The Clinton News Record, 1914-07-09, Page 9nomposamormenumemoresommenom
elinee the announcetnen'not out+.Midsurnmer Shoe Clearance
Sale our prices have been a magnet, Shoe.;huyers with good
heads on their shoulders have been corning here how near
and from far to make investments for themselves and the
NqthingAl'angeahout.ih either. ;when you learn
How;:<Vlucl',Shoe Values You (Jet For So
Little Money t:
It certainly would be strange, if buyers would not Hoek in
this direction. 1VLtke hay while the sun shines, for it shines
always, and the Golden Shoe opportunity will soon be a
thing of the past. Drop in and see what's doing i
Just Note a Few of Our Magnetic Prices
Men's $5.00 tan shoes 3,40 'Boys $2.50 calf shoes $108.
Men's 5.00 pat lea shoes 3,451 Boy's 3 00 pat lea shoes 2.30,
Men'; 4.00 pat lea shoes 2.08 Boy'sshoes all sizes 1.19.
$2.50 Farm Shoes for $1.75.
Ladies pumps, slippers and oxfords 1/2 price.
The Home of Good Shoes.
Dor Speeials for Satllry,
-and all next week.
Pet fectiou and quick meat oil stoves.
Garden hose, sprayers and nozzles.
Screen doors 51.09 to $2.00.
Lawn seats 51.25.
Harni»ocks $2.00 for $1,03 $2,50 for $2.18 $3.00 for $2 08
2 ice cream freezers, reg. $3.00 for $2.08. c
Electric irons reg. 5'5.00 for 54.48 reg, 54.10 for 53,98.
l only lawn innwer reg 5.51) for 4.03 4,00 for 3.48 4.75 for 3,9S.
O -cedar mops $1.50 O -cedar dusters 75e.
25 percent discount on cnt glass for balance of this month.
Another good supply of Brantfordroofingand:beaver board.
A. small quantity of pure Manilla binder twine 13 and 11c.
White Canvas Shoes !
Our stock of these goods is nowifairly complete. hrith in wen-r-
nnren's and children's lines and consist of all thetnew lasts in pump;-, high
and low, button and lace.
Children's froth $1.00 a pair en.
Ladies' from $1,50 a pair up.
Our prices on these goods are very low and it will pay' you to
see what we are showing before making a purchase.
See Our Men's and Children's Straw Hats.
Dozens of styles and prices Trym 10e to $3.50. See our men's
special lines at $1.00 and $1.25.
Women's and Children's Wash Dresses.
Never Wore have we shown such alarge range of wash dresses
as we are this seasen and never were values as good.
Children's dresses 25c to $2 50.
Ladies' dresses $1.00 and up.
A special line of children's dresses at 40c.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits
More I3:usiness
THERE'S NovPlace 8,
Like H 1`i s
� 0 Eif i
COSY and Comfort-
Yours can be if you will take
advantage of our Furniture
f ringS,
It's bargains galore we are offeringjust now
in everythingt in the store.
-If you want a Side-
board, Buffet, China Closet, Table, Chairs,
Springs or Mattress„ now'is the time to purch-
ase, Our store is the P
cheapest spot in Huron
County to buy all kinds of furniture.
& Atkinson
t lnson
Night and Sunday Calls.
N. BALL Phone 110. ' 3. A..ATKINSON, Phone 181
Clinton News -Record'
Just Out
Diana of the Green Van.
Buy it if you want to ..
'read a clean, sweet, enter-
taining story, ono " that
will hold your interest.
It's a 510,000 price novel,
Over 100;000 sold. During
April the best ' seller in
both Canada and United
States. Price '51.35.
Just In
Overland Red
A story' full of Western
life, perfectly clean and at
the sanie time Full of tont
antic advertures. Ono of
the best and, brightest nov-
ele of the year. Price 51.35.
Often the cheapest -Always the best.
,r etmnunnmt tun11n111
Master Harold Manning is visiting in
Miss Belle Draper, teacher, Stratford,
M hone for the holidays.
Mrand Mts. Whitmore and Mir, C.
Whitmore were in Bayfield on Sun-
Mrs W. J. .l5oss spent the week -and
at her cottage, "Suns -R -inn" at
Mr. John A. Sutter was in Strat-
ford last week attending the mar-
riage of his sistet.
Mr. Waugh and party motored up
from London on Saturday and cal-
led on friends in town.
Miss Grace Cleft has accepted a pos-
ition with the Toronto Brokerage
Co., and left Friday for that city.
Mr, and Mrs, Gray of Hamilton were
guests of their aunt, Mrs. Wm.
Graham, _over the holiday last week.
Mrs, Hudson and children of Mitchell
were the guests over the week -end
of the lady's mother, Mlrst, Pinning
of town•,
Mr. E. .1. Howard was up iron. Lon-
don last week and while in town
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Moore.
Postmaster Scott and family, tic
Misses Chidley and Misses O'Neil
have Laken a cottage at Bap:lord
for a few weeks.
Mr. and 1\Irs. Emmertou of Wyoming
have been visiting the formers bro-
ther, Mr. John Entmerton of town,
during the past week.
Dr. Gibson and son of Sault Ste.
Marie were the guests tor a few
days hist week of the former's
mother, Sirs, MacLennan.
Miss Beatrice ,Sproat of 'Toronto and
her sister, Ruby of Stratford visit-
ed their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, 1ddo
('rich for a few days •
lav recently.
Mr, A. Blackwell fWoodstock-
1 w o
spent July 1st at Mrs. Win, Col-
clough's, Goderich township, and in
reserving old friendships in Clinton,
Mrs. Weir and her daughter, Miss
Edith, of Detroit are visiting ut
the hone of the lady's biothrr,
that of Mr, and Mrs. R, E. Man-
Mise Mrimie Club of Goderich town-
ship and Miss Laura Cluli of Strat-
ford are guo;ta at the home of
their uncle, Mr. R. .1, Cleft of
Mise Ferguson of Tecswater, who had
been attending the Presbyterian S.
S. Convention at (loderieh, called
upon Mrs. 1). N. Watson on her way
Mrs. France, accompanied by her eau-
ghter, 'Miss Mary France, Detroit,
is spending a fortnight or so with
het daughter and husband, 'lir. and
Mrs. W. C. Brown,
Mr. S. Murch of Stratford was a vis-
itot in town over the holiday last
week. Mr. Mulch's .many Clinton
friends are always pleased to have
hist, visit the old town.
Miss Dorothy othyRorke
was in Coderic
last week visiting at the home. of
Mt. and Mrs. L. Doherty, Miss
Dorothy took part in the Dominion
Day sports and won a prize in rac-
Mr. and Mrs. John Torrance and Miss
ferrates are at Balmy Beach; Tor-
onto, where they have taken a cot-
tage for the season. The several
members of the family who are in-
the west are expected east (luring
the holiday period.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hale and family
leave tomorrow for their camping
ground at Nai'tel's on the lake shore
where they will spend July and
August, It is an
tc spot
and Mr, tiIc has
holidayeded there
annually for almost thirty years.
birsi (Rev) Hall, formerly of Clin-
ton, who ha,resided at Prince Al-
but,- Sask. for the past year: or so
has moved to C'amrose, Alberta,
where she will make her, home with
her sorts, Carman and. John, who
have positions to ri wholesale Wise
Mr. C. 0. Rance, 'roronto, one or.
Clinton's Old Boys, was the guest
over: the week -trod of Der, ,nd Mrs.
Shaw.. Mr. Ranec's two sons are
in their tbl):d year at. college, 'fom
in the aSebool of'horesary and Clar-
ence' at the School or Practical
Science, The latter during the va-
Cation idtient/Ring practical exper-
lence in se stride goad -building,
Last season he helped to, buildsome
of the famous roads about Cobalt
and this holiday, period he Ls With
the Government stili which is sup-
plying Essexcounty. with what 11
most needs -good roads. Tom
Ranee' is out in Alberta in the ser-
vice of itlte`Department of the Inter-
ior which is working out its fores-
try policy in a way that, must be
productive of great benefit to the
July 9th,, 19/4,
are already tori well, acqu'ainte 1 with this store and the methods governing the conduct of this business to need
any words of an introductory character, we can assure our friends that this will be by far the most important sale
we have held in our lace department in our business history. We honestlybelieve that no sale l)
store has ever rivalled this one in inlpoltance. a e event in'this
in preparation for this occasion. Words cannot be marshalled that are strong enough to do full justice to the
extraordinary values and vast assortments that here await you, OVER TEN THOUSAND YARDS of the
very best made and most perfect Lace, Embroider'y and Insertion will be sacrificed in this -great sale.
that quotation never applied more forcibly than to this great trade movement. If we can only impress you with
the facts and the values, we will have the biggest success we have ever attained, THE PRICES ARE-A11IAZ-
that we have outdone our greatest.efforts cf the past.
that we are better equipped to handle an immense business than ever before,
that the bargains are the greatest and the assortment the largest that have been offered in this
to come and investigate these facts, We are offering matchless
mains to be told, It will pay you to. make a trip to this store
store for years.
values and still the greater part of the story re -
from any distance --this will indeed be a sale.
prEsanting unparalleled chances of saving money on all kinds of Lace, Embroidery and Insertion, An array of
goods that is a credit to the manufacturing ability and equipment of any fir'ni or country.
About People You Know
Miss Ida Walkinshaw is
holiday ttilli Wtnghun friends.
Miss Sarah Baines is visiting her par-
ents, hir. and Mrs. [1. 1.1. Baines.
Mrs. T. O. Winterton of New York
City is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
K. ('howen.
Mrs. Jas. Bartlett of Mitchell is vis-
iting at the hone of Mr. and Mrs.
.1. G. C'howen.
Miss .:dna Levis, who has been tea -
tilling at Heathcote, is house l'or the
summer vacation.
Dr. Annabel N'acl;waii of Medicine
Fiat, Alta. is spending a. vacation
at her home in town.
Mrs. A. Agnew of Detroit has been
visiting friend0 in town and also at
her home near Bayfield.
Dr. and Mrs. Evans motored up to
neat: Ethel the forepart of the week
and spent the day with Mir. and
Mrs. John Jackson.
Principal Treleaven is in. '1',trnurt)
correcting examination papers. 11e,
will probably be so. ,elett,;e l for
another fortnight.
Miss Spencer, who has been the guest
of MA'. anti Mrs. 1t." Marshall for a
week or
C so,left a Thursday t o l l sda * last
3 't
for hert1
onic in Kingston.
Mr. Alfa Cook, Toronto, was the
guest of Mt. and Mrs, D. N. Wat-
son on Saturday while on his way
to Blyth where he sang in the Pres-
byterian church on Sunday.
Mr. W. 1. McConnell, a former well
known citizen of Clinton, has
bought a drug business in t,os An-
geles, Calif,, and as ho is doing
well it now looks as if he were
anchored there.
MIr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley and fam-
ily of Woodstock, who have been
the guests et Mr. and Mrs. James
Doig, returned home on Monday.
Mrs. John Linder, mother
le oL' Mrs.
Doig, accompanied them.
Mi. 4r11t Jones of 13ta
toui w tis 111
Lords Tuesday greeting old friends
Ile was on his way 'to f•odcicb,
Dungannon and Auburn were rela-
tives ' live by whom he is always
most cordiailyl received 1 ositively
M.r._.Jones looks younger than
when her droved from Clinton sever-
al )'ears ago.
biro Geo Howson, who has been vis-
iting friends in town and elsewhere
,for the past couple of months,' left
Tuesday for 'her home in Medicine
4-Lat, Alta. " She. was accotnpanictl
by Malts Anty Howson who will v,s-
it itirere, at Olds, Alia,, ` and at
'other points for six weeks or ao,
Mrs. Clara Aurelian, Mrs. co,GMac-
1.ennan Miss Minnie ',Cooper and
1VIiss $warts of Wingham lett., for
Sarnia m, Monday and• the salve ev-
ening tool: passage on .the steamer
lluronic for Port Arthur. Mrs.
MacLennan will visit her sister,
Mrs. Chariesworih, at Port Arthur
and will also call on. Friends at the
Soo :on hen way. home, but the dth
et ladies intend going on a visit
at various points in the western
provinces. • All' will be absent sev-,
oral weeks
bliss r
I htr of 'Toro
nLois a
11 nisi •a
the liome of Mr. • and Mrs. 1), ('an-
Mrs. 1.. 0 returned Thursday last
• from a visit of several weeks its
Miss Bertha Jackson has been visit-
ing friends in Waterloo during Che
past fortnight.
Miss Cameron of Goderich was a
week -end visitor al the ironic of
Mrs. MCGar•va.
Mtt, and Mrs. 1V. R. Jowett and
Mrs. Moorhouse, 13ayrned, were in
Clinton on Mondays.
Miss Annie Moore of Ilensall attend-
ed the funeral of her uncle, tl:e
late James Walker.
Miss Emma' MI Stephenson is down
frolm, her school at Port Arthur for
the summer holidays.
Mitis, Ilartholemew of London visited
hes daughter, Mrs II. E. Paull,
thtrisg the past week.
Miss lltown Of Georgetown fs
spending a few Weeks with her
aunt, Mrs. J. Howson.
Mr. A, V. (llilies of fIamilton spent
a few days this week as the guest
or bit. anti Mfrs("antigen.
J. I
51r. and Mrs. Wesley Walker visited
Detroit the beginning of the week,
retUrning in a nate Stedehakcr car.
Miss .Llnnna Wiggins and her brother
of )iruecfleld have been. visiting their
aunt, Mrs. \Vm• Graham of town.
Mr. Arthur C'antelo,n or Blyth visited
itis daughter in-law, Mrs. J. Can -
felon of town Who is very ill, last
Miss Mamie. Chill of Goderi,clt town-
ship and Miss Laura •Cluff of Strat-
ford are guests at the home of their:
uncle, Mir. 11. J, CUR of town.
Mrs. Phot. Itutnball was called to
Clinton last week owing to the ill-
f her o C triter M' t s alk-
I J• m a c \1'
ehw o zssrd awayon M[onciti
p v
ML Arthur t
l - C •snider went to Nor-
• wich Monday' to build a Matta-
works reservoir and also a cement
foundation for the hydro -electric
station. •
Wiss McKinnon of Caledonia has been,
visiting at the home of 11r. and
Mrs. W. 'i'. O'Neil this week. She
was in attendance, at the summer
school at Godcrieh last week.
Mrs. Wm. Cooper received word Thurs-
day last that her daughter, Mrs.
French of Wetaskiwin, Alta., who
has been suffering for some weeks'
with pneumonia and a complication
cif diseases, was dangerously ill and
she left immediately for the west.
At last reports Mrs. French was
still alive but iter case is consider-
ed very serious.
