HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-07-16, Page 7G. De- MeTAGGART M. D.' MeTAGGART McTaggart Bros. BANEERS 'A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED, INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PUB - CHASED. IL T. RANCE - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- •.' ANCIER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE' AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES.' DIVISION COURT OFFICEe. CLINTON. W. RRYD ONE, BAIIRISTER, SOLICITOR, , NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office- Sloan Block --CLINTON CHARLES 11. HALE. Conveyancer, Notary Public, . Commiasioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Mareiage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON DES. GUNN & GANDIER , ' Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.O.P.,, L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr. J. 0. Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at reeadence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW - OFFICE - RATTENBURY ,ST. EAST, -CLINTON OR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETO. Special attention give:a to dis- eases a the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- able glasses prescribed. Office and residence:2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. DR. F. A. AXON -- DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.C.D.S., To- ronto. • Hayfield on Mondays from May to • December. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly wieswered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Salee Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 13 on 157. ' Charges moderate mid satisfaction guaranteed. A', Ilk es,W scS-Veslr - TIME TABLE - Trains will arriVe et and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: Gong 4 Giing West, 411, 7.33 a. sn. 3,03 p. m. 6.16 p. 01. 11.07 a. EEL 1.35 p. m. 6.40 p. m. 11.28 p..tn. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV 1 Going South, 8.10 a. to. 0 I 4.23 p. m. •Going North, 11.00 a. m. gg 8.35 p. m, OVER '88 YEARS" EXPERIENCE , TRAWL Names Dames COPYRIGHTS ote., Anyone sending ti sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion tree wootuer an Invention is probably patonpnlibt, •Aiontitimilere Mons strIetly confidential. lhallligh on Patents sent ffo ree. Oldest agency r necuringpatents. Patents taken tiwough Nunn & receive *vestal notice, tii.ltliout charge, in tint S,cientific American A .handeomely illustritted weekly. Largest alp unseen of any solemn& Journal. Terme for Clanado„ sax, a year, postage prepaid. Sold by all newSdealora. MUNN & N 36t0roadivay, New York BrAnall Office. 4126 St, Waghluzton. LIPPINCOTT' MONTHLY MAGAZINE. A rAmmv LIBRARY The Best In Current Literature 12 COMPLZTE NOVELS YEARI.:7 I 1VIANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOMOS $2.50 PER YEAR; 25 OM A COPY., NO CONTINUED STORIES: eVEFIY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELF SY202F:=CSI4S=T.. Bran., Shorts and Flour From the' Best Mills at the limes pepeible ' WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE for OATS,. PEAS and BAR- LEY„.also HAY for Baling. Ford & McLeod ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE • CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE. BLACKSMITHS - WOOD 314 in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FOES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. ' The &Knipp Mutual Fire Insurance gonipally Farm and Isolated Tovni Property only Insured - OFFICERS - S. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas, Connolly, Vice -Presi- dent, Goderich P.O.; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. - Directors -- D. P. McGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rims, Conetance; John Watt, Harloek; John Benuewies, Brodhagen; Jamas Evans, Beechwood; M. MeEven, Clinton P.O. - Agents -- Robert Smith, Harloek; E. Hindi. ley, Seaforth ; William Chesney, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Holmes. vine. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Olin. ton, or et Outt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect insure awe or trantaet other business will be promptly attended to on am. plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post,. offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene, LehighlTalley Coal Coal that comes up to an almost 100 per cent. standard for pure carbon is p;erfect, coal. There is 110 Arithra,cite co& mine in the world producing a, more perfect coal then comes from the Lehigh Valley Coal Mines. Leave your outer before the price adva,nce,s, House Phone, 12; Office Phone, 140. A. H LLOWAY Clinton News -Record CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Terms of subsaription-$1 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discon. tinued until all arreart are paid, unless et tho option •of the pub. fisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advettising Rates -- Transient ad- vertisements, 10 cents per non- pareil line for first insertion and 4 conts per line for each subse- quent insertion. Small advertise. ments not, to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted 0110e for 36 cents, and each subsequent in- sertion 10 cents. Communicationintended for pub. lication must, as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. 3. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Each Tuesday March 3 to 00101109 27 inclusive.' Winnipeg and Return , - $35 00- • Edmonton and Return - 43.00 From Toronto, and Stations West and North of Toronto. Proportionate fares from Stations East of Toronto. Return Limit two months. REDUCED SETTLERS' FARES (ONE-WAY SECOND CLASS) EACH TUESDAY., MARCH AND APRIL Settlers trafrelfing with live stock and effects should talcSSTTLERS' SPECIAL TRAIN which leaves West Toronto each • Tuesday during MARCH and APRIL after arrival regular 10.20 p.m. train from Toronto Union Station. Settlers and f amilles without Hie stock should use REGULAR TRATNS, leaving Toronto 10.20 p.m. DAILY. Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers, l`hrourrit trains Toronto to Winnipeg and WestCOLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAINS bib charge roe nerths. Particulars front Canadian Pacific Agents 0 write U. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto.. rvbesammalcutairer OR WHAT SHAL] is certainly one of the most disegree- able eilinents which flesh is heir to. Coated tongia-bitter taste in the mouth -nausea- dizziness- these cause is a disc,' dered liVer-the cure combine to make life a burden, The 'W'e!lust Choose This or Ttiat -arid What Dr. Morse's Indian Root Fills. They go straight to the root of the trouble. Choose VVe Probably Shall Have put tlie liver right, cleanse the stom- ach and bowels, clear the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the mouth. At the first sign of bilious- ness take Dr: Morse's • '1°' hid Ilkoot Pilis • ItleanIng of "Half-Maet." • Ever since liege were used in war, says the Yorkshire ''Pose,2' it has been the custom to have the em- blem of the superier or conquerieg nalion &hove that of the inferior mr vanquished. When an army found itself hopelessly beeten, it hauled its flag down far enough for the flag •of the vietoes to be plaoed above ib on 'the same pole, That was a to- ken not o»ly of submission, but of respect In those days, when la famoue soldier died, flap were low- ered out of reepect to his memory. The custom long ago passed nob° common 11004 The flag flying at half-mast, is a sign that one ia dead who was worthy of universal res- pect. The spaoe left above the flag is for the ilag of the great conquer - OT of esti-the angel of death. • An Acre of Tickets. Tim London General Omnibus Company issue 'something like 2,- 000,000 •tickelts in the comae of a single day; and for those people who like to have such matters ela- borated into ;statistioal details it meg be remarked that a day's ;sup- ply of therets weighs arbotet one ton. • If placed end to end woeld stretch from London to Dover, would cover a space of nearly an acre, or if plac- ed ilet on top of one another would reach to a height of 1,666 feel, 41121i961111•14•92.2110 THE CHILDREN OF TO -DAY just as they are -in their in- door play, or at their outeloor play -they are constantly of- fering temptations for the KODAK Let it keep them for yoli as they are now. Let it keep many other hap- penings that are a source of pleasure to you. BROWNIES, $2 TO $12; RODARS, $7 TO $25. .Also full stock of Fihns and Supplies. We do Developing and Printing. Remember the piece: THE REXALL STORE VIAMIr214 USINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the atekie Y. M. 0. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Prinelpel Cbortered Accountant 17 Mee -Principal CENTRAL /J./ STRATFORD. ONT. -1-1 111COME a, specialist in Business. It offers more opportunities than any other calling. To reap the full measure of success you must have the best possible train- ing. This is Ontario's Best Business School. • We give in- dividual attention. You may enter our classes at any time. Three Departments -• Com- mercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy. Write at once for our free catalogue. D. A. IVIeLACHLAN, • Principal. fi -ND R N :It at LW AV STM 1i °ME SEEKE PiS' EXCURSIONS. To .Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatche- wan. Ea,ch Tuesday, March Ord to October 27th, inclusive, via Chi- cago, St. Paul or Duluth. WINNIPEG AND RETURN $35.00 EDMONTON AND RETURN $43.00 From Toronto end statione- North and West of Toronto. Proportion- ate; low fares from stations :East of Toronto. Return limit two months. Full -particulers at Grand Trunk Tioket,011ices, or write C. E. Piorn. ing, D.P..., Teecnite, Out. John Ransford & Son, Uptown Agent. Phone 57, A. 0. Paetison, Slat -ice Agent. Pleono "And it came to pass, that Elijah said. unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, ;before I be taken 0\V91 from thee." -II. Kings, 11,, 9. Terrible indeed was the challenge here givee 40 Elisha by Elijah. It may well be regarded, perheps, ioe the prophet's final besting of hie disciple to see if he were worthy to take up the work which he himself was now required to lay down. "Ask whatsoever then eaid Elijah. "Tell me what Cum most desirest for thyself, and 1 will do it for thee." Well -does Emerson de- clare, in a chance comment upon this incident in hiseJournale "Who could have etood this test? To whom would it not have been snare ?" Bert Blithe was not un- worthy of his maater''s trust, lie asked not for riches, favor, power, the love of men, or even for healeh or eontinued life, He sought not the kingdoms of this world or any poreion 'thereof, hub only the king- dom of the ;spirit. "I 'pray thee," he said, "let a double portion of thy ;spirit be upon me." We Can Have What We Want. It happens to few men to have a challenge offered in eo direct a faehien as this was offered to Eli- sha. But there is.no one of as who is lea 'sooner ox later called upon to make the choice which is here de- fined. As we 7330ve ant of the shel- ter of childhood, and youth into the world of ;affairs we find ourselves possessed of certain capabilities and heed with certain opportuni- ties for their ;employment. We dis- cover that we have been given a few talents and that these talents can be used in definite ways for de- finite results. We learn that, iviehe in more or less naerow limits, we can have evhat we want. The world is 'saying to each one of us exaetly what Elijah said to Blithe, "Ask what I shall do fox thee," and with We as, exactly as 'WlehlDlisha, We have only to imme Mee With in order to receive'Whatever our portion in life, whateeer our .place in elle social Oak; Whatever the -scope Our opporeenitieS for eelf-yealiia- 1ien, there le ne one oe 09 who does not have ;to decide as 10 starethet he wants money, fame, husineeo suceese,' polit.ioal intleeime; semi& leadership, knowledge, the com- panionship of books, eingle blessed. nese, family love, friendship, the joy of 'service, the 'beauty of hell- neae, s eorrecienea -void of effeece, theWerke 'of the fleSh-,-. the fruits of the apirit-and arrange his larbora accolelingly. Some of these things can he had together, eosin only At the Expellee of Others.. Most of them fell into certain well defined group's, which are mutually exclusive. "The blessing deecends in the staking," says Emerson in his Journal again. "The prayer answers itself, as all real prayers What, therefore, is the choice which we are going to make from among the rewards which are oiler - ed us? This is the supreme ques- tion of life. 'Thiteehere Will &Ways be men who will continue ;to make the temptih;g choice of the things ofthis world and learn too late that like the apples of Sodom, they turn to duet and aehes as soon as they are grasped is without doubt. But may ib not at least be hoped that, men will more and more be wise and brave enough •to choose "the better part" of thiegs swirilmal '1 Such choice most ever be eupremely difficult, It is the deliberate refe al of the near for the remote, of the visible for the invisible, of the eash for the credit. "Thou hest baked a ai.rd thing," said Elija.h, when Eli- sha had given his .iinswer. But of this we may be sure-thatethe dif- ficulty is only the measure of the worth. -Rev. John Haynes Holmes. IHESONDAY SCHOOL tESSON INTERNATIONAL LESSON, JULY 10. Lesson III. Blind Bartinutees. Mark 10. 4642. Golden Text Ism 35. 