HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1914-07-02, Page 6HOW TO OBTAIN GOOD DIGESTION The Stomach lust he Tonal and Strengthened Throngh the Blood' The victim of indigestion who wants te-eat a geed meal, but who knows that suffering will follow, finds but" poor consolation in pick- ing and choosing a diet. As a mat- ter of fact you cannot get relief by cutting d'own yotir food to a starva-.' tion Tho stomach Mat be Strengthened until you can eat, good, nourishing faod. The only *ny to •strengthen the stomach is to onnica the blood, one up the nerves and glee strength to the eteratach that WiII enable it to ds - gest ense kind of food, is through a fair use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pifli., tabs one mission of these pills is to make rich, red blood that thath,es every organ _and every nerve in the body, bringing renewed health andactivity., The following estee illu,strattes . the v.alue of • DE Williams' Pink Pills in curing in- digestion, Mrs. T. Bid, Orange- ville, , Ont,, says: "I' •have math pleasure in testifying to the refits- ' bility of Dr. Willierm,sPink Pills. • For several years I had suffered greatly from tebotaaeh trouble. Sey- eral doctors prescribed for me but their medicine did not help- M- • ter every meal I would suffer great pain, aaid would often be attacked with nausea. 1 -grew weak and had ' almost kst ell hope et recovery. At this junoture I decided to try Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills, whith were recommended.to me, In these pills I at, last found the right medi- cine, and I am once more in good health. I hesve much pleasure in' sending you my teetimonial in the hope that it mall eimoura,ge some suffering persons to try this sure remedy." Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills are sold by alls niedicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a, box or six boxes for $2.50 by the Dr, Medicine Co., Brockville, -Ont., .1* WEIRD HISTORY. Queer Version in Use in a Russian Sehool Book. A textbook of history, written by • one Ilaja,vsld, for'Russma schools, ,contains some extraordinary state- ments, wino ng them these, which the London Star translates ' "Louis XVI. was a: pea,cable and 'gentle monarch, Wile, in the course of his long reign, showed himself particularly skilful in finding ex- pert ministers of finance. Loved andIonored by his people, the aged inomarch died suddenly after a glor- ious reign, as -the result of a fit of apoplexy. Be was succeeded by his son, Louis XVII., who was obliged to conduct several were, wherein the captain of Ms hosts, the royal marshal, Nepoleon Bonaparte, con- quered a great alert of Europe for his king. Ntspole,on, however, abused his power and made a 'pub- lic attempt to rebel against his liege lord and to cempasshis own ambi- tious ends. Under the leadership of Alexander I., king and autocrat of all the Russias, the general was deposed, deprived of all his bemire zeal dignities, and all claims to pen - .ion. He was bailie -bed to St. Hel- , •Dark Emptiness. • Aunt Llea's fernier misteese Was talking to het one morning; when • estaldetay she discovered e little epieleinninea Standing ,thyly behind his mother's skirts. "Is this Year boy, Aunt' Liza'!" she asked. "Yes, Mies; dal's Prescription." "Goodness, what a Mena name, -auntie, for a child! How in the world did •you happen :to call him ;that 1" 'Ala simply calls him dat becuz Ah has seth baled wuk gettita him ' „ • =nerd's Liniment Cures Cold% EtC. Tile Sof aLookers. Figge-Beggers ehouldn't be &moseys, you know. irogg—Wreng, iny boy. If a were a beggar, I'd choose the easy Marks every time. .'aseee.‘,100 "aaaN, SEEING ABDO! THE WORLD A WANDERER'S '11LA.VELS IN MANY LAN!) S. • Interesting Description of Six Yeats' Rambling Over the Globe. • To meet men there opines, at smile aine,"Or/othe'r, the desire to' travel and, "see the world," Most fre- quently it comes to the young man in the early twenties, aad only 'too effete is the desire killed—or,at least, put among the impossible •ambitions—by 'the stranger aiee of the desk or bench, end the very urgeet neeessity of earning an living wage.' • The . desire came to one young men, Mr. A. Loam Ridger,and how he carried out his aentitioil is teleran' the fascinating voluine, "A Wanderer's Trail," which is a faith-- ful record of tatvel iri. miter lands. • The begins:dna-woe the most diffi- cultpert ja Mr. Ridger'e , experi- @nee. He wanted ;very bully. to: go abroad, but his efforts toget a for- eign appointment were unsuccess- ful, seas London Answers. Making a Move. At last he toolca definite plunge. Ten pounds in -his pocket, and with unlimited hope and the, unbounded enthusiasm of youth, he boara,ecl a tramp steamer bound kir San Fran - caw. Through the kindness of a ship - broker he had been able thearrenge this first passage, paying only the small sum of three shillings a. da,y for mess -money. His first journey was uneventful enough; though the sixty-nine days of the voyage to San Francinsco were full of inter- est for the man who had never been out of England before, A short stay in 'Frisco preceded, his search for work among the fruit ranches of Califetnia.; but the idea, of making the principle of "Get e Move On" the leading one in bis life led the adventurer into a maze of quickly - changing berths. Front fruit -farming he became purser on board a boat, bound for Portland, Oregon. Here he asked for a job in a lumber camp. "Do yon mind getting killed, young fellow1" the boss foreman asked„ and on being assured that the young man would take his chanee, he gave him a note to the boss of No. 1 camp, and thither Ridger went. He took on the job of fireman of the donkey -engine et the rate of three dollars a day and all found. He knew nothing about the work, but was prepared to do his best. e As a matter of fact, he did one morning's work in that camp—and then he was sacked! The boss de- cided that the new man was never intended to be a firemen. Trying seether camp; he failed to get work, so set tout for the little wood- en settlement of Stella. Here he earned something by- stacking tim- ber for a week, at the en(' of whith time the decided to change his oc- cupation, and became a strawberry - picker. • Much Work; Little Pay. CUTIC • SOAP And Cuticura Oiletenent. Their use tends to prevent pore clog- ging, pimples, blackheads, red- ness, aauglinesa and other un- wholesome conditions of the Skin. Cu tleura Senn and Ointment are sold throughout" tteworid. A liberal sample 01 0001, wIM 32-5mge 1)0010,3E0850 care tied treatment or the akin end scalp, sant post-free Addreas Potter Drug& Obem. OatiL.0055,141T, Bonen, U.S. A. Sadder Bet Wiser. The inimin,erable diffieulties en- countered by the ornall party of white men who undertook Hie task were enough, to satiate bbs appetite of -the most Wildly adventurous man that ever .lircathe.dit was' ten months later when our wanderer came back to Johannesburg, a, sad- der ail& wiser man. He decided to leave South Africa, and by deviomi ways and with many odd jobs on the road came back to England. DR.- ADAM snoRrt. Is 11ead of Canada's Civil Service Connuission. There ere not Teeny men, even in this land of "mushroem" growth's, who lived, to see extinguished the village in wiiith they were born. Villages are usually slow growing and usually are persistent ab -Especially is this true in' the old settled Province of Ointario. Yet the -bele that I am now telling is of sualr si men. He was born in the village of Kilworth in the valley of the Thasnes, and- her is yet in the prime of life. The man is Dr. Adam Shontt, Givil 'Service Com- missioner. • The village in which Dr. short* •sam the light *as one of the old mill villages Of the emrly clays in Ontar- io. It •was situated on the River Thames, not far below Springbaak, which again is not fee, below the .City of. London. louden- was cho- sen as the site or the capital of Canada by Sir John Graves Simcoe, who was Governer of Canada at the enel of the eighteenth century, and this portion of the Province was settled early in the century thee fol- lowed. IC/hearth consisted of a mill, a store, and a half dozen houses. Its reason for existence was the mill, to which the farmers from roundabout brought their grain to have it- ground. In the middle of last century the nail was prosperous, and gave a living to two partners, of whom Dr. Shortt's father was oee. With the growth of London and the drift of business thither, however, the mill fell on evil clays, and had eventually to be closed down, and then dismantled. A few years ago Dr. Sthortt visited his native village, and found not a building standing. Even the old bridge was gone. The only means of identifying the spot were the few remains of foundations that it had not been profitable to emery away. The place has gone, and the naane has been picked up and bestowed upon another hamlet in a slightly varied forint Kilworth Bridge is in the same valley of the Thames, but is some miles distant from the ham- let in whieh the present Civil Ser- vice Commissioner- was born. . Broad-Hinfied Citizen. There is a tendency to consider university 'men as narrow. Dr. This peeved to be the worst job struck in six years' wandering, and once more a change of scene was soeght. Various jobs followed in quick sueeessicin, most of them"dis- eieguished .by the big amount of hard 'work they entailed and the microscopic amousit of pay they b roiaght. In America,' particularly in the West, there is a very large floating population of men who go from one s.tabe to another'sp,ending pelt of th.eia time in a lumber camp, the suninier in K.Ionelyke, and then when the winter comes on they get. rid Qr their earnings in a couple of Mantas among 'the Lights of dile of the big -tomes. When broke they will start all over again, a,ncl re- peat the programme till illne,se dr a bullet in a 'Frisco brawl brings down the c'ertain. Thus in his wanderings Mr. Rid - ger was rarely lacking conmenion- ship. He "beat" the trains with the hoboes—in other words,' crawl- ed on to a freig-ht train as a stoma way and took his clia,n,ce of being discovered. After laying sidewalks in Van - &Inver, and being an assistant in a cigar store, he decided to go to Ala,ska. There is a wo,nclerful word picture of the far-famed White Pass, the Gatewayeof .the Yukon, the land of gold, aed the gra,veyard of many hundreds who joined in the grea.t gold rush ot '97. But there was no gold here for the single-handed adventurer, and he returned by way of ValicouVer to Seattle. • Hard times in this Ameri- can keen led him to work hits pas- sage to Japan on a boat that Was nothing but a "eadn-ship." • After a stormy voyage across the Placific and' weeks gf gales and misfortunes, he landed in Japan with three shil- lings still between him and sterva, Frean Japan to • Korea, through Manchuria, and then on board a Japanese coal beanie down the Chis nese coast, he came, after many ad- ventures'to Boston in the United States., ,As there were. no fortunes going a -begging, he returned to Bngland with ten shillings in Inlaid. Tbet ought to have been the end of kis a,clventures, but, having tempted Fete; that mistres,s her- s:elf now took a hand. In a theist ante 'Mr. Riclger found Unseat in the Transvawl, a fully -qualified miner, with a Govetninent certifi- cate. This 'work was abandoned when an opportunity came tojoin an expedition which was being fit- ted up to go North in order to re- cruit netives fey the mines, The magnitude of this undertaking, ivhich entailed travelling some thoes,ancle ot miles, was thelieed by none, least of all by those who or- ganized the ex.peclition. Dr. Adam Short. Shortt is an outstanding figure among university men in the Do- minion. Yet, whatever justifica, tion there may be for the tendency just referred to, there is no justifi- cation for regarding Dr. Sh.ortt as narrow. He carne into public no- tice first as an economist, and per- haps the dry -as -deet reputation of pohitieai ecenomy may have attach- ed itself to him: But Dr. Shoat WaS on,e of these men who was a "calculator and economist" from his youth up • His firet love in the halls of learning was philosophy, and his turning to political science was an evidence of his 'underlying practical bent. Ile was a gold aned- alist in philosophy nt Queen's Uni- versity; and be began his career as a teacher in the depa,rtmeni of philccophy at the same university. In the meantime, however, his mind had turned to the precac,a1 prob- lems of the science of wealth, and at the end of theseightieshe trans- ferred into the ,clepairtment of poli- tical science. • It was while, e,egaged in this branch of univ,ersity work that he became e public figure in the Do- minion. Soon after the organiza- tion of the Labor Department by the Dominion Government he was chasen as clatairmarr of cosnraissionts under the Conciliation Act, end later under the Lemieux Aot. In his c,apecity of combined me.clietor and judge he showed a keen insight into labor Iambics, and won a re- putation as a skilful adjuster of re - lesions between employers and ,em- ploye,s. Ile entered upen this work w knon enla as a college profe:seee. By his ,success in ib lis b,e,caecte national figure in the, world of prac- tical affairs. ` Always a Keen Student. zeal for Icnowlocige, but not the financial.bass dr leisure When he wa,s teaching philosophy he was delving into ecOnemice, and when he ,i'Ves teaching economies. ,he was siadying the problem of labor and capital se first hand in Governmeet celjiniift•icsiewi?enee'e' OnNimeiwssietnh'Ileite hhee isieda•- voting his. ev.eeings . to ebbe investa, gation of the hiAery of the Domin- ion. If he ever takes to llistOrieal Study as a Merles of livelihood, •`91le may be, confident. that, he Will an-- quiresome' new araeea leerhing .as a hobby. ' As Civil service commissioner, Aiiam Shora ie the cynosure Of the eyes of all politicians and of: all civil servants. He isaleci, the head , which all_ criticism ie directed, He is doubtless human, and conse- quently .he may, err. But oee droets not have to be a champion of all tieisreim offio c4iaa l it,n acwhri$70nacegenwi4zae.t. othatfa rarity is our Political mathieera. He is not afraid of. the even of the politician in power. He has backbene. If his thinks 1i is right he is not easily to be moved. Such men are needed if we ore' to have an efficient staff of public ser- vants. The, principle' of competi- tive ex.areinatiens may, be pushed boo 'far in ehoesing Government em- ployes, and there Must be allow- ance "Inittae fof oblie‘r qualities that come Out..ion a written test. The Minister and his depati he've points Of view which require ceneidera- tion. But, alter all, it is.qUite im- possible to "take the service eut of politics", unless you have men of backbone at the head of the Civil Service Commission, -- Francis A. Carman in Star Weekly. GUARD BABY'S HEALTH DT. Sliortt• has always been a student, a,nd he is' a studeMt to- day. He will be a student as long as he lives,. He was a elose ethdent when he was attoadifag high school at Walkerton. He "witS af ettalent while he ayes teaching school end petting himselt "theough Queen's by the extra-marat course which has made that university a bleesing to so many men, who have had ehe IN THE SUMMER The summer months are the most dangerous to little ones. the com- plaints of that season, which- are choles -a. infantum, diarrhoea and dysentry, come on so quickly that often a little one is beyond aid before the mother realizes he is really ill. The mother must be An her guard to prevent these troubles, or, if they do come on suddenly, to cure them. No other medicine is of such aid to. the mother during bot weather as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels end sto- mach and are absolutely safe. Said by medicine dealers or by mail at 55 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Cb., Brockville, Ont. . INTERESTING WATER BIRD. The Grebe Rarely Flies, Although lie Can Do So "Upon Occasion. The Far West has ;teeny inbeeest- ing birde none more so than the Western grebe, writes a Youth's Companion contributor. That bird, which is unknown in the Bas -band South, enjoys the distinction of be- ing "Number One" on the Check List et the American Ornithologists' Union. For many years the teofb velvety breast feathers were in de- mand as trimmings for ladies' abs. Fortunately, through the efforts of the various bird -protective -socie- ties, laws have been passed to pre- vent this slaughter. The grebe is admirably adapted to a life in the water. His feet are placed far beck so that when he attempts to want he falls forward in the most ridiculous manner, but in the water nothine can equal the' grace with which be moves about. The long, slim neck and sharp. pointed beak offer but little resis- tance to the water when the bird dives, and the dense, emooth breast down, impervious to water, is the proper thing for swimming. The .short„ stout wines MOVO with greae repidity when flying, and carry the bird through the air like a bullet. Grebes seem to know their exposed condition when on the wing, and ate loath to leave theft'. natural ele- ment, The nesting traits of the Western grebe are unique. When nesting time co•mes the bird e seek some se- cluded ltake or pond w.here rushes anti lily pads grow. They pull a mass of these together into a great heap, which they anchor to a stout lily pad: The nest is haealy above the surface, and when the wind blows, ,the wave s dash over the eggs, and keep theni continuelly web. Mrs. Grebe does not seem to mind this in the least, nor do the eggs seen-1'th suffer. There are two eggs, and 'they are pure white at first, bet soon become stained a dirty green from contact with the de,ca,ying vegetation. The mother hied incubates them three weeks. When- the chicks are hatch- ed, they taketothe water imme- diately. I heve seen a little fellow plunge oft the nest into the water with half a shell clinging to his back. Wheeever the'•old bird leaves the nest, she eovees the eggs with lily pads or rushes, Naturalists for- merly thought -she. did this to pro- tect the egga..from prowling ene- mies, but now they believe she does it to keep the eggs from becotning crier-Lea:tea by the sun. The pre- -decants birds anti animals do not seem to prey upon the grebe to any great extent; they seem to smiles that it is impossible to ,capture one of the,se birds on the weber, and as the grebe seldom leaves it, they are not bften paught. It might be aup- posed elle the „muskrats, which ere always numerous itheee the grebes nest; would est the eggs, hue they do not seem ie de so. 1 watehe.c1 grelials nest through my glasses for eeverelhoute. A muskrat crossed thesneet ,a number of terne•s, but clid not ,troubleat. 'Once I Wee watching a eating grebe throagh my glasses, when a muskrat:earn° oat ,of the water end started across 'the nese. The vali- ant little lady dented at him, end knocked him back into the water with her beak; the did not return. , --- Minarirs Liniment Ciu•ea Diphtheria. Ell. Death Nearly Claimed . New Brunswick Lady Was Restored to Her Anxious Fam- ily When Hope Was Gone. St, John, N.B., Dec. lith.,—At one tirne it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, of 3 White St, would succumb to the deadly ravages' 'of advanced- kidney trouble. "My first attacke of back- ache and kidney trouble began years ago, Par six'Years that dull gnawing Pain has -been, present • When I ex- erted myself it was terribly inthnsitied.' If I.caught' cold the pain' was Mien - durable.„, I used most everything, but nothing gave that .certain grateful re- lief that came from Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- stead of being bowed down with pain, to -day I ant strong, enjoy splendid appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- ties have been ,instilled into my lalood —theeke ate rosy with color, and I thank that day that I heard of so grand a medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." regEuViearryiywbornecaanusseho:oloddushee,cathite:eppalyllss, and It's good, vigorous health that cometa,to all who use Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and Butternut Pills. AN 1NQUISITIONe, . . The Sulaimanians' ere Great for ' Asking Questiona • It is the right of every Saluki's:n- ista to inglare closely into bhe, aims and identity of every stranger. For- tunately,_ he 'does not resent egeally close lnqulry. Inconsistent as. it ma -y seem, once the .stranger has an- swered their questions, they accept him at his own valuation. Having learned somewhat of the matters, Mr. - E. B, Soule, 00 reaching one Of theirs villages, was not surprised to receive a vieit from a gorgeous individuel. In "To Mesopotamia and Kurdisten" he deecribes this visitor ae wearing a fine cloak of cam,e1',s hair, covered with gold thread work. The dialogue W&S something like this : "Are you going to Persia/' ' "I do not know at present." "Why do you hoe kno-w at pre- sent? Ilow shall a man not know his destination?" "Bethuse my plans are not form- ed." • "What are you by trade 1 Are you a doctor ?" "No; ,why?" "Because of your European style °actress, which for any but a doc- tor is an impropriety here. Where did you buy those thoes1" "In Kerkuk." "Here they are improper, for they have lacee," He cast about for. new questions. Then suddenly: • "Where did you buy those trunks?" "In London," "In Lonclonl there 1" - "I had Imeiness." "What business?" "My own business --every man luts his own business and affairs." "Quite true; but I came here to tell you, as a. friend; that you should act sit in a catiavenserai;.it is not proper." My patience came to en end, and E reversed the order of things, and started an inquisition of my own. "Why do you weer a turquoise ring?" I inquired, severely. "What ?" "I say, why do you wear a tur- quoise ring? It is improper in any country." "1 came here as a friend; sale do you ask such unkind and ridie.uloes geestions1" he asked, in a hurt tone. "Becanse,", I replied, "in my country there is a saying, 'He who annoys the stranger by inquisitive- ness seeks after the abuse and ridi- st1e that ill manners may call forth from the tormented.' " Frowning with indignation, he gathered. his gay cloak About him, and 'departed swiftly ; he did not even deign to answer my farewell, Getting Even. A little boy had been punished by his enother one clay, and that night Ta bedtime he prayed thus: , 'Bless papa and Sister. Lucy and Brother Frank and Uncle Fred and Aunt '1VIary, and make Me a good boy. Amen." • Then looking up into his mother's face, he said: • . ' suppose you noticed that you weren't in it." Why did you go THOUGHT IT WAS S UICIDE A prominent merchant was discover- ed a few days ago brandishing a razor at midnight. His wife called for as- sistance, bUt found her Hubby was only oaring his corns, Far better not Ls visit blood poisoning--usie Putnar&s Corn Dixtra.ctor, 25eat 811 dealers. 1V1a,ny a limn who has that tired feeling did not aequire it legiten- . steely, SMOKING SUITS FOR LADIES. New Faskien as Result of Growth of Claarette Habit; The cigarette habit amongst sma,rt. women in Engle,nd is teepee- sible for an curious faehion in amok- ing 'Suits. ' • t '- One that resembles a fancy pierrot suit of black eha,rrnetise 10 coed/ad with a 'startling desien Of emerald green leaves, relieved -with fla,slies of yellow and white. The erousees a.re loose anci. b..;*gY, • the ne.ek., elaghtdy decollette'; has i large black satin collar ,asia greed ruffie., An- other sagatests a Chine.sd vase With itS beckground of blue eovered with a hasvthorn design. Handkerchiefs have oleo suc- cumbe4 to the, braze for futurism. The latest have a wide border of some ataabling color, with a cora trasting floweran the centre, whose leaves should be black or blue or purple, •siny 'color, in fact, that is not u,sually found in a leaf. On otheis are embroidered chickens,- or beetles, or peacocks, or storks, or elegrhsa.ate, and the like in natural ob Vegetarians are especially cater- ed for in the handkerchief, wthich 4hul, astra, ws e43arbry, adoelfu c'teriahieaadtha:sPrar gits and vegetables in one e,orner. Magic "Nerviline" Ends Stiff Ned, Lumbago Any Curable Muscular or 'Joint Pain is instantelryv,iRenlei.eved by Nli GET TRIAL BOTTLE TO -DAY. You don't have to wait all ,,day to get the kink out of a stiff neck if you rub on Nerviline. And you don't need to go around complaining about lum- bago any more. You can rub such things away very quickly with Nervi. line. It's the grandest liniment, the quickest to penetrate, the speediest to ease muscular pain of any kind. One twenty-five cent trial bottle of Nerviline will cure any attack of lum- bago or lame back. This has been proved' a thousand times, just as it was in the case of Mrs. E. 3. Grayden, of Caledonia, . who writes: — wouldn't think of going to bed with- out lmewing we had Nerviline in the house. I have used it for twenty odd years and appreciate its value as a family remedy more and more every day. If any of the children gets a etiff neck, Nerviene cures quickly. If it is earache, toothache, cold on the chest, sore throat, Nerviline is always my standby. My husband once cured &Jansen of a frightful attack of lum- bago by Nerviline, and for a hundred aihnents that turn tip in a large fam- ily Netviline is by far the best thing to have about you." Minard,s,Idniment Cures Oarget in Cows. • Naturally, Mrs, Jones—Men never know' hosy much they owe to their wives. Now there's Mr. 'Bleak, who is praised by every one as a :emcees - fed man, but what weidd he. have been if he bed never marries11 Mr. Jones—A bathelor, •my dear. FROM GONNE SCOTLAND - NOTES OFINTEREST 1111031 111111 [IAMB AND BRAES. What Is Going on In (ho IlIghlands and Lowlands of Aula Scotia. Delicately fitivpured— Highly eoneen. trated. • WHY WORRY 1 ,Choose Tour variety and , ask youtegrocer for ' "Clarres''. PAWNS BOR IL, W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto.' The returns for the Edinburgh harbor and docks last month show a, decrease in the revenue. The Earl of Glasgow is promot- ing a scheme for the lighting of the village of Fairlie by electrieity. The Atholl Hyslro, whieh has been imaroved et the cost of nearly 70,000,, has now been re -opened. 1).alkerth is one of only three places in Scotland where pietnee houses 'give exhibitions on the Sab- balthl highly respected member of the committee of laingussie has been re moved by the death of Mr. James Rob erts o n A young Iran named William Mitchell, aged 55, was drowned ahile swimming in the Woodside Public Batths, Glasgow. Thespepulation of Gatehouse has -been 'estimated by the Registrer- General to be 3,514 as pampered with 3,357 in 1911. There has passed away a well- known botanise in the person of Christopher Skerry of .the 'Royel Boatel° Gardens, Glasgoev. . The Dumfries Parish Coun-cil has agreed to sapply waterproofs 10 the inmates of th.e poorhouse, who are engaged on .era;ands outside. A fatal accident oceurretcl a,t For - down Railway station,. resulting in the death of Mr. Willie:In Duncan, farmer,MainS of FON:town. ' The- Statute Labor Committe,e of Glasgow Coirporatio,n have approv- ed of an important echems for the widening of Stockwell Street. , Callander Town Caericil has aes cepted the offer frem Lord Esher, to pay ths rent ol e field ler a 'chil- dren's playground for foi.e yeers. It is allege,c1 that the re•cenb gun. firing which Iran been.e,ngaged,in by warships over the Firth of Forth, is accountable for the dearth of fish. Altege-th,er 1,140 pasee,ngers lefa the Clyde on a re•cent Saturday for Canada, end the United States, a total fat below that of the corres- ponding iveek ef laet y.etar; Albert Peciclil, Aged aisle, sae oS a lamplighter, ancl liugh Davidson, son of a potter, were found down- ed ill ten leer; of water in a distised clay pit at Portobello. The Medical Officer of Health, Giasgow, has 3; eported that there are in the cityhospitals and under sanitary supervision at home 6,459 cases of 'infectious diseases, At Paisley, Petri& Lee of Glas- gow, aged only fifteen,, was charged with ,loitering for bettin,' purposes. On ace,ount of his yeti:41'11e was put on probation for thre,e, months. ' A ecsious accident occitreed b the Calderb,ank- Pit, Baillieston, by which en,e main nam ed .meRnight wats buried beneath, a fall av.eig.hing hillnboeuc1.ta ton, ewas W,,s inSianblY At e meeting of Edinbuega Una vensity Uncl,ergraoluates' Unionist Association it was announced that ISSUE 27—'14. Sin L.cl? ward C-rson had conse.ntecl .t• TV YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A Fruit, Stock, Grain or Dairy Berm, Write H. W. Dawson, Brampton. or ge Colborne St, Toronto. H. W. DAWBON, Colborne:St., Toronto. STOGIC SALESMAN. viz'ANTM., FOR BEST ALBERTA 00 proposition yet organized. .APPly for particulars to va. re Leitch. Bank of Ottawa- lguilding, Montreal, NEW5PAPERE1 Dolt sum. OOD WEEKLY IN •LIVTI TOWN IN 11.11, York County. Stationery and Book lausiness in connection, Price ,only HMO. Terms liberal. Wilson Publish- ing' Company. '11 West. Adelaide Street. Toronto. , tiLISOEL;.411MOUS. CANCEM, TUMORS; LUMPS, Bee. internal and ekternal, Mired With- out pain lay our lAnne treatment. Write us before too late Dr. Bollman Medical Co, Limited. Collingwood, sent. to become the Unionist candidate for the Lord Rectorship. While dog -racing was in -progress ab Coatheidge, John M. C. Blouse, the officiel steeter, was accidentally shot by the pistol going off prema- turely, and he subsequently sue. eumbed to his injuries. 111.A.PLE SITG:R SOUVENIRS. On Dominion Day‘last year every passenger who entered e <lining car of the C.P.R. received a raa,ple sugar =ale leaf enclosed in a little box with a miniature Cenadiee Ensign and a copy of "The Maple Leaf For Ever." In .the United Stakes each particular fruit, such as the orange, has its day, and the C.P.R. ide,a, was to idenaly the Canadian National Holiday with this typical Canadian product, The Quebec Government was much in- terested in the idea, end decided to elaborate it on is Still more coal- prehensive scale, Quebec being the province most intimately connected with the 'maple sugar industry. In- deed, the higher standard of purity noticeable an , tommercial rnaple sugar is largely due to the enlight- ened efforts of t•he Quebee Ministry Inc Aviculture, which directs three schools foe educating farmers in the best methods of tapping, distilling and producing the sever. This year, therefore, the Quebec Gov- ernment .itself has taken in hand the Maple Day idea, and is itself providing maple sugar souvenirs to passengers eerveel in dinieg cars on all Canadia,n linos, following the C.P.R. example. 11e Got Off. A smartssotteh, who had tarried onhis way to school playing mar- bles, hacl soiled his hands hadly duringthe game. Just before go- ing into school he managed to per- form a schoolboy toilet upon one hand. For being late he was call- ed Ont for punishment, and natur- ally put forward the cleaner hand, although this was far from its na- tural condition. "Well," said the • beaseher, -in disgust, "if you cart show me a dirtier hand than that in the whole school I will let you off." • Intstantiv the little fellow put forth his ,other .hand, "He re you aresir." he said. Minarirs Liniment Co., thritted, • Dear Sirs, --This fall 5 get thrown on a fence and hurt my chest very bad, so could not work rola It hurt me to breathe, I tried all kinds of Liniments and they dm me no good, One bottle of ItINOtODet LTNTIITENT, warmed en flannels oriel applied en inY breaSt, cured me comnletelY. •( FT. COSSABOOM, Ressway,, Digby Co.. N.S. Grateful Patient—Doctor, I Owe my life to 5015 DOther—That's all right, sir; ,but I eannot take 11 10 payment et my servic•ee YOUR ODililOGIST Will TCLI, 101.7 Try Illurine Eye Reinedy fur Ella, WnterY Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; Din ariing-- jnSt .1gye, Comfort. Weille for Elpik or the Eye \wawa:Tree. 111iir01eSTe ,BcmedY co,, Chicago. ' • Still, if you firtd Yourself in a rut, rentember that a rut is the smooth- est part of thefroacl.. Cltr9r.3 Dlatemper. , Irate Parent—No, ' .siree, You can't have her. 1 won't +aye a son- in-law who has no mere brains than to want to mari,y • a girl with no More sense than my daughter has thee's' in allowing yoti to think you could have her. AO; best;,,wernedy Acnown 'for suninnin beet veshes, eczemo,,, mire feet., stings and blisters. A skin food altt Drugasts and Storco.--601.