Mr. and Mrs. Writ, Brown and two
children autoed tip from Detroit on
Saturday and spent Sunday at the
home .of Mr, and Mrs. 11, ''Brown,
of ,Hullett, They were accompani-
ed as far es Exeter by Mr. and
Mrs. .J. Gould, Mr. and .Mrs. 0;
Could, Mr. and Mlrs, IL Bishop
and Mr. Charlie Gould, and Maria'
Gould who casae in two other ault
The News From Londesboro
Miss . , ,.l ,
iss L ste i,nbbf
o IlClmcs •ill
t C Miss B.
spent the week -end with friends here spending a
Rev, .1. 0. Reid was in Port Stan- here.
ley on Tuesday attending the sleeting
of the Presbytery of London to pre-
sent the call from Willis church, Ciiu-
ton, to Rev. Mr. Harper of London.
.Rev, C. C. Keane occupied the pul-
pit of the Methodist church morning
and evening on Sunday last preach-
ing very inspiring sermons and leak-
ing a very favorable impression on
his people.
Misses M. and Cora McCool left:
Friday last for Toronto.
Mrs. Nott spent a few days with
her parents, bit, and Mrs. Youngblut.
Mlrs. slcGee of auburn visited her
sister, Mrs. 1). fltddes, last week.
Mrs. Taylor of Calgary vit4ited ab
the home' of Mt. 1). Geddes over the,
week -ch d. •
Mfrs. T. Stone of Weston is a guest
at the hdnre of bit, James Woodman.
Mr, and Mrs. Trios. Cole returned
to Waterloo last week after spending
a few days with friends here.
Mrs. 5. Lear and Mrs. T. Nott
spent a .few days in Fergus last week
visiting ,• friends.
A number of Londesboro people 1iie-
niced at hayfield on Thursday last.
Though the day was not by any
means as summer: -like as it might
have been for the second of July they
all report a very pleasant outing. Ma:.
and Mrs. Will Lytan tool: some friends
overt in their new 'ear.
Brogden of London is
Few bays at her horns,
Hullett Township
The- pupils and parents of S.S. No.
5, assembled on the closing day 'of
school to spend a pleasant afternoon
together. The pupils had preparola
splendid program which was very
ntttclt appreciated. A pleasing feat,
titre of the afternoon was the presen-
tation of a camera and a beautifully
worded address in which the pupils
expressed to their teacher, MIiss Bes-
sie Mact0wan their appreciation et
her kindness and capable services dur-
ing the past few years, bliss Bic -
Ewan although taken entirely, by sur•.
pile., replied with very suitable re-
marks thanking then tots the Lind
thought which prompted the act, The
trustees are very much 910010:1 to re-
tain the serviees of bliss McElwee for
another year,
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Knuckl:? and
family, of London, are visiting al
Owen ,tt Reynolds.
h y
The pupils of S.S.S. No. ? were
given a picnic on 'the school grounds.
by their teacher, Miss Kinth•ee, prim:
to her departure for her home in St.
'Phonies. -
'Mr. `.'hos. O'Connor of (,oderieh,
spent Sunday at Mr. .Jas, Reynolds..
Mid -Summer
SHOE SAL ,(�{e' d,
Our Third Semi -Annual Clearance Sale,
is proe•ing n. much greater 'sooesss than we anticipated. You will be
well advised if you give us nn early call and see for yourself the extra-
ordinary values we ate offering ju,t now. Some of a1)e many lines we
are placing 01satle;
Women's Oxfords.
00 pairs, reg. $2 to $4
9•ale priee
Sizes only 2i to 4 .98
Women's Pumps.
Easy lashes, new toes
in patent and gen metal
Beg.. 2.50to, 3sale price .98
�� g
Women's Oxfords.
Patent and gun metal ry p
Reg. $3501a$4.00 ry
Meth's lasts, sale price L 'pp
Men's Work Shoes.
30 pairs all sires
Regular price $2 00 it Oe
Sale' price II „61u
Men's' Oxfords.
20 pairs only
Reg. $3.50 to 54.50 nn
Sale price .ou
Men's Canvas Blue.
Regular price
$225 .g$
Salle price
No sale goods on approbation, We Will refund your money if you are
not satisfied with your purchase.
S . CT -i
A PM 1
A �S30lVE 7O