5,6. ' Verse 46. jerieho--At the time of Christ, a walled city, through which ran a Roman military roari, and the city in which Hexed re- sided. • It was situated about eigh- teen miles from Jerusalem and ee- ven miles from the Jordan River. He went out from Jericho -This is the only time of which we hay any record that Selma tarried in Jericho, ;though he must have pass- ed through it many times in going from, Galilee to Jerusalem. On this, his last journey, 1110, steges are more definitely marked and the cities through which the passed men- tioned, Preceding leseons tell of his entering Jericho, ef his dining at the house of Zacchaeus, a, chief publican, of his passing through the city,meeting the 411011young man, 'giving the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, and re- plying to the inconsiderate demand of James and john for tho &rel.: places in his kingdom, with his teaching of greatness through. ser- vice. Now, oil. his way out of the city, he sees a despised blind beg- gar by the wayside, and discontin- ues his discourse to teach by taw- Plleieuilnersof, broeherliness and liepl A .great multieude Better, "a, cenealerable clieWd." The son of TimaeuseBartirnacus- It would eeeso from the mention of the father's name first that he was .known to the Christians for whom Mark wrote. Sibting by the way side -A blind beggar would expect t� receive alms from the pilgrims ping to Jerusa- lem for the passover. 47. When he -heard that ie was Jesus the Nazarene - Bartimaens, though blind, knew ehat an unusual number of people •wore passing, and he may have inquired the cause. He had no cloubb heard of Jesus be- fore as the prophet of Nazareth, and the hope of receiving help for himself, as he had heard of others having received it, arouses him to put forth the greatest effort to bring his request to Jesus. Son of David -A popular name for the Messiah, whom the people expected, as the prophets had fore- told, would be a descendant of David . This title is here used for the first time in Mark's Gospel. 48. Many rebuked him -They did not ;wish to have Jesus troubled by the'shouts 'of a blind bagger. He cried elle the more a great deal -Not being able to see Jesus, or to teal where he was in the crowd, the blind man felt that his opportunity was passing, and his cry WaS 011e of desperation. 49. Jesus stood still -He could oe lee the piteous appeal pees un - ceded. 50. Oesting awaar his garment - His outer robe, Which WEI& long and ooso and would impede his motione in sunning or rapid Walking, This stet shows how earnest ead eager B a rtiroaeus was. 51. What wilti thou that I should do unto thee 7-Thab is, "What do you wish me to do for you ?" All three evangelists record this friendly question .of Jesus. Pahboni-An Aranaaip word for Master or Lord, 'emparently IL More dignified 140 tha rebbi 1t was, Steed by Mary Magdalene when she recognized heir risen Lord (John e0, 16), 19 52. Rath made thee whole -Or, "saved thee." And straightway be received his sight, and followed hirn in the way - Jesus had said, "Go thy way." He had not suggested 13a,rtimaeues fol- lowing him, bat 13artimeaus no doubt wanted to remain near the Master, and lie joined the company of pilgrims who were going to Jerusalem, and Luke adds, "glori- fying God." ENRICO CARUSO. The Great Sieger Gargles His Throat with Salt and Water. Thousands of opera -'goers read singers have often wondered hew it is that Caruso, the great tenor, is seemingly never affeeted with throat ;trouble. This season, for instance, he hes sung many more performences than his contract called for, and not once has the dis- appointecl his audience because of cold. Before he returned to Eu - lope recenely he was asked how he managed to do it. He gave this explanation: • In the first place I have a normal throat. In the second place I take normal care of it. Bub that does nob mean 1 never have any tronble with it. I am subject to slighe colds in this cha.ngieg 'climate,. How- ever, they do net impair my sing- ing. There is no reason why they should. I don't hesitate to say thee 90 per cent. of the vocalists who as- s, Cleans Cut Glass and all Glassware - easily, thoroughly and quickly. Leaves them bright and highly polished -absolutely clean. For every kitchen use Parisi -line is equally effective. It keeps woodwork and paintwork spotless. Panshine is a pure, white, and clean powder • without any disagreeable smell- the magical kitchen cleanser. Sold in handy 1 0c. sifter top can At All Grocers SIPAillsollisAMIlialoWsteelmisoCala.4111 ref made of glycerine, menthol, euthy- mole, eamsphor and oil of cinnamon, tend to relieve hearseriess, huski- ness, and bronehial congestion. They have a sort of refrigerating effect on the throa,t, and there 25 no doubt that they are of greet benefit. NO Faddist. When I awaken in the morning the first thing I do is to try my yoke. Invariably it is a 'trifle husky. Alter seven or eight hour' sleep, one's circulaeion is poor and there is considerable mucue in the throat, bub a cup of hot water or a cup of coffee