HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-07-23, Page 8Clinton News -Record July 23rd, lt9 ATCH our Windows for Bargains daring July and August Mid.=Sum liner Salep • Hall & Atkinson FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS Night and Sunday Calls./ N. BALL Phone 110. 3. A. ATKINSON, Phone 186 A Month of Cut Prices. Commencing Saturday, July 25th, we place on sale hundreds of dollars worth of good, new, seasonable goods that must be cleared out to make room for our new fall stock which the manufacturers start to ship early in :4ugnet. Cut prices on Dry Goods. . Cut prices on Men's and Boys' Clothing. Cut prices on Boots and Shoes. Out prices on Hats, Caps and Shirts. Extra Special. We have sbout 50 Boys' Suits too many -which means 51) suits at manufacturer's prices for the first 50 boys. D/ n'a miss this chance to save money on your boys' new fall suits. They will likely need theta when school starts, Sizes 29 to 35. Also extra low prices on our Pumps and Oxfords, White Canvas Shoes, Sandals, etc, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits More Business I A Shoe Salo Since the announcement of our Midsummer Shoe Clearance " Sale our prices have been a magnet. Shoe buyers with good heads on their shoulder's have been coming here from near and from far to snake investments for themselves and the families. Nothing strange about it either when you learn How Much Shoe Values You Get For So Little Money ! It certainly would be strange, if buyers would not flock in this direction. Make hay while the sun shines, for it shines always, and the Golden Shoe opporl,nnity will soon be a thing of the past. Drop in and see what's doing! Just Note a Few of Our Magnetic Prices ! Men's $5.00 tan shoes 3.40 Boys 82.50 calf shoes $1 08. Men's 5.00 pat lea shoes 3.40 Boy's 3 00 pat lea shoes 2,89, Alen's 4,00 pat lea shoes 2,98 Boy's shoes all sizes 1,19, $2.50 Farm Shoes for $1,75. Ladies pumps, slippers and oxfords lA price. FRED. JACKSON The Home of Good Shoes. Our Specials for Salurday, and all next week. HOT WEATHER 000DS Perfection and quick meal oil stoves. Garden' hose, sprayers and nozzles. Screen doors 81.00 to $2.00. Lawn seats $1.25. Hammocks $2,00 for $1,03 $2,50 for $2.18 $3,00for;$2 08 2 ice cream freezers, reg, $3.00 for $2M8. Electric irons reg. $5.00 for $4.98 reg. $4.50 for $3,98.. 3 only lawn reewer req 5.50 for 4.98 4,00 for 3.48 ' 4.75 for 3,08. 0 -cedar mops $1,50 0 -cedar dusters 15e. 25 percent discount on cut glass for balance of this month, A.nother good supply of Brantford roofing and:beaver hoard. A small quantity of pure Manilla binder twine 13 and 14c. HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES Just Diana of the Green Van. Buy it if ,}you waist to • read a Olean, sweet, Ater - 'Mining story, ono that will ,hold your interest. It's, . a .$10,000 prize novel. Over 100,000sold, During April the best seller in both Canada and United States, Price 81.35. Just In Overland Red. A story full of Western life, perfectly clean and at the same time full of rom- antic advertures. One of the best and brightest nov- els of the year. Price $1.35. W. D. FAIR CO. Often the cheapest -Always the best. trim q'"•i �Ilalilulinuuq)uluuninll .' ,t1 t1 lt1 Ia iss Delle' Taylor of Toronto is spending a vacation at her home in town. Miss Sadie Holmes of Toronto is a guest at the home of her aunt, Mrd TI. B. Chant. ' Miss Bessie Walker has returned to Brantford after a vacation spent at her home in town, Miss Edna Pennebaker returned hoine on Saturday alter a month's visit with Mrs: McDonald of 'Toronto. Misd Ida Walkinshaw returned,the end of last week after• a pleasant vaca- tion spent al, Ripley, Wingham and Blyth. Miss Jean and Master Will:c Bcl•I spent the past week in Goderich with their cousin, )Miss Margaret Bell, Mr, and NL•s. W. Rath and their lit- tle: daughter of East Wawanosh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Kemp. 11Ir. and Mrs, Tremeer of Medicine, Hat, Alta,, are visiting the lady's sisters, Miss Washington and Mrs. J. Southcombe. Mrs, A. G. Sperling of Cleveland, Ohio, after a trip on the Great Lakes, spent a few days this week with Mrs. Akam. Mrs. Wpr, Hyslop and little ones are here from Detroit on a visit to the parental hoine, that of Mr, and Sirs. 'Isaac .Jackson, Mrs. J'ridham of Toronto has been visiting her brother, Stili. Arthur Cook, and other friends in town during the past week. Mrs. .3, 1•e. Brooks anti Master harry of Mitchell are spending a few (lays at the lady's parental hone, that of Mr, and Mrs. W. Cantelon. Mrs. Perrin, of London has been vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Walkinshaw and other friends in Clinton and vicin- ity during the past week or so. M.r, and Mrs. J, A. ('onstantine. 0f Ilighgate spent the week -end as the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. ('liidlcy, and are this week at bree- zy Baylield. Mrs. (Dr.) Cunningham, who has been spending some time with her moth- er, Mrs. Hessian of town, left Tues- day for Pittsburg' to visit her sis- ter, Mrs. Reid. Mr. and Sirs. Gordan of Wallaeeburg spent a few days last week as the guests of their aunts, Miss Washing- ton of town and Mrs, .1. South- combe of Mullett, Rev, J. Greene went to Toronto Sat- urday eS ternoon to be 'russet at the funeral of his stepmother, an aged lady! who passed swap in that city- tine previous Clay. Mr. and Mrs, E.. .r. Jenkins and lit- tle son of Toronto are visiting the former's father, Mr. 'Thos, Jenkins of Woodlands Farm, and other fri- ends in town and township. Mrs, Elizabeth Walsh, who has been spending the past month with Mrs. Akam, returns to Cleveland, Ohio, on Monday where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. A. G. Snarling. Miss Margaret aret Wisecnlan arrived hone from Ottawa on Saturday for a holiday visit. She stopped or for a visit between trains With Mr. and Mrs. J. 13, Hoover of Guelph. She is at Bayfield this .week. Airs. 1i'reneh is spending a couple of clays with her sister in 7 o:onto this week and o'( 1 uoeday next lea- ves for Wetaskiwin Alta whsle she will take charge of the house- hold of Ler son, who recently lost hie wife Mr. and Mrs, W. Gibson and Master Bertram motored up from. i'oronto last week end are the guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.r- thUr Coolt. Miss .Jennie Stevenson accompanied .thorn and is visiting old friends in town. Mr, A: W. Beacom of l3arlock was in town over Thursday evening last while on his way home from at- tending the meeting of the Masonic Gre'ul Lodge at Niagara Falls, Mr, Beacon wont as the representative of the Blyth brethren. Mr. A. Forbes spent a week with >his son, Mr. J. Forbes, who is manag- er of the Norfolk county Telephone System and who resides at Water- ford, and on hie return 'was accom- panied by his two little granddau- ghters, Helen and Scottie, and 'tire winsome maidens are spending, : a few 'weeks in town. Mrs. J, W. 'Treleaven end Miss Nor - Ina are in Toronto this Week where correcting been o ` le•avon has g Mr. 'sic. examination 1lapets for the past fortnight 05 so On the comple- tion of this work they intend visit- ' ing the lady's, sister, Mrs. Kay of Lapeer, Mich., before returning to town for the opening of the Col'leg- fatc.., The attitude of the purchasing public determines the success of any establishment ; for the moment sus- tained sensational special selling may reign'supreme--but in the end actual merit and unvarying excellence find 'practical appreciation, GREAT PRICE CONCESSIONS ON PRETTY WAISTS AND DRESSES WAISTS 25 fancy white lawn waists at cne half original price, DRESSES pretty materials, good styles all different, at cost and less, FANCY PARASOLS AT A FRACTION OP THEIR ORIGINAL PRiCE. TWO EXTRA SPECIALS. These lines are limited in quantity and if you would share in the offerings you must act now. LADIES' ;COTTON HOSE 2 pairs for 25c, BLACK PAILLETTE SILK 36 inches wide, $1,00 per yard, LADIES' RAIN COATS. If the present season does not suggest a Rain Coat a sudden downpour catching you unprepared will, TheQRain Coat can be worn anywhere, at any time, the most useful garment a lady can have in her ward- robe.CiThese are all Canadian Rubber Co, made garments, are most generously cut, and most carefully tailored. Buying them at any time here yod pay the lowest market prices, when the superior manufacture and fit as well as:quality of material used, is considered. WE ARE SHOWING AN EXTRA SPECIAL AT $6.75. We want you to make this store your shopping headquarters, came in whenever you like, stay as long as you like, we are at your service. Bricrwelra. About People You Know Dr. G. F. Belden of Toronto is spend- ing a holiday with friends in town., Miss Winnie MacMillan of Mimdeo is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. (13r.) (4 unn. Postmaster Scott resumes his duties' at, the office today after three weeks' holidays at hayfield. Miss Irene Brooks of Mitchell s :or.t the week -end with lier 4raulpaeenIs Mr. and Mrs. W. ('anlelon. Rev. P. 11'. Harper of London was in town on Monday. IIe leaves this week for a holiday at Barrie. Mrs. llobt. Welsh leaves today to spend a few wedis with her son, Mr. Lorne Welsh of Chatham. Miss Ruby Irwin, who went west three years ago, is expected from Calgary this week on 0 visit to the parental home, Miss McKinnon, who has leen visit- ing Mrs. W. Jackson and other fri- ends in town left last week for "'her home at Caledonia. Mr, 0'. Lynn of Toronto, who has been in the west for some )tsars past, is visiting at the 110010 of his uncle, Mr. W. S. Harland, Miss Sadie Mahaffy is spending a hol- iday at the hone 01 her sister, Mrs Wm. Sparks of the Bronson Line, . near ]iaplleJd and with 'Zurich fri- ends, Mrs. Jackson of Neepawa, Man., has been visiting at the home of her husband's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson's, during the past week, Misses Elva Brown of Toronto and he'r,i ah Brown of l eadbury have been visiting then sister, Nits, Jas. Crieh of town, during the past week. Miss Mac Last leaves on Monday 'for Winnipeg, Wliete she will visit for a few weeks with her brother, Mr. Roy East of the Royal Bank in that city; fvliss Ethel Bradshaw and Mabter Er- scst left yesterday for a Ntsi,t with their grandparents at-Sombra and r 1 c with friends ads at 4�a1 a eb urb Port Hu4On and other'Mints. Mrs .1 0. Arinour, anis Misses Martis. and Aileen left Tuesday for Goder ick,, where they intend for the time being to make' their home. The many, Mitten friends or the family regret their; departure from town. Mr. W. N. Manning and family mo- tored up ,froth London on Payday and spent the day with friends. Miss Harriett reinarnel for a teng- er visit with Mr. and Mrs., k. L. Manning. Airs. ° Susan Crawford,, of Londesboro was the guest of her daughter, Mrs J. 131. Johnson of -town, from Thurs- day until Monday and on Friday spout the day at Du:yf)eld with St. Paul's.church picnickers,`Thurs- day was Mrs. C.navvseventy- eighth Crawford's event y eighth birthday and she came out to celebrate it with her daughter, She 10 hale and hearty, cheeriul,. 'kindly and busy and her zany fri- ends hereabouts wish her many hap- py, returns chi her birthday. • Master Earl .3 01111S911 is holidaying with lreinls at Zurich. Mr. W. Jaclis)nn has beep in 'Toronto during the past Week. Mrs. A. J. Cirigg and Mists Helen are visiting London and Si. 'Thomas friends. Air. and Mrs. R. A. 13011 spent a cou- ple of clays in Goderich during the past week. Miss Elsie McLean of Goderich fs visiting her cousins, Miss Jean and Master Willie BNL Mr. Harry Dawe of Leami'ngt'on spent a few days with NIr. and Mrs. Geo. Bradshaw last week. Mr. Walter iCiug has been quite 111 (luring tete past week, it is hoped his indisposition may he only tem- porary. Mrs. A, Cole of Wayne, Mich., was a guest at the home of Mr. Robe. Pearson of the leth of Guderich township last week. Mrs. F. S. Mc(!loy is expected froil' Edmonton, 'Alta., tomorrow 011 a visit to her paresis, Mr, and Mrs. James 'i'witcheli. Mrs Alex Leitch has been visiting her son and other friends in the old home neighborhood at Constance dating the past week., SIr. John Citbbings and Miss Ladle Grant left Tuesday for Lapeer, Mich., to visit the termer's dau- ghter, Mrs, (Dr.) Kay. Miss Evelyn Booth of Leamington was a guest at the hone of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mss. Cleo. Bradshaw, for a few days last 1Mid-Summer week. Mr, John 'Torr.ance was up from Tor-ing t e st m- 1'�her'C Ile 1'ti S)ettd 1 Iarta, w I 6 SUM - mer at Balmy Beach with his Tam- il} over the week -end, returning the wtp Monday!. Mr. and N)vr D. A _ C'antelon and O e al e S The News From Londesboro a f v 11.r. J tut Hutton received a cru n oats and a car of cement one dap this week. Misses Myrtle and 'Violet Phillips are visiting, Thedford and Brigdon fri- ends this week and will visit in Mich- igan, before returning home, Mr. John Splindler of Luckuow was a guest at the home of 113r. Joseph Lyon over the week -end. Miss P. Mills of Blyth is the guest or her cousin, Mrs. (Rev.) C. 0. Keane, this week. Mr. John Cartwright of the Tem- perance douse was in Toronto over the week -end. Mr. R. J. Martin returned recently from a visit with his son at Sault Ste. Marie. Messrs. W. Lyon, W. and F. '1'am- hlyn, and E. Grey and Miss J. Les- ley have returned front St. Thomas, where they Were attending the gam - mer school, The ladies of Londesboro are becom- ing quite enthusiastic over baseball, having played two games during the week, • Rev. Mr. blsh0, a returned mission- ary from Persia, gave a splendid missionary, address in Burns' church on 'Tuesday evening. Mr, P)sho, who has spent; Lvva.ity years in the work in Persia, spoke very interestingly of his experiences and his address' was also very instructive. 'There was a good turnout to hear him. Airs. tela het at .. .. Ni (. O. Keane 1 at the parsonage on Wednesday noon. NIr. Geo. .linslee, Misses knnie Flossie and bliss A. Lawrence nu :5 ed up from Comber and spent a days with Mends here, leaving Mon- day! for Kincardine:. Misses Geddes and Mackenzie Bcllgravo visited at the hong) of Ds. Geddes this week, Rev. Mr. Laing of Auburn ws guest at the manse this week. The Londesboro Branch of the '7;c - men's Institute will hold their asses al picnic Thursday afternoon AA ",T. 91:11, in Mr. Ernest Adams' gr 4'•.• south of the river. Everybody I:sa.. bring a basket. Constance Mrs. David Milson is visiting 03 daughter, Mrs. Bert McLean of 6 :.e. 10. Mrs. Thos. Andrew end tion I of. Gerrie are visiting the foil.:.r's (laughter, Mrs, B. B, Stephenson Misses Tena and Addie Love of Walton were guests ov'0 1113 yr:.s r Mrs. Ed. Brft` n, cud of thesis sister, Airs. Alex. Leitch of Clinton da --- been visiting her son, Mr. Cies-4s Leitch, and other relative, and :7i - ends in the. old neighborhood,. Master Perris of Toronto spent a couple of days as the guests oi' the foriner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kali. Cantcloa this week. NIrs., Geo.Chartc Y and little Miss 1' Sask., ar- rived Tuesday on a visit to the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. 4. Wort:ester, and other friends in town. They stopped ole for a fortnight on the way to Visit Hamilton friends'. Airs. Washington of Auburn v=isited at the parental home, that of Mr. Thos, Jenkins. of the Huron Road, this week and on her return home was acconlganied • by her sisite ,-in- law, Mrs, Wdl Jenkins and, babe, who are down front the west on a 1,)r. J. W. Shaw was ;taken ill with an acute attack of appendicitis on Sun- day and on Monday was operated on foe the sante. IIe is no .% doing as well as could be expected and 1 t is hoped will be right ht in a few weeks This is the second of our town doctors to lie d ric sen within the past few weeks; Dr. Thompson having been operated on a few, weeks ago, and not yet having re• sumed his practice; 41=1111111121 Our Third Semi -Annual Clearance Sale is P1OVlia much greater success. o t1an v C anticipated, ) tocYou 111 b e well advised if you give us an early call and se(for yourself the extra- ordinary values we are ol}ermg in all lines of footwear ,just now. A few of the many Lines we have placed on sale. Men's Patent Boots 30 pairs only, reg price $5.00, sale price $ ( .98 Men's Calf Bluc. High toes. reg. price $4.50 and $5.()0, sale price $3.48 Men's Calf Bluc. High toes, reg. price sale price $2.98 Men's Work Shoes 20 pairs, sit sizes, reg. price $2.711 sale price$ 00 Men's Work Shoes 4O gaits, all sizes, rep. price 92,00, sale price$ l .69 Women's Pumps and Oxfords New goods, patent gun metal and suede, reg. price $3.50, sale price$2 48 No salegoods of approval. Money refunded if you are not sat isi'ied, pp 3 H. S. CHAPMANPHa..a NE 70