. - tiro - TIME TABLE - Trains will arrive at and deparb from Clinton Station as follows: • BUI IALO AND GODERTCH DIVes ......e. _,^D V Eaei'", ,,.1 •7.33. a, m. Goong , 3.03 p, m: rc t. 5.15 p, m, Going West; 71;07 a, M. Terms of subscription-$1 per year, in advance; $1..50,may be charged if not so paid. No paper di�Eotr: tinned until all arrears artg"paid unless at'ilia or�tiun of the pub. lisher,y,-nine' date to, which every -eubeeriptian is .paid is denoted on the label. Advertisfng,Ratee - Transient ad-theyFood vertisements; 10 cents per non. pared line for first insertion and feel.. p lust door as p la R N C•��D1A�1\ Y 0 DAl are-in their 1n- er a• their outdoor y, t v.allte of ,her milk s need most, 23.' This mountain-As Jesus and Then again, the cows peed most lie disciples were near the Mount protecoron • during: •the summer ofOlives all •bhe wayfrom BethanyY months, when labor' mayrbe used to• to Jerusalem, the mountain refer- better advantage in th'e fields, to would be the Mount of during no rtSsiun- O1Doubt-Meanin .-bedivided..• inhere eon• find iemvilo; m Months g, to P Y p, • mer clam;peg has ahsolntel nobhiu Oom are James 1. E;, .y g Shall believe that what lie saith •to commend it. cometh to pass-This was the•tecie 7 is about the same price in ing of Jesus regarding the aceom-the sin-ismer as in the writes', while T •/� /� T 9 A.JC��,C'1 (� 1� STOUT Has Special Qualities MILDLY STIMULATING, SUSTAINING ,,., , A Perfect Tonic THIS IS THE TIME OF THEYEAR IT IS NEEDED 1.35 p.:m, to .rg "' " 0,90 p, m, 11.28 p, m,. • & BRUCE DIV HURON"' LONDON"seinen .4 cents per. line for each subse- quant insertion:.: Small advertise. gents nota to exceed one inch,, such• as Lost, • "Strayed,"or "Stolen," play-they are constantly of- Tering temptations for the plishinent. of any great and seem-labor is cheaper; this wdtb if not sold in your nee hborho od, write the negly impossible task through faith. Ube increased price '£or 'winter pro- It head scarcely be added that in ducts, makes winter dairying • by JOHN LABATT, LIMITED referring to the moving of moan- far tete more prolfitdble. LONDON CANADA' i ., ' f"oing'South, (i.10 a. m.. 4.23 p, re; Going North, 11.00. a. m, : 8.35 P. M. etc., inserted once' for 3Pi cents, and aub'sequent in. , 10 cents. Communications ;;intended: for pub.S, lication'must as a guarantee of KODAK Let it keep them for you as they are now." Let ft keep'many other hap- tains he spore in ''figurative iangu- 51 ry age. Jesus himself•never performer.] Of Course Not: p a .miracle for the sake of doinga " l'li tell a great secret, but great or speote,eulur thin and you must st promise not to give it neither Jesus nor his disciples ever away." '"Of course 'not." 'I be- removed mountains his meta-lieve, Miss"Birdie M'Ginnis is OVER 85. XEAeti', t . , EXPERIENCE, ®to good"1ait�ir, be accompanied by-the name of the writer, W. J. MITCHELL, 'Editor and Proprietor.. penings that area source of pleasure to you. 11BOWNIES, $3 TO $12; gone phoricaily,"• I, y 24, A11 things whatsoever ye pray omind e. o v the esti made 'up h and ask tor-Prayer will also :give p y. question." Y did she •say to ,you ?' She didn't 1 • THIS 15 A STORE OF the disciple"s power, but in prayer T as we11 as in works it is ne essary say anything to me precisely, but have unshaken faith to it on Tuesday.sse patted my dog o 'Ding ' �T T 1�ODAIaS, $7 TO $25. make the head. t that an EPENDABLE VALUES eReece T l:r, u TRADEMARK. '"_ psuap4 r. .CoerniouvsliO. Anfa't-Ie geg*,16,oh •uA Ae •ri titre -'. si1lorry% u•• thio ot'Yr oPlaroa fr w�•tLer m �•Yeatfotp5Frott■bVf.a '. M80tlien- -- tantrte. lci8iceenfori,.�°tl�lfon.;r■tena p r rte ren IaY•t ■ eneY to •aura' rtcnu, , . , nt• fates a ;,• une ,� i.aa•t,, ilii Co. ' " flit y i , rtu nawce,'wt4noa a imams; . ,,,. ,. iA a IF�, ;�i,Qr��n� i bAna•em•I1•nlattntea, w6elar. rereent ar- `:'� tui- ton-a '''''4 rt.ntmo. icon.',:. e•ngig rotCalling..: [•, n�.a+r,at.go-a4147.74 vrmaw soia.nr, littesockepiot■., ,; , ;,.:, 3.tiitirofdw■ Y UNN,R,Co. ..--y�,New, rk,, , MBrnuon 11 qt • CENTRAL /^: :, .O • �''' 'i` TFClRD : ONT.! : ..... �,. • : " r, ECOIt E . tL, .specialist in . lustiness. It-offers ni'ore 'opportunities thea any other .. .. , . To .,reap ..the full measure of success you must, ' eta a-. °he . . v t ,best possible Bain • Also full stack of Films and Supplies. We do Developing PP and Printing.Remember the place: :.,, }i : .,.. - '. THE C - A , •, - ,. 'E _ E•XA:�;r'� STOUR' " ,7 . ', .. Yes • h t'a the sin t o s g ve-Received: nex'tlthin 25`. Whensoever ye stand praying to ;patting you the heady Your` TJ�nall tern will come. next. A store that keeps in touch with the -' -blit Jewa stood they 'constantly offer ed prayer, Kneeling or entire "" changing jewelry styles, ,pros re ion was.some n es used on. His - Ain E' ers&ry. � . OCeaelOna.Of'great lmpgl'LanCe,,its ,fat The palrii 'fO,r:, ;& sent-znfndedness A store that sells t11e 3aIlle.. 00(15-aS those sold in the dedication of the temple 1 p (. 'Is probably taken bya learned' Ger,g Kings 8. 54), or when the petitioner _man. One day the rofesso 'net's- the better stores all over the country- P P - in great trouble: : his,ife laein _a lar e':bd "`'tet''•,." '• ANY wangiva , . ilial your > ether _And sells them, too, at as low prices as NSTORE Forgive, ed: w p g. g onnl , , ., ,. ..:i :on�.. l' desk.. ?hat doe" this a�J'so who is i•n heaven .may forgive. ea ?" he,. !asked-..: "Why," " she - _ CAN. 'mean o . you.,b'ot•give,ness is a second' condi- , „ Coe g,e':. exelained, don..t•.you :know' that ' to.the efficacy °i;Prayei. -- :lis is-the ., ,aitniuerswa, of oil mar- , :' 'live - thin '. e -depended° ilpcin'to.l one coo ,reall.,,rec.iv bgiv ,alis. , ,.....•d . :, y. eve £o ens • xy. ;" F w•.,skwe •Indeed Srdae. a2c IP et w•.nwatau: rf , _ ing, Thsa as Qntarr0''S 'Beat ,= . „ "Ah ' - is •i ?,i . said, from God unless he has a taagt • ,,• a .d. : BE exact! 'Vilna we tell oU it 15 gena teou ou i penitent .• -' _' Y, Y . Business School. We give in- dived:iia! attention. ,Yeti ''�: --- heart nand se peeper spirit about sin 'the";professor politely•, "x• di •let forgiveness. 'know, tivhon comes _- „L pLPiOTT'_ . MONTHLY .MAGAZINE _ p AF smn.Y Lie ass in Current'LiteratUr 1 may . Three e r elartms at any 'time, � p. ,, cuts-'Cora merciel; Shorthand and. Tole- graph,. Write ,once for - our free catalogue. • r. •_ D, �CHLri• . �:, �ue��N�w7 ^„ S OR H � Subjects taught by expert instructors at the and No matter 'how roe yours .rAund, ". g gand 1 will recipeotate the favor," This is so from Tie Holders at a quarter to Diamonds'. . willan God might be to forgive, the offender would,nof be able to receive pardon •so ion ` as he , os A Titnely Warning. And it matters not what you may rewire !tor when, 'sassed a hardened heart and an un-Wi.11ie (to era?tor) You it 'better if it• belongs to a Jewelry stoclr, it'shere. forgiving spirit. God does not, of eat-,your pie ,slowly.; never gives has own 'accord, limit his forgive- uiore'n one piece. Prove these things any time, occasion arises:- ness, ' These Iimitatione are placed Thi !lost 1Cnxrc Nouei-s YEARLY L,. A. Mc1 Prineipah C 1:_ ��� Y M.0. A BLDG.. upon, him by human conduct. way v q, One to waste our substance MANY SNORTSTORIES AND • LOPIDOl?1 OINT. heady is 6o adve,rtise for trouble. `�, Cou y.s& Mini. R PAPERS ON • rl MELY TOPICS Students assisted to positions. College' in"How session, from Sept. 2nd, Catalogue' ,for y v $ • ,your. much are ,Four-dollar The next best biting to loving your $2.50 PILR�YItAR } 2fi CTs. A COPY ,':NO CONTINUED STORIES' ; _� ..:. - -. : It would take a sorcerer to dis• tree, Enter any time. J.W-Westervelt : shoes?" asked the facetious custom- enemies 1;s not to have any. sr• " I� ISSUFI2 LYCRY •NUMRCitCOMpLAT6,N reaeI _ - ',Coyer the soitroe of many. _:a. man s income., Jr. J.W.:W.estervelt,Jr_; Pulnctpal. CharteredAccoustant.. 1� Yrs rtiaciPatN1t1►I�rr ,- .)'.Fi3�I~I. and OF `"Twodollars a Foot," lied the - S vall�owing This ,pride never yet. ` salesman, )wearily, satisfied A man's hunger., 1GE LICENSES