HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-07-16, Page 8i
n�. bhe )nu enl l ofouclCiideummerShod Clearance
S de our Prices have been a meguet. Shoe buyers with good.:
heads on.their shoulders have been cowing here from near
. and from fae tet, melte investments Inv themselves and the
familiee. Nothing strange about it'either whet' you learn
qw Much Shoe ` Values 'You Get For
Little Money !
It certainly would he strange, if buyers. would not flock in
this direction. Blake hay white the sum shines, for it shines
always, and the Golden Shoe opportnnity will soon be a
thing of the past. Drop in and see what's doing 1
Just Note a Few of Our Magnetic Prices !
Men's $5,C0 tan shoes :3.40 Boy's .$2.50 calf shoes $1 08.
Men's 4.00 pat lea sh at lea 6hoes'3es 2.08 Boy's shoes all.41) Bo's aoo atl s zest 1.10.. 39.
$2.30 Farm Shoes for $1.75.
Ladies pumps, slippers and oxfords % price.
The lioine of Good Shoes.
OHr Secia1s for SalllrdaT,
--and all next week.
Perfection and quick meal oil stoves.
Garden hose, sprayers and nozzles.
Screen doors $1,00 to $2.00.
Lawn seats $1.25.
Hammocks $2.00 for $1.03 $2,50 for $2.I8 $3,00 for $2 08
2 ice cream freezers, reg. $8.00 For $2.08.
Electric irons reg. $5.00 for $4.48 reg. $4.50 for $3.08.
3 only lawn mower reg 5.50 for 4.08 4.00 tor 3.48 4.75 for 3,98.
O.oedar mops $1.50 0 -cedar dusters 75c.
25 percent discount on cut glass for balance of this month.
Another good supply of Brantford roofing and:beaver hoard.
A small quantity of pure elanilla binder twine 13 and 14e.
White Canvas Shoes I.
Onr stock of these goods is now fairly complete. both in- wom-
en's and children's, lines and consist of all theluew lasts in primp_, high
and low, button and lace.
Children's from $1.00 a pair up.
Ladies' from $1.50 a pair up.
Our prices on these goods are very tow and it will pay you to
see what we are showing before making a purchase.
See Our Men's and Children's Straw Hats.
Dozens of styles and prices frym 10e to $2.50. See our men's
special lines at $1.00 and $1.25.
Women's and Children's Wash Dresses.
Never before have we shown such a large range of wash dresses
as we are this season and never were values as good.
Children's dresses 25c to $2 50. •, k
Ladies' dresses $1.00 and up.
A spacial line of children's dresses at 49c.
Plumsteel pes.
Small Profits
-- More Business
.re orimmo n it re
Like:HOrlE if is
COSY and Comfort -
Yours can be if you will take
ad.vant� a of our Furniture
It's bargains, galore we are offering bust now
in everything in the store. If you want a Side-
board, , Buffet, China Closet, Table, Chairs,
Springs rin g s or Mattress,, now is the time to purch-
ase. Our store is the cheapest spot in Huron
County to buy all kinds of furniture.
Bal Atkinson
Ball At 1
Night and Sunday Calls.
BALL Phone 110. J. A. ATKINSON, Phone 18d
Dianna of the Green Van.
Buy it if }'sou want to
read a'elcan, SWee'it ehtel'-
taining story, one that
will bold your interest.
It's a 110,000 prize novel
Over 100,000 Sold. During
April the :-best seller in
both Canada and United
States, Pelee $L35.
Just III
Overland Red
A story full of Western
lite, perfectly clean and at
the same time full of sore,-
antic advertures, One of
the best and brightest nov-
els of the year. Price 11,35.
Often the cheapest --Always' the best.
q G Qt1l1Qlllnnnuumm�unnlln
All' Iff 1.�11�.
Master Clyde Kennedy is visiting his
cousin,- Ilarold Wilson of Stratford.
Miss Merle Moore has been visiting
Stratford friends for the past weer
or ab.
Mr, and Mrs. John Etrenerton' spent
over the weeft-end with Goderich
Miss Stella Wiggington and her neph-
ew, Master Jack, are visiting Luc -
an friends, - .
Miss Florence Cuninghame has been
spending a few days in London and
St. Thomas.
Miss Mae Cuthbertson of Mitchell is
a guest at the borne of Mrs. Mc-
Taggart, Sr.
Miss Larine Langford visited last
week with friends in Londesboro
and vielnitp.
Mrs. (Dr.) J. Scott of Seaforth was
the guest over the week -end of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Innis.
Miss Dora Barr left yesterday to
spend her holidays with friends in
London' and vicinity.
Miss Olive Brddks of Mitchell is
spending a few daps' at the home of
her -grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. W.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart of 'Toron-
to are spending a few 'weeks in
town while the Doctor supplies the
Willis pulpit,
Mr. Ferguson, accountant of the Roy-
al Bank staff, has been transferred
to Bridgeburg. Mr. Moss of Ham-
ilton takes his place here,
Mr. and Mrs. Shillington and babe of
South Bend, Ind., arrived Monday[
on a visit to the lady's parents,
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Rutledge.
Mr, and -Mrs. Lorne Murch and gam-
ily hare moved up from Stratford
and are how comfortably settled in
the flat above Evans' fee store.
a o d
Mr. Workman has been for some days
the guest of Mr. Nixon Welsh. They
are both members of the teaching
stall of the Toronto Public Schools,
Sir. Robt. Mason returned Monday
from a visit of a couple of weeps
with friends at Rlyth and other
points in the northern part of the
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blown, who bad
ben. -visiting tltetr parents and oth-
er relatives and friends in Clinton,
returned to their hone in Petrolia
this week.
Mrs. R. J. Tindall of Wingham called
upon her cousin, Mrs. David Steep,
on Saturday, while on her way to
attend the funeral of a relative a,t
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Sanderson of Naf-
Cau, Hawaii, West Indies, are at
present visiting in town as the
guests of Dr. and Mrs. Thompson
and Rev, J. and Miss Greene.
Mrs. Woodman of Boston, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S.
]vans, for the past few weeks,
leaves today to spend a few weeks
at her summer home at Wiarton.
Mr. Olouston came up fl:om. Toronto
on Tuesday and the same. afternoon
went on to Bayfield to spend a•few
weeks with his daughter., Mrs. W.
0' Cantelon, who has a. cottage
there for the summer.
Mrs. Geo. Joner, and her daughter,
Miss Eva, leave this :week for their
home in Victoria, 3310., after speed-
ing the past three months as the
guests of the lady's r parents, Mr.
and Mrs, John B r
Dr. 0. W. Thompson, who underwent
an operation for appendicitis a
couple of weeks ago in London, left
the. hospital Monday and is spend-
ing a few weeks in St. Mary's be-
fore returriing to resume his prac-
Mr. 'l'llos, Ernmerton of Bloomer,
State of Wiscons n, spent a few
days recentljl with his brother, Mr.
,lolin Emmerton of town. Ole is
note at the ol.d homestead near Kin-
cardine, but will return again be-
fore leaving for Wisconsin. •
Misses Mabel and Olive, 'Taylor of
Minnedoza, Man„ who ware for
Sonne days the guest of their uncle,
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tay-
lor, left on 'Tuesday for London
'and after a:week's visit there will
leave' for their west ho
cern me
Rev. 0. L. Lenglol:d spent the whole
of last week. and Rev, S. ,J. Allot
the greater part of it in camp at
London with the Clinton Cadets.
This manifest interest in ome local
boys by these gentlemen of the
cloth was appreciated both by the
Cadets and the parents thereof.
Mr. and Mrs: Reekin and Miss Kate,
and a niece, Miss Agnes ball. of
Jackson, Mien, motored up from
Dutton Sunday and - spent a few
days in town as the guests of Mr,
and Mrs, W. T. O'Neil. Mr, and
MIs. Reekie were formerly; residents
i old of town and their friends
e' were,
pleased to See $ficin, ':
Joly fella, 1t 'li 4'
ore already too well acquainted with this store and the methods governing the conduct of this business to need
any words of an introductory character, we can assure our friends that this will be by far the most important sale
we have held in our lace department in our business history. We honestly believe that no sale event in this
store has ever rivalled this one in impoitanee.
in preparation for this occasion. Words cannot be marshalled that are strong enoughrto do full justice to the
extraordinary values' and vast assortments that here await you, OVER TEN THOUSAND YARDS of the
very best made and most perfect Lace, Embroidery and Insertion will be sacrificed in this great sale.
that quotation never applied more forcibly than to this great trade movement. If we can only. impress you with
the facts and the values, we will have the biggest success we have ever attained, THE PRICES ARE AMAZ-
that we have outdone our gi eafest efforts cf the past.
that we are better equipped to handle an immense business than ever before,
that the bargains are the greatest and the assortment the largest that have been offered in this store for years.
to .come and investigate these facts, We are offering matchless values and still the greater part o3 the story re-
mains to be told, It will pay you to make a trip to this 'store from any distance --this will indeed be a sale,
presenting unparalleled chances of saving money on all kinds 'of IJace, Embroidery and Insertion, An array .of
goods that is a credit to the manufacturing ability and equipment of any firm or country.
About People You' Know
Miss Ida Twitchell is spending a
a p 6
few weeks with Toronto friends.
Miss Ward left this morning to spend
a week with Miss Stone at Essex,
Miss Price: of Exeter is the guest of
Miss Myrtle '1'iplady of the 13a9e
Miss Dello 'Taylor is expected home
from Toronto tomorrow for a fort-
night's holiday.
Mr. Ernest Walton has arrived safely
at his destination in the 010 Land
where he purposes spending a few
Mrs. 1'. Cantelon and Miss Cantelon
leave tomorrow for London town-
ship to spend the week -end with
Miss 'Irene itest.
Mrs. 1-Iart Hicks of Goderich town-
ship returned Tuesday from, a visit
of six weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Geo. Ludlow of Proton.
Mr, Ogie Miller, Harriston, and Mr.
Eddie Miller, Listowel, visited the
parental home, Mr. and Mrs. J. Se
Miller's, for a few days the past
Mr. Ernest Izzard is up from Tenon -
to this week and is visiting at the
old homestead on the 1415 con. and
calling upon his many friends in
and about -Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. Caswell of Toronto
have been guests at the home of Mt
and Mrs, W. Hacnhlyn during the
past week, • They made the jour-
ney up in their auto.
Mrs. Whitehead and Miss Tucker Mo-
tored to London yesterday and
spent the week -end with friends
there, ChauffeurFrank Httpti
the wheel.
Rev. S. J. Alen leaves today to
spend a few weeks,' vacation in the
vicinity of Windsor, on the Detroit
River. Mrs. ABM and Master Sher-
win follow on Monday nest.
Mrs. Thos. Brickendcn, who has for
the past three weeks, been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 'Taylor' of town,
and other relatives in the vicinity,
leaves today for her home, in Tor-
Mrs. G, R. fieys and her daughter,
Willetts, came up from London Sae-.
iurday to join Mr.. Keys and for a
few' days ,they visited fr,ends in
Clinton, the township, and G0deee
Mr. and Mrs. J. Seruton and fancily
visited friends at Grincsey and vic-
inity for a tew days last week. Mr.
le. Graham took them to and fro
ie his auto anis- the little jaunt was
'niueh enjoyed.
Mr., Woodley of Winnipeg, who had
'bitch spending a week at i3:ayficild,
left Thursday ,for the west. Mrs.
Woodley ,and Mrs. Woodley, Sr. are
remaining for a longer period at
dile breezy lakeside resort,
Mr.' John Biggins, who cavae over
-from Gilead Ohio, last week to
attend the funeral of his uncle, the.
late Squire Biggins. left for home
epee on
His sietereleIrs,
N. Jagger, who accompanied hien
over, wfll remain here with her
aunt for a few weeks.
Miss 3Snnna Cooperer of Toronto is
home for a taeation
Mr's, D. W. L. Cantelon ' of 'Toronto
is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Cantelon.
Mrs, G., R.. Keys was called to Har-
riston last evening by the serious
illness of Mr. Keys' sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Holloway and Miss Mil-
dred Holloway of Montreal were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walton for
a few days the past week.
Mrs. Steep of Mary street wishes to
thank Tier neighbors and friends. for
all the kindness shown her sister,
the late bliss Annie Rowe', during
her illness and also for the sym-
pathy 'and kindness to herself in
her sorrow. ,
Stanley Township
Mr. Bart Levis and his sister of
Clinton spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. John efcleinley.
The Frenzied Attempt of Mr.
Rowell Was All in Vain.
("Toronto Saturday Nignt,)
The story told by the voting in On-
tario on the last Monday of June,
ought to convince political leaders
that it is all in vain to label the
members of the respective parties as
saints and sinners, Mr. Rowell to at-
ten t d -
p c persuade the members of
the Methodist Church that his policy
would present them with the millen
tum, on a silver salver, while the
Whitney policy would mean decanters
debauchn allother
a d the horrors
'which go with the fourth letter of
the alphabet During the last week
of the campaign, flaming posters,
:.growing the "bow -wows" career of
the 'Tory father, added color to the
political combat, whine several clergy-
men Were so indiscreet as to forget
their task as spiritual guides and at-
tempt to superintend the narking of
the congregations, ballots. The re-
sult was that most members of the
Methodist Church;' with Conservative
convictions, left John 'Wesley calmly
hanging on the parlor wall and hied
them to the polling -booth to ee old
votes for the Whi:tnap candidates.
Never, in the Province of Ontario,
the garden spot toe the ora-
tor's peroration, was :there a
more deliberate attempt to stigma-
tize a whole part1i as given over to
courses of corruption and debauchery,
and never did an attempt fail more
significantly, There were vulnerable
spots in the Conssr.vative policy which:
might well have been the object of
Opposition attack. ' But tax reform'
and other progressive measures event
by the board in Mr. Rowell's frenzied
attempt to prove that his is the par-
ty al moral reform and the other
the faction of degradatian.
The News From Londesbor'o
1r. Hutton or Saskatoon visited
his brother, Mr, John Hutton, this
Mr. Wm. Griffiths returned this
week from Winnipeg.
Miss le. Lyon, who has been visit-
ing Lucknow friends, returned home
Miss lllsie Lyon 1))nst a few days
with Miss McCartnep of Goderiele
Mrs. (Rev.) J. G. Reid left on
Tuesday on a trip to Brandon, Ulan.
-Mir, Dennis Roberton, who has been
relieving at JLncknow station, has
returned home,
Miss T;. Graham of Clinton was the
guest of Mrs. J. Lashatcr on Monday.
1 1' 1 i s Wov i n, ai
Mrs. 1311 and Mrs. 'lir. r ri [
are visiting the l atter s dauL'..t. ,,
Mrs. Peters of Clio, Miele
Misses Dora and Edith hlogriee
Auburn spent a fow days last ,'ecii
with friends here.
Miss Nettie Woodman, a pili ' e
1l.iele Mice 13011, secured first eiifee
honors in her recent nmste 4'xat
tion in connection with the Wt- i,
University examinations. Miss Tit ei
Blyth, another pupil, •was aloe surrz;-
ful in receiving similar honors it.
Miss B, J3r•ogdoi returned to -,z
don on Saturday after a vete( a, see
hone here.
11ullett Happenings
Mies Vera Carhert spent a few
days last week with Morris friends.
Miss Loretto Flynn of Toronto is
spending a couple' of weeks at her
Miss Florence 'Tighe is visiting in
Me. and Mrs. Thos. Quigley and
child: of Goderich visited relatives
relatives hereabouts on Sunday.
Mr. 13obt, Anderson,lv s. Thos.
Carhert and Miss Colette . Carhert
were guests of Walton friends oil.Sun-
day last.
Mise Marie McIntosh of clod
has been visiting Inc cousin, > s.
Mary Meleatosh,
NH'. and Mrs. George leranaliopi 1.1.1.
family of Dublin spent Ouuday las
1110 borne of Mrs. Phos. 'Tighe,
Miss Marcie hail has passer i a^
primary. Mario examination with e
id -Summer
Shoe Sale
Our Third Semi -Annual Clearance Salle
is proving is much greater success than we anticipated, You will be
well advised if you give as an early call and see for yourself the eetea-
ordinary value we are offering in all lines of footwear just now. A
few of tl e many lines we have placed on sale.
Men's Patent Boots
'30 pairs only, reg price
$5.00, salep rice •
Men's Calf Blue.
High toes. reg. pi ice
$4.50 and $5.00, Bate
price $3.48
Men's Calf Bluc.
High toes, reg. price
$2.00, sale price $2.98.
Men's Work Shoes
H) pairs, all sizes, reg,
pr ice $2,75, sale price
Men's Work Shoes
10 pairs, all sizes, _ reg.
price $2.00, sale price$11 elete
Women's Pumps
and Oxfords
New goods, patent gun
metal and suede, reg.
price $3:50, sale'pricc$2 .t 8
No if ale goods on approval. Money refunded if you are not satisfied,
P$orl>;a 711