relieves that in very short order. I know that many singers employ very elaborate means to take care of their throats. , But they are usually supersensitive, and the means they employ are more valu- able for their mental than their physical effect. I need 'no placebo. ; Freezing one's vocal chords with ether and icieform may be done by eccentric prima donnas, but I do not believe in such treatmenbs. If a simple salt solution will not re- move all hoarseness, nothing else will do so either without injurious after effects. What is frequently. .called throat trouble by singers Is simply ner- vousness, and no mount of spray- ing wieh preparations Oat aid that To remain in one's room all clay before a performance, to speak only in whispers, and to have & throat specialist alwaye in ;atten- dance are merely the fads of high- strung prinie donaas and such male singers as are &tie to them. A normal man or woman has only to bake normal °axe of his or her throat to have it always in good eonclibion, Damaged Victor. "Where's your little brother?" "He Mut himself." "How.Pf -reWe were seeing who could lean out Of the window the farthest and he won." POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Nerve and tact are a combinatiom that is difficult to sieletraele If you think yon can't do a thing -well, you know the anewer. 'Riches have wings -otherwise ; there would be but few high flyers. Opportunity khocks but once -- but it's different with 'the human knocker. Happy is ehe man whe 'can forget all the mean things he knows aboet himself. After sizing up their husbands, we don't blame some women for being fond of dogs. Dict 3reu ever think what a lot of good you might have done had t'011 begun yesterday instead of waiting until to -morrow. Instead of trying to stir up trouble in this old world, let as get busy and help those who are in trouble and see how inech we shall enjoy the change. Merely to breathe freely does nta mean to live. -Goethe. An iron will shouldn't' neeessar- ily be a pig -iron one, with strong Cathartics - Chamberlain's Tablets are most effective In regula- ting stomach troubles and con- stipation for the little folk -one tablet going to bed means a sunny face in the morning. Pleasant to take, they never fail. 2$c. a bottle. Druggists and dealers or by mail. Chamberlain Medicine Co Toronto 4 4.0 BEST VAVVesissexl,11, Caruso. 'sea they are unable to appear be- cause of eolde do not know how. 60 sing. If they did, ehey coeld eine over their colds, as ;the expression goes. When my throat is' affected I am able to 'conceal the feet be- cause I have had years of experi- ence in doing so. • Naturally, as I 430111 my living by sipging, 13 ha,vo to keep my throat in the very best possible coneldeion. To this end I gargle it several times daily with a salt sohation-plain table sash, and warni water. This, makes a naturai solvent for mucus. I .smoke a, greet deal, and I find this gargle i5 of great beriefit.In overcoming the bad effe.cts caused by ;tobacco. If I did nob smoke I doubt if I would have to use the solution except on rare occasions. I frequently eat an apple, too, before I sing. It alleys the eengs of hunger for one thing, which is most imporeent, as 1 est a, very light dames: before a perfoemance. And it fast) clears the throat. Of course, any aci,ci fruit has more or less the seam effect, lout I find eliet ell alnelc is inoSil setisfactory. In addition to these simple aids I always carry e box ef throat loz- enges, which 1 take from time to time. These lozenges which are ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER PURE PALATABLE - NUTRITIOUS ---- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE Arm SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION -Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery wbatevcr they require for personal or family use. 'Write to JOHN LABATT, Immo, LONDON, CANADA GIANtAeAdVATIAAYletetaitlheNeN/Atit/A/WAYeitaleaVANAYVAATAlblITA ANYAZAIIiat etitt'4';',14.•,Veste.' ealte!Paikil'hY :14/tei' THIS IS A STORE OF DEPENDABLE VALUES A store that keeps in touch with the constantly changing jewelry styles. A store that sells the same goods as those sold in the better stores ail over the country -- And sells them, too, at as low prices as ANY STORE CAN. , Everything we show you can be depended upon to /3E exactly what we tell you it LS. This is so from Tie Holders at a quarter to Diamonda. And it matters not what you may require nor when, if it belongs to a Jewelry stock, it's here. Prove these things any time occasion arises. Counter eee • :ere JEWELER and ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICENSES