HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-07-02, Page 8Clinton News -Record Jacksoll'rcSalo. NoW for some lively 'shoe selling 1, • Now for' an opportunity to get more' than your money's worth i Between seasons, when clearance sale time arrievs, we always tempt the buying appetite with unusual induce- ments,. induce-ments,. Twice a year we hold these great ,sales.. ' • •Our Mid -Summer Function Is Now Due. There are weeks and weeks of summer shoe weather ahead, and certainly any investment made in shoes at our present prices will prove a profitable one. We inaugurate these sales for two reasons : First -We want the money, Second -We -want the room. To these we add our determination to carry over,no'shoes:from season to season, 'won't these prices turn. your foutsteps toward this Great Shoe Bargain Feast? Ladies' $4.00 shoes for $3:08 Girls' $2.00 shoes for $1,49 3.50 240 1.75 1.25 2 50 ". 1,118. „ 1.50 , ,. . _:,00 Meu'skid calf and patent leather shoes 7, 011. Ladies'.pumps, slippers and oxfords at 3 price. FRED. JACKSON The Home.of Good Shoes. Onr__SFecia1 for Sa►urdal, and all next week. HOT WEATHER 00008 Perfection and quick meal oil stoves, Garden hose, sprayers and nozzles. Screen doors $1.00 to $2,00. Laren seats $1,25. - Hammocks $2,00 for $1.69 52.50 for $2.15 $3.00 for $2 08 2 ice cream freezers, reg. $3 00 for $2 08. Electric irons reg. $5.00 for $4.48 reg. $4.50 for $3.08. 1 only lawn mower reg 5,50 for 4.98 4,00 tor 3.48 1.75 for 3,08. 0 -cedar mops $1.50 O -cedar dusters 75e. 25 percent discount on cut glass for balance of this month. Another good supply of Brantford roofing and:beaver board, A. small quantity of pure Manilla binder twine 13 and 14c. HARLAND BROS. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES Diana of ,the Green Van. Buy it if yrou want to read a clean, sweet, enter- taining story, ono that;` will hold your interest. ' it's a -$10,000 prize novel. ()vet 100,000, sold: During ,.. April the best ,.:seller in ' both 'Canada and United Stated. Price $1.35: White Canvas Shoes f Oar stock of these goods is now fairly complete. both in wntn- en's and children's lines and consist of all the,new lasts in pump:, high and low, button and lace. Children's from $1.00 a pair un. Ladies' from 51.50 a pair up. Our prices on these goods are -very low and it will pay you to see what we are showing before making a purchase. ' See Our Men's and Children's Straw hats. Dozens or styles and prices ft'ym 10e to $2,50, See our men's special lines at $1,00 and $1:25. Women's and Children's Wash dresses. Never b f 're have we shown such a large range of wash dresses as we are this sec s m and never were values as good. Obildren's dresses 25e to $2 50. Ladies' dresses $1.00 and up. A. special line of children's dresses at 49c. Plumsteel Bros. Small. Profits More Business Just In Overland Red A story full of Western life, perfectly clean and at the same time lull of rom- antic advertuves, One, of 'the best and brightest nov- els of the year, Prioe W. D. FAIR CO. Often the; cheapest -Always the best. mum inn mtalp, July 2nd, 191: wwwwwommoiwcwwwzminwo Miss Ward was inWinghan the past week. Miss Mae East is visiting friends ,in Berlin over the holiday. Mr. Earl Parimer of Ilensall is the new junior on the Royal Bank staff. Mrs. Andrew Gunn and daughter . of Toronto are the guests this week of Mrs, Murray,. Mrs, McIntyre of Hamilton is visit- ing her father, Mr. A. McKown of town, this week. Mrs.wrseman leaves this wok to vis- it her daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) Mac - Callum of Kingston. i\Irs. (Pc) Belden of Toronto was the guest of her brother, Mr. W. Jaa•cson, 'Deer the week -cad. Misses Hoffman of Belleville are the guests :of their cousin, Mrs. Ralph 'J'iplady, Mrs. Pridhatn of Toronto arrived Sat- urday on a visit to her parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Cook. Mr. Chas, P. Libby, manager of the Knitting Company is spending a couple of days in New York City this week, Miss Richardson visited over the hol- iday with her cousins, Messrs, 1i. J. and Joseph Itichar•dson of Stan- ley township. Mrs. R. Hanna, Milverton, and. Miss R. Ilanna, Toronto, spent a few days the past ween with Mir.- and. Mac. S. S. Cooper. The. Misuses Irvine 01 Streetsville and Miss Nelson of 'Toronto were week- end visitors at the ]ionic of Mt, and Mrs. J. Mulholland. Mr, and Mrs. \Vill. ('olly'en and family left on Monday for Bayfield where they have taken a cottage and will remain for one time. Mrs. R, J Cls andPhyllisClark hiss . of Pickering were guesti1 from Sat- urday until Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. C'antnlon. Mr. harry Dowser of 'Toronto was among the excursionists on Satur- day and while in town was the guest of his sister, Mrs. N. Ball. Mrs. S. L, Scott of Toronto was the guest of her sister, Mrs. 14. .r llibbs, over the week -end, having conic up on the 1-1.0 13. excursion. Mrs. W. J. 'l'ozer and family are at Bayfield where they will spend the heated term. Mrs. W. R. Counter will be their guest for a few days. Mr, Arthur Bean, who has been visit- ing his another, left tor New York on Monday, where the purposes tak- ing a course in the hospitals of that city, Miss Evelyn '1'ipladv, daughter of Mr. Ralph J'iplady, who is teacher of the Commercial Courses at Vankleek Hill, is home for her hol- idays. Mr, G, 13. Harris, superintendent of the Knitting Mill, accompanied by Mrs, -Harris and family is spending a couple of weeks'. holiday at Stam- ford, Goin. Mac Goo. Howson, who has been vis iting friends at Petorboro, has re- turned for a visit with Mac. J. Howson of town before returning to her home in the west. Mrs, S. Keinp, tyle, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Nellie, spent a 'few days the past week with his parents and Inc brothers in London. They returned Saturday evening..• Mrs Jenkins and little daughter Ev- elyn of Coots 'Alta., have been vis- iting ;rung the past went in Clinton and are at present at Woodlands, Farm, Duron Road, the home, of Mr, Thos, Jenkins. Mi:. A MtKown of town and hid }�nothct']4Ir. \\'m; *Kowa, Toronto the forepart'pf the week visited the little graveyard a little west, of ,Varna whei;c„ members of their fam- ilies were;if'itcrced many years ago. :Mr. Jas, Pollard and Miss Helen of Sault Si5'`'•Maric have ,riche the guests •drrilrpb the past, week of the toatce)s,sister,"'Mrs, J. F. Was lniann..., Mn Pollard and his father , vlsited Brussels and Kincardine id ' ends 1gr a few days this Week. bliss Bessie 'Eorter 'leaves tomorrow for Toronto where she will spend a few days. Thence she goes to Mon- treal andl'on Jaly 11.th'will leave that city for Liverpool, -sailing by "the White' Si at --Dominion 'Line, be- , ing booked by Mr, A. 0. Pattison, the local agent. , Mr, Robt. Holmes of Toronto was 'a passenger on the hluron Old 130115'_ excursion and was the guest while in town of Mr. and MWS. H. 1. Chant. This is, an annual trip for Mr. Holmes and it would be solne- ihing umislual which Would: prevent' hien taking it in. . Ile enjoys meet- ing has old friends hereabouts, f bo o Whom he has a great number, and the}i are always glad to welcome" him, back to the,old town. P ace oi Pl R THE ES N Like tiO11E if is COSY and Comfort- • abiy FURNISHED a-_ ake Yours' can be if you will.take u adv. t e ourFurniture. �an a f . Offerings. It's bargain's galore we are o%r ingJest now in everythingin the store. If you want a Side- .: board ' Buffet,China Closets: Table, Chairs, Springs g or Mattress now is the time to purch- ase. Mattress), p ase. Our.store is the cheapest spot, in Huron County to buy all, kinds of furniture. Bal & Atkinson tkinson� FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS, Night and Sunday Calls. N. BALL Phone 110, J. A. ATKINSON, Phone 180 A-. i t S Your C oosn :ur�dreds of -Them, , wa ,. WORK SHIRTS THAT WILL. STAND HARD WEAR - DRESS SHIRTS TI -IAT ARE "DRESSY." ��IIIfIIIlliiiuot5fl3 mu miuuuuimisi!niiPri. „t SHIRTS Work Shirts. ere. We specialize in the money's worth kind, and guarantee a shirt at 75c. It comes in a variety of oolors in- eluding blues, tans, black and black -and -white at the popular price of 75c,sthough we can ssll you a good work shirt for 50c too, In Dress' Shirts. •' n1 namelyThe ' n is,t k r' in Canada, largest and bei 1 ma e The varlet bewildering. Theyare made byone of the 3e 5 Crescent Manufacturing Co., Montreal, Que., whose name they bear, priced from 75c to $3,75. At $1 00 and $1,25 the choice is especially good, and the better shirts are sold with a positive color guarantee. ALL SIZES IN STOCK FROM 12% to 18. LOOK THIS LINE OVER FOR STYLISH PATTERNS. Summer Collars Too. The fa.lnous Arrow Collars, in the newest shapes now sell at 2 for 25c in both white linen liges, Once worn ycu'll buy them always. Try a couple. BROWN ' S and colored neg- About People You Know Miss Ruby con was ' s in Godcrich last u • �' } week visitorfriends: K Miss Retta Cook was up from Teton - to over the . Week -end. Mr. James Flynn came down from Lucknow Saturday and w'ent back on Monday. Mt. and Mrs. \Naber 11'urris and their little daugh1ar ;raft on Satur- day for Oshawa. Misses Bessie, Glen, daugihter of Reeve Glen of Stanley, left Monday for a fortnight's visit in Toronto. Mr, Bosman of Blucvale is holidaying this week as the guest of Mr. L. J. Wasnlpnn, who is speeding his vacation at his home in town. Miss Minnie Rudd left yesterday mor- ning for 'Toronto and sails today from Quebec ' with the Witdulrow party for: a two months' tour of Europe. Mrs. (Principal) Bolick and her three daughters, • Ione, Eva and Ethel, left on 'Tuesday to spend the sum- mer at their cottage at Point Iro- quois in Dundas County„ Miss Louise Ibeaton is home from Grand Valle}', where she has been Leaching, for the summer vacation. Site will take Miss Rudd's place in tine Public Library during the mon- th of July, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woodley of Win- nipeg and Mrs. Woodley, Sr. of Montreal arrived in town on Mon- dayi and on the same evening left for Bayfield whore they intend spending the next few weeks, Mrs. H. Woodley was formerly Miss Inez Miller. Mesdames Thomas and William 3aiek- cureni c from Toronto on came e t p n the 13.0 .13. ekeun:sion., . The 1 Lt lu r returned to Toronto on Monday but Mrs. Thos. Brickenden will re- main the guest of Mr. ' and ,Mrs. J. Taylor and other friends tor per - ,haps three weeks. Mr. 'Stewart Jackson, who, has been with the Redheads' theatrical eom- pany,, which has beat appearing is the principal cities of the United States' and Canada during the past. ye,at, is spending• a wock's holiday at his home 'i;n, town.,' He returns to New York to reloin his company and finish lits contract next week and later will take. a longer .vara-, lir. Wm, `, McKown, . one ; of Olin- ton's : rild time citizens, came up frons_ 'Toronto on Saturdays by idle .i-1.0.33, excursion and return- ed again on Monday. Mr. MoKown came from Toronto, leis native place, in 1862 and located at Varna where be started a wagon shop. Subsequently he moved to Goder:ch and nearly thirty-five years ago settled.- in Clinton. In 1002 hI welt to Los Angeles, Calif., where his daughter,: Mrs. )takes, resides; but conditions were not to his.li:ic ing and as hepreferred to live and Idie a British subject, a decade latter saw him again in Toronto. The td n' are always glad to old friends } t t. to � see 'llr;' 17.16Kown and o not how o jauntily be .bears his eighty years, Mr.. Harry Cook. of Trenton was in u } town over the holiday. o e nMr. S. Castle Sr. visited his son, Mn. Ed. Castle, Guelph, last week. ISa. W. 13rydone was in Goshen, Ind., last ',veelc on professional business. .hisses Gladys and Marjorie C'howen spent Dominion Dar with Mitchell friends, Mr. Edward Hari 1,, Toronto, visited old Clinton friends l'or a few days last week. Master Charlie Brooks of Mitchell is visiting his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. C'antelon. Master 'Ernest Livermore is enjoying a few days at 13ayfie'd as the guest of Master Douglas Tozer, Mrs, Rowe of Exeter has been visit- ing her mother, Mrs. T. Holloway, and her brother, Mr, A.. .7. Iloilo- . way of town, Miss Louise Holmes or Edmonton, Alta., spent from Saturday until Monday in Town as the guests al Mr. and Mrs. 1S. B. Chant, Mrs. ,7. E. Hovey and Master: Billy ]eft Saturday on a visit to the lady's paten tat home, that of Mr. and Mr's, \Vint Lucas of Markdale: Principal Bolick lett on Tuesday rot J3raeebnidge to join the stall or the Sunnier Model School for the six weeks term or until the opening of the rc,ular Models on !august 1.8th. Dr, Thompson, who underwent an op- eration in St, Joseph's hospital, London, last week, is doing nicely his many personal and professional friends intoWir" and district will be glad to hear. Mrs S. I la l t London, spent he w guest Mi and u eek -end as the e o Mrs. JhcOU Taylor, ft n herenc going on to Bayfield where she is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mts. Miller, also of the .Forest City; Who have a cottage at the lakeside: Mr. .1)d., Flood y. of,. course accompani- ed' the HI.0.13', excursionists and of course took in''the auto trip `as well and met old friends in all pacts of the county visited. The • passing years make but little iiai- piessi.nn on the genial Floody. Kr. and Mrs. J. Beswick of Toronto are spendiaag a couple or weeks with Mends in town anal vicinity,' Mrs. Beswick was, (orihierly_ Miss Mae Armstrong of Cli rt e and has. a n o host, , of friends in the old to. win. 'flits iJ Mr. lleswick's, first visit to (Tinton.,. Mr. l, .eonartT (7,antelonlvas tin over L9ie week ead,at,tlie homne of his par - ants, Mr. and Mrs,. P. Cantelon. Mr. Cantelon has recently been pro- moted to the position of head book- keeper in the large wholesale ]louse Which he is employed'. at a greatly increased salary. Mr. W. 13. Taylor, classical master in the N apanee : Collegiatet, bas been re-engaged at <anincrease in,:salary, of one hundred dollars. Though, having but a very few , years exper ;onh Wee kir, 'Taylor s ability as a teacher is already so well recogniz- ed, that the Belleville, C.J. tried to' get lino. ' ' . The News From Londesboro Joseph islkcr of Toronto spe nt a few days with friends in the vicin- ity. kir. and hiss Mciltuney from the west spent a few clays with friends here. Rev. J. 1T. Oster hoot and family left Tuesday for 'Thedford and Rev. C. C, Keane and family arrived from (Ironton the same clay. Miss Geddes of ileigrave visited Sunday at the home of Mr. D. Geddes. Mrs. Stalker rctur ed Tuesday Ia «. visiting with � \\ Ingham '. \ in ham friends Mrs. N, Black of Wingham • spent a lei,/ days at the home of Mr. Jame: Woodman. Mrs, M. Mains spent a feta days this week with her daughter in 1,:n - don. Miss Lawday Young of Regina lege is spending her holidays v :'i: her mother Mrs. (Dr.) Young. Mrs. hill is spending a few with heir son, ISIr. L. Will of Myth. aw H ullett Happenings. Messrs, 'Phos, McMichael and John Barr go this week to the Experimen- tal farm at Guelph, where a meet- ing of Governtnint judges will be held and a series of lecturers and demon- strations given on the judging of horses, cattle and other live stock, and also field crops. Oldie a number from this neighbor- hood took in the Dublin piznic on Dominion Da.y. '1'lie. Misses M. and \•', t'arbert of Stratford are home for the vacation. • k Col-, Nora M. Blake near o Lingwood came home last Saturday. Miss 'Mary Reynolds of .Drysdale is speeding her holidays at her home in tuts township. • .Mr. John Ferguson is having his house jacked up and will $oon bo ready for the .177:]ck-layers. L.O.L. No. 863 ,will meet ruts n • evening tit their lodge monis. A. fun Iattendance is requested as important business is to• he transacted, Mr. Albert ('olelough had • a t v,. year old• colt killed by lightning last: week. It •was insured in the McKil- lop Company. One of Mr. .James Snell's valua'•:6 thorohred sheep had a sunstroke- last week and it kicked the bucket. Some bright correspondence • from lluliett came in too late and has had to be held �ld of cr ' until next •week nt 115!•gthii Mr. .Alex, Taylor of "Ilamilton was. the guest of his brother, lir. Archie Taylor of town, last week. 1 Tearing SALE Now is the time to save money You will find the best value of the entire summer in new and up-to-date footwear at our third,,semi-annual clearing sale. Commenchug Saturday, _July 4. Shoes for each member of the family. t o suit the season for all oc"a- e Y sions a; prices that will convince you that, ow semi-annual ca'e is as good, as we t epreseri t it to be. Women's Pumps Comfortable lasts, ,new .toes in patent or grin metal . (l p Reg 2.50 to $3 00,, sale price c7 0 Women's Oxfords. Regular prices 52,00 and $1,00 Sizes only 2,j to 44 98 Sale price , Men's Oxfords 30 pears only :Regular $:3 50 and .$1,50 ( Sale •rices I: P Children's Slippers. I3lack or chocolate 00 pairs Sale price Positively no Goods on Approval, .69 H. S. CHAP MAN AN ,,30N, ass 